darkpuppysuit · 2 months
HybridAU- BTS- OT7- poly!ot7, Hybrid!bts (minus Seokjin) x Hybrid!reader
6.5k Words
Fluff and crack pretty much.
WARNINGS: Hybrid abuse, mentions of s*xual content, slightly bloody, one mention of "the devils lettuce" oh and cursing duh.
Uh nothing else I don't think?
Lmk if I missed something.
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Run, run faster, don't stop fucking running.
Those are the only words that ring like a broken mantra inside my head as I sprint down the empty sidewalk in the dead of night, for what reason is a hybrid running alone at this time of night?
I'll tell you.
I was once a present for a little girl of a wealthy businessman about five years ago, everything was going great for me at first, the girl and I were friends she loved me with her whole heart, my adoption certificate was even in her name, she was my whole world after I had just turned twenty and the adoption was set in stone.
Her father let her adopt a hybrid strictly because most of them were good with kids and he thought of me as some glorified babysitter but not even a year later my little girl was diagnosed with brain cancer and she passed away on her birthday the following year.
Her mother couldn't even look at me without crying remembering all the fun times the three of us had together, like the summer picnic we had at a local park for my adoption day or the movie night we had after Christmas had come and gone, laughing and throwing popcorn at each other when a food fight started on screen.
The father on the other hand is a nasty man, back door dealing drugs, guns and ammo, you name it he gave it to you for a high price whether that be information on his competitors or cold hard cash, while the face of his business was a hybrid rights center, bunch of bullshit if you ask me.
He started coming into my room a month after his daughter passed away, a drunken fool but who was I to tell him no or get away from me? I couldn't do jack shit I had to sit there and take the punches and the slaps of the whip he brought into my room the same night.
He would yell at me for killing his daughter at the beginning then he started blaming me for everything that was wrong in the world using racial slurs and hybrid slurs in a means to get under my skin so I would lash out at him, giving him another reason to punish me.
He would starve me half to death because I was too big for a hybrid that was meant to be small and frail, unable to provide or protect herself, most of the time I wasn't even allowed to leave my room but tonight was the final straw.
I couldn't take the years of abuse anymore so once he was passed out in the bed next to me I used it as my chance to escape, putting my clothes back on as quickly and quietly as I could before silently running downstairs and out the door.
The cool spring air sent a chill down my spine, I closed the door gently and started walking out of the rich neighborhood I once called home and down the first alleyway I could find which was my first mistake.
I rub my hands up and down my arms hoping to keep myself somewhat warm cautiously walking forward and looking over my shoulder every now and again to see if someone was following me when I hit a brick wall, no, brick walls don't growl like that.
"Look what the cat dragged in!" The mystery man roughly grabs me by the shoulders and yanks me in front of him with a disgusting smirk on his face his scent reeks of shitty cigars and marijuana with a hint of wood rot. "She looks like one of those rich bastard's hybrids look at what she's wearing, not to mention that diamond studded collar she's got on." Another hybrid stands in front of my shaking form flicking my sensitive ears causing me to squeak.
"Awe would you listen to her? Do it again Max she seems to like it." He chuckles darkly before the other man flicks my ear again causing me to hum due to how sensitive my ears were. "Please s-stop I don't-" A fist meets my already starving stomach causing me to fall into the grime and garbage below me.
The hybrid that was previously holding my arm kneels next to me, his horrid scent filling my nose and I clamp my hand over my mouth but it was so pungent I could taste it in the back of my throat, I damn near threw up.
"Give us your collar bitch and we'll call it a night." He demands, I couldn't bring myself to let it go not now, it was the first present my little girl gave me when she adopted me, it's become the last physical memory I have of her.
The thin hybrid grabs a fist full of my hair and yanks my head back exposing my throat and only now do I notice that their both bear hybrids, shit. "You heard him squirrel hand it over and we'll let you get away with your life."
I have no idea what to do so I take a short glance around me and find an old pipe and lunge for it, swinging it at them connecting with one of their heads. "You're gonna regret that rat!" I don't give either of them enough time to scramble after me as I'm already out of the alleyway.
Those events are what have led me to a suburban area filled with houses with two very pissed bear hybrids running after me, tears filling my vision but that doesn't stop me from running, my legs however are about to give out from under me at any given moment and I don't feel like becoming their next meal.
I dip into a strangely large, random backyard and hide in the bushes at the back of the house in an attempt to catch my breath. My body shivers and shakes with every breath of air I take. A short minute later the bears catch up to me and my body goes into overdrive and I pass out.
The morning sunlight shines through the sheer curtains into the large bedroom when an alarm clock starts screaming and the blanket on the bed starts to shift slowly with a few grunts and groans to accompany the body that moved to turn the alarm off and slink out of the tangle of other bodies in the bed.
"Why so early hyung? Come back to bed." In reality it wasn't early at all not to Seokjin at least. "It's only eight in the morning bun, not even as early as it should have been, let go of my leg."  He quips trying to shake the bunny hybrid off of him without waking the others.
He successfully manages to escape his grasp almost falling before he saunters the length of the floor into their shared master bathroom to take a shower and get ready for work. Another person starts to move out from underneath the pile of warm bodies, actually face planting onto the floor with a loud thud followed by groan.
"Fuck, that hurt." The coyote hybrid groggily drags himself off the ground to his feet, looking around for his boxers and a shirt to wear downstairs to make some coffee and maybe a quick breakfast for his mates. 
He jogs downstairs pulling an oversized old tee over his head towards the kitchen and turning the stove light next to the coffee machine on, getting it started as he pulls three mugs out of the cabinet above his head. "Good morning my love." The coyote hybrid sleepily preens at the nickname as he hands the panther hybrid his mug, taking a sip of his own. "Morning Yoons, did you sleep good?" The hybrid grunts as he slowly shuffles towards the breakfast nook, sitting in the corner facing the window. 
"Honestly Hobi, I could've slept better if someone's foot wasn't wedged in my fucking ribcage all night." He grunts when the sound of heavy footsteps causes his ears to perk up and swivel around to listen to his younger mate trudge down the stairs.
"It's not my fault you always end up at the foot of the bed after sex, kitty cat." The wolf hybrid greets him with a peck on his forehead before moving over to the bar located at the large island in the middle of the open kitchen giving Hoseok a morning kiss on the lips. 
"It is so your fault, you have the longest legs I've ever seen on a hybrid, big oaf." Yoongi quips glaring at the walking oak tree of a hybrid. Before any of them could get another word out Seokjin comes down the stairs in his snazzy navy blue suit.
"Morning my boys." He says happily completely unaware of the small fight that could've happened had he not walked down the stairs when he did. "Coffee on the porch? It's nice out this morning." Seokjin greets each of his mates with a quick kiss before grabbing his mug out of Hoseok's hands and starts towards the sliding glass door located at the edge of the living room.
They sit out on the nicely decorated porch for a few minutes, sipping their coffee in near silence. It was peaceful birds were chirping away, the warm rays of the sun shining down on them. Yoongi finished his coffee a few minutes ago so now he's resting his head on his older mates lap with his eyes closed soaking in the morning sun rays.
Hoseok sits on the opposite side scrolling through his phone while Namjoon sits across from the three of them reading a book set in medieval times complete with a damsel in distress and a brave hero come to save the day, you know that classic cliche.
The wind blows gently across the patio, causing Hoseok to sniff the air for a moment before pinching his nose shut and opening his mouth disturbing the quiet morning. "Do you smell that?" He continues to sniff the air around him, taking a whiff of Seokjin and Yoongi as he stands up from his perch, his ears flicking in every direction trying to locate any sound and the awful smell of burning pine, wilting lavender and cigars? 
"Yeah I smell it too it's killing my fucking nose." Yoongi complains making no effort to get up from his spot on the outdoor couch nuzzling his face into Seokjin's stomach to hopefully mask the odor with his sweet scent of bubble gum and vanilla. "Whatever it is we have to find it and get rid of it before the other three wake up, you know how sensitive Jungkook's nose is." Seokjin quickly finishes his coffee nudging a half asleep panther until he moves off his lap to help look for the source. Even though he didn't have a sense of smell like his mates, that didn't stop him from helping them look. 
All four of them look around the open yard first, checking the nearby tree line and flower patch just on the other side of the house before Seokjin takes it upon himself to sift through the flower bushes located next to the porch, pricking his fingers on the thorns a couple times before he spots something small twitching deep within his pink rose bush.
"Hey I think I found something! Namjoon I need your long arms!" Seokjin yells for the wolf that comes running to his mates side, he points down into the rose bush with his nose holding the branches and flowers out of the way so he didn't accidently crush any of his precious roses. 
Namjoon gently puts his hand down to reach for the small creature pulling it out and looking it over. "What the fuck is it? A chipmunk?" Yoongi and Hoseok stand next to the others when Taehyung, the tiger hybrid, walks out of the house letting out a loud sneeze as the sun hits his face causing the four of them to flinch at the sudden intrusion and Namjoon to almost drop the tiny animal.
"Why are you guys yelling? It's so ear- what is that?" He points to the small lump of fur in Namjoon's large hands. "We don't know but it's still breathing, granted the breathing is shallow but it's breathing nonetheless." Yoongi responds almost flatly, taking the tiny animal out of the wolf hybrids grasp before he could accidently crush it, bringing it up the porch steps and inside the house. 
The bunny hybrid practically leaps into Seokjin's arms with his bright bunny smile and messy bed head, rubbing against his neck. "Good morning to you too love bun, watch out I need to get to the medicine cabinet."
Seokjin pats the muscular bunny hybrid on the back before gently pushing him out of the way, laying down a clean dish towel so Yoongi could put the weak animal on it. "What's going on?" Jimin, the red panda hybrid, asks rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"It looks like a sugar glider- is it a hybrid?" Taehyung levels his eyes with the towel the panther hybrid set the animal down on. "Safe to say so, I mean, sugar gliders aren't exactly common around here and it looks pretty beat up too. But don't touch it, could have rabies or something." Yoongi mumbles his warning and the room falls silent when Seokjin comes back with a first aid kit, opening it up to clean a few cuts he could see and wiping the blood off of its fur. 
The animal squeals when the small alcohol soaked cotton bud meets the first cut but that's the only sound it makes as Seokjin backs up for a moment only to come back and finish cleaning it up. "It's so cute." Jimin coos at it gently stroking it's back with his index finger when it's eyes shoot open and it bolts forward fumbling off the marble countertop and towards the upstairs.
"Fuck! Someone grab it!" Yoongi yells as it slips through his fingers for a second time.
All seven of them scramble around the living room lurching forward to grab the slippery creature before it bolts upstairs and out of sight. "Way to go panda! What did I say? Don't. Fucking. Touch. It." Yoongi growls at the hybrid pronunciating his last sentence with authority causing Jimin's ears the flatten against the top of his head. "How was I supposed to know it would freak out like that hyung?" The panther rolls his eyes as he stalks upstairs with Namjoon and Seokjin in tow.
The three of them spend half the morning looking for the hybrid and Seokjin has to call into work for the day. Even Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook start looking for it after being berated by the panther hybrid.
Yoongi glares at the red panda hybrid every time he crosses his path, Jimin keeps his head down his cheeks a light shade of pink, the only time Yoongi has ever looked at him like that was when he was being a little brat in bed and even then it was a little scary. "Hey guys? I think I found it."
Everyone bolts towards their shared bedroom to meet the wolf hybrid standing at the end of their bed pointing upwards to the canopy above it, they can see a small round shadow sitting in the middle. Seokjin is the last to arrive as he just got off the phone with the law firm he works at.
Looking upwards he swats the wolf hybrid away from the edge of the bed quietly calling out to the sugar glider. "Hey it's okay honey, we won't hurt you we just want to help, please come down baby." He coos in hopes his soft words will convince the animal to come down, the others gather around the bed as the small shadow shifts over to a bedpost looking over the edge for a solid minute.
"That's it sweetheart be care-" Seokjin doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence before it jumps off and lands in Jungkook's soft curly black hair between his floppy bunny ears with a thump that's barely audible. "Oh my god! Jesus fucking Christ on a stick! Warn me next time, squeak or something." Seokjin grasps his chest crumpling his dress shirt in his hand like he just had a heart attack leaning against Namjoons chest and the wolf scents the top of his head wrapping his older mate in his arms trying to calm his frayed nerves. 
"I think it likes me hyung, it's so cute! Can we keep it?" Jungkook beams with a bright smile as Taehyung attempts to lift the petrified sugar glider from his head but it grips onto Jungkook's curls tighter causing the tiger hybrid to pull his hair by association.
The bunny doesn't seem to mind probably because he's used to his long curls being pulled on. "I don't know Kookie, we have to see if it has an owner first but, for the time being I guess it's staying on your head because it doesn't seem to want to move." 
Seokjin ends up making it to work albeit few hours late but he gets there nonetheless leaving his six mates to deal with the new hybrid in the house until he can find out if it has an owner or not.
Meanwhile, at the house everything proceeds as normal well, minus the sleeping hybrid that has moved from Jungkooks curls to the hood of his jacket. "I hope Jin is able to keep the glider, it's cute and seems to like cuddling just like bun does." 
Hoseok rests his head in the palm of his hand as he watches their youngest mate play video games with Taehyung in the living room from the island in the open kitchen. "I hope it does have an owner, one less mouth to feed." Yoongi groans crossing his arms against his chest he's not exactly angry with the mysterious hybrid that just appeared in his mates rose bushes last night he's more along the lines of apprehensive for lack of a better word.
"Careful Yoons, jealousy is so not your color." Jimin chuckles patting the older hybrids leg he's been laying on in the breakfast nook for the past hour. "I'm not jealous of the damn thing, just annoyed." He growls pushing the panda off his lap and onto the hard floor.
"Hey, that hurt!" Jimin pouts crossing his own arms looking up at the panther from the cold tile floor. "Then don't say stupid shit." He quips back a small smirk forming on his lips as Jimin picks himself up off the floor and onto one of the barstools at the end of the island in the kitchen with a huff.
"Would it be so bad though? I mean granted we don't know if the hybrid is male or female but does it really matter at the end of the day? There has to be a reason you guys found it shifted into its animal form this morning." 
While that was true, hybrids didn't normally shift into their animal counterparts unless it's willingly or by copious amounts of stress on their bodies, the reason this helpless little sugar glider made it into their mates bushes either last night or early this morning was something the hybrid would have to tell them when it felt safe enough to do so and that could take anywhere from hours to weeks, maybe even months.
"We just have to show the glider it's safe here with us that's it." Namjoon chimes in shrugging his broad shoulders and making his way to the fridge for a fresh glass of orange juice pausing for a moment when Jimin tells him what Yoongi did to him just a minute ago asking the wolf kiss his elbow to make it feel better only for him to blow on it.
A few hours have gone by and the glider has been on full alert the entire time running around out of pure survival instincts and the once calm household turns chaotic as all hell breaks loose when the damn thing makes it to the ceiling fan a good foot or so farther off the ground than the bedpost from it's prior freak out.
"What the hell did you guys do this time?" Yoongi shouts at nobody in particular because they were all just sitting in the living room quietly watching a random youtube video when the poor thing ran out of Jungkooks hood scratching the back of his neck in the process. 
"What do you mean? We didn't do anything! It just started wigging the fuck out!" Hoseok yells back as they all stare up at the fan hoping, praying even, that the heavy breathing sugar glider doesn't fall off of the fan blade as it slowly spins around.
"Did we get too loud? Maybe that's the problem, it doesn't like loud noises." Jimin proposes as he cautiously watches the scene above him with a towel at the ready to catch the hybrid if it does end up falling.
A few more minutes go by with all six of them keeping a close eye locked onto the fan above them, even talking in hushed tones to be extra safe. Even Yoongi is internally freaking out for the safety of the glider that's practically knocking on death's door, with one slip of it's tiny paw it's a goner for sure.  
Seokjin walks through the door of his home toeing off his shoes next to the messy pile by the door, with a deep sigh he starts putting the shoes back on the rack, after he was done he barely puts his keys into the bowl on the table in front of him before he hears Namjoon yell.
"Fuck! No don't-" His sentence cut short followed by a hard thud and muffled groan which causes Seokjin to mentally say to hell with it  dropping his briefcase and coat onto the floor sprinting into the open living room to find his mates looking a little worse for wear and Jimin laying face first on the carpet with a towel stretched out in his arms, located within said towel is the ever troublesome sugar glider. 
"I thought it was going to sleep all day, what the hell happened while I was at work?" He scans the room, looking between his six mates before Yoongi angrily snaps at him, something he hasn't done since Seokjin found him in an alleyway beaten half to death all those years ago. "Your little chaos squirrel happened! It won't stop going haywire at every single loud noise! It just jumped from the ceiling fan for fuck sake Jin!" 
Yoongi yells pointing from the fan to the panda hybrid who is now sitting up curling the towel around the trembling glider. "Well I guess you'll be happy to know that she has owners who are very worried and want her home as soon as possible! No more chaos! Are you fucking happy Min Yoongi?"
Seokjin snaps using Yoongi's full government name as his eyes start to gloss over. The fact that he thought screaming at him would get anything done hurt his heart but what hurt him the most was knowing exactly who her owner is, a disgusting old man with a nasty habit of using hybrids for his own gain or worse his own perverted desires.
The house goes quiet, so quiet in fact you could hear a pin drop and it would still be too loud, the seven of them almost forgetting about the small creature tucked away in Jimin's arms. "Jin baby, I'm sor-" Seokjin raises his hand and Yoongi stops talking before he even begins, walking over to Jimin whose ears lay flat against his head with his tail wrapped tightly around his waist from all the yelling, holding onto the towel for dear life. 
"Chimmy, hand her over, she needs to go home." Seokjin holds his hands out waiting for the panda hybrid to hand the glider over to him but he refuses to release her. "Can't she stay one night? Her scent is rancid Jinnie, she's terrified and started squirming in my arms the second you mentioned her owners. Please, just one night?" Jimin all but begs at Seokjin's feet to let her stay, he didn't even know her name or her story yet the pink haired hybrid clearly wasn't ready to let her go just yet. Seokjin puts his hands on his hips with a long sigh pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Just for tonight then she goes back to her own home." He says through gritted teeth, the panda hybrids eyes light up and he opens the towel unable to hide his excitement. "Did you hear that glider? You get to stay even if it is just for tonight!" He exclaims his tone somewhat sad, though the glider hardly moves until she catches a glimpse of the bunny hybrid and his soft off white floppy ears quickly jumping from the towel and running straight up his muscular body, into his long curly hair nuzzling into the base of his ears causing him to thump his foot repeatedly on the ground, laughing happily with his big bunny smile gracing his handsome face.
Later that night after they had eaten take out from a local pizzeria and fed the glider some fruit which she happily scarfed down so fast Seokjin thought she was going to choke. They're all laying in bed quietly huddled against each other for warmth, the sugar glider is happily tucked away within Jungkooks hood once again, letting out the softest of purrs.
"Jin?" Yoongi whispers into Seokjins ear as he nuzzles his nose onto the nape of his neck, his mate doesn't reply right away and keeps his back turned to him. 
"Baby please, I said I was sorry." The panther wraps his arms around his mates middle giving him a light squeeze causing the older man to chuckle. "I know honey, it's just- I happen to know her owner-" Seokjin pauses to roll over and face Yoongi tracing shapes onto his bare chest as Yoongi's jet black tail curls around his leg.
"Her owner is a no good backstabbing motherfucker, gets what he wants how he wants jackass, overweight perverted bastard that the firm just can't seem to pin down."
Yoongi stares at him for a moment, never has he heard such colorful words to describe a human leave his gentle mates mouth in rapid succession like this, it was actually kinda hot, though he wouldn't say that out loud not at the moment anyway.
"You out of all of us should know what her home life is like with scum like him." Which of course he did know, Yoongi came from a home similar to hers, some rich fuck wanted an exotic hybrid only to use and abuse him for years until one night when he finally let his animalistic instincts take over, almost killing the man and his wife in the process which caused him to be beaten bloody by his thugs and thrown onto the streets to die. 
"I wish you would've told me that earlier." He says calmly pulling his mate closer laying his head onto his toned chest. "You didn't let me get a word in before you started yelling at me." Seokjin whispers and sheepishly looks up at the panther who is already staring down at him.
"I said I was sorry baby, please don't tell me you're still mad at me because I don't think I can take it much longer." Feigning pain rather dramatically like the tiger or coyote hybrid would have, he receives a light slap on his shoulder. "You're too serious to be this dramatic Yoons. Leave the theatrics to Hobi and Tae will you?" Yoongi flashes his gummy smile before giving his mate a rather long apologetic kiss before turning the light out behind him.
Early the next day Seokjin wakes up to the sound of snoring rather than his shrill alarm, it was Saturday and the sun was shining right into his eyes as it rose up into the warm colored sky.
He untangles himself from both the panther and wolf hybrid who had wiggled his way against his back sometime in the night, standing to his full height and rolling out his broad shoulders he makes his way into the bathroom, brushing his teeth and his doing his skin care routine.
Once finished he walks back to the bed to take one last look at his lovers, his mates, all curled onto the bed before he leaves the room only something was different, a tuft of hair to be exact, a bright color he's not used to seeing laying in his bed cuddled into Jungkooks chest with his arms curled tightly and protectively around her shoulders under the covers.
He steps over to the opposite side of the bed and pulls the blankets back a little causing her to shiver and the soft, slightly pointed ears on top of her head to twitch at the unwelcomed cold air that hits her hot skin.
Seokjin freezes hoping he didn't just wake her up but he relaxes once more when her head turns a little giving him full view of her face. He could tell she was young no older than twenty-three maybe, her sun kissed skin held a few tiny constellations on her cheekbones, her pouty lips were dry and cracking in the corners from dehydration and her obviously once chubby cheeks were sunken in like she hadn't been able to eat anything for days, weeks maybe.
What he didn't particularly like was the flashy collar weighing heavily on her neck not only that but the marks and bruises left on what he could see of her body by who, god only knew at this point. 
Seokjin lays the blanket back over her giving the glider a forehead kiss as Jungkook absentmindedly pulls her back against his body, his snoring slowly getting louder and louder the more his subconscious pulls him back into the dreaming world. 
Ever so leisurely, as is the norm on the weekends for the seven mates, one by one they wake up after Seokjin has had his cup of coffee and is making a savory smelling breakfast in the kitchen, walking around him to make sure they didn't bump into him because the last time, Namjoon was in the kitchen he had bumped Seokjin's elbow and what was supposed to be the gravy for the biscuits he was baking in the oven turned into a new paint job for the stove and the wall behind it. 
"Is Kookie going to come down or do I need to pry him off of her?" Seokjin teases the bunny hybrid who isn't here to defend himself as Jimin is the last one besides the two still in bed to arrive at the table for breakfast.
"Probably, I mean he's stuck to her like bees on honey, I tried to wake him up but he refuses to budge an inch." Jimin replies sitting down in his respective seat between Yoongi and Taehyung. 
Seokjin places the last bowl of food onto the table taking the apron Namjoon bought for him on valentine's day last year off, hooking it next to the other five before sauntering off to the bedroom.
Seokjin quietly makes his way to the closet taking out a plain shirt, a roll of unused boxers and some sweat pants for the sugar glider hybrid to put on, only now realizing he doesn't even know her name. "How could I not think to ask that bastard her name yesterday? Stupid." 
Upon closing the closet door his gaze is met with a very skittish wide awake hybrid and to make things more awkward she was naked, clutching the duvet against her chest. The bunny hybrid nowhere within his line of sight.
Taking a deep breath he approaches her with caution because if her human form is anything like her sugar glider counterpart she will run and she will climb anything to get away from whatever or whoever came towards her. 
Her actions surprise him further when she just stares at him with wide pale blue eyes keeping track of his every move. Her eyes darting everywhere at once pausing briefly on the closed bathroom door only to land back on Seokjin.
"Hey darling, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, here." He sets his clean clothes onto her lap giving it a light tap. "These are for you, I'm assuming Kookie is in the bathroom?" He asks her quizzically, she opens her mouth only to close it again hesitantly nodding just as the bunny hybrid comes out of the bathroom tying his basketball shorts to fit his narrow waist.
"Morning Y/n, I'm sorry if I woke you up. Oh, good morning hyung." Jungkook smiles his big bunny-like grin before walking towards the pair on the bed giving Seokjin a kiss on the lips and Y/n a peck on the forehead a pink blush creeping onto her cheeks. "I'll see you downstairs?" Seokjin smiles at his youngest mates show of affection towards her before quickly nodding his gentle features adorning his own unique grin. 
Downstairs in the breakfast nook the rest of the hybrids are making small talk while stuffing their faces with the breakfast their mate had cooked before the bunny hybrid hopped down the stairs with a pep in his step. "What's got your tail wagging this morning Kook?"
Although his tail was nothing but a soft cotton ball on his lower back it was indeed swinging back and forth at the speed of light it seemed. "She's so beautiful hyung, she's got these beautiful pale blue eyes and her hair, oh my god."
He stops to take his seat between Hoseok and Namjoon before he starts up again as Yoongi fixes him a plate. "Not to mention her heavenly scent, she smells like a lavender field and a pine tree forest with a hint of sweet coconut."
Jungkook practically swoons over the girl leaning onto Hoseok's shoulder as he covers his chest with a wistful gleam in his eyes. "Easy there lover boy, don't go getting yourself attached just yet, she's supposed to be going back to her owners today." The panther hybrid reminds him setting his full plate down in front of him and Jungkook digs in with a slight pout.
"Not if I have anything to say about it, did you see the bruises on her? Just the solid ring around her throat alone is enough to make me hunt the bastard down myself." Taehyung interjects pointing nowhere in particular with his fork, his deep voice laced with venom when he mentions her visible abuse.
Anyone with a pair of eyeballs could see she wasn't living in a happy home like they were. "Tae come on man, you're supposed to back me up here. We all knew what was going to happen once we woke up this morning." 
Yoongi's voice, always calm and serious, waivered as those last few words fell from his lips. "I don't care, I refuse to let her go back there only to be beaten and sexually abused by that poor excuse for a human. Someone should string him up by his toes and let all the blood rush to his head until he passes out or better yet, dies."
Though his out of pocket comment was oddly dark for the otherwise cheery hybrid, his feelings were mostly shared by the other five sitting at the table.
Seokjin arrives at the table finally able to put his ass in a chair for the first time this morning, shifting it forward to make himself a plate. "So? What's the verdict?" Yoongi deadpans not letting his only older mate take a bite of his food quite yet.
"I can't- I mean- just looking at her skin ruined by those dark purple bruises and cuts- not to mention that gaudy choker around her neck." He scoffs remembering how only moments ago exactly how difficult it was to convince her to take the son of a bitch off just to take a shower. 
"It's been so long since she's taken it off that it's caused an angry rash to form around her throat for fuck sake." He angrily throws the spoon back into the bowl and sits back in his chair with a thud, his mates catching his scent of stale bubblegum and burning vanilla sticks coming off of him in waves.
"I am not letting her go back to that place." He pauses briefly to take a bite of his lukewarm potatoes. "No chance in hell am I going to hand her over to her abuser when I can just as easily take him down in the courtroom if he so much as blinks in my general direction."
Seokjin can't growl like his mates but if they had to guess, it would sound like someone revving a diesel engine continuously, low and guttural if he could. 
The loud laughter rings throughout the house, floating through the air and quite infectious if Y/n had anything to say about it. "Funny bunny." Her voice is rough and hoarse but that doesn't stop her from giggling at the hybrid who had his chopsticks stuck in his mouth like a walrus making ungodly noises.
The seven of them turn their heads with wide eyes to face her completely bewildered by her small gravelly voice and smiling at her short frame standing with her little feet turned inwards, she was wearing the pair of boxers Seokjin had given her, they squeeze the top of her thick thighs with the shirt she was given hanging just below her chubby little stomach but it was all covered by Jungkooks hoodie that she had spent the night in. 
Her hair was long, bright and beautiful, her pale blue almost silver eyes shone brightly compared to her black glider eyes. "Morning sugar, we saved you a plate. Here take my seat and eat something, please?"
Y/n's head snaps in the direction of the coyote hybrid who is now standing behind his chair with his empty plate replaced by hers, she tries to hide away from the predator hybrid by running behind the kitchen island and sitting on the floor.
Jungkook stands from his seat, taking the chopsticks out of his mouth and rounding the kitchen island, kneeling beside her. "Hey baby it's okay, they're not going to hurt you. They just want to take care of you and I promise you they do a good job too, I mean look at me."
The bunny points to himself puffing his chest out with pride. "I couldn't be more than well taken care of now, do you want to sit next to me?" Jungkook flashes his bunny smile offering the skittish hybrid his hand in hopes she'll come out of her little hiding spot behind the counter. Y/n timidly looks between him and his tattooed hand a few times before she takes it and stands up waddling her way behind Jungkook over to the table where his six mates were waiting.
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Harbouring a hybrid - part 3.5 Bonus Drabble Jimin au
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Flashback alert - can be read as a stand alone drabble - 1K. Warnings; possessiveness, pissed jealous and naked Jimin, suggestive shit, sexual tension, mentions of scenting + marking + heats + ownership + breeding (the usual hybrid trope stuff)
Shit. Shit. Shit! He was going to kill you.
Running up the stairs to your apartment and forgoing waiting for the lifts, you almost run into your elderly neighbour, apologising profusely as she holds onto your elbows to steady herself.
“Oh Y/n,” she chuckles. “Your cat is waiting for you rather annoyed at the front door, are you late again?”
Thankfully felines are odd creatures so Jimin’s human annoyance doesn’t ring any alarm bells to your neighbours.
“My cat used to do that,” she reminisces, still holding on to you as if your hybrid wasn’t still counting the seconds of how late you were. “They like a timetable, if you’re late to feed him he might run away, you need to be careful Y/n.”
You give her noises of agreement to the lecture as you glance up the stairs, she must’ve gotten the hint, finally.
“Well give Mochi my love.”
You bolt, legs starting to burn with your lungs when you push through the doors to your floor. You freeze. There he is, the Tabby on the front door step, looking at you annoyed with his tail swishing back and forth impatiently. You look sheepishly, smiling apologetically as you slow down your pace. You were rushing to get back to him, but now you could physically see how much trouble you were in, you didn’t want to face it.
He watches as you put the key in the lock, the tension palpable when you turn it. He slides through the opening before you into the dark apartment, and you contemplate shutting the door and running downstairs for another hour to compose yourself. He’d never let you leave again if you did something like that. It’s eerily quiet when you finally gather the nerve to walk through, your eyes desperately trying to adjust to the loss of light as you turn to shut the door and turn on the lights.
As soon as it closes you feel a naked human body pressed against your back, freezing when his arms wrap tight around you, nose in your neck sniffing. He was calm, that's how you knew he was pissed.
“Why is my human so late?” he asks, no bite to his tone, no emotion, you ache to see his eyes, see some form of love in them to know how badly you messed up this time.
“Jimin, there was a meeti-”
“No phone call, no text,” he cuts you off. “Do you like to make me think you’re not coming back?”
“And then you have the audacity to smell like this,” there it is, the hiss, the break in the barrier, he spins you around and you do everything in your power not to look down as he pins you against the door, arms on either side trapping you from escaping.
“Where have you been?” The emotions start flooding back into his voice, they’re deep and dangerous. You gulp at the hard stare that meets yours, throat going dry.
“I was trying to tell you,” you breathe as he looms closer. “I was at a meet-”
“Have you been on a date?”
“What? No!” Where the hell did that come from?
“Are you sure?” he presses, needing to know, needing reassurance someone didn’t keep you from him, didn’t make you forget about him. He glances down at your attire, the black dress formal but versatile enough to wear out. You look so good pressed against him, if anyone else even tried to hold you like this...
“Are you crazy? With the men of this world?” You scoff, trying to turn the tables or something to shift the situation.
“So why do you smell like you’ve just been…” he tries not to growl he really does, but your ovulation was coming up and he could smell that sweet nectarine scent making itself known to his nose. And while a human idiot wouldn’t be able to smell it the way he did, they still picked up on some of the cues of a fertile female. They touched my mate. Touch was an understatement, he could smell so many different people on you he hated it, they must’ve tried to court you, the idea makes him sick.
The week was usually torture for him each cycle, the need to breed you overwhelming but his suppressants helped. He wouldn’t overstep until you were ready, until you said you wanted him too, but what if you wanted someone else? What if your human version of a heat would make you search elsewhere for release, when he was right here, all because you were blind to your own emotions.
“Jiminie,” you look up at the ceiling to avoid his gaze, but you reveal the skin of your neck he wants so badly to mark. Right there, it would look so good, if he just let himself they’d all know you were his. The human equivalent to a collar on a pet, they’d know who you belonged to. It killed him that he couldn't scent you, fear of hybrid patrol catching a whiff of him stopped you from ever letting him before you left for work. “Do you want to put on some clothes?”
He smirks when you clear your throat, gaze unmoving from your neck, leaning in close. Why were humans so slow?
You try not to gasp when you feel his lips press against your jugular, a soft moan vibrating from the feline before he pulls away. Both your eyes are blown wide when they meet, saying the words you were both afraid to.
You try to not choke when he walks away, buttcheeks and bare back on show without shame but you can’t tear your stare away, heat rising from the depths of Hell up to your cheeks and filling your body. You’d never be late again, you wouldn’t survive.
“Take a shower Y/n,” he suggests as he leaves the room but that tone leaves no room for discussion. “I don’t like my human smelling like scum.”
You clutch your chest when he’s out of sight, trying to catch your breath not realising you were holding it. Instincts, you remind yourself for the hundredth time, you were the only human he interacted with he would have attachment issues and things, you reason, don’t read into it.
You definitely weren’t going to tell him your coworker did in fact ask you out on a date, but you had refused, tempted but for all the wrong reasons, for the sake of it.
You wouldn’t tell him you couldn’t date while he stayed with you, and you didn’t want to. If a person was on the wrong side of your morals, if a person you were falling for would want to hurt the hybrid you loved most in the world, well how could you ever love someone like that? That's the excuse that fills your brain, you deny the reality that it was something else.
Taglist: @nlost21 @pb-n-juju @needyomnivore @lvpersona @marvelfamily3000 @love2lovesworld @halesandy @unicornbabylover @imjustreadingig @sweeneyblue1
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xcrustyshiggs · 6 years
Drunk Confession
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader genre: shifter au, fluff, sad!jungkook words: 1716
Bunny boy decides to knock on your door at 3am in the morning to confess his feelings after getting shitfaced.
Part of my Bunny Boy Series: Drunk Confession, Lovesick Bunny Boy, Kittens and Uncle Kookie
a/n: 1st attempt on writing something like this - had a fun time writing it  but found the editing part so difficult.
Opening your entrance door, you find a doe-eyed boy standing in front of you, with his left fist closed to your face ready to knock on the door again. When he realizes your presence in front of him, his eyes widen in an instant, seemingly surprised that you opened the door (how could you not? he has been knocking on your damn door for 3 minutes as well as simultaneously shouting your name). Upon his realization he slowly retrieves his left arm back to not, thankfully, hit you in your face.
Due to your feline genetics (you are a lynx shifter), your nose immediately starts to pick an unpleasant alcohol smell from your counterpart, making you scrunching your face.
While Jungkook is still seemingly stunned at your figure, you haven't woken up fully - too sleepy to comprehend on, what was going on now. Minutes seem to pass by with you both staring at each other in utter silence -  Jungkook in sheer shock, and you with confused and sleepy eyes.
From one second to the next, your sleep-dead brain finally decides on functioning (again). You come to realize that Jungkook has in fact – you’re definitely not dreaming –  decided to give you a surprise visit at 3 am once he profusely got himself shitfaced, because not only does he smell like it, but also does his wobbly stance give his current state away. 
With confusion written all over your face, you finally break the utter silence to ask him the real, big question (also the only one) in your mind. “Jungkook? What are you doing here?”
Awakened from his initial surprise or rather shock, the black-haired guy eventually opens his mouth to answer your question, while pointing one finger at you. “He­­y Y/N. I di––dn’t th–ink you would answer the do–or” He pauses before opening his mouth again. 
“But...  to answer your question I, I, I do­––n’t rea–lly rea––lly know, what the FUCK I’m doing here.” Hearing him slurring all his words, your previous confusion is instantly replaced by your growing concern over the usually-reserved young man. “Are you okay, Jungkook?” His immediate response to your question, is a quiet chuckle whilst he runs his fingers through his hair.
“Yo–u, you wanna know if I’m okay?” He looks at you accusingly. Unsure of your words, you decide to just nod slowly. Upon seeing your reaction Jungkook starts shaking his head, while gripping onto the wall to stabilize himself with his eyes trained on you.
“Na–––h, I’m fucking not okay. Wanna know wh––y, Y/N?” He doesn’t wait for your answer but continues babbling “Cuz I really, really, li–––ke you. But I know that you will never feel the same.” He starts chuckling - sounding more in despair- again, while bringing his gaze to the ground to avoid your gaze.
“I mean, Why would yo––u?” He brings his finger up again, to point a third time at you. “You Y/N, you are a lynx. A beautiful one.  Fu––ck, I swear the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen...” He frustratedly ruffles his raven hair before pointing his finger at himself. “And I, I am just a lousy rabbit. Yes, Jeon Jungko––ok is just a sma–––ll, wea––k rabbit.”
His sudden outburst or rather drunk confession leaves you shocked, but not for long because seeing him clutching his stomach, brings you back into reality in an instant. “Oh God, I’m going to throw up”
Instead of responding to him, you take the free hand which isn’t covering his mouth and with quick steps lead him into your bathroom.
You both make it just in time, before he promptly squats down and starts throwing up in the toilet. Seeing him in this unsual state, you feel a slight tug in your heart. In trying to sooth him a little, you bend down to rub his back. After a few minutes of him emptying his stomach, he finally stops.
While he is still keeping his head over the toilet seat in fear of another wave of puke, you stand up to prepare a towel and a cup of mouthwash for him.
As soon as you are sure that he won’t continue in heaving his guts up, you ask him if he is okay now. You see Jungkook nodding before before turning his head in your direction to look at you.
He seems to have sobered up somewhat, but now looked really tired after this ordeal. In order to lighten up the awkward mood, a stupid follow-up statement pops up in your head. “You are really handsome Jungkook, but not even your face can pull off puke. So let us wash it off? ” Even though, you instantly cringed the moment those words left your mouth, Jungkook seemed to like it. Then his face immediately breaks into a big smile - the  smile, where his whole face scrunches up, followed by a soft hum to agree on your proposal.  said those words. So you help him stand up to lead him to the sink.
After cleaning his face, you hand him a cup with a green liquid in it, telling him, it’s mouthwash. He rewards you with another grin before rinsing his mouth. After spitting out the green liquid and wiping his mouth, he turns to look at you again with a now more tired look on his face. Before he can bring anything up about leaving your apartment, you decide to offer him to stay the night.
“Jungkook, you should stay here. You are clearly to tired to go home. You can take my bed? I will take the couch and I won’t accept a No”, you tell him with a determined look.
Even in his intoxicated mind, he realizes that arguing with you would be hopeless, so he accepts your offer gladly but only under the condition of him taking the couch“Thank You, Y/N. But please let me take the couch. I feel already bad for ruining your night”
To tired, to decline his proposal, you just nod. “Mhm, if that’s what you want. But let me get you some clothes to change first. Jimin has some spare clothes here for our weekly Netflix nights.  Make yourself comfortable on the couch, while I get them.” He gives you a small smile before strolling into the living room, while you leave to get some clothes of your best friend. 
After giving him Jimin’s clothes and setting up some pillows and a blanked for him on the couch, you sit yourself on the couch. While waiting for him, you try to comprehend what has happened in the last hour:
Not only did Jungkook decide to give you a drunk surprise visit at 3am in the morning but also did he confess his harbouring feelings for you. Realization that the attractive bunny shifter has a thing for you hasn’t hit you until now.
You are still astonished that Jeon Jungkook likes you because he has always seemed trying to avoid you like the plague since the moment Jimin has introduced you both to each other. Of course, you tried talking to him on several occasions (because you yourself was infatuated with “bunny boy”), but his answers were usually cut short. In the end, you gave up trying to get closer to him and just decided on having a secret crush on him.
But following this night, you are curious as why he has never tried acting on his feelings. Before you can dive further into your thoughts, on what the reasons behind Jungkook’s past behavior towards you are, you hear the sound of the bathroom door, which immediately takes you back into reality. 
Even with a plain white t-shirt, grey (slightly too tight) sweatpants and after nearly puking his soul out of his body Jungkook manages to still look fine as fuck. What the fuck? How is that possible?! Wait, what the fuck am I thinking? Go away, filthy thoughts.
To clear your mind, you shake your head thoroughly.
When you look up, you see Jungkook giving you a concerned look, while coming your way. “You okay, Y/N?” Trying to cover up your tardiness, you say “Yes, hehe. I was just trying to not fall asleep”.Satisfied with your answer, he plops himself down next to you onto the couch.
Once he turns his head to face you, you see him nervously biting his lips.“I, I just want to thank you again for everything. Lending me some clothes also letting me stay here.” He pauses to think about what to say next. “And I’m so, so sorry for ruining your night.” Seeing the sincerity of his apology in his you, cant seem to get mad at him for ruining your sleep. “Jungkook, it’s fine. I would have woken up on my own to go pee. You should know 3am is my peeing hour.” you say make the situation less awkward.
After hearing your response, he chuckles but you can see in his eyes that he vigorously tries to stay awake. Therefore, you slowly stand up, while simultaneously getting him into lay down by pushing his softly onto the couch. “Let’s go to sleep now. We are both clearly tired. But, if you really feel guilty about waking me up, you can buy me lunch next week” He accepts your offer with a soft hum and a quiet “good night, y/n”, while letting you tuck him in. Before you turn around to head into your bedroom, you feel him grabbing your right hand and whispering
“Y/N, I really meant it when I said that I fell in love with you” and then you hear soft snores. Seeing a smile plastered on his face, you bend down kiss him on his forehead. “Good night, Jungkook”.
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promisesox · 7 years
Good Girl pt. 4 / hybrid!au - Jungkook
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Taehyung | Hoseok | Yoongi | Seokjin | Jimin
Jungkook heard the phone alarm blare beside him, his eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. His hand reached over, quickly finding the offending device that woke him from his dream and turning the alarm off with a sigh. He didn’t quite want to leave the comfort of his bed and the person beside him. He didn’t even have to open his eyes to know you were cuddled up to him. He could feel you; your head on his chest and he assumed the ticklish feeling underneath his chin was your fox ear. He felt your small arm draped around his torso, a bit of a grip even in your sleep. He could even feel your leg swung over his leg with your knee dangerously close to his crotch that if you suddenly moved you could cause some serious damage.
He took a deep breath in before he stopped short to hold it when you stirred above him. With his chest rising from the breath made your head rise as well along with a small moan. Jungkook let a moment pass before he moved with slow precision, tackling the unspoken mission at hand. Carefully he raised his arm to grasp yours that was draped around him with two fingers, slowly bringing it over to rest on your body. He dropped a leg down over the bed, too scared to watch your face as he pushed your leg off of him slowly before slipping out of bed.
He let out the breath he was holding when he stood to his feet, glancing over your sleeping form on the bed. A twitch of your ears and the steady rise and fall of your chest assured you were still soundly asleep. You were usually a light sleeper but sometimes when you were really tired you could sleep through almost anything.
Jungkook headed straight to the bathroom to wash up and brush his teeth. Another long week of work began for him and he knew how much you hated watching him go. At this point he didn’t like to either but it was the best for his state of mind.
You were driving him crazy in every single way. Your sweet voice and laughter soothed his ears like honey, and he found himself lost in your deep brown eyes at times. From your head to your toes, he was falling for you in every single way. You always meant well but your innocent gestures were deadly to him, and you didn’t have the slightest idea what you were doing to him. With just the two of you in this apartment together, he didn’t know how he was keeping himself together. 
You were definitely growing on him.
He came into the room, patting his face dry with a towel as he went over to his dresser to pull out something to wear. He didn’t think twice to pull out the plain black tee along with some jeans; the usual wear to work. He threw the towel in the hamper and checked himself in the mirror getting ready to head out before he felt the small tug on his shirt behind him. 
Jungkook all but snapped his head around, his heart skipping a beat. Bed hair and all, laying on your stomach with your arm reached out to hold onto him as your tired eyes stared up at him with a pout on your lips.
“You’re really gonna leave me?”
He wanted to say fuck it all and get right back into bed with you if he was being completely honest. All it would take at this point was a little bit more eager begging from you and he would call out of work for the next few days because he would need this to last.
If he was going to be completely honest, Jungkook wanted you.
The way you were staring up at him, like you were being betrayed in this very moment but you were going to forgive him anyway. Your red fox ears flattened back and your bushy tail curled as you worried at your bottom lip and blinked up at him.
You didn’t want him to leave, but you honestly didn’t know what you were getting yourself into if he stayed. Jungkook couldn’t help it anymore, he was tired of chasing away the naughty thoughts when your relationship was clear as day. He wanted to protect you and ravish you all at once. But how could he do that to when you were still so pure?
“I have to go to work, Jasmine.” His voice came, soft with a tiny bit of sternness as he hoped you would let him go without a hard time. 
“I’ll come home early, okay?” he assured you, his hand reaching out to run through your hair. He permitted himself to have this much, letting his fingers scratch behind your ear and listened to your soft whine as your eyes fell closed and your head dropped onto the soft sheets.
A smile instantly graced his face as his eyes took you in again, body laid out on his bed with his scent. His body roared in want to lay you out and contort your body to his liking but that was something you and him weren’t ready for just yet.
So he grabbed your hand that held onto him and forced you away, placing your arm on the bed before you were whining again until he was hushing you silent. With one last final command for you to go back to sleep, he left you alone for now until he would return to you in the afternoon.  
You rolled in bed only to discover the person you were sleeping with last night wasn’t in bed anymore. You let out a pitiful whine from missing him as you stuffed your face into the sheets to muffle your noises. You knew Jungkook had to work but that didn’t stop your heart from missing him.
Neither did it stop your body either.
You sat up in bed and frowned at the windows that let the sunlight shine through and thoroughly blind you in the morning. You pouted to yourself again. You wanted Jungkook.
You crawled out of bed, heading to the bathroom with thoughts on how to spend the day. Being cooped up inside had you on the brink of insanity right before Jungkook came home to save you from it. So when an idea popped up in your head as you were brushing your teeth, you cheeks raised in a smile as you looked at your pasty smile in the mirror.
You were just going to go out and come back home before Jungkook got back. You just didn’t want to be at home without anything to do, there wasn’t anything wrong with that. You picked out an outfit from the clothes Jungkook had bought for you the day before, a smile on your face as you applauded yourself for how cute you looked. Besides from all the stares you received walking down the street, you strutted with a smile down into the city.
You remembered back from before when you were out like this with Jungkook. You enjoyed yourself immensely, having his company and exploring the city with him. You wish he were here with you now, but you decided you were going to bring something back for him. The idea of showing him you went out today all by yourself made you excited to see his surprise and tell you he was proud of you.   
You looked around at the bustling commute around you, cars passing by on the street when the signal light permitted them to. People lined the sidewalks, going into a coming out of stores as they walked with their own destinations in mind. It excited it with the thought of being one of these people, having somewhere to go and something to do. It came to you when you looked up at the particular sign, reminding you of when Jungkook brought you out to go get coffee, and you figured that was the first thing you would get him.
You walked into the large café, your mouth falling open to the eye-catching atmosphere. It was a bit busy with people filling up the tables, either in groups talking amongst themselves or the lone ones who sat with their laptops and books out to occupy themselves. You looked around in awe just like the last time, but thankfully enough you remembered what to do as you looked forward and spotted the smiling cashier before walking up to the counter.  
“Hi, what can I get you today?” she said, tone bright and chirpy with her eyes solely on you.
You almost blushed underneath her gaze as you tried to give back the same energy. “Hello! Can I have…two iced caramel lattes please?”
Her eyes darted down as her finger flew over the machine in front of her, speaking aloud with her eyes still on it. “Sure, what size would you like them to be?”
“Large?” you quickly asked, nervousness hitting you as you couldn’t think if that was too much or too less for your Jungkook.
“Alright, that will be $9.54.” the cashier announced, smiling up at you once more as you could only blink.
She blinked back at you as her smile slowly came down and her eyebrows furrowed a bit. “Y-you have to pay for them.”
Nervousness crept up slowly, your ears on the top of your head wanting to fall back as you dared to ask, “How?”
“With money.” The cashier answered, tittering as she looked to the side of her at her employees. That’s when more pairs of eyes fell on you, giving you unwanted attention as you repeated what the cashier said.
She nodded at you as another person behind the counter came beside her, picking up on the conversation and making your heart beat a little faster.
“Oh.” You said, realization slapping you in the face as you remembered Jungkook and how he bought all those things for you. “I need money! Damn it. Sorry I-”
“Your owner isn’t around? You’re by yourself?”
The person beside her had spoken up, noticing the ears on top of your head giving away that you were indeed a hybrid. Jungkook was at work, and you wanted to answer that you wanted to get out the house and surprise him when you got back home but with the way the ladies were looking at you made your body tense up sensing you were in trouble.
“Does she even have one-”
“Sorry my bad she’s with me.”
All heads turned as yours all but snapped to the side, the unrecognizable man beside you grabbing your arm with his hand. Under the hood of his black hoodie was his small, pale face as he blinked at you and spared a forced grin to the cashier girls. Your body instantly tensed up, ready to jump away from danger but the smell coming from hit your nose like a brick. There was something about him, he definitely did not smell human.
“Didn’t I tell you to wait until I got out of the bathroom? Sorry about that ladies I’ll pay for our order.”
“Oh no, it’s alright! We almost thought she was a stray.” The girl laughed in relief as the other took the ten dollar bill from the man.
“We’ll have it ready in a few.” She said, waving out you as the man dragged you off to the side.
He let go of you before you could snatch away your arm, but that didn’t stop you from baring your teeth at him with a low growl.
“Calm down princess I’m not going to hurt you.”
You backed down but your body stayed on alert around him. You took a sniff of the air again, confirming that he wasn’t like the others in the café.
“You’re pretty bold coming out here with your ears and tail on display.” He stated bluntly, looking at your features with a shake of his head. You frowned at him before watching him grab the ready drinks off the counter and leading you to a table. You followed him upstairs, another area for the customers of the café that wasn’t that crowded for the two of you.
“You’re not human.” You stated immediately when the two of you sat down at a small table towards the wall.
He scoffed at you before wrapping his pink lips around the straw and taking a sip from the sweet drink. “Don’t give me away too.”
You frowned at him again, looking at him curiously as you sipped from your drink. The sweetness hit your taste buds, making a moan release from you as you looked down at the cool drink in your hand.
He watched you from across the table, raising an eyebrow at you in amusement as his hard eyes stared you down. “You can’t come into places like this since you’re a stray. There’s a few shelters for you around-”
“I’m not a stray.”
He blinked at the scowl on your face as his head tilted in question. “You ran away from home?”
“No!” you closed your mouth and leaned back as your ears flattened back for a moment, not meaning to be so loud. You looked at him as your eyes softened and found your voice again. “I just wanted to get out the house and bring something back for my owner.”
He blinked at you as you watched his eyes gleam. His tongue poked the inside of his mouth as he finally spared you smile upon your meeting. “Oh my god I’m dealing with a newbie.”
Your mouth dropped open to say something but your voice was lost in figuring out what to say. You took it as an insult but you didn’t even know what he meant by it.
He sipped from his drink again and looked to the side to stare out the upper windows across. “It’s not safe for you to stroll around without your owner. Someone might think you’re a stray and call hybrid control.”
“Are you a stray?” you blurted out without a care, curiosity making you bold even in public. He smirked to himself, letting a moment pass between you two as if he was lost in thought.
“Nah. You could say I had the same idea as you.”
You opened your mouth only to shut it back, thinking twice before you asked. You wondered why he could come out and you couldn’t but you realized it as you looked over his black hoodie again with his hood pulled over his head snuggly.
“What’s your name?” you decided to change your question, noticing your body had loosened up with being around him.
He glanced over at you, and you blinked when he didn’t give you an answer. He was hesitant to answer you and you noticed that, but you were prepared to pester him about it if he didn’t want to tell you.
“Call me Suga.”
Suga watched a grand smile grace your face, as if he had made your day a bit brighter from giving you a name.
Your tail wagged behind you as you leaned forward, cutely whispering to him and taking his scent in once more. “I’m Jasmine.”
You knew you weren’t supposed to throw your trust out there so carelessly but Suga did save you in a moment of trouble and bought you a drink. With the idea of meeting another hybrid friend, giddy excitement filled your body as you gave your trust to him.
The sun was still out but only in an hour and a half it would be going down. Jungkook tried to get off early from work but all odds were against him as the work flowed in. At the end of his shift a guy came into the shop almost falling onto his knees for Jaehyun and him to take care of an issue inside the engine by today. He was going on a trip the next day with friends and the tinkering sound under the hood worried him about his car blowing up with him and his friends in it.
Jungkook worked with a frown, trying to work as fast as he could so he could go home to you knowing you waited long enough. Jaehyun was good enough to send him on his way, after replacing a part of the engine together he was kind to tell Jungkook to get out and he would stay late to finish up.
It left a bad taste in Jungkook’s mouth; he was always the one to stay late for work. Nonetheless a little tint in his reputation didn’t compare to the chance of going home to you waiting for him like a good pet.  
His phone buzzing on the passenger seat had him turning down the volume on the radio and grabbing the ringing phone as he looked at the caller id. An instant smile on his face as he answered the call and put it on speaker before setting it down beside him in the cup holder.
“Hobi hyung.” Jungkook greeted, happy to hear from his friend.
“Did you just now get off of work?” Hoseok asked, his voice filling the car from the speaker.
“Yeah, I’m heading home now.” Jungkook answered, a hand on the steering wheel as his eyes watched the road and the car in front of him.
“Come hang out with your hyung! I haven’t seen you since your birthday.”
The smile on his face dropped, guilt filling his body before he answered. “Next time hyung, I need to get home.”
“Your hybrid, huh?”
His eyebrows furrowed as his mouth opened to question how he knew.
“Taehyung made sure to brag to us about getting you one.” Hoseok said, amusement in his voice before he sighed. “Everyone has one these days. Taehyung with his and Jin is always cooped up with the girls. I thought it was just going to be you and me without one.”
Jungkook didn’t know he could feel any guiltier but Hoseok’s words got to him. Out of all his friends Hoseok was the most easy-going and even easier to get along with. Jin and Taehyung were more on the annoying side even though he enjoyed hanging out with all of them. “Sorry hyung.”
“Anni, we’ll hang out next time. Maybe Taehyung might get me a hybrid for my birthday.”
They both laughed on the phone at the idea, figuring Taehyung just might. After a few questions about Jasmine and a promise to introduce the two of you they finally hung up just as Jungkook reached home and parked in the lot. He got out of his car with a stretch of his legs as he slipped his phone into his back pocket and pulled out the key to the front door on his keychain.
His head all but snapped up from the familiar sound of the voice, his eyes catching you walking along to the house from the other direction.
“Jasmine?” as if he couldn’t believe it, questions flooding his head on why you were out here as he walked towards you. He tried not to get ahead of himself, but the man beside you and the drinks in both your hands didn’t put him at ease as his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes sized up the person beside you.
Just as oblivious as you were, you smiled at him in pure happiness to see him only for realization that you were probably in trouble hit you. You stayed close to Suga as your ears flatted back, a hopeful smile on your face as you tried to calm the tremble in your voice. “I came out to get you something, but I forgot you need money to buy things.”
You scratched the back of your head as you watched Jungkook’s reaction but his hard stare remained on Suga beside you. You glanced to the side to see your new friend matching his gaze with a glint of amusement in his eyes as he sipped from the straw of his iced coffee.
You made a noise of realization before grabbing the back of Suga’s arm. “This is Suga.”
You thought the introduction would make a difference, explaining that he helped you out at the register when you didn’t have any money and walked you home but Jungkook’s stare only turned harder, even scaring you a bit when he looked at you. Even Suga gave you a look, frowning at you for giving out his name.
“Thank you, I’m sorry if she caused you any trouble.”
“It’s fine.” Suga replied, a smirk on his lips as his eyes darted down at Jungkook’s hand as it reached in his back pocket. “Pay me back if we see each other again.”
Jungkook halted his movement, a smirk playing on his lips as well as he stared Suga down. You couldn’t deny the heavy tension between the two, your eyes darting back and forth not knowing where to stand.
Suga was the first to move and end the silent class, looking at you with those familiar lazy eyes.  “I’ll see you around Jasmine.”
You said goodbye as he left, your mouth hanging open as you quickly decided not to ask. You wanted to know when you would see him again, not wanting to lose a friend so quickly when the two of you just met.
That was the least of your worries, the tension returning when you looked back at Jungkook. His stare wasn’t as hard when he looked at Suga but it was strong enough to have you emitting a small whine.
“Come on, let’s get inside.”
You followed without a word, going up to his apartment in silence. You stayed close beside him but it definitely didn’t help your sweaty palms and racing heart. Jungkook was mad at you, and that was the only thing your mind was beating you up over.
“Sorry.” The first word out of your mouth when you got inside, Jungkook locking the door behind him. Your red ears flattened back on your skull and your tail tucked between your legs as your brown eyes looked up at him, your teeth wanting to worry down on your bottom lip.
His sigh made you whimper and your gaze fall to the floor, preparing to get yelled at. Instead, to your surprise you felt warmth; arms wrapped around your body with a hand on the back of your head.
“Don’t leave the house without telling me please.”
Your hands went to his sides, grabbing onto his shirt and your nose taking in his familiar scent you had missed today.
“I don’t like leaving you in the morning as it is, please don’t worry me further with finding you not here.”
You whimpered out at the sound of his voice, a bit strained in his deep tone that caressed your ears softly. You wrapped your arms around him in a hug and pushed your face into his chest. “I’m sorry-”
“No, just promise me.” Jungkook urged, feeling his fingers massage the back of your head. Your heart fluttered when you felt his lips on your temple, tilting your head back to let your eyes fall on his.
“I won’t leave.”
Whether he got it or not, you meant something more than promising not to make a childish mistake like this again. It was a promise from your heart that Jungkook had a hold of so tightly, and you hoped you had his as well.
I won’t leave you.
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orangeseoks · 4 years
Trouble Maker // j.jk
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part two - part one here
[ disclaimer! ]
this is of pure fiction and is NOT to be taken seriously!
genre ;; fluff, smut, angst | hybrid au
pairing ;; jungkook x reader, hybrid!jk x reader, (kinda) namjoon x reader.
notes ;; jungkook is a horny mf, reader is a virgin *cOuGh*, mentions of abuse, a few fights happen here and there, namjoon is a complete dork, (y/n) and namjoon are besties uwu, eventual smut, jk randomly finds porn, masterbation, (y/n) fights with her family + daddy issues, highschool is hard, jk has a virgin kink, surprise heats, jk has wet dreams (ovo; ).
warning ;; there may be quite a bit of fob in here, idk
[ unedited ]
[ all rights reserved @orangeseoks ]
Shivering, I clutch the bags in my hands tightly, waiting silently for Namjoon to return from the bathroom - I kinda wish the shopping centre didn’t have toilets located outside of the large building. Maybe it was so its easier for costumers of the clothes store to access a restroom without having to waddle back inside?
I shrug the thought away with a huff, watching a cloud of smoke appear in front me, “hurry up Namjoon.” I whisper to myself, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot, “first a bus stop and now outside a public restroom?” A voice chuckles - instantly catching my attention.
“O-Oh, um! I’m actually waiting for a friend of mine, he’s - you know..” Smiling awkwardly, I sniff and look up at the person speaking. “Wait, bus stop?” My mouth literally hangs open at sight of the person standing before me. “Your the guy from last night, right?”
The man nods, giving me a wide smile, “so, do you need help carrying those bags?” He asks out of the blue, fiddling with his beanie before gazing back at me. Clearing my throat awkwardly I shake my head, “no I’m fine. My friend, he should be out soon.”
“You sure? It looks like you’ve been standing out here for awhile, your lips are practically blue, you know?” I instantly gasp, transferring some bags from one hand to the other to touch my lips. “No way! They aren’t are they? Please tell me your lying!”
Panic washes over me as I rub furiously at my lips, attempting to warm them with the constant friction. The man before me merely laughs at my actions, “it was a mindless joke. Don’t be so serious,” he chuckles, shifting in his spot to lean against a pillar. I huff and drop my hand to my side, “that wasn’t funny.”
The man hums, eyeing me up and down with a questionable look, I gulp at his odd action and avert my gaze from him. “Are you always filled with so much anxiety?”
Raising an eyebrow, I glance at the man, “sorry?” I retort, grasping tighter onto the bags in my hands. The mans quirks a brow, wetting his lips before speaking yet again; “you’re always so anxious. Its intoxicating,” he says. Confusing me even more, fazed I blink once - twice.
“Nevermind,” he utters, scuffing the toe of his shoe on the concrete beneath him. Nodding, I glance at the mens bathroom, relieved to finally see Namjoon walking out; his hands tucked neatly into the pockets of his coat.
“Ah, (Y/n), sorry to keep you waiting - there was a, erm, a line.”
“Its fine, c-can we just go? Its really cold,” Namjoon nods slowly, his eyes flickering towards the man lent against the pillar. “Did something happen?” He asks, taking a handful of bags from me. I simply shake my head and smile, “no.”
“You sure-”
“Nothing happened, he was just keeping me company while you were busy.”
Namjoon hums, “okay. Thanks man,” he murmurs the last part, walking off leaving me to trail behind him. The faint echo of the mans goodbye filling the oddly quiet parking lot.
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Waddling back into my small home, I dump the bags I was carrying onto the couch, flopping lifelessly onto the floor with a faint oh my god. I’d purchased so much while out with Namjoon, maybe a bit too much.
My poor wallet.
Sighing, I roll onto my back and stare up at my boring ceiling, “your bunny (Y/n).” Namjoon sputters from above me, crouching over my thighs and holding the wriggling rabbit in his hands. “Found him buried under your kimono, he wouldn’t stop smelling the damn thing.”
Giggling, I take Jungkook from his hands, placing him onto my chest - the ball of fur quickly hopping over to my neck and beginning to sniff and lick the area. “Gosh you,” I say between laughs, “you’re so clingy.”
“He likes you.. alot, I think I’m jealous.” Namjoon laughs, walking into the kitchen to boil the jug. Grinning, I sit up, being sure to keep Jungkook in his spot since he seems to comfortable there. “Is that a confession Mr Kim?”
Snicking, Namjoon leans against the tall island between the kitchen and living room - his brows raised. “Its whatever you want it to be,” he says, tossing me a wink. I instantly break into a fit of giggles, a raging blush colouring my cheeks.
“Fuck you,” I shriek, listening to the jug flick off, Namjoon shuffling toward it and pouring the hot water into his cup. “Can you make me a hot chocolate please,” I ask. Pecking Jungkook’s forehead gently, “yeah.” Is all Namjoon says in response. I thank him in return, deciding to gently run my fingers through Jungkook’s fur.
Dumb move.
Flinching, the bunny in my warmth drops from his spot and into my lap with a grunt, frowning I pick him back up and coo, “sorry my little baby.” I apologise, noticing Namjoon walking over with both our drinks, I mouth a thank you and take my mug from his hand.
“So,” Namjoon starts taking a long sip of his drink, “who was that guy earlier?” Sighing, I look up at Namjoon from my drink, “an acquaintance? I dunno, we only met last night.”
“At the bus stop.”
“The bus stop?” He gawks, leaning forward in his seat, “yes! The bus stop, I was sitting and eating!”
“Seriously? You could’ve waiting until you came home,” Namjoon spits gulping down his drink with a sigh. “True, but I - I dunno, he seems like a nice guy anyways.”
Nodding, Namjoon settles into his seat, completely relaxed, “he kinda gives off this weirdass vibe - you know?”
“Oh, so now you read vibes?” I jokingly press, a grin crossing my features - “no you idiot. Just something about him reeks of mystery, lies.” He retorts with a huff, “its like he’s hiding something under all his charm or whatever.”
“Boring~!” I complain, placing my cup beside me and laying on the flat of my back, “no wonder why you’re failing your exams.”
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Rolling my shoulders back with sigh, I wave Namjoon off as his car pulls out into the road - leaving me alone in the cold night air. Shivering, I rub my arms and make my toward the unit, “was that your boyfriend?”
Jumping, I glare up at my sister, her phone clutched tightly in her hand - an ugly pimple coming exposed when she turns her head slightly.
“No you dumbass, it was Joon; we finished my project and went shopping.”
I watch as my sister raises a brow at me, “so when are you going to kiss him?”
“Ew, what the fuck!?” I screech, making a puking motion with my hand, she merely laughs. “Whatever, dad said to get your ass inside.”
With a scoff, I walk back to the unit, slamming my door shut and locking it - pulling the curtains behind. “Jungkookie~!” I call, the small bunny I’d called for instantly running over to me, my kimono dragging behind him.
“Wahh,” I coo, sitting on my knees as Jungkook engulfs my legs with his - his ears twitching and rubbing against my bare skin. I giggle and pick him, pressing a chaste kiss atop of his head.
He flinches and lowers his ears over his face somewhat, “ah is my Kookie shy?” I sing, kissing him again. 
And again.
And again.
And again.
I kiss him to the point I end up laughing my brains out; so here I lay on the ground, cradling the male bunny in my arms as the final set of giggles pass my lips.
“I hope you’ll like your new home, Kook.”
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chicksung · 5 years
Renegade- A JJK Oneshot
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Genre: Hybrid AU, Bandit/Runaway AU, angst, romance, and if you squint, there’s a bit of fluff.
Pairing: Rabbit Hybrid! Reader x Human! Jungkook 
Warnings: Crimes, stealing, swearing, a small hint of violence, a dash of anxiety and slowly growing feeling.
Summary: Choi Jae-Hwa is probably the most wanted criminal in her small village. The rabbit hybrid is forever trying to find a safe place to hide, but is always fund by the police. Humans have never shown her any type of respect, even before her family was taken away from her, but when a human bumps into her when she’s running from the police, what’s a bunny to do?
Word count: 5.2k words
Post Date: 22/05/19
Part of the Green Tea and Melodies series
Song: ‘Run’ - BTS
A/N: Hey TaeCups and SugaKookies, I’m so sorry I haven’t been active...like at all. I kinda broke my laptop so I couldn’t get started on this as soon as I wanted to. But, this is a collaboration with the one and only @worldwidebt7 so please keep an eye for an illustrated version of this oneshot. Please enjoy the show!
The Oneshot ll The Comic
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“It has recently been reported that that troublesome hybrid, Choi Jae-Hwa, has been apprehended by the local police this morning, let’s hope that they have her for more than 24 hours” 
The TV outside of the temporary cell blared on about things happening in the world, which was quite enjoyable, despite the fact that it was muted. The local radio made up for the lack of sound. The shackles around my wrists was nothing new to me. It’s been like this for years. Since my parents had been hunted and killed by a pack of wolves, I have been on my own since I was 11. I remember what happened so clearly.
~10 years prior~ 
We had gone on a walk in the forest, hand in hand with my parents, Yoona and Taemin. My parents’ relationship baffled quite a lot of people, considering my mother was a bunny hyrbid and my father was a fox hybrid, but they somehow made it work. I ran ahead of my parents, looking at the flowers that grew.
“Eomma, look!” My eleven year old self called out to her, pointing at a Lily of a Valley. My mother walked over, looking at the pretty flora.
“Very pretty, just like you!” She exclaimed, pressing a kiss to my cheek before joining my father once more. Suddenly, I could sense the worry of my mother. She was turned away from me, looking towards the deeper part of the woods. Her ears were at their fullest height and her body was tensing up. 
“Honey, are you alright?” My father asked, turning her face towards him. My mother’s coffee brown eyes were scared, terrified. 
“We need to get out of here. Now! Jae-Hwa, come on, we’re leaving.” She answered my father before calling out to me. Just as I grabbed my mother’s hand, a pack of wolves jumped out from behind the trees. 
“A family I see, a full course meal.” The biggest and clearly the leader called out to the pack and my family, licking his lips. He charged at my father, knocking him to the ground. He started to bite him, first his arms, then his stomach. 
“Yoona. take Jae-Hwa and run!” He called out weakly, attempting to bite back to no avail. My mother was about to turn when she was taken out from behind and in the same position as my father. There was nothing I could do. 
“Jae-Hwa, run!” was the last thing my mother cried out before she couldn’t do anything but accept her fate. I followed her words, turning on my heel and running away from the scene. I was quite fast for a rabbit hybrid, being able to outrun the female wolves that ran after me. I ran as far as I could before I reached the small village I called home, but this time, returning without my only guardians.
Times sure do change, don’t they? I had been caught up in my own thoughts, not realizing that it was now dark outside. Well, time to execute the plan...again. I always kept a bobby pin in my hair, which it pinned back my fringe. Despite being handcuffed, it was surprisingly simple to grab the sliver of metal. With the bobby pin in hand, I began to pick the lock on the cuffs, hearing a satisfying ‘clink’, telling me I succeeded with step one. I quietly shifted to the other side of my cell before a voice interrupted me.
“Escaping again, I see.” Seungri’s voice rung out across the empty hall. I smiled softly at his voice. Seungri had been the only person who actually bothered to talk to me from behind his own bars. 
“You’ve seen me do it so many times, yet you still haven’t told them. I can’t help but wonder as to why. Care to tell me?” I responded, pressing my back against the wall, curiosity getting the better of me. 
“I know you only do this to survive, you’re nineteen, you can’t do anything about it, it’s your way of survival.” He called out, leaning forward on the bars that kept him in the small human enclosure. I smiled weakly, before parting my lips to speak again.
“Hey Seungri, thanks...for having my back.” I mumbled sincerely, grabbing some loose bricks on the wall. He smirked and gave you a kind look.
“No problem, kid.” He finished the conversation before heading back to his small bed. Just as I started to squeeze through the small window, a guard began to walk down the hall.
“Hey, what are you doing!?” The structured, wide shouldered man started yelling, pulling his keys out of his pocket and unlocking the barred enclosure. My fight or flight instincts kicked in. If I don’t run, I will possibly be thrown into some sort of pit. Then again, I’m already destined for hell. But I can’t possibly fight this man, he’s probably been through a lot of training and there is no way that someone like me will be able to win, especially a rabbit hybrid. I squeezed my thin body through the bars and dropped to the ground below just as he entered. A cold sweat broke out on my forehead and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I’ve escaped this place many times before so this wasn’t difficult to do. Now, where to go now? So I did the only thing I knew how to do since I was 11. 
I ran.  
I was well away from the small community jail, even though a statement had been issued for my arrest...again. The evening markets were lit up like a Christmas tree and the smell of the food was causing my stomach to rumble. I flipped up my dirty lilac hoodie and tried my best to flatten my ears. I walked into the bustle of the market, chatter and the laughter of the small village children echoed throughout the small venue. My attention was turned to a stall that seemed to be selling baked goods, cakes, bread, pastries, the whole lot. The short and plump woman that stood behind the display table was busy talking with customers and making sure the bread in the small portable oven was burning. ‘She won’t notice if I swiped a few things, will she?’ I thought to myself, taking a loaf of bread from the table as well a blueberry muffin and was reaching for a croissant when the woman grabbed my bony wrist in her hand.
“And just what do you think you’re doing, young lady?” She asked, her eyes piercing holes in my personal bubble. I attempted to shake her hand off but her grip only tightened. 
“I asked you a question, now answer me, girl!” She yelled with an authoritative voice, her other hand flicking off my hoodie, revealing my ears. Being one of the few hybrids in town since my parents were killed, people immediately recognized me. A wave of anxiety hit me and once again, fight or flight kicked in. I could either confront the woman and end up being handed in to the police or run with food in hand. The latter seemed to be the better idea, so with a final glance towards the woman, I sped off. I could hear the woman yell something along the lines of ‘You mangy animal!’ but I couldn’t hear her. Some people tried to chase after me, but being an animal with agility, none of them could catch me. I was looking behind me as I kept running through the market, smirking when I saw how far behind me they were. Doing this however meant I didn’t see the figure in front of me. I ran into them, knocking me to the ground. While the loaf of bread stayed in my grasp, the blueberry flew out of my pocket and into a nearby bush. 
Well, there goes dessert... 
I held my head for a moment to stop it from spinning. Suddenly, a voice spoke and a hand was in front of my face. 
“I’m so sorry, miss. Are you alright?” The voice was one that sounded like it belonged to an angel and when I lifted my head, he certainly looked like one. His soft brown hair hung in front of his eyes, his skin was like honey but his most mesmerizing was his big doe eyes. If he had a tail or antlers, I would have mistaken him for a deer hybrid. I slowly took his hand, the break still in my hand.
“I’m fine.” I said coldly. I didn’t let his features get in the way of the fact that he was a human. Humans were ruthless and they cared not for any hybrids, only to lock them up, sell them and mistreat them. I stood up and brushed off my knees and went to walk away from him when he called out to me.
“Hey, be careful. There’s a swarm of people down there looking for someone who fits your looks. I would suggest heading back into town. It’s safer there.” He informed me and smiled warmly. I nodded before brushing past him, walking in the direction that leads back to the village. I climbed the small hill that wasn’t that well lit. I saw the plump woman wailing to a policeman, probably about our ordeal. I smiled to myself, knowing that I escaped their grasp twice today.
Sunrise was always the prettiest over the village. Especially when you are perched on top of the school building roof, it’s where you got the best view. My chestnut brown hair didn’t look greasy in the light and it made the freckles on my mocha skin visible. I loved these times, where I wasn’t constantly on the run from the police, being given stares from parents and shielding me from their children’s vision like I was some sort of beast. I was used to it though. Most people in the village resented or were afraid of me, well, everyone except one. Kim Seokjin, the owner of the local cafe and the person who has known me since I was a baby. Which I was on my way to see. He always supplies me breakfast and never gave up on me, even after I started getting into trouble with the police. I pushed the glass door open, the bell above it ringing. Seokjin’s gaze snapped up from wiping down the breakfast bar/counter and gave me a loving smile. 
“Well, if it isn’t Snowy Valley’s most wanted. Welcome back, JaeJae. How have you been?” He announced as soon as he saw me. I smile at my nickname and went to the counter.
“Oh, you know. It was on the radio again. I was able to escape. If they keep putting me in the same cell, they are never gonna learn that I can escape so easily. Although, I ran into someone last night. I’ve never seen him before, but he wasn’t scared of me, nor did he seem to recognize me but he warned me of a search party that was assigned to me.” I explained, my ears turned sideways in confusion. Seokjin smiled and walked towards to the barista coffee maker and started making me my usual, a mug of hot mocha. 
“I believe that’s the new kid. He came in here a few weeks ago and introduced himself as Jungkook. He seemed like a nice kid. Said he recently moved in to finally live on his own. He was very quiet and reserved however. He did seem comfortable talking to me. Overheard the news report on you and asked me if I knew you.” 
“To which you replied yes?”
“Well, considering you are like my daughter, I had no choice but to say yes. After I confirmed that, he smiled to himself and whispered something about you being adorable.” I blushed at the last comment. 
“Jin, stop it. No he didn’t. How old is he, he seemed pretty young to me.”
“Only a couple years older than you, he’s 21.” He looked younger if I was being honest. 
“He’s still a human, but a very good looking kid.” I admitted. I watched Jin frown before smirking.
“But not as handsome as me, right JaeJae?” I burst into laughter.
“Of course not.” 
Out and about today was quiet, very quiet for Snowy Valley. The reason for this was probably that it was Monday morning, which meant school went back for another week. I wandered around aimlessly before I stumbled across a newly opened bakery. I peeked inside to see a tall, thin woman who seemed to be in her mid-thirties behind the counter, a kind smile on her face. I slipped inside and looked at the assortment of baked goods that chanted my name from behind the sliding glass door. This was one of those bakeries where they were able to be used by the customers. My stomach rumbled immediately.
I’ll just grab a few loaves and some muffins and I will be gone.
I reached for the bread, successfully grabbing without being detected and with a couple muffins stuffed in my pockets, I headed towards the door. That’s when a shrill voice screeched “Hey! You didn’t pay for those!” At those words, the plump woman from last night appeared from the back, rolling pin in hand. 
“It’s you again, you feral animal!” She shrieked, running from behind the counter and towards me. 
Well, now I was battered, no food and extremely hungry. It was late at night and no one was around. I was in the back alley behind an apartment complex, near the dumpster. My eye was bruised, my muscles hurt and I’m pretty sure my stomach was bruised. 
Looks like I’m sleeping here tonight...
I picked up sounds of footsteps but couldn’t be fucked opening my eyes. 
“Hey, are you alright?” A familiar voice asked, causing me to open my eyes. My gaze was met by the doe-eyed boy from last night. His eyes were glazed with concern and worry. I scoffed.
“Do I look fucking okay to you?” I spat coldly, crossing my arms over my stomach, only to remember that’s where it hurt the most and hissing in pain. 
“Wait, let me help you. I’ll take you to my apartment and I’ll treat you.” He calmly said, grabbing my hand. I ripped my hand from his grip, staring daggers at him. 
“Unhand me, human! Don’t touch me!” I exclaimed, trying to get away from him and run, but my legs refused to move. 
“Okay, I won’t touch you. But please, you’re hurt and if you aren’t treated, it’s only gonna get worse.” He explained with a hint of concern in his voice, as he knelt down to my height. While my brain didn’t trust him, my body acted according to my heart. I followed him with my head hung low and not saying a word. He led me up several staircases and to a door with the number ‘97′ on the door. He unlocked the door and opened the door for me to enter first. I scowled at him and entered the small apartment. I looked at the dark room, my night vision being one of the best thing in the situation. I heard the door slam behind me and I turned around, my ears pricked all the way up in fear. My eyes grew bigger and a small whimper escaped my lips. 
“Woah there, Bugs, no need to freak out. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He smiled, revealing his teeth that looked similar to me. I didn’t realize how much he looked like a rabbit, so much so that it was almost scary. Before a single could escape my lips, he grabbed my wrist and guided me to his bathroom, his grip remaining tight despite me struggling to release myself. He finally reached the bathroom and lifted me up quickly and placed me on the counter, our faces only a mere few inches away. I scowled at him, my bangs covering one of my eyes.
“I can walk myself, you know.” I spat, eyeing him suspiciously as he grabbed ointment and bandages from a cupboard. He only looked at me and chuckled a little.
“It was the best way to make sure you didn’t run away. I can’t let you leave untreated.” He replied, unscrewing the cap from the ointment and instructed me to extend my arms. I still didn’t trust him. My experiences with humans were not pleasant, as my body clearly showed. This was the only way I could survive. I hissed in pain as I felt a cold liquid drop onto one of the scrapes on my wrist, retracting it back as quick as I could.
“That fucking burns!” I shrieked at him, examining the invisible damage. He grasped my wrist and yanked it towards, causing me to growl slightly. 
“Stop being a baby, Jae-Hwa.” He commanded, not looking at me at all, but that right now was the least of my concerns.
“How the hell do you know my name?” I hissed sourly, squinting my eyes as I stared daggers into his soul. He finally looked up and sighed through his nose, only to giggle.
“You’re probably the most controversial citizen, let alone hybrid in this village. How could I not know you. I’m Jungkook, by the way. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He held his hand out for me to shake, but I stared at it before looking at him with my cheeks puffed out.
“Who said you were an acquaintance of mine?” I seethed, my ears flattened against my head in distrust. Jungkook looked a little dejected at my words but I didn’t care. 
“Well, you seem pretty comfortable with me touching you, despite what you’re saying, but Jin said you didn’t like humans that much, him being the only acceptance.” His words sung out almost like a melody as he wrapped my  wrist in a clean, white bandage. I tensed at his words as my eyes wandered down to my wrist, wearing his sculpted hands guided the bandage around my wrist and the lower half of my palm. He secured the white cloth with some medical tape and grabbed a small plastic band-aid and placed it quickly on my cheek. I was slightly taken aback by his action but didn’t say anything. He looked at me for a second and saw the way my arms were folded across the lower half of my stomach. 
“Is there anywhere else that hurts?” He asked, eyes watching my expression carefully. I scoffed and blew my bangs out of my eyes.
“No.” I replied bluntly, lying straight through my teeth. His eyes softened at my words, clearly still concerned.
“Jae-Hwa, I know this may sound weird but, may I look under your shirt?” He requested hesitantly, the fear of rejection smelt so strong, it made me crinkle my nose.
“I-I...fine.” I mumbled in defeat as I lifted my shirt no higher than my middle. A large blue and purple bruise covered the majority of the left side of my stomach, the right covered in red hand prints. Jungkook’s eyes were blown open, clearly terrified at the sight he saw.
“J-Jae-Hwa, how badly does it hurt?” He questioned timidly, his eyes still fixated on the blue and purple flower that was bloomed on my stomach.
“Does it look bad to you, genius? It hurts to even fucking breathe.” I cursed at him, eyes glowing a soft amber before returning to their natural color. 
“S-Sorry, that was dumb question, I get it. But can you please stop acting like such a jerk for five minutes and let me bandage it please. If it stays uncovered, it’s not gonna heal as fast.”
Just let your guard down for a one moment, please...    
I inhaled deeply and looked at him straight in the eyes.
“Fine, but I’m extremely thirsty and a bathroom isn’t exactly a comforting environment.” Was any place comforting to me?
“Oh, yeah, sure. I’ll make some tea, and then we can just talk, so I can understand you a little bit more.” Jungkook excitedly replied, practically bouncing on his toes. I hissed as Jungkook suddenly placed pressure onto my bruise to wrap it up in a similar white cloth that was around my hand. He secured it and moved onto my left elbow. He squeezed a little bit of ointment on, causing me to hiss in pain again. He wrapped up the disinfected graze and weaved his way out of the bathroom, supposedly the kitchen. I groaned as I slipped off the counter and down the passage that connected the rooms together. I saw Jungkook hunched over the stove, preparing to cups of tea and looked at me as he realized my presence.
“I only have green tea. I hope you don’t mind.” He smiled awkwardly as he placed a teabag in each cup. I smiled to myself, making sure he didn’t see, as I played with the strings of my hoodie. That was when I realized how disgusting I looked and felt. Damn my stupidity for not realizing before he dressed me. 
“You alright, Jae?” He asked, using the nickname only Jin called me, hence catching me off guard. Normally, I would have spat a melody of swear words at him, but remembering what he had asked me to do in the bathroom refrained me in doing so.  
“I feel disgusting.” I spoke my mind in a hushed voice, embarrassed at my state. Jungkook chuckled before brushing past me and down the hallway, disappearing into his room. This would be the perfect time to escape, however, I remember that I have nowhere to run, the major factor is that, my feet remained rooted to the ground. A few minutes later, Jungkook emerged from his room with a pair of sweatpants, an oversized shirt and black hoodie in a pile in his hands. 
“I found some clothes that I don’t wear much so you can change into these for tonight. I’ll wash the clothes you’re wearing now if you want, that’s if you’re staying.” He said in a voice that was almost asking, if not begging, me to stay with him. I took the clothes in my hands, simply nodding and quick-walking to his bedroom. His bedroom was small, but not as small as I expected. I decided not to dwell too much and quickly stripped off the lilac hoodie, the white shirt, ripped jeans and the socks with way too many holes than I was willing to admit. I let the sweatpants sit loosely on my waist, the waistband hidden by the shirt several sizes too big and finally the hoodie. I slipped out of his room and back into the kitchen, where Jungkook placed the two teacups on the table and sat down.
“Take a seat.” He said simply, brushing his bangs out of his face. I followed his instructions and slumped into my chair. 
“Now, there’s one thing I want to know, why do you hate humans so much?” He goes straight for the personal question, doesn’t he? 
“Personal experiences, I’ve only been exposed to the evil side of humanity.” I said shortly, looking into the cup of cooling tea before taking a sip.
“But why are you so close with Seokjin?” Jungkook asked, lowering his head in an attempt to look into my eyes under my bangs. 
“I knew him before my parents died. He was best friends with my father, who introduced my mother to him. He consoled me after their death, and I stayed with him until I was discovered by his landlord, who certainly didn’t like hybrids. He threatened Seokjin with homelessness if he didn’t get rid of me. I couldn’t let him live on the streets so I took my leave from the premises. It was for the best. There, you have your explanation. I steal because I have no money whatsoever, therefore I can’t buy anything, besides, I love thrill of being seen but not so much being caught.” I downed the last of my tea before standing up. 
“Thanks for the tea and for treating my injuries, but I have to go.” I said abruptly, not sounding thankful at all. I turned towards the door but before I could leave, I felt a grip on my wrist.
“Oh, no you’re not. You are staying here until you’re 100% healed. It’s too dark and cold out there anyway. Please, Jae-Hwa. Be rational. Just..stay here. Take my room, it’s the least I can do.” Jungkook gave me his big doe eyes, which were utterly adorable that they made me go weak in the knees. 
“Fine, but no funny business.” I said flatly, giving in. I brushed past him and entered his bedroom, pulling back the covers and slipping between them and falling asleep.
I didn’t intend to stay as long as I did. I only planned to stay there for two days, but two days slowly turned into two months. I don’t know how I convinced myself to stay, considering I was staying with the species I hated the most. Jungkook was sweet, kind and considerate, despite me giving him the cold shoulder more often than not. He always made me green tea when I had breakfast and the beverage slowly became my favorite taste ever. The days and nights passed quickly but I often went out at night. Tonight, Jungkook insisted that we went to the markets together as he always got the best food for the best prices than he did at the small supermarket we had. With my newly washed hoodie over my head, Jungkook and I stood in a sea of citizens of the valley. My eyes wandered, spotting the woman who caused me the injuries that littered my body. I felt my blood boiling that such a kind looking woman could make such a cruel act. I latched myself onto Jungkook’s arm in an attempt to keep myself from picking another fight with her.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asked, looking utterly confused. 
“Just roll with it, Jeon.” I said, calling him by his last name. I guess we grew closer than I first thought.
“Alright, Choi.” He responded coolly. 
He dragged me to almost every stall in the markets, his hands occupied by brown paper bags, filled with a range of different items. He finally stopped at the stall I had been dreading, the bakery stall. The plump woman hadn’t noticed me standing behind Jungkook, clearly blown away by his beauty.
“And how can I help you, sir?” She asked, her voice so sickly sweet, I almost burst into laughter. Jungkook’s eyes scanned the display table before pointing to a loaf of bread and two blueberry muffins. The woman flashed him a smile before grabbing grabbing two different white paper bags, one long one for the bread and a smaller one for the muffins. Jungkook paid the woman and was turning away from her when she finally spotted me. She immediately stopped smiling and her face wrinkled in disgust.
“You filthy animal! What are you going to steal from this nice man? Police! Police!” She yelled, catching the attention of quite a crowd of people. A policeman came running up to the woman, panic written across his face.
“Ma’am, what’s wrong? What happened?” He questioned, watching as the woman broke into fake sobs.
“It’s the hybrid! She tried to rob one of my customers.” She fake cried with a subtle smirk on her face. The policeman saw my lilac hoodie and started booking it after me. My instincts kicked in as I grabbed Jungkook’s hand and started running from the scene. Jungkook exclaimed in surprise, dropping half of the bags, including the loaf of bread. The policeman was hot on our heels as I rounded into an alleyway and climbing on top of a dumpster. The policeman rounded the corner and we were cornered. 
“Choi Jae-Hwa, stand down and we won’t need to do anything irrational.” The broad man commanded, his eyes dark and serious. I looked up at the roof above me before looking back to me. 
“Jungkook, I need you to trust me for a second. It might seem crazy but we’ll leave with our lives.” I said, my eyes filled with sincerity and uncertainty. I had been so cold to this boy and now, I was suddenly asking him to trust me. 
Real smooth, Jae. 
Jungkook looked at the officer before looking back at me. I extended my hand, part of me hoping that he would take my word and trust me. 
“If it means you’re safe, that’s all that matters.” He whispered and took my hnad. A soft blush crept across my cheeks before I jumped up and grabbed onto an low ledge and pulling myself onto the roof above. I reached my hand down for Jungkook to grab.
“Oh, no you don’t.” The policeman called and attempted to grab Jungkook’s ankle. Thankfully, I was able to pull him up, the officer missing him by less than an inch. I looked into Jungkook’s face, just centimeters away from mine. I walked on the tiled roof of the abandoned building...her house. 
“What is this place?” Jungkook asked, looking around before his eyes fixating on the beautiful view of the moon and stars. 
“The place I grew up before all of this.” I explained, pointing to myself, indicating my criminal record. 
“Why did you give up? Why did you rather have been hated for this than trying to fit in?” Jungkook asked. Silence fell upon my lips before I parted them.
“I’ve given them a reason to hate me. No matter how many wounds were on my feet, I always remember one thing...how to run away. It was the only thing I really seem to remember from my childhood. The first time I shifted with my parents and ran around with them. I know they wouldn’t be happy with what I did, but at least they know I’m surviving.” I smiled sadly, until I felt Jungkook take my hand.
“Jae-Hwa, you don’t have to do this alone, you know.” He said calmly as he looked into my moonlit eyes.
“What are you saying?” I asked, my gaze wandering over his features. 
“That I have been crushing on you for far too long. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I love you and I would love to give you the best life I can, even if it means I gain my own criminal record.” My eyes widened. He is really willing to give up his entire life to be with me.
“I-I love you too, Jungkook.” I whispered, looking around. His face moved closer to mine and looked at me with love in his eyes.
“Are you really willing to give everything up?” I asked him, my heartbeat quickening. He smiled with his teeth and intertwined our fingers.
“For you, I’d be willing to give up my life.” He whispered before he pulled me in to kiss him. His lips were soft and sweet, moving professionally across my lips. I broke the kiss and smiled happily. 
“What do you say, shall we go cause some trouble?” I asked with a sneaky smile. He laughed.
“Let’s do it, for we are the renegades of the entire valley.” 
A/N:This is my first one shot ever. I am really proud of how it turned out and I’m sorry if it’s kinda cringey. Reminder, that this onehsot will be illustrated by the magnificent @worldwidebt7 so stay tuned for that. Until next time, my friends.
~ Kookie’s Cup of Tae 
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solastia · 6 years
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The Dragon's Lair (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/nDYmXCooUR You enter the ridiculously named 'The Fairy Pawmother," a hybrid shelter, with very low expectations. Instead, you meet a beautiful Dragon hybrid named Namjoon, gaining a family and so much more.
(Couldn’t remember if I told you guys that I finally got around to putting this on there. I’m slowly adding all my fics one by one. I’m hoping there will be less people stealing my shit and putting in on there if it’s already there. Also, be sure to click through it even if you’ve already read it and vote on it, that way it will get a little more well known on there and it will be easier for others to spot when it gets stolen again. Because it’s already been reposted by someone like three times.)
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ariefliestonight · 6 years
Songs From The Graveyard- Part 3
Hybrid! Jiminxreader 
Part 1   part 2 part 3 - thou is here part 4 
Words: 2k
Warnings: mentions of abuse
no smut
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After your nap, you freshened up in the bathroom, before going to check if jimin was awake. You felt more like yourself now, not like the grumpy asshole you were being before.  “Jimin, can I come in?” You knocked on his door, waiting impatiently for his response. You had tapped your left foot on the floor exactly five times before he opened the door. “Yes, miss” he gave a small bow and opened the door wide for you. His hair was messier than it was before, but his face was cleaner and so were his hands. So he most probably washed his face in the bathroom in a poor attempt to freshen up. “No need to bow, or call me miss.” You said, your voice softer, but he only gave you a weird look before nodding, once. “Do you mind if I check if your body is okay?”
Jimin gave you a startled look, his ears pinning to his head again trying to make himself look small. His mind racing with questions; what did you mean, were you going to use his body for something; he wouldn't be surprised if you did, you were a human after all, and lots of humans were like that. 
You spoke up, sensing his discomfort. “I think I phrased that wrong. Can I check if you are hurt badly? I may seem young but I know what I am doing, you can trust me”  Trust. Jimin wasn't used to that. He didn't want to be. Trust just allowed you to be broken down. But he still nodded and complied, after all you were one of his owners, and as his teacher said in his centre ‘the words of your owner are more important than yours. The commands of your owners and how to obey them are your only thoughts’ so he nodded, and sat in front of your feet as you sat on the sofa chair, on his knees facing you, even though from the slight wince you could tell that he was in pain. You walked around him and took out a first aid kit from one of his cabinets, Jin made sure all the rooms had a first aid kit, for emergency obviously. 
“Sit here." You said softly, making your voice wasn't sharp. Jimin stared from the floor in confusion making you feel taller than you actually were.  
“I can't Miss. Furniture is for only humans" he stated clearly as if it had been drilled into his mind a million times. It most probably had been.
"Not in this house. Here you are equal, understood Jimin?" You tried to keep your voice soft, but your anger could be heard. Not anger towards Jimin but towards his past owners and trainers in the centre.
"Yes, miss" he replied quietly, standing up and sitting next to you in a fluid moment. He was still unsure of how he should behave. Everyone he had met so far was so nice, but maybe it was just an act. And you had spoken with anger, were you angry at him? You hadn't scolded him or punished him, so it was fine for now. Right? Jimin fiddled with the frayed edges of his hoodie, trying not to look in your eyes.
"Okay, first things first, does anything feel like it’s hurting inside?" You asked. Jimin just shook his head, his ears flopping a little bit. "Okay that's good, I'll treat the bruises on your face, and then I’ll move to your arm and legs" you took out a small tube of numbing cream and squeezed a bit on your fingertips before slowly dragging it across bruises on his face. You did as softly as you could, making your touch as feather like as possible. But that didn't stop Jimin from flinching slightly.
"Sorry...did I hurt you?" jimin shook his head in response
"No, it's just that, that when people come with their hands it... I don't know...I don't" he started stuttering and once again stared at the floor. 
"It's fine. I understand" you gave him a reassuring smile, and continued trying to be as gentle as possible. “Okay. That’s done, Are you hurt anywhere else?” Jimin nodded, and started to take his trousers of, you were slightly taken aback by his sudden actions, but you had to consider that most hybrids didn’t think of things like this as intimate as they were for a human. After all they were part animal, and had some of these characteristics, mannerisms and thoughts, and you had to respect that.
“This hurts, a bit, miss. “ Jimin said, pointing at a left leg. It was covered in black and blue bruises. There was little scratches all around the calf, and his knees were slightly bruised
“What happened here? “ You asked, pointing at the series of scars and bruising Jimin stayed silent in reply, if he told anyone and the trainer found out he would face a bigger punishment. Worse than the belt, or the cane.
 “Jimin, answer me ... please” You added on the please as a second thought, you were consumed with the anger you felt, and Jimin could most probably feel it. You took a few deep calculated breathes before speaking again," if you tell me what happened I promise no harm will come to you, you are safe here" Jimin relaxed slightly, from your gentle words and reassurance
. "It’s nothing...it’s just punishments...mostly" 
"Punishments? Punishments for what? I find it hard to believe that you would do anything to deserve this." You said, frowning as you cleaned one of the small gashes on his leg. 
“Not listening mostly...“
“Okay. What are these? “You said pointing at the bruises colouring his knees, they didn’t look that new but it looked painful. You gently patted a bit of antiseptic and healing balm. With the help of the healing balm they should be healed before half hour.
“From kneeling“
“What the hell? Why?”
“ It’s how why are supposed to sit at all times when there are humans...Its fine though Miss “ Jimin gave a slight shrugs and hissed in pain while you continued to clean his wounds.
“You won’t have to do any kneeling or anything like that here, you are my equal. This furniture, house - as much as it mine, it is yours. Okay done, anything else? “In response Jimin took his shirt of slowly. His actions reminded you of a hurt child .Slow and calculated. He winced at every movement, but you could see that he was trying to control it. He sat on your sofa, only in a pair of boxer and pointed at his ribs. 
“Here “He pointed at his ribs, which had bruises, black and blue. A contrast against his almost porcelain white skin. His ribs were slightly sticking out, making him look underfed. Which he most probably was. You gently placed your cold fingers on top of his ribs, and felt for anything broken. 
He lifted his hand to move his hair, and that when you say his brand, 131095C420. All hybrids had a brand, it was a tattoo that they were given when they were born or made. People said it was to keep them ‘safe’ but you thought of it as dehumanising.
“Nothing’s broken. But I’ll put some balm on and that will help you heal “You started putting a thin layer of healing balm on his ribs. Thank god for healing balm, it was quite literally a life-saver and one of the best inventions so far. 
“How do you know miss? “ Even though he was used to broken ribs and bones, and knew they would heal in a few days (Hybrid DNA), he had to make sure he was fit and healthy to take care and protect you.
“Magic, love “You winked, and tapped your nose.
Jimin blushed at the name and gave a small giggle. His actions reminded you of pure innocence. It was hard to imagine anyone hurting or even thinking to hurt the innocent person sitting on the coach. In fact he radiated happiness and joy and you had even known him for long. You packed away all the things you had used.
“Wait, stay still for 15mins, let the balm dry then you can have a bath“
“I can, can have a bath? Really? “
“Of course, ill set it up for you if you want. Do you want me to that? “You asked as you put away the first aid kit in the cabinet.
Jimin nodded frantically, his ears flopping slightly before wincing at his own sudden moments. You looked at him in wonder, had he never really actually had a bath? What the hell, it was unfair that he was not even allowed the simple pleasures of life. At least this allowed you to make sure he had the best bath ever.
You went to your room, and fetched a bath bomb, orange blossom scented. It released little flowers as well. You also fetched some other soaps and stuff as Jimin didn’t have any in his bathroom. Everything was all-natural and safe anyway so you didn’t have to worry about hurting the hybrid.
10 mins later you went back to Jimin room. He hadn’t moved from his place, and just played with his tail, following you with his eyes. He was still wearing just a pair of boxers, and his was flat, more from starvation than exercise; his arms and thighs were thin, which made you worry for his health and maybe even his life. His appearance made you hate people who thought it was alright to enslave hybrids- if that was even possible
 You gave a smile before, going to his bath. You started filling it up, it took a while, seeing that it was big enough for three people. You dropped the bath bomb in and put some bubble liquid in. 
“Jimin, come here“you called, swishing your hands in the water making sure it wasn’t too hot for him. Perfect temperature. Jimin stood by the doorway, his tail wagging and making a slightly thumping sound as it hit the door frame.
 "Do you want me to stay?" You asked, to the nervous but excited hybrid
 "Yes please miss...I haven’t learned to work these yet” He pointed at all the knobs and settings.
He got in, still wearing his boxers. Thank God. You showed him all the uses of the buttons of the bath, which was hard because he kept o getting distracted by the bubble the jets had created. In the end you just ended up making him a crown with bubbles, and a bubble beard. 
“Looking very sexy there aren’t you?”
Jimin blushed and gave you a smile. His eyes almost disappeared at the intensity of the smile, showing you a little chin dimple. You almost died from the adorableness.
You both played in the bathroom, until in the water got cold. Jimin in the bathtub, most of his cuts healed but still covered with scars. Emotional and physical, that were unlikely to fade quickly
After washing his hair with your orange scented shampoo and conditioner, you let him clean his tail, ears and the rest of his body by himself. You left him a towel and some clothes to change into, before leaving. 
Turning his rooms heating on, you sat on his coach and waited for him to come out. 5 minutes later, Jimin came out, wearing a white t-shirt, black trousers and a pair of rainbow socks, one reaching his ankle and the other reaching his shin. His looked slightly dishevelled but he was now clean and all his cuts were well treated. 
“Where should I put these miss? “ He asked holding his old clothes and the now wet towel.
“Put them in the laundry basket “You pointed at the black basket at the corner of the room, and Jimin did as he was told.
He came and sat near where you were sitting. Opposite you, on the floor and on his knees; he watched you with careful eyes. His hair was dripping water onto the white shirt, making it transparent and stick to his body, revealing his toned back.
“I’ve told you not to kneel. Come here.Let’s dry your hair, before you get ill “You said in a light-hearted voice even though your heart hurt from his actions
Jimin got up and shook his head violently in response. Exactly like a dog would, spraying water droplets everywhere making you squeal in surprise. He froze at our sudden actions and put his palms out again, falling to his knees with a thud.
“I’m sorry miss... I wasn’t-” He left his palms out, you guessed from the criss crossed scars and red marks, he was waiting for you to hit him.
“Its fine, I’m more worried about your health” You crouched down and gently took his hands and left him to the sofa you were sitting on. “And you don’t need to sit on the floor, this is your room, you can do whatever you want here. Just don’t burn it down please, Yoongi almost did that once” You offered him a smile, and he gave you a small smile. But that wasn’t enough for you, you wanted to see his eye smile.
You took another towel from the cupboard and gently started drying the hybrids hair. Rubbing it gently at the back of his neck and the space between his ears, making his tail wag faster than you had ever seen it move. Before you knew it he was pushing his head into your hands
To be continued
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tokkiemochi · 6 years
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Yoonminkook story in which Jungkook and Jimin are happily dating.  But one day, everything changes when Jimin brings Yoongi (a cat hybrid) to their home. Genres: hybrid!au, polyamory, fluff, smut Pairings: Jikook, Yoonmin, Yoonkook (Yoonminkook) Rating: M Link: AO3
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0writingpoodle0 · 6 years
Stay with me
Hybrid au
You saved those precious hybrids that had nowhere to go or had a bad thing happen to them. It made your day knowing they were safe when you saved them. Your new mission today was a tiger hybrid that was being auctioned off.
You currently were infiltrating the secret function. You were posing as a buyer trying to buy the poor hybrid and help him. The security took you to a velvet room with a window in front. The auction started and there he was. He was probably the most beautiful hybrid you have ever seen. Even though he had bags under his eyes and bruises all over his arms and legs you still saw his beauty. His tiger pattern was so beautiful it looked like a painting.
The bids were going and, you waited for it to slow down then placed yours. Eventually, you won. They took him and walked him to your room. When he got there his head was hung low. You slowly approached him. "What would you like me to do Noona?" He asked with his voice breaking. His voice was deep and musky. It made shivers go down your spine. Slowly and softly you spoke, " I'm here to help you your safe now."
He finally looked up meeting your eyes. There was a sparkle in them making him more beautiful.
" W-What" he stuttered. "come on," you said motioning him to follow you. He followed you with no rebuttle and soon you ended up in your car. He looked around the small space holding his tale. It was expensive looking. He then turned to face you. He couldn't believe you were helping him. He believed you were an angel sent from above. He thought you certainly looked like one. You started the car making the tiger jump being startled. "you ok?" you asked gently. He nodded in response. As you reversed the vehicle he closed his eyes. He wasn't use to cars they were a bit scary for him. You drove for twenty minutes to your house. It was completely silent the whole time. You didn't want to push him into talking to you so you let him be. You felt his eyes on you most of the time then out the window. You parked the car in your apartment complex parking lot and opened your door he mimicked your action. You got out of the car. When you noticed he didn't get out yet you headed to the passenger side. He was fumbling with his seat belt. " sorry, it gets jammed sometimes" you said leaning over his seat clicked it harshly open. It pulled back and then you did. You noticed a faint blush on the hybrids cheek. He got out of the car you shut his door. You locked your car and headed to the entrance. He followed you and both of you went to the elevator.
You clicked your floor but when the elevator moved up he quickly hugged you around the waist burrowing you and him into the corner of the elevator.
He was shaking still holding on to you. He was really new to these experiences. You pet his head softly running your hands through his soft hair. " it's okay, it's okay." you said over and over in a whisper. He stopped shaking his muscles relaxing. The elevator doors opened and his head perked to the opening. He got up holding your hand and running out of the elevator with you. He was suddenly protective of you.
As he stopped running he stopped in front of your door. What a coincidence. "Hey we're okay," you said to him. You slowly left his warm hand and took out your keys.  You unlocked it and it creaked open. He looked in awe. Your apartment was pretty big and expensive looking to other people. But to him, he only noticed it smelled like you and he felt safe.
"So, if you don't mind this is where you'll be staying for awhile."
"With you?" He questioned. He looked up slowly into your eyes. They were shining. So pretty. He thought.
"With me." You nodded confirming his statement.
A small grin made its way to his mouth. How cute. You thought.
"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." You said. You went into a room. Inside a queen sized bed and an equally big bathroom also a giant wardrobe full of different men's clothing.
"Shower and change. I'll make some food k" you said. He nodded. You left the room softly closing the door. Knowing he was frightened by loud sounds.
After he showered not bothering to pain attention to the stinging scars in his back. He looked at a white shirt. The tag inside said 'Gucci' he picked that with some black pants and some underwear in the drawers. The black pants and underwear fit well with a hole for his tail. He buttoned up the shirt and tucked it in. He looked in the mirror not even recognize himself. He never thought he would be saved. Let alone by someone like you. You were kind, caring, gentle, and just plain out amazing.
He combed his hair and just let it fall not really knowing what to do with it.
As promised he was cleaned up and headed to the sound of plates clattering. As he entered your backed turned around an apron hugging your waist. The food smelled amazing. He never smelled anything like this. He knew he liked this smell almost as much as yours.
You put something from the stove into some plates and placed in on the table.
"Oh hi," you said giggling noticing his head tilted at the food. " I didn't notice you. Since your here you could help me eat." You said with a wink. "Sit anywhere you like," you said.
"I made some beef stroganoff." No wonder it smelled so good. He thought. He loves meat. He's a tiger hybrid what did you expect.
You dug in as he took it as a signal to also. Immediately the dish made his mouth feel so many taste buds at once. He loved it. It was mouthwatering. You smirked noticing his little smile that grew bigger with each bite.
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oxhaven · 4 years
Worth Saving pt. 4 / hybrid!au - Hoseok
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1. 2. 3. 4. | Jungkook | Taehyung | Yoongi | Seokjin | Jimin
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The key turned the lock open, allowing you access to the now familiar home you’ve been accustomed to. You peeked your head in, eyes darting straight to the kitchen area in search of your noisy roommate. The apartment was silent and bare of any human in the living room area, a relieved exhale passing your lips as you carefully entered the home with bags of groceries on your arms. You closed the door behind you gently and clicked the lock back into place before scurrying over to the kitchen to set the bags carefully on the table counter. You would set out in the early morning before the birds would wake up, doing a little shopping for the apartment now that it was occupied by two. Hoseok never really kept too much in the refrigerator until you came along, but you wanted to keep yourself busy and help out where you could. 
For the first week you kept yourself locked in the house, afraid to step outside due to the trauma of being caught by hybrid control. You were like a scared little pup, keeping to yourself and exploring your surroundings when Hoseok would leave for work. You familiarize yourself with everything in the house so you wouldn’t have to continuously rely on him, stuffing your nose in every garment and object taking a big whiff. You found whatever cleaning products he had hidden underneath in the cabinets and closets and cleaned the house from top to bottom. You managed to whip something up in the kitchen whether it was simple sandwiches or miso soup, all in time to scurry back over to the couch and pretend you were asleep when he arrived home. You wanted to keep yourself scarce, but he was still so full of energy when he came home from work to bother you. No, it was more like he still managed to wear a smile on his face when he came home all to greet you and stay by your side. You realized he was breaking the line you set out between you two, trying in his own way to get you comfortable in your new profound home. 
You kept your haunting thoughts at bay as best as you could. When Hoseok wasn’t at home to distract you you could hear the whispers of doubt in your head, battling with your nerves to keep yourself calm. You had to keep reminding yourself that you were in a safe place, but at some point you would have to leave. So when you would sneak out at the crack of dawn to shop, you also spent the time job hunting. First step was to earn money, have a steady income to save for the future. So you found yourself right on track when you returned home, a light breeze of air tickling the back of your legs.
Your sharp ears picked up the sound of movement coming from the bedroom. Hoseok was finally stirring awake, the sound of the mattress creaking underneath his body. You kept at your task in front of you by putting the groceries away while listening to Hoseok in the other room start his morning routine. His bare feet would touch the cold floor and he would groan, stretching his limbs in the air with a yawn. He would get up and make his way to the adjoining bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, trying to hurry himself so he could come out here and greet you. You caught on to his small little actions, growing used to them and understanding his intentions. It was hard to admit that he was rubbing off on you, the pull at the corner of your lips evident. 
“Good morning.”
His tired voice greeted after the drag of his feet into the kitchen, your body spinning around at the counter as you felt the light swish of your tail.
“Morning, I went shopping again.” 
“Mmm, I told you to wake me up so I can go with you.” The grumble in his voice made your body tingle, your ears flattening back as excitement bubbled in your throat.
“Guess who found a job.”
He paused from rubbing his eyes, peeking one open and raising his eyebrows at you. “A job?”
You bounced your head happily, your hands holding the edge of the counter behind you. “Yes. It’s a bartending position. So I’m going to be making tips along with receiving a paycheck.” 
The glee in your voice died with every word, picking up on his expression as he listened to you carefully. You knew Hoseok to be bubbly and jumpy whenever you shared good news, but there wasn’t a smile on his face. He wore a serious gaze, pulling away to think it over in his head as he hummed. “Okay. I would like to see this-”
You instantly asked the question, almost retracting back when his eyes perked up in surprise at you. You didn’t mean to cut him off or ask why to his request, you wanted to know why he wasn’t excited for you. A yearning pulling at your heart strings, frustrated that he didn’t show a bit more enthusiasm for you. 
He let out a breath, a hand coming up to scratch the back of his head. “To know what area you’re in and if I ever need to pick you up or-”
He paused to glance at your face, reading your expression as he quickly changed his tone with an apology. “You don’t have to tell me. I’m just scared if something happened to you I wouldn’t know where to find you.” 
You held your breath, the sound of his voice caressing a whine to spill from your throat. He was only worried for you, and here you were already on your guard. You took a breath in, exhaling it through your nose and took a step forward with a soft smile growing on your face.
“It’s okay. I’ll write down the address for you. I’m really happy that I got a job and I’m really grateful that I found it because it’s hybrid friendly. Meaning I don’t have to hide my-”
You didn’t even get to get out the rest of your sentence, already in his arms and holding on tight as he swung around in a circle with his noise of excitement mingling in with your giggles. His body was warm against yours and his scent flooded your senses. It was like you found the source of all of the things in the house that you spent sniffing and familiarizing yourself with. It was a comforting smell, soft and earthy and...all things wonderful that you still couldn’t but a name on. Or maybe you were still afraid to.
He set you down on your feet, arms still wound around you tightly as you tried not to melt in his hold. He pulled away a moment later with hands cradling your face, the smile on his face matching yours as he gave a toothy grin.  
“I am so very proud of you, and I’m happy you’ve found a job that makes you feel good to work at.” The sound of his voice caressed your ears, your white tail hitting the back of your legs as he continued. “I’ll support whatever decision you choose for yourself, Chaesol. Always.”  
Your eyes casted downwards, nodding in understanding as a weight tugged at your heart. “I need this job to get out of here.”
“You don’t have to-” 
Soft brown eyes blinked up at him, watching as he thought his words over in his head. He sighed, the pads of his thumbs tickling the top of your cheeks. “Leave. You don’t have to go anywhere, you can stay right here with me. And I’ll take care of you.” 
You realized it then and there, not wanting to admit the feelings that had been created between the two of you. It felt like you’ve been here for too long but then it felt like you needed more time to stay. You were more than grateful for Hoseok, but there was so much more that he didn’t understand. This internal battle that you were facing everyday by being here, all the while trying to move forward with yourself and strive for more. He didn’t understand that it was you, the problem was you, and you weren’t going to ruin him. 
You placed your hands on top of the ones on your cheeks, pulling them down and grasping them with a squeeze. You breathed in through your nose and forced the best smile you could muster on your face, one that wouldn’t worry him. And took a step back. Drawing the line once again.
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fanficsxrecx · 7 years
Who do you belong to kitten? (Taeddybear)
Jungkook finally enters the same university as Tae. Full of porn and smut and fluff and more porn. 
By- taeddybear 
Rating: M 
Ship/s: vkook, yoonmin
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promisesox · 7 years
Good Girl pt.3 / hybrid!au - Jungkook
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Taehyung | Hoseok | Yoongi | Seokjin | Jimin
The first thing Jungkook heard when he woke up was the air conditioning running, blasting cold air into the room. His tired eyes didn’t want to open just yet and his body was still buzzing with sleep. Nonetheless he raised his head off the softness of the white pillow with his eyelids straining to open. Thankfully the curtains blocked out most of the brightness so when he woke up he wouldn’t be blinded.
His head turned to the side, noticing the weight there on his chest. There you were, sleeping soundly and clinging to his side as your head rested on his chest. He could see you clearly enough through his tired eyes, and the sight of you made his heart beat faster every time. You took even breaths, your ears fluttering every time they felt Jungkook’s breath fanning against them. A leg was swung over his hip as your arms wrapped around his as if to make sure he didn’t leave you.  
You felt warm next to him, and as he could see the covers had been long gone, probably were flung off sometime during the night. It gave him a full view of your body, donned in a loose white t-shirt and your light pink panties. He learned that you didn’t really like wearing clothes that much, the less the better for you but as long as you were going to live around people you needed to have something on. 
Jungkook couldn’t take his eyes off of you, feeling more awake as he realized this wasn’t a dream. He froze when your body stirred against him, watching you raise your head up and tickle underneath his chin as the back of your fox ear swiped it.  
You were too cute to Jungkook as he watched your eyes squint open, your mouth falling wide open as you yawned. You shook your head before it turned to Jungkook as you blinked at him. He blinked back with wide eyes, his heart skipping a beat as a smile slowly crossed your face.
“Good morning.”
Your voice was raspy and small, making his heart flutter as he cleared his throat before greeting you back. “Did you sleep well?”
You nodded your head, making a noise of confirmation as you continued to stare at him with glazed over eyes. He cleared his throat again, stirring in your hold as you made a noise of realization and unwrapped yourself from his body.
He sat up with a stretch, taking a deep breath in and closing his eyes. You watched as he rolled his head around, stretching out his neck before he moved to get out of bed. You blinked at him when he looked over at you, catching you watching him as he grinned. A nod of his head towards the door and you were all smiles as you got out of bed as well and followed him to the bathroom.  
A flick of the light switch and the bathroom dimly lit up as it welcomed the two of you. Jungkook went straight to the sink and turned the faucet on. Water rushed into the white sink bowl and down the drain as Jungkook grabbed his toothbrush off the holder and reached in the medicine cabinet for toothpaste. Red fox ears in the mirror made him smile as you peeked out from behind him, staring back in the mirror.
He snickered at you as he squeezed the tube of paste onto his toothbrush before handing it to you. A quick flick of the toothbrush underneath the running water before Jungkook brought it to his mouth and began brushing. You quickly made a grab for your own toothbrush on the holder, mimicking what Jungkook did before you began brushing your teeth as well. An intense staring and brushing of teeth battle in the mirror made you both laugh with white paste-filled mouths.     
Jungkook leaned forward before cupping the running water into his hand and bringing it to his mouth to rinse his mouth. You watched him with curious eyes, looking back up in the mirror as water dripped from his lips down to his chin as he rinsed his toothbrush clean.
He stepped back so you could do the same, putting his toothbrush back on the holder. He grabbed his facecloth of the rack as he watched you at the sink.     
“It’s my day off. Do you want to go out for breakfast?”
He almost laughed at the way your head popped up, your cheeks puffed out as you held the water in your mouth. You nodded your head with a noise of want before spitting out the water and wiping your mouth. You turned around with a bright smile, your tail swishing happily as you nodded your head.  
He needed to stop overthinking about this like it was a date. Jungkook brought you to a quiet café, ordering for you since you didn’t know what to get. You were dressed up quite cutely, a blouse and a short skirt which was a contrast to his regular attire of a plain shirt and jeans.
He didn’t know why he was so nervous, so what if it was date. You were his hybrid and it wasn’t uncommon for people to have one. But he couldn’t help thinking people were looking at the two of you as a couple. The thought of it made Jungkook’s face redden as he watched you, sipping on your iced caramel latte. Sure enough there were a few stares but they were all directed at your fox ears and tail swishing behind you through the opening of the chair.
Wait. Were the two of you an actual couple?
Jungkook shook his head at the thought. Your relationship was different. You were considered a pet and he was your owner. But he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering into areas that it shouldn’t be as he thought of things he could do with you. Jungkook had always imagined what he could do with a hybrid. The way he would touch you, how soft you would feel as he kissed every inch of your body, how sweet you would look bidding to his every command. What if he could completely taint that innocence of yours, fulfill every hidden desire he would make you say aloud. Make you fall onto your knees and please him like a good pet is supposed to, your wide eyes staring up at him with your lips wra-
Jungkook almost jumped in chair as his phone buzzed in the pocket of jeans. He caught your curious eyes staring at him before he pulled his phone out and held it to his ear as he answered the call.
Jungkook didn’t have a chance to speak into the phone as Taehyung’s voice rang in his ear. “Hyung.”
“What are you doing?” Taehyung asked with a chirp in his tone.
“I’m at a café right now with Jasmine.” Jungkook answered, catching your look from the corner of his eye as you leaned forward still sipping your drink and your pointed ears flickered on top of your head at the sound of your name. 
“So this is your first date? Put me on speaker.”
Jungkook hesitated as his eyes fell on you but he listened well as he put down his phone on the center of the table and put it on speaker.
“Yah Jasmine!”
“Oppa!” You excitedly called, your assumptions proven right as your tail wagged from hearing Taehyung’s voice when you were missing him. 
“How are you and your master doing?” Taehyung asked, putting blushes on both of your faces.
“Everything is good. Will you come and visit soon?”   
“Of course, I promised. Though somebody would rather you come over here since she’s picky about going to other people’s houses.”
“I just don’t like Jungkook’s place!”
Jungkook frowned at the feminine voice in the background, the statement settling in his head that someone didn’t like his place when he hardly invited anyone over. He watched as the smile on your face grow wider as your eyes lighted up.
“Unnie, I miss you!”
Sure enough it was Cherry; meaning Taehyung was at home and he had a companion to help tease the two of you.
“Come over and play with me when you’re free.” Cherry’s voice came through the speaker, her tone almost demanding but nonetheless you smiled and made a noise of agreement.
“She hasn’t even played around with Jungkook yet.”
Just like a stab to his chest, embarrassment washing over his body as he quickly grabbed the phone and held back the anger in his tone towards his friend. “Alright! It was nice talking to the two of you-”
A flood of pleas to wait had Jungkook pausing as Taehyung tried to hold back his laughter before the phone call ended on him. “Jasmine.”
“Yes?” You answered, looking up at Jungkook as you laughed at his predicament.
A click of the line and the ending of the phone call showed up on the screen as Jungkook put his phone back into his pocket and hoped no one else would call him today. He couldn’t hold back his sigh before he grabbed his coffee and took a sip.
A tingling sensation through his body had him glancing up at you. You were staring right at him; and maybe it was your wide brown eyes and pointed ears flattening back when he looked at you or maybe it was the way your pink lips that was pursed around your straw turned up into a shy smile that made his heart skip and beat that much harder.
Jungkook found himself wanting more time with you, just like this with the two of you together. At first he thought it wouldn’t hurt to walk around the city and let you explore with his watchful eyes. But with a few excited noises and smiles at the department stores had the two of you hand in hand as you dragged him along with your curious eyes. Of course Jungkook couldn’t ignore when you were gaping like that at all the clothes and accessories that had your eyes gleaming in want. With a sigh and an appearance of his wallet, his arms were draped with the handles of bags that were all for you.
Jungkook spent the day spending away on you, trying to tell himself that these things were of necessity to you but every time you gave him that smile his heart tugged even more. When he thought he was tired a small surge of energy burst inside him when you asked about another store before taking him inside.
Finally when you were tired of all the shopping it was time to head home, but not before grabbing some ice cream. Jungkook was fine with just getting you a cup, learning that chocolate happened to be your favorite flavor. And when he thought he could put his walls back up, you were holding up a spoonful of ice cream to his lips and insisted you fed him all the way home.
Jungkook found himself in the palm of your hand once again. He was tired of fighting against you when he was only falling deeper. He decided this as he sat on the tile floor, beside the bathtub filled with warm water as you soaked your body and played with the bubbles. He dropped the shopping bags on the ground when the two of you got into the apartment before you were fretting over his tired arms.
It was the way you pressed against him, your small arms trying to wrap around his frame. The way you stared up at him with those innocent eyes and your red fox ears flattening back against your head. Your bushy tail curling between your legs, naturally submissive to your only owner. You were constantly pushing him to the edge, to the point he wasn’t going to do anything because he didn’t want to hurt you. He just suffered under your gaze as his mind went wild and his heart tugged towards yours.
He meant for you to take a bath alone so he could tidy up and put things away, but he was weak when you only needed to pull him along into the bathroom with you. He turned the faucet on in the tub to get the water running before he poured in the bubble bath soap. His heart skipped when he heard the door close behind him, turning his head to see you undressing in front of him. He couldn’t turn his eyes away, watching you rid yourself of each garment on your body carefully. The first time he saw you naked happened so naturally but it was like time had stopped around you, taking in this moment for him to burn into his head.
Jungkook watched as you dipped one leg in to test the warm water before your hand on his shoulder had his hand coming out to help you in. He watched you sigh in relief, carefully adjusting yourself comfortably in the tab and sinking your whole body in. He didn’t want to move anymore, he didn’t want to leave you alone. He sat beside the tub and watched you, adoring eyes watching you bathe.
You rested your head on your arms leaning against the edge, staring at Jungkook intently. He was lost in his thoughts before you brought him out of his trance, blinking at you when you had his attention.
“Next time, let’s take a bath together.”
He didn’t even bother to fight you about it, he had made his decision. Your smile made his face redden as the sides of his lips twitched up. He perked up as he watched you sit up, water splashing about.
“You ready to get out?”
You nodded your head, watching as he got up onto his feet and grabbed the towel off the rack. You stood up in the tub, the water rushing off your body as the cold air hit you. It wasn’t long before he wrapped the towel around you, helping you get out of the tub and careful not to slip on the floor. He held you against him to make sure of that, turning it into a hug as you relished the feeling of being in his arms. Your ears tickled his chin as they fluttered before falling back, making him snicker. You pulled back and so did Jungkook when he noticed, and before he could react you were pressing your lips against his.  
They were soft just as you imagined them to be, feeling something burst inside you and fill your body with warmth. You coaxed his lips to move with yours but you moved to fast, making him pull away from you as you held back the whine in your throat and stare up at him with lidded, soft eyes.
“Let’s stop here.”
You nodded your head in agreement, sorry that maybe you were moving a little too fast for him. He left you to dry by yourself as he promised to order something tasty for the both of you and pick up all those bags he left on the floor, either way he needed to get away from you before he really loses himself.
Because he wasn’t going to survive much longer.
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dreamingwithbts · 6 years
😺 Masterlist 😺
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💜BTS 💜
New Family (Hybrid!AU) - Soon / Moodboard / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21 / Chapter 22 / Chapter 23 / Chapter 24 / Chapter 25 / Chapter 26 / Chapter 27 / Chapter 28 / Chapter 29 / Chapter 30 - The End (Finish)
Life Changing (Idol!Au) - Soon / Moodboard / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 /
My Little Hybrid Kids (Hybrid!Au; Kid!Au) - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10
Not everything is what it seems (Hybrid!Au; Poly!Au) - Moodboard / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8
My Unusual Prince (Fantasy/Hybrid!Au)
The Sugar Gliders are the catch (Poly!Au)
My Badass Witch (Supernatural!Au/Poly!Au)
My Suga (HybridAU!)
My Stubborn Cat (Hybrid!AU feat RM and Jhope)
The Deaf and The Blind
The Sugar Gliders are the catch (Poly!Au)
My Badass Witch (Supernatural!Au/Poly!Au)
My Tough Boys (Mafia!Au) - Part 1 / Part 2
Idol's Vlive  (Idol!Au)
My Tough Boys  (Mafia!Au) - Part 1 / Part 2
My Jealous Little Boy  (Hybrid!Au)
My Tiger  (Hybrid!Au)
Kidnapped Panic
My not so dangerous soulmates (Poly!Au; Mafia!Au; Soulmate!Au;)
Destiny (Poly!Au; Hybrid! Au;) - Part 2
Our Youtuber (Poly!Au; Soulmate!Au;) - Part 2 / Part 3(Final) / Part 4(Bonus)
Our YouTuber Wedding - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (Final)
Attack on Joon (Poly!Au;)
The Ugliest Christmas Sweater Competition of 2019 ( Christmas!AU)
Their Innocent Girl (Mafia!Au)
Bangtan Hybrid (Hybrid!Au)
They Hybrid Body Guard (Hybrid!Au)
Y/N Relay Comeback Dance (Idol!Au)
BTS Reaction - Their Idol Crush Sitting Next To Them At An Award Show
BTS Reaction: Blinking Contest With Crush On A Show
The Clingy Omega (Alpha!AU, Omega!AU)
Jungkook The Bodyguard (Bodyguard!AU)
BTS Reaction: 8 member girl can’t reach the mic
BonBT Voyage - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Tag Lists
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minniepetals · 4 years
Heyya💜 So I saw your post about ideas of what kinds of BTS au.. So maybe - the myths, this is cool..u know the boys are God and Y/N is a Godess. - HybridAu... the boys are tested like cobaye by the scientist and Y/N save them something like that... -Werewolf (that's my favorite I think) - Well all the kinds supernatural 💜
ooh, thank you for the ideas!! 💛💛
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my-dearest-darling · 7 years
Vkook Masterlist
~ I was hungry and I wanted to be with you:
⭐️~ An Interstellar Anomaly:
~ Open Windows- Taekook:
~ strictly business:
~ Shattered Crystal:
~ You Smell Like Home:
~ 3: Fallen Angel:
~ restless:
~ Same Here:
~ Notice Me Hyung:
~ the sky is blue and the sun is shining:
~ I was.:
~ everything i'm not:
^ very sad, empty ending^
~ I Highkey Really Like You:
⭐️~ Hickory:
~ Employee Discounts:
~ Promise|| Taekook/ Vkook || One Shot
~ Why Did It Have To Be You?
~ Meet Me After Dark
~ Inaudible
~ I'm fine, if you ask
⭐️~ Blind innocence
• Series •
⭐️~ Interstellar:
~ Vkook highschool au:
~ The Series Formerly Known as Alex & Lily Do Taekook:
~ Oh! It's TaeKook!:
~ Please?
~ Erstwhile (At one time, for a time)
• Unfinished •
⭐️~ Decadence:
~ Between a Rock and a Hollow Place:
~ Loving you from behind:
~ soft (like you):
~ Toothless:
⭐️~ Ocean, Desert and the World:
~ let me dream with the stars // vkook:
~ Inflatable Bouncing Ball
⭐️~ You're Mine, Daddy
~ Milk and Blankets
⭐️~ Mouth watering (Your fingers in me)
• Unfinished Series •
~ fics based off of songs!!:
• Taehyung + Reader •
~ 6: Sleep Over:
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