sideofcalimary · 1 year
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bkdk-fying Good Omens to try and convince other bkdks to watch it fr tho please watch it. It's really good and deserves all the love and support
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auffallend · 2 years
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New BKDK keychains and stickers are available for preorder on my Kofi shop!
Pre-orders will end March 1st!
Shares are greatly appreciated!
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sideofcalimary · 1 year
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many of my moots back in twt have been converting to good omens and I've never been happier
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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If you want to view this in chronological order, just use this
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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If you want to view this in chronological order, just use this
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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Welcome to this complicated ride
If you want to view this in chronological order, just use this sideofcalimary.tumblr.com/tagged/bkdkspiderpool/chrono
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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If you want to view this in chronological order, just use this
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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If you want to view this in chronological order, just use this
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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If you want to view this in chronological order, just use this
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
Domino [Romance Arc] Part 2 [Unfinished]
Katsuki doesn't know how to react as he continues to choke his friend who kept making shitty knock knock jokes
honestly he was a second away from helping Denki knock knock on heavens doorstep
But his cries for help were drowned out by the sight before him 
nerdy little freckled Deku
The dorkiest man he's ever met
actually dressed... nice
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Kyoka happily welcomes him into the garage, letting Deku pick whichever seat he wanted
Deku bows at the band, introducing himself formally to everyone and rambling about something 
Katsuki was too distracted to even pay attention to
It seemed to make the band laugh and Deku embarrassed
he wished he was paying attention but whoever was writing this was probably running low on braincells for good dialog
Denki wheezes: Dude-kah! seriously I'm gonna pass out 
Katsuki snaps out of his zoned out state and lets go of Denki, watching the electric blond flop onto the floor and gasp for air
Denki: Dick!
Katsuki: Vagina
Izuku: Kacchan!
Katsuki: Deku
Momo: Waffles!
Kyoka: Pancakes
Denki: Help?
Fumikage: I don't have an antonym for that 
Katsuki chooses to ignore the idiots and stares down at Deku, eyeing out his outfit, unaware of how his staring made Deku more nervous
Izuku: T-Thanks for inviting me-
Katsuki: Is that my shirt
Kyoka: Okay, I wasn't gonna bring it up but I was wondering that too 
Izuku quickly fumbles and looks down at his shirt, laughing nervously as he pulls on it: yeah well, Uraraka-San thought it would look nice with my flannel
Momo: It looks lovely! Though I never expected this style from you Midoriya-kun
Fumikage: mhm I usually see you wondering school as sheep bathed in sunshine
Denki gets up from the floor and wraps his arm around Deku: Yeah, KittyKats told me you dressed like an elementary school teacher
Katsuki: Your days are numbers
Denki brushes it off and turns to Deku: then I better introduce myself! 
Denki pulls away and starts shaking izuku's hand with excited vigor: Kaminary Denki! Lead electric G. At your service!
Izuku gives Katuski a pout for the comment before shaking Denki's hand: Midoriya Izuku! Apparently lead to a bunch of elementary kids 
Denki brightens and looks at Katsuki: He's funny. Can we keep him?
Katsuki: You wanna keep all your teeth?
Kyoko: Oookay! Now that our audience is here, let's all get into positions before Kats commits homocide
Fumikage: I get dibs on Kami's body for sacrifice 
Momo shakes her head at the group and leads Deku to sit by their table of snacks
Katuski still had his eyes on him as he goes behind the drums, unable to keep his gaze off Deku as he sits awkwardly and excitedly waits
Has his legs always been so... 
Kyoka: Hey Midoriya! You got any song requests? We can play virtually anything if one of us knows it
Izuku shakes his head: Oh no no it's okay! I just wanna hear you all play what you usually play. It's exciting just to watch a band up close
Momo: You've never watched a band play before?
Izuku shakes his head again: Not live. This is my first!
Denki buzzes with excitement and plays a quick rift on his guitar: Then we better make it the best damn performance! We're taking your BandVirginity after all
This was gonna be one hell of a performance
Izuku couldn't wait to watch everyone play!
But his eyes only stuck to one performer
Kacchan is so cool!
Izuku sits awkwardly on the stool Momo had provided for him, he had no idea where she got it from but given it was a fairly crowded garage, it was just stored behind somewhere he couldn't see
Which was weird since his newly enhanced senses gave him one hell of a visual map of the room
He tried to contain his excitement, being hyperaware of everything in the room, especially of Kacchan
He could feel the electricity buzzing through every instrument and mic, the vibration of strings, and especially the light taps of the drums.
He couldn't help but grip at his jeans, practically vibrating with excitement, something everyone in the room noticed immediately.
Izuku was like a lighthouse shining in the dark of Kyoko's punk rock garage. Not even the skull shirt dimmed his ever glowing presence.
Momo hums delightedly as she tests her keyboard: Has he always been this bright?
Fumikage moves the amps in a better possition: Not that I ever noticed. But his sunny decomposition is oddly infectious... It's concerning 
Denki arranges some wires that got tangled around him: I think it's great! Getting tired of being the only sunshine around here
Kyoka giggles and glances towards Izuku who seemed very occupied with taking every detail of the room
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Despite he's incredible hearing, Izuku was completely lost in thought to even acknowledge he was being talked about
He was in his own little daydream, imagining a variety of songs the band could play. His mind conjured up a music video in his own head 
He could see it so clearly in his mind's eye. Sparks flying with every rift of their strings, keys flying notes across the sky, Kyoka's voice bringing the melody together, all the while Kacchan carried the rhythm with perfect precision 
He was so caught up in his day dream that the sound of heavy drums had him jolt from his seat into attention
His eyes focused and locked on piercing red ones from across the room
The owner of those eyes smirked 
Izuku was glad his shoes stuck to the floor because he was sure he would've fallen off his chair
//How long was Kacchan looking at me? Oh crap I was spacing out!//
Katsuki: Oi! Deku! Back to reality nerd! You came here to listen so fucking LISTEN!
Izuku: YES KACCHAN!!! 
Izuku straightened up, full attention on the band who had finished their set up
Denki chuckles: You gonna call him a good boy too, Kacch-
Katsuki: I will throw you in a bath of acid
It was promise. Not a threat
Kyoka: Whatever Rick Sanchez. Start us up, will ya? 
Katsuki tsked, but with a final glance toward Izuku, he raises up his drum sticks and taps them in a beat
The second they hit the drums, it was like an explosion
Izuku had never been happier to be caught in one
With a final riff from Denki, the song ends and the musicians let out a breath
They didn't expect an applause, giving they only had an audience of one, but they were focused on the silence that followed
Katsuki didn't have a view of their audience but he waited with baited breath
If he had dog ears, they would've perked up at the sound of a tiny gasp
Katsuki couldn't see his reaction behind Denki's stupid ass blocking Deku from his field of vision
Well, that was until Deku himself was zipping around the room in frantic joy
It was like white noise watching the nerd suddenly get a burst of energy, rattling off about their performance. Funny, he doesn't recall liking white noise
Doesn't recall Izuku being so energetic either. Glowing. Bright
Katsuki: annoying 
Denki, with his death wish, smacks him on the back and leans on him: Oh don't be such an ass! We've never had a fan before and we already got our number one!
Katsuki promptly shoves him off but doesn't stop him from being close: He's going in analysis mode. Watch yourself 
Denki: oohh what? Is he gonna psycho analyze our performance or something like my therapist?
Katsuki: No. Cause you don't have one. But he's got a motor mouth and no breaks
Denki pats his shoulder and joins the group: Then better catch the speed limit
Katsuki sits there processing his words:... The fuck does that even mean?!
But he doesn't get his answer and instead gets up and goes to grab water. His attention was away but his ears were sharp and listened to Izuku ramble on and on, asking questions and making observations.
His observations were treated as complements. Why wouldn't they? How often does someone notice the little quirks you have when you do something you're passionate about? Deku was always good at that
Pin pointing the little details and pulling them to the surface
Momo: Bakugou!
Katsuki rubs his hand down his face while Izuku laughs it off like a joke: Reflex. The fuck do you want?
Izuku beams: I just wanted to say how amazing you were! Your beat-
Katsuki: do NOT start cause it will never end 
Izuku pouts but looked determined: Come on Kacchan! I know you don't need your ego stroked with how big it is already, but let me show my admiration the Deku way
Katsuki could faintly hear Kyoka choke and Denki wheeze.
Katsuki wasn't sure if that wording was intentional or not and chose to ignore it, throwing his drum stick at Denki, hitting him smack in the face: CAN IT, YOU WALKING BATH TOASTER! And you!
He points an accusatory finger at Izuku who seemed... Oddly amused
Why was it so warm 
Deku only ever looked like that around him when he was Deadpool. Confident, sure of himself, ready to snap back and level Deadpool eye to eye
Katsuki didn't have his mask. He couldn't hide how oddly comforting that was
But also how it made him feel weird inside 
Katsuki resorts to flicking Izuku's forehead: Save your creepily specific compliments later. This is just a warm-up. We'll blow you out of this goddamn garage
Izuku had this sparkle in his eye that was only magnified by his glasses: I don't doubt it, Kacchan. Blow away 
Katsuki swore he heard Fumikage start coughing and giggling. Could also hear Kyoka going 'Jose Fernando Christ!' in a wheeze
It all kinda turned into a blur after Denki said 'Blow hard, Blasty!' and was now being chased around the yard by Katsuki, with his own guitar 
Izuku's heart was hammering in his chest
He took the bright red color of Katsuki face as an indication his attempt at flirting was working
He was gonna thank Shoto for the pickup line book he lent him ------------------------ Izuku couldn’t have been more happy drinking cool soda and talking with the band he learned a whole lot about the small group just listening to them play, talk, and jam together He learned that it was actually Denki who came up with the idea of forming the band a couple months back, having met Kyoka through Katsuki in, what the hotheaded blond described as, an “Unfortunate pokemon encounter” Kyoka shared classes with Momo and Katsuki and managed to convince (”I was blackmailed!” Kacchan had snapped) them to join Fumigake knew Denki from back in high school. Funny enough, neither of them knew how to play an instrument but Denki was determined to make it work reguardless Then there was Kacchan Momo: He was a real show off if I’m being honest Fumigake: His blades were drum sticks and he wields them with an odd air of mastery Kyoka: Mastery and assery. Bosses us around for someone who sits back Denki: I didn’t even know he could play! Reversed Sociologied him into proving me wrong Katsuki: It’s reverse psychology you elementary school drop out! And you didn’t do shit! I just got tired of you assholes thinking I couldn’t do it! Izuku laughs at all this, having founds their dynamics all so fun. It was nice. He knew how people back home would always take Katsuki’s way of speaking as disrespectful and rude. Izuku himself used to fear him for it but understood him to a certain level He was glad to know Kacchan had found himself friends who understood how to speak his Hulk too Katsuki: The fuck does that mean, pip squeak?! Izuku covers his mouth and tries not to laugh along with everyone, surprised to see Kacchan’s ears burning pink That was good! Right? Izuku held so much hope in his little heart He couldn’t wait to show Kacchan ----------
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
Domino [Romance Arc] Part 1
The past haunts him
he thought he would've been over it
he thought his years in UA, his years of getting his head out of his ass would've made his past disappear
but he was wishing for the impossible
he can never forget
not when a living reminder is there 
Katsuki never thought he'd see Izuku again after he moved away
He didn't care
He never thought he'd have an opportunity to apologize to him once he realized how much of a lil shit he was to the boy
and now he has that opportunity
yet he never takes it 
It's been months since Izuku came back into his life, months of them building up their relationship and becoming friends again
It was easy talking to the nerd. Both as Katsuki and Deadpool 
At one point, he didn't feel the need to apologize for the past because Izuku never brought it up
It was fine
until it wasn't
until Izuku felt more comfortable with Deadpool
until he confessed his feelings for Katsuki without knowing it was him behind the mask 
They were having their usual conversation while he ate his dinner. A burger from diner he passed by
They sat on the rail of Izuku's fire escape, arguing and laughing as usual
Deadpool would tease
Izuku would retort
Deadpool would quip
Izuku would laugh 
Their normal back and forth
Deadpool wasn't sure how it happened, but their topic shifted
He watched Izuku's cheeks turn pink, scratching the little hairs on the back of his neck
He laughs. What a dork
But the words that came next shook his core
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The unintentional confession had Deadpool choking, almost falling off the rail in shock
He feels familiar hands pat his back and turns to see Izuku with a flustered face: Hey! don't laugh at me! I know it's a childish nickname, but I've always ever called him Kacchan! 
Izuku misread the situation and Deadpool was grateful to have an excuse for his coughing fit
He fakes a laugh, earning him a punch from the freckled young man
Izuku huffs his flushed cheeks and gets off the rail: I change my mind, I don't wanna hang out anymore 
It was clearly a joke
Deadpool played it off as one
but dread hung heavy in his heart
. . . Katsuki gets home quickly after that, his mind racing with thoughts and unexplained feelings
He finds himself in his bathroom, his roommate confused by his sudden urgency as he locks his door with a loud bang
He takes off his mask to wash his face, hoping to wash away the shame but he caught his reflection
He was older now. Taller, stronger, more mature
he's better now, right?
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no he wasn't
The difference between his past and present, was his redirected rage
He hurt and bullied Deku in the past
Now he hurt and killed people as a career
He's not better
he's worse
so much worse
if Deku hasn't moved away... would he have broken him? 
The thought had Katsuki spiraling into what ifs
Deku shouldn't like him
why does he like him?!
of all people! Of all people why him?!
He's hurt him with words
with violence
with insults and mockery
he can't break his heart too
He can't make him cry again 
How does Katsuki tell him he doesn't feel the same way?
How can he act normal around Deku without that confession looming over him?
How could Deku forgive and forget so easily and like him after everything he's done?
... Will Deku ever tell him how he really feels 
And if he does...
Katsuki: ... How do I reject you without making you cry...
. . . He thought he could make it through
Deku doesn't know what he knows
He didn't know he unintentionally confessed his feelings to him
He thought it would be easy to act normal
it wasn't
God it wasn't
It was so hard to look at Deku
To watch him smile knowing he use to hate it 
He regrets agreeing to studying with the nerd that day
he regrets sitting in front of him in the library
He regrets still being in Deku's life without even the slightest apology
He didn't know he was staring
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Izuku: Kacchan...?
Izuku was confused by the strange look on his face. He looked... upset... Was he's mumbling getting too loud again?
Izuku waves his hand: You don't have to say it, I know I know. Bad habits die hard, I'll keep it down-
Katsuki: Don't
Izuku: huh? 
Kacchan's features softened. His eyes still held a sadness to them as he picks up his textbook and averts his eyes
Katsuki murmurs a reply: You don't have to stop mumbling. It's fine
Izuku: Oh
He wasn't sure what was up with Kacchan but his words made his heart fluttler 
//he doesn't mind my mumbling...//
He gave a wobbly smile, mumbling back an 'okay' before returning to his work
Kacchan, though still brash and blunt, had been so kind to him lately through his actions
Izuku has never felt more blessed to have his best friend back 
To finally have Kacchan again
He hopes to never lose him
Izuku wobbles as he tries to navigate through the halls, carrying a box just stacked with parts and scrap. He could carry it easily, hell it barely felt like holding anything at all, but he had to keep up appearances
Everyone still knew him as the scrawny lil Izuku
The issue he really had was trying to find the lab room. His professor moved his class to a different room for more space but Izuku had been walking around aimlessly unable to find it. It didn't help that Shoto was in his own class unable to direct him
Not that it would be any better, Shoto didn't know the rest of the school either despite almost in their 3rd year
Katsuki: Deku
Izuku: Kacchan?
Izuku tried to turn, almost dropping the stack of remotes on his pile of junk if not for Katsuki stepping it to stable them
Katsuki: The fuck are you doing carrying around Dextor's lab in a box?
Izuku: Oh I'm just trying to find my my new classroom but I can't really see. Could you-
Katsuki had already grabbed the box from izuku's hands before he could finish, cutting him off like always
Izuku: ah thanks, Kacchan! Give me a second to double check the rooms
He takes out his phone, quickly scrolling through his professors email before whipping his head around, only for Katsuki to already be looming behind him, reading said email over his shoulder
Katsuki: Dumbass nerd, fix your prescriptions. That says 2rd floor, this is the 7th
He scolds, earning him a pout from Izuku before he started walking away
Izuku: Hey wait! Where are you going?
Katsuki: Use your giant head, nerd. I'm taking it to your class
Izuku: But-
Katsuki: Tits. Now hurry up. I got my own shit to do
Izuku: Well then, give me my stuff and I can take it there myself
Katsuki: Shut up and follow me or I swear I will drag you across the floor
Izuku relents and follows behind Katsuki, confused by his kind gesture
They were close to the elevator when he spoke
Katsuki: Stop walking behind me, creep
Izuku: Well how else am I supposed to get to class? This is the only hallway
Katsuki: Idiot- I mean like, stop following me around
Izuku: again, the ONLY hallway
Katsuki grew frustrated and turned his head with a glare: Walk beside me like a normal person, Deku!
Izuku jolts at the sudden order, his feet moving on their own as he jogs closer: O-Okay okay! I'm sorry!
Katsuki: And stop apologizing for shit! Fucking irritating
Izuku: sor-
Izuku shuts his mouth. He sighs. Katsuki never usually did this. Maybe he also had a class on the second floor? Then what was he doing on the 7th?
Confusion aside, Izuku couldn't help but smile, cheeks pink: Thanks Kacchan
Katsuki: Whatever, Deku
. . . Katsuki drops off the box of junk on one of the tables in the classroom, glancing towards Izuku who already rushed to greet one of his friends
the purple freak that looks like he's never seen the sun and doesn't know what sleep was. probably chugs monster like gas for cars
Izuku flails around and rambles quickly to his friend who simply smirks and rolls his eyes at the shorter boy
Hitoshi and Katsuki lock eyes for a second
Both held some kind of resent towards each other
something unspoken despite never having talked before
Izuku: Thanks again for the help, Kacchan. I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow?
Katsuki: Whatever. Just double check your shit next time. Made me fuckin late to class
Izuku: WHAT?!
Katsuki: Shut it! I'm leaving. Have fun doing nerd shit in here. Don't blow yourself up or whatever
Katsuki leaves the room before Izuku could ask questions, leaving the freckled boy confused as the teacher walks in
Izuku: Kacchan...
He watches as Katsuki walks back towards the elevators
His class was on the 7th floor
Hitoshi: Wow... THAT'S the guy you have the hot's for?
Izuki: Shinso-
Hitoshi: I would say I'm not judging but I's be lying
Izuku: He's a lot nicer then he comes out
Hitoshi: Clearly since he looks like he missed his own class to walk his boyfriend to his
Izuku turns red at the remark: DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT! HE'S NOT- WE'RE NOT-
Hitoshi: Chill before you turn ripe, tomato boy. I'm just telling it how I see it
Izuku pouts and walks to his table with a groan: Why is everyone so mean to me...
Hitoshi: cause your a walking sign that says "Shove me in a locker! I bet I could fit!"
Izuku murmurs: I don't know what Uraraka-san sees in you...
Hitoshi: what
PowerLoader: Alright, settle down. We have a lot of work to do
Shoto: You're whipped
Izuku: You don't even know what that means
Shoto turns to Hitoshi: Am I using it right?
Hitoshi takes a long sip of his drink before answering: No
Izuku sighs
Hitoshi: You got simp and whipped mixed up. Clearly he's simping
Izuku turns beat red and throws a napkin at him: AM NOT
Shoto: For Bakugo?
Izuku: NO
Hitoshi: Yes
Ochako: Yes, and honestly I'm starting to feel bad
Hitoshi: Since when did you start feeling sympathy?
Ochako: Since when did you make friends?
Hitoshi: They're not my friends
Shoto nods: We're best friends
Hitoshi: I never agreed to that
Izuku: You did the second you joined our lunch table
Hitoshi: I thought you were a tree and a lamp post
Ochako: Makes it sound more depressing. Very in character
Hitoshi: Why are you even here?
Ochako: To eat, obviously
Hitoshi: Don't you have Cinamatography right about now?
Izuku: How do you know her schedule?
Shoto: Simp
Hitoshi throws a spoon at him: You're using it wrong
Shoto: You used the spoon wrong
Izuku: ... and you missed
Ochako: hah, noodle arms
Hitoshi frowns and points a fork at Izuku: Back on topic. What's up with you and Boomer?
Shoto mutters to himself: He's old...?
Izuku shakes his head: This was never a topic to begin with and NOTHING is up! 
Ochako: Listen Midoriya-kun, I know I'm not as close to you as Depresso and Non-Expresso, granted we only started hanging out this semester, but even I can tell Blondy and you have something going on
Izuku tries to wave it away: We're childhood-
Ochako: Friends, I know, but- he's been acting different around you lately. Less GRRR bark bark! and more...
Shoto in a deadpan voice: Prr meow meow?
Ochako: Exactly!
Histoshi: Never do that again
Izuku shakes his head hard: I-I have no idea what you're talking about!
Hitoshi: Oh please. You've probably been overthinking about his behavior since it started. You've bitten off all your nails
Izuku looks down at his fingers with a pout: ... Maybe.. he has been a lot less..
Hitoshi: Aggressive
Ochako: Loud
Shoto: Angry
Izuku: You make it sound like I tamed him!
Shoto: Did you? Because he's been glaring at me less recently
Hitoshi: And he's been glaring at me more. Tell him I'm not interested
Ochako: He's not a dog, guys. But really, he has been more mellow recently, think anything caused it?
Shoto makes a thinking face
Hitoshi sits back: Here we go
Ochako leans forward
Shoto: Perhaps he has butterflies in his crotch calming him down-
Hitoshi: CHEST-
Ochako: Sshh I wanna see where this goes
Izuku gives a horrified look: WHAT?
Shoto: I've been exploring the romance genre with Uraraka recently. The aggressive badboy love interest always starts out mean towards the main character. Then slowly, they build their relationship and he gradually shows his more caring side to try and win over the girl
Izuku feels his heart pounding at his chest: Y-You mean...
Shoto nods: He has butterflies in his crotch controlling his actions, turning him into a stereotypical badboy character in order to transfer those butterflies into your-
Hitoshi: aaannnddd he's off the track and steamrolling down a cityblock
Ochako: What Todoroki-kun meant to say was; Bakugo might be showing interest in you!
Shoto: Why do you twist my words
Izuku's mind ran a mile a minute, those words echoing through his head over and over
//Kacchan... Might like me?//
Hitoshi: It's possible but I wouldn't get your hopes up. The guy's emotionally constipated, I can tell
Ochako: Wonder how...
Shoto: ... he poops out emotions..?
Izuku shakes his head, his glasses flying off from how hard he shook
//No way! No way! No way! Impossible! No way Kacchan would ever like him! He was Deku! Small nerdy, ugly, useless-//
Katsuki: Deku
Izuku screeches and nearly falls off his chair if not for Katsuki catching the back of it: WAAAAACHAN!?!?!
Katsuki pushes his chair back up
Katsuki: Fuckin hell, Deku. Let the whole campus know, why don't ya?
Izuku blinks up at him, squinting at the blurry image of his childhood friend: S-Sorry Kacchan! But you came out of nowhere!
Katsuki: I walked past you twice to get lunch. You need new prescriptions
Casually, Katsuki slips Izuku's glasses back on his face, clearing his view of the blond's sharp eyes and frown. He could hear his heart in his ear when he felt those naturally warm hands brush against his skin briefly
Izuku: I-I-
Katsuki: Whatever. Just get your eyes checked and don't headbang them into oblivion. Glasses are expensive, you know this
Izuku pouts and nods: yes Kacchan
Katsuki sighs and walks past Izuku, ruffling his hair as he does to head to his own table of friends
Izuku watches him longingly, touching the side of his glasses
Shoto: Whipped
Hitoshi: Gay
Ochako: Okay you CAN'T deny that! That was right out of a fanfic!
Shoto: Maybe my theory was wrong...
Hitoshi: /Maybe/???
Izuku looks at his friends then back over at Katsuki from across the cafeteria. He looked to be irritated by what one of his friends said. She seemed to be teasing him about something, earning her a middle finger and what looked to be a couple of profanities
Katsuki glances over at their table
Green meets Red
They lock eyes for a second before both turn away
Izuku had a lot to think about
But he couldn't help the happy flustered expression on his face
. . .
Fumikage: You seem to have a dark cloud looming over your spirit
Momo: Yes, is something wrong Bakugo-kun?
Katsuki held a frustrated expression but inside, all he could feel was guilt.
Every time he looked at Izuku, his mind would flash back to =that poor crying face that use to make him angry. It was hard to act normal feeling the shame he had in his chest
He wanted to be nicer to Deku. He wanted to show he had changed. He wanted to earn his forgiveness
Kyoka: Listen, I was just kidding about bringing Midoriya to practice. Didn't mean to tease-
Katsuki: I'll invite him
Kyoka: Look if this is to spite me, I get it-
Katsuki: It's not. I'll bring him
Momo: Why the change of heart?
Katsuki picks at his food
He remembers how happy the nerd used to get hearing him play. Wouldn't hurt to let him watch. Maybe it'll make the feeling go away if he opens up about his other hobbies too
maybe not the killing one
Fumikage: are you going to answer or..?
Katsuki: I don't need to answer shit
Deadpool: What's up, buttercup?
Spiderman: Nothing much, Blossom. Me and Bubbles are just talking about what Mojo-jojo's evil new scheme is. I'm hoping it's a bank robbery
Deadpool: hoping?
Spiderman: Bubbles is theorizing about life sized gummy worm invasion
Deadpool chuckles and leans against a wall: Damn, what bubbles is he smoking?
Spiderman turns to him and taps where his ear would be: Whatever it is, I'd love a hit
Deadpool: oohh that's not very PG 13 of you, Spidey~ What happened to your family friendly brand?
Spiderman: I'm your friendly neighborhood spiderman, not Barnie's new arachnid sidekick
Deadpool: You sure? Cause you saying "Gosh darn wackdoodle!" after making a perfect spiderman shaped hole in the wall says you're sponsored by Disney
Spiderman: Oh please, Mickey can't afford me
Deadpool glances to the side: Sure
Spiderman: hey! I know my worth
Deadpool: And how much is that?
Spiderman giggles: More then you can afford
Deadpool: Ouch, and here I thought we were making great progress in our relationship
Spiderman: And here I thought you've moved on
Deadpool: What made you think I'd have eyes on someone else?
Spiderman shrugs and sits on the ledge: Don't know, you don't flirt with me as often as you use to
Deadpool: You miss the attention?
Spiderman chuckles: Maybe
Deadpool shifts: Really?
Spiderman: BUT I'm also just curios. Clearly your type isn't just superpowered mutants in green spandex. And I wanna know what type of person would get you all...
He waves his hand, trying to think of a word
He snaps his fingers: Mellow
Deadpool huffs: Mellow?
Spiderman: yeah, softer. More relaxed and less cursey. Like you went from speaking like a 14 year old pirate to a college vampire but less emo and more edgy
Deadpool: You just called me gay twice in one sentense
Spiderman: Don't change the topic
Spiderman laughs and lays back on the ledge, one leg hanging over the edge with his hands on his stomach: It means I was right. You are a softy under all that leather and guns
Deadpool didn't reply for a second before everything happened all at once
Spiderman sensed it
but he did nothing to stop Deadpool from moving to his side and looking over him, one hand on the ledge next to his head while the other is stuffed in his pocket
His masked face just inches away from his own
He could feel his warmth
Deadpool was big. He overshadowed him
he had Spiderman trapped despite the hero having the strength to easily push him away
he doesn't
Deadpool: If you think I'm soft under this suit...
He leans in close, their masked cheeks pressing together as Deadpool whispers in a low tone: Then you're in for a surprise
Shoto: Spider, please turn off your coms. I don't like ASMR
Spiderman quickly sits up, head butting Deadpool as he does making the mercenary stumble back and hold his forehead with a yelp: AH FUCK! DAMN IT!
Spiderman: S-sorry, Front! I thought I turned it off!
He quickly starts tapping at his ear piece, his face bright red under his mask as he pulls his hood up: I-I gotta go
Deadpool: hey- WAIT!
But he was already off, swinging off the building leaving Deadpool to groan in frustration on the ledge: Fuckin- FUCK YOU FROST!
. . .
Izuku takes off his mask and flops face first onto Shoto's bed with a groan
Shoto: If you're going to flirt and lead him on, please make sure to mute
Izuku: I wasn't- I'm not- Am I leading him on?
Shoto: It sounded like it
Izuku: How can you tell?
Shoto: Well, you refuse his flirtatious advances then proceed to flirt back. From the book's I've read, that's a toxic sign of leading someone on
Izuku: I.. I didn't mean to
Shoto: Then why flirt with him?
Izuku: I didn't mean to! It's just-
Shoto: You feel more confident behind a mask, in tern you don't think about the consequences of your words because you've essentially separated your real self from Spiderman. So you end up saying things Izuku wouldn't normally say
Izuku: .. what have you been watching with Uraraka-san?
Shoto: Not watching, but she introduced me to fanfics
Izuku: Oh god, this is the meme thing with Shinso again...
Shoto: I've learned a lot. Primarily that fanfic writers make better stories than novelists Izuku: Seems pretty harsh to say
Shoto: So is shooting down a man who's clearly interested in you and leading him on
Izuku: I don't- ugh what do I do...? I... I don't
Shoto: You don't want him to stop because you like feeling attracted to
Izuku:... maybe...
Shoto: Then I have a solution
Izuku looks over confused: You do?
Shoto nods, crossing out something on a notebook before closing it: Go ask out Bakugo
Izuku: WHAT?!?!?!
Izuku: me? Ask out Kacchan? No way. Nuh uh. He doesn't think of me like that. He's just being nicer. He's probably nice to everyone. He did say stuff about character development, whatever that means. So maybe he's just going through another story arc.
Izuku keeps mumbling to himself as he grabs books from the shelf, trying to find the one Shoto had asked for
It was on a high shelf he couldn't reach on his own, maybe if he climbed it but that would be too risky
Izuku: it's not like he's gonna ask me on a da-
A larger figure stands behind him. Izuku, having been so lost in his thoughts, didn't even sense it as said large figure reaches their arm up over his head to grab the book he needed
He lowers his hand, glancing back at Kacchan's apposing figure
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//was he always this tall??//
Katsuki: Oi! You gonna take the book or not?
Izuku jumps, straightening up and spinning around
Which was a huge mistake since it only served to close the distance between them more
Izuku: Kacchan's amazing...
Katsuki: I used my tall privilege to grab a book. I wouldn't call that amazing
Izuku mentally slaps himself for saying that out loud and grabs the book: still amazing... But I would appreciate you not sneaking up on me like that!
Katsuki chuckles: I passed by. You're just lost in that lil nerd head of yours
Izuku pouts, holding the book close: so mean, Kacchan
Kacchan: I'm not amazing anymore?
Izuku: of course you are! But you can also be real mean some sometimes
Katsuki's lip twitched down. He clicks his tongue: Alright, then are you free Friday?
Izuku froze up, his cheeks feeling warm at the sudden implication: w-what? Why?
Katsuki: Relax, I ain't gonna take you out back like Old Yeller. I'm playing drums with a band this Friday and I'm inviting you to watch
Izuku immediately relaxes, his eyes widening in surprise
//Kacchan still plays drums..? AMAZING!//
Katsuki: Oi! I haven't stopped playing, I've just stopped playing in front of you. Look, if you're busy this Friday then whatev-
Izuku impulsively jumps closer with excitement, eyes sparkling behind his glasses: I'M BE THERE!
Katsuki jerks back and looks to the side awkwardly, hands stuffed into his jacket pockets: Jeez, alright. Fucking turn down the volume or Library Bitch is gonna kick you out.. again
Izuku slaps his hand in front of his mouth but it couldn't hide the massive smile he had
Izuku whispers just enough to hear: Sor-sorry. I'm just excited...
Katsuki smirks slightly at that: heh thought so. We'll start at around 5 in the music room, 1st floor in building beta-
Izuku: the 7th room to the left
Katsuki: right
Izuku: to the right?
Katsuki rolls his eyes and ruffles Izuku's hair, pushing his headband down above his glasses: I said you're right. Not get. I'll see you around, nerd
Izuku puts his head down as Katsuki walks off, glancing up just to watch Katsuki round the corner before sinking to his knees
He hugs his knees, taking off his glasses and headband and pulling his hood up in an attempt to hide from the world
His heart was beating so fast
His entire body felt warm
His head was all fuzzy
But all he could do was sit and try not to scream into his knees
Shoto: Izuku?
Shoto had rounded the corner, having thought Izuku either ditched him (unlikely) or got stuck in one of the bookshelves somehow (more likely)
But he didn't expect to find him curled up into a ball with a pile of books
He rushes to his side, concerned though it didn't show
Shoto: Izuku what happened? Are you okay? Are you having a panic attack?
Izuku whimpers before looking up. He wasn't sad or scared. In fact, he looked so excited he was shaking and crying. He couldn't contain the feelings bursting in his chest
Shoto pulls off his hood and examines his face, confused on what to do: Izuku..?
Izuku: s-shoto... Kacchan... He..
The freckled boy sniffles and gives a giggle of pure joy
Izuku: Kacchan asked me out...!
Katsuki: So...
Spiderman giggles: so?
Katsuki: shut up, I ain't good at conversation starters
Spiderman: well a good way to start is to NOT tell me to shut up
Katsuki lightly shoves him to the side, a light chuckle bubbling in him that he tries to suppress
He hates this feeling. Without his mask he felt exposed. Vulnerable. He hates and loves what Spiderman does to his heart. To his emotions. To his brain
And lately, he's been coming over more often. It had Katsuki excited and confused. Theorizing.
He felt stupid but...
Just maybe
This incredible, brave, funny, selfless, badass hero he admires so much
Likes Katsuki
Maybe Katsuki is that special reason he patrols on his specific building
The idea alone had Katsuki smitten and he had no clue how to act
Because what if he was wrong?
He feels something land on his lap
It's a coin
Spiderman: penny for your thoughts?
Katsuki: do I look like a stripper to you?
Spiderman: I'm paying for your thoughts, not your clothes
Katsuki grumbles, taking the penny and tosses it back, watching as it misses Spiderman's leg and falls down the building's length
Well that's embarrassing
He has perfect aim! Why was he fucking up now?!
Spiderman didn't seem to mind, in fact, he laughs: Someone's getting lucky today, huh?
Katsuki: clearly not me
Spiderman: a lot on your mind?
Katsuki: since when did you become my therapist?
Spiderman: Since you dropped my penny off a building
Katsuki: cheap therapist
Spiderman: come on, talk to me. I promise I'm great at keeping secrets
Katsuki: I got nothing to tell you
Spiderman: okay, well... Can I guess?
Katsuki: I'm not gonna confirm or deny anything
Spiderman goes ahead anyways: Are you thinking about someone?
Katsuki: ...
Spiderman: is that someone... Special to you?
Katsuki's ears turn pink
Spiderman: do you like spending time with them?
Katsuki looks to the side
Spiderman persists, curiosity taking over and his mask boosting his confidence: Do you...like-
Katsuki: so what if I do?
Spiderman was startled by the snap, only then realizing he was leaning in and promptly leaned back: sorry sorry, I'm being nosey
Katsuki: you just realized?
Spiderman laughs: I've been caught up in my own thoughts too actually. Someone special's been occupying my mind too
Katsuki gulps and glances over: really?
Spiderman nods, voice soft and sincer: Yeah. You're not the only one, Katsuki
Katsuki's heart leaped out of his chest
He took a risk. One he didn't think about: you ever plan on telling em?
Spiderman looks ahead and shakes his head: Not yet. But maybe someday, when they make it more clear they feel the same way
Katsuki looks head too: yeah
They stare at the city together
Together on a ledge
On the edge of misunderstanding
With their hands gravitating towards each other's
But never bold enough to touch
Both hero and civilian hold on to false hope
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Deadpool: Oh Spidey~
Spiderman: Yes my Murderous Merc? Whatever may I assist you with
Deadpool: whoa there BugBaby. Keep talking like that, and I might fall in love all over again
Spiderman: And we wouldn't want that heart to break all over again, now do we?
Deadpool: Never seemed to stop you, but we both know I heal fast and come back more persistent
Spiderman: You know how much of a red flag that makes you? Maybe you should rebrand
Deadpool: And have Walt's decapitated head on my ass? Nah. Plus people might think we're a different ship
Spiderman: what?
Deadpool: So what's a fine specimen like you doing all alone on a roof like this?
Spiderman: Patrol
Deadpool: On a Sunday night?
Spiderman: I'm waiting for a satanic priest to show up and make things more interesting
Deadpool: Aaww Hero work getting boring? Should I start riots and set orphanages on fire so you have something to do?
Spiderman: You act like you've never started a riot
Deadpool: yeah but an orphanage has never looked so flammable until now
Spiderman rolls his eyes and lightly nudges the merc, standing on the edge of the roof: I'm not bored, kinda just... Anxious really
Deadpool: And what arachnid crawled under your skin?
Spiderman: You're gonna get upset
Deadpool: I won't
Spiderman: doubt
Deadpool: Oh come on! I'm not gonna go on a rampage! You trust me, don't ya?
Spiderman: unfortunately. But this isn't really a bad 'under my skin' anxiety
Deadpool joins him: care to elaborate?
Spiderman sighs and puts his hands behind his head: I have a feeling that the guy I like might like me back. And as exciting as that is.. I don't know, I'm scared I got the wrong idea. I'm doubting myself but the signs are there... I just don't know if they're the right ones
Deadpool starts to sweat under his suit, mind wondering as he tries to act casual: you'll never know unless you take the chance and make a move
Spiderman turns to him confused: You're not jealous? Upset? Angry? Constipated?
Deadpool waves it off: Nah. why? You want me to be?
Spiderman quickly denies: No! No this is good. I'm just surprised since you declare your love for me in the worst situations sometimes
Deadpool: yeah well, I also want you to be happy. As much as it's gonna suck for me, I'm not about to go TeenRomance on you
Spiderman: Oh
Deadpool raised a brow: Is that disappointment I hear?
Spiderman quickly brushes it off: you rarely say sweet things like that, don't blame me for being caught off guard sometimes
Deadpool: or maybe you're gonna miss me flirting with you and trying to-
In one swift motion, Deadpool picks Spiderman up bridal style
Deadpool: -Sweep you off your feet
Spiderman sighs and playful pats his face: That's not as cute as you think it is
Deadpool: oh come on! I'm literally sweeping you off your feet! I pulled this out of an old playboy magazine
Spiderman: wow you are just projecting red flags
Deadpool: I would drop you if I didn't wanna hold you a little longer
Spiderman: ... Did you get THAT from a playboy magazine?
Deadpool: Is it working?
Spiderman pauses before firing a web to the side
He doesn't give him an answer and simply pulls himself out of his arms, swinging off the building leaving Deadpool to call for him
Spiderman swung out of view, giving Deadpool the middle finger before he completely disappears
Deadpool stands there, watching where his partner went and sighs to himself: Least I know your fond of THIS part of me
Denki: Damn dude... That was not as smooth as you thought it was
Deadpool takes off his mask and his ear piece and crushes it in his hand
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
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