#black leather and chains and stuff yk
hobies-princealbert · 9 months
I’ll always push the Hobie and Stallion Reader Agenda
It’s what he needs like cmon Black Punk British Nigga in like hot ass Texas or sumn with his Tall Thick Ebony Chick
It’s a Vibeee it gives “you can’t handle allat” and yk he definitely can
punk! hobie brown x stallion! reader |
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°• y'all met on while you were on a girl's trip in candem. you were getting rowdy with your girls at one of the alternative clubs that the area was famous for. the scene was mainly punk and grunge, so you in a pretty all pink track suit surely stood out amongst the sea of gray and black.
°• you remember catching sight of hobie staring at you from your peripheral. you thought he was cute, plus he wasn't the only person staring at you. most eyes were on you the minute you stepped through that door. i mean look at you, how could they not stare.
°• your body was decorated in dazzling gold jewelry that looked radiant against your deep brown skin. you practically were practically luminous. how could he not go up to talk to you.
°• you could tell he was a little taken aback at first. probably it was your height, you were pretty tall, especially in heels. or the fact that you were so confident talking to him. sure, you were a little flustered cause he was cute ( translation: he was one the most gorgeous men you've seen), and he was a smooth talker that's for sure.
°• you didn't really give niggas your number like that, but could make exceptions. and nearly two years later, you were glad you did.
°• you two were an odd couple to say the least but you were similar in many ways. you both freely expressed yourselves through fashion. he, with his black leather, silver chains and spikes. and you, with your bright colors, gold jewelery and bling nails.
°• you both admired this aspect of each other. hobie loved to add to your jewelery collection. he would craft or thrift any jewels that he think would look great on you. similarly you loved to help him customize his fits, line his eyes and paint his nails.
°• both expressive and confident in everything you did. quick to stand up for others and raise hell when needed. you had spunk to you, he loved that about you. you could be hot headed sometimes but he didn't mind.
°• standing side by side y'all looked like a couple of giants. y'all turned heads everywhere you went. hobie had this laid back stride, and you with your pointed steps and sharp swaying hips. someone even asked if you two were runway model. to which hobie joked that he was briefly one.
°• speaking of hips, you had a great ass. you knew, randos on the street knew it, and especially hobie knew it. the man was obsessed with your butt. anytime he passed by you expect a quick smack. wearing jeans, his hands are casually resting in your back pockets. one time you were in the club throwing it back on your man, and he just stared at it awe. he's never seen you ass move like that before, he swore blacked out a bit that night.
°• on the topic of throwing it back, y'all loved meg thee stallion. singing her shit word for word, stank face and all. throwing it back on each other while her music bumped all through the apartment. similarly you love when hobie put you onto his shit too. mainly riot grrrl stuff. you loved how pumped it got you.
°• you absolutely adored your punk boyfriend, and he surely adored you two.
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missmitchieg · 2 years
I love Dirty Candy member!Alex fan arts because they're so cute and he's always dressed in super cute and trendy looking outfits and it's so different from what he wears regularly. Y'all really looked at his snapback, distressed jacket, and zip-away pants tucked into his socks and just went 'no <3' and made him Fashionable and I love that.
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not-aloe-but-vera · 2 years
you choosing a modern outfit for them☕️👾
characters: venti & xiao.
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After somehow ending up in an unknown world named Teyvat, you made a lot of friends. One day, you find your old bag, the one you used in your world months ago. However, you realize it now holds every belonging you used to have; this including your old clothes. So you thought it may be an interesting idea to dress up some of your friends as teenagers from the modern era.
warnings: maybe some suggestive stuff.
v e n t i
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he was so interested in knowing how people from your world dress, and especially how YOU dress. venti could listen to you talking about your fashion style for hours, and if you actually decide to try your own clothes just to show him how y’all do it on earth 🌍💅, he’ll be so surprised and excited.
after you observed closely venti’s look, you thought you could make some improvements to his outfit. so, you told him you could perhaps change his hairstyle, put some makeup on, and choose a modern fit for him (using your own clothes since teyvat mfs dress like medieval dudes)
if u are a pastel-colors person, he will be so curious and excited to try your clothes. now, if you’re taller than him and your clothes look oversized when he wears them, he will feel like you are protecting him from afar just by your garments and the scent impregnated in them.
if you dress using “common colors” and have an almost basic fashion sense, he won’t be as surprised since the clothes look boring, too simple, too unseasoned, too vibe-less for him. but he’ll still try them on just to feel closer to where you’re from.
if you are a dark clothes type of person, he’ll genuinely be kind of surprised and shocked. seeing himself in a completely opposite style is fascinating. black leather jackets, a pair of badass combat boots, or those cool pants with a lot of pockets (for example tech wear or something similar). he thinks it looks so cool and feels like Lil Vento💸🚬.
If you add any type of jewelry of your own such as necklaces, rings, bracelets and even earrings he’s already falling in love with you again. he thinks he looks so pretty and knowing that you dress like that too makes venti feel like the luckiest man in the world, just because he has the opportunity to be with you.
he’ll maybe start to change his own style based on yours. maybe you’ll see him using some eyeliner, or getting two more piercings, or wearing more pink blush on his cheeks.. etc !!
tho i feel like venti would take off his normal clothes in front of you. like without even thinking twice. if he’s in a silly goofy mood he’ll throw his clothes at you
& if you stare at him then he’ll say some smooth pick up line
and if u dress him up as an edgy boy (yk silver chains, hoodies, monster energy drinks etc etc) he’d change his whole persona for a moment and flirt with you (wouldnt be serious but still😭he feels so cool)
b o n u s !! – cultural clothes.
No matter where you’re from, the moment Venti sees your cultural clothes he’s AMAZED. when he sees the traditional hairstyles venti would probably want to try it! but since he probably doesn’t have the adequate hair length or texture, you tell him it’s not possible. however, he prefers seeing it on you!
when he sees accessories he’ll ask about the whole story behind them. and if you can say something in your language??? he’ll be so impressed he’s about to die.
if you are from countries like germany, china or japan (the ones that also appear in the actual game) he will think he’s so smart. he’ll be like “damn y’all wear kimonos😦just like ppl in inazuma😦”
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hard to convince him to try new clothes.
he’s a bit insecure so he’ll think you have something against his outfit, but since he appreciates you a lot and is also interested in the way your people dress, he would probably do it.
he would absolutely hate pastel colors. like maybe he’ll try a pink hoodie or something but if you wanna make him wear shorts or those knee high socks then… he ain’t doing that.
basic outfits like just wearing mom jeans and crop tops would be one of the best option because i’d say it kinda looks like his “normal” outfit?? besides the accesories his clothes aren’t that fancy so… i believe that’d be one of his favorites
however if you show him some tech wear he’s gon be obsessed. especially because he likes the contrast between dark clothes and the bright colors of some of his amulets. & he thinks he looks intimidating which is exactly his point
also when he realizes those are your clothes and you dress like that too… xiao will think you are one of the cool kids
since he wears gloves i doubt he’d wear rings or bracelets but ofc he will put on more necklaces or earrings. maybe green or turquoise ones to match his hair & tattoos
unlike venti he won’t take his clothes off in front of you. and if they are provocative (like a boob window, a crop top or the tightest skinny jeans that make his thighs look absolutely 🥵) he’ll still try it on but will blush a lot.
b o n u s ! – cultural clothes.
doesn’t really understand the importance of it but he’s still curious about its history behind it
if you are the type of person thats very connected to your own culture then he’ll gladly listen to all myths, beliefs and traditions but wouldn’t give much importance to the garments.
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seijch · 4 years
just binge read ur previous asks for the sleepover and i was very much entertained😌 how would ur top 3 ACTUALLY dress? like we always see those “outfits the hq boys would wear” but they seem so... unrealistic😭🤚
whack me w a pillow or smth (sleepover event)
ok im typing this after finishing the post but i rlly like the way this came out so everyone please read it if you want to see me brainrot over konoha kenji n kuroo ...
KONOHA is definitely a man who Knows his essentials ... knows the beauty of sweatpants and joggers and knows that he looks Good in a solid colored tee (but doesnt shy away from print ... its just that if you open his closet its literally black white n the occasional pop of color) i would LOVE to say he accessorizes but no he doesnt 💔💔 its his fatal flaw too ..... dont be shy aki let me buy you one of those chain bracelets!!!!! those are sexy as fuck and i PROMISE they would make him look even better!!!!!!! in general he gives me big silver or white gold vibes even if i cant see him wearing jewelry on his own :/ its ok if he were to date me id make him come around to the idea ...
he gives white air max 90 or air force 1 vibes does that make sense . if anything has color in his fit its maybe some print on his shirt but if not its DEFINITELY his shoes ... i was thinking abt this but i think hed look good in the bel air jordan 5s but maybe thats just bc i wanted to get a pair NJFKDSFS if we want to get a little less realistic (i mean not rlly bc i know ppl who do this) he probably keeps up w supreme drops n its less to resell and more to get the clothes at retail price which is MUCH more reasonable than resell (i think its 40 for a shirt? idk my friend keeps up w it n i love to hear him brainrot but that doesnt mean i retain ALL the information 🤕)
:: go-to outfit? say it with me ... white shirt/crewneck sweater if it’s cold with sweats. if he needs to dress it up, hell throw on some plaid or switch it up w some nice jeans. unlike the other two he has a good idea of how to dress throughout his life which makes looking Back a much . easier experience compared to the other two LMAO
FUTAKUCHI swears by the denim gods when he needs to actually Care abt his outfits and im MAD abt it bc how dare he look good .... im going to fucking kill him 🪓🪓🪓🪓 the image of kenji in a denim jacket w a hoodie underneath n some ripped jeans haunts my every waking moment you dont understand......... hes ALSO a plaid man which pisses me off even more .... but im going to be honest he uses outerwear to hide the fact that theres definitely a hole in the armpit of his favorite shirts ... hes had them since high school kenji PLEASE buy some new shirts!!!! probably suffers in summer bc he cant wear jackets n stuff without looking weird (has definitely said hes wearing plaid For The Fit when in reality its bc theres a stain on the back of his shirt from when he sat in bird shit. its Artistic baby speak your truth!!!)
at least you can convince konoha to wear jewelry if you keep at it ... while i think kenji gives silver vibes over gold i dont think you would be able to convince him to wear it unless youve already bought it and basically ambush him with it JKSDFDS if anything i think hed settle for those leather bracelets ... its ok his ego is fragile ❤ shoe wise idk he gives me vans vibes (so does konoha but he also looks like a nike stan so i said that instead). if he lives somewhere cold he probably owns a pair of those classic wheat colored timbs (You Know The Ones)
i can tell you RIGHT NOW that in elem and junior high he was one of those kids w the neon athletic fits that took pe too serious when he got in the groove 😐 shut the fuck up n pass me the ball kenji were in fourth grade i shouldnt be failing PARTICIPATION in PE 🗣🗣🗣
:: go-to outfit? a rlly comfy denim jacket (hell let you borrow it if you bitch enough n hell be like Sigh . The Things I Do For You but when you slip it on hes abt to combust) w a shirt that probably has a chili stain at the hem of it n ripped jeans. the white slip on vans. i hate that he looks good.
KUROO is . idk i feel like hes a lot harder to pin down but he probably shopped at hot topic in middle school 💔 is this projection? maybe. am i WRONG abt it tho ... ANYWAY like everyone who grows out of that phase, he has Taste ... post college or just at the club i KNOW he understands the effect a slightly unbuttoned black shirt has 👁 prob rode the eboy wave bc he thought the fashion was nice so he might have a few of those clunky rings ... rarely wears them but bitch he SHOULD!!!! otherwise, i think he keeps it pretty simple! lots of hoodies and sweaters bc if he has no one to rlly impress hes big on comfort. owns a good amt of athleleisure (is that how you spell that hjkdfds) bc he does work out regularly but if you were to come across him during an 8am lecture i can guarantee all he did before coming to class is brush his teeth ... 
unfortunately not a chain man but while his rings may be black (yk like black titanium) or silver, if he were to wear a chain i think hed be fine with either silver or gold! i personally think hed look good in either 🙈 shoe wise i rlly cannot pin him down ... for running im seeing him leaning towards nike shoes but i like . cannot tell what hed wear regularly SHJFKDS 
what i CAN say is that when he was younger (and i mean until his second year of high school) he was one of Those Kids that wore the Quirky printed button ups but like . this time its not a compliment . in junior high he definitely thought those ... and it PAINS ME PHYSICALLY to say this ...... fingerless gloves were the coolest things around ..... i hate that i had to google that now im going to get ads for hot topic
:: go-to outfit? black hoodie w maybe some design or print on it w sweats or jeans (like konoha hell dress it up or down depending on where youre going). if you make him wear them hell even bust out the eboy rings he bought forever ago <33 i think later in life when hes more sure of himself (and i mean like after hs ... hes good in his 3rd year but i feel like hell still deflect compliments in the form of teasing and not believe it in 3rd year) he Knows he looks good so he doesnt rlly have to try unless you want to be That Couple that takes over the world one fit at the time ... in the end the only one he wants to impress is you 🙈
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