#black butler kyungsoo
oxhaven · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 4 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your face scrunched underneath the imposing sunlight filtering in from the windows, letting out a tired sigh of annoyance. You thought maybe you could sneak in a few more minutes of sleep since Kyungsoo didn’t come to wake you, but the rising sun was filling in for his part of the job. You managed to open your eyes as you turned your body, waking yourself up from a deep sleep you were annoyed from ending. A groan escaped from your throat as you stretched your tired limbs with exertion underneath the thin sheet across your body. 
You sat up in bed with a smack of your lips and looked around, eyebrows furrowing when realization dawned on you. Everything in the room was still the same from last night before you went to bed. It was out of place for you since Kyungsoo would have laid out clothes and opened the curtains before you rose out of bed. You took a glance at the clock beside your bed on the nightstand, eyeing the two lines pointing in the direction of the time. It was only 8:50am, you could have gone back to sleep and go on until noon. You decided not to though, not when curiosity was eating at you wondering where you obedient butler could have gone. 
You managed to wash up and dress yourself all on your own, dragging your feet into the dining area where you caught the small commotion of noise. You recognized the two idiots instantly, Victoria and Suho bickering between themselves as they set the table with a platter of food for one. You watched them push and shove at each other, huffing and carrying on which dish to present closer to the edge. You cleared your throat loud enough for them to hear, watching their heads pop up and eyes go wide with the sight of you. 
“Good morning!” Their voices rang in unison, smiles gracing their faces as they readied the table and ushered you to come sit down. You took a seat at the head of the table, eyeing the assortment of food laid out just for you. It was ten times more the amount you were used to, but Kyungsoo was the only one who limited your intake and kept an eye on your diet. The first thing you made a grab for were the biscuits, a lovely spread to the side of the stack of pancakes in front of you. You took a bite into the thick bread, the sound of your munching filling the room that had grown silent.  
“These biscuits.” You commented, tasting the fluffy bread in your mouth as both servants eyed you with expectancy. “Are bland.”
It was quiet for a moment until Victoria stuttered on a reply. “A-all it needs is a little honey!”
She quickly came to your side, hands reaching out for the sweet condiments in the middle of the table and set to work on buttering your bread. You dropped the biscuit down onto a napkin before picking at the fruit bowl, aiming for the fresh ripe strawberries that made your mouth water. 
“Where’s Kyungsoo?” 
“He’s out running errands for Mistress. He should be back no later than the evening.” Suho answered unhesitantly, still standing to the side with a goofy smile on his face. They must have planned for this since this morning, or maybe last night before you went to bed. Either way, it crept a few ideas into your head as you raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Should I have some fun then?”
Your idea of fun wasn’t all that bad. You just wanted to play a little prank on Kyungsoo, get him riled up to see the mess you created in the house when he came back home. It started with a food fight with the breakfast your servants prepared for you, taking it into as many parts of the house as you could as you laughed with joy. Victoria and Suho had no choice but to join you, enjoy the game together and forget about the impending doom when he was on his way home. You ended up ruining your attire for the day, leading into the dress up party as you created a fashion show in your own dressing room. Once again your servants had to participate, giving you a good laugh to see Suho in the different dresses you managed to fit on him. You made sure to take pictures of all three of you, something to show Kyungsoo so he could see what a fabulous time you had without him. 
Your fun was short-lived when a knock came at the door, followed by the familiar ring of your doorbell. You gave each other a look, no one expecting guests at all before Victoria hurried to go downstairs. You were quick to follow after her, racing down the stairs before slowing your steps as you got to the door. You stood behind Victoria with a curious look on your face, watching as she answered the door. A man neither of you recognized stood in the doorway with a bright smile, charming and quite handsome as he gave the both of you a bow. 
“Is Miss ___ in?” 
You brushed by Victoria before she could stutter an answer, crossing your arms before plastering a smile on your face. 
“Who’s searching for her?”
To your surprise he held out his hand, palm facing upwards as he asked for your hand to place a kiss on top of it. “I’m Kim Taehyun. Messenger of House Park. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, my lady.” 
You blinked at him, a slow smirk growing at the corner of your lips. “What brings you by?” 
“My lord wanted me to stop by on his behalf to present gifts and offer a partnership. I can explain our businesses in more detail if you have the time.” He answered, that smile on his face as his eyes gleamed with playfulness, urging you to take the bait. 
You hummed in amusement before you gripped his hand and pulled him inside. “Come. Victoria, fetch my gifts out of his carriage and ready the sitting area...and tell Suho to prepare snacks and tea.” 
Victoria’s unhesitant answer of a ‘yes mistress’ was all that was needed before she was hurrying outside to complete her task, letting you lead the guest to one of the fortunately clean rooms. You were well aware how uncommon it was for you to not have more servants in such a big mansion you resided in, and how it came off to others who would visit. It didn’t matter, and it played well into your game to see the reactions and responses you got out of them. So when you sat down with Taehyun, the switch in your head turned on to start the game. 
“Now, who do you work for?” you began, just as soon as Suho rolled in a platter of cookies and fresh brewed tea. 
Taehyun kept his eyes on yours, accepting the tea that was set in front of him on the coffee table. “Park Chanyeol. Owner of Park’s Trading and where constantly expanding to reach new heights and places. My master heard numerous stories and has kept a watchful eye on your company and is quite impressed with how large your company has grown since you’ve taken ownership. He wanted to form a partnership, which I guarantee will produce immense growth in not only sales but integrity. ”
You hummed in thought, seeing Suho bow in the corner of your eye before he left the room. “Why didn’t he come himself? Isn’t it rude to not introduce yourself formally to the person you so want to be partners with? Or is he shy?”
“On the contrary he’s known to make his acquaintances shy. That’s why he sent me to break the ice.” Taehyun chuckled, his playful response making you raise a brow as you smiled.
Taehyun took a bite of a cookie that was displayed out, humming at the sweet treat before thinking for a moment. “He has a way with his words, Mistress.” 
You gave a nod. “Hm. So do I.” 
You had made your decision right then and there, even as your guest continued to sell the offer to you and try to convince you to sign a contract he had brought with him on this new ‘partnership’. You finally brought it to an end with a glance at the clock and sighed. “As fun as it was listening to the absolute bullshit Mr. Kim, I have other fun matters to attend to. You can be on your way.” 
You would have laughed at the look on his face as you stood to your feet, stretching your limbs as you made a move to the door. 
“My servants will see you out and give you some of my own gifts to take home, and you can tell Mr. Park-”
A hand slammed on the door beside your head, making it slam shut before you could have it opened all the way. You breathed a sigh as you felt the cool, sharp edge of a knife on your neck threatening to sink in and draw blood. 
“I tried to be easy with you, ___.” 
“First name basis now, huh?” You mused with a giggle. The knife pushed deeper into your flesh, Taehyun’s mouth by your ear as he chuckled. “All you needed to do was sign the papers and make it easy. Now I might have to forge your signature while your body goes missing.” 
“Mmm, make me sell away my assets and property to expand yours? Good plan~” The obvious sarcasm earned a sting of pain on your skin, warm liquid spilling down your neck as you hissed softly. You felt hardness press against your backside, his arm snaking around your waist as he pulled your closer. 
“Maybe I should play with your body for a little bit before I take your head to Chanyeol.”  
“That sounds like fun.” you breathed, giggling with your tongue between your teeth. 
“Not only are you a spoiled brat, you're a psycho too. Maybe I should end your life now and put your servants out of misery-” Taehyun threatened before his words were cut off, watching you turn around in his arms as dead, cold eyes bore into his. 
“Do you really think you could kill me? You walk into my territory and think you are going to make out alive?”
He started to open his mouth to say something, only for it to hold open without a word coming out. His mouth had gone completely dry, the taste iron dripping down his throat and completely built up in his mouth. He coughed up blood, seeing the red stains on his hand as his eyes went wide in horror. His head shot to the door, watching it ease open with an eerie creak. Victoria stood in the doorway, a smile plastered on her face as she waved. 
“What the fuck did yoo do to me?” Taehyun managed to get out, his voice choked and hoarse.  
Victoria cocked her head to the side as her face dropped into feigned confusion. “You mean the poisoned sweets you called gifts to my mistress? That’s what we served you Mr. Kim.”
His eyes widened to the point they could bulge out their sockets, gaining an amused laugh from you before he turned his attention back to you. With a roar he aimed his knife to strike only for it to miss you as you dodged, letting Victoria handle the attacker. She restrained the knife out his hand with ease but he managed to get out of her hold, racing to the staircase with only the setting sun as his means of light. Taehyun didn’t make it to the top, finding himself falling along with pieces of cracked wood all the way down to the first floor. A glimpse of Suho at the top, smiling down at him as he fell confirmed the thought that he had been pushed, with unbelievable strength that managed to smash the stair railing off its hinges. 
His back collided with the marble floor, the last bit of stable air in his lungs escaping from him along with more blood. He cried in pain, his body aching all over as he urged himself to move, crawl on the floor if he needed to make it to the front door. He knew they were right behind him, the two frightful servants making their way down the staircase towards him. He found his feet onto the ground, pushing himself up and stumbling to the door before swinging it open. 
The worst sight of the night, the one he was warned never to cross with greeted him at the door, curious black eyes staring him down and stealing the regained breath in his body. Kyungsoo looked him up and down, standing firm in the doorway with an arch in his thick brow. 
Taehyun screamed and pushed with all his might, freeing himself from death inside the mansion and made a getaway down the dirt path. Kyungsoo watched the guest leave before turning his attention to you, having made it down the stairs as your other two servants disappeared from their own monster when he found out the state of the household. 
You smiled gleefully before skipping over to your butler. “Where have you been all day?” 
“Taking care of errands.” Kyungsoo answered, eyeing the wound on your neck where blood was still coming down from. “What have you been getting yourself into?” 
“Some fun. For once. And you just let it loose. Now what’s going to happen?” You questioned, keeping your eyes on his as he whipped out a handkerchief from his back pocket, pressing the white cloth against your neck and staining it red. 
“He won’t get too far.” Kyungsoo assured, pulling your body into his arms after kicking the door shut. He peeled the cloth back and tilted your head to the side carefully with fingers gripping your chin, right before he brought his mouth down and slowly licked. A soft moan escaped you as your eyelids fluttered close, already starting to feel your neck begin to heal.
“I took Kai off his leash.”
You smiled, a buzz in your body spreading all over at the thought of letting the screams of anguish be what it was to lull you to sleep. 
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promisesox · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 4 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your face scrunched underneath the imposing sunlight filtering in from the windows, letting out a tired sigh of annoyance. You thought maybe you could sneak in a few more minutes of sleep since Kyungsoo didn’t come to wake you, but the rising sun was filling in for his part of the job. You managed to open your eyes as you turned your body, waking yourself up from a deep sleep you were annoyed from ending. A groan escaped from your throat as you stretched your tired limbs with exertion underneath the thin sheet across your body. 
You sat up in bed with a smack of your lips and looked around, eyebrows furrowing when realization dawned on you. Everything in the room was still the same from last night before you went to bed. It was out of place for you since Kyungsoo would have laid out clothes and opened the curtains before you rose out of bed. You took a glance at the clock beside your bed on the nightstand, eyeing the two lines pointing in the direction of the time. It was only 8:50am, you could have gone back to sleep and go on until noon. You decided not to though, not when curiosity was eating at you wondering where you obedient butler could have gone. 
You managed to wash up and dress yourself all on your own, dragging your feet into the dining area where you caught the small commotion of noise. You recognized the two idiots instantly, Victoria and Suho bickering between themselves as they set the table with a platter of food for one. You watched them push and shove at each other, huffing and carrying on which dish to present closer to the edge. You cleared your throat loud enough for them to hear, watching their heads pop up and eyes go wide with the sight of you. 
“Good morning!” Their voices rang in unison, smiles gracing their faces as they readied the table and ushered you to come sit down. You took a seat at the head of the table, eyeing the assortment of food laid out just for you. It was ten times more the amount you were used to, but Kyungsoo was the only one who limited your intake and kept an eye on your diet. The first thing you made a grab for were the biscuits, a lovely spread to the side of the stack of pancakes in front of you. You took a bite into the thick bread, the sound of your munching filling the room that had grown silent.  
“These biscuits.” You commented, tasting the fluffy bread in your mouth as both servants eyed you with expectancy. “Are bland.”
It was quiet for a moment until Victoria stuttered on a reply. “A-all it needs is a little honey!”
She quickly came to your side, hands reaching out for the sweet condiments in the middle of the table and set to work on buttering your bread. You dropped the biscuit down onto a napkin before picking at the fruit bowl, aiming for the fresh ripe strawberries that made your mouth water. 
“Where’s Kyungsoo?” 
“He’s out running errands for Mistress. He should be back no later than the evening.” Suho answered unhesitantly, still standing to the side with a goofy smile on his face. They must have planned for this since this morning, or maybe last night before you went to bed. Either way, it crept a few ideas into your head as you raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Should I have some fun then?”
Your idea of fun wasn’t all that bad. You just wanted to play a little prank on Kyungsoo, get him riled up to see the mess you created in the house when he came back home. It started with a food fight with the breakfast your servants prepared for you, taking it into as many parts of the house as you could as you laughed with joy. Victoria and Suho had no choice but to join you, enjoy the game together and forget about the impending doom when he was on his way home. You ended up ruining your attire for the day, leading into the dress up party as you created a fashion show in your own dressing room. Once again your servants had to participate, giving you a good laugh to see Suho in the different dresses you managed to fit on him. You made sure to take pictures of all three of you, something to show Kyungsoo so he could see what a fabulous time you had without him. 
Your fun was short-lived when a knock came at the door, followed by the familiar ring of your doorbell. You gave each other a look, no one expecting guests at all before Victoria hurried to go downstairs. You were quick to follow after her, racing down the stairs before slowing your steps as you got to the door. You stood behind Victoria with a curious look on your face, watching as she answered the door. A man neither of you recognized stood in the doorway with a bright smile, charming and quite handsome as he gave the both of you a bow. 
“Is Miss ___ in?” 
You brushed by Victoria before she could stutter an answer, crossing your arms before plastering a smile on your face. 
“Who’s searching for her?”
To your surprise he held out his hand, palm facing upwards as he asked for your hand to place a kiss on top of it. “I’m Kim Taehyun. Messenger of House Park. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance, my lady.” 
You blinked at him, a slow smirk growing at the corner of your lips. “What brings you by?” 
“My lord wanted me to stop by on his behalf to present gifts and offer a partnership. I can explain our businesses in more detail if you have the time.” He answered, that smile on his face as his eyes gleamed with playfulness, urging you to take the bait. 
You hummed in amusement before you gripped his hand and pulled him inside. “Come. Victoria, fetch my gifts out of his carriage and ready the sitting area...and tell Suho to prepare snacks and tea.” 
Victoria’s unhesitant answer of a ‘yes mistress’ was all that was needed before she was hurrying outside to complete her task, letting you lead the guest to one of the fortunately clean rooms. You were well aware how uncommon it was for you to not have more servants in such a big mansion you resided in, and how it came off to others who would visit. It didn’t matter, and it played well into your game to see the reactions and responses you got out of them. So when you sat down with Taehyun, the switch in your head turned on to start the game. 
“Now, who do you work for?” you began, just as soon as Suho rolled in a platter of cookies and fresh brewed tea. 
Taehyun kept his eyes on yours, accepting the tea that was set in front of him on the coffee table. “Park Chanyeol. Owner of Park’s Trading and where constantly expanding to reach new heights and places. My master heard numerous stories and has kept a watchful eye on your company and is quite impressed with how large your company has grown since you’ve taken ownership. He wanted to form a partnership, which I guarantee will produce immense growth in not only sales but integrity. ”
You hummed in thought, seeing Suho bow in the corner of your eye before he left the room. “Why didn’t he come himself? Isn’t it rude to not introduce yourself formally to the person you so want to be partners with? Or is he shy?”
“On the contrary he’s known to make his acquaintances shy. That’s why he sent me to break the ice.” Taehyun chuckled, his playful response making you raise a brow as you smiled.
Taehyun took a bite of a cookie that was displayed out, humming at the sweet treat before thinking for a moment. “He has a way with his words, Mistress.” 
You gave a nod. “Hm. So do I.” 
You had made your decision right then and there, even as your guest continued to sell the offer to you and try to convince you to sign a contract he had brought with him on this new ‘partnership’. You finally brought it to an end with a glance at the clock and sighed. “As fun as it was listening to the absolute bullshit Mr. Kim, I have other fun matters to attend to. You can be on your way.” 
You would have laughed at the look on his face as you stood to your feet, stretching your limbs as you made a move to the door. 
“My servants will see you out and give you some of my own gifts to take home, and you can tell Mr. Park-”
A hand slammed on the door beside your head, making it slam shut before you could have it opened all the way. You breathed a sigh as you felt the cool, sharp edge of a knife on your neck threatening to sink in and draw blood. 
“I tried to be easy with you, ___.” 
“First name basis now, huh?” You mused with a giggle. The knife pushed deeper into your flesh, Taehyun’s mouth by your ear as he chuckled. “All you needed to do was sign the papers and make it easy. Now I might have to forge your signature while your body goes missing.” 
“Mmm, make me sell away my assets and property to expand yours? Good plan~” The obvious sarcasm earned a sting of pain on your skin, warm liquid spilling down your neck as you hissed softly. You felt hardness press against your backside, his arm snaking around your waist as he pulled your closer. 
“Maybe I should play with your body for a little bit before I take your head to Chanyeol.”  
“That sounds like fun.” you breathed, giggling with your tongue between your teeth. 
“Not only are you a spoiled brat, you're a psycho too. Maybe I should end your life now and put your servants out of misery-” Taehyun threatened before his words were cut off, watching you turn around in his arms as dead, cold eyes bore into his. 
“Do you really think you could kill me? You walk into my territory and think you are going to make out alive?”
He started to open his mouth to say something, only for it to hold open without a word coming out. His mouth had gone completely dry, the taste iron dripping down his throat and completely built up in his mouth. He coughed up blood, seeing the red stains on his hand as his eyes went wide in horror. His head shot to the door, watching it ease open with an eerie creak. Victoria stood in the doorway, a smile plastered on her face as she waved. 
“What the fuck did yoo do to me?” Taehyun managed to get out, his voice choked and hoarse.  
Victoria cocked her head to the side as her face dropped into feigned confusion. “You mean the poisoned sweets you called gifts to my mistress? That’s what we served you Mr. Kim.”
His eyes widened to the point they could bulge out their sockets, gaining an amused laugh from you before he turned his attention back to you. With a roar he aimed his knife to strike only for it to miss you as you dodged, letting Victoria handle the attacker. She restrained the knife out his hand with ease but he managed to get out of her hold, racing to the staircase with only the setting sun as his means of light. Taehyun didn’t make it to the top, finding himself falling along with pieces of cracked wood all the way down to the first floor. A glimpse of Suho at the top, smiling down at him as he fell confirmed the thought that he had been pushed, with unbelievable strength that managed to smash the stair railing off its hinges. 
His back collided with the marble floor, the last bit of stable air in his lungs escaping from him along with more blood. He cried in pain, his body aching all over as he urged himself to move, crawl on the floor if he needed to make it to the front door. He knew they were right behind him, the two frightful servants making their way down the staircase towards him. He found his feet onto the ground, pushing himself up and stumbling to the door before swinging it open. 
The worst sight of the night, the one he was warned never to cross with greeted him at the door, curious black eyes staring him down and stealing the regained breath in his body. Kyungsoo looked him up and down, standing firm in the doorway with an arch in his thick brow. 
Taehyun screamed and pushed with all his might, freeing himself from death inside the mansion and made a getaway down the dirt path. Kyungsoo watched the guest leave before turning his attention to you, having made it down the stairs as your other two servants disappeared from their own monster when he found out the state of the household. 
You smiled gleefully before skipping over to your butler. “Where have you been all day?” 
“Taking care of errands.” Kyungsoo answered, eyeing the wound on your neck where blood was still coming down from. “What have you been getting yourself into?” 
“Some fun. For once. And you just let it loose. Now what’s going to happen?” You questioned, keeping your eyes on his as he whipped out a handkerchief from his back pocket, pressing the white cloth against your neck and staining it red. 
“He won’t get too far.” Kyungsoo assured, pulling your body into his arms after kicking the door shut. He peeled the cloth back and tilted your head to the side carefully with fingers gripping your chin, right before he brought his mouth down and slowly licked. A soft moan escaped you as your eyelids fluttered close, already starting to feel your neck begin to heal.
“I took Kai off his leash.”
You smiled, a buzz in your body spreading all over at the thought of letting the screams of anguish be what it was to lull you to sleep. 
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
K-Pop Fanfiction Masterlist
Boy Groups
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Kim Namjoon/RM:
None yet
None yet
None yet
Kim Seokjin/Jin:
Let Me Cater You
None yet 
Right Hand Man:1 2 3 4
 Min Yoongi/Suga
None yet
None yet
So, When Can We Tell The World?:1 2 3 4 5 6
Jung Hoseok/ J-Hope:
None yet
None yet
None yet
Park Jimin:
Should I Show You?
What’s On Your Mind?
Daria & Chill
I’m Your One and Only, Right?
None yet
Overlay Me in Your Heart: 1 2 3 4
Mr. Flirt:1 2 3  4
Kim Taehyung/V:
A Tender Night
None yet
 The Shakespeare Substitute:1 2 3 4
Jeon Jungkook:
None yet
None yet
Welcome To Shimmer Star: :1 2 3 4
None yet
Bts As Your Butlers
None yet
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Kim Junmyeon/ Suho
none yet
none yet
Notice Me!: 1 2 3 4 5 6 
Kim Minseok/Xiumin
none yet 
none yet
none yet
Zhang Yixing/Lay
none yet
none yet
none yet
Byun Baekhyun
I Just Wanna Make You Groove Babe
none yet
none yet
Kim Jongdae/Chen
none yet
none yet
none yet
Park Chanyeol
none yet
none yet
none yet
Do Kyungsoo/D.O.
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kim Jongin/Kai
none yet
none yet
none yet
Oh Sehun
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
Girl Groups
Red Velvet
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Bae Joohyun/Irene
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kang Seulgi
none yet
none yet
none yet
Son Seungwan/Wendy
none yet
none yet
none yet
Park Sooyoung/Joy
Not so Korean Drama
none yet
none yet
Kim Yerim/Yeri 
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
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Kim Jisoo
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kim Jennie
none yet
none yet
none yet
Park Chaeyoung/Rosé
none yet
none yet
none yet
Lalisa Manoban
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
Reaction to their chubby girlfriend being insecure
none yet
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Park Jihyo
none yet
Dating Park Jihyo
none yet
Im Nayeon
Unfair with Jeongyeon 
none yet
none yet
Yoo Jeongyeon
Unfair with Nayeon
none yet
none yet
Hirai Momo
none yet
none yet
none yet
Minatozaki Sana
An Early Gift 
none yet
none yet
Myoui Mina
You’re Amazing In Every Way
none yet
none yet
Kim Dahyun
none yet
none yet
none yet
Son Chaeyoung
none yet
none yet
none yet
Chou Tzuyu
none yet
none yet
I Can’t Handle You Being Back:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
none yet
Reaction to their girlfriend being insecure over their weight
Reaction to wanting to help with their Black girlfriend’s hair
none yet
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Kim Minji/JiU
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kim Bora/ SuA
none yet
none yet
none yet
Lee Siyeon
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
Kim Yoohyeon
none yet
none yet
none yet
Lee Yoobin/Dami
none yet
none yet
none yet
Lee Gahyeon
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
none yet
115 notes · View notes
lblk-stanl · 4 years
Hi! I’m new to tumblr and I wouldn’t call myself an experienced writer but I wrote on wattpad for five years making fan fictions. I noticed that there are very few fan fictions that are created for my blk anime/Kpop fans so I would like to solve that.
Few things about me
I am actually native Afro latino but I am more connected to my black side so I just usually just say I’m African American
I am in high school, Trans, bisexual, and a strong activist outside of social media. I tend to focus my time on studying and spreading awareness to causes. I also play video games so if you ever want to play with me hit me up ☺️ I have a switch and a ps4
I stan many Kpop groups; Ace (wow), 1team (Rubin and BC), red velvet (seulgi), twice (chaeyoung and sana), astro (moonbin) |new|, treasure (haruto) |new|, cravity (serim) |new|, P1harmony (keeho) |new|, Taemin, Wonho, Sunmi, chungha, and my ults are Monsta x (Jooheon), seventeen (Vernon and woozi), nct all units (Johnny, Jaehyun, Lucas, and jaemin), BTS (namjoon and Jin), Ateez (hongjoong and yunho), stray kids (Chan, changbin, and Han), txt (yeonjun and soobin), exo (chanyeol and kyungsoo), Got7 (jinyoung and bambam) and pentagon (wooseok).
I watched anime since I was five due to my sister being a huge anime fan, I cant name all the names I’ve watched but if you request some I can probably tell you yes or no. I’ll just name some I can remember here; black butler, ohshc, toilet bound, classroom of the elite, attack on titan (only 1 and 2 sadly, trying to catch up 😭), Haikyuu (season 1 trying to catch up), demon slayer, assassination classroom, saiki k (I love aren to death), cowboy bepbop, robihachi, kakeguri, Great pretender (on case 3), fruits basket, mob psycho 100, and Hitorijime My Hero.
I watch kdramas so I also am willing to do some kdrama fanfics, just say the drama and I’ll tell you if I watched it or not. I also watch BL but I will only write fanfics with the pairings, I also don’t write smut. I’m really sorry it’s just personal reasons.
Also please be patient with me I’ll try my best to provide blk y/n fan fictions the best I can and hopefully they’ll be really enjoyable for you 🙇🏾‍♂️
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writingstuffandmore · 5 years
Just like me...
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Pairing:- Kyungsoo x reader
AU:- Mafia
Genre:- Fluff
Warnings:- Mention of slight violence
A/N:- Hey anon.. I hope that you will like it. I am sorry if this scenario didn't turn out as the way you thought. Feedbacks are always welcome. I wanted to try a different way.
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"Babe, be ready, I will pick you up at 7. Dress something less beautiful. I don't want any unwanted gazes on my beautiful girl."
"Yah, stop being cheesy. Now, shoo otherwise you will be late for the meeting." "But I am the b-" "Kyungsoo, whats wrong with you love. Now, go and i too will complete my work so that we can have our dinner in peace." with that you kissed his cheek and bid him farewell. Then, you went to complete your work.
7 rolled up fast with you dressed in an elegant black halter neck line gown whose length was till your knees with a pair of beautiful teardrop diamond earrings and matching bracelet on your left hand with your hair tied into a bouffant bun. You were sitting on the sofa when Kyungsoo called you, "Babe, i am here." "Do you wanna freshen up?" "I already did." with that you hanged up the call and called your butler "Adam, i am leaving with master. We won't back till midnight."
"All right ma'am. Have a nice evening. If you require anything don't hesitate to call."
"Sure, I won't. Thank you Adam and you too have a nice evening." with that you left the penthouse.
Down in a sleek matte black Porsche was a young man who was wearing a Gucci black suit with a diamond brooch pinned to the blazers' breast pocket who if an ignorant man or woman saw might feel that he is a young prodigy with fortunes made at very early age but this gentleman was part of the infamous Mafia group or should I say one of the boss of the group, DO Kyungsoo. "Hey Babe"you said as you seated down on passenger seat and closed the door. "You are beautiful as always." He kissed your hand and said "Shall we ?" You nodded.
Kyungsoo took you to a newly yet popular restaurant. "Welcome sir and ma'am." Said the receptionist. "We have the reservation under the name of Mr and Mrs Soo." Kyungsoo said while holding your hand and locking the fingers together. "Please, this way Sir."
After, the lady left. You asked him, "Kyungsoo, whats this all about?" "I am trying to be a little romantic and its been time since we both have gone out. After, some time you will be Mrs DO. So, let me enjoy some time as being boyfriend and girlfriend." He said with a cheeky smile. "So, you mean that after we get married you won't take me out. I had so many hopes unfortunately." You said with a fake sad smile. "That's not what I meant." He said in defence. "Yeah, i know." After, finishing your dinner he took to a more isolated place, near the river from where the sky was clearly seen.
A pleasant slience fell between both of you, that's when Kyungsoo spoke "Y/N remember the day, how we met the first time? And also how angry you were with me." "Yeah, I do but I was right at being angry that day." You remembered the day, when you first met him.
3 years back...
It was around 7 when you were going back home after doing some grocery shopping and stopped at a coffee shop to buy cold coffee with ice cream and the chocolate pastry.
After, finishing your drink and pastry you paid your bill and left some tips. On the way back, there was an alley between the block where you Live and the one before it. There were some boys around of your age or maybe a bit younger than you, when they passed a comment, "Hey gorgeous!" one of them cooed. You thought that ignoring them was a nice idea and then cause a fight. You walked over and that's when another came and a boy placed a hand over your shoulder. You elbowed him and punched his face and then the other came gripped your wrist, you dropped your grocery bag and kicked him in his balls. "You bi-" "Stay away from me, nuts." You picked your bag and was about to walk when the so called head of the group came and with a sneer "You are a feisty one, i might say. i like it." "If wanna save your self from the pain these two are going through and cost of the hospital, better let me go." "You th-"
"Better let the lady go." someone said from behind with a growl. Turning back to the voice,"Who the hell are you? Damsel's saviour?" "I am someone who you should be afraid of and that's when he stepped under light of street light came him. You turned around to see a man about an average height with a handsome face, big doe eyes, lean yet muscular built wearing a casual shirt and pants and lips, oh his heart sh-."Oh shit!! DO is here. Run away." DO had a satisfied smile and that's when he looked at you who was intently staring back at him. "I know that I am handsome and you wanna say thanks." He said with a cocky smile. "Why? Why did you help me, uh?" You asked. You didn't need anyone's help as you were well sufficient enough and also these boys who tried their way were far from a gang group. They were practically some who watched movies and tried to play those moves. "What?" He was in a disbelief. "You heard me. I don't or didn't need your help. I was fine alone." with that you picked your bag and went to your home. This girl is something. Kyungsoo thought and with that he went to where ever he was going.
After a few days, both of you met at an old age home and that's when Kyungsoo tried to speak to you. You weren't interested to know who was he or something but he was so much into having a conversation with you that he started asking nonsensical questions like, "Why do you hate peas?" "That's my choice to hate it. Why is it bothering you?" "You know peas have vitamins an-" "what do you want from me." "Your name?"
"Y/N Y/L/N. Happy?" You were so done with his persistent behaviour and wanted nothing just him to go away. "Pretty name for a pretty girl. See you around love." With a satisfied smirk he left you.
"I should've have done that before. What did he called me love, that dumb." You muttered under your breath and continued the work you were doing and were happy that finally he had left you alone. Never did you know that he was watching you from the other side. Days went by, nothing happened and nor did you crossed path with that DO guy or whatever his name was. Even though, you met like twice but there was something which made him different from the crowd, maybe his personality, the way he looks or the fact that you don't know much about him. You were so lost in your thought that you bumped into something hard or should I say someone with a hard chest. "Oh, I am really very sorry." You quickly rambled an apology and looked at the victim who stood with amusement in his eyes. "Well, hello Y/N. It's been time since we met." "Hel-" "Kyungsoo" "What?" Confused look on your face. "My name is Kyungsoo. Y/N" "Hello, Kyungsoo. Bye" "What was that?" "I am going home, so bye rather good bye."
"Yah, Y/N. You aren't fun. Come at least have a cup of coffee with me." Kyungsoo said while trying to be cute. "What do you want from me? The other day, you asked my name and now Coffee? " Your eyebrows were arched up.
"It's just a normal cup of coffee. I am new to this block side and this coffee shop as I heard has some good drinks and sweet delicacies."
"Oh, okay." You and him went in to the coffee shop which you regularly visited but you had your doubts which for a normal person be correct. The day, he tried to save you, the boys got scared and now he is after you. What if he is a serial k- "what are you thinking?" Kyungsoo said after he ordered your respective drinks and cakes. "I don't know you?" "What?" "Yes, Kyungsoo. We met not exactly met when those thinking that I am Bruce Lee, Tom Cruise appeared and then after like 3 days later we met at the Charity Old Age Home with you bombarding questions on me. Now, out of nowhere I am sitting here with you for a cup of coffee with no information about your name, place, work etc etc." You left a sigh and looked into his confused eyes. "But, I just told you my name right? Besides, what we need to do to know about profession, interest, work place uh?"
"Are you sure that you are a sane person or somewhat a serial killer whose eyes are on me for God damn it any reason? Because, first of all it's a basic human tendency okay? Secondly, how those hulligans were acting around you didn't make it look like that you do a normal person job which again is a contrast the other day at the old age." You said with one of your eye brow arched up. Kyungsoo told then, spoke all things and maybe going in details other than for profession, saying that he works in a company and so on. That's how your and his encounters began, maybe they were accidental at first, a chance of coincidence or on purpose but slowly these small meets grew into proper meet ups, hangouts and dates with continuous texting each other in progress and if you both were talking over phone, time duration only for 3 long hours. That's how, you started falling for him and like wise. He was the best thing that happened to you. Everything was going fine till that one night...
You were reading your book, lost into the small world of the book was offering and that's when there were sharp knocks on your door at first you thought that your mind is playing tricks but the second time,the knocks became share along with your door bell on constant play. Placing the book on your drawer, you stood up from your bed and went to the main door, quitely as you could opened the locks and grabbed a stick in the other hand and as soon as you opened the door, "OMG!!" was the only thing you shouted. To your horror, Kyungsoo was limply supporting himself against the wall near the door, face battered with bruises, his clothes were a total mess. "Babe" was the only thing Kyungsoo whispered before he was about to fall, you got a hold of him and dragged him inside and closed the door. You made him lie on your couch and rushed to bring some water. You sprinkled some drops on his battered face, he groaned and weakly opened his eyes. "What happened to you? Let me call the ambulance!!! Where is m-" "Y/N, please no. Don't call the ambulance otherwise things will escalate for worse. I am okay!" Kyungsoo held your wrist.
"You are not." But his grip tightened. You didn't know why was he acting like this but still listened to him. "How am I supposed to help you now?" "Do you have first aid?" You nodded and went to your bathroom and took the box out of your cabinet. "See, it doesn't have any Sophisticated tools which you think I hav- " "I just want the basics." he said and tried to take the box from your hands. You opened the box, took out some cotton pads, the small bottle of hydrogen peroxide solution, bandages, a small tube of Neosporin ointment and a surgical tape and then began the procedure. It took exactly an hour to clean the wounds with a lot of hisses, groans, patch them and checking the signs of wounds on anywhere else. Thankfully, there weren't any wounds or cuts except for the bullet wound on his left shoulder which wasn't serious as he said that bullet has just passed his skin.
You were sitting on the floor with a confused and hard expression on your face staring him. "What are you hiding? I want nothing but truth!" Kyungsoo left a sigh before he said that, "I am part of the Mafia. I mean, I am not just part of Mafia, I run it. I am DO Kyungsoo or should I say DO, one of the leaders of the infamous EXO." You were shocked or should I say beyond shocked but you know something was up considering the things you had observed during the period. "What do you want from me?" was the only thing you could say. Kyungsoo's eyes were wide as saucers. "What?" "You heard me." You said with a stern look. "Its not what you are thinking. I am with you because I liked you, everything about you, your personality, your nature.. You were and are Just like me. I am not a fool, we both know that there were situations which made you suspicious of me and while keeping a facade, you helped me, supported me with what you can. That's the reason why I kept meeting you up, tried to gain your trust and I genuinely fell for you. I am sorry and I know this doesn―
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Back to the present....
"But I am glad that the things turned out for good." Kyungsoo said with a soft smile and gently squeezed your hand. "But what if I had done the other way around?" You said with a playful smirk playing on your face. "You know that I have my own ways and my charms are excellent. No one can resist me." He said with a mischievous smirk. "Oh, you are right tho but don't let me go to that incident. Remember when that stylist was totally whipped around you man. OMG!!" with that you started laughing uncontrollably remembering the scene. "HEY!!!" that was the only thing he said and then joined you...
Kyungsoo never thought that he will meet someone like you; a beautiful yet smart girl, who is just like him, matches his personality, his nature, someone who masks feelings and emotions well, is more mature and composed than him. You were everything that he could ask for. You were Just like him..
Sometimes, he might envy this quality of yours but at the end all it matters whatever the situation is You both are a team or should I say the iconic title which was given by the people to you, the pair of Jonathan and Eva. Why you ask? Because just like them, you guys have the power and aura that surrounds around you both when in public, no one can see the hint of any emotion, fear or feeling and when together the love, support and understanding you share is worth of all things..
A/N:- Sorry for the ending tho.
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2-17 · 6 years
Be still, my love
3,253w; Royal!AU Age-switch
Perhaps a million of them flutter in his stomach. 
Dark red curtains. 
Gold carvings. 
The library is quiet. Rows and rows of different colored books fill the shelves. It is big, cold and lonely. 
Ever since his grandfather passed a few full moons ago, the boy has been all alone since then. Nothing in the palace he lives in, fills the hole in his heart, except for the boy that lives on the top of the hill. A boy as bright as the sun and hair as wavy as the ocean waves. 
“Remember to always be humble, Jongin. Don’t be like your father that is blinded by what he has. If a beggar asks you for money, don’t deny him, Jongin. Money is not everything and it cannot bring you the happiness you seek.”
Jongin looks up from the piano keys. “Seeing you makes me happy grandfather, so please don’t go.”
A grand piano sits in the middle of the room open and ready for use. White sheets of paper are stacked neatly, resting against the glossy black piano. 
Heart of The Soul. 
His shoes squeak on the shiny floor as he makes his way towards the piano in front of him. The keys are an ivory white that contrasts with the black keys. 
The bench creaks when he sits on it. He rests his right foot on the pedal, lightly pressing down and slowly releasing it. 
He sighs and places his fingers on the keys. They are cold and smooth under the pads of his fingers. 
Then he plays the first note. He closes his eyes and allows his fingers to fly over the ivory keys and take him elsewhere. 
It is hauntingly sweet and yet, sad. 
“Grandfather! Grandfather!” Nine-year-old Jongin shouts as he descends the stairs to get to the only fatherly figure he cares for.
The elderly man crouches down to envelop his favorite nephew in his arms. “My precious Jongin, how are you, my dear boy? Did you practice our piano piece like I told you to?”
The little boy beams with happiness, milk teeth on full display. “I did! I practiced every morning after breakfast and after dinner!” Jongin stares at his grandfather, taking in all the wrinkles that weren’t there before and traces them with the tip of his finger. 
It is as if someone sprinkled salt on his grandfather’s chin. “You have got white cat whiskers, grandfather. I like them.”
Jongin’s grandfather lets out a soft chuckle and ruffles the child’s wild hair. “And you have got messy lion hair, but you didn’t hear it from me.”
Tiny dust particles float in the air, moving gently under the rays of the sun. The curtains are drawn apart and tied with a rope. 
His fingers move slowly, gliding as if flying through the afternoon sky. His fingers caress each key, sliding down and across the keys to land on C major. His left hand remains on the left side playing the same keys and chords in many different ways, while his right moves from the middle to the edge.
It wasn’t always like this. He didn’t always play alone. His grandfather would sit beside him and tell him stories about the world and its mysteries. Words of wisdom would spill from his grandfather’s wrinkly lips, and it would always bring a smile to his lips. It would always make all the bad feelings go away.
The piece comes to an end just as someone knocks on the oak door and it opens to reveal his personal butler. A man in his mid-forties with graying hair and lines on his forehead. He is dressed in a black suit with a white pressed shirt underneath. A white towel rests on his left arm. Always ready to serve.
"Prince Jongin, your mother has sent me here to deliver some news," the butler announces as he stands by the entrance of the door. 
Jongin has his eyes trained on the mahogany wood of the piano but turns his body to the side. "And what is the news?"
"A ball is going to be held tonight at seven. Your mother has your suit ready in your bedroom."
A ballroom filled with many potential women that want to marry him. A ballroom filled with money hungry bastards and their mistresses. A ballroom filled with people Jongin has no desire to engage small talk with. Sounds delightful.
He hums, turning his body back to face the piano. "Do you have the list of the guests that will be attending?"
"I am afraid not. Your father has it if you would like to see it," the butler clears his throat before he loses Jongin in the maze of keys. "Your mother wants you to get ready now."
“Please tell my mother that I am busy filling my heart with artificial love."
The butler nods his head, bowing and then turning around to leave, shutting the door behind him.
There is a gazebo surrounded by red and white roses, and a small pond filled with Koi goldfish and other living sea animals. Jongin’s favorite is the all-white Koi with orange lips. It reminds him of someone he has come to grow fond of, perhaps even love.
A calming scent of lavender lingers in the warm spring air, bringing a sense of calm to Jongin’s heart. It puts his soul at ease. The grass is green and dewy from the rain shower that happened a few hours ago. It smells like wet earth, and along with it brings forth a sweet memory.
“Something about the smell of wet earth makes me feel almost human,” Jongin comments as he pushes Kyungsoo on the swing.
Kyungsoo comes to a slow stop and turns around to look at Jongin, and with a smile, he says, “The smell of wet earth is called Petrichor.”
Jongin slips his hands inside his slack’s pocket, right hand fingering a small velvet box where a ring sits snuggly on a pillow. He lifts his eyes up to gaze at the cerulean-colored sky and its clouds. He looks past it and imagines a world where he isn’t a Prince, and he is just Jongin. Kim Jongin, a regular person. Someone people don't break their necks to look at, someone that matters to someone not because of his money or because of his status, but because of who he is.
Jongin doesn't want to rule over a kingdom. He doesn't want to become king and be wedded to someone he doesn't love. Jongin doesn't want the weight of the world on his shoulders at such a delicate age. It feels like a fairy tale, and he doesn't want it. 
Jongin doesn't want to lose the last bit of hope he is hanging on to. The last petals of the rose are slowly coming loose and with it so are his tears.
They roll down his cheeks as he walks over the stone pathway that leads up to an oak tree where a lonely swing hangs from a protruding tree branch. It looks the same as it did that night when he leaned in and pressed his lips against Kyungsoo’s. The night he broke a rule and didn’t care because he was tired of holding back.
“Do you remember when we were children, hyung, and we would always play by the Koi pond? You always compared me to the all white one with orange lips. You said its lips looked like mine.” Kyungsoo rests his head on Jongin’s shoulder as he traces a vein on the elder’s left hand. “Do you still think that? Do you think back to when we were young and didn’t have to deal with problems?”
"Those old days pass through my mind always." Jongin tilts his head to the side to press his lips against Kyungsoo’s temple. They linger there for one, two, three, four seconds before bringing his hand up and cupping Kyungsoo’s warm cheek in his palm. He wipes away a few stray tears and leans in slowly to brush his lips against the smaller’s. They kiss once or twice. Maybe three times. “Why are you crying, my love? What is it that is bringing your heart inner turmoil? Tell me so that I may fix it.”
“I’m afraid that I might lose you by the end of next year, and it scares me so much that there is nothing that we can do to stop it, but I wish with all of my heart that a miracle happens and you don’t  get taken away from me because if you do leave, my heart won’t be able to take it, and I will wither away like a dying flower.”
Jongin sniffles as he reaches out to take hold of the old battered rope. It is dirty but holds so many tender memories. It moves when a gentle breeze comes by and ruffles his dark hair. It shines a warm mocha color under the sun’s rays.
This was the tree where he took Kyungsoo into his arms and comforted him.
“What are we going to do, Jongin? Your mother wants you to marry a girl you don’t even know! I don’t want to lose you, hyung. I need you.”
Jongin sighs sadly, bringing his fist up to wipe the dampness in his eyes. He picks up Kyungsoo's hand and entwines their fingers together. “Don’t fret, Kyungsoo love, for I will protect you.”
Kyungsoo shakes his head, midnight bangs falling over his tear-filled eyes. “I’m not worth protecting, Jongin.”
Jongin sighs, bending down to pick up a few green leaves. They sit on his palm, and he takes a deep breath in before bringing his palm up to his lips and letting out a gush of air. Green and orange leaves are carried away and float down to the ground. He watches them with fascination, wishing that he were like the leaves.
A red carnation flower sways by itself.
My heart aches for you.
Inside the palace, maids and butlers scurry around like frightened mice. They make way for the young prince when he steps into the ballroom where a big chandelier hangs from the ceiling, illuminating the area with its bright white light.
Jongin observes from the entrance as they move the tables around and place glass vases with white orchids in the middle. Thick cream-colored curtains hang from the high ceilings, showing a view of the garden with its blooming flowers and pond filled with Koi goldfish.
No one really pays him any attention. No one ever really does. 
The servants work quickly for everything has to be ready in no less than three hours. Everything has to be perfect.
Because tonight is the night.
A hand comes to rest on his right shoulder, manicured fingernails sliding down Jongin's back to rest behind his neck. "Come, Jongin. The maids have your suit ready for you."
Jongin takes one last look at the men taking their seats with their violins and cellos and the women with their flutes. The man behind the piano looks up and gives the young prince a nod and a smile. 
The young prince bows his head in return before shrugging off the hand on his shoulder and leaving the room. 
He does not answer the voice.
Women dressed in beautiful flowing gowns surrounded by men in their nicely pressed pristine shirts and jackets stand in the grand ballroom drinking pink champagne while eating the finest delicacies the royal family of the Kim’s can offer. Music floats in the air from a few feet away. An orchestra plays softly in the background in tune with the loud murmuring. There is laughter, tipsy giggling, women flaunting their diamond rings and emerald necklaces, men showing off how much money they have, what business they own, the latest vehicle they obtained, servants carrying trays with crackers and caviar, cheese and wine, small cream-filled pastries with an almond adorning the top. 
"Oh child, I worry he may be two-timing you with another woman." A woman with long blonde hair curled to perfection and a, long pearl-colored dress places a manicured hand upon her unfortunate friend's bare shoulder. "I would leave him if I were you, darling. You deserve much better. Find yourself a handsome lad that is loyal and will love you and your flaws."
The short-haired woman nods her head, her wavy locks swaying side to side. "You don't understand, Baekhee. I love him with all I am." She lowers her head in shame, lifting her black fan to cover her face. "But I suppose I must let him go then, hm?"
"I wish you true love and happiness, Sohyun."
The two lovely ladies continue with their chat while sipping on some champagne, awaiting the arrival of the king and queen and their heir. 
Behind the women stand a group of men dressed in their sleek suits and finest shoes. A haughty laughter comes from one of the round men. "Oh, but you see, I've brought my daughter for the young prince to see! Isn't she a beauty?" He smiles, presenting a young girl no older than sixteen. She smiles shyly, bowing gracefully. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you." 
The men surrounding the father and daughter step up one after another to kiss the teenager's gloved hand. "What a lovely young lady, I'm sure the prince will pick you to be his bride."
"Oh," the young girl brings up her hand to place it on her salmon-colored dress. "I'm not too sure about that, sir."
The elder tilts his head to the side and scratches his nicely trimmed beard. "Why do you say that?"
A small blush settles on her cheeks. "Because they are many other beautiful girls here. I am merely just another pretty face in the crowd." 
Someone is standing near the orchestra humming along to the soft tunes, often requesting for a song to play. His eyes sweep over the crowd of unfamiliar faces that he has never seen before and others he would rather stay away from. He searches for someone, someone he hasn't seen in a while. He tries to make himself as invisible as he can but alas his mother comes to get him. 
"Kyungsoo dear, what are you doing here all by yourself? Come talk to these fine ladies," his mother beckons him forward where a group of giggling girls await his arrival. 
Kyungsoo doesn't spare them a glance. He gives his mother a blank look and responds in a bored voice, "I have no interest in partaking in your conversation, mother." And with that, he disappears into the sea of strangers leaving behind his flabbergasted mother and girls. 
He stops then when the music comes to a halt and there are trumpets signaling the arrival of the king and queen and their heir. Can he maybe get a glance of Jongin? Kyungsoo makes his way through the crowd, excusing himself when needed until he is in the front of the crowd, his heart pounding when he catches sight of the Prince dressed in royal blue and a gold crown adorning his head. 
Kyungsoo locks eyes with Jongin despite the entire crowd moving aside to allow the royal family to walk through them. But Jongin keeps his eyes on Kyungsoo, bowing his head and giving the younger male a sweet smile that makes Kyungsoo swoon and falls more for Jongin. 
"He's looking at me, I know he is," Kyungsoo hears one of the princess's say to her friend.
Prince Jongin is looking at me, not you, he wants to say but keeps quiet, stepping back to not bump into the prince. He watches Jongin from afar as the older male greets all of the guests and waits until Jongin is alone so that he can go up to him and talk.
About two and a half hours pass by when Kyungsoo finally catches Jongin by himself standing in the front entrance sipping on a glass of water. The prince looks handsome tonight. 
"Prince Jongin?" Kyungsoo calls, stepping forward to get Jongin's attention.
Jongin turns around with a scowl but it immediately melts when he catches sight of Kyungsoo, his favorite person. "Kyungsoo ah, it's been so long since the last time I saw you."
Kyungsoo nods his head shyly, bowing his head in greeting. "It's been a little over a month. I have, um," he mumbles the last part because no one can hear them.
Jongin understands just what Kyungsoo wants to say. "I have too, Kyungsoo, so much." He then looks away to check if anyone is watching them interact. Thankfully everyone seems to be entertained with the woman who is singing at the center of the ballroom. Jongin steps forward, close enough that his lips are touching Kyungsoo's left ear. "Wait for me in the garden next to the Koi pond. I'll meet you there shortly."
Kyungsoo exhales shakily, licking his lips to calm his racing heart. Jongin is gone within the next second and Kyungsoo takes that as an excuse to escape the castle and go outside.
Kyungsoo now stands outside by the Koi pond looking down at the goldfishes swimming in the mint green water. He sighs sadly as he kneels down to pick up a small dandelion and brings it up to his nose to take a whiff of the faint aroma. It doesn't smell of anything particular so he stands up only to let out a small scream when he is suddenly being tugged backward against a broad chest and dragged away behind a wall of grass. 
"Kyungsoo ah," a soft velvety voice whispers against his ear as warm hands snake down his hips to rest on his lower back. 
"Jongin hyung," Kyungsoo murmurs, relaxing into Jongin's hold as their lips find each other under the glowing moonlight. They kiss once, twice, five times, ten times. Whispers of I-missed-you-so-much and where-were-you, but mostly, don't-worry-everything's-going-to-be-fine. 
They stay in a quiet embrace staring into each other's eyes with soft smiles on their lips. "Did you miss me? Because I missed you so much, Kyungsoo."
Another kiss. "I missed you day and night, Jongin." Two kisses. "You were on my mind always." Three kisses. "I'm worried and scared about tonight. I don't want them to take you away from me because I need you more than I need anything. I want you, Jongin. I want you all to myself. For me to keep."
Jongin presses his lips against the younger's forehead and murmurs, "As I said to you two months ago, Kyungsoo, everything is going to be fine tonight. I promise you no one is going to take me away from you."
"But your mother," Kyungsoo’s words are mumbled against Jongin's warm lips and soon Kyungsoo is melting against the prince's broad chest, sliding his hands up to wrap them around Jongin's neck. Their lips slide against each other as their bodies pressed even closer together. "Please don't," Kyungsoo murmurs against Jongin's lips, "let her take you," he hums when the prince grabs the back of his neck to deepen the kiss, "away from me..."
Jongin pulls away with a reassuring smile, wiping away the tears that have started to leak from Kyungsoo's eyes. "Be still, my love because no one will ever take me away from you. I promise you that."
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 7 years
Two Bosses Ch 10
Xiumin had forced me to leave with them when they left a little bit later, Sehun and Kai whined all the way to the lobby. They each kissed me goodbye before Xiumin lead me to his car that was waiting on the curb. Kris and Luhan took Kris’s car, they would meet us at Xiu’s. As soon as we got into the car Xiumin’s dad mode came on. He nagged me and nagged me about answering my phone and not going anywhere new without telling anyone. Though his scolding did annoy me, I find comfort in the fact that if I would go missing someone would definitely be looking.
He asked, “Did you have fun?” His scolding was done and his playful side had come out.
I can’t hide my smile, “Yes, I had lots of fun.”
“I’m happy to hear that, but I have to ask, how is this whole thing going to work out?”
“I have absolutely no idea. We said we were going to play it by ear.”
“I’m also guessing this means no more sexy time on my desk,” Xiu pouts.
“Sorry-“ He cuts my apology off.
“I’m joking Love. You’ve got me with or without sex. .” He holds my hand while he drives through the city, his thumb making small circles on the back of my hand. We pull up to the gate to his house, or should I say mansion. He enters the codes before the massive iron gate swings open and lets us drive up to the of the driving way in front of the house. We get out and walk in, greeted by a line of maids and butlers, all bowing.
“Welcome home,” They say in unison.
I smile at them all, “Hello everyone!” The line of older women and men look up with sweet smiles.
“Good afternoon miss. Jimin,” The head butler, Joon, says with another bow.
“Kris and Luhan aren’t far behind us, we will be in the kitchen.” Xiu says as he slips off his jacket and hands it to one of the maids. He starts heading towards the kitchen.
“I’m going to change quick,” I say running up the massive stair case in the entryway without hesitation. I easily make my way to Xiumin’s massive master bedroom and straight into his closet. Sehun had been nice enough to give me something other than my dress to wear out, a nice pair of sweatpants and a over sized t-shirt. But nothing compares to Xiu’s sweatpants from china recently and one of my own t-shirts that I have here. I take my new outfit into the bathroom with me and climb into the shower. Though I took a shower this morning, I’m willing to admit that I didn’t get that clean from it. When I’m done and dressed I go back down stairs to join the guys, that I can hear from the top of the stairs. I enter the kitchen hesitantly when I hear an unexpected voice.
“There you are!” Xiu cheers from the where he is leaning on the counter. I go stand next to him, feeling three pairs of only slightly familiar eyes on me. It’s Suho, Kyungsoo, and Chen, people I am definitely not dressed to be running in to. Luhan and Kris picked up Lay on the way, and apparently a few others. They are all dressed down in sweats and sweatshirts and I have never seen a group of men who can dress like that and still look that good.
“Minnie!” Lay coos as he comes over to me and gives me a tight hug. “Xiumin hyung has had me worried all weekend about you!” I glare at Xiumin.
“I’m fine oppa.”
“Where have you been?” He asks worriedly. The three oldest are grinning ear to ear, waiting for my explanation. I bite my lip as I try to think of an appropriate answer I don’t mind saying in front of three strangers but when none come to mind I quickly change the subject when I lock eyes with the owl like man.
“Kyungsoo oppa,” I coo as I slip out of Lay’s grip. The poor man’s eyes open wider at the sound of his name. “You look hungry, have you eaten?” I ask as I make my way over to the nervous looking man.
“I’m good thank you,” He takes a step away from me.
“That’s not what I asked you.”
“Um…” He looks down at his feet.
“None of us have eaten,” Suho answers for his friend.
“Great, I’ll make us some lunch.” I clap my hands together, opening Xiumin’s fridge and digging through to find something to make. Settling on fish cake soup I begin gathering all the ingredients I will need. I grab my apron from the pantry and grab a second one usually worn by Xiumin but after noticing how Kyungsoo was watching me I hand it to him. He is surprised when I put if over his head tie it behind his back without word. After putting my own on I pull him off of the stool he is sitting on and place him in front of a chopping board. The others just watch with wide eyes, expect for Xiumin, as Kyungsoo begins cutting the vegetables for me. We both go about our business, he cuts all the veggies while I get everything else ready. When everything is done and in the pot I leave it to sit for a little while.
I turn to Kyungsoo with a smile, “I knew you were a good cook.”
“How?” He doesn’t even bother trying to hide the blush spreading across his face.
“You looked like you wanted to help me,” I explain, “but I have a feeling you would have been too shy to offer.”
“So you don’t give him an option,” Luhan teases from Kyungsoo’s old spot.
“He could have said no,” I snap back playfully.
“And face the wrath of Jimin, oh no.”
I swat at him, “You make me sound like a monster.”
“You kind of are,” Kris chirps in, earning a swat from me.
“I think you’re an angel,” Lay smiles sweetly at me.
“I like her,” Chen laughs at his hyungs getting hit.
“Thank you for letting me help,” Kyungsoo ads shyly, making my heart melt at the sight of such a cute manly man.
I can’t help myself, “So cute!” I latch on to him, I let so soon atfter, realizing how much of an awkward situation I put the poor man in. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, thank you again,” A small smile cross his face again and I have to go around so the island is separating us to keep me from attacking him again.
The soup is ready and the other guys set the table. It’s different from lunch last time, maybe it’s because of the lack of people, and lack of distracting touching, but I’m able to talk with the other guys more and actually get to know them. When we’re done, Xiumin and Luhan do dishes, leaving me with the others, not that I mind. The afternoon passes quickly with so many people and things to talk about; soon it’s almost ten. When some of the guys decide they should go home because of work tomorrow, the rest agree and leave along with them. I find myself in Xiumin’s bed curled up into a ball in his arms not soon after.
In the morning, it’s a struggle as usual to get out of bed, but after a few minutes I somehow convince him to let me go. Deciding what to wear is much easier at his house than mine, with half of his closet full of over expensive clothes he has bought for me over the years that I refuse to bring home. All of the dresses have matching jewelry and shoes, most of which have gone unworn. I pick out a simple black dress and matching pumps. Xiumin refuses to get out of bed until I agree to wear the matching earring and bracelet.
When we are both ready we head down stairs and are handed egg bread as we head out the door. In the car we eat out hot bread in silence, well actually are a lot of noises, but not for inappropriate reasons. Xiumin drops me off at the door to my office and we wave goodbye to each other. I’m surprised I don’t see Yoona at the desk but wave the worry away when I over hear someone talking about how the bosses are here so much earlier than usual.
Oh yeah.
I completely forgot about facing them, too distracted by my fun last night to even try to think of what I’m going to say to them. And sadly the ride up in the elevator is not enough time to think of something good. When the elevator dings and the doors open, I hesitate exiting but pull on my big girl pants and step out. I stand there for a minute, making sure it’s safe before I let the elevator go back down. As soon as that door closes Kai’s door flys open, making me jump. He is on me before I even really know what is going on. His hands are holding my cheeks as he kisses me passionately.
I’m out of breath when he pulls away, or actually when he gets pulled away by Sehun who eagerly takes his place. I’m upset with myself when I push him away, already missing his taste and the feel of his lips on mine but I know where that could lead.
“Did you guys miss me?” I tease as I still try and calm my quick beating heart. Both boys are licking their lips as their eyes can me up and down.
“So much,” Sehun responds as he takes a step towards me. Kai follows suit but I put my hands up to stop them from coming any closer.
“Jimin!” Kai whines.
“Why won’t you let us touch you?” Sehun pouts as he grabs my hand and holds it tight, god they are children.
“You can touch me but no kissing in the office, you can only be as touchy as you were before, nothing under the clothes boys, got it?” I say sternly.
They both pout, but nod.
“Good, now you may touch me.” With that they both latch on to me, holding me tight, but surprisingly no fighting with each other about it. “Can we at least go sit down or something?”
Kai leads us to his office and pulls me down the couch; Sehun closes the door behind us, with a loud click echoing through the room before coming to the couch. We get comfortable; Kai has his arm wrapped round me, with my head resting against his chest, while Sehun lays across the rest of the couch with his head in my lap.
“How was your night?” Kai asks as he kisses the top of my head.
“Very active,” I start and already feel both of them tense. “I hung out with my oppas, we talked a lot. Just talked.”
“Which oppas?” Sehun asks staring up at me from my lap.
I begin running my hands through his hair, “Xiumin, Kris, Luhan, Suho, Lay, Chen, and Kyungsoo where all there.”
“Why the hell were we not invited?”
I shrug, “I just walked into Xiumin’s kitchen and they were all there. It’s not my house so I can’t just invite people over.”
The elevator dinging brings all of our attention to the door. I try to stand up but they both stop me. Kai says, “Maybe they will go away if no one answers.”
I roll my eyes at them before struggling out of their grasp to go see who is here. Opening Kai’s office door I’m surprised to see Kyungsoo standing in the lobby with a small smile.
“Oppa!” I call gleefully as I go to greet him. Kai and Sehun are on my tail the minute the word is out of my mouth. Glaring at whoever I seemed to be friendly to, but their glares falter when they see who it is. It’s Kyunsoo’s turn to glare when he sees the two boys so close behind me. “What are you doing here?”
“Yea, you have no business in this building,” Kai says to try and be cool but fails the moment their hyung looks at them.
“I’m here on personal business so but out,” His eyes shift to me and automatically soften. “Sorry to bug you Jimin-ah but I wanted to ask you for the recipe for that fish you made last night for diner.”
“Of course! If you give me your number I’ll text it to you!”
He smiles an adorable heart shaped smile that melts my heart, “Could you also send me some of your other ones, or do you have any suggestions?”
“Come over here,” I say leading him to one of the chairs in front of my desk before taking a seat in the one next to him. “What kind of recipes are you looking for? Soups, stew, entrees?”
“Any and everything that you can give me!” I was too distracted by the cute creature named Kyungsoo to notice the two men glaring daggers at us but Kyungsoo dis notice and smiles even brighter at me.
Oh evil little Kyungsoo.
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
Wings of an Angel
Story Series; Ch12
Chapter 11
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    Yami and Ayno are the most confusing people I have ever met, Yami always tells him that he should not treat her like a lady but then 5 minutes later she gives up, Ayno is different because Yami always tells him to put on a shirt and he says that he'll only do that when necessary but like another 5 minutes go by and he has a shirt on. They are perfect for each other I swear they are fit each other because I would like his attitude if I was with him but I'm not, I'm with Baekhyun.
    Speaking of Baekhyun, everytime I am not around he becomes harsh on Reyn because he hired Reyn as one of his butlers, but when I'm around he becomes patient towards Reyn. That is not right, apparently Reyn is not welcomed here, I went to him and he was crying all because Baekhyun could not stop being harsh on him. I asked, "Do you want to move somewhere else, Reyn?" "Anywhere but here and the Heart Kingdom," said Reyn. I managed to snuck out of the kingdom with Reyn and Baron, I asked the centaur, "Can you take us to King Jongin's Kingdom please?" "The Nature Kingdom? Sure," said the centaur.     We were off to the Nature Kingdom, Reyn was now calm and relaxed, thankfully I left a note saying that Reyn and myself are going somewhere and there was no way for him to talk me out of it. We arrived the Nature Kingdom, it was really full of nature, Reyn was welcomed because a fellow satyr greeted him, "Hello fellow satyr." This was a female, Reyn asked, "May I know your name?" "My name is Elora," she said. Reyn smiled and said, "I want to stay here forever." "But we need to let King Jongin know that you are moving here," I said to Reyn.     We went to Kai's castle, Kai was in the middle of steaming it looks like, I asked, "What's wrong, Kai?" "Fluorescence, now is not the time," said Kai. I said to Reyn, "Looks like that's a no, Reyn, I'm sorry, I'll find somewhere else for you to live in." That made Kai turn around and he said, "He can stay just don't bother me at the moment." I let Reyn go on his own so I can ask, "What's wrong, Kai? Maybe I can help." "I don't need any help," Kai shouted. That tone of voice was rattling my chain, I gritted my teeth and said, "Watch that tone, mister!" "What are you gonna do? You are not a queen yet!" he shouted again.     I looked at his maids, butlers, and guards, they immediately left the room they saw my eyes turning blood shot red and black. Kai didn't see the sudden change of my eyes but he heard my change of voice when I said, "Don't tempt something that you want to regret this!" "What happened to your voice, Fluorescence?" asked Kai. Then he turned towards me, saw my eyes and asked again, "What happened to your eyes?" "This is what happens if you rattle my chain of my true nature," I warned him.     He got the message quick then said, "I'm having an issue trying to hide this sudden urge to dance, but I can't because that's not how a King would do." "So? Every king is different, if you want to dance that bad then what is stopping you?" I asked, making a very good point. Kai thought about on what I said and said, "Why didn't I think of that? I could dance whenever I want. This is my kingdom, I rule it, and if I want to dance no one is going to stop me, not even my guards could stop me." "Well, you do have power over them so they have to listen to you no matter what," I said.     Then I saw some moves from Kai that almost got me to dump Baekhyun for him but I'm preventing that happening because it was wrong for me to think that way. I ended up walking out of the castle, I saw Reyn hanging out with Elora, they were holding hands. Apparently they got together quick, how sweet and very cute, I went back to the Light Kingdom, expecting someone who is unhappy on what I did with Reyn.     My prediction was right, Baekhyun was unhappy with me but didn't see Reyn with me, he asked, "Where is Reyn?" At this point we were in the bedroom, I simply told him, "I moved Reyn to Kai's Kingdom, he didn't feel welcomed at all for what you were doing to the poor satyr." "So, you snuck out with him behind my back," he said, accusing me for doing something right. I asked, "Are you accusing me for doing something right?" "I don't know, it seems like I am," Baekhyun mouthed back.     I didn't even hesitate when I said, "You know what, I don't want to start something so I'm going to bunk with Yami." So, that's what I ended up doing, I went to Yami's room then I forgot that Ayno is in her room so I bunked with Baron, my brother. Baron asked, "What's wrong with Baekhyun right now?" "I don't know ever since we've brung Reyn to this Kingdom it was as if Baekhyun has a hatred towards satyrs, I find that hard to believe," I said, "When I came back, he accused me of doing something right on Reyn's part because Baekhyun was treating him differently."     Baron let me sleep on his bed while he sleeps in a separate room. Then morning arrived, I was still in Baron's room, feeling great that I stood up for someone who is being treated unfairly. I decided to contact Queen Lulu to explain to her on what happened with Reyn, myself, and Baekhyun. When I told her all of that, Lulu said, "Baekhyun doesn't have a hatred towards satyrs, he's just hard to understand when he's trying to be a King and be a friend at the same time." "But that's impossible, I even saw Kai trying to be a King and a friend at the same time but I told him to drop the King act and try to be a friend to someone that you can trust," I said to her.     Lulu said, "Sehun, he's nowhere like them, he's a King towards everybody else, minus us 2, my sister, Yami, Ayno, Baron, and the other Kings, because he wants to let them know that he is ruling his kingdom but at the same time he's trying to figure out if he's doing the right thing." "But, last night Baekhyun accused me of doing something right," I told her. She just looked at me in shock and asked, "He did what?" "You heard me, he even admit that he was accusing me," I said to her, "I even warned him before to not mess with my true nature, my true nature's chain is rattling still from what he said."     After that interaction with Queen Lulu, I saw Baekhyun coming into the library because I'm always there when I need to read to get something off my mind. When he got closer, I just ignored his existence by going to another section of the library. I heard him call my name in the most stern like voice, I was not moving from my spot, yes I'm hiding from him. He got close enough to know that I snuck out of the library and went to the courtyard to just be lost in the garden he had.     Ayno sees me and asked, "May I join you?" "Go for it, Ayno, just don't let Baekhyun see you," I said to him. He did exactly that because of my tone of voice, I ended up falling asleep in Ayno's arms in the garden, it took Baekhyun a while to find on where I am. When he did, I was awake with my back facing him, Baekhyun asked, "Why are you avoiding me now?" "Hmph," all I said. I'm giving him the cold shoulder, Baekhyun asked, "Was it because I accused you?" "Oh, gee, I wonder why," I said, "because that's exactly why I am avoiding and giving you the silent treatment all because Reyn wanted to move away from this Kingdom, I did something right that should have never been accused of doing in the first place!"     He almost snapped at me when I said, "Stop treating other people that who is not an Angel, an Elf, A Dark Elf, a Demon, and a human, because that was unfair on your part treating a satyr like he didn't belong here." He is just quiet at this point, then this got his attention when I said, "Apparently equality doesn't even matter to you anymore, so why am I, Ayno, Yami, and Baron are here?" "Please, Fluorescence, I don't want to lose you," said Baekhyun. I gave him a stern look and said, "Then I guess we just need a break from each other because I do not want to unleash my true self and you are not going to like it."     I went to Kyungsoo's Kingdom so I could ask him a favor, when we greeted each other, Kyungsoo asked, "Do you want to stay for a while?" "Yes, Baekhyun and I are taking a break from each other," I said. Then he said, "But there's more to it on why you are truly here." "Yeah, wedding cake," I said. Kyungsoo said, "Say no more, I'll make the perfect cake for the both of you." "And make one for my sister Yami, please?" I asked.     After all that, I decided to wonder around the world then I spotted a fellow angel, his angel wings had a hint of yellow, I asked, "Do you need any help, sir?" "Yes please," I hear him say. He has such an angelic voice for a guy like him, I did a curtsy and greeted myself, "I'm called Fluorescence." "My name is Jeonghan," he said, "It's a pleasure to meet a fellow archangel." "Archangel?" I said, in confusion. Jeonghan explained, "Your wings are golden yellow and mine has a hint of yellow, meaning that we both are Archangels, the ones that has both yellow and white are wannabe Archangels, the ones with the hint of light blue are soon to be Archangels, same with the ones that have hints of yellow, and the ones with the pure white are just your average Angel."     "Oh, I learned something new today," I said to myself. He asked, "Didn't you read that somewhere in a library?" "Where I am from, reading was forbidden," I said to him. He stopped and said, "Those parents are wrong to do that." "Yeah, the library was my only escape," I told him. Then he said, "I was told that I had 2 sisters, I'm currently looking for them." "What are their names?" I asked. Jeonghan looked at me and said, "Their true names are Yin and Yang." I stopped dead in my tracks, I looked at him and said, "My true name is Yang." "Is it weird that we happen to end up meeting each other?" he asked. I answered, "Yeah that's kind of strange." "Well, I was told by a King of the Frost Kingdom that people named Yami and Fluorescence are living here at the Light Kingdom," he said.     When I introduced Jeonghan to Ayno, Baron, and Yami, Yami was in tears because she knew on who was our lost brother, Baron said all that so Yami doesn't be sad the entire day of that day. I took Jeonghan to a room that he'll be staying, then he said, "Thanks but I want to spend time with my sister to see on how she is doing." "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded, then I told him, "Well, all I'm doing is planning a wedding for myself and my love interest." "Oh, I can't wait to meet this partner of yours," said Jeonghan. Then I told him, "Well, you will eventually run into him, this is his castle after all." "Wait what?" he said, in confusion.     Speaking of my love partner, Baekhyun came walking down the hallway seeing me and Jeonghan interacting with each other. Someone is jealous even though Jeonghan is my lost brother, then he sees Yami and Baron come up to us, Jeonghan noticed Baekhyun then asked, "Is that the owner of this castle?" "Yes he is and he is the King of the Kingdom," said Yami. Jeonghan held his breath while Baekhyun came closer and asked, "Who is this?" "This is Jeonghan," I said, "My long lost-." "Your long lost partner?" Baekhyun accused. Jeonghan said, "Eww, no! I'm her brother, dude, that would be so weird." "Brother?" asked Baekhyun.     Jeonghan spoke up for me and said, "Yes and from what Fluorescence, the true Yang, has told me that you are wrongly accusing her for doing something right! She deserves someone far more better than the likes of you. A King?" Then he chuckles as he continues, "A King of what? The King of Jerks? Is that what you are? For a King, you should never treat a lady in any kind of disrespect. For a King, you are a terrible one." Baekhyun had to stop him by saying, "I'm not terrible!" "Oh really, then why did Fluorescence tell me that you were treating a satyr different than you were treating her? That is very wrong for a King to do, she was doing something right for once and you had the nerve to accuse her of doing something right," said Jeonghan.     I'm avoiding eye contact on Baekhyun, then Jeonghan told him, "She took that Satyr somewhere that he should've been welcomed in the first place, she took him to Kai's Kingdom, which is called the Nature Kingdom right?" "Yeah," said Baekhyun. Jeonghan was getting to him, Yami was noticing something different about Jeonghan and myself, it's true, Yami is not my twin, Jeonghan is my twin, but the Weeping angels are still Yami and myself.     After all that was said and done, Baekhyun now realized not to mess with Jeonghan in any way possible. Which is good on my part because he has my brother to deal with. I met up with Queen Lulu, she noticed the certain changes, Baekhyun's kingdom is not only white and grey anymore, it's still white but also yellow and blue. I also helped with the greenery, I mean if the woodland creatures are wanting to live here you need to have some greenery or woods in your kingdom.
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chananis · 7 years
20 questions tag
RULES: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. NAME: Alexis Danielle Meredith NICKNAME: Allie, Dani, Lallie GENDER: Female STAR SIGN: Leo! 7-28-99 HEIGHT:5'4" TIME RIGHT NOW: 3:24 LAST THING I GOOGLED: "jungkook white shirt meme" FAVORITE BANDS: Seventeen!!!, Bts, Monsta x, Day6, Up10tion, ASTRO, EXO, Ikon, GOT7, Pentagon, Varsity, Block B, Twice, Red Velvet, Pristin, Sistar, AOA FAVE SOLO ARTISTS: Taeyang, Jay Park, Bobby, solo music by Taeil, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo(: LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: HERCULES LMAO WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: about 4 years ago WHAT DO YOU POST: I POST A LOT OF SEVENTEEN but yeah kpop WHEN DID YOUR BLOG REACH ITS PEAK?: does my blog have a peak DO YOU HAVE OTHER BLOGS: no lmao DO YOU GET ASKS REGULARLY: not at all WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL: i was thirteen and i didnt know that i wasnt cool FOLLOWING: a LOT of blogs POSTS: I DONT KNOW HOGWARTS HOUSE: help POKÉMON TEAM: help FAVORITE COLORS: pastel colors!! AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6-8 LUCKY NUMBERS: 7 (: FAVE CHARACTERS: boy i have so many.. mostly from black butler nd ouran high school host club kms WHAT AM I WEARING NOW? a stripey blue dress for my graduation tonight (: HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH: two homies DREAM JOB: Dancer or a Baker (: DREAM TRIP: TOKYO OR KOREA I’m gonna tag: nobody >.
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smuttyfairy · 8 years
About Admin Gilfairy
Name: Admin Gilfairy
Position: Writer/ Updates/ Hoe night assistant 
Kyungsoo (Exo)
Kyungil (History)
Hyorin (Sistar)
Shownu (Monsta X)
Seungkwan (Seventeen)
Rapmonster (BTS)
Jackson (GOT7)
Serri (Dal Shabet)
Joonyul (Stellar)
Yezi (Fiestar)
K.A.R.D (all of them. I bias all of them)
P.O (Block B)
Seohyun (SNSD)
Seulgi (Red Velvet)
Moonbyul (Mamamoo)
Hyeyeon (BESTie)
L.E (exid)
Ravi (Vixx)
Sojin (Nine Muses)
Jenni (Black Pink)
Jihyo (Twice)
Himchan (B.A.P)
Hyeran (Brave Girls)
Yeeun (CLC)
Exy (WSJN)
Onew (Shinee)
Siwon (Super Junior)
Baro (b1a4)
Jimin/Chanmi (AOA)
Zuny (Ladies’ Code)
Yura (Girl’s Day) 
Yunsung (Romeo)
Minhyun (Nu’est)
Rockhyun (100%)
Other groups/ soloist: Ailee, Jay Park, Elo, Oh My Girl, GFriend, 2PM/2AM, Day6, BEAST, Heize, Dean, Teen Top, G.Soul, Jimin Park, April, Infinite, Playback, Royal Pirates, CNBlue, San E, Crush, Zion.T, Kisum, I, KittiB, Grace, After School, NCT (all units), Secret, CL, Hyuna, D.Holic, MissA, KNK, Big Bang
Affiliated Fandoms: MONBEBE, STAR1, LOVE, STORIA, MINE, Tinkerbell, Vampz, CHOICE, DAI5Y, Ujung, Wannable, Elvis, candY, Topp Klass, BESTiny, LEGGO, Let’s, Twinkle, PERFECTION
UB: Kyungil/ Kyungsoo
UB bias wrecker: Everyone
Personal blogs: @niggaliciousjoe
Age: 18
Location: Virginia 
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Height: 6'2 
Star sign: Taurus
Dick size: 2 inches .. from the ground ;)
Bra size: 30 AA
Kinks: See here.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, watching dramas/ animes, jacking off, sleeping, bothering Jaefairy
Games: Pokemon, league, fire emblem, ssb, 
Favorite Non-Korean artists/bands: Utada Hikaru, Perfume, Beyonce, Britney spears, Lady Gaga, Savant, Rihanna, Calvin Harris, Carly Rae Jepsen, Jia, Jenyer, Luhan, Kris, Zitao
Favorite food(s): Pizza, burgers, chicken (idfk man, i can’t specify lol)
Favorite drink(s): Coffee, Jaefairy’s nut, Chocoberry bubble tea (just bubble tea in general), sweet tea
Favorite color(s): Black, pink (in your area)
Favorite animal(s): idk man, what even kind of question is this 
Favorite anime(s): Shakugan no Shana, Pokemon, Bleach, Ao Haru Ride, Kiznaiver, Kill la kill, Shigatsu wa Kimi no uso, Erased, Angel beats, Mirai Nikki, Parasyte, Madoka Magica, No Game No Life, Black Butler, Bungou Stray Dogs, Durarara, Space Dandy, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Zankyou no Terror, Love Live, Darker Than Black, Date a Live, Tokyo Ghoul, Guilty Crown, Nisekoi, Another, Akame ga Kill, Zero no Tsukaima, Kekkaishi, Sekirei, Highschool DXD, Blade&Soul, Soul Eater
3 facts about me: I’m originally from New York but am currently residing in Virginia, I can speak Spanish at a tourist level, and I’m currently self-learning Korean :)
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oxhaven · 4 years
blackbutler!kyungsoo ﻬ insomnia starters ﻬ “it’s nearly two in the morning, what are you doing up?” + “i work best at night.”  
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You tiptoed through the mansion like a ninja in the dark, in search of the bigger threat in the house. With every held breath you peeked your head in every room you thought he might be in only to find it dark and empty before you were on the prowl again.
You finally found him in the bookkeeping room, littered in flickering candle lights and his back turned to the door as your ears picked up the sound of a pen scribbling on paper. You bit down on your bottom lip and continued to hold your breath, stepping into the room silently with careful bare feet.
“It’s nearly two in the morning, what are you doing up?”
Kyungsoo’s back was still turned to you as he continued to write away and you released the breath you were holding onto with an exasperated sigh. You slumped your body in defeat and pouted, folding your arms and dragging your feet the rest of the way to go by his side.  
“I wanted to catch the moment of you actually dozing off and tease you about it.” 
“I am a demon. I don’t need sleep.” He replied cooley as you glared him down. You stared at his dark, focused eyes in the dim light available before traveling down his body and noticing his attire was much looser from the day prior. He had completely rid himself of his suit jacket and tie and let his white button down become...well unbuttoned. You got a nice peek of his tan skin underneath the material and could even make out the lines and ridges of what you confirmed to be abs. You let your eyes go down further, stopping at his tight slacks and maybe if you squinted a bit harder maybe just maybe you could make out a print-
You shook your head of the impure thoughts and cleared your throat. “What are you even doing up at this hour?”
“I work best at night.” Kyungsoo answered, finally shutting the book closed with a flick of his wrist and setting the pen down beside it on the counter. His head turned to you, unwavering eyes giving you his full attention as he stared you down. “I finished up all the laundry and cleaned dishes, planned out tomorrow’s menu and schedule, and picked out your outfits in your dressing room.” 
You scoffed in his face. “I can dress myself.”
“And that you will. With Victoria. But when you can’t decide on what to wear, you eventually go for my pick in the end.” 
Your mouth fell open, only a tiny bit as you caught the slightest hint of a smirk on his face. “Now shall I escort you back to bed?”
“I can’t sleep.” You answered, putting more work on him to solve the dilemma as you bounced around ideas on how to toture the butler in your head. You watched his eyebrow twitch before he took a step forward inside your personal bubble. You got a whiff of his familiar scent, pulling your lips in as you breathed him in. You refused to fall underneath his gaze, staring back at him as you felt the tickle of his fingers grazing along your bare arm.   
“Would you like some hot tea? Or maybe warm milk?” he asked low and sweet, your gaze wavering at the sound of his lulling voice. 
“Shall I read you a story to help put you to sleep? Or should I introduce you to some helpful remedies that could put your restless body into a deep slumber?” 
He had leaned in, his lips only an inch away from your own as he breathed out his questions for only you to hear. You prayed he didn’t hear the pounding of your heart against your chest, but you knew you were busted when he breathed out a chuckle and pulled back with clouded eyes.  
“Though you will wake up achy and sore by morning.”
You moved to take a step back, frustration in your voice as you stuttered out a smart reply over his suggestive comments. You couldn’t get away from him fast enough, strong arms locking you in place before you found yourself above the ground and wrapping your arms around his neck to steady yourself. He wore an amused grin, succeeding in making your face a beautiful shade of red that he took pleasure in before pressing a soft kiss against the inside of your arm.  
“I’ll put you to bed then, my little princess.”
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promisesox · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 3 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your eyes trained on the words on the page through your rimmed glasses, emitting a yawn through your gaped mouth. It was a quiet morning as you spent it with a book in your reading room, nothing particular planned on your schedule for the day. It was smaller compared to the library, a sitting room with shelves of books surrounding your comfort chairs and single open window as you listened to the chirping of birds from outside. 
You flipped the page with slight curiosity as to what was to come next in the chapter, but your mind was still wandering to other ideas. 
You heard the scrambling shift of her feet against the floorboard behind you, her stuttering response answering you, “Yes!?”
“Tea.” you cooly commanded, eyes still glued to the page of the book in your hands. You could still see her from the corners of your eyes, hurriedly trying to pour a cup of tea for you while trying to be careful with the expensive porcelain that would indeed be difficult to replace. 
She managed to hand you your teacup successfully without making a mess, smiling to herself happily with arms outstretched to you as you dropped your book onto the table stand next to you. You took the cup with fingers holding onto the handle, letting the cool porcelain press against your lips before you took a sip. The earl grey had grown warm but you didn’t bother telling her, a matter more important to you on your mind. 
“Victoria, have you ever been to a party?”
Her eyes snapped with attention as she straightened up in front of you, hands clenching together as she hummed with thought. 
“Only when I was younger my mistress, that was a long time ago, years ago-”
“How would you like to attend one with me?”
You didn’t think her eyes could grow any wider, her mouth dropping open as she immediately refused, “I could never! I’m too shabby looking compared to you mistress, what would they think of a maid attending a party with my mistress-”
“Are you refusing me, Victoria?”
Her mouth shut instantly as she dropped her gaze, like a scolded puppy who didn’t know any better. You set your teacup aside before getting up from your seat, your eyes examining her from top to bottom as you circled around. 
“You would look amazing in some of the dresses I have.” you murmured mostly to yourself but the shift in her body didn’t go unnoticed. You glanced back up when you reached the front of her, a finger underneath her chin as you raised it up for her eyes to meet yours. You smiled adoringly, “I was invited to a party tonight, hosted by some promising partners who would be a valuable asset in the growth of my company. But you know how much I hate going to parties.” 
You moved from her feigning worry with a sigh. “If I must go, I’ll go, but Kyungsoo makes it so boring for me. Always making me speak to the other guests and building rapur.” 
You heard her open her mouth and stutter on a reply and you knew you got her, quickly returning back to her with a bright grin. “It would seem I might have some fun going with you Victoria. Call it, a girl’s night out?”
She was still stuttering over her words as your eyes bore into hers, not allowing her to break eye contact with you. You knew exactly how to break Victoria, but even more so on how to use her, which is why you knew she would never refuse you if you put her on the spot. And break she did, her uneasy gaze finally relenting into yours. 
“I would be honored to accompany you, my mistress.”
The ballroom hall was filled with glittering candlelights along the chandeliers hanging above the mass of people. They were all high class individuals, dressed to impress for the evening event celebrating the union of outstanding businesses with successful revenue. You believed it was all bullshit quite honestly, sipping lightly from the champagne glass as your eyes wandered about the hall. It was an excuse for rich people to get together and brag about their companies, family names, and overall wealth they acquired from overworking lower class people. You truly hated parties, but tonight was special. Tonight you didn’t have Kyungsoo to torment you into dancing or making ‘friends’ with the rats who only cared about having more money and popularity. You didn’t completely ignore the rodents though, keeping light conversation and earning a few points in getting invited to the next ladies brunch outing.
You wanted to hurry and wrap this night up all together, but there was something you planned to do if the moment arrived. That’s why a pleased smile formed on your face when you noticed her at the top of the marble staircase. 
Before Victoria became your maid she was known as a mysterious beauty across the nation. Not many people got the chance to witness her grace and charm but she was sure to leave them absolutely stunned. Now she belonged in your hands, living to abide and serve only you. 
She looked elegant in the black gown that initially belonged to you, making heads turn as she made her way down the steps. Her midnight black hair was slicked back falling down past her shoulder blades in gorgeous waves. Her makeup only accented her features more, with a red lip stain that was addictive to the eye. You applauded yourself silently with the fine work you’ve done, watching her make her way towards you in the sea of people with their attention on her. 
Of course she was stopped many times, astonished men not being able to help themselves wanting a dance with her. She rejected all except one, an older gentleman far out of his league that she permitted with a chasting smile. 
You scoffed to yourself at the way he rumbled with pride, courting her the whole night as he introduced her to his many acquaintances before they made their way through the room down to the hall that led to other private rooms. You continued to sip your champagne, enjoying the night through until you figured it was late enough. Kyungsoo must be missing you by now. 
It was a long walk down the dark hallway, hearing the sound of a record player and deep laughter of men the closer you got to the door. You didn’t bother to knock, turning the knob and pushing the door open with your fingers as the noise quieted down upon your entrance.  
You almost snorted, lips turning up in a sneer at the sight before you. “Uncle.”
The room was dark except for the few lighted candles that littered the tables, smoke hazing the room from the cigars each man had. You were able to spot Victoria in an obscene position, pushed against the table with hands all over her being pressured to take a drag from the cigar by the man you addressed. They were all taken back by your presence, removing themselves from Victoria as you leaned against the doorway with arms folded. “How are you? I see you’ve grown acquainted with my maid.”
Hushed murmurs and chuckles filled the room as your uncle stepped back from Victoria, taking a drag of the cigar he offered her before blowing the smoke out into the air. 
“My niece, it isn’t polite to address people you mistaken as. Now if I had known you were here I would have properly greeted you-”
“Don’t say things you don’t mean. Then again you do love to talk nonsense.” you cut him off, tsking to yourself as you stepped into the room and towards the group of men. “You’ve been going around boasting on about my company and how well it’s been doing which is true, but I don’t remember ever giving you a share of my profits.” 
The murmurs grew in volume, your uncle’s face falling by your words as you stepped in front of him. Your plan went exactly the way it should, putting your uncle in a corner he couldn’t get out of. You noticed some time ago that money was being withdrawn from your company’s bank account on numerous occasions, and the tellers all informed you that someone with your name was taking it out. 
“You’ve been going around with these claims of teaching me since I was young and taking me under your wing when my family unfortunately died in that accident. And excuse my terrible memory, Victoria what was he saying?”
“I let her have the rights to the company’s fortune so she feels as if she’s accomplished her parents wishes.” Victoria repeated the words from memory of only a few moments ago before you arrived. You turned your attention back to your uncle who seemed to be at a loss for words, stumbling over his speech as you sighed. 
“Everything that I built over time is in my name, and you dare go around spewing these jokes on how you mentored me? Please.” You stepped away and circled back towards the door, the horrible scent of the cigar getting to you.  
“Let me formally introduce myself. I am ___, owner of Herbal Pharmaceuticals, the number one leading pharmacy in the country, and probably the reason keeping you old jackases alive.”
Only silence answered back as you noticed a few heads turn, ashamed to keep your gaze. Only your Uncle stood with rage in his eyes as he cackled with a gruff tone, “Shouldn’t you show more respect to your elders, dear?”
“Shouldn’t you show more respect to the richest in the room?” You challenged calmly, raising an eyebrow as you watched his face fall once more. “You’ve been stealing money from your poor little niece and stole my spotlight for some time now, Unc. And you along with the men in this room also conspired the death of my parents, jealousy over inheritance.”
His face was grim when you uttered the truth, his mouth falling open as he breathed, “Preposterous, there’s no evidence to prove that-”
“Kill them.”
Victoria’s movements were swift; the gleam of a knife swinging from a pocket attached to her leg and inserting into the neck of a victim closest to her. He made a gargled noise before blood pooled from his mouth and neck; Victoria made quick work of pulling the other hidden knife to slice another.
The screams began in that small room, a sinister smile on Victoria’s face as she began the killings.  
“Prove to whom? I know what you did.” you muttered mostly to yourself, taking one last look at the sight unfolding before you turned on your heel to leave.  
Your uncle backed away in disbelief, watching the slaughter being committed as he watched his colleagues fall one by one. His head spun in your direction, quickly racing to grab your arm. “Wait, you can’t do this to your own family!”
He heard something fall to the ground with a thud as he paused, watching you turn back to him with your attention aimed at the ground. He immediately felt the rush of nausea, his body trembling as he peered down to make out his forearm lying on the ground in a clean slice. 
His head came back up, widened eyes staring at you in horror as you stared at him questioningly. 
“What are you talking about? I never had one to begin with.”
Victoria was a mystery to the nation, showing up at coincidental occurrences of when an elite official would be pronounced dead. Other than being horrible at house chores, she was amazing when it came to drug usage, and an expert in weaponry. You were able to trust that they wouldn’t make it out that room by the time you left the party. 
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oxhaven · 4 years
Engraved Stigma pt. 3 (bluckbutler!kyungsoo)
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Your eyes trained on the words on the page through your rimmed glasses, emitting a yawn through your gaped mouth. It was a quiet morning as you spent it with a book in your reading room, nothing particular planned on your schedule for the day. It was smaller compared to the library, a sitting room with shelves of books surrounding your comfort chairs and single open window as you listened to the chirping of birds from outside. 
You flipped the page with slight curiosity as to what was to come next in the chapter, but your mind was still wandering to other ideas. 
You heard the scrambling shift of her feet against the floorboard behind you, her stuttering response answering you, “Yes!?”
“Tea.” you cooly commanded, eyes still glued to the page of the book in your hands. You could still see her from the corners of your eyes, hurriedly trying to pour a cup of tea for you while trying to be careful with the expensive porcelain that would indeed be difficult to replace. 
She managed to hand you your teacup successfully without making a mess, smiling to herself happily with arms outstretched to you as you dropped your book onto the table stand next to you. You took the cup with fingers holding onto the handle, letting the cool porcelain press against your lips before you took a sip. The earl grey had grown warm but you didn’t bother telling her, a matter more important to you on your mind. 
“Victoria, have you ever been to a party?”
Her eyes snapped with attention as she straightened up in front of you, hands clenching together as she hummed with thought. 
“Only when I was younger my mistress, that was a long time ago, years ago-”
“How would you like to attend one with me?”
You didn’t think her eyes could grow any wider, her mouth dropping open as she immediately refused, “I could never! I’m too shabby looking compared to you mistress, what would they think of a maid attending a party with my mistress-”
“Are you refusing me, Victoria?”
Her mouth shut instantly as she dropped her gaze, like a scolded puppy who didn’t know any better. You set your teacup aside before getting up from your seat, your eyes examining her from top to bottom as you circled around. 
“You would look amazing in some of the dresses I have.” you murmured mostly to yourself but the shift in her body didn’t go unnoticed. You glanced back up when you reached the front of her, a finger underneath her chin as you raised it up for her eyes to meet yours. You smiled adoringly, “I was invited to a party tonight, hosted by some promising partners who would be a valuable asset in the growth of my company. But you know how much I hate going to parties.” 
You moved from her feigning worry with a sigh. “If I must go, I’ll go, but Kyungsoo makes it so boring for me. Always making me speak to the other guests and building rapur.” 
You heard her open her mouth and stutter on a reply and you knew you got her, quickly returning back to her with a bright grin. “It would seem I might have some fun going with you Victoria. Call it, a girl’s night out?”
She was still stuttering over her words as your eyes bore into hers, not allowing her to break eye contact with you. You knew exactly how to break Victoria, but even more so on how to use her, which is why you knew she would never refuse you if you put her on the spot. And break she did, her uneasy gaze finally relenting into yours. 
“I would be honored to accompany you, my mistress.”
The ballroom hall was filled with glittering candlelights along the chandeliers hanging above the mass of people. They were all high class individuals, dressed to impress for the evening event celebrating the union of outstanding businesses with successful revenue. You believed it was all bullshit quite honestly, sipping lightly from the champagne glass as your eyes wandered about the hall. It was an excuse for rich people to get together and brag about their companies, family names, and overall wealth they acquired from overworking lower class people. You truly hated parties, but tonight was special. Tonight you didn’t have Kyungsoo to torment you into dancing or making ‘friends’ with the rats who only cared about having more money and popularity. You didn’t completely ignore the rodents though, keeping light conversation and earning a few points in getting invited to the next ladies brunch outing.
You wanted to hurry and wrap this night up all together, but there was something you planned to do if the moment arrived. That’s why a pleased smile formed on your face when you noticed her at the top of the marble staircase. 
Before Victoria became your maid she was known as a mysterious beauty across the nation. Not many people got the chance to witness her grace and charm but she was sure to leave them absolutely stunned. Now she belonged in your hands, living to abide and serve only you. 
She looked elegant in the black gown that initially belonged to you, making heads turn as she made her way down the steps. Her midnight black hair was slicked back falling down past her shoulder blades in gorgeous waves. Her makeup only accented her features more, with a red lip stain that was addictive to the eye. You applauded yourself silently with the fine work you’ve done, watching her make her way towards you in the sea of people with their attention on her. 
Of course she was stopped many times, astonished men not being able to help themselves wanting a dance with her. She rejected all except one, an older gentleman far out of his league that she permitted with a chasting smile. 
You scoffed to yourself at the way he rumbled with pride, courting her the whole night as he introduced her to his many acquaintances before they made their way through the room down to the hall that led to other private rooms. You continued to sip your champagne, enjoying the night through until you figured it was late enough. Kyungsoo must be missing you by now. 
It was a long walk down the dark hallway, hearing the sound of a record player and deep laughter of men the closer you got to the door. You didn’t bother to knock, turning the knob and pushing the door open with your fingers as the noise quieted down upon your entrance.  
You almost snorted, lips turning up in a sneer at the sight before you. “Uncle.”
The room was dark except for the few lighted candles that littered the tables, smoke hazing the room from the cigars each man had. You were able to spot Victoria in an obscene position, pushed against the table with hands all over her being pressured to take a drag from the cigar by the man you addressed. They were all taken back by your presence, removing themselves from Victoria as you leaned against the doorway with arms folded. “How are you? I see you’ve grown acquainted with my maid.”
Hushed murmurs and chuckles filled the room as your uncle stepped back from Victoria, taking a drag of the cigar he offered her before blowing the smoke out into the air. 
“My niece, it isn’t polite to address people you mistaken as. Now if I had known you were here I would have properly greeted you-”
“Don’t say things you don’t mean. Then again you do love to talk nonsense.” you cut him off, tsking to yourself as you stepped into the room and towards the group of men. “You’ve been going around boasting on about my company and how well it’s been doing which is true, but I don’t remember ever giving you a share of my profits.” 
The murmurs grew in volume, your uncle’s face falling by your words as you stepped in front of him. Your plan went exactly the way it should, putting your uncle in a corner he couldn’t get out of. You noticed some time ago that money was being withdrawn from your company’s bank account on numerous occasions, and the tellers all informed you that someone with your name was taking it out. 
“You’ve been going around with these claims of teaching me since I was young and taking me under your wing when my family unfortunately died in that accident. And excuse my terrible memory, Victoria what was he saying?”
“I let her have the rights to the company’s fortune so she feels as if she’s accomplished her parents wishes.” Victoria repeated the words from memory of only a few moments ago before you arrived. You turned your attention back to your uncle who seemed to be at a loss for words, stumbling over his speech as you sighed. 
“Everything that I built over time is in my name, and you dare go around spewing these jokes on how you mentored me? Please.” You stepped away and circled back towards the door, the horrible scent of the cigar getting to you.  
“Let me formally introduce myself. I am ___, owner of Herbal Pharmaceuticals, the number one leading pharmacy in the country, and probably the reason keeping you old jackases alive.”
Only silence answered back as you noticed a few heads turn, ashamed to keep your gaze. Only your Uncle stood with rage in his eyes as he cackled with a gruff tone, “Shouldn’t you show more respect to your elders, dear?”
“Shouldn’t you show more respect to the richest in the room?” You challenged calmly, raising an eyebrow as you watched his face fall once more. “You’ve been stealing money from your poor little niece and stole my spotlight for some time now, Unc. And you along with the men in this room also conspired the death of my parents, jealousy over inheritance.”
His face was grim when you uttered the truth, his mouth falling open as he breathed, “Preposterous, there’s no evidence to prove that-”
“Kill them.”
Victoria’s movements were swift; the gleam of a knife swinging from a pocket attached to her leg and inserting into the neck of a victim closest to her. He made a gargled noise before blood pooled from his mouth and neck; Victoria made quick work of pulling the other hidden knife to slice another.
The screams began in that small room, a sinister smile on Victoria’s face as she began the killings.  
“Prove to whom? I know what you did.” you muttered mostly to yourself, taking one last look at the sight unfolding before you turned on your heel to leave.  
Your uncle backed away in disbelief, watching the slaughter being committed as he watched his colleagues fall one by one. His head spun in your direction, quickly racing to grab your arm. “Wait, you can’t do this to your own family!”
He heard something fall to the ground with a thud as he paused, watching you turn back to him with your attention aimed at the ground. He immediately felt the rush of nausea, his body trembling as he peered down to make out his forearm lying on the ground in a clean slice. 
His head came back up, widened eyes staring at you in horror as you stared at him questioningly. 
“What are you talking about? I never had one to begin with.”
Victoria was a mystery to the nation, showing up at coincidental occurrences of when an elite official would be pronounced dead. Other than being horrible at house chores, she was amazing when it came to drug usage, and an expert in weaponry. You were able to trust that they wouldn’t make it out that room by the time you left the party. 
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oxhaven · 4 years
sdhshdaj thank you so much! quite honestly i’ve been neglecting the story so ima need to bring him back huh?
ayo bbk they need you out here!!
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oxhaven · 4 years
I just read all the engraved stigma series......... would love to know more about them 🥺🥺 I like them so much
next week!
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oxhaven · 4 years
hey, i’m in love with blackbutler kyungsoo!! could you add me to your taglist please?
of course bby!! i’ll put you down thank you for the support!!!
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