#black Jaír
killsalem · 11 months
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Been obsessed with these lately.
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shiinavanhellsing · 9 months
Chapter Two
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Crooklyn,░Zoo░York (ヹぺづカ)
The members of the Karakura gang entered inside of the building and all of them were in awe of the scene in front of them. It was like the gentlemen's club was trying to lure them into staying for all eternity.
The aphrodisiac scent of peppermint, lavender and coconut enticed the likes of Ichigo, Uryu, Chad and Orihime.
“This definitely doesn't look like any other strip club I've ever seen.” Chad murmured. “This is definitely way better than the ones abuelo took me to back in Mexico....” He then looked behind him and saw a cinnamon skinned woman with cyan blue hair that had white waves spray painted onto the sides of it.
“I hope that you have a amazing stay on Paradise Island.....handsome..” She spoke. The girl next to her had mocha colored skin with multiple tattoos all over her arms and shoulder. She had all white contacts with greyish silver hair and was wearing a glittery silver and black bra and thong ensemble with some platform bedazzled white pumps.
She shot Uryu a flirty wink and waved at him giggling alongside the ocean haired girl beside her. Uryu's face felt hot and bothered as he immediately snapped himself out of the temptation
Orihime was immersed looking at one of the strippers slowly spin herself around the 15 foot pole, her rose gold butterfly locs glimmered alongside her toned coca cola shaped body as her matted chocolate brown lips formed a seductive smirk towards the group.
Ichigo was going to try to see if he could head upstairs to continue his search for the guy that Shunsui told him to look for until he saw a woman with fiery cherry red hair that was all the way down to her buttocks at the hookah lounge with a two piece ivory white and gold attire.
Her 6 inch winged high heels glistened against the plum purple, bubblegum pink and midnight black ceiling lights. Her long red velvet matted gel acrylic nails beckoned Ichigo to come closer to her until he was stopped by his tracks thanks to the four eyed quincy.
“Guys, we have to stay alert! We're looking for this EBK Hekka person and we need to be vigilant while doing so...” Uryu told them. “Please let these dancers work and stop getting seduced by their presence! Sheeeeeeeesh!”
He couldn't deny how beautiful the women that he and the rest of his friends encountered were, but at the end of the day they had a job to do thanks to Shunsui Kyoraku.
Sooooooooo, they had to do what they had to do.
Meanwhile inside of the crowd both Kartier and Jaír's ear pieces were going crazy thanks to Hekka.
“Heads up, there's some people looking for me that go by the Karakura Gang. That mothafuckin four eyed ass bitch who's right next to the Spanish nigga and the redheaded nigga is not to be trustworthy....but, there's something about that orange haired bitch that's with them.....she looks incredibly powerful....keep an eye out for her ass too.” He told them.
“Do you want us to boom them or not?” Jaír asked.
“No, they might be useful to us....ion know about the uppity ass nigga with the glasses tho, but send them to my office.” Hekka instructed. “I wanna get a better look at these niggas.”
Kartier made his way to the crowd and spotted Ichigo and his crew watching the woman with the butterfly locs who went by the name Lotus.
“Yo, you that Ichigo nigga right?” Kartier asked looking at the crew up and down.
“Ummm yeah, I'm Ichigo..... What's up?” He asked keeping his guard up in case the shorter male were to try anything.
“Nigga, if I wanted to boom you I would've been done that shit as soon as your ass touched Brooklyn, you may wanna bag back unless you want that EBK smoke.” Kartier grimaced showing off his strap through his amiri jeans.
“Ayeo, Kartier..... niggas are wylin in the serenity palace again.” the voice belonging to Nico, his older cousin spoke towards his earpiece.
“¡Por el amor de Dios! ¡Dios mío!” Kartier gritted through his teeth. “Bro, Jaír take these niggas upstairs to his office.”
“Aight, y'all c'mon.” Jaír mumbled. Right behind Kartier's back Uryu stuck his tongue out at him mockingly only for him to get smacked hard in his face by the blunt that was neatly tucked behind Jair's ear.
“Yeah, I wouldn't recommend doing that typa shit behind his back....” Jaír retorted holding in his laughter.
“Getting smacked that hard in the face with a small ass blunt is crazy.....” Ichigo mumbled under his breath.
“Getting tempted by a random basic stripper after professing your love to Orihime is crazy....” Uryu gritted under his breath.
“Referring to Nuria as some random basic stripper like she's not one of the top dancers in this establishment is asinine.” Jaír remarked. “And if Hekka were to hear you say anything like that he would've literally slapped the absolute earth, wind and fire out of your mouth.”
All five of them walked up the golden spiraled staircase that led to his office and knocked rapidly.
Hekka sighed putting on his all black velvety shiesty mask and adjusting all of his white gold cuban links that were wrapped around his neck.
His pupils dilated from all black to black and gold as he saw that his right hand, Jaír was at the door with the people they he told him to bring.
They them dapped each other up and then they ended up wiping the bottom of their noses with their index fingers.
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“Was it that necessary to wipe your noses after doing your little handshake?” Uryu tutted. “Why the hell does everybody, including the strippers do that shit!? It's so fuckin unsanitary!”
“Was it that necessary to open your bitch ass mouth and speak to me of all people like you ain't got some goddamn sense?!” Hekka growled strengthening his glare onto the quincy. “I'll slap your goofy ass back into your momma's womb my nigga keep talking out of your hot ass mouth! Shit smells like the aftermath of a tinder hookup, dweeb looking ass nigga.”
Jaír guffawed at his higher up's remark at the quincy, thank god he didn't look like none of likes of his lame ass.
“You must be EBK Hekka, I'm Ichigo Kurosa-”
“Kurosaki. I know. You're the new golden child of the soul society, I know who all of you niggas are but I don't know if y'all know who the fuck I actually am and what I actually do here. The EBK stands for Extremely Brash Kommanders aka EVERYBODY KILLA. Look, ion know what the fuck does Shunsui think he's doing sending y'all niggas of all people to my establishment but there's a reason why I distanced myself from those niggas from the soul society.”
“GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I SEND Y'ALL BACK TO KARAKURA TOWN IN A BRAND NEW WEED STRAIN.” Hekka bellowed his voice startling everybody except for the rest of the EBKs.
“Look, we're trying to fuckin reason with you! Just liste-”
Hekka teleported the people in front of him back to where they came from and sighed. He pulled a fresh blunt from his desk and started to light it.
“Fuck you talkin bout?! If Shunsui wanted to speak to me that badly he could've called, the fuck?!” He said, taking a deep inhale into the blunt. “Bitch ass nigga. Must've lost his damn mind sending them niggas to my place of business.”
Jaír took the blunt from him and inhaled from it as well, letting the smoke come through his nose and mouth.
“I actually have an idea, but don't get crazy if you think that it's butt....” Jaír mumbled, “Send the Divine Divas to the soul society and have them spy on em.”
“Hmmm, ion know....Lotus has a deep connection to the soul society and ion want them lame ass niggas thinking that they can just take advantage of her. Nuria is a espada and niggas might think that she from the opposition. Olori's mouth might get her into a lot of confrontation with a lotta people especially Soi Fon. Azure is all tick tick boom, the wrong person gets on her nerves and then she booms the entire civilization.”
The both of them laughed and then did their handshake.
“Fuck it, we ball! Let's have them raise hell.”
@punkologist @kenpachis-woman @kenpachiislit @kyokutsu-sama @diorsbrando
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sunflower-rayne · 3 years
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I don’t think I feel anything anymore
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kehlanifenty · 2 years
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nbbjiang · 4 years
i look so good today 😌
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panuccispizzas · 2 years
i want to bleach my hair (black box dye 2 weeks old) so i can dye it pink. thing is im thinking it’ll take two rounds of bleach & roughly 2 weeks of waiting just so i can let my hair rest and breath before suffocating it again. i want to get it from like a 0 to a 7/8? idk if i like NEED toner since i don’t want to be BLONDE but just like, temp blond so it can be pink. i don’t know a lot about hair but ive been nonstop watching yt videos n brad mondo specifically
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twilightishot · 3 years
I don’t think white people should be telling stories about people of color either
Despite the disgusting fact 2020 mulan was filmed near Chinese concentration camps, the team did NOT have one person of Chinese descent for writing producing directoring etc
More examples: look at the Michael Jackson movie starring flex Alexander, made by white people
2016 Nina Simone biopic, one black producer and the rest were white, director was a white woman, and most of the cast was white
But then again not all skin folk ain’t kin folk
Look at the terrible all eyez on me biopic about 2pac
I feel that white people shouldn’t write stories about POC being POC, but they should write stories about POC being people, I guess? A lot of the time, white people don’t write about POC or neurodiverse or disabled people because they can’t “do it justice”, but it’s just a lazy excuse. If the more popular authors wrote characters that are POC and also educate themselves, which isn’t hard, they should put out stories that can elevate POC. WithCindy did a good video on this topic and I agree with her. Milan was horrible and so was that MJ biopic, though, and we should have none of that bullshit.
What I’m trying to say it, a white person can include non-white people in the works without bastardizing their cultures, if only they educated themselves more on others. SM could have written the Quileutes as Jaír werewolves being terrorized by a lone werewolf and had it not be anything to do with their culture. And then also research and speak with the Quileute tribe and include stuff about their day to day lives and actual culture. Authors shouldn’t be exempt from writing POC because that’s just making them exempt from being inclusive, and also POC’s stories should be elevated too.
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diefakekalvingarrah · 4 years
Name: Johnny Cee
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male (trans ftm, post op)
Height: 6ft nothing
Personality: Johnny (or just Nny) is a bit of an odd one if you stick around him long enough. He’s a charismatic man with simple taste. He’s a pretty picky person as far as well. Everything. He doesn’t like to sleep much he doesn’t like to eat much he doesn’t like to talk anout certain things and he doesn’t like many people. But he’s pretty good at pretending! 
Nny always had an odd vibe about him. He may seem like all charm and seriousness when you first meet him. There are things however that may bring him from polite to nothing but giddy smiles. Some have described him as an emotional robot with only about four settings: natural, giddy, depressive and angery. 
Johnny does have his own issues. The uglier side of himself you could say. But don’t we all? 
He has some mental illnesses that may play a role in some of his interactions. (BPD, OCD, Gender Dysphoria, PTSD, and psychosis. I know that sounds like a lot but these are the sort of disorders that tend to play off of each other. Like OCD kind of comes along with BPD and his case isn’t severe or anything and psychosis comes with PTSD and the symptoms just go hand in hand anyway). Due to these issues, he keeps his trusty service dog with him almost all the time. His service dog is a huge 140lbs Newfoundland named Candle with a thick black coat that Nny spends most of his relaxing time brushing and grooming. Johnny’s has Candle for around six years and he is now a fully trained service dog (so he won’t cause any problems in the dorm). 
Nny refrains from speaking on his past, so it remains some what of a mystery to his friends. He never talks about his parents or any family or what caused his PTSD or where he came from or anything like that. 
He avoids discussing the matter of his gender and sex as well. He does still take T-shots every morning and has only been on them for about four years. He’s only had bottom surgery and if currently working towards many other surgeries. Discussing his gender and sex causes him a lot of distress. His Dysphoria is very sensitive and it tends to be the source of many of hid depressive episodes. 
He’s not exactly one to discuss his issues and feelings and such. He tends to like keeping that all to himself. So you wont really have to worry about it. 
Appreance: Johnny is a light skinned Mexican with a very weird a bony appreance to him. His bone structure makes his eyes look sunken in. And it doesn’t help that he barely eats at all so his body isn’t very nice to look at. Not that he shows it off anyway. He does bind. His binder is easy to hide. Yes he has male genitalia. His eyes are black and his hair is naturally black as well. He definitely cuts his hair himself and he definitely is not good at it at all. His hair looks like it was cut by hungry rats. It probably was. 
Johnny isn’t too fond of labels and avoids putting a name to his style. But most people would label his edgy, emo, school shooter esc, e boy. You know what I mean. He’s really none of those things really. But it’s just the way he dresses. He’s not the most fashionable person but he knows what he likes. He mainly sticks to monotone neutral colors. Blacks and whites to be specific. His usual outfit would consist of some long sleeve fitted shirt (black and white with some dumb graphic in the middle), skinny jeans (black duh), his favorite combat boots, a couple of wallet chains, every now and then he might wear his trusty black trench coat (depends on the weather), and sometimes he’ll adda touch of color to his look. Currently his splash of color is blue in his hair. Is Jaír is basically a blue that’s so dark it’s easily mistaken for just black. Maybe he’s wear a little, very out of place, colorful hair clip. Or a bright colored drawstring bag. 
Password: Funky :)
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