oxhaven · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 4 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your face scrunched underneath the imposing sunlight filtering in from the windows, letting out a tired sigh of annoyance. You thought maybe you could sneak in a few more minutes of sleep since Kyungsoo didn’t come to wake you, but the rising sun was filling in for his part of the job. You managed to open your eyes as you turned your body, waking yourself up from a deep sleep you were annoyed from ending. A groan escaped from your throat as you stretched your tired limbs with exertion underneath the thin sheet across your body. 
You sat up in bed with a smack of your lips and looked around, eyebrows furrowing when realization dawned on you. Everything in the room was still the same from last night before you went to bed. It was out of place for you since Kyungsoo would have laid out clothes and opened the curtains before you rose out of bed. You took a glance at the clock beside your bed on the nightstand, eyeing the two lines pointing in the direction of the time. It was only 8:50am, you could have gone back to sleep and go on until noon. You decided not to though, not when curiosity was eating at you wondering where you obedient butler could have gone. 
You managed to wash up and dress yourself all on your own, dragging your feet into the dining area where you caught the small commotion of noise. You recognized the two idiots instantly, Victoria and Suho bickering between themselves as they set the table with a platter of food for one. You watched them push and shove at each other, huffing and carrying on which dish to present closer to the edge. You cleared your throat loud enough for them to hear, watching their heads pop up and eyes go wide with the sight of you. 
“Good morning!” Their voices rang in unison, smiles gracing their faces as they readied the table and ushered you to come sit down. You took a seat at the head of the table, eyeing the assortment of food laid out just for you. It was ten times more the amount you were used to, but Kyungsoo was the only one who limited your intake and kept an eye on your diet. The first thing you made a grab for were the biscuits, a lovely spread to the side of the stack of pancakes in front of you. You took a bite into the thick bread, the sound of your munching filling the room that had grown silent.  
“These biscuits.” You commented, tasting the fluffy bread in your mouth as both servants eyed you with expectancy. “Are bland.”
It was quiet for a moment until Victoria stuttered on a reply. “A-all it needs is a little honey!”
She quickly came to your side, hands reaching out for the sweet condiments in the middle of the table and set to work on buttering your bread. You dropped the biscuit down onto a napkin before picking at the fruit bowl, aiming for the fresh ripe strawberries that made your mouth water. 
“Where’s Kyungsoo?” 
“He’s out running errands for Mistress. He should be back no later than the evening.” Suho answered unhesitantly, still standing to the side with a goofy smile on his face. They must have planned for this since this morning, or maybe last night before you went to bed. Either way, it crept a few ideas into your head as you raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Should I have some fun then?”
Your idea of fun wasn’t all that bad. You just wanted to play a little prank on Kyungsoo, get him riled up to see the mess you created in the house when he came back home. It started with a food fight with the breakfast your servants prepared for you, taking it into as many parts of the house as you could as you laughed with joy. Victoria and Suho had no choice but to join you, enjoy the game together and forget about the impending doom when he was on his way home. You ended up ruining your attire for the day, leading into the dress up party as you created a fashion show in your own dressing room. Once again your servants had to participate, giving you a good laugh to see Suho in the different dresses you managed to fit on him. You made sure to take pictures of all three of you, something to show Kyungsoo so he could see what a fabulous time you had without him. 
Your fun was short-lived when a knock came at the door, followed by the familiar ring of your doorbell. You gave each other a look, no one expecting guests at all before Victoria hurried to go downstairs. You were quick to follow after her, racing down the stairs before slowing your steps as you got to the door. You stood behind Victoria with a curious look on your face, watching as she answered the door. A man neither of you recognized stood in the doorway with a bright smile, charming and quite handsome as he gave the both of you a bow. 
“Is Miss ___ in?” 
You brushed by Victoria before she could stutter an answer, crossing your arms before plastering a smile on your face. 
“Who’s searching for her?”
To your surprise he held out his hand, palm facing upwards as he asked for your hand to place a kiss on top of it. “I’m Kim Taehyun. Messenger of House Park. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, my lady.” 
You blinked at him, a slow smirk growing at the corner of your lips. “What brings you by?” 
“My lord wanted me to stop by on his behalf to present gifts and offer a partnership. I can explain our businesses in more detail if you have the time.” He answered, that smile on his face as his eyes gleamed with playfulness, urging you to take the bait. 
You hummed in amusement before you gripped his hand and pulled him inside. “Come. Victoria, fetch my gifts out of his carriage and ready the sitting area...and tell Suho to prepare snacks and tea.” 
Victoria’s unhesitant answer of a ‘yes mistress’ was all that was needed before she was hurrying outside to complete her task, letting you lead the guest to one of the fortunately clean rooms. You were well aware how uncommon it was for you to not have more servants in such a big mansion you resided in, and how it came off to others who would visit. It didn’t matter, and it played well into your game to see the reactions and responses you got out of them. So when you sat down with Taehyun, the switch in your head turned on to start the game. 
“Now, who do you work for?” you began, just as soon as Suho rolled in a platter of cookies and fresh brewed tea. 
Taehyun kept his eyes on yours, accepting the tea that was set in front of him on the coffee table. “Park Chanyeol. Owner of Park’s Trading and where constantly expanding to reach new heights and places. My master heard numerous stories and has kept a watchful eye on your company and is quite impressed with how large your company has grown since you’ve taken ownership. He wanted to form a partnership, which I guarantee will produce immense growth in not only sales but integrity. ”
You hummed in thought, seeing Suho bow in the corner of your eye before he left the room. “Why didn’t he come himself? Isn’t it rude to not introduce yourself formally to the person you so want to be partners with? Or is he shy?”
“On the contrary he’s known to make his acquaintances shy. That’s why he sent me to break the ice.” Taehyun chuckled, his playful response making you raise a brow as you smiled.
Taehyun took a bite of a cookie that was displayed out, humming at the sweet treat before thinking for a moment. “He has a way with his words, Mistress.” 
You gave a nod. “Hm. So do I.” 
You had made your decision right then and there, even as your guest continued to sell the offer to you and try to convince you to sign a contract he had brought with him on this new ‘partnership’. You finally brought it to an end with a glance at the clock and sighed. “As fun as it was listening to the absolute bullshit Mr. Kim, I have other fun matters to attend to. You can be on your way.” 
You would have laughed at the look on his face as you stood to your feet, stretching your limbs as you made a move to the door. 
“My servants will see you out and give you some of my own gifts to take home, and you can tell Mr. Park-”
A hand slammed on the door beside your head, making it slam shut before you could have it opened all the way. You breathed a sigh as you felt the cool, sharp edge of a knife on your neck threatening to sink in and draw blood. 
“I tried to be easy with you, ___.” 
“First name basis now, huh?” You mused with a giggle. The knife pushed deeper into your flesh, Taehyun’s mouth by your ear as he chuckled. “All you needed to do was sign the papers and make it easy. Now I might have to forge your signature while your body goes missing.” 
“Mmm, make me sell away my assets and property to expand yours? Good plan~” The obvious sarcasm earned a sting of pain on your skin, warm liquid spilling down your neck as you hissed softly. You felt hardness press against your backside, his arm snaking around your waist as he pulled your closer. 
“Maybe I should play with your body for a little bit before I take your head to Chanyeol.”  
“That sounds like fun.” you breathed, giggling with your tongue between your teeth. 
“Not only are you a spoiled brat, you're a psycho too. Maybe I should end your life now and put your servants out of misery-” Taehyun threatened before his words were cut off, watching you turn around in his arms as dead, cold eyes bore into his. 
“Do you really think you could kill me? You walk into my territory and think you are going to make out alive?”
He started to open his mouth to say something, only for it to hold open without a word coming out. His mouth had gone completely dry, the taste iron dripping down his throat and completely built up in his mouth. He coughed up blood, seeing the red stains on his hand as his eyes went wide in horror. His head shot to the door, watching it ease open with an eerie creak. Victoria stood in the doorway, a smile plastered on her face as she waved. 
“What the fuck did yoo do to me?” Taehyun managed to get out, his voice choked and hoarse.  
Victoria cocked her head to the side as her face dropped into feigned confusion. “You mean the poisoned sweets you called gifts to my mistress? That’s what we served you Mr. Kim.”
His eyes widened to the point they could bulge out their sockets, gaining an amused laugh from you before he turned his attention back to you. With a roar he aimed his knife to strike only for it to miss you as you dodged, letting Victoria handle the attacker. She restrained the knife out his hand with ease but he managed to get out of her hold, racing to the staircase with only the setting sun as his means of light. Taehyun didn’t make it to the top, finding himself falling along with pieces of cracked wood all the way down to the first floor. A glimpse of Suho at the top, smiling down at him as he fell confirmed the thought that he had been pushed, with unbelievable strength that managed to smash the stair railing off its hinges. 
His back collided with the marble floor, the last bit of stable air in his lungs escaping from him along with more blood. He cried in pain, his body aching all over as he urged himself to move, crawl on the floor if he needed to make it to the front door. He knew they were right behind him, the two frightful servants making their way down the staircase towards him. He found his feet onto the ground, pushing himself up and stumbling to the door before swinging it open. 
The worst sight of the night, the one he was warned never to cross with greeted him at the door, curious black eyes staring him down and stealing the regained breath in his body. Kyungsoo looked him up and down, standing firm in the doorway with an arch in his thick brow. 
Taehyun screamed and pushed with all his might, freeing himself from death inside the mansion and made a getaway down the dirt path. Kyungsoo watched the guest leave before turning his attention to you, having made it down the stairs as your other two servants disappeared from their own monster when he found out the state of the household. 
You smiled gleefully before skipping over to your butler. “Where have you been all day?” 
“Taking care of errands.” Kyungsoo answered, eyeing the wound on your neck where blood was still coming down from. “What have you been getting yourself into?” 
“Some fun. For once. And you just let it loose. Now what’s going to happen?” You questioned, keeping your eyes on his as he whipped out a handkerchief from his back pocket, pressing the white cloth against your neck and staining it red. 
“He won’t get too far.” Kyungsoo assured, pulling your body into his arms after kicking the door shut. He peeled the cloth back and tilted your head to the side carefully with fingers gripping your chin, right before he brought his mouth down and slowly licked. A soft moan escaped you as your eyelids fluttered close, already starting to feel your neck begin to heal.
“I took Kai off his leash.”
You smiled, a buzz in your body spreading all over at the thought of letting the screams of anguish be what it was to lull you to sleep. 
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promisesox · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 4 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your face scrunched underneath the imposing sunlight filtering in from the windows, letting out a tired sigh of annoyance. You thought maybe you could sneak in a few more minutes of sleep since Kyungsoo didn’t come to wake you, but the rising sun was filling in for his part of the job. You managed to open your eyes as you turned your body, waking yourself up from a deep sleep you were annoyed from ending. A groan escaped from your throat as you stretched your tired limbs with exertion underneath the thin sheet across your body. 
You sat up in bed with a smack of your lips and looked around, eyebrows furrowing when realization dawned on you. Everything in the room was still the same from last night before you went to bed. It was out of place for you since Kyungsoo would have laid out clothes and opened the curtains before you rose out of bed. You took a glance at the clock beside your bed on the nightstand, eyeing the two lines pointing in the direction of the time. It was only 8:50am, you could have gone back to sleep and go on until noon. You decided not to though, not when curiosity was eating at you wondering where you obedient butler could have gone. 
You managed to wash up and dress yourself all on your own, dragging your feet into the dining area where you caught the small commotion of noise. You recognized the two idiots instantly, Victoria and Suho bickering between themselves as they set the table with a platter of food for one. You watched them push and shove at each other, huffing and carrying on which dish to present closer to the edge. You cleared your throat loud enough for them to hear, watching their heads pop up and eyes go wide with the sight of you. 
“Good morning!” Their voices rang in unison, smiles gracing their faces as they readied the table and ushered you to come sit down. You took a seat at the head of the table, eyeing the assortment of food laid out just for you. It was ten times more the amount you were used to, but Kyungsoo was the only one who limited your intake and kept an eye on your diet. The first thing you made a grab for were the biscuits, a lovely spread to the side of the stack of pancakes in front of you. You took a bite into the thick bread, the sound of your munching filling the room that had grown silent.  
“These biscuits.” You commented, tasting the fluffy bread in your mouth as both servants eyed you with expectancy. “Are bland.”
It was quiet for a moment until Victoria stuttered on a reply. “A-all it needs is a little honey!”
She quickly came to your side, hands reaching out for the sweet condiments in the middle of the table and set to work on buttering your bread. You dropped the biscuit down onto a napkin before picking at the fruit bowl, aiming for the fresh ripe strawberries that made your mouth water. 
“Where’s Kyungsoo?” 
“He’s out running errands for Mistress. He should be back no later than the evening.” Suho answered unhesitantly, still standing to the side with a goofy smile on his face. They must have planned for this since this morning, or maybe last night before you went to bed. Either way, it crept a few ideas into your head as you raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Should I have some fun then?”
Your idea of fun wasn’t all that bad. You just wanted to play a little prank on Kyungsoo, get him riled up to see the mess you created in the house when he came back home. It started with a food fight with the breakfast your servants prepared for you, taking it into as many parts of the house as you could as you laughed with joy. Victoria and Suho had no choice but to join you, enjoy the game together and forget about the impending doom when he was on his way home. You ended up ruining your attire for the day, leading into the dress up party as you created a fashion show in your own dressing room. Once again your servants had to participate, giving you a good laugh to see Suho in the different dresses you managed to fit on him. You made sure to take pictures of all three of you, something to show Kyungsoo so he could see what a fabulous time you had without him. 
Your fun was short-lived when a knock came at the door, followed by the familiar ring of your doorbell. You gave each other a look, no one expecting guests at all before Victoria hurried to go downstairs. You were quick to follow after her, racing down the stairs before slowing your steps as you got to the door. You stood behind Victoria with a curious look on your face, watching as she answered the door. A man neither of you recognized stood in the doorway with a bright smile, charming and quite handsome as he gave the both of you a bow. 
“Is Miss ___ in?” 
You brushed by Victoria before she could stutter an answer, crossing your arms before plastering a smile on your face. 
“Who’s searching for her?”
To your surprise he held out his hand, palm facing upwards as he asked for your hand to place a kiss on top of it. “I’m Kim Taehyun. Messenger of House Park. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, my lady.” 
You blinked at him, a slow smirk growing at the corner of your lips. “What brings you by?” 
“My lord wanted me to stop by on his behalf to present gifts and offer a partnership. I can explain our businesses in more detail if you have the time.” He answered, that smile on his face as his eyes gleamed with playfulness, urging you to take the bait. 
You hummed in amusement before you gripped his hand and pulled him inside. “Come. Victoria, fetch my gifts out of his carriage and ready the sitting area...and tell Suho to prepare snacks and tea.” 
Victoria’s unhesitant answer of a ‘yes mistress’ was all that was needed before she was hurrying outside to complete her task, letting you lead the guest to one of the fortunately clean rooms. You were well aware how uncommon it was for you to not have more servants in such a big mansion you resided in, and how it came off to others who would visit. It didn’t matter, and it played well into your game to see the reactions and responses you got out of them. So when you sat down with Taehyun, the switch in your head turned on to start the game. 
“Now, who do you work for?” you began, just as soon as Suho rolled in a platter of cookies and fresh brewed tea. 
Taehyun kept his eyes on yours, accepting the tea that was set in front of him on the coffee table. “Park Chanyeol. Owner of Park’s Trading and where constantly expanding to reach new heights and places. My master heard numerous stories and has kept a watchful eye on your company and is quite impressed with how large your company has grown since you’ve taken ownership. He wanted to form a partnership, which I guarantee will produce immense growth in not only sales but integrity. ”
You hummed in thought, seeing Suho bow in the corner of your eye before he left the room. “Why didn’t he come himself? Isn’t it rude to not introduce yourself formally to the person you so want to be partners with? Or is he shy?”
“On the contrary he’s known to make his acquaintances shy. That’s why he sent me to break the ice.” Taehyun chuckled, his playful response making you raise a brow as you smiled.
Taehyun took a bite of a cookie that was displayed out, humming at the sweet treat before thinking for a moment. “He has a way with his words, Mistress.” 
You gave a nod. “Hm. So do I.” 
You had made your decision right then and there, even as your guest continued to sell the offer to you and try to convince you to sign a contract he had brought with him on this new ‘partnership’. You finally brought it to an end with a glance at the clock and sighed. “As fun as it was listening to the absolute bullshit Mr. Kim, I have other fun matters to attend to. You can be on your way.” 
You would have laughed at the look on his face as you stood to your feet, stretching your limbs as you made a move to the door. 
“My servants will see you out and give you some of my own gifts to take home, and you can tell Mr. Park-”
A hand slammed on the door beside your head, making it slam shut before you could have it opened all the way. You breathed a sigh as you felt the cool, sharp edge of a knife on your neck threatening to sink in and draw blood. 
“I tried to be easy with you, ___.” 
“First name basis now, huh?” You mused with a giggle. The knife pushed deeper into your flesh, Taehyun’s mouth by your ear as he chuckled. “All you needed to do was sign the papers and make it easy. Now I might have to forge your signature while your body goes missing.” 
“Mmm, make me sell away my assets and property to expand yours? Good plan~” The obvious sarcasm earned a sting of pain on your skin, warm liquid spilling down your neck as you hissed softly. You felt hardness press against your backside, his arm snaking around your waist as he pulled your closer. 
“Maybe I should play with your body for a little bit before I take your head to Chanyeol.”  
“That sounds like fun.” you breathed, giggling with your tongue between your teeth. 
“Not only are you a spoiled brat, you're a psycho too. Maybe I should end your life now and put your servants out of misery-” Taehyun threatened before his words were cut off, watching you turn around in his arms as dead, cold eyes bore into his. 
“Do you really think you could kill me? You walk into my territory and think you are going to make out alive?”
He started to open his mouth to say something, only for it to hold open without a word coming out. His mouth had gone completely dry, the taste iron dripping down his throat and completely built up in his mouth. He coughed up blood, seeing the red stains on his hand as his eyes went wide in horror. His head shot to the door, watching it ease open with an eerie creak. Victoria stood in the doorway, a smile plastered on her face as she waved. 
“What the fuck did yoo do to me?” Taehyun managed to get out, his voice choked and hoarse.  
Victoria cocked her head to the side as her face dropped into feigned confusion. “You mean the poisoned sweets you called gifts to my mistress? That’s what we served you Mr. Kim.”
His eyes widened to the point they could bulge out their sockets, gaining an amused laugh from you before he turned his attention back to you. With a roar he aimed his knife to strike only for it to miss you as you dodged, letting Victoria handle the attacker. She restrained the knife out his hand with ease but he managed to get out of her hold, racing to the staircase with only the setting sun as his means of light. Taehyun didn’t make it to the top, finding himself falling along with pieces of cracked wood all the way down to the first floor. A glimpse of Suho at the top, smiling down at him as he fell confirmed the thought that he had been pushed, with unbelievable strength that managed to smash the stair railing off its hinges. 
His back collided with the marble floor, the last bit of stable air in his lungs escaping from him along with more blood. He cried in pain, his body aching all over as he urged himself to move, crawl on the floor if he needed to make it to the front door. He knew they were right behind him, the two frightful servants making their way down the staircase towards him. He found his feet onto the ground, pushing himself up and stumbling to the door before swinging it open. 
The worst sight of the night, the one he was warned never to cross with greeted him at the door, curious black eyes staring him down and stealing the regained breath in his body. Kyungsoo looked him up and down, standing firm in the doorway with an arch in his thick brow. 
Taehyun screamed and pushed with all his might, freeing himself from death inside the mansion and made a getaway down the dirt path. Kyungsoo watched the guest leave before turning his attention to you, having made it down the stairs as your other two servants disappeared from their own monster when he found out the state of the household. 
You smiled gleefully before skipping over to your butler. “Where have you been all day?” 
“Taking care of errands.” Kyungsoo answered, eyeing the wound on your neck where blood was still coming down from. “What have you been getting yourself into?” 
“Some fun. For once. And you just let it loose. Now what’s going to happen?” You questioned, keeping your eyes on his as he whipped out a handkerchief from his back pocket, pressing the white cloth against your neck and staining it red. 
“He won’t get too far.” Kyungsoo assured, pulling your body into his arms after kicking the door shut. He peeled the cloth back and tilted your head to the side carefully with fingers gripping your chin, right before he brought his mouth down and slowly licked. A soft moan escaped you as your eyelids fluttered close, already starting to feel your neck begin to heal.
“I took Kai off his leash.”
You smiled, a buzz in your body spreading all over at the thought of letting the screams of anguish be what it was to lull you to sleep. 
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oxhaven · 4 years
blackbutler!kyungsoo ﻬ insomnia starters ﻬ “it’s nearly two in the morning, what are you doing up?” + “i work best at night.”  
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You tiptoed through the mansion like a ninja in the dark, in search of the bigger threat in the house. With every held breath you peeked your head in every room you thought he might be in only to find it dark and empty before you were on the prowl again.
You finally found him in the bookkeeping room, littered in flickering candle lights and his back turned to the door as your ears picked up the sound of a pen scribbling on paper. You bit down on your bottom lip and continued to hold your breath, stepping into the room silently with careful bare feet.
“It’s nearly two in the morning, what are you doing up?”
Kyungsoo’s back was still turned to you as he continued to write away and you released the breath you were holding onto with an exasperated sigh. You slumped your body in defeat and pouted, folding your arms and dragging your feet the rest of the way to go by his side.  
“I wanted to catch the moment of you actually dozing off and tease you about it.” 
“I am a demon. I don’t need sleep.” He replied cooley as you glared him down. You stared at his dark, focused eyes in the dim light available before traveling down his body and noticing his attire was much looser from the day prior. He had completely rid himself of his suit jacket and tie and let his white button down become...well unbuttoned. You got a nice peek of his tan skin underneath the material and could even make out the lines and ridges of what you confirmed to be abs. You let your eyes go down further, stopping at his tight slacks and maybe if you squinted a bit harder maybe just maybe you could make out a print-
You shook your head of the impure thoughts and cleared your throat. “What are you even doing up at this hour?”
“I work best at night.” Kyungsoo answered, finally shutting the book closed with a flick of his wrist and setting the pen down beside it on the counter. His head turned to you, unwavering eyes giving you his full attention as he stared you down. “I finished up all the laundry and cleaned dishes, planned out tomorrow’s menu and schedule, and picked out your outfits in your dressing room.” 
You scoffed in his face. “I can dress myself.”
“And that you will. With Victoria. But when you can’t decide on what to wear, you eventually go for my pick in the end.” 
Your mouth fell open, only a tiny bit as you caught the slightest hint of a smirk on his face. “Now shall I escort you back to bed?”
“I can’t sleep.” You answered, putting more work on him to solve the dilemma as you bounced around ideas on how to toture the butler in your head. You watched his eyebrow twitch before he took a step forward inside your personal bubble. You got a whiff of his familiar scent, pulling your lips in as you breathed him in. You refused to fall underneath his gaze, staring back at him as you felt the tickle of his fingers grazing along your bare arm.   
“Would you like some hot tea? Or maybe warm milk?” he asked low and sweet, your gaze wavering at the sound of his lulling voice. 
“Shall I read you a story to help put you to sleep? Or should I introduce you to some helpful remedies that could put your restless body into a deep slumber?” 
He had leaned in, his lips only an inch away from your own as he breathed out his questions for only you to hear. You prayed he didn’t hear the pounding of your heart against your chest, but you knew you were busted when he breathed out a chuckle and pulled back with clouded eyes.  
“Though you will wake up achy and sore by morning.”
You moved to take a step back, frustration in your voice as you stuttered out a smart reply over his suggestive comments. You couldn’t get away from him fast enough, strong arms locking you in place before you found yourself above the ground and wrapping your arms around his neck to steady yourself. He wore an amused grin, succeeding in making your face a beautiful shade of red that he took pleasure in before pressing a soft kiss against the inside of your arm.  
“I’ll put you to bed then, my little princess.”
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oxhaven · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 3 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your eyes trained on the words on the page through your rimmed glasses, emitting a yawn through your gaped mouth. It was a quiet morning as you spent it with a book in your reading room, nothing particular planned on your schedule for the day. It was smaller compared to the library, a sitting room with shelves of books surrounding your comfort chairs and single open window as you listened to the chirping of birds from outside. 
You flipped the page with slight curiosity as to what was to come next in the chapter, but your mind was still wandering to other ideas. 
You heard the scrambling shift of her feet against the floorboard behind you, her stuttering response answering you, “Yes!?”
“Tea.” you cooly commanded, eyes still glued to the page of the book in your hands. You could still see her from the corners of your eyes, hurriedly trying to pour a cup of tea for you while trying to be careful with the expensive porcelain that would indeed be difficult to replace. 
She managed to hand you your teacup successfully without making a mess, smiling to herself happily with arms outstretched to you as you dropped your book onto the table stand next to you. You took the cup with fingers holding onto the handle, letting the cool porcelain press against your lips before you took a sip. The earl grey had grown warm but you didn’t bother telling her, a matter more important to you on your mind. 
“Victoria, have you ever been to a party?”
Her eyes snapped with attention as she straightened up in front of you, hands clenching together as she hummed with thought. 
“Only when I was younger my mistress, that was a long time ago, years ago-”
“How would you like to attend one with me?”
You didn’t think her eyes could grow any wider, her mouth dropping open as she immediately refused, “I could never! I’m too shabby looking compared to you mistress, what would they think of a maid attending a party with my mistress-”
“Are you refusing me, Victoria?”
Her mouth shut instantly as she dropped her gaze, like a scolded puppy who didn’t know any better. You set your teacup aside before getting up from your seat, your eyes examining her from top to bottom as you circled around. 
“You would look amazing in some of the dresses I have.” you murmured mostly to yourself but the shift in her body didn’t go unnoticed. You glanced back up when you reached the front of her, a finger underneath her chin as you raised it up for her eyes to meet yours. You smiled adoringly, “I was invited to a party tonight, hosted by some promising partners who would be a valuable asset in the growth of my company. But you know how much I hate going to parties.” 
You moved from her feigning worry with a sigh. “If I must go, I’ll go, but Kyungsoo makes it so boring for me. Always making me speak to the other guests and building rapur.” 
You heard her open her mouth and stutter on a reply and you knew you got her, quickly returning back to her with a bright grin. “It would seem I might have some fun going with you Victoria. Call it, a girl’s night out?”
She was still stuttering over her words as your eyes bore into hers, not allowing her to break eye contact with you. You knew exactly how to break Victoria, but even more so on how to use her, which is why you knew she would never refuse you if you put her on the spot. And break she did, her uneasy gaze finally relenting into yours. 
“I would be honored to accompany you, my mistress.”
The ballroom hall was filled with glittering candlelights along the chandeliers hanging above the mass of people. They were all high class individuals, dressed to impress for the evening event celebrating the union of outstanding businesses with successful revenue. You believed it was all bullshit quite honestly, sipping lightly from the champagne glass as your eyes wandered about the hall. It was an excuse for rich people to get together and brag about their companies, family names, and overall wealth they acquired from overworking lower class people. You truly hated parties, but tonight was special. Tonight you didn’t have Kyungsoo to torment you into dancing or making ‘friends’ with the rats who only cared about having more money and popularity. You didn’t completely ignore the rodents though, keeping light conversation and earning a few points in getting invited to the next ladies brunch outing.
You wanted to hurry and wrap this night up all together, but there was something you planned to do if the moment arrived. That’s why a pleased smile formed on your face when you noticed her at the top of the marble staircase. 
Before Victoria became your maid she was known as a mysterious beauty across the nation. Not many people got the chance to witness her grace and charm but she was sure to leave them absolutely stunned. Now she belonged in your hands, living to abide and serve only you. 
She looked elegant in the black gown that initially belonged to you, making heads turn as she made her way down the steps. Her midnight black hair was slicked back falling down past her shoulder blades in gorgeous waves. Her makeup only accented her features more, with a red lip stain that was addictive to the eye. You applauded yourself silently with the fine work you’ve done, watching her make her way towards you in the sea of people with their attention on her. 
Of course she was stopped many times, astonished men not being able to help themselves wanting a dance with her. She rejected all except one, an older gentleman far out of his league that she permitted with a chasting smile. 
You scoffed to yourself at the way he rumbled with pride, courting her the whole night as he introduced her to his many acquaintances before they made their way through the room down to the hall that led to other private rooms. You continued to sip your champagne, enjoying the night through until you figured it was late enough. Kyungsoo must be missing you by now. 
It was a long walk down the dark hallway, hearing the sound of a record player and deep laughter of men the closer you got to the door. You didn’t bother to knock, turning the knob and pushing the door open with your fingers as the noise quieted down upon your entrance.  
You almost snorted, lips turning up in a sneer at the sight before you. “Uncle.”
The room was dark except for the few lighted candles that littered the tables, smoke hazing the room from the cigars each man had. You were able to spot Victoria in an obscene position, pushed against the table with hands all over her being pressured to take a drag from the cigar by the man you addressed. They were all taken back by your presence, removing themselves from Victoria as you leaned against the doorway with arms folded. “How are you? I see you’ve grown acquainted with my maid.”
Hushed murmurs and chuckles filled the room as your uncle stepped back from Victoria, taking a drag of the cigar he offered her before blowing the smoke out into the air. 
“My niece, it isn’t polite to address people you mistaken as. Now if I had known you were here I would have properly greeted you-”
“Don’t say things you don’t mean. Then again you do love to talk nonsense.” you cut him off, tsking to yourself as you stepped into the room and towards the group of men. “You’ve been going around boasting on about my company and how well it’s been doing which is true, but I don’t remember ever giving you a share of my profits.” 
The murmurs grew in volume, your uncle’s face falling by your words as you stepped in front of him. Your plan went exactly the way it should, putting your uncle in a corner he couldn’t get out of. You noticed some time ago that money was being withdrawn from your company’s bank account on numerous occasions, and the tellers all informed you that someone with your name was taking it out. 
“You’ve been going around with these claims of teaching me since I was young and taking me under your wing when my family unfortunately died in that accident. And excuse my terrible memory, Victoria what was he saying?”
“I let her have the rights to the company’s fortune so she feels as if she’s accomplished her parents wishes.” Victoria repeated the words from memory of only a few moments ago before you arrived. You turned your attention back to your uncle who seemed to be at a loss for words, stumbling over his speech as you sighed. 
“Everything that I built over time is in my name, and you dare go around spewing these jokes on how you mentored me? Please.” You stepped away and circled back towards the door, the horrible scent of the cigar getting to you.  
“Let me formally introduce myself. I am ___, owner of Herbal Pharmaceuticals, the number one leading pharmacy in the country, and probably the reason keeping you old jackases alive.”
Only silence answered back as you noticed a few heads turn, ashamed to keep your gaze. Only your Uncle stood with rage in his eyes as he cackled with a gruff tone, “Shouldn’t you show more respect to your elders, dear?”
“Shouldn’t you show more respect to the richest in the room?” You challenged calmly, raising an eyebrow as you watched his face fall once more. “You’ve been stealing money from your poor little niece and stole my spotlight for some time now, Unc. And you along with the men in this room also conspired the death of my parents, jealousy over inheritance.”
His face was grim when you uttered the truth, his mouth falling open as he breathed, “Preposterous, there’s no evidence to prove that-”
“Kill them.”
Victoria’s movements were swift; the gleam of a knife swinging from a pocket attached to her leg and inserting into the neck of a victim closest to her. He made a gargled noise before blood pooled from his mouth and neck; Victoria made quick work of pulling the other hidden knife to slice another.
The screams began in that small room, a sinister smile on Victoria’s face as she began the killings.  
“Prove to whom? I know what you did.” you muttered mostly to yourself, taking one last look at the sight unfolding before you turned on your heel to leave.  
Your uncle backed away in disbelief, watching the slaughter being committed as he watched his colleagues fall one by one. His head spun in your direction, quickly racing to grab your arm. “Wait, you can’t do this to your own family!”
He heard something fall to the ground with a thud as he paused, watching you turn back to him with your attention aimed at the ground. He immediately felt the rush of nausea, his body trembling as he peered down to make out his forearm lying on the ground in a clean slice. 
His head came back up, widened eyes staring at you in horror as you stared at him questioningly. 
“What are you talking about? I never had one to begin with.”
Victoria was a mystery to the nation, showing up at coincidental occurrences of when an elite official would be pronounced dead. Other than being horrible at house chores, she was amazing when it came to drug usage, and an expert in weaponry. You were able to trust that they wouldn’t make it out that room by the time you left the party. 
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promisesox · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 3 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your eyes trained on the words on the page through your rimmed glasses, emitting a yawn through your gaped mouth. It was a quiet morning as you spent it with a book in your reading room, nothing particular planned on your schedule for the day. It was smaller compared to the library, a sitting room with shelves of books surrounding your comfort chairs and single open window as you listened to the chirping of birds from outside. 
You flipped the page with slight curiosity as to what was to come next in the chapter, but your mind was still wandering to other ideas. 
You heard the scrambling shift of her feet against the floorboard behind you, her stuttering response answering you, “Yes!?”
“Tea.” you cooly commanded, eyes still glued to the page of the book in your hands. You could still see her from the corners of your eyes, hurriedly trying to pour a cup of tea for you while trying to be careful with the expensive porcelain that would indeed be difficult to replace. 
She managed to hand you your teacup successfully without making a mess, smiling to herself happily with arms outstretched to you as you dropped your book onto the table stand next to you. You took the cup with fingers holding onto the handle, letting the cool porcelain press against your lips before you took a sip. The earl grey had grown warm but you didn’t bother telling her, a matter more important to you on your mind. 
“Victoria, have you ever been to a party?”
Her eyes snapped with attention as she straightened up in front of you, hands clenching together as she hummed with thought. 
“Only when I was younger my mistress, that was a long time ago, years ago-”
“How would you like to attend one with me?”
You didn’t think her eyes could grow any wider, her mouth dropping open as she immediately refused, “I could never! I’m too shabby looking compared to you mistress, what would they think of a maid attending a party with my mistress-”
“Are you refusing me, Victoria?”
Her mouth shut instantly as she dropped her gaze, like a scolded puppy who didn’t know any better. You set your teacup aside before getting up from your seat, your eyes examining her from top to bottom as you circled around. 
“You would look amazing in some of the dresses I have.” you murmured mostly to yourself but the shift in her body didn’t go unnoticed. You glanced back up when you reached the front of her, a finger underneath her chin as you raised it up for her eyes to meet yours. You smiled adoringly, “I was invited to a party tonight, hosted by some promising partners who would be a valuable asset in the growth of my company. But you know how much I hate going to parties.” 
You moved from her feigning worry with a sigh. “If I must go, I’ll go, but Kyungsoo makes it so boring for me. Always making me speak to the other guests and building rapur.” 
You heard her open her mouth and stutter on a reply and you knew you got her, quickly returning back to her with a bright grin. “It would seem I might have some fun going with you Victoria. Call it, a girl’s night out?”
She was still stuttering over her words as your eyes bore into hers, not allowing her to break eye contact with you. You knew exactly how to break Victoria, but even more so on how to use her, which is why you knew she would never refuse you if you put her on the spot. And break she did, her uneasy gaze finally relenting into yours. 
“I would be honored to accompany you, my mistress.”
The ballroom hall was filled with glittering candlelights along the chandeliers hanging above the mass of people. They were all high class individuals, dressed to impress for the evening event celebrating the union of outstanding businesses with successful revenue. You believed it was all bullshit quite honestly, sipping lightly from the champagne glass as your eyes wandered about the hall. It was an excuse for rich people to get together and brag about their companies, family names, and overall wealth they acquired from overworking lower class people. You truly hated parties, but tonight was special. Tonight you didn’t have Kyungsoo to torment you into dancing or making ‘friends’ with the rats who only cared about having more money and popularity. You didn’t completely ignore the rodents though, keeping light conversation and earning a few points in getting invited to the next ladies brunch outing.
You wanted to hurry and wrap this night up all together, but there was something you planned to do if the moment arrived. That’s why a pleased smile formed on your face when you noticed her at the top of the marble staircase. 
Before Victoria became your maid she was known as a mysterious beauty across the nation. Not many people got the chance to witness her grace and charm but she was sure to leave them absolutely stunned. Now she belonged in your hands, living to abide and serve only you. 
She looked elegant in the black gown that initially belonged to you, making heads turn as she made her way down the steps. Her midnight black hair was slicked back falling down past her shoulder blades in gorgeous waves. Her makeup only accented her features more, with a red lip stain that was addictive to the eye. You applauded yourself silently with the fine work you’ve done, watching her make her way towards you in the sea of people with their attention on her. 
Of course she was stopped many times, astonished men not being able to help themselves wanting a dance with her. She rejected all except one, an older gentleman far out of his league that she permitted with a chasting smile. 
You scoffed to yourself at the way he rumbled with pride, courting her the whole night as he introduced her to his many acquaintances before they made their way through the room down to the hall that led to other private rooms. You continued to sip your champagne, enjoying the night through until you figured it was late enough. Kyungsoo must be missing you by now. 
It was a long walk down the dark hallway, hearing the sound of a record player and deep laughter of men the closer you got to the door. You didn’t bother to knock, turning the knob and pushing the door open with your fingers as the noise quieted down upon your entrance.  
You almost snorted, lips turning up in a sneer at the sight before you. “Uncle.”
The room was dark except for the few lighted candles that littered the tables, smoke hazing the room from the cigars each man had. You were able to spot Victoria in an obscene position, pushed against the table with hands all over her being pressured to take a drag from the cigar by the man you addressed. They were all taken back by your presence, removing themselves from Victoria as you leaned against the doorway with arms folded. “How are you? I see you’ve grown acquainted with my maid.”
Hushed murmurs and chuckles filled the room as your uncle stepped back from Victoria, taking a drag of the cigar he offered her before blowing the smoke out into the air. 
“My niece, it isn’t polite to address people you mistaken as. Now if I had known you were here I would have properly greeted you-”
“Don’t say things you don’t mean. Then again you do love to talk nonsense.” you cut him off, tsking to yourself as you stepped into the room and towards the group of men. “You’ve been going around boasting on about my company and how well it’s been doing which is true, but I don’t remember ever giving you a share of my profits.” 
The murmurs grew in volume, your uncle’s face falling by your words as you stepped in front of him. Your plan went exactly the way it should, putting your uncle in a corner he couldn’t get out of. You noticed some time ago that money was being withdrawn from your company’s bank account on numerous occasions, and the tellers all informed you that someone with your name was taking it out. 
“You’ve been going around with these claims of teaching me since I was young and taking me under your wing when my family unfortunately died in that accident. And excuse my terrible memory, Victoria what was he saying?”
“I let her have the rights to the company’s fortune so she feels as if she’s accomplished her parents wishes.” Victoria repeated the words from memory of only a few moments ago before you arrived. You turned your attention back to your uncle who seemed to be at a loss for words, stumbling over his speech as you sighed. 
“Everything that I built over time is in my name, and you dare go around spewing these jokes on how you mentored me? Please.” You stepped away and circled back towards the door, the horrible scent of the cigar getting to you.  
“Let me formally introduce myself. I am ___, owner of Herbal Pharmaceuticals, the number one leading pharmacy in the country, and probably the reason keeping you old jackases alive.”
Only silence answered back as you noticed a few heads turn, ashamed to keep your gaze. Only your Uncle stood with rage in his eyes as he cackled with a gruff tone, “Shouldn’t you show more respect to your elders, dear?”
“Shouldn’t you show more respect to the richest in the room?” You challenged calmly, raising an eyebrow as you watched his face fall once more. “You’ve been stealing money from your poor little niece and stole my spotlight for some time now, Unc. And you along with the men in this room also conspired the death of my parents, jealousy over inheritance.”
His face was grim when you uttered the truth, his mouth falling open as he breathed, “Preposterous, there’s no evidence to prove that-”
“Kill them.”
Victoria’s movements were swift; the gleam of a knife swinging from a pocket attached to her leg and inserting into the neck of a victim closest to her. He made a gargled noise before blood pooled from his mouth and neck; Victoria made quick work of pulling the other hidden knife to slice another.
The screams began in that small room, a sinister smile on Victoria’s face as she began the killings.  
“Prove to whom? I know what you did.” you muttered mostly to yourself, taking one last look at the sight unfolding before you turned on your heel to leave.  
Your uncle backed away in disbelief, watching the slaughter being committed as he watched his colleagues fall one by one. His head spun in your direction, quickly racing to grab your arm. “Wait, you can’t do this to your own family!”
He heard something fall to the ground with a thud as he paused, watching you turn back to him with your attention aimed at the ground. He immediately felt the rush of nausea, his body trembling as he peered down to make out his forearm lying on the ground in a clean slice. 
His head came back up, widened eyes staring at you in horror as you stared at him questioningly. 
“What are you talking about? I never had one to begin with.”
Victoria was a mystery to the nation, showing up at coincidental occurrences of when an elite official would be pronounced dead. Other than being horrible at house chores, she was amazing when it came to drug usage, and an expert in weaponry. You were able to trust that they wouldn’t make it out that room by the time you left the party. 
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oxhaven · 4 years
sdhshdaj thank you so much! quite honestly i’ve been neglecting the story so ima need to bring him back huh?
ayo bbk they need you out here!!
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3 notes · View notes
oxhaven · 4 years
literally in love with blackbutler kyungsoo, your writing is excellent. the main character gives me “go moonyoung” vibes for some reason ahhh, cant wait for the next update! do you have a tag list yet? if yes, i’d love to be on it.
from it’s okay not to be okay???? 
ya know i never thought of her or compared but i can see the similarities on how i write her now. 
and yes i’m doing tag lists for all of my stories! i’ll definitely add you in when i post the next update. thank you thank you so much for supporting and keeping up with the story 
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promisesox · 7 years
Engraved Stigma pt.2 (blackbutler!au)
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The smell of warm vanilla filled the bathroom from the dimly lit candles that flittered the room. The moon offered a tiny a bit of light through the closed window above the bathtub you were in, soaking in the water with dark rose petals floating along.
It had been a long day, dealing with a marriage proposal and faking kind amusement with old women who were married to powerful men. You didn’t like people, much less having their company, so you needed time like this to relax and take in the pleasure of your growing power.
He came in without a sound but you knew when he was next to you, because you always thought of him before he would appear beside you. When you opened your eyes and turned your head to the side you proved your assumption right as his dark eyes stared back down at you. The dim, flicking lights gave you the sight of Kyungsoo, his black shirt tucked into his black slacks. Your eyes lingered at the top where three buttons where unbuttoned on his shirt and gave you a peek of his collarbone and teasing chest. 
You laid your head back once more over the edge of the tub and closed your eyes. “Report.”
“I made sure all the ladies left with gift baskets as thanks and cleaned up the sitting room from this afternoon.” Kyungsoo’s unhesitant answer came. “Suho is preparing your dinner and Victoria is doing the late night cleaning before retiring for the night.”
You made a noise of annoyance as your eyebrows furrowed over your closed eyes. “I suspect those women are going to want to come over again for tea.”
“Even more so they will be telling their husbands about your superb courtesy, which will probably have them look into you which gives you the chance to get closer to the senate.”
You sighed, knowing Kyungsoo was probably right as always. “Yes, getting closer to dirty old men is highly ideal.”
“The faster you do, the faster to finding the answers you seek.”
Your eyes opened at that, turning your head to the side and looking at the demon staring down at you. This little game you played was like a game of chess. Kyungsoo was a demon, all you had to do was order him to find the people who humiliated and put you on the verge of death and have them suffer the same fate. Kyungsoo was capable of doing that, but that would take the fun out of the game. That would take your pride away from you from finding them yourself and making them pay with your own hands.
The contract you formed with this demon was to help have your revenge, and he could have your soul. If Kyungsoo wanted to, he could have completed the job easily enough and have your soul by now. But as you stared up into the dark iris of his eyes, you always we were reminded on why he was so patient.
“As time passes your soul falls silently into darkness as revenge clouds your mind, and that makes it all the more sweeter.”
The sudden smirk on his face almost made you flinch as you blinked back at him. You couldn’t stand the way your body reacted to him with fear. You knew what you had gotten yourself into, but your life was still yours. You promised yourself you wouldn’t let another person have control over you and as the contract stated he was your servant until your request was complete. You controlled the reigns.
“Kiss me.”
Unhesitant he was, immediately obeying your command without a word. You didn’t let it take you by surprise, lifting your head up to take lead as you deepened the kiss in the difficult position. He let his hands drop on the edge of the tub with your head between his arms, hungrily kissing your lips as he pushed you back into submission.
You held back the growl in your throat, not liking the switch in power. Your body couldn’t keep still in the water, wanting to be touched as you raised your arms up to come around and run your fingers through Kyungsoo’s hair.
You all but gasped for air when his teeth tugged at your bottom lip before kissing down to your chin. You tugged at his hair when his lips found your neck, masking your moan with a noise of annoyance when he added his tongue into the mix.
“I know what you want.” He rasped against your neck, his hand slipping down the tub and into the water as it creeped along your wet body.
“I didn’t command you to do it though.” You gasped as his hand took a firm grasp of your breast making you arch you back into his hold.
“So why is your body reacting like this?” he teased with blank tone but the slight rasp in his voice made you shiver.
You were never a one to back down as you jabbed, “I always wondered if a demon can get hard.”
“You want to find out?”
Your eyes widened a bit in wonderment as he leaned up to see you face to face. You made a frown before sitting up, Kyungsoo quickly backing away so you wouldn’t bump heads. You held onto the edge of the tub as you stood up, Kyungsoo already holding up a waiting towel as you stepped out of the bathwater and onto the dry rug.  
Your body was on the verge of sleep when you climbed into bed, the soft sheets feeling wonderful against your bare skin as you settled into a comfortable position underneath the covers. Kyungsoo beside you as always, helped tuck you into bed as your head rested against the pillows.
Suho made you an appetizing dinner, sparing him a compliment of delicious food before sending him off to bed. You servants lived by a schedule in the comfort of your home and made sure it was kept in order. Suho and Victoria did most of the cleaning and cooking, following the orders of Kyungsoo who directed their every move. Unbeknown to them that Kyungsoo was a demon, they both highly respected him who could do both their jobs faster and better. As top servant of the house he handled most of commanding as you focused on your own work.
Kai on the other hand, is more like a guard dog for amusement sake. Kai is a full-bred werewolf, preferring to be known as serving Kyungsoo than serving you. Kyungsoo had found him when he was looking for people to serve under you at your new estate, deciding that he would be useful enough to bring along. Werewolves usually ran in packs but Kai was all alone when he met Kyungsoo, promising to stay by his side and almost regretting it when Kyungsoo brought him to you. Kai didn’t like you very much, and you were having immense fun watching him keep his hunger and attitude in check when you toyed with him.  
Your body melted into bed as you sighed in bliss with heavy eyelids falling. “Sleep well, ___.” Kyungsoo bid quietly shutting off the light as darkness encompassed the room.  
Your command sliced through the dark to Kyungsoo, pulling his hand away from the doorknob and walking towards your bedside.
You window gave way to a bit of moonlight and let you see Kyungsoo stand above you. You pushed aside the covers and looked up at him with soft eyes. “Hold me until I fall asleep.”
“Of course.” You heard shoes tap against the floor before he was climbing in bed with you, scooting away a bit to make room for him. He settled underneath the covers with you, pulling you close to his body before closing his eyes.
You faced him with your eyes scanning over his face, a smile tugging at your lips as you let your fingers come up and smooth over his soft features. “You don’t sleep, Kyungsoo.”
“Would you like me to keep my eyes open?”
Demons didn’t need sleep but he was looking out for you so it could seem all the more natural to lay in bed with you. You let out a snicker before dropping your hand and letting your eyes close before snuggling closer to his chest. You knew he would leave you when you fell asleep, you knew it was foolish to even think this demon had an ounce of feeling.
You had to know that, so you wouldn’t fall for him.  
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promisesox · 7 years
Engraved Stigma (blackbutler!au)
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You heard the sound of the door opening but you still kept your eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. Your heard shoes clap against the hardwood floor, walking past your bed over to the other side but your eyes remained closed, keeping your breaths steady and even. Your ears listened to the sound of the curtains being pulled back, feeling sunlight more promptly against your eyelids but they didn’t even flinch open.
“Shall I go along with you playing like you’re still asleep or would you like me to tell you what your schedule is today?”
You slowly peeked one eye open before opening the other as sunlight blinded your vision before adjusting to the sight in front of you. He stood beside the window across from your bed, straight and postured while being donned in his regular all black attire for the day.
Kyungsoo, your servant and guardian was a demon.
Dating back years ago when he first found you in your most miserable state. In the lonely, small cage, your body beaten and bruised as you felt your life slowly slip away. The fear you once felt, when you were praying to God to let you out of this was gone along with your faith in him. It was all replaced with anger and hatred that consumed you with every passing moment. Brewing inside you was something you’ve never experienced before, as if the old you who was slowly dying from being consumed in this darkness brought about the monster who was ready to erupt.
It rung out in the silence, unable to be heard by your captors and regular human ears, it called to him. So Kyungsoo came reaching out his hand for you to take, an agreement sealed by the both of you and a promise to bring revenge on the ones who put you in this state.
Only a demon could feed that hunger of yours.
You sat up in bed with a stretch feeling the cool air hit your skin when the silk sheets fell from your body. You pushed out your chest and rolled your head back, letting Kyungsoo have a full view of your breast in your black bralette. With your head leaning on your shoulder, you peeked your eyes open to see Kyungsoo’s locked onto yours.
Flipping the sheets off of you, your feet landed on the cool wood floor as you stood up and stretched again. You could see it even if it was impossible to notice; his hungry eyes drinking you in as they shun in deep brown, hiding away the blood red they naturally were.
“Bath or shower?” you asked, cocking your head to the side with an amused smirk.
“That is your choice, but I know you enjoy showers in the morning ___.”
In the contract that bounded the both of you together, Kyungsoo was to serve you to the very fullest and answer to all of your commands. Much like a servant who’s supposed to address their master as such, you preferred Kyungsoo to use your name but you almost regretted it during the moments you felt like teasing him.
You walked into the bathroom connected to your bedroom, the all-white interior greeting you in the morning. You leaned against the sink counter, looking at yourself in the wide-length mirror as you ruffled up your hair a bit. Your gray shorts hung low on your waist as your breast was on full display in the black bralette. You turned the faucet on, feeling the hot water against your fingers before you reached over for you toothbrush.
You watched Kyungsoo in the mirror as he came into the bathroom heading straight for the closet. He took out a white towel and facecloth, setting them along the rack before pressing a few buttons on the shower control making the shower head turn on behind the glass doors.
He stood by the doors, watching you brush your teeth at the sink as you stared back at him. You rinsed your toothbrush under the faucet before flashing him a pasty smile, getting no reaction back as always.
After rinsing out your mouth you turned to face Kyungsoo, unable to hold back the smirk creeping on your lips. You walked over to him as your fingers reached for the bottom edge of your bra before pulling it over your head, letting Kyungsoo have a full view of your breast. His eyes were still on yours as fingertips danced around the waistline of your shorts before you pushed them down your legs. 
You stood in front of him just an inch away, your eyes burning into his before they snapped down to his lips, curling into a smirk as he raised an eyebrow down at you.
“Are you teasing me right now?”
You cursed the skip of your heartbeat when you reacted to him like this. Kyungsoo was usually unresponsive, only getting the job done like he was supposed to. So when he responded to your teasing antics like this, you knew all too well he was more than capable to make your body respond to him.
You shrugged your shoulders before reaching for the facecloth on the golden rack behind him. “You should know.”
You went to get in the shower, but the cold hand on your wrist made you freeze in place, not being able to help the yelp you let out as you were turned right back around to face Kyungsoo staring you down with those brown eyes.
“And you should know that teasing me won’t get you anywhere.”
Just like every moment like this you shared, time seeming to stop. His whispering, dark tone, his eyes flashing a bright red for only a quick moment for you to notice, he uttered the words that made your skin crawl every time he said it.
“I’m patiently waiting until the end,” Kyungsoo uttered, “And I’m going to love, eating you alive.”
You walked down the wide staircase, the only sound is your heels clapping against the floor. At the very bottom, standing diligently and proud were your three servants that helped serve you and maintain the household.
“Good morning Mistress!”
They addressed you as such, smiles beaming at your from Suho and Victoria. Kai on the other hand remained with his expressionless face. But as you reached the bottom standing in front of him, you knew his eyes always spoke for him. A kiss underneath his jaw and you saw his eyes lit up with a flash of red as they bore down into yours. An amused smirk and wink his way before you greeted your servants back and walked your way into the dining room with Kyungsoo following silently behind.
“What’s the schedule for today?” you asked aloud, sitting yourself down at your way too long dining table with hot breakfast served and ready for you.
“A messenger from the Lee estate is coming over this afternoon in talks of a marriage proposal.” Kyungsoo began, standing beside your chair with arms crossed behind his back.
“Another thirsty bastard after me.” You sighed, digging in to the different dishes to put on your plate. Blueberry pancakes put a small smile on your face as you added some other fruit on top from the fruit bowl before drenching it in maple syrup. 
“Afterwards you have the tea party here with Ms. Kang and the ladies-”
“Why?” you questioned loudly with a muffled, annoyed tone with pancake stuffed in your mouth.
“In order to be on good terms with the wives of the men running the senate.” Kyungsoo answered.
You said no more after that, enjoying the rest of your breakfast until you were full. You got up from your seat, throwing the napkin on the table before standing in front of your loyal servant.
“There’s really no point in all this,” you sighed in his face, cocking your head to the side. “If you’re just going to kill them for me anyways.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, the only answer you needed as you smiled with a giggle before turning from him and walking out to take care of your business for the day. You knew he was following behind you of course, knowing he was going to do anything you ordered him to.
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oxhaven · 7 years
Engraved Stigma pt.2 (blackbutler!kyungsoo)
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The smell of warm vanilla filled the bathroom from the dimly lit candles that flittered the room. The moon offered a tiny a bit of light through the closed window above the bathtub you were in, soaking in the water with dark rose petals floating along.
It had been a long day, dealing with a marriage proposal and faking kind amusement with old women who were married to powerful men. You didn’t like people, much less having their company, so you needed time like this to relax and take in the pleasure of your growing power.
He came in without a sound but you knew when he was next to you, because you always thought of him before he would appear beside you. When you opened your eyes and turned your head to the side you proved your assumption right as his dark eyes stared back down at you. The dim, flicking lights gave you the sight of Kyungsoo, his black shirt tucked into his black slacks. Your eyes lingered at the top where three buttons where unbuttoned on his shirt and gave you a peek of his collarbone and teasing chest. 
You laid your head back once more over the edge of the tub and closed your eyes. “Report.”
“I made sure all the ladies left with gift baskets as thanks and cleaned up the sitting room from this afternoon.” Kyungsoo’s unhesitant answer came. “Suho is preparing your dinner and Victoria is doing the late night cleaning before retiring for the night.”
You made a noise of annoyance as your eyebrows furrowed over your closed eyes. “I suspect those women are going to want to come over again for tea.”
“Even more so they will be telling their husbands about your superb courtesy, which will probably have them look into you which gives you the chance to get closer to the senate.”
You sighed, knowing Kyungsoo was probably right as always. “Yes, getting closer to dirty old men is highly ideal.”
“The faster you do, the faster to finding the answers you seek.”
Your eyes opened at that, turning your head to the side and looking at the demon staring down at you. This little game you played was like a game of chess. Kyungsoo was a demon, all you had to do was order him to find the people who humiliated and put you on the verge of death and have them suffer the same fate. Kyungsoo was capable of doing that, but that would take the fun out of the game. That would take your pride away from you from finding them yourself and making them pay with your own hands.
The contract you formed with this demon was to help have your revenge, and he could have your soul. If Kyungsoo wanted to, he could have completed the job easily enough and have your soul by now. But as you stared up into the dark iris of his eyes, you always we were reminded on why he was so patient.
“As time passes your soul falls silently into darkness as revenge clouds your mind, and that makes it all the more sweeter.”
The sudden smirk on his face almost made you flinch as you blinked back at him. You couldn’t stand the way your body reacted to him with fear. You knew what you had gotten yourself into, but your life was still yours. You promised yourself you wouldn’t let another person have control over you and as the contract stated he was your servant until your request was complete. You controlled the reigns.
“Kiss me.”
Unhesitant he was, immediately obeying your command without a word. You didn’t let it take you by surprise, lifting your head up to take lead as you deepened the kiss in the difficult position. He let his hands drop on the edge of the tub with your head between his arms, hungrily kissing your lips as he pushed you back into submission.
You held back the growl in your throat, not liking the switch in power. Your body couldn’t keep still in the water, wanting to be touched as you raised your arms up to come around and run your fingers through Kyungsoo’s hair.
You all but gasped for air when his teeth tugged at your bottom lip before kissing down to your chin. You tugged at his hair when his lips found your neck, masking your moan with a noise of annoyance when he added his tongue into the mix.
“I know what you want.” He rasped against your neck, his hand slipping down the tub and into the water as it creeped along your wet body.
“I didn’t command you to do it though.” You gasped as his hand took a firm grasp of your breast making you arch you back into his hold.
“So why is your body reacting like this?” he teased with blank tone but the slight rasp in his voice made you shiver.
You were never a one to back down as you jabbed, “I always wondered if a demon can get hard.”
“You want to find out?”
Your eyes widened a bit in wonderment as he leaned up to see you face to face. You made a frown before sitting up, Kyungsoo quickly backing away so you wouldn’t bump heads. You held onto the edge of the tub as you stood up, Kyungsoo already holding up a waiting towel as you stepped out of the bathwater and onto the dry rug.  
Your body was on the verge of sleep when you climbed into bed, the soft sheets feeling wonderful against your bare skin as you settled into a comfortable position underneath the covers. Kyungsoo beside you as always, helped tuck you into bed as your head rested against the pillows.
Suho made you an appetizing dinner, sparing him a compliment of delicious food before sending him off to bed. You servants lived by a schedule in the comfort of your home and made sure it was kept in order. Suho and Victoria did most of the cleaning and cooking, following the orders of Kyungsoo who directed their every move. Unbeknown to them that Kyungsoo was a demon, they both highly respected him who could do both their jobs faster and better. As top servant of the house he handled most of commanding as you focused on your own work.
Kai on the other hand, is more like a guard dog for amusement sake. Kai is a full-bred werewolf, preferring to be known as serving Kyungsoo than serving you. Kyungsoo had found him when he was looking for people to serve under you at your new estate, deciding that he would be useful enough to bring along. Werewolves usually ran in packs but Kai was all alone when he met Kyungsoo, promising to stay by his side and almost regretting it when Kyungsoo brought him to you. Kai didn’t like you very much, and you were having immense fun watching him keep his hunger and attitude in check when you toyed with him.  
Your body melted into bed as you sighed in bliss with heavy eyelids falling. “Sleep well, ___.” Kyungsoo bid quietly shutting off the light as darkness encompassed the room.  
Your command sliced through the dark to Kyungsoo, pulling his hand away from the doorknob and walking towards your bedside.
You window gave way to a bit of moonlight and let you see Kyungsoo stand above you. You pushed aside the covers and looked up at him with soft eyes. “Hold me until I fall asleep.”
“Of course.” You heard shoes tap against the floor before he was climbing in bed with you, scooting away a bit to make room for him. He settled underneath the covers with you, pulling you close to his body before closing his eyes.
You faced him with your eyes scanning over his face, a smile tugging at your lips as you let your fingers come up and smooth over his soft features. “You don’t sleep, Kyungsoo.”
“Would you like me to keep my eyes open?”
Demons didn’t need sleep but he was looking out for you so it could seem all the more natural to lay in bed with you. You let out a snicker before dropping your hand and letting your eyes close before snuggling closer to his chest. You knew he would leave you when you fell asleep, you knew it was foolish to even think this demon had an ounce of feeling.
You had to know that, so you wouldn’t fall for him.  
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oxhaven · 7 years
Engraved Stigma (blackbutler!kyungsoo)
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You heard the sound of the door opening but you still kept your eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. Your heard shoes clap against the hardwood floor, walking past your bed over to the other side but your eyes remained closed, keeping your breaths steady and even. Your ears listened to the sound of the curtains being pulled back, feeling sunlight more promptly against your eyelids but they didn’t even flinch open.
“Shall I go along with you playing like you’re still asleep or would you like me to tell you what your schedule is today?”
You slowly peeked one eye open before opening the other as sunlight blinded your vision before adjusting to the sight in front of you. He stood beside the window across from your bed, straight and postured while being donned in his regular all black attire for the day.
Kyungsoo, your servant and guardian was a demon.
Dating back years ago when he first found you in your most miserable state. In the lonely, small cage, your body beaten and bruised as you felt your life slowly slip away. The fear you once felt, when you were praying to God to let you out of this was gone along with your faith in him. It was all replaced with anger and hatred that consumed you with every passing moment. Brewing inside you was something you’ve never experienced before, as if the old you who was slowly dying from being consumed in this darkness brought about the monster who was ready to erupt.
It rung out in the silence, unable to be heard by your captors and regular human ears, it called to him. So Kyungsoo came reaching out his hand for you to take, an agreement sealed by the both of you and a promise to bring revenge on the ones who put you in this state.
Only a demon could feed that hunger of yours.
You sat up in bed with a stretch feeling the cool air hit your skin when the silk sheets fell from your body. You pushed out your chest and rolled your head back, letting Kyungsoo have a full view of your breast in your black bralette. With your head leaning on your shoulder, you peeked your eyes open to see Kyungsoo’s locked onto yours. 
Flipping the sheets off of you, your feet landed on the cool wood floor as you stood up and stretched again. You could see it even if it was impossible to notice; his hungry eyes drinking you in as they shun in deep brown, hiding away the blood red they naturally were.
“Bath or shower?” you asked, cocking your head to the side with an amused smirk.
“That is your choice, but I know you enjoy showers in the morning ___.”
In the contract that bounded the both of you together, Kyungsoo was to serve you to the very fullest and answer to all of your commands. Much like a servant who’s supposed to address their master as such, you preferred Kyungsoo to use your name but you almost regretted it during the moments you felt like teasing him.
You walked into the bathroom connected to your bedroom, the all-white interior greeting you in the morning. You leaned against the sink counter, looking at yourself in the wide-length mirror as you ruffled up your hair a bit. Your gray shorts hung low on your waist as your breast was on full display in the black bralette. You turned the faucet on, feeling the hot water against your fingers before you reached over for you toothbrush.
You watched Kyungsoo in the mirror as he came into the bathroom heading straight for the closet. He took out a white towel and facecloth, setting them along the rack before pressing a few buttons on the shower control making the shower head turn on behind the glass doors. 
He stood by the doors, watching you brush your teeth at the sink as you stared back at him. You rinsed your toothbrush under the faucet before flashing him a pasty smile, getting no reaction back as always.
After rinsing out your mouth you turned to face Kyungsoo, unable to hold back the smirk creeping on your lips. You walked over to him as your fingers reached for the bottom edge of your bra before pulling it over your head, letting Kyungsoo have a full view of your breast. His eyes were still on yours as fingertips danced around the waistline of your shorts before you pushed them down your legs. 
You stood in front of him just an inch away, your eyes burning into his before they snapped down to his lips, curling into a smirk as he raised an eyebrow down at you.
“Are you teasing me right now?”
You cursed the skip of your heartbeat when you reacted to him like this. Kyungsoo was usually unresponsive, only getting the job done like he was supposed to. So when he responded to your teasing antics like this, you knew all too well he was more than capable to make your body respond to him.
You shrugged your shoulders before reaching for the facecloth on the golden rack behind him. “You should know.”
You went to get in the shower, but the cold hand on your wrist made you freeze in place, not being able to help the yelp you let out as you were turned right back around to face Kyungsoo staring you down with those brown eyes.
“And you should know that teasing me won’t get you anywhere.”
Just like every moment like this you shared, time seeming to stop. His whispering, dark tone, his eyes flashing a bright red for only a quick moment for you to notice, he uttered the words that made your skin crawl every time he said it.
“I’m patiently waiting until the end,” Kyungsoo uttered, “And I’m going to love, eating you alive.”
You walked down the wide staircase, the only sound is your heels clapping against the floor. At the very bottom, standing diligently and proud were your three servants that helped serve you and maintain the household.
“Good morning Mistress!”
They addressed you as such, smiles beaming at your from Suho and Victoria. Kai on the other hand remained with his expressionless face. But as you reached the bottom standing in front of him, you knew his eyes always spoke for him. A kiss underneath his jaw and you saw his eyes lit up with a flash of red as they bore down into yours. An amused smirk and wink his way before you greeted your servants back and walked your way into the dining room with Kyungsoo following silently behind.
“What’s the schedule for today?” you asked aloud, sitting yourself down at your way too long dining table with hot breakfast served and ready for you.
“A messenger from the Lee estate is coming over this afternoon in talks of a marriage proposal.” Kyungsoo began, standing beside your chair with arms crossed behind his back.
“Another thirsty bastard after me.” You sighed, digging in to the different dishes to put on your plate. Blueberry pancakes put a small smile on your face as you added some other fruit on top from the fruit bowl before drenching it in maple syrup.
“Afterwards you have the tea party here with Ms. Kang and the ladies-”
“Why?” you questioned loudly with a muffled, annoyed tone with pancake stuffed in your mouth.
“In order to be on good terms with the wives of the men running the senate.” Kyungsoo answered.
You said no more after that, enjoying the rest of your breakfast until you were full. You got up from your seat, throwing the napkin on the table before standing in front of your loyal servant.
“There’s really no point in all this,” you sighed in his face, cocking your head to the side. “If you’re just going to kill them for me anyways.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, the only answer you needed as you smiled with a giggle before turning from him and walking out to take care of your business for the day. You knew he was following behind you of course, knowing he was going to do anything you ordered him to.
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promisesox · 7 years
hey guys, just a reminder I do have a second blog called OX Haven, in case you know you wanna head over there and check it out. It has all my muses over there and their chaptered fics, and p.s. I usually post the next chapter to fics on there first before I post it on here ;)
I also take drabble and scenario requests for my muses on there! if you’re interested in one of my muses and want to request something or ask any questions go over there please!  
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promisesox · 4 years
orginal written works
compiled list of long stories written by this creator
most series can be found over at oxhaven with more features like drabbles and requests. you can also talk to these muses!
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✧ Peter Pan 
pairing - peterpan!baekhyun x reader
word count - 12.270k
genre - peterpan!au | angst | fluff 
rated - pg 13
warnings - mentions of death | implied sex
summary | playlist | status : finished
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✧ The Wolves Of EXO/WOE 
pairing - separate exo wolf!member x reader 
genre - smut | angst | fluff | wolf!au
rated - 18+ | NSFW
warnings - 18+ | NSFW | smut | gory death 
status : i ain’t done yet
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✧ bts hybrid!au 
pairing - separate bts hybrid!member x reader as oc’s 
genre - hybrid!au | smut | angst | fluff
rated - 18+ | NSFW
warnings - smut | 18+ | NSFW | cuteness overload | 
status - nowhere near done 
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✧ Our Single Error/OSE 
pairing - cyborg!taeyong x reader featuring cyborg!nct-u
word count - ongoing 
genre - angst | fluff
rated - pg-15
warnings - death | violence | robotic body altering 
status - although a lot of you think this is discontinued, it’s not. I just be fucking around. 
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✧ Engraved Stigma 
pairing - blackbutler!kyungsoo x reader
word count - ongoing
genre - smut | angst | blackbutler!au
rated - 18 + | NSFW
warnings - gory death and kill scenes | deals with a demon | smut | NSFW | 18+
status - still going
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✧ Kalon 
pairing - vampire!wayv x reader as oc!keira
word count - ongoing
genre - vampire!au | medieval setting | smut | angst | romance | gore 
rated - 18+ | NSFW
warnings - smut | gore | blood | killing | biting into skin | NSFW | 18+
status - we just getting started over here
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✧ tinkerbell 
pairing - hyunjin x reader
word count - ongoing 
genre - university!au | angel!au | tinkerbell!au | fluff | angst 
rated - pg-13
warnings - mentions of death | profanity 
status - ehh almost done i suppose  
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✧ Kawaakari : Last Light On The River
pairing - samurai!yongguk x reader
word count - ongoing
genre - edoperiod!au | samurai!au | smut | angst 
rated - 18+ | NSFW
warnings - smut | death | gore | NSFW | 18+
oneshot | status - just getting started
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oxhaven · 4 years
meet the fellas
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Soft and enchanting, like he didn’t even come from this world. Baekhyun is perfect in every sense and he never fails to make sure all your dreams come true. Your happiness is all that he wants to achieve, but he still has a habit of making you sad. Can you forgive him? uri yaegin kkeuchi anil geoya dasi mannabol tenikka
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It’s difficult leading a full pack of wolves and even more difficult juggling with a soul mate. Junmyeon is determined to make it work because quite honestly ever since you met he never wanted to be without you.
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A wolf baek is nothing short of an antsy, jittery, yipping pup all over the place. It’s plain enough to see he’s a mess without you but an even bigger mess when he’s with you. He just can’t contain all that love inside his heart, and he wants to release it in every way he knows how.
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Jongdae always struggled with two sides of himself, like his concious was divided apart. But with you, you bring him all together as a whole and he realizes nothing is better than being yours.
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There is no need for an explanation for him but he’s going to give you one anyway. He lives an immortal life doing whatever he wants; oh do you plan on telling him what to do? I have to laugh.
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He may look like he has it all together, but he doesn’t. Pray for him.
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a professional businessman who can only unwind with you.
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His nickname isn’t hope for nothing but he needs cheering up every now and again. He needs tlc, back rubs and deep cuddles, maybe some ass every now and again.
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He lives a humble, lavish lifestyle like his good friend Taehyung due to the hard work he puts in and cares deeply for two little kittens at home. He’d do anything to protect and do his best to those closest to him so you don’t ever have to worry about him falling short. Just leave everything up to Jin.
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Rough around the edges but sweeter than suga ;). Yoongi hates corny jokes but he doesn’t mind when they’re from you. He’s got a soft spot but it’s usually masked away most of the time. But I’m sure you have a way to get underneath his skin.
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puppy Jimin bounces between ice and hot but he only gets in his feelings if it's about you. He's got a lot of love to give and he wants to know if you can spare some too.
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He serves diligently and gracefully, the best damn butler there is. But don’t fall for it, because at the very end, he will have your soul
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He's everything that's perfect for you, until he's not.
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A bit crazy at times, but it's all to protect what he loves.
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He's meant for you as you are meant for him. He'll try to prove that until he ceases to exist.
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He doesn't mind getting his hands dirty if it means he can have you.
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There's pain behind his smile that others can't see.
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Sworn to protect the one who saved him.
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Even when he feels unworthy of it, he still prays for a happy ending.
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he ain’t the one to be fucked with. 
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What’s meant for you isn’t always safe.
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have a question?
have a request?
don’t be shy, who do you want to meet?
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oxhaven · 4 years
hey, i’m in love with blackbutler kyungsoo!! could you add me to your taglist please?
of course bby!! i’ll put you down thank you for the support!!!
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0 notes
oxhaven · 7 years
Mobile Masterlist
The Wolves Of EXO
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Suho - Bad Dreams 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9(M) 10 11 -
Baekhyun - Mine 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11(M)
Chen - I’m Yours 2 3 4 5 6
Peter Pan - Baekhyun
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
Our Single Error - Cyborg NCT-U
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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i won’t bite | sleepyhead
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Engraved Stigma 2 3 4
hybrid!au -bts
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Jungkook - Good Girl  2 3 4 5 6
Taehyung - Pretty Please?(M) 2 3
Hoseok - Worth Saving 2 3 4
Yoongi - Splendor Shadow
Seokjin - Better Than One
Jimin - Let Me Love You 2
WayV vampire!au
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Kalon 2 3 4
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Kawaakari: Last Light On The River
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