mukuuji · 11 days
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Thank you for your request, Carmen! mukuuji's commission page
Laythe Wavrick and the Honorblade of Chorrol
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doodlingcrayon · 6 months
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‘Cause you don’t know how Hard it is to find someone like you That only comes along once in a blue moon You don’t know how hard it is to stay away from you Oh, one of a kind, once in a blue moon
Layth and Aurelia are so sickeningly sweet and romantic, it's time I drew something to suit them! And what's more romantic than your personal guard visiting you at your moonlit balcony? 🥺💙
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aquamanandfriends · 2 months
Warm Detachment [Alice/Layth]
@thestoriesincoffeestains continued from [ x ]
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"Extremely," Layth exhaled and followed her close enough to touch. She was new, magnetic, he wanted to know everything he could about her. How had she pulled him in so quickly. Layth ran his fingers through his shaggy locks then sat down on the edge of the bed watching her closely.
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mantueflie · 4 months
AAGBCL-DP, AAGBCL-DP v2 (bigger wings, internal weapons), AAGBCL-DP v3 (all wings are swept forward. Not planned for actual usage)
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lightofonesoul · 5 months
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Layth x Solas 💘
~Follow you thru the edge of the world ~
Other gif about Layth and Solas 💘
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holy fuck i've probably recorded like, 20 gb of jool 5 so far and the laythe landing isn't even finished
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alemis300 · 2 years
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He likes sunset
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rebel-6301 · 9 months
finished up my kamov ka-50 i started in like october
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started this on october 1st, forgot about it for a couple months and then i remembered "oh yeah this exists i should finish it"
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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Ancient Assyrian Deity Statue Uncovered in Iraq
In a recent announcement from the The Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH), archaeologists have successfully unearthed a remarkable ancient Assyrian deity statue known as a “lamassu” in Kursbad, Iraq.
A lamassu is a special Assyrian guardian deity, usually portrayed as a mix of human, bird, and either cow or lion features. These unique beings typically have a human-like head, a body resembling that of a bull or lion, and bird-like wings.
Guardian Lamassu sculptures in Assyria
In ancient Assyria, they often crafted pairs of lamassu sculptures and placed them at the entrances of palaces. These imposing figures faced both the streets and the inner courtyards.
What’s unique about these sculptures is that they were carved in high relief. When you look at them head-on, they seem still, but from the side, they appear to be in motion.
While we often see winged figures in the low-relief decorations inside rooms, lamassu were not commonly found as large figures in these spaces. However, they occasionally appeared in narrative reliefs. In these depictions, they seemed to take on the role of protectors for the Assyrians.
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Ancient Assyrian deity statue in Iraq was discovered and then reburied
This discovery took place during their excavations at the 6th gate, situated in the western part of the ancient city of Khursbad.
Khursbad was originally built as a brand-new capital city by the Assyrian king Sargon II. He started this ambitious project shortly after he became king in 721 BC.
However, after Sargon II’s reign, his son and successor, Sennacherib, decided to shift the capital to Nineveh. This move left the construction of Khursbad unfinished, making it a fascinating historical puzzle.
As per the press release, the statue was originally discovered in 1992, when a team of Iraqi archaeologists stumbled upon the Assyrian deity statue. After the initial discovery of the lamassu, its head was unfortunately stolen in 1995. However, it was later recovered and is now safely preserved in the Iraqi Museum.
The main body of the Assyrian deity, was reburied to protect the statue and the surrounding architectural remains, a decision that likely saved it from destruction by ISIS, which systematically looted and destroyed the remains of Khursbad.
Collaboration between Iraqi and French archaeologists
In a remarkable collaborative effort between Iraqi and French archaeologists, Professor Dr. Ahmed Fakak Al-Badrani has spearheaded a mission that recently re-excavated the lamassu. This event marks the first time in thirty years that this ancient wonder has been unveiled to the world.
As stated by Dr. Layth Majid Hussein, the Chairman of the General Body for Archaeology and Heritage, the team is presently evaluating the condition of the lamassu to chart their forthcoming actions.
By Nisha Zahid.
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ellaeats · 9 months
Sorry unrelated to feederism, I saw your cat in the background of the recent backrolls video. How many cats do you have and what are their names?
I have two cats!
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Laythe and Nimera!
Laythe is the the white and grey one, nimera is my fluffy baby I recused last year! 🥰🥰
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fluffy-appa · 4 months
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The Rights of the Father upon his Son
Shaykh Hammad ibn Muhammad al-Ansari رحمه الله mentioned a narration in which al-Layth ibn Sa'ad - D. 175H - رحمه الله said:
The father has ten rights over his son:
1. When he needs food, he feeds him.
2. When he needs clothing, he clothes him if he is able to and this is some of the explanations of Allah's statement:
‎وَصَاحِبْهُمَا فِى ٱلدُّنْيَا مَعْرُوفًۭا
"Behave with them kindly in the world." • [31:15]
3. When one of his parents needs his service, he serves them.
4. When he calls him, he replies and attends to him.
5. When he commands him to do an affair, he obeys him as long as it is not an act of disobedience [to Allah] or backbiting.
6. To speak with him with kind, soft, lenient speech.
7. To not address him by his name.
8. To walk behind him.
9. To love for him what he loves for himself and dislike for him what he dislikes upon himself.
10. To supplicants for mercy for him.
● [مختصر الحقوق حماد الأنصاري ص ٢١٦-٢١٧]
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whirligig-girl · 1 year
Small question, but are the Kerbals part of the Federation as shown in the latest Guz comic or was that just a cameo? If so, when and how did they get admitted to the Federation?
Kerbals, native to a ridiculous oddball of a planet which exists in a solar system where gravity is ten times too strong but planets are ten times smaller, have had a very prolific past few centuries, having used slower-than-light pulse rockets to colonize nearby stars such as Kaywell & Gememma, Alternis, Sauwel, and others.
But they didn't have warp drive until recently, and that was only because of bizarre technical malfunctions (or "Kraken attacks") at the Kerbal Space Program headquarters on Kerbin which caused a piece of rebar to be flung away at FTL speeds.
Kerbals were known to Starfleet as early as the 2170s, shortly after encountering an early warp probe, and the Kerbol System joined the United Federation of Planets by the 2280s. They were admitted because the Kerbol system was finally firmly united after centuries of strife between Kerbin, Laythe, and Dres.
Other Kerbal colonies are not necessarily part of the Federation, and membership has been handled on an individual basis since in most cases they're essentially separate civilizations, and not all of them have warp drive or contact with Kerbin.
Kerbals are rarely seen on Starfleet ships because Kerbin has its own highly developed and successful space exploration wing, Kerbal Space Program, and because Kerbals are so much smaller than humanoids there's not a lot of cross-compatibility--though it is much more likely for Kerbals to join a spacious and wide-open starfleet ship than for a humanoid to cram themselves into a tiny, cramped, and dangerous Kerbal ship.
KSP interstellar ships traditionally use the prefix U.S.C. (Untitled Space Craft), but as of the 2280s their ships use the Federation prefix, U.S.S.
The Kerbal in Guzcomic was Ens. Lisdolin Kerman, who joined Starfleet because their ships are faster and more versatile (and low-key because they have a better institutional safety culture and she's traumatized by a KSP training accident.)
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doodlingcrayon · 2 months
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Day 04 - Butlers & Maids
Aurelia gives Layth no peace, regardless of the universe or circumstance ✊😔 Poor guy
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aquamanandfriends · 9 months
Not Great
| muse: Layth Bashar | open to: anyone | sexuality: pansexual | suggested connections: ex, will they won't they, partner in crime, friend, crush, enemy he's being forced to work with, leverage like crew lets go
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"Wait and, how exactly is that a good idea?" Layth asked out of the blue making everyone look to him. "I'm just saying, who the hell would believe that building is really an office for some super genius-- that's so early twenty-tens. It screams scam, even if I do my best to make it look good. It's just not a good idea." He paused, maybe they were just trying to see if he was actually paying attention.
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mantueflie · 8 months
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LRAT-DP 'Huntheth'
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lightofonesoul · 5 months
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Layth x Solas 💕
Layth reply this because she knows it's the same for her, she is devoted to knowledge and magic then Solas arrived and he is the first takes her heart💗
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