#blackbeard is not the worst villain but hes only like a 5/10 too so..
wonderful-magician · 1 year
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Me and my mom watched this movie on a whim made in like two seconds and it's like a solid 4.5/10
Like I can't even say anything because I'm so bewildered?? Don't watch this movie unless you wanna get really confused when they start singing smells like teen spirit for some unknown reason. And reveal that tiger Lily is white as hell now and older to date hook. Because. This needed a very uncomfortable and painful romance. Obviously.
( they also have the blitzkrieg bop and it sent my mom into a fucking frenzy. )
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creative-type · 5 years
I knew this is pretty random but can you give us your top ten characters from One Piece and why you like them? thanks!!!
Man, I had to stop and really think how I wanted to answer this because I like a lot of different characters for a lotta different reasons. Like, I love Luffy as a main character of a shonen series, but I’d probably hate him in real life. I feel like it’s almost easier for me to quantify why I don’t like someone than why I do like someone, but here’s my hot take.
Other than Robin, order doesn’t matter because they’re all beautiful and love isn’t something you can quantify.
1. Nico Robin
I’m not exaggerating when I say without Robin I probably wouldn’t be a fan of One Piece. Back in the dark ages of the 4Kids dub, before I knew what manga was or that One Piece was Japenese, I loathed the series and only watched it because it was on the same block as Naruto. My first exposure was the episode where Pearl is introduced during the Baratie arc and even my wee babu brain knew that was the stupidest thing I’d ever seen. (I still hate Pearl and his stupid, stupid face, but that’s something for another time). 
But it just so happened I managed to see the episode where Crocodile  called Robin by her name for the first time, and that sent a spark of intrigue through me that I couldn’t shake. To make a long story short, it took me two or three tries and some long wiki walks where I basically spoiled the entire series for myself through Thriller Bark before I could get into One PIece proper, and since then I’ve been hooked. Robin’s story has always related with me on a personal level, and to this day her backstory is the only one that’s made me tear up. 
Robin is an absolute queen, and my only disappointment is that Oda didn’t give her short hair after the timeskip. 
Why, Oda :(
2. Nami 
Nami’s a character that grew on me over time. When I was younger I got frustrated by her lack of fights and thought she was kinda a fraud in the action hero department. 
I’ve grown a lot since then, and I really appreciate the subtle character development over the series. I love her strength and her kindness and how she keeps the crew on the straight and narrow. I have a lot of respect for Oda for balancing her spunky personality with her more gentle moments and how anyone could dislike her is beyond me.
3. Usopp
Usopp’s another one who really grew on me. It’s not even his personality so much as his peak character development that I enjoy, which I consider to be the best in the entire series and a testament to the possibilities for character development in a long-form series. I appreciate his best-bud status with Luffy, his cleverness and ingenuity, the battle to overcome the worst aspects of himself, and how he’s such a regular dude when compared to the rest of the cast.
4. Brook
Brook…Brook is love. I love everything about this funky skeleton dude. He’s a musician, and I love music. He makes terrible jokes, and I also make terrible jokes. He’s a living skeleton but is perhaps the warmest, kindness person in the crew, and his backstory is seriously underrated. Death is not an apology, indeed.
5. Otohime
Best. Backstory character. Ever. You cannot change my mind. Just a beautiful person with a beautiful heart, and she not only successfully negotiated with the Celestial Dragons, she managed to convince one of them to change his ways. 
Honestly I wish more of our leaders had her spirit. The Fishman Island flashback should be required reading for all children
6. Koala
Best minor character ever, and you cannot convince me otherwise. To this day she’s the only character I wish were the protagonist of her own manga, and honestly I think she should have Sabo’s spot in the Revolutionary Army.
I like a lot of the plot lines around the Celestial Dragons and the slave trade in general. So Hancock gets an honorable mention here.
7.  Blackbeard
Teach is interesting, because he’s responsible for so much of the plot and has been around since Drum Island and we don’t really know anything about him, which makes him an outlier on this list. 
All that being said, we know so much about his philosophy and his mindset. That’s an interesting combination and makes for a fascinating character study. He’s the perfect foil for Luffy. Every time Teach shows up on screen shit goes down, and I’m a sucker for an unrepentant scummy scum villain. I look forward to seeing him get his ass kicked. 
8. Smoker
Smoker deserves better. I think in some ways the story has outgrown him, but I’ve like him since his first appearance in Louguetown. “Sorry, my pants ate your ice cream” is such a great way to establish his character, and you can’t get better than “You can tell the [the higher ups] to eat shit”. 
9. Kuzan
I’m sure my enjoyment of Kuzan stems in part from my undying love of Robin, but he’s a pretty great example of an ambiguous character done right. He fleshes out the complexities of Justice better than almost any other character in the series. Plus I think his design is cool, pun intended, and his power rad, and I hope to see more of him soon
10. Fujitora
I had a hard time deciding who to put in this last slot and juggled between Katakuri and Fujitora, but Fujitora edges him out by a hair. There are others I really enjoy too, but if I listed them all we’d be here all day. 
Fujitora’s scene at the end of Dressrosa was one of my favorite parts of that entire arc. Just everything about him, from his design, to his power, to his character just clicks, and he along with Smoker is putting into action one of the plot lines I’ve wanted for a long time in the dissolution of the Warlord system. It’s so rare that I guess something right, and I was pretty stoked when it was made clear that was what his end goal was.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Big Bad BeetleBorgs: 10 Facts You Never Knew | ScreenRant
Children's entertainment forever changed in 1993 thanks to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. With low production costs and booming toy sales, Saban Entertainment was sitting on the most successful television model ever. The lucrative success of Saban's Power Rangers eventually opened the door for other live-action kids' programming. One '90s show that millennials recall is Saban's Big Bad BeetleBorgs, which ran for 88 episodes on Fox from 1996 to 1998. The basic story was three kids were given beetle-themed superpowers so they could battle evildoers summoned from comic books. But as well-remembered as BeetleBorgs is, there's still a lot about it that people don't know.
RELATED: 15 Greatest Power Rangers Rip-Offs
10 Based on two Japanese shows
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It's no secret Saban hit pay dirt with Power Rangers. Their economical formula — mixing footage from the Toei productions with new, in-house footage — was raking in the dough. They implemented the same strategy with Masked Rider and VR Troopers. And like the latter show, BeetleBorgs' battle footage was lifted from multiple Japanese series — Heavy Shell B-Fighter and its direct sequel B-Fighter Kabuto. When BeetleBorgs entered its second and final season, it became BeetleBorgs Metallix. Their new suits, weapons, and villains all came from B-Fighter Kabuto. To tell the stock and original footage apart, remember that Japanese shows were shot on film as opposed to video.
9 The Rappin' Granny
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Something BeetleBorgs did that its Japanese counterparts did not was show the kids' families. We often saw Roland's (Green Hunter BeetleBorg) mother Nano hanging around. She was quite the character too. When she wasn't running the kids' favorite hangout Zoom Comics, she was practicing martial arts. In real life, her actor Vivian Smallwood was well-known for her rapping skills. She was so talented and beloved, she earned the nickname of the Rappin' Granny. Aside from BeetleBorgs, she appeared in shows like Everybody Hates Chris and Malcolm in the Middle. Unfortunately, Smallwood passed away at the age of 84 in 2017.
8 "Flabber, you are not the weakest link."
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The pubescent heroes of BeetleBorgs were aided by a gang of monsters living at a local haunted house called Hillhurst Mansion. This included a werewolf, a mummy, a Frankenstein's Monster-type character, a vampire, a living statue, and a trio of spirits. The most important Hillhurster was Flabber, an eccentric phantasm with genie-like powers. He bore a striking resemblance to both Elvis Presley and Jay Leno, with intentional emphasis on the former. There's some Liberace thrown in for good measure too. His actor Billy Forester states on his Twitter he was a champion on the US version of The Weakest Link.
RELATED: 30 Things That Make No Sense About Power Rangers
7 The real reason why the show ended
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Plenty of shows get cancelled because of low ratings, but BeetleBorgs was not one of them. BeetleBorgs ended with Metallix because Saban Entertainment exhausted the Japanese footage. B-Fighter and B-Fighter Kabuto had a total of 103 episodes and a short movie between them. Of course, BeetleBorgs was not a 1:1 adaptation so they used only so much raw footage from the original shows. As a result, the second season ended on an unresolved cliffhanger. Interestingly, the Toei franchise that Heavy Shell B-Fighter and its sequel were part of — the Metal Heroes Series — ended due to low ratings for B-Fighter Kabuto.
6 Alex Borstein played a monster in one episode
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You may know her best from Family Guy, MADtv, and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, but comedian Alex Borstein has a history with Saban properties. After playing Queen Machina in Power Rangers Zeo, in addition to one-off villains — Bloom of Doom, Lipsyncher, Madame Woe — in previous Power Rangers seasons, Borstein lent her voice to the monster Cataclaws in the episode "Yo Ho Borgs." In said episode, Flabber makes a flub and brings Captain Blackbeard back to life so he can help the kids with a school project. Unfortunately for the BeetleBorgs, Cataclaws poses as Blackbeard in an attempt to get the kiddos.
RELATED: The 10 Worst Family Guy Episodes Ever According To IMDb
5 Easter eggs for Power Rangers fans
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With both Power Rangers and Big Bad BeetleBorgs being owned by Saban Entertainment, it's of no surprise there are some Easter eggs. Commonly seen in the background at Zoom Comics was the head of King Sphinx, a monster from the first season of Mighty Mophin' Power Rangers. Another Easter egg for fans was when Green Hunter BeetleBorg and ShadowBorg were seen among the Machine Empire's army in Power Rangers Wild Force episode "Forever Red." Costume recycling was very common during this era of Saban television, which explains why fans would see enemies in future episodes despite the fact they were already defeated.
4 Spider-Man appeared in BeetleBorgs
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In episode 19 "Convention Dimension", the kids attend San Diego Comic-Con. When they're not battling the bad guys, they run into Spider-Man. Sadly, it's just someone in costume. But how did BeetleBorgs get away with the blatant cameo? At the time, Spider-Man: The Animated Series was airing on the same network, so it was safe to use his image. This also explains why there's someone dressed as The Tick in one scene. While watching this episode, one may ask why San Diego Comic-Con seems so lifeless. Even dull. Well, remember it's 1996. This was long before the event became such a spectacle.
3 The Power Rangers/BeetleBorgs crossover that never happened
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It was good marketing for Saban to do crossovers between its shows. Yet BeetleBorgs never stepped foot in the Power Rangers series. However, there were plans at one point to do a crossover between Saban's mainstay and BeetleBorgs. There's even a photo of Blake Foster in costume as the Blue Turbo Ranger with the Hillhurst monsters. Alas, the televised crossover never came to fruition for some unknown reason. Instead, Acclaim Comics published a one-time issue in 1997 called Power Rangers Turbo vs. BeetleBorgs Metallix. There it's established that the Power Rangers are fictional characters who the BeetleBorgs recognize from television.
RELATED: 20 Craziest Power Rangers Crossovers Ever
2 A tale of two Red Strikers
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Shannon Chandler (Jo/Red Striker BeetleBorg) departed after the first 39 episodes simply because she wanted to leave. Rather than replacing Jo with a new character, another actress (Brittany Konarzewski) assumed the same role. The writers created a bizarre storyline where an awry spell alters Jo's physical appearance and voice. The spell needed time to wear off, but in the meantime, Flabber cast another spell that caused others to see Jo only as her former self. To her fellow BeetleBorgs and the Hillhursters, Jo continued to look and talk like Konarzewski. It's worth noting that in Heavy Shell B-Fighter, Jo's Japanese equivalent was also replaced halfway into the season.
1 VR Troopers was cancelled because of BeetleBorgs
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Saban's VR Troopers was already using up to three different Japanese shows' battle footage. They needed more once they were through with Superhuman Machine Metalder, Dimensional Warrior Spielban, and Space Sheriff Shaider. If things had been different, Heavy Shell B-Fighter would have been the fourth, and scenes from that would have been used in the potential third season of VR Troopers. Unfortunately for VR Troopers, Saban opted to cancel the aforesaid series altogether, and they made another show from B-Fighter. The fact that VR Troopers' toy sales were not living up to expectations did not help matters either. Thus, Big Bad BeetleBorgs was born, and VR Troopers was over.
NEXT: 18 Power Rangers Episodes That Went Way Too Far
source https://screenrant.com/big-bad-beetleborgs-unknown-facts/
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