amonggtheestarss · 9 months
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Shout out to the Rodamrix Community server for enabling me much further than they should've... I am now the winner of everything!
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aledigangi · 3 months
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emotranscripple · 2 years
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cinematic-phosphenes · 3 months
HoTD S2x01: A Son for a Son (I have thoughts and I'm keeping them here)
The Stark theme and Cregan doing his best Sean Bean accent have me nostalgic.
If getting conscripted to the Wall is an honour, then why does budget Jon Snow look unhappy about it?
No Sara Snow, okay. I’ll live with it. No Jace/Cregan (b)romance, not okay. Tumblr made me want it, only to be so denied by the showrunners.
Not more Targ colonialism erasure. "We colonised an entire continent to save the world, no really. And look, even the noble Starks agree with it!" is such a shit take, even if it's canon. I like the Targ characters, but let's not erase the original Aegon's colonial crimes.
Jace looks so pretty! Major glow up.
Dragonstone has a dragon hangar! Yay for worldbuilding!
Daemon calling Vhagar a hoary old bitch reminds me of this absolutely amazing Vhagar POV fanfic I read. (Soon the god's hoar by eldritcher on AO3) (The fic is spoiler-y for the rest of the Dance, jsyk.)
Yes, Rhaenys! Put Daemon in his place! Also, her dragon riding outfit!!!
Alyn, I see you doing an Egg by shaving your head.
Why in the hell does no one take Helaena’s visions seriously?! She’s right every time. (Can I blame ‘I had a dragon dream once’ Viserys for this? Because I want to blame Viserys for this. Look at the mess you left your kids in, Viserys! I hope Balerion bites your ass in the afterlife.)
And here we see the 'Our lives are in danger, so let's fuck about it' trope in action. I’ve heard a lot of Alicole hot takes. “Criston Cole is ‘unmanly’ for going down on a woman” is the absolute hottest of hot takes I’ve had the misfortune of encountering.
Otto giving Alicent and Criston Cole that look as they walk in. He knows what they’ve been doing.
Aegon grinning at his son like a fool. Aegon giving Jaehaerys attention and wanting him to learn how to rule even though he’s only six. Aegon trying to do better than deadbeat Viserys did. Aegon talking about pony rides in a way that suggests Jaehaerys often gets pony rides, possibly from Aegon himself. If you told me last season Aegon would somehow turn out to be the best father on this series ….. (Yes, I know that when it comes to being a dad the bar is in hell’s basement here. Yes, I know the way Aegon treats his illegitimate kids is horrific. I think there’s definitely been some retconning here and S2 Aegon is not the same character as S1 Aegon. They should have portrayed him this way from the start.)
Alicent wrote Rhaenyra letters to apologize for Luke's death and she's expecting a response?! Girl ....
My kingdom for a scene of the Greens finding out that Aemond killed Luke. My kingdom for a scene of Aemond deciding to just fully commit to the villain persona and lie to say he killed Luke intentionally. Such a missed opportunity.
Larys being an intimidating creep to Alicent again. He should go fall down some stairs.
Alicent scrubbing her skin raw. She is not okay. (I want to see Alicent cracking. Let Olivia Cooke act!)
Rhaenyra’s grief over Luke is heartbreaking. Emma D’Arcy is acting their heart out. And Syrax crying too, nooo.
Aegon walking in sync with his fratboy squad. You know they practised that entrance during one of their nightly seshes in the throne room.
Are they going to show the throne cutting Aegon?
“On further thought, I have decided ….” Aegon is hilarious.
It’s Hammer time!
Larys already angling for the Hand’s position. I know this guy is ambitious, but damn.
Just Alicent looking ethereal reading letters.
Mysaria’s accent has been toned down! (Why was Mysaria fleeing King’s Landing though? Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t get it?)
“We swore an oath to protect the whole of the royal family. So what were we to do when they turned against one another?” Jaime Lannister echoes.
"I want Aemond Targaryen." Chills. Rhaenyra only says four words all episode and it's these four words.
Jace trying to keep it together and be professional to give his report. Jace looking so much younger and more vulnerable when he’s back with his mother. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Scenes with Rhaenyra at Luke’s funeral interspersed with scenes of Alicent paying tribute to the dead, including Luke. My heart. That empty space next to Alicent in the sept where Rhaenyra used to pray. They are an absence in each other’s lives.
Rhaena crying for her betrothed, nooo.
Why didn’t they have a dragon light Luke’s funeral pyre?
The return of the Daemon crime hoodie, now upgraded to a war crime hoodie.
Making it unclear if Daemon told B & C to go after another son if they can’t find Aemond or if B & C just went rogue – that’s a cop out by the writers. Unless it comes up again. EDIT: Daemon said 'a son for a son.' He was giving them carte blanche to go after another son if Aemond is MIA.
Daemon reluctantly admitting Aemond is a good fighter. I love to see it.
Why do I get the sense that Aemond also knows about Alicole?
“Rhaenyra is a cunning spider. Long ago she pulled Alicent into her web. Intoxicated her. It is not your mother’s fault.” “Her Grace speaks with two tongues. Alicent holds love for our enemy.” So they’re both obsessed and very much not over Rhaenyra. Do Alicent and Cole both think of Rhaenyra while being unholy together because it kinda seems like it?
Ewan Mitchell as Aemond is so mesmerizing. That man has presence.
Why the fuck has no one tried to map the secret tunnels into the Red Keep and close off the ones that allow randoms to sneak in/royal minors to sneak out?
The entire Kingsguard is in the throne room guarding Aegon? And they don’t stop the ‘rat catchers’ working at night? Even if the rat catchers were supposed to be there, I feel like it would still be protocol to stop and question them. Have none of these writers been pulled over by the cops for no reason/even slightly suspicious behaviour?
I think the build up to B & C should’ve focused on Helaena and her kids instead of B & C creeping around, arguing for no reason and committing gratuitous animal abuse. (That dog kicking scene looked so real, I watched the end credits for a disclaimer that no animals were harmed in the making of.) They could’ve shown Helaena getting the kids ready for bed, reading them a story, etc. They established a connection between Aegon and Jaehaerys pre B & C but none between Helaena and the kids before it happened. Lost opportunity.
B & C was very different than I expected before I was spoiled. I guess I see what the writers were going for with Helaena’s response to B & C. She’s dissociated rather than hysterical. She’s been painted as a character who’s distanced from the world around her in general, so perhaps this is an in-character trauma response for her. Plus you could see the absolute terror in Phia’s eyes. Helaena was terrified and traumatized. She was just quiet about it.
As for her just pointing out Jaehaerys instead of trying to bargain or plead more for his life … I guess it’s because they’re characterizing her as very literalist, straightforward and honest to a fault as part of her ‘strangeness’? So she just took B & C at their word and didn’t try to change their minds because after the necklace offer failed, she assumed they couldn’t be swayed and would definitely kill her and both kids like they threatened to if she didn’t point out Jaehaerys to them. As for not pointing to Jaehaera – that wouldn’t accomplish anything. If they didn’t check that they really had the boy, one of her kids would still be dead. If they checked and discovered she’d lied, they might kill both kids. She was a mother who didn’t want either of her kids to die but perceived she couldn’t do anything to save both of them, so she felt she had no choice but to point out Jaehaerys. And then she grabbed Jaehaera and got her to safety when she saw the chance. At least she could save one of them.
As for Helaena saying they killed ‘the boy’ instead of saying his name Jaehaerys – I don’t see that as her being insensitive and uncaring about her kid. I think she was just repeating B & C’s exact word use in her dissociated state. She was on auto pilot at that point.
I do get what the writers were going for … but it’s not going to translate well to most of the audience I don’t think. I see many people interpreting it as Helaena not caring about Jaehaerys and not trying hard enough to save him. “Why didn’t she offer up her own life like any mother would?” If a large part of the audience misinterprets or misunderstands a scene or a character’s intentions or motivations, then that’s a failure on the part of the writers IMO. I’m not upset they didn’t make B & C more graphic or violent in the physical or psychological sense. (In the book, their twisted mind games were just as horrific and brutal and every bit as violent as the physical violence). But I do think that scene could have been better executed in a different way. And including Maelor probably would have worked better to illustrate the horrific, inescapable situation Helaena found herself in between a rock and a hard place.
Where the fuck are the guards? In the throne room with Aegon? Sent away by Cole to hide the fact that he’s in the queen dowager’s bed? The Greens never considered infiltration or a stealth attack? They really got complacent because they have Vhagar guarding the city.
Alicent and Cole doing it in Rhaenyra’s old room, in Rhaenyra’s bed!! Are they both imagining they’re with Rhaenyra too?! Because this is giving … high levels of dysfunction. They’re both haunted by Rhaenyra
The only thing I’ll say about Alicole is that they really should have shown them getting together for the first time. When, how and why did that happen? Who instigated it? How did they both feel about it? Again the writers don’t show the motivations they had in mind for the characters, resulting in the viewers drawing different conclusions than they’re ‘supposed to’ and it works against the story. The interviews I’ve watched seem to say it’s consensual on both their parts. (I know there’s a power imbalance that makes it problematic, but I don’t think the writers see it that way.) Again, showing the start of their first sexual encounter would have been better writing (IMO) because it could have been used to illustrate consent.
The last thing I’ll say about Alicole (okay, so I wanted to say two things) is that showing it after B & C that way by having Helaena walk in on them cheapens B & C. The true shock and horror here is that a child was murdered in front of his mother. Why add the cheap shock value of someone walking in on their parent in flagarante?
All in all, okay episode, kind of weird. Looking forward to see what they do with the rest of the material.
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ferretteeth · 9 months
Is there a name for people who love Alicent and ache for her but want Rhaenyra to take the throne? Team Capable of Nuance, perhaps?
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dantekamikaze · 10 months
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kingofscoops · 1 month
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✨ aimz' 4.5k celebration ✨
@buckysbarnes requested 🕹️ + Steve Harrington & Blackgreen
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zoop-lizor · 10 months
Rain world lizard shipname list(inspired by pansear's ship name masterlist)
this is for fun, and not expected to be taken too seriously! you're free to use these shipnames
i also made this with a few people in the RE server(shipname suggestions)
ZOOP X -------
Zoop x White: Zoopwhite, Whitezoop, Strawhite, Whitestraw, Whiteberry, Meringue
Zoop x Eel: Eelzoop, Zoopeel, Eelstraw, Eelberry, Straweel, Salmon
Zoop x Caramel: Carazoop, Zoopmel, Carastraw, Caraberry, Strawmel, Sweet tooth, Candy coat, Strawberry tofee
Zoop x Blue: Bloop, Zooblue, Blueberry, Bluestraw, Strawblue, Cotton candy
Zoop x Yellow: Yelloop, Zooplow, Yellowstraw, Yellowberry, Strawyellow
Zoop x Salamander: Zoopmander, Salazoop, Strawmander, Salastraw, Salaberry
Zoop x Black: Blackzoop, Zoopblack, Blackstraw, Blackberry, Strawblack
Zoop x Pink: Pinkzoop, Zoopink, Pinkstraw, Pinkberry, Strawpink, Barbie
Zoop x Cyan: Cyzoop, Zoopcyan, Cystraw, Cyberry, Strawcyan
Zoop x Red: Redzoop, Zoopred, Redstraw, Redberry, Strawred
Zoop x Green: Greenzoop, Zoopgreen, Greenstraw, Greenberry, Strawgreen
Zoop x Train: Trainzoop, Zooptrain, Trainstraw, Trainberry, Strawtrain, Sugar Plum
BLUE X -------
Blue x Yellow: Blueyellow, Yellowblue, Tidepod
Zoop x Blue: Bloop, Zooblue, Blueberry, Bluestraw, Strawblue, Cotton candy
Blue x Eel: Blueel, Eelblue, Kelp, Marshdrop
Blue x Salamander: Bluemander, Salablue, Mudkip
Blue x Black: Blueblack, Blackblue
Blue x Pink: Bluepink, Pinkblue, Mauvemotion
Blue x White: Bluewhite, Whiteblue, Cloudy
Blue x Cyan: Bluecyan, Cyblue, Blueflame
Blue x Green: Bluegreen, Greenblue, Cerulean
Blue x Caramel: Bluemel, Carablue
Blue x Red: Bluered, Redblue, 3D glasses
Blue x Train: Bluetrain, Trainblue, A-Train
YELLOW X -------
Zoop x Yellow: Yelloop, Zooplow, Yellowstraw, Yellowberry, Strawyellow
Blue x Yellow: Blueyellow, Yellowblue, Tidepod
Yellow x Eel: Yelloweel, Eelyellow, Moray
Yellow x Salamander: Yellowmander, Salayellow
Yellow x Black: Yellowblack, Blackyellow, Wasp, Bumble
Yellow x Pink: Yellowpink, Pinkyellow
Yellow x White: Yellowhite, Whitellow
Yellow x Cyan: Yellowcyan, Cyellow
Yellow x Green: Yellowgreen, Greenyellow, Citrus
Yellow x Caramel: Yellowmel, Carayellow
Yellow x Red: Yellowred, Redyellow, Pikachu
Yellow x Train: Yellowtrain, Trainyellow, Saffronhaul, Train Wiring
EEL X -------
Zoop x Eel: Eelzoop, Zoopeel, Eelstraw, Eelberry, Straweel, Salmon
Blue x Eel: Blueel, Eelblue, Kelp, Marshdrop
Yellow x Eel: Yelloweel, Eelyellow, Moray
Eel x Salamander: Eelmander, Salamandeel, Fishy friends
Eel x Black: Eelblack, Blackeel
Eel x Pink: Eelpink, Pinkeel
Eel x White: Eelwhite, Whiteel, Sea Salt
Eel x Cyan: Eelcyan, Cyeel, Waterflame, Nitrogen
Eel x Green: Eelgreen, Greel, Bay Leaf
Eel x Caramel: Eelmel, Carameel
Eel x Red: Eelred, Reel
Eel x Train: Eeltrain, Traineel, Watertrack, Trainwreck
Salamander x Black: Salablack, Blackmander, Nudibranch, Seaslug
Zoop x Salamander: Zoopmander, Salazoop, Strawmander, Salastraw, Salaberry
Blue x Salamander: Bluemander, Salablue, Mudkip
Yellow x Salamander: Yellowmander, Salayellow
Eel x Salamander: Eelmander, Salamandeel, Fishy friends
Salamander x Pink: Salapink, Pinkmander
Salamander x White: Salawhite, Whitemander
Salamander x Cyan: Salacyan, Cyamander
Salamander x Green: Salagreen, Greenmander
Salamander x Caramel: Salamel, Caramander
Salamander x Red: Salared, Redmander
Salamander x Train: Salatrain, Trainmander
BLACK X -------
Salamander x Black: Salablack, Blackmander, Nudibranch, Seaslug
Yellow x Black: Yellowblack, Blackyellow, Wasp, Bumble
Zoop x Black: Blackzoop, Zoopblack, Blackstraw, Blackberry, Strawblack
Blue x Black: Blueblack, Blackblue
Eel x Black: Eelblack, Blackeel
Black x Pink: Blackpink, Pinkblack
Black x White: Blackwhite, Whiteblack, Yinyang, Oreo, Zebra
Black x Cyan: Blackcyan, Cyablack
Black x Green: Blackgreen, Greenblack
Black x Caramel: Blackmel, Carablack
Black x Red: Blackred, Redblack, .EXE
Black x Train: Blacktrain, Trainblack, Subway
PINK X -------
Zoop x Pink: Pinkzoop, Zoopink, Pinkstraw, Pinkberry, Strawpink, Barbie
Blue x Pink: Bluepink, Pinkblue, Mauvemotion
Yellow x Pink: Yellowpink, Pinkyellow
Eel x Pink: Eelpink, Pinkeel
Salamander x Pink: Salapink, Pinkmander
Black x Pink: Blackpink, Pinkblack
Pink x White: Pinkwhite, Whitepink
Pink x Cyan: Pinkcyan, Cypink
Pink x Green: Pinkgreen, Greenpink, Rookies
Pink x Caramel: Pinkmel, Carapink
Pink x Red: Pinkred, Redpink
Pink x Train: Pinktrain, Trainpink
WHITE X -------
Zoop x White: Zoopwhite, Whitezoop, Strawhite, Whitestraw, Whiteberry, Meringue
Blue x White: Bluewhite, Whiteblue, Cloudy
Yellow x White: Yellowhite, Whitellow
Eel x White: Eelwhite, Whiteel, Sea Salt
Salamander x White: Salawhite, Whitemander
Black x White: Blackwhite, Whiteblack, Yinyang, Oreo, Zebra
Pink x White: Pinkwhite, Whitepink
White x Cyan: Whitecyan, Cywhite
White x Green: Whitegreen, Greenwhite, Aloe
White x Caramel: Whitemel, Carawhite, Vanilla
White x Red: Whitered, Redwhite, Albino
White x Train: Whitetrain, Trainwhite
CYAN X -------
Zoop x Cyan: Cyzoop, Zoopcyan, Cystraw, Cyberry, Strawcyan
Blue x Cyan: Bluecyan, Cyblue, Blueflame
Yellow x Cyan: Yellowcyan, Cyellow
Eel x Cyan: Eelcyan, Cyeel, Waterflame, Nitrogen
Salamander x Cyan: Salacyan, Cyamander
Black x Cyan: Blackcyan, Cyablack
Pink x Cyan: Pinkcyan, Cypink
White x Cyan: Whitecyan, Cywhite
Cyan x Green: Cygreen, Greencyan
Cyan x Caramel: Cymel, Caracyan
Cyan x Red: Cyred, Redcyan
Cyan x Train: Cytrain, Traincyan, Steam Engine
GREEN X -------
Zoop x Green: Greenzoop, Zoopgreen, Greenstraw, Greenberry, Strawgreen
Blue x Green: Bluegreen, Greenblue, Cerulean
Yellow x Green: Yellowgreen, Greenyellow, Citrus
Eel x Green: Eelgreen, Greel, Bay Leaf
Salamander x Green: Salagreen, Greenmander
Black x Green: Blackgreen, Greenblack
Pink x Green: Pinkgreen, Greenpink, Rookies
White x Green: Whitegreen, Greenwhite, Aloe
Cyan x Green: Cygreen, Greencyan
Green x Caramel: Greenmel, Caragreen, Gluttony
Green x Red: Greenred, Redgreen, Watermelon
Green x Train: Greentrain, Traingreen
CARAMEL X -------
Zoop x Caramel: Carazoop, Zoopmel, Carastraw, Caraberry, Strawmel, Sweet tooth, Candy coat, Strawberry tofee
Blue x Caramel: Bluemel, Carablue
Yellow x Caramel: Yellowmel, Carayellow
Eel x Caramel: Eelmel, Carameel
Salamander x Caramel: Salamel, Caramander
Black x Caramel: Blackmel, Carablack
Pink x Caramel: Pinkmel, Carapink
White x Caramel: Whitemel, Carawhite, Vanilla
Cyan x Caramel: Cymel, Caracyan
Green x Caramel: Greenmel, Caragreen, Gluttony
Caramel x Red: Carared, Redmel
Caramel x Train: Caratrain, Trainmel, PB&J
RED X -------
Zoop x Red: Redzoop, Zoopred, Redstraw, Redberry, Strawred, Raspberry
Blue x Red: Bluered, Redblue, 3D glasses
Yellow x Red: Yellowred, Redyellow, Pikachu
Eel x Red: Eelred, Reel
Salamander x Red: Salared, Redmander
Black x Red: Blackred, Redblack, .EXE
Pink x Red: Pinkred, Redpink
White x Red: Whitered, Redwhite, Albino
Cyan x Red: Cyred, Redcyan
Green x Red: Greenred, Redgreen, Watermelon
Caramel x Red: Carared, Redmel
Red x Train: Redtrain, Trainred, Danger Express
TRAIN X -------
Zoop x Train: Trainzoop, Zooptrain, Trainstraw, Trainberry, Strawtrain, Sugar Plum
Blue x Train: Bluetrain, Trainblue, A-Train
Yellow x Train: Yellowtrain, Trainyellow, Saffronhaul, Train Wiring
Eel x Train: Eeltrain, Traineel, Watertrack, Trainwreck
Salamander x Train: Salatrain, Trainmander
Black x Train: Blacktrain, Trainblack, Subway
Pink x Train: Pinktrain, Trainpink
White x Train: Whitetrain, Trainwhite
Cyan x Train: Cytrain, Traincyan, Steam Engine
Green x Train: Greentrain, Traingreen
Caramel x Train: Caratrain, Trainmel, PB&J
Red x Train: Redtrain, Trainred, Danger Express
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sensoryfidgettoys · 13 days
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Jim's Store Cube Fidget Toys Cube Stress Relief Fidget Anxiety Relief Toys 12 Sides Decompression Sensory Finger Toy for Adults Kids (black+green) We have a fantastic collection of various in our online Sensory Fidget shop. Lets help those fidget fingers today with the Jim's Store Cube Fidget Toys Cube Stress Relief Fidget Anxiety Relief Toys 12 Sides Decompression Sensory Finger Toy for Adults Kids (black+green). https://www.sensoryfidgettoys.co.uk/product/jims-store-cube-fidget-toys-cube-stress-relief-fidget-anxiety-relief-toys-12-sides-decompression-sensory-finger-toy-for-adults-kids-blackgreen/?feed_id=8161&_unique_id=66e2d07aab3b3 #popit #popits #bubblepopper #bubblepoppers #bigpopit #fidgettoys #fidgets #Fidget #sensorytoys #sensorytoy #sensoryplay #sensoryactivity #fidgetcube #fidgetcubes #poptubes #poptube #sensoryrings #sensoryring #stretchynoodles #fidgetspinner #squishytoys #stretchystrings
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zahirafashion · 2 months
Nomad S33 Brave Sepatu Sneakers Kasual Import Jogging S33 Gratis Kaos Kaki Karet Sport Olahraga
Bahan : Rajut, Kulit Sintetis, Karet Ready warna : BlackOrange : Size 39-44 BlackGreen : Size 39-44 Grey : Size 39-44
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amonggtheestarss · 9 months
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Yeah I'm never gonna be normal ever again. Woe, imposter Green be upon ye
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aledigangi · 2 years
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""Selfie with rose plant""
(mi mandi rose e poi ... ma tu chi sei, l'uomo che posa) Polaroid Duochrome Black and Green Green + Polaroid NOW This and more at linktr.ee/ale.di.gangi
0 notes
cinematic-phosphenes · 3 months
About Blood & Cheese and Daemon:
What if Daemon knew exactly what he was doing? Sending two bumbling fools (one of whom has no combat training and can’t even fight anything more formidable than a rat) after that one-eyed, one-man army Aemond was a dumb idea likely to fail. And Daemon is not dumb.
He told Blood and Cheese he wanted a son for a son. (Blood: “A son for a son, he said.”) He warned them Aemond is dangerous. He waved a fortune in front of two people desperate for money and told them they’d only get the second half if they brought back a head. And the last part of the conversation between the three of them was very nudge nudge, wink wink.
Cheese: “What if we can’t find him?” (Translation: I’m not taking on that walking anime villain Aemond. I don’t have a death wish.)
Daemon: “Serving a meaningful look in the federal crimes hoodie” (Translation: A son for a son. Do your worst.)
So which royal sons are in the Red Keep apart from Aemond? Aegon and Jaehaerys. Aegon is the king and likely to be so heavily guarded that B & C wouldn’t get anywhere near him. (And for reasons unknown Aegon was the only royal in the Red Keep who had a security detail on them that night. Well, apart from Alicent, but Criston Cole wasn’t technically on her.)
That leaves Jaehaerys, a defenceless child, the most likely option B & C will go for considering their skill set. Daemon most likely knew that if any Green royal son was going to die that night, it was going to be Jaehaerys. B & C killing Aemond was a pipe dream, but Daemon saw an opportunity to potentially take out the Green king’s heir and he took it.
Rhaenyra wanted justice for Luke. Killing Aemond would be just given how Westerosi law and order seems to work. Daemon just wants cold-blooded revenge. He wants to wound the other side as badly as they've wounded Rhaenyra.
Would Rhaenyra order the killing of an innocent child? Probably not. Taking out the Green heir is a very strategic move that would destabilize the Greens and benefit Rhaenyra’s side, but Daemon would have to do it behind her back.
The Greens might blame Aemond for what happened to Jaehaerys, given it was a retaliation to his fuck up at Storm’s End. If the Greens turn against the man controlling their biggest nuke, that will destabilize them even more.
Rhaenyra is practising restraint even after what happened to her son. Does Daemon think the Greens will practise the same restraint if their young son is killed? He probably doesn't. From Daemon's POV, this is likely to start the all-out war he's been frothing at the mouth for.
Daemon was frustrated that Rhaenyra was mourning Luke instead of fighting the war. Rhaenyra is not moving on to other matters before she gets justice for Luke. But taking Aemond out at this point is difficult to impossible. From Daemon's POV, they'd be stuck unless he moved things along. Post B & C, Daemon can say he tried to give Rhaenyra what she wanted, he tried to get Aemond for her, but it failed unfortunately. He got what he wanted and he has plausible deniability.
Daemon probably thinks he's helped Rhaenyra's cause by doing this. He's being loyal in his own messed up way. He's the Rogue Prince King Consort. But this is not what Rhaenyra wanted and she probably won't be happy with Daemon at all.
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dannyvapez92 · 3 years
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tus24-05 · 4 years
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sillydeerheart · 5 years
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Does anyone know who did This Billie Eilish Hair for the Sims ????
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