l3onart · 1 year
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Late for @blackmadhiweek? No problem ;P👌
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kuranne88 · 1 year
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2007-lesbian · 1 year
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DAY 6: third wheeling ⚫️🟣……🟡🚫🏳️‍🌈
IVE BEEN TRYING TO POST THIS FOR TWO DAYS NOW >:[ I’m probably not going to do the last day since for some reason this one post would not go through so ya but don’t worry I’ll draw blackmadhi for pride !!
but anywayss heres a really messy sketch of Athena being homophobic while her brother is flirting (fighting) with nahyuta in public
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I love you (at work)(derogatory), I love you (after work)(affectionate)
(also Simon can have a haircut in all my art, as a treat)
for @blackmadhiweek Day 3
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blackmadhiweek · 1 year
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Here's the Prompt List for Blackmadhi Week, which will take place from May 22nd to May 28th, 2023!
Here's a written version for easier reading:
day 1: pining | firsts
day 2: redemption | secret
day 3: i love you (affectionate) | i love you (derogatory)
day 4: free day
day 5: growth | healing
day 6: third wheeling | double date
day 7: rivalry | second chances
All entries will have to focus on Simon and Nahyuta, of course: other characters are fine as long as the works revolve around Blackmadhi!
Feel free to participate as much or as little as you'd like: you can make something for every prompt, make just a few or none of them, one per day or both: the choice is yours! No need to stress out, we are here to have fun 🖤
Remember to tag as #blackmadhiweek2023 or tag this page to see your work reblogged here!
Explicit content will not be shared though, sorry! I want to keep the whole thing SFW!
As for writers! I will make an Ao3 collection for you, which will also be Blackmadhiweek2023 🖤 Don't forget to submit your wonderful works!!
And that's pretty much it! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out through asks, twitter DMs or send me a message @l3onart !
@aafancalendar thank you!
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kazryuuu · 1 year
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Blackmadhi 2023 week - Pining | Firsts
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wowowwild · 1 year
Blackmadhi Week 2023 day 5 healing. How Nahyuta and Simon comfort each other when they have nightmares.
“Panda? Simon!”
He was thrashing about in his sleep. A few grunts and whines escaped him.
“Oh, Simon, what are they doing to you?”
Nahyuta knew better than to try to wake him. Instead they untangled him from the sheets and opened a window. Taka swooped in and landed on her perch looking as concerned as a bird could. Nahyuta went back to the bed and moved some pillows so they could sit. They pulled Simon towards them and placed his head on their lap where they began tracing the lines on his face with one hand. With the other they found one of Simon’s hands and held it, squeezing it with every groan. All of a sudden Simon awakened with a start.
“Nahyuta?” was barely a whisper. “Hi,” Nahyuta replied in the same tone. “... You’re upside down.” “I’d argue that you’re upside down.” “Did I wake you? Nevermind, I must have.” “I don’t mind. I’d rather be awake to comfort you than cluelessly asleep.” “Still…” “You would do the same for me, yes?” “‘Of course, but-” “Then there is nothing to worry about. You’re not the only one who has trouble sleeping, if you’ll remember.”
They did tell him that, didn’t they.
Nahyuta felt Simon relax a bit. “Are you ready to go back to sleep or do you need to be awake for a bit first? I can get you some water.” “Stay.” His response was immediate. “I mean, please, stay with me.” “Of course. Do you want to talk about it?” “Maybe in the morning.” Simon rolled over and pulled Nahyuta back down the bed. “Oh!” Nahyuta suddenly found themself being held, lying next to Simon. “You could warn me before you do that.” They smiled despite themself and put their arms around him in return. “Mmm. But where’s the fun in that?” “The fun is not getting woken up by Taka next time you have a nightmare.” “You wouldn’t.” “You should know better than to challenge me by now.” “That would be a threat if I didn’t know your weakness.” “And what would that be?” Simon grinned. “Well that would be me, now wouldn’t it.” Nahyuta rolled their eyes. “You think too highly of yourself.” “And yet you still let me have my way.” “That’s because you’re stubborn as a mule, it’s pointless to argue.” “I suppose that only proves how much you love to.” Nahyuta brushed Simon’s bangs out of his eyes, wanting to see his expression when they spoke. “Or perhaps it proves how much I love you.” Simon flushed pink. “That was never in doubt.”
Taka squawked and flew back out the window.
“He really was quite worried.” “I think he is glad to not be the only person looking out to me.” “... Taka is a bird.” “... And?” Nahyuta laughed. “I think maybe you should sleep some more now.” “I won’t argue that point.” He snuggled up to Nahyuta a bit more. “Sleep well, Panda.” “You as well, Sad Monk.”
Simon could feel Nahyuta shaking, but couldn’t see their face. He gently removed the blanket they were gripping and found they were still asleep. A nightmare. He’d comforted Athena from a few back in the day. She would still call him on occasion after a rather bad one. It had comforted her then to hear the emotions in his voice, full of care for her. Nahyuta didn’t have the same ability, but perhaps it would comfort them anyway. Simon pulled Nahyuta into his lap and began to sing. It was a song he’d learned in Japanese, one that Metis was fond of. He covered Nahyuta back up and ran his fingers through their long hair, occasionally focusing on massaging their scalp.
“Simon?” Their voice was rough. “I’m here.” “I didn’t know you could sing.” “Only the one song.” “Could you keep singing?” “Of course, Chou.”
Nahyuta smiled at the nickname. Simon only used it when he was feeling particularly sappy. It made him feel special, not necessarily because of the nickname itself, but the way he said it. To Nahyuta it was a prayer in its reverence. Simon sung his one song again, his deep voice calming Nahyuta significantly.
“What is it about?” “Hmm?” “The song you were singing?” “It’s a lullaby from the Chūgoku region. It’s about comforting a newborn who woke up crying and praying for his continued health.” “That’s very sweet. You learned that from Metis?” “I did.” “Perhaps I can teach you a Khura’inese lullaby or two.” “I’d like that.” “Just don’t tell my mother. She’ll start asking about grandkids.” Simon laughed. “Athena would do the same, though I’m not sure whether she’d call them cousins or nieces and nephews. She might make something up. Like nousins.” “Hmm. I’m curious, but not enough to endure the following conversation.” “That makes two of us. Do you feel well enough to go back to sleep?” “I do, thank you.” “Anything for you, Chou.”
Nahyuta blushed as they resituated themselves.
“Sleep well, Sad Monk.” “You as well, Panda.”
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Title: "You’re the Only Place That Feels Like Home - Turnabout Dishwasher DLC"
Author: zuzsenpai
Rated: T
Tags: romantic comedy, established relationship, pining
Relationships: Simon Blackquill/Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
Summary: He could stare at the Khura’inese mountains all day. He could listen to Skye-dono and Queen Amara remind him of how much he’s changed since he moved here. But to call Khura’in his home? Simon wasn’t so sure. He had to find Nahyuta before he took that mental step. (Written for @blackmadhiweek Day 1. Part of the Turnabout Dishwasher universe. This story uses Ace Attorney style text boxes in place of dialogue, therefore AO3’s word count is not accurate. Actual word count: 9,215)
Notes: This story is separate from the Turnabout Dishwasher sequel I’m slowly working on. That’s still happening at some point in the future. I just really wanted to write a little something for Blackmadhi Week, and I wanted it to be in the Dishwasher universe. There are a couple little pieces of plot in this fic that I am using as a setup for my sequel however. So keep an eye out for that! This fic takes place about a week after the final chapter of Turnabout Dishwasher, which had been Thanksgiving 2030. Also I did a little editing on Simon’s profile image, since he did get a haircut.
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2007-lesbian · 1 year
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DAY 4: Free day 🫵😦🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
For the free day they are chilling on the couch
I almost forgot to post this I’ve been busy so im probably not gonna post on day 5 but don’t worry I’ll do the rest of the week gaymers promise 💪
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2007-lesbian · 1 year
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DAY 1: Pining 🦋🐼
HAPPY BLACKMADHI WEEK !!!!! I’m so excited to see what everyone has planned!! I’m going to try and do as much art as I can since drawing them makes me happy because they are silly but anywayss I hope y’all enjoy my art cause there’s more art coming >:)
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2007-lesbian · 1 year
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DAY 3: I love you (affectionate) 💜🖤
Enjoy this very messy sketch of Simon and nahyuta kissing because I didn’t have time… I still like it though :]
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2007-lesbian · 1 year
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DAY 2: Secret 🎍🪷
Imagine being Athena trying to work while your brother is sneaking off to kiss his partner smh so cringe //but I’ll be honest if my partner was nahyuta i would do the same thing…IM BEING HONEST
Anywayss please enjoy silly gay art :]
Also this is what nahyuta and Simon are saying if you can’t read it
Nahyuta: we should get back
Simon: mm…in a bit
Nahyuta: alright, panda
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wowowwild · 1 year
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I finally was ok with the outlines and then I colored it in with the worst colored pencils known to man RIP lol
But for my free day I wanted to take a stab at traditional art (I haven't completed a traditional piece since high school). I'm better at sketching traditional and coloring digital so I got myself a document scanner but I need a new drawing program that is either free or I can buy outright. I used to used autodesk sketchbook but I would have to pay monthly for it now.
Anyway it's Taka and one of Nahyuta's butterflies! I've never drawn either of these before but I think I did ok for my first time. Much better than the horse attempt (we don't talk about the horse attempt). I cannot figure out how bird bodies work fr though. They are such shapes.
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wowowwild · 1 year
For Blackmadhi Week 2023 day one pining. Simon and Nahyuta talk about their love lives (or lack thereof) with their respective siblings. Kind of.
“Athena, relentless chivvying will not persuade me to give you any details of my case.” “Simon, relentless denying will not persuade me to stop bothering you for details of your case.” “Athena.” “Simon.” “...” “... Please?” “Maybe if you spent more time investigating rather than torturing me you wouldn’t need my information.” “Ugh. You know that’s not the problem! Witnesses won’t talk to me because someone told them not to!” “Anything a witness has to say you can hear at the appropriate time. In court.” “You sound like Prosecutor Sadmadhi.” Athena pouted. “If I do, it’s only because he was right about something.” “Hold it!” “What, pray tell, am I holding, Athena?” “Your voice just then!” “Let me guess. Discord.” “Oui. Do you want to talk about it?” “No.” “Simooonnnnnn.” “There’s nothing to talk about.” “Simon.” He leaned his head into his hands and grumbled, “He’s so pretty.” “What was that?” “He’s so annoying.” “Yeah, that’s not what you said. Raus damit!” “You’ve been nattering with Gavin-dono too much.” “Who else am I supposed to tratschen with? Trucy is away, Apollo is the most boring person on Earth, Mr. Wright is my boss, and Mr. Edgeworth is usually busy.” “Edgeworth-dono?” “He has thoughts.” Simon filed that away for later. “But if you don’t want to talk about your obvious giant crush on Prosecutor Sadmadhi, I guess I can’t make you.” “My what?! I have no such thing.” "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." “Youthinks wrong.” “So you’re not even a little bit interested?” “No.” “It’s honestly a little insulting you think I can’t tell you’re lying.” “Bugger off. I’ve got work to do, and I think your client would prefer you doing work as well.” “Alright, alright. But if you ever want to work through all… that,” she made a broad gesture towards him, “let me know. You deserve good things.” Simon hid his small smile with his reply, knowing full well she could hear it anyway, “Your offer has been noted.” “... So not even a peek-” “Out!”
Athena was laughing as she rushed out the door.
“He’s just so infuriating! He winked at me, Apollo. He winked. At me.” “Just make out with him or something. You’ve never been shy before.” Nahyuta gasped. “I am not interested in the Panda.” “You sure talk about him a lot for someone you’re not interested in.” “Can I help it if he makes it his mission to frustrate me at every turn?” “He frustrates you alright.” “Apollo!” “Alright, alright. Have you considered talking it out with him? Coming to some sort of agreement or understanding?” “I don’t think he’s capable of either,” Nahyuta grumbled. “Yuty, I know you don’t really think that. Remember two weeks ago when you saw him comfort that kid during a case?” “I remember it.” “Do you remember what you said to me after?” “I’m sure I said a lot of things.” “You did. Most of them were about how kind and gentle he was underneath it all and how you wished he could act like that more often.” “Well I’d certainly tolerate him better if that were the case.” “Nahyuta, you and I both know what you really meant.” “And what would that be?” they huffed. “You want him to act that way towards you.” “Wh-” “You know how I know?” Apollo kept talking right over them, having the clear volume advantage, “You love when he’s all annoying and antagonistic when it’s not towards you. I’ve never seen you get along better than when the two of you pick on Klav and I.” “... I can’t help it if our interests minorly overlap.” “I’m just saying, if you really hated him as much as you say, you wouldn’t be giving him the time of day unless it was for a case. I know you, Nahyuta, I don’t have to look at you to tell when you’re lying to me or yourself.” “The audacity-” “We’re in my office right now, I can kick you out.” Nahyuta grumbled something intelligible under his breath. “Look, Yuty, take it or leave it, but my advice is to try to get to know him a little bit better. He’s gotten over his whole deal, I think you can get over yours. If nothing else you can learn his weaknesses and tell me so I can use them in court.” “Apollo, that's so evil.” Apollo shrugged. “Could be worse. I could strangle and zap him with holy items.” “... I don’t know why I keep coming to you.” “Because I have the most relationship experience between the two of us?” “Ugh. I utterly despise when you’re right.” “I’m Justice. Wright’s my sister.” “... I’m leaving.” “Damn, if I knew that would work I would’ve started with the Wrightisms the second you started complaining.” “Very funny, Apollo… Are we still on for Friday.” “Yeah, is Ema coming?” “She’ll be a little late.” “Cool. See you then. Or sooner if someone gets accused of a murder they didn’t commit.” “If it’s all the same to you I’d rather not see you until Friday.” “Mmm. That just means I don’t have to hear about your boyfriend until then.” “I w- He’s not my boyfriend!” Apollo picked up his files and stomped out left, but not before hearing his sibling musing to themself, “Huh, that is fun.”
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wowowwild · 1 year
Blackmadhi Week 2023 day 7: rivalry/second chances. Nahyuta returns from a trip to Khura'in. Simon missed them very much. It might have been worth it though, since Nahyuta finally learned to cook something without burning the kitchen down.
“You have to stop this.” “Whatever do you mean, Sad Monk?”
Simon was curled up on Nahyuta’s lap, snuggling just as they had been since Nahyuta got back. That was three hours ago. Nahyuta was hungry and their legs had fallen asleep.
“You know full well what I mean.” “... But you missed movie night.” “To see my sister. You do understand that, right? That you’re jealous? Of my sister?” “My rival for your affections.” “Those are two very different types of affections.” “And yet I must compete all the same.” “You’re ridiculous. Insufferable.” “But you love me.” “I believe I made that much clear. Why else would I put up with your nonsense.” “I thought you loved my nonsense.” Nahyuta sighed. “I missed you, too. Can you please get off of me, though? We need to eat and I need to be able to feel my toes.” “Does this mean you’ll stop taunting Taka when you sit on my lap?” “He knows what he did.” “Quite the pair we are. Jealous of a little girl and a bird.” “Rayfa isn’t so little anymore, but yes. I suppose we are.” “... I missed you.” “I missed you as well, Panda.” Simon lifted his head, revealing grey eyes containing startling clarity. “I love you.”
Simon was more the type to show his love than outwardly say it, but he didn’t need to. Nahyuta knew. But that didn’t change how wonderful it felt to hear those three words.
“I love you, too.”
Simon slid himself to the side so that his weight was no longer on Nahyuta, but maintained contact. Nahyuta slipped their fingers between his.
“Now, silly Panda, what shall we eat?” “Whatever you like, Chou.” “Well… I was thinking…” “That’s dangerous.” “Oh, hush. Mother gave me a few lessons in the kitchen-” “Absolutely not.” “I’ve gotten much better, I promise! The kitchen staff even said my dishes were edible!” Simon sighed, not wanting to point out the reasons their statement may not be accurate. “Perhaps we can try to cook something together.” “Yes! Mother gave me a recipe that I know we have all of the ingredients for.”
Nahyuta made to stand in their excitement, but forgot their legs were still partially asleep.
“Careful.” “I am already on the ground, what more is there to be careful of?” Nahyuta huffed. “This.” Simon rolled off the couch and on top of them. “Oof. Simonnnnnnn…” He smirked, earning himself a flick on the nose. “Yes, yes. Here we are.” Simon got up and helped Nahyuta after. “Now what is this recipe we are making?” “We just need a few things- Don’t make that face. I can’t possibly set the fridge on fire.” They rummaged around a bit and set a few bags and containers on the counters. “That is an interesting assortment.” “I may have oversold it when I said we have all of the ingredients, but we do have similar ones so I think that should be good enough.” “You’ve had a few lessons and you’re experimenting now?” “You said you like it when I experiment.” Simon flushed. “Well carry on, then.”
Nahyuta then started looking through the pantry and spice cabinets, pulling out a few more items as well as the rice cooker.
“I’ll take that, thank you.” “I’m starting to think I should have been jealous of your appliances rather than your bird.” “A good rice cooker is essential. Now what have you pulled out? Cabbage, leftover rotisserie, rice, ginger, green onion, lemongrass, and garlic. Fried rice?” Nahyuta nodded enthusiastically. “Mhm! These aren’t exactly what we used but I think it should be fine.” “So where is this recipe of yours?” “In here.” They tapped their head. “... Alright. I’ll start the rice.” “Ok! Unfortunately the plants we used don’t grow over here and aren’t commonly used. There were a couple flowers in particular we used. Perhaps I can get Mother to ship some to us.” They had begun to chop the cabbage into manageable strips. “Perhaps next time I shall accompany you. I should like to try this version of fried rice. It is interesting how many cultures have their own way of making the dish.” Nahyuta stopped chopping and looked up, eyes wide. “You would come to Khura’in with me?” “It’s about time, I’d think. Now let’s get the pan started.”
Nahyuta and Simon both found they rather liked cooking with someone else, or maybe just each other in all likelihood. Nahyuta’s mind kept drifting back to what Simon had said, so offhandedly, about going to Khura’in with them. For one, Simon was not a fan of planes. For another, he would likely not be able to bring Taka with him. As a guest of the royal family he could do just about whatever he wanted, within reason, but flying in a plane would put a strain on the bird, and it might not be a fantastic idea to allow a foreign species of predator to roam free as he did in LA, for both his safety and that of the native species. He could certainly stay at the palace with Amara, but that still brought up the issue of having Taka on a plane. Otherwise, Athena would watch the hawk, and Nahyuta could picture Simon calling every night to speak to his bird.
“What are you smiling about, Sad Monk?” “Can I not simply enjoy my time with you?” “You can, but you’ve been thinking awfully hard about something over there.” “And that’s dangerous.” Nahyuta rolled their eyes. “Precisely.” “I was just working out the logistics.” “The logistics?” “For when we ‘take holiday’ in Khura’in.” Nahyuta had said ‘take holiday’ in their best British accent. “That was horrible.” “What do you mean? You sound exactly like that.” “I do not.” “You do, too. Call Athena.” “No, she’ll say you’re right regardless. Call Apollo.” “No he’ll say I’m wrong regardless. Call Klavier.” “Do you really want to put Klavier in the middle of a ‘couple’ argument?” “Not before I’ve eaten… Or after. Ema? No, tonight’s date night, she’ll have my head.” “Maybe… No, I don’t think so.” “Who?” “Well there is one person in town who could play impartial judge, but it may be risky.” “Spill it already!” “Franziska von Karma.” Nahyuta’s eyes went wide. “The Chief’s sister? You have her number?” “I do. We get along well enough, though she may revoke my privileges after this.” “You’re calling?” “I am… Straight to voicemail.” “... Oh well, I guess we’ll never know.” “Except that it was a rubbish accent and you know it.” “I put a lot of effort into that accent and it was fantastic!”
They made eye contact and Nahyuta burst into giggles, Simon smiling at it all.
“So the logistics of when we ‘take holiday’ to Khura’in,” Simon mimicked Nahyuta’s British accent. “Was it really that bad?” “Yes.” “... Well I was just thinking about Taka.” “Thinking about Taka made you smile? I thought we already established that you’re bitter rivals.” “Oh, hush. No it wasn’t Taka that made me smile. I was thinking about you.” “But you were thinking about Taka?” “I was thinking about you thinking about Taka.” “That’s a lot of thinking. Are you sure your pretty head can handle it?” “Better than yours.” “I can tell all that thinking has drained you, your tongue is usually far sharper.” “Perhaps it has been softened by my love for you.” Simon blushed. “When we go to Khura’in, regrettably I will have to leave Taka with Athena. She’s already been trained on how to care for him, so it won’t be a problem.” “I thought so.” “And that’s what made you smile? Not a rival in sight once we board the plane?” “No. I imagined you video calling him to say goodnight.” “Hmm. That is a good plan. He will miss me so.” “You need that bird far more than he needs you.” “I am content with that.”
The meal was done and eaten soon enough.
“So?” Nahyuta was glowing with excitement, or perhaps the evening sun. “So?” “Have I earned back my kitchen privileges?” “... You have earned back supervised kitchen privileges.” “I’ll take it.” They leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “You’ve also gained back your washing up privileges. Congratulations.”
Nahyuta looked at the sink full of dishes… worth it.
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wowowwild · 1 year
Blackmadhi Week 2023 Day 2 redemption. Simon comforts Nahyuta outside the party about something that happened at the court house.
The Wright Anything agency was throwing a party. This was not unusual. They had invited just about everyone they knew, which was well over the amount the rented space was supposed to hold. This was not unusual. Included in that group was Nahyuta Sadmadhi. This too was not unusual considering their recent move to LA. What was unusual was seeing them slip out only an hour after the party began.
“What are you doing out here, Sad Monk? The party is inside.” Nahyuta was leaning on the railing that faced the parking lot and looking at the sky. “What are you doing out here?” “I don’t care for festivities.” Well in most cases, anyway. WAA festivities did tend to be some of the better ones. “Well I guess that makes two of us.” Simon’s eyes widened and eyebrows raised. He stepped forward to stand next to them. “I thought you would have enjoyed nattering about with the lot of them.” “Maybe another time.” “You seem rather unlike yourself tonight. I have to wonder if it has to do with the incident at the courthouse.” Nahyuta looked at him for the first time since his arrival, appearing rather forlorn. “You heard about that?” “I think everyone heard about that.” They sighed and hid their face in their forearms before righting themself and speaking, “I suppose it couldn’t be avoided.” “You’d think they run a red top,” Simon nodded. “You know I’m convinced you’re just making things up.” “As if American English makes any more sense.” “I suppose I can’t argue with that.”
There was a momentary pause in the conversation. Simon took the time to contemplate his options. The two of them weren’t all that close, but he knew Nahyuta listened to him. Maybe he could ease their suffering, just a little.
“You shouldn’t let bloody minded codgers like that get to you.” “You say that like it’s simple.” “... It’s not.”
Simon’s voice was uncharacteristically soft, and when Nahyuta turned to look, all he could see was the other man looking in the opposite direction.
“So then how do I not let bloody minded codgers like that get to me?” “Focus on what you think of yourself. And if that doesn’t get you cock-a-hoop, focus on what the people who care about you and you respect think.” “Cock-a-hoop?” Nahyuta laughed. “I thought you might like that one.”
Simon turned his head back forward and Nahyuta could see a small smile on his face. It brought a larger one to theirs. Despite this, they couldn’t resist the urge to mess with him.
“Well then I suppose the question is: What do you think of me, Panda?” Simon whipped his head around. “What do I think?” Did they know? “If nothing else I respect your opinion, and I feel as though you have come to know me well enough.” Oh. “... I suppose. I believe you are worthy of redemption, but the only one who can relieve you of this burden is yourself.” “So I am not redeemed already?” “I think you’ve done a fine job. But it’s not what I think that matters.” “Didn’t you just say I should focus on-” “Don’t get your knickers in a twist. What I think may make other opinions irrelevant, but the only way to believe you are redeemed is to believe it for yourself.” “... Well that’s an entirely unsatisfying answer… However, I do understand what you mean. Thank you.” “A thanks from the Sad Monk? Had I known there would be such a momentous occasion today, I would have worn my good boots.” “You’re just so funny, aren’t you.” Nahyuta said flatly. “And a compliment, too, bully for me.” He grinned.
Just then, the door opened.
“Simon, they’re doing your favorite! Pin the ruffles on the Edgeworth!” Athena called. “How much has Apollo had?” “Too much?” “This should be good. Sad Monk, would you like to watch your brother potentially throw up on his boyfriend after Trucy spins him around?” Nahyuta blinked. “Does that happen often?” “Pretty often,” Athena said at the same time as Simon replied, “Often enough.” “Perhaps we should institute such an event at Rayfa’s next birthday. Lead the way, Panda.” “Gladly.”
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