#black heung jin nim
Intro to Part 1:
In Seoul, South Korea, in 1954, Sun Myung Moon founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, a new religious institution that would quickly become known as the Unification Church, and one of the biggest cults in modern history. Adherents would come to be known as "Moonies," following the controlling teachings a man who considered himself a new Jesus. Sexual rituals, physical and psychological abuse, financial corruption, and so much more follow in this real life soap opera of a story.
Intro to Part 2:
Today we conclude yesterday's wild exploration of the cult Sun Myung Moon founded in Seoul, South Korea, in 1954. Moon's corruption and insanity finally begin to catch up with him before his death sends the empire he built into chaos. Also – Black Heung Jin may be the most entertaining character I've ever come across in any of these episodes. I wish we knew SO much more about his crazy ass. Hail Nimrod!
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon church
The Tragedy of the Six Marys VIDEO transcript in English
Sun Myung Moon’s Ejaculate in the Holy Wine of the Unification Church
Japanese woman recruited by the Unification Church and sold to an older Korean farmer
Soon-ae Hong (the mother of Hak Ja Han) spent two years in Chuncheon Prison after Ansu beating an 18-year old boy to death.
Nansook Hong, transcripts of three interviews, including ‘60 Minutes’
Nansook Hong In The Shadow Of The Moons, part 1
Sam Park, Moon’s secret son, reveals hidden history (2014)
After Sun Myung Moon’s help, North Korea Launch an SLBM Missile on October 2, 2019
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
Sun Myung Moon’s secret love child – Mother Jones link
The Tragedy of the Six Marys website
I went to Bard College back in the late 70s, not far from the Barrytown Moonie compound. I have a zillion hysterical stories about the war between the Bardians and Moonies back then. Just recently, Bard bought their old compound… git even yet? lol
That's crazy I lived in the New Yorker dorm rooms my junior year of college. Shitty hotel.
I grew up near the Moonie mansion! They terrified me! They were everywhere always handing out flowers. They were so weird and spacey! My mother told me they were brainwashed, at a little kid I thought it was a literal thing, which was super creepy to me!
I was actually approached by a Moonie when I was in college in little Erie, Pennsylvania back in 1984 or 85. They gave me the song and dance first of a friendly group who got together a couple times a week and I should come and see what I thought. I can't remember what I thought of the idea, but at the end they asked what I thought of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and I said "Not much". Our little talk ended quickly. I have always been glad I knew enough or was just lucky enough not get pulled into that cult. I was young, innocent and questioning religion enough that it could have happened. That terrifies me, even more after this episode. Thanks as always Suckmaster. Never thought I'd actually have a personal experience with anything to do with a Timesuck topic.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Saving The World With Mass Marriages | TO THE MOON Part 1
This is the story of the Sun Myung Moon and the rise of the Unification Church. I first noticed them at the mass wedding in South Korea in early 2020. While doing research the story just became bigger and bigger and I knew I had to cover them. This is Part 1 of that story.
Chapters: 00:00 Prologue 06:10 The Early Life of Sun Myung Moon 09:08 Basic Practices and Theology of The Unification Church 13:37 Unification Church and KCIA 14:56 The 1970's, Nixon and Watergate 18:39 Koreagate 22:03 "Weak" Democrats 24:04 Bo Hi Pak Vs Donald Fraser 26:24 Koreagate Report 28:11 The Moon Organization 30:15 The Washington Times 33:02 Background Of The Washington Times 35:14 Inchon: The Worst Movie Of All Time 37:11 Reagan Loves Times 38:40 Pruden and Coombs Leadership 44:08 The Death of Heung Jin Moon 46:31 Black Heung Jim Nim 48:42 Moon's Pardon Denied and The Cold War 51:53 Moon and Nicaragua and The Contras 58:41 Moon and Bolivia and Klaus Barbie 01:06:54 End of The Cold War 01:08:09 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) And American Freedom Coalition (AFC) 01:09:46 Moon And HW Bush 01:11:44 Moon In The 1990's And Chinagate 01:13:26 Moon and Korean Reunification 01:16:22 Nansook Hong In The Shadow Of The Moon 01:19:15 The Tragedy Of The Six Marys 01:22:31 Moon's Last Actions 01:25:00 Why Moon?
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Cleopas Kundiona / Cleophas Kundiona was known as “Black Heung Jin Nim”. He had convinced Sun Myung Moon that he was possessed by the spirit of his dead son. This interview was given in Tokyo in July 1992. Mr. Kamiyoshi is on the left of the screen, sitting to Cleopas’ right as the panel face the audience. Mr. Kamiyoshi looks like he’s been through hell. He was the Japanese missionary to Zimbabwe during the time of Cleopas.
Cleopas video part 1    http://vimeo.com/39941021

This has a Japanese introduction for about 40 minutes. Then Cleopas begins to speak in English… and throughout the second video.
Cleopas video part 2     
http://vimeo.com/39949809 You can get a real feel for his particular type of charisma and self-confidence. At the end of the interview he deflects the questions about reports of his own violent treatment of members.
If you do not know about “Black Heung Jin Nim,” watch the videos.
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milkboydotnet · 7 years
gun blessing pictures has thrown me into a weird space and i made an fb status about this and i know moonies follow me on here too so...
seen pictures/videos/stories about that AR-15 blessing ceremony? basically everybody has, and it's thrown me into a weird headspace tbh.
this church isn't just a bunch of quirky right-wing nuts. they're dangerous. really, really dangerous.
over a year ago i wrote a tumblr post about this church with excerpts from talks by the two sons of rev. moon (self-proclaimed messiah and founder of the unification church) who run sanctuary church - one who is considered "the king" and inheritor of the senior Moon's mission and the other an owner of the gun company Kahr Arms (http://howwelldoyouknowyourmoon.tumblr.com/…/kook-jin-moon-…). these talks made it clear that their intention was to murder their own mother, hak ja han. their mother, they believe, has betrayed the legacy and theology of their father and because of her heresy and "fall" deserves the death of a traitor.
there's a ton more to say about their ideology and practices that reveals that they're really fucked. but i guess i'm mostly really annoyed because i am friends on facebook w/ a lot of people who are still moonies, or members of the unification church/ffwpu, the church that Sanctuary split from. people who are, in this moment, doing all they can do to say "look, we're not like those whack jobs!" but as another 2nd gen ex-member i know has pointed out, those whackjobs have come to these theological conclusions for a reason. they're not grounded in nothing.
in korea, there are countless stories of people who have experienced violence at the hand of the unification church. reporters have received death threats. christian pastors and anti-church activists have been beaten. some even abducted by the church. for those who grew up in the church, we all know "kooky" stories of violence that we've grown numb to. many of our parents were locked in rooms w/ "black heung jin nim" and physically forced to confess their sins. some were handcuffed. many were beaten. bo hi pak even had brain damage from the beating. we know stories of the moon kids, and how they'd torture other 2nd gen. that includes sanctuary church founder, who many older 2nd gen believe is a sociopath. i've met some people who counted it as an honor to be hit by hyun jin (another son, running a different sect) and of course hyo jin's abuse, of both members and his wife. we know our parents had to beat each other's bare asses with sticks.
and of course, we know moon loved guns. his first major business was a gun company. he owned several. he wanted all second generation to learn how to use a gun, just in case the communists came to kill them.
but w or w/o the physical violence, the unification church is violent.
the church keeps people in poverty so the moons can live in luxury. any and every members know this means so many things. we know about the mandatory donations for moon to build a palace, or for our sins to be paid for, or to get married - or themandatory workshops that were to secure ur family's placement in the kingdom of heaven. we know about the shitty jobs our parents were forced to work, and how for years they labored and labored, fundraising, preaching, campaigning, making zero dollars.
and we know about the filipino members who came to the US w/ a mission, finding out that simply means living w/ a Korean leader's family, cooking, cleaning, doing childcare - making, again, zero dollars. some of them had their passports taken away from the church, and were cut off completely from the world. (this is slavery.)
the violence goes in so many directions. it may not be with a gun or physical beatings, but it is still violent. outrageously violent. it all goes back to rev. moon.
as a queer person, i was always deeply aware of how wrong my existence was. i was 12 or so when i stumbled upon the speech where moon called gay people dung-eating dogs and his prophecy on their - my - destruction. i wasn't much older when i saw moon speak in real life, starting at 5am or so and on and on into the afternoon, and where he talked for hours about the anger and disgust god had towards those practiced immoral sex, namely gay-stuff of course. i was told that gay people, even if they remained celibate, could never inherit the kingdom of heaven because they could never receive the blessing ceremony. my salvation was impossible.
my self-hatred was dangerous. i had no place in this bizarre community of moonies, and i had no place in the outside world. suicide was something i prayerfully considered throughout my teen years, for my sake and my family's sake. i knew salvation was familial, i knew living a "gay lifestyle" was far worse than committing suicide. all sexual sin was, really - that's why "purity knives" were a thing for young women in the church... just in case they were in a situation where they could potentially be sexually assaulted, they could just kill themselves before something happened that could taint their purity.
all this to say that sanctuary church SUCKS, and i pray that whole thing falls apart before people are KILLED... but also, the unification church has always been dangerous. it has always been toxic. it has always been evil. and that's because rev. moon, the so-called second coming of christ, was not the messiah, but a violent, narcissistic anti-christ. frankly, i'm glad he's dead.
and if you're defending this piece of shit church, and this piece of shit messiah, please, please, please, i need you to realize that you are complicit. and i am more than willing to forgive you, and i realize you are in a difficult position because you gave your life to moon, and to realize you were wrong is to question everything, every decision you made, and how you, in many ways, have always been complicit to violence. but, you can live a different way. you can be free from this. and people will forgive you. and i believe you will be able to forgive yourself.
i want to believe the first generation of moonies were good-hearted and taken advantage of. i know that it's more complicated than that, but i think this is for the most part true. i believe there is something good in you that led you to the church. i pray that something good also leads you out.
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from the book of Sun Myung Moon’s words, Blessing and Ideal Family, part 2
“If one family in a trinity cannot give birth to a child, another family should give a child to the family.”
There is info available on Black Heung Jin Nim, aka Cleopas from Zimbabwe: Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon church
Click on the Black Heung Jin Nim tag below for 9 past posts on HWDYKYM
S4 E4 – Unconditional Love: Becca Spies, Part 2
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Black Heung-Jin Nim, the "re-incarnation" of the dead, Heung-Jin Nim with his "True Parents"
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▲ Cleopas Kundiona/Black Heung-Jin Nim, the re-incarnation of the dead Heung-Jin Nim, with Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han in 1988.
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon church
Shamanism: The Spirit World of Korea Any understanding of the so-called New Religions of Korea would be difficult without some knowledge of shamanistic influences upon them.
Holy Grounds and the Shamanic Guardians of the Five Directions in Moon’s church
The Moons’ God is not the God of Judeo-Christianity
Sun Myung Moon – Emperor, and God
Shamanism is at the heart of Sun Myung Moon’s church
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Mass Marriages And World Control | TO THE MOON Part 1 17 Apr 2023 #unification #Cult #Religion
This is the story of the Sun Myung Moon and the rise of the Unification Church. I first noticed them at the mass wedding in South Korea in early 2020. While doing research the story just became bigger and bigger and I knew I had to cover them. This is Part 1 of that story. They are The Moonies
Music: https://pastebin.com/6vQnz8Ff https://imgur.com/a/AfrprNo
Chapters: 00:00 Prologue 06:10 The Early Life of Sun Myung Moon 09:08 Basic Practices and Theology of The Unification Church 13:37 Unification Church and KCIA 14:56 The 1970's, Nixon and Watergate 18:39 Koreagate 22:03 “Weak” Democrats 24:04 Bo Hi Pak vs Donald Fraser 26:24 Koreagate Report 28:11 The Moon Organization 30:15 The Washington Times 33:02 Background Of The Washington Times 35:14 Inchon: The Worst Movie Of All Time 37:11 Reagan Loves the Times 38:40 Pruden and Coombs Leadership 44:08 The Death of Heung Jin Moon 46:31 Black Heung Jim Nim 48:42 Moon’s Pardon Denied and The Cold War 51:53 Moon and Nicaragua and The Contras 58:41 Moon and Bolivia and Klaus Barbie 01:06:54 End of The Cold War 01:08:09 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) And American Freedom Coalition (AFC) 01:09:46 Moon And HW Bush 01:11:44 Moon In The 1990's And Chinagate 01:13:26 Moon and Korean Reunification 01:16:22 Nansook Hong In The Shadow Of The Moon 01:19:15 The Tragedy Of The Six Marys 01:22:31 Moon's Last Actions 01:25:00 Why Moon?
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Confession in the Unification Church
MUST LISTEN: The "Cult of Confession" episode of Blessed Child podcast
One Twitter user @kijinosu describes this episode and its content: 
"In this podcast, Renee describes a feature of thought reform that I hadn't seen elsewhere in my yet brief studies. Let me label it the Big Brother effect and put it out for discussion. Listen to ‘Cult of Confession with Renee'. I call it the Big Brother effect because, as I understand it, UC's incessant report-contact-consult practice combined with group confession causes the believer to feel that they are always being watched. In response to this feeling of always being watched, the believer creates a god that covers all of the demands of the collective. Because satisfying this god then satisifes all of the collective's demands, the believer focuses just on this god. The end result is self-reinforcing thought reform that is less dependent of the collective for maintenance.”
Confession in the Unification Church
Moon and Kwak on repentance, October 1989: 
Each one of us needs heavenly wisdom to solve the problem of our own burden. To be able to live a lifestyle in which we can confess and report things to a central figure can only bring us great fortune.
Hyo Nam Kim (Dae Mo Nim) on March 9, 2002:
In the Divine Principle, is there anything written about the removal of Original sin? In the first, original Blessings, to qualify we had to confess all of our sins and repent and accept pardon as part of the condition to receive the Blessing. Yet, from 6000 Couples Blessing on, our sins were forgiven upon easier and easier conditions. Father would say, subsequently, "I will not ask about your past... just repent and recommit..."
Sun Myung Moon on April 26, 1992:
"Even now you sometimes sneak a drink. Father understands this very well, these secret drinks taste the best. Raise your hands if you sneak a drink sometimes. If you do not confess, it will carry over to the Spirit World."
From the Interview and Confession Form for BC Matching/Blessing Applicants:
It is the responsibility of your District Director (or the designated church leader or STF Director), representing the Continental Director and True Parents, to make sure that you understand the value of the Blessing and that you are prepared and qualified to attend. This confidential meeting is also your opportunity to confess any sins and perhaps receive guidance so that you can go into the Blessing with a clean conscience, free from accusation. Sin came into this world through the fall and cut us off from God, therefore it is important to confess your sins. Do not try to hide your mistakes because they will eventually come out and cause even more pain. The confession pages will stay confidentially with a representative of the Blessing Department. All three pages must be submitted to the Blessing Department.
Conference with [Black] Heung Jin Nim - Takeru Kamiyama (1987)
Before he came to New York in November 1987, I had heard many stories about his new existence in the body of a black African young man, traveling around and hearing confessions. I wondered, how can this brother really be [Black] Heung Jin Nim? Members all over the world are claiming that [Black] Heung Jin Nim has spoken through them, but how can we know if he really did?
Black Heung Jin Nim in DC by Damian Anderson
"With my own eyes, I saw this man in the Washington DC church knock people’s heads together, hit them viciously with a baseball bat, smack them around the head, punch them, and handcuff them with golden handcuffs. I had seen enough. Todd Lindsay was the first to leave. His wife was due to have a baby any day. My wife was six months pregnant at the time, and we were next in line for “confession” to the heavy-handed inquisitor."
Heung Jin Nim’s Spiritual Work by Michael Mickler:
These lectures, punctuated by songs and testimonies or sometimes lively jumping and marching, also took hours, and there was no provision for sleep during the three days. Food also was not a problem since most members were placed on fasting conditions following their confessions. Heung Jin Nim showed special concern for infertile couples and called for couples willing to give birth to a child for them to adopt. There were “tears streaming from many eyes” as “the giving and receiving couples embraced with deep emotion.” At the close of each conference, “participants were given a detailed schedule for their…lives of devotion and attendance,” including time for morning and evening prayers and for study and discussion of the Principle. Many members experienced personal liberation. Public confession or confession with one’s spouse was a prominent feature of “Black” Heung Jin Nim’s conferences. They could unburden themselves of deeply held secrets and “separate from Satan.” Within an intensely supportive environment, they could repent, make restitution as needed, and have a “second chance” to become pure. Others achieved levels of spiritual intimacy, which had been lacking.
On the MRA’s use of confession
Encyclopedia.com on Frank Buchman’s use of confession in the Oxford Group Movement:
He organized his followers into small groups where participants could confess their sins and share their religious experiences in an intimate setting; members would then seek to convert others through one-onone evangelism. Buchman's followers listened for God's plans for their lives, and measured their behavior through a moral code centered on absolute honesty, purity, unselfishness, and love (the Four Absolutes). During the 1920s Buchman developed an international network of these small groups that became known as the Oxford Group Movement.
Encyclopedia.com on Frank Buchman’s use of confession in the Moral Re-Armament Movement:
In 1938 he announced the campaign for Moral Rearmament (MRA), offering Christianity as an alternative to both communism and fascism. In the late 1930s MRA sought to prevent war by calling individuals on each side to confess their sins to the other and adhere to the Four Absolutes. During World War II it turned its energies to morale building, especially in industrial relations. MRA saw Christianity and communism as the world's two competing ideologies; during the Cold War it sought to defend the West, primarily by focusing on labor peace, strong families, and moral values. Through the 1950s the movement held international rallies and used the media skillfully; it achieved prominence by publicizing the involvement of world leaders, especially from the United States, the British Commonwealth, and Asia. 
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Death by "slapping therapy" at moonie run country hotel in UK – Hongchi Xiao of California charged with manslaughter
Thu 30 Nov 2023
Danielle Carr-Gomm died while taking part in the session at Cleeve House in Seend, Wiltshire, on 20 October 2016.
The workshop is understood to involve paida lajin therapy, which involves patients being slapped or slapping themselves repeatedly. Carr-Gomm, from Lewes in East Sussex, had attended the session to help with her diabetes.
Wiltshire police said on Thursday that Hongchi Xiao, 60, of Cloudbreak, California, had been charged with manslaughter by gross negligence.
Special report:
Death at Moonie Cleeve House hotel in Wiltshire, UK, at a Shaman ‘Slapping Workshop’
Nov 19, 2016
____________________________ Two ‘slapping therapy,’ or ansu, testimonies. Ansu workshops are held by the Family Federation for World Peace, the Universal Peace Federation, CARP, etc.
Soon-ae Hong (the mother of Hak Ja Han) spent two years in Chuncheon Prison after Ansu beating an 18-year old boy to death.
Fear and Loathing at Cheongpyeong Lake
Black Heung Jin Nim in DC by Damian Anderson
With my own eyes, I saw this man in the Washington DC church knock people’s heads together, hit them viciously with a baseball bat, smack them around the head, punch them, and handcuff them with golden handcuffs. I had seen enough.
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Coerced adoption in the Unification Church
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon church
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“Black Heung Jin Nim” en Washington, D.C. – Spanish
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▲ Sun Myung Moon, Cleopas Kundiona (Black Heung Jin Nim) y Hak Ja Han en 1988.
Se dijo que el hijo coreano fallecido de Moon (Heung Jin) se había reencarnado en un africano llamado “Cleopas”.
Esta persona era un individuo muy fuerte que vagabundeaba, aparentemente con la aceptación de Moon, y golpeaba a la gente por sus pecados. Bo Hi Pak, que ha sido la mano derecha de Moon desde el principio, fue golpeado por este individuo de tal manera que sufrió daños cerebrales.
Esto contrasta con el mundo pacífico que la UC proclama estar creando.
por Damian Anderson         10 de agosto de 2000
No estaba dispuesto a esperar a llegar al mundo espiritual para emitir un juicio sobre este tema [Black Heung Jin = Cleopas Kundiona]. Con mis propios ojos, vi a este hombre en la iglesia de Washington D.C. agarrar dos personas y hacer chocar sus cabezas entre sí, golpearlos cruelmente con un bate de béisbol, darle manotazos en la cabeza, puñetazos y esposarlos con esposas doradas. Ya había visto suficiente. Todd Lindsay fue el primero en irse. Su esposa estaba por dar a luz en cualquier momento. Mi esposa estaba embarazada de seis meses en ese entonces y nosotros éramos los siguientes en la fila para “confesarnos” ante el severo inquisidor.
Saqué a mi esposa de la habitación y él vino detrás de nosotros. Exigí saber qué le había pasado a Todd. Lo habían encerrado en una habitación en alguna parte. Quería irme y así lo expresé. Varias personas me tiraron al suelo y me prohibieron salir. Traté de escaparme de la iglesia pero no pude. No podía saltar la valla trasera con mi esposa embarazada. Las puertas estaban cerradas y había demasiada gente allí. Estaba abarrotado y era muy peligroso tener las puertas cerradas con candado.
Le dije que si ponía un dedo sobre ella, le sacaría los dientes, le ennegrecería los ojos y le daría una paliza. Le dije que si lo que quería era una confesión, que yo estaría feliz de confesar mis pecados ante toda la congregación, y grité mi confesión. También le dije que quería irme, que nos estaban encarcelando ilegalmente al no poder salir, y que tan pronto como me fuera, llamaría a la policía y al FBI e informaría al departamento de bomberos del hacinamiento en una iglesia cerrada. Alguien informó de los hechos al Washington Post, aunque no fui yo.
Finalmente escapamos cuando la esposa de Todd, Michelle, se puso de parto esa noche y yo los llevé al hospital. Ella dio a luz a su hija Grace esa misma noche.
Antes de irnos, le había preguntado específicamente a Dennis Orme si los rumores de violencia de este hombre eran ciertos y él los había negado. Lo enfrenté enojado en la iglesia de DC, exigiendo saber por qué me había mentido. Él, el Dr. Sheftick y algunos otros eran sus matones que impedían por la fuerza que la gente se marchara. Me molestó mucho la fuerza bruta aplicada para detener a la gente que abandonaba el evento o el edificio y encarcelar a los manifestantes por la fuerza esposarlos y mantenerlos en aislamiento.
Si un evento similar se repitiera, haría lo mismo. Esta vez, llamaría a la policía desde mi teléfono celular. No me arrepiento. Hice un juicio moral y lo mantengo. ... El hecho de que el Dr. Pak casi fuera asesinado por este bruto me indica que yo estaba en lo cierto. Dejó el país con el FBI y otras autoridades tras él por sus brutales crímenes. Desde entonces, he sido muy cauteloso con cualquier violencia perpetrada en el nombre de Dios en nuestra iglesia.
Este fue un capítulo oscuro en la historia de nuestra iglesia, que espero nunca se repita. Que el cielo nos ayude si la próxima vez, los matones están armados. Me hierve la sangre con solo hablar de ello.
‘Black Heung Jin Nim’ in Washington, DC
Secta Moon, a modo de introducción
Transcripción del video de Sam Park 2014 en español
‘A la Sombra de los Moon’ por Nansook Hong – parte 1
‘A la Sombra de los Moon’ por Nansook Hong – parte 2
Nansook Hong entrevistada
Una mujer japonesa fue reclutada por la Federación de Familias y luego vendida a un granjero coreano
Actividades de la Secta Moon en países de habla hispana
Teología de Sun Myung Moon para sus rituales sexuales – en español
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‘Black Heung Jin Nim’ in Washington, DC
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▲ ‘Black Heung Jin Nim’ (real name Cleopas Kundiona) in the New Yorker Hotel, November 1987. There is a photo of Heung Jin Moon beside a photo of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han on the altar.
by Damian Anderson           August 10, 2000
I was not willing to wait until I got to the spirit world to make a judgement on this issue [Black Heung Jin = Cleopas Kundiona]. With my own eyes, I saw this man in the Washington DC church knock people’s heads together, hit them viciously with a baseball bat, smack them around the head, punch them, and handcuff them with golden handcuffs. I had seen enough. Todd Lindsay was the first to leave. His wife was due to have a baby any day. My wife was six months pregnant at the time, and we were next in line for “confession” to the heavy-handed inquisitor.
I took my wife out of the room, and he came after us. I demanded to know what had happened to Todd. They had locked him away in a room somewhere. I wanted to leave and said so. I was wrestled to the ground by several people, and forbidden to leave. I tried to break out of the church but was unable to do so. I could not take a pregnant wife over the back fence. The doors were locked and there were far too many people in there. It was overcrowded, and very dangerous to have the doors padlocked.
I told him that if he laid so much as a finger on her, I would knock his teeth out, blacken his eyes, and kick the shit out of him. I told him that if it was a confession he wanted, I would be happy to confess my sins before the whole congregation, and shouted out my confession. I also told him that I wanted to leave, that we were being illegally imprisoned by not being allowed to leave, and as soon as I left, I would call the police and the FBI, and report the overcrowding in a locked church to the fire department. Somebody reported the events to the Washington Post, though I did not.
We finally got out when Todd’s wife Michelle went into labor that night and I drove them to the hospital. She gave birth to their daughter Grace that night.
Before we went, I had specifically asked Dennis Orme whether the rumors of violence by this man were true and he had denied them. I angrily confronted him in the DC church, demanding to know why he had lied to me. He and Dr. Sheftick and some others were his goons preventing people by force from leaving. I very much resented the brute force applied to stop people leaving the event, or the building, and imprisoning protesters by force and with handcuffs in isolation.
If a similar event were to recur, I would do the same. This time, I would call the police on my cell phone. I have no regrets. I made a moral judgement, and I stand by it. … The fact that Dr. Pak was almost murdered by this brute indicates to me that I was on the mark. He left the country with the FBI and other authorities after him for his brutal crimes. Ever since then, I have been very wary of any violence perpetrated in the name of God in our church.
This was a dark chapter in the history of our church, which I hope is never repeated. Heaven help us if next time, the thugs are armed. It makes by blood boil just to talk about it.
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon church
Shamanism is at the heart of Sun Myung Moon’s church
Holy Grounds and the Shamanic Guardians of the Five Directions in Moon’s church
The Moon church is unequivocally not Christian
“Black Heung Jin Nim” en Washington, D.C. – SPANISH
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“Sun Myung Moon actually crowned himself and Hak Ja Han Moon as Emperor and Empress of the Universe.”
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(This is a later coronation photo. One of the 1985 “Emperor” coronation was not available.)
Book extract from Nansook Hong In The Shadow Of The Moons: My Life In The Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Family (1998) pages 148-150
“Reverend Moon was freed [from jail] on August 20, 1985. …
At East Garden it was as though Father had returned from a world speaking tour and not from a prison term. The old rhythms returned. The meetings around his breakfast table resumed. But something was different. There was a perceptible shift in the Reverend Moon’s Sunday-morning sermons at Belvedere after his release from the penitentiary. He talked less and less about God and more and more about himself. He seemed obsessed with his vision of himself as some kind of historical figure, not merely as an emissary of God. Where once I had listened intently to his sermons in search of spiritual insight, I now found myself more uneasy and less engaged.
The Reverend Moon’s hubris culminated later that year in a secret ceremony in which he actually crowned himself and Hak Ja Han Moon as Emperor and Empress of the Universe. Preparations for the lavish, clandestine event at Belvedere took months and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Church women were assigned to research the regal robes of the five-hundred-year Yi dynasty that ended in the nineteenth century. Others were ordered to design solid-gold-and-jade crowns modeled on the ones worn by tribal kings. My mother was in charge of buying yards and yards of silk and satin and brocade material and finding seamstresses in Korea to turn these expensive raw materials into the costumes of a royal court. All twelve of Sun Myung Moon’s children, all of his in-laws, all of his grandchildren, were to be outfitted as princes and princesses.
In the end Sun Myung Moon’s crowning ceremony looked less like a historical reconstruction than like a popular Korean television soap opera set during the Yi dynasty. I felt silly, as though I were dressed for a period comedy rather than a sacred religious service. The Reverend Moon was aware enough of how an act of such monumental egotism would be received by the world that he banned photographs from being taken at the actual ceremony. Invited guests, all high-level church officials, who arrived with cameras had them confiscated by security guards, who blocked the entrances to gate-crashers.
In his gold crown and elaborate robes, Sun Myung Moon looked to me for all the world like a modern-day Charlemagne. The difference was that this emperor bowed to no pope. Since there was no authority higher than the Reverend Moon, the Messiah had to crown himself Emperor of the Universe.
The coronation was a turning point for me and my parents. For the first time we voiced our doubts to one another about Sun Myung Moon. It was not an easy thing to do. Much has been written about the coercion and brainwashing that takes place in the Unification Church. What I experienced was conditioning. You are isolated among like-minded people. You are bombarded with messages elevating obedience above critical thinking. Your belief system is reinforced at every turn. You become invested in those beliefs the longer you are associated with the church. After ten years, after twenty years, who would want to admit, even to herself, that her beliefs were built on sand?
I didn’t, surely. I was part of the inner circle. I had seen enough kindness in the Reverend Moon to excuse his blatant lapses — his toleration of his son’s behavior, his hitting his children, his verbal abuse of me. Not to excuse him was to open my whole life up to question. Not just my life. My parents had spent thirty years pushing aside their own doubts. My father tolerated the arbitrary way in which Sun Myung Moon ran his businesses, inserting unqualified friends and relatives into positions of authority, promoting those who curried favor and firing those who displayed any independence. My father survived at the top of Il Hwa pharmaceuticals by accepting the Reverend Moon’s frequent public humiliations. For his part, the Reverend Moon left my father in place because Il Hwa continued to make money for him.
If the deification of Heung Jin and the crowning ceremony tested my faith, the emergence of the Black Heung Jin nearly destroyed it. …”
Nansook Hong In The Shadow Of The Moons
‘A la Sombra de los Moon’ por Nansook Hong (Spanish)
« L’ombre de Moon » par Nansook Hong (French)
Nansook Hong – Ich schaue nicht zurück (German)
わが父文鮮明の正体 – 洪蘭淑
文鮮明「聖家族」の仮面を剥ぐ – 洪蘭淑
Black Heung Jin Moon – Violence in the FFWPU
Cheongpyeong symbols reveal an obsession with sex in the religion of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han.
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Côte d'Ivoire's Choong Mo Nim and Heung Jin Nim, and the FFWPU's Involvement in the Drug Trade
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▲ IRFF volunteers in Côte d'Ivoire in the late 1980s
The mention of "Choo Mo Nim" brings back intense memories that marked a turning point in the great muddy water filled with falsehood in a virtual and imaginary providence in Ivory Coast. I am aware of all these events related by brother Houago Joël who thought he was Heung Jin Nim's return to earth. I am therefore an eyewitness to all these events and I was currently occupying important positions in the Unification Church in Côte d'Ivoire.
Sister Dago Suzanne also had spiritual problems, receiving messages from the spiritual world. I must recall that Sister Suzanne met the Unification Church in Bouaké in 1988 where I was the assistant pastor. It was I who introduced him to the “divine principle” in a three-day seminar. After this seminar, her spiritual problems started where she told me that Reverend Moon was coming to talk to her, she also told me that she saw a big light in the shape of a crown on my head. When she begins to pray, she can do about 10 to 15 hours of prayer. Her husband was very afraid of her because of her possession of evil spirits. But at the time, our Unification Church leaders thought she was communicating with the divine.
This situation resembled the phenomenon the church experienced in Zimbabwe with Brother Cleophas. The sister became authoritarian and she claimed the place of brother Emmanuel Kouassi's wife who had died of an attack of malaria. The strength of character of Sister Dago Suzanne was such that she forced Brother Emmanuel Kouassi to have sex with her. She abandoned her home to move in with the brother who had lost his Filipino wife to her. These unfortunate facts have divided the church into several groups.
Apart from Dago Suzanne's group, there was another group I was part of, that of black Heung Jin Nim. Brother Houango Joël saying he was the return to earth of Moon's son, Heung Jin Min. We went to their residence to praise and adore the black Heung Jin Nim in the person of Houango Joël. I was the one presenting the message of the Divine Principle, Sister Nobah Monique was the spiritualist prophet of the group, and Houango Joel was the embodiment of Heung Jin Moon.
The whole city was moving to go to this center of healing and prophecy named “Residence HEUNG JIN NIM”. Positionally, I was number 3 in the group. 
Thus the church was divided into three great groups, the main branch of the Unification Church, the branch of black Heung Jin Nim and that of Dago Suzanne.
The great church officials were hiding at night to go and meet the Black Heung Jin nim and the prophetess to predict the future. Great was my surprise to find that the black Heung Jin slept with the sisters who came for treatment. But long before, I had weird dreams and I saw the behavior of the prophetess sister who did not inspire me with confidence. She was involved in shady dealings with Korean missionary Hae Yong Kim.
I would like to specify that our group was infiltrated by the Ivorian secret service because it was informed that our church was involved in drug trafficking. The investigators whom we had received as patients or people who came to the Divine Principle seminary to discretely carry out their investigations for months, but they did not find any trace of drug trafficking in this group of the black Heung Jin Nim. So they explained to me the content of their mission and they asked me to help them infiltrate the group of the missionary of the Unification Church and the National President of the Church. I had to collaborate and it paid off.
It was established that the National President of the Unification Church in Côte d'Ivoire named Adama Doumbia, the Korean missionary Hae Yong Kim, Mr. Bakary Camara, the American missionary Kathy Rigney, and others were all involved in a large network of drug trafficking initiated by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. They paid a bond of $15,000 to the Ivorian state to hush up the case. I was the only inconvenient witness that they bought silence with greenbacks. After gathering enough evidence that I was on the wrong path, I decided to expose bad practices by stepping away from the Unification Church. This is the subject of my position in “Reverend Moon is an impostor” on Facebook. 
Ms. Dago Suzanne lived in Bouaké, a town 500 kilometers from Abidjan in central Côte d'Ivoire. When the religious leaders saw that she was restless and giving revelations from the spiritual world, they asked that she come to Abidjan. When she arrived, and after a test, she was turned away by the church and she found refuge with Nobah Monique where the black Heung Jin (Joel) lived. It was this group that could accept it. During his short stay with black Heung Jin Nim, they did not work together but these hosts gave way to him. She took control as the central figure and the others watched her act. Her hosts seemed to say that if Suzanne came to live with them, it was because they were in the truth. In the end, they did not last together and Suzanne found refuge with an older Moonist brother named Cisset Koné.
Suzanne started her own Unification Church group and did marriage blessings – but she's dead now.
The Situation of “Providence” in Côte d'Ivoire
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in Sun Myung Moon’s church Choomonim Is Back Through An African Sister (2001)
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Zimbabwe Church Tragedy, Over a Decade After Cleopas
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Pictured: Brigitte Wakabayashi
Zimbabwe Church and Court Case Brigitte Wakabayashi June 19, 2000
One Zimbabwean brother is in jail - his court case is due to start today according to the information I have - because he sold a car on the instructions of the Japanese NM. (This car had been damaged and given to the JNM by the KNM. The JNM then went about fixing it up and selling it - he apparently took part of the money to cover his costs, and he gave another part to the KNM). The brother who is now in jail was recently accused by the KNM to have sold the car illegally - but it is a trumped-up charge. The person who bought the car in good faith is very angry about the whole situation.
It seems that this brother was among a group of members who confronted the KNM about the way he spent a large sum of money given by TM for the purchase of a training center. (At that time, the bookkeeper of the movement, a sister, was jailed because drugs were planted in her room and the police called in. - This sister was subsequently released.)
The Japanese HQ has been informed of this situation. However, things are very confused and complicated, and it would be best if someone "neutral" can go there and investigate what's really going on (outside groups influencing the KNM, his disease, the role of members). There seem to be so many parallels to the Cleophas situation - and at that time also, we begged WMD to come and investigate - we even offered David Hose to pay for his ticket - but before he could take up this offer his mission changed. The southern part of Africa has never recovered from that disastrous time.
I sincerely hope that this time the situation will not be ignored.
R. Kachisi June 20, 2000
To add on to what Brigitte Wakabayashi said, the situation in the Zimbabwe church can best be described as a tragedy, not only for that particular brother but for the whole church. The arrest and incarceration of an innocent brother because of a Korean national messiahs abuse of power should be condemned in the strongest terms. The continued incarceration of this brother is not just a tragedy on its own, but the gross indifference and insensitiveness of all those who are called "leaders" in our HQ is one that leaves a lot to be desired. This brother has now been languishing in prison for 3weeks now, and here I am talking of a breathing human being with a human spirit and not an animal. By neglecting this brother HQ is sending a very strong message to all of us and to all those who have enough brains about the nonexistence of this so-called "true love" that we are always clamoring about. I use the word "so-called" because this was the real test and we seem to have failed the test. We are therefore still to see this word in real action. Many reports have been sent ever since, and even two weeks ago to Rev. Kwak and Rev. Hwang. Someone should not tell me "they are too busy". Busy doing what? How do we expect to serve the whole world if we cannot serve only one person, innocent for that mater, who is locked behind bars. Can someone really tell me that our top leaders are failing to find time to just send someone to Zimbabwe to assess the situation, and make sure Rev. Do Hee Park drops all these false charges. I am sorry I am too angry, thats why I mention his name. If it were a progressive organization HQ could have organized all its resources to make sure this situation is immediately addressed, but it looks like there some people who are beyond reproach, and they have a right to destroy any soul willy-nilly.
Someone should not tell me I shouldn’t have written this kind of letter, because I believe, silence or purported neutrality in wake of such abuse of power and hate is in itself very EVIL. Having reached the top (sending of reports) I think almost all major channels have been exhausted but our HQ has done nothing. Again, someone should not tell me that I am pre-judging the HQ, maybe they will do something. I am sure those who have been on this list can still recall such a story about Zimbabwe, when the same leader was involved in the planting of drugs on a sister, but, not even a soul from HQ has been seen there to investigate. There are 3 possibilities that can be derived from this;
1. HQ has lost control of the organization
2. Its a policy to leave a member to face the music alone if he gets into serious trouble (maybe this concept of indemnity) or maybe we can now call it heavenly brutality.
3. The actions of this Korean national messiah were sanctioned by HQ itself.
4. This leader has become completely untouchable, so no one should never attempt to cross his path or even come close to him.
Having seriously looked at this I came up with the following small poem;
If I sit on my hands and watch the injustice and brutality over my fellow brother, I am a hypocrite
Though I approve of the goals of human liberation and salvation, if I let the moment to act pass me by, I betray the imperative love, as real love test comes in crucial times.
Though I might study Gods word through Hoon Dok Hae and DP or even be raised into a leader, I become a hypocrite if I consider one members suffering as trivial.
Externally, our movement hasn’t got any checks and balances in place, but most significantly love has not yet existed as a culture. Love still exists in the realm of philosophy. In other words I am saying, we only have a very good teaching on the topic "TRUE LOVE".
The question that now remains is, who will be responsible for this members legal fees? Some will say the member has to be responsible by himself. Some will say, HQ should be responsible since this National messiah is a representative of our movement, since by its silence, HQ is taking responsibility for the actions of this leader. THAT SHOULD BE YOUR FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
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Is Cleopas Kundiona the new messiah? “The Umanian Kingdom is now a reality.”
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▲ He was the Black Heung Jin Nim in 1987-1988, seen here in the New Yorker Hotel.
November 29, 1987 Rev. Sudo announces at Belvedere that Father has accepted Cleopas Kundiona/Black Heung Jin Nim “completely as his own son.” Calls the Heung Jin Nim phenomenon a “miracle of miracles.” Warns us not to try to test Cleopas. Hyo Jin Nim introduced him as “my brother” with tears.
In the Children’s Day ceremony on the first floor, the special ceremony, Heung Jin Nim was there. During the ceremony, Father gives everyone rice cake starting with Mother and including Heung Jin Nim. Father accepted him completely as his own son. Mother too. If you believe Father, who can doubt?
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▲ Cleopas Kundiona in 2022
UMAA boss forms church, now a minister
March 29, 2016
Educationist and UMAA Group of Colleges owner Cleopas Kundiona has turned into a religious leader, with his UMAA Ministries Foundation Church set to be officially launched in Marondera next week.
By Jairos Saunyama
Kundiona told NewsDay recently that he had already recruited some administration staff to run the church and assist in the membership drive.
“The ministry was born as long back as in 1987, but was waiting for the right time to go big. I would love to say that we are not a church, but God’s community,” Kundiona, who has declared an interest to be voted Zanu PF Marondera Central MP, said.
“We will be establishing assemblies at ward level in Marondera before moving to other towns and cities. UMAA Ministries is rooted in the tradition of obedience within God’s original will for eternity. The ministry is a substantial and dynamic foundation to guide mankind to be obedient to God. It is time for mankind to graft themselves to the obedience within God’s will.
“We are not a miracle-performing church, but a God’s community meant to spread the Word of God to the lost and urging people to obey God. God’s Word heals. All in all, the UMANIAN Kingdom is now a reality. The response is overwhelming and the people are ready for God.”
Kundiona, a former Methodist Church in Zimbabwe member, disclosed that he was also currently recruiting ministers to lead assemblies and said he preferred to be referred to as the “chief minister”.
He said he had penned a book titled The Holy Book, which he said was supplementary material for the church.
The book — printed in English, Shona and Ndebele — contains chapters on Kundiona’s biography as a messenger of God to the world and another chapter on Zimbabwe as a country favoured by God.
“The book will be launched on the official opening day. The Bible is our master book, but the manuscript I did is powerful enough for the readers. The church will hold its major services at UMAA University premises in Marondera,” Kundiona said.
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▲ Executive Director Dr Cleopas Kundiona at the Umaa Institute
Umaa Institute in Harare, Zimbabwe An academic institution of excellence Umaa Harare has managed to change communities by reaching out to its surroundings, as one of the best private institutions in Harare. The Executive Director Dr Cleopas Kundiona this year of 2016 has uplifted the face of the Institution as he aims to provide the best learning environment for our future leaders.
Pupils Stage Protest At Umaa Institute
November 26, 2021
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▲ The Umaa Institute
Pupils at Umaa Institute, a private college located in Marondera, staged a protest at the Great Hall at the institution yesterday.
The students were protesting against what they regarded as brutality by the school owner Cleopas Kundiona.
One of the students who spoke to Pindula News said they could not take the abuse anymore alleging Kundiona is in the habit of locking up and denying pupils access to classrooms.
The pupils alleged Kundiona boasts that he is not afraid of anyone and reveres the President only. Said one of the pupils:
“Yesterday we protested because we want better food and we don’t want to be abused anymore. He [Kundiona] is using a baseball to beat pupils every morning.
What happened yesterday is that some of our colleagues were taken to a classroom and were forced to sleep on the floor the whole night. To make matters worse, they were all girls. We just want justice. We are being beaten up every single day.”
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▲ Sun Myung Moon with a baseball bat.
Sun Myung Moon:
 “Your mission is only the territory of your relatives. How much easier it is for you compared to True Father’s course. You have absolutely no excuse. Those who have the confidence to fulfill your mission of accomplishing 3.6 [million] couples Blessing this year, show your hands. (Applause) Father wants Reverend Kwak to keep a baseball bat in his hand all the time and if he sees anyone neglecting their mission in this regard then he can freely use it. Particularly those who are sleeping and hiding, Reverend Kwak’s baseball bat will fall upon you at any time.”  February 13, 1997, New Yorker Hotel
The plight of UC members in Zimbabwe after Black Heung Jin Nim was sent back there
Black Heung Jin Nim – Violence in the Moon’s Unification Church
Young-oon Kim: “Our Leader is quite temperamental and is easily angered.” – Sun Myung Moon, the baseball bat messiah
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