#blaine's christmas new york trip was stupid
imogenlefay · 5 months
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: Christmas Compilation, The Great Seblaine Christmas Extravaganza, Fluff and Sweetness, Occasional hurt/comfort, probably, But mostly fluff Summary:
A collection of Christmas-themed oneshots about Seblaine.
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What are your go-to stories for when you are feeling down, like the world just dumped a load of crap on you, and you REALLY need a laugh? I Really need a laugh right now
Hey Nonnie,
I'm sending you virtual hugs and hope reading some funny stories will help. Please find a list below, and happy reading!
Oh, and do check out these, these and these as well.
Warbler’s Lonely Hearts Radio Show by @coffeeorderwrites (WIP)
Warbler is beloved host of a late night radio show for New York’s ‘lonely hearts’.
Kurt isn’t a lonely heart but he is very annoyed
Stranded/Recovered by @skivvysupreme
Blaine gets kicked out of his own room when his two best friends decide to resolve their sexual tension, but, as it turns out, being sexiled is not the end of the world.
Of BFFs and Shoes by  a_simple_rainbow
I decided to mesh together a fuckload of tropes/prompts. From the text to the wrong number, to meeting in an elevator. Mostly it’s funny and stupid. Apologies to anyone who likes high heeled converse all stars.
Four times Blaine tried to be a bad boy and one time he succeeded by pavementchaser
It’s in the name, really. Blaine tries to be a bad boy. He’s not very good at it.
Heteroflexible by PickingViolets  [PDF]  [Epub]
One night with another guy. Just one night. It won’t actually mean anything, right? He’s just… heteroflexible.
Register Three by ItsNotEasyBeingQueen
On a quick trip to the grocery store, Blaine doesn’t expect to keep running into the same handsome stranger as he shops.  If only he didn’t keep making a fool out of himself at every turn.
excuse you but it’s a fantastic tie by @villiageidiot
Finn wants some beer, Puck wants his effing cookies, Sam likes the Nerf Gun and Blaine’s in love with a bowtie. (Or: A Dirty Santa / White Elephant Christmas party)
Rivalmance by @klaineanummel​
Kurt and Blaine are professors in the same department at NYADA. They do not get along.
Or do they?
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brittanacedes · 6 years
brittana headcanons?
Okay, this has been in my inbox for a month because I kept putting it off. Just because it’s such a broad question and I have A Lot of thoughts, so I wanted to make sure I was able to think about all my random thoughts!
I’ve had this half finished in my drafts for weeks now because I felt like it wasn’t Complete, but I can’t think of anymore, so I’m just gonna post it. If anyone wants to know my headcanons for anything specific that I haven’t listed here, send me an ask and I’ll answer! I can start a headcanon tag :)
I tend to try to make my headcanons as reflective of canon and realistic as possible, as opposed to just straight up ignoring canon, so keep that in mind when reading :)
Brittany came on strong when they first met and while Santana was attracted to her, was put off by how touchy and forward she was, and thought she was weird. Brittany wasn’t fazed by any of Santana’s insults and decided herself that she and Santana were friends and would sit with her in class and at lunch and practice and stuff, and eventually Santana just stopped complaining because it’s not like anyone else liked her much. Until one day, for some reason that wasn’t actually Britt’s fault, she snapped and hit below the belt, calling her dumb or whatever, and instantly regretted it when Brittany finally left her alone. Of course, that made Santana admit to herself that she actually grew to like Brittany and her company and so, for the first time ever, she apologized, and they were best friends ever since. It’s part of why Santana became so protective of Brittany and why she always makes sure Britt knows how smart she thinks she is. That’s the one and only time she ever said it, and normally I am Against the idea that she would ever, but Britt did imply she had when she said Artie was the only one in school, so.
Santana lost her virginity to Brittany, and that’s why she didn’t have a story to tell when the other girls did in The First Time. It’s what made her start sleeping around with guys more, trying to prove to herself that sex with boys felt just as good/better than with Brittany and she wasn’t a lesbian. It never did.
Brittany’s little sister has always had the biggest crush on Santana and was heartbroken the day she found out Brittana were together. She didn’t talk to Brittany for, like, a whole weekend and everything.
Like Mercedes predicted, Santana was obnoxious as hell after Brittany won senior class president, and would try to wield her power as First Lady in the most ridiculous situations; like when she wanted a specific seat in class or in the choir room (“Excuse me, but my girlfriend is your president. Do you know what that makes me? Your First Lady. Wouldn’t you give Michelle Obama your seat?”)
Brittany was bummed they lost prom king/queen, and had brought a crown to give to Santana after just in case they lost.
Santana definitely cried the first time she had sex with a girl after breaking up with Brittany, and only partly because she’s tipsy.
When Sam [redacted], Brittany didn’t say yes right away. Right before he did that, she was telling the other glee club members what she really thinks of them as part of her countdown to dying or whatever. I’ve always thought she tried to get in contact with Santana to do the same with her, to tell her she still loves her and everything, but she gets ignored in one way or another - either she goes to her house and finds out Santana isn’t coming home for Christmas after all, or she leaves a voicemail and never gets a return call back or gets left on read, whatever. And it was that rejection and her sadness from it that made her say what the hell, and does the stupid thing. She just looked so miserable and sad during that scene, and preoccupied.
Brittany hooked up with a couple girls while at MIT. Being in Lima, where she and Santana were apparently the only girls that liked girls, she had only ever had boys as non-Santana options. So once she got to MIT, she wanted to explore more so she was specifically looking for ladies. One was a girl that actually went to MIT - she was cute and nerdy, but not very experienced (that was okay with Britt), and the other girl she met at coffee shop just off campus. They were both just one night stands, but it was the only fun Britt had at MIT.
Santana called Dani and broke up with her right after Brittany kissed her in 100. Even if she didn’t know what she wanted to do in regards to Britt, she knew she still had feelings for her and it wasn’t right to be with Dani while still being in love with someone else.
After enjoying a few days in Lesbos, they locked themselves in their room for like a solid 24 hours and just talked about everything that went down between them and everything that happened to both of them since. They talk about any lingering beef they have with each other and ask questions and tell each other about hook ups, etc.
Brittany didn’t come back to NYC with Santana after vacation because she was finishing up some commitments she still had at MIT. 
The only person Santana told about wanting to propose to Brittany was Mercedes, while they were on tour. While Brittany was busy rehearsing with the dancers, the two of them would go look at different ring shops in different malls until Santana found the ring she wanted.
The real reason Brittany invited Kurt and Blaine to also get married was because she knows 50% of marriages end in divorce and even though Santana did a good job of talking her down from the ledge as far as her superstition went, she just wanted to really cover her bases.
Brittany surprises Santana with a nice engagement ring on their honeymoon, because she knows Santana loves her bling and thinks it’s only fair she gets a rock, too.
They absolutely get infinity symbol tattoos on the inside their pinkies.
They take Lord Tubbington with them to New York, but Lady Tubbington stays in Lima with Brittany’s sister.  At first Santana worries Britt feels obligated because she was a gift from Sam and she thinks Santana would feel some type of way about it, but Brittany promises it’s nothing like that, but because 1) she doesn’t want to leave her family with no pets and 2) she’s not as adventurous as Tubbs and Britt doesn’t think she’d like the big city (she didn’t do well with the move to MIT).
Both of them go back to school, to the same one, but Brittany takes a shorter program because she just doesn’t like school much. She doesn’t hate it and she thinks it’s important to have some kind of college education, so she takes something in media or dance, but she doesn’t go the extra mile to do anything beyond completing a basic program. Santana takes it a bit more seriously, and takes a general program until she decides what she wants to do. She switches majors at least twice, before finally settling on something like business management or something; some kind of job that helps their budding Youtube career.
Brittany starts taking her Youtube stuff more seriously, and after Santana appears in some of her videos and the viewers really respond to it, it starts happening more and more until it becomes their channel. Their channel getting bigger is what finally helps Santana settle on a major, and she really gets involved and helps to make their channel a real source of income for them. They get big and get all kinds of awesome gifts and trips and stuff for their channel, and they travel a lot and vlog it and they just have a fun ass life that they get a lot of say in.
They do odd jobs with/for Mercedes throughout her career, singing with her or dancing with her, appearing in her videos, etc. Same with their other friends, but Mercedes the most; she’s got the best hook up.
They don’t have any kids. Neither of them were against the idea, but it was never something either of them was dying for or even planning for. Then after Kurt and Blaine have their kid, and they see how much their life changes and how boring it gets, they both agree they don’t want that. They love being able to travel when they want to and they just aren’t interested in being tied down by a kid.
They’re totally the cool aunts, though, that always have the best presents and stories to share when they visit all their friends kids.
No skyping or double dates with Kurt and Blaine on their anniversary, but they do text each other on the day, at least. At least Britt does, because she lowkey feels bad about using them.
Abuela still has moments of obvious uncomfortableness, but she really tries and both of them really appreciate it and never push her. They’re always very cautious around her, even as she gets better about it. She is not happy about their decision not to give her any grandkids though.
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andersonpaceny · 6 years
The Perfect Vacation || BLESSE
Airports were almost like a second home to Jesse, having been in them and through them more times than he could count. And JFK was the airport he frequented the most. From flying over to LA to do press to travelling for tours or events to just visiting his parents in Florida. When they pulled up outside the airport, in the drop off bay, he unclicked his seatbelt and turn to Blaine with a grin, "we're here." "Can I tell Georgia where you're going now?" The man sitting in the front seat asked, a tone of amusement to his voice, since Jesse had made him swear not to tell her. He shrugged, "you can tell her when we land. I don't trust her not to have an entire army of body guards waiting for me at Zurich if she finds out with enough time to organise it." He looked at his watch. They still had several hours to their flight since they had to check in early. "So at 6am tomorrow, you're safe to tell her. By then we'll have a car and since even you don't know where we're going from there, I think we'll be safe." The last thing Jesse had wanted on this trip, was an entourage. And Georgia was always so paranoid. He wanted it to be just him and Blaine, and the Swiss Alps outside their window. Nobody hanging around, no need to worry about being quiet or the awful feeling somebody was watching them. None of it. "Okay, let's go," he grabbed Blaine's hand and they got out of the car, taking their luggage out of the trunk and walking in, directing Blaine to the priority check-in line, instead of the long queue that most people were joining. The check-in process was easy, their bags were weighed and sent off (they hadn't taken much, but with their hiking gear, they'd both packed a checked bag), and then the woman was sliding their boarding passes. "There you go, sirs. You can go through customs to your left, and you can find directions to the first class lounge at the information desk if you need. Enjoy your flight."
Blaine chuckled as he too got out of he car, then held onto his suitcase and carry-on luggage. "You both shush. It's my job to call her and get nagged about it. I'm your P.A. so I'll call her... right after we're at the place where we're staying." He shook the driver's hand, then followed Jesse inside to the VIP check-in line, which made it all easy and rather fancy. Once they were inside Blaine couldn't stop gawking at everything he saw, especially when they made it to first class lounge, where they had to wait for the time to board the plane. Coffee and magazines in hand, they sat there together, him focusing on the magazine at hand while some people looked at them, or at Jesse and smiled, or waved at him, and then it wasn't long until they were finally boarding the plane, them being located in first class the first ones to come on board. "Holy cow...." he said as walked inside the first class sitting area, unable to hold back his awe any longer. "You can tell me to shut up any time you want, but this is the first time I fly first class, and this is awesome!"
Jesse chuckled and put their bags under the spacious area of their seats. "It's okay, it's adorable. You're like someone who's celebrating Christmas for the first time." Truthfully, he didn't always first class, he could never justify the need, especially when he was flying around America on such short flights. But he also had the money to spend and this was their first real trip away together. Yes, they'd been together on the tour, and they'd taken trips to Florida to visit Jesse's family, and Ohio to visit Blaine's, but there had never been anything like this. A romantic summer vacation in the Alps. This was - to Jesse at least - a big step in their relationship. So why wouldn't he want to spoil Blaine when he had the means to? So first class had been a no brainer. "Just wait until you see the wine menu." There were a couple of different seats in first class but the two that they were in were joining - of course, so they could lift up the table in the middle and virtually they ended up on a large sofa. It was soft and plush, with spacious room to move and large TV and window they could watch the take off and landing from with ease. Although they had boarded first, it didn't take long for the plane to fill up, and the pilot announced their take off and asked everyone to put on their seatbelts and prepare.
Blaine chuckled and nodded. "Yup! This is exactly how it feels like" he said chirpily, then planted a soft kiss to his cheek and made sure his bags were safely tucked under  their seats, then he turned to look at him with wide, shocked eyes. "We're having wine?" To him, it was all a discovery so far, and they were just getting started. At the pilot's signal they took their seats and he tucked his seatbelt on tight before he held onto Jesse's hand. "Here we go!" he said, almost bouncing on his seat, then took a deep breath when they plane hit the runway and finally took off with ease, his stomach dropping down inside of him as they climbed up, but he was also far too excited to actually feel scared.
Jesse looked at Blaine, confused, and nodded, "of course we're having wine. Even the economy class gets wine, although they have to buy it. We get two complimentary glasses." The take off was smooth and they watched through the window at New York getting smaller and smaller underneath them. "New York is always so beautiful from the air," he commented, the contrast of Central Park and the urban sprawl obvious. Once the ascent was compete, the cabin crew started moving around. The flight went fairly quickly, they had a couple of drinks and their meals and since it was overnight, had a little nap in the incredibly comfy seats of first class. He took a photo of him and Blaine, posting it to Instagram using the plane's wifi, knowing it would drive Georgia crazy not knowing where they were going. But he couldn't resist. Still, before long, the pilot was announcing their descent and asking everyone to return to their seats and buckle their seatbelts to prepare.
Blaine wouldn't miss the chance to take as many pictures of he could from inside the plane, and even though he tried to persuade Jesse from posting that one selfie on instagram, he was really too happy to care about Georgia's reaction. He could deal with that later.  After a couple of movies, a quick power nap and some nice breakfast (they flew through the night), it was soon time to land, and Blaine was once again on overdrive. He had to be reminfded by Jesse several times that he had to wait until the plane stopped completely to stand up from his seat, and when it finally did, he felt like everything and everyone else were moving too slow. Eventually they made it out of the plane and took the VIP access to their baggage claim, and he was bouncing a little when they finally got hold of them.
Jesse couldn't help but find Blaine absolutely adorable throughout the whole flight, but he couldn't blame him. He remembered the first time he'd flown first class, he'd been about 17 at the time and as much as he'd tried to not look as excited, he absolutely had been. But the flight was over soon enough and they departed first, and collected their bags, their two suitcases and the guitar case marked as fragile. "Is it okay?" He asked, checking the case over for damages. "Come on," he said, once he was satisfied, "let's get the car." They walked to where the car hire was and with a quick check over the license, they were being passed their keys. "I think Georgia will know where we are soon," he said, nodding over to where somebody was not so subtly taking his photo. He made a point of waving at the, amused when he noticed their face flush. "I don't know why people don't just ask, surely a selfie is better than being a stalker," he huffed, taking the keys and following the attendant out to where their care was. After loading up the luggage, they were on the road, making sure nobody was following them.
Blaine gave the guitar case a quick lookover and nodded. "Yup, seems whole." After grabbing their bags, and also picking up their hired car keys, he followed Jesse to the lot where it was parked, just beside the main gate of the airport, and he chuckled at Jesse's reaction at the people who had ajust spotted them there.  "Just ignore them, babe. Come on..." He put his bags inside the trunk and got into the car, where he quickly proceeded to post some of the pictures they had taken in the airplane, tagged with #sorrygeorgia and pressed 'post'. After that nothing else mattered, but the fact they were already in Switzerland, starting their vacation.
Jesse snorted when he saw the hashtag Blaine had taken and shook his head, "oh my god, she's going to be so mad and I don't even care. But we have to be careful. If I hurt myself or we do something stupid, she'll have me under lock and key until my next album and tour are over." It wasn't a short drive, their accommodation being just over two hours from the airport but that was exactly what Jesse had wanted. He wanted to go somewhere off the grid, where the two of them could just enjoy the peace and quiet with the views around them. He thought about coming back in the peak winter seasons, taking Blaine skiing on the busy mountains and he knew that would be amazing. But right now, he just wanted a quiet time with Blaine, where nobody would gawk at him and where he could focus on his music. They chatted, and pointed things out about the scenery, especially the Swiss Alps as they came into view.
Blaine didn't waste any chance he had of taking as many pictures as he could as they rode the long drive to where their cabin was located, which Blaine loved since that meant they could be alone and enjoy their vacation. He couldn't stop gawking at everything around him, the scenery almost too beautiful to be true. When they finally arrived to their destination it was even more perfect than what he had imagined. Mountains surrounded them evrywhere they looked and the cabin settled on a cute, much smaller mountain top, looking almost like those in the postcards. "Oh.. my god... Babe, this is so- wow...." He chuckled, then jumped into his arms. "I love it, and I love you."
Jesse was busy looking at the view - the mountains looked different in summer, but somehow more cheerful and welcoming - that he nearly missed Blaine jumping in his arms. He had fast enough reflexes though, catching up as he wrapped his arms around him and he couldn't resist spinning him around. Other than a hike or two, they really had nothing planned for the ten days they were here and Jesse was looking forward to just relaxing, spending time with Blaine without the pressures of the outside world, and writing some music. "It looks beautiful, doesn't it. Quick, smile," he pulled out his phone and held it out in front of him, snapping a quick selfie with the mountains behind them. He didn't want to post too much on Instagram until they got back, just in case, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to take as many photos as possible. "Come on, let's check it out." He grabbed Blaine's hand and tugged in him inside, finding the key where the owner said it would be, and stepping inside and revealing the large cabin, styled perfectly for the mountains.
Blaine couldn't stop gawking at everything he could as he held onto Jesse's arms, then he leaned closer and smiled brightly for the camera before he jumped back to the ground and took his hand back. "If it's anything like things here on the outside- H-Holy sh...." He blinked as he looked around at the perfectly put together cabin, its wooden interior making it warm in the winter and cool enough during the summer days. "Jesse, it's... wow, just... wow. It's so beautiful, babe..." He walked up to the door that led outside to the balcony and gasped when he saw the ful mountain scenary in front of him.
Jesse completely agreed with Blaine's reaction, despite having seen the pictures before and knowing what to expect. The place was gorgeous. It had such a warm, moutain cabin feeling to it without feeling cramped or dark. And already he could just feel the inspiration coming. The more he'd thought about it lately, the more he wasn't sure if he wanted to sign on to Apollo records after his next album, which was the last in his contract, unless they allowed for a little more freedom in his music. He wasn't some teenage boy wanting to produce popular poppy songs anymore. He'd grown as an artist and he wanted his music to reflect that. And essentially, he wanted to have at least a few songs on there that directly related to coming out, or celebrating who he was. He wasn't hiding anymore, and he wanted to show the world that he would never hide again. At least, not his sexuality. He was fully prepared to hide from the world with Blaine for the next ten days. He stepped up behind Blaine on the balcony, wrapping his arms around him and resting his chin on his shoulder. "It really is, isn't it? And just think, itOops.Jesse completely agreed with Blaine's reaction, despite having seen the pictures before and knowing what to expect. The place was gorgeous. It had such a warm, moutain cabin feeling to it without feeling cramped or dark. And already he could just feel the inspiration coming. The more he'd thought about it lately, the more he wasn't sure if he wanted to sign on to Apollo records after his next album, which was the last in his contract, unless they allowed for a little more freedom in his music. He wasn't some teenage boy wanting to produce popular poppy songs anymore. He'd grown as an artist and he wanted his music to reflect that. And essentially, he wanted to have at least a few songs on there that directly related to coming out, or celebrating who he was. He wasn't hiding anymore, and he wanted to show the world that he would never hide again. At least, not his sexuality. He was fully prepared to hide from the world with Blaine for the next ten days. He stepped up behind Blaine on the balcony, wrapping his arms around him and resting his chin on his shoulder. "It really is, isn't it? And just think, it's our view for the next ten days. Well, that and each other," he smirked, tilting his head to kiss his cheek.
Blaine was quite enraptured in the sight in front of him, so when Jesse came up from behind he was a bit startled, but he quickly calmed down and relaxed into the gentle embrace, his back leaning against Jesse's chest. "Babe, no matter how beautiful it all is, it would never distract me from looking at the thing I like to look at the most." He turned into the embrace and smiled as he kissed him, then hugged him tight before he pulled back. "Let's go check our rooms now! Oh, and the kitchen. I must see where we'll be cooking for the next days. You know me and my tummy!" He giggled, then took his hand and led him to where he believed the rooms were.
Jesse raised an eyebrow, "our rooms? Babe, I think you'll find we'll be sharing a room or I'll riot. Mmm, speaking of cooking, we'll walk into the town in a bit before it gets too late and pick up some supplies. I think it's only a small town, but I'm sure we'll be able to find something to get us by. I hope so," he chuckled. It was about 12:30pm now, so he was sure they'd want to walk in to get some food once they were done exploring and it was only a ten minute walk. Practically down the road. He followed Blaine throughout the house and they looked into the rooms. There were four bedrooms since the house was huge and laid out for a family, but the only one they cared about was the large master bedroom. It was large and beautiful, and just perfect. There was a large window and their own private balcony as well (not that technically the other balcony wasn't private for them too) and there were also tea and coffee making facilities so they didn't have to go downstairs to make coffee in the morning if they didn't want to.
Blaine chuckled and patted his butt playfully. " I meant the rooms in the house, babe. Of course we'll be sharing a bed. You think I'd let you out of my sight during our vacation together? Unlikely." When Jesse opened the door to their master bedroom he gasped and stepped inside, and if he had thought the living room was gorgeous, nothing could compare to that room. "Oh... my god. This is so awesome. Look at  the view!" he said, pointing at the window like a little kid pointing at some toy at the store. "And we can see it from the bed, how cool is that??" He was bouncing on every step he made, even spinning around as if he was in a bad reprise of The Sound of Music. "This is gonna be so magical, but yeah... Food is a must. You wanna go now then, before it gets dark?"
Jesse leaned against the door frame and smiled as he watched Blaine run around. He remembered being a teenager, touring for the first time. Staying in nice and fancy hotels. His parents had never been poor, and they'd been on the occasional holiday, but they'd never been rich either. Just comfortably middle class. And now, here he was, worth millions - if not billions - of dollars. And sites like this still shocked in sometimes, but seeing Blaine excited was worth even more. And if they could travel the world together, he would show Blaine wherever he wanted to go. He'd never wanted to live a particularly lavish life, having saved most of the money he'd made after purchasing his apartment, so even if something went horribly wrong with his career, they'd be set up. "We can use the fireplace too," he said, pushing himself off the door frame, "it still gets cold at night, even in summer. Romantic, wouldn't you say." He grabbed Blaine and pulled him in, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him deep and soundly. They stayed like that, wrapped up in each other, as moments passed before he broken the kiss. He glanced outside the window, "we do have several more hours before it gets dark. But I agree, if we go now and get what we need, we can get back and enjoy the rest of the day to ourselves."
Blaine smiled as he was pulled into Jesse's embrace, his body fitting perfectly against his as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders and let go of himself when their lips touched, always so smooth and soft and warm; he hummed softly into the kiss, savouring every drop of warmth and taste that was shared, and he even pouted a little when they pulled back, his heart beating fast inside his chest and his toes tickling inside his shoes. "How about... a cute picnic-slash-dinner or lunch, or.. brunch, what time is it?-" He chuckled, then looked at him fondly. "-by the fireplace for our first night here?"
Jesse laughed and kissed him softly on the nose. "It's about half 12. So if we take our time walking to the village, maybe see if there's a cafe for a light lunch, and then go for a walk, we'd get back here and can have an early dinner by the fireplace. Sound good?"
Blaine smiled and kissed him again before he let go of him and took his hand instead. "I like that idea! That way we could get a glimpse at this place, and if anything like you can see from afar-" He chuckled as they both made their way back into the living room, their suitcases left there to be taken care of later that day, and he grabbed his bag, which contained his passport, wallet, phone and sunglasses, before he walked to the door. "Let's go then!"
Jesse smirked at him, knowing exactly what he was talking about. There were no houses around where they were (part of the charm of why he picked the place - that and the view) and the town was far enough away that he was sure nobody would really notice them. He swung their joined hands between them, as they locked the door behind them and headed off down the path towards the village.  The views were virtually the same from their accommodation, but they still stopped multiple times to take photos and veer off path so their five minute walk turned into about twenty minutes. And the village... well. It was definitely small. The description of the property hadn't been lying. It was more of a pitstop for travelling vehicles than anything else, but there was a roadhouse/gas station and a small convenience store. Enough for them to find things to make dinner, though he was thinking they'd end up with pasta and rice. Easy and a good base for their meals. "Should we get some food? Roadhouses can serve good food sometimes. I'm starving. And then we can think about some easy stuff we can buy for dinner. We can always drive to a bigger town if we can't find stuff, but I think we'll be okay."
Blaine was in absolute of the place they were, his eyes wandering all over the place while he took a bunch  of pictures out of everything he could. It was such a nice change of pace from being, from living in a city that literally never slept, and was always on the run; and although their last vacation together had been wonderful too, to be in a town like that was the perfect place to enjoy a calm, peaceful time, with the man he adored, with no disstractions around, but them two. "Yes! Food! PLease. I'm really hungry too. Maybe some hot soup and a steak? You think they have those there?" He only had to look up to see the place where they would most likely be going.
Jesse looked at the roadhouse and shrugged, "let's find out?" He winked at Blaine and they walked inside. They could go to the convenience store later to pick up food to cook with, and anything else they wanted, like coffee. For now though, they were both hungry and some hopefully okay food was what they needed. They were greeted warmly by the man behind the counter when they entered. There were a couple of tables in the small building so they would at least be able to sit down and eat as well. They didn't have steak, or anything quite like that, but they had sandwiches, sausage rolls, soup and other similar food. "I think I'll probably have a sausage roll and a coffee." The sausage rolls sat in a heated cabinet at the front, clearly homemade with flaky pastry, and that was enough to convince him. "What do you think, babe?"
Blaine smiled warmly at the man who greeted them at the door, then after following him to their table he placed his napkin on his lap and hummed in thought for about two seconds before he spoke. "A bowl of hot soup and a roastbeef sandwich then? And some chips on the side, please?" From the corner of his eye he spotted a deliciously looking chocolate cake, covered by a plastic lid to keep it fresh, and he made a mental note to have some of that for dessert.
"I'll get us a chips to share," Jesse replied, leaning in and giving Blaine a quick kiss on the lips. He ordered their food from the counter and the man behind it rung it up. Thankfully, Jesse's card was one he could use internationally without worry, so they hadn't needed to rush and get currency before they left. The man got their food ready, passing it to Jesse once it was heated up. It was set up as a pit stop, so he was sure a lot of people got their food in takeaway bags, but the few tables that sat here for those wanting to take a break from their journey - or in their case, just enjoy lunch - was nice. "Thank you," he said, carrying the tray with the food on it over to where Blaine was sitting. "Here we go. Soup and a sandwich for you, sausage roll for me and chips to share. God, I'm starving."
Blaine was lost in thought as he looked outside a nearby window, from which he could see the mountain, beautiful and untouched, so he almost didn't notice Jesse coming back until he was actually at the table. "Oh! Yum yum, give me food!" he said making grabby hands at him, and they were soon settle down with their food at the table. He held onto Jesse's hand and gave it a quick kiss. "Bon apetite" he said, then dove right in to eat his soup before it could get cold, and he hummed at its delicious taste. "Hmm! This is very good! Not as much as my infamous chicken soup, but close second." He smiled at him and continued eating, even sinking one of the crackers the soup came with in it.
Jesse grinned when Blaine kissed his hand, bowing his head in a ridiculous gesture. He broke off a piece of his sausage roll and chewed on it thoughtfully, his stomach giving an appreciative noise. "It's not bad," he agreed, taking a chip, "I'm so hungry so it could have been awful and I probably wouldn't have minded though." He chuckled and gazed out the window. It was a rarity sometimes, for him, to be able to be so completely relaxed, without a hoard of people asking for autographs or photographs. Here it was just peaceful, and he was looking forward to just Blaine's company for the next ten days.
They continued theeir meal in relative silence, broke only by the sounds they weremaking when chewing the food, and perhaps some lively comments about the food, or the place, which Blaine was convinced they would be visiting at least one more time before leaving. It was a rarety to have such a calm time when they were out, and he appreciated that. After they were done eating and paying for their bill, and carrying a to-go cup of coffee in hand, they continued their lazy walk through town, every now and then stopping to get items they felt they might needed during their stay, just before they made it into the actual grocery store, a small place, in comparison with the ones back at home, but still with anything and everything they would like. "I vote we get some bottles of wine for the cold nights" he chimed in with a playful grin on his face.
They had a fridge and freezer back at the lodge, so they picked up a bunch of things they would need. No doubt they could come back into town if they wanted - but Jesse also wanted them to have enough supplies to last them in case they wanted a few lazy days. They also grabbed things to take on their hikes, since they'd planned on doing a couple of those. He chuckled at Blaine's wine suggestion, leaning in to kiss him quickly, "you say it like you think I'd argue with that. Wine is a perfect suggestion." They selected a couple of bottles from the limited range on offer, and made their way to the checkout, bagging up their items and loading them up on their arms for the short trek back to the lodge.
Blaine chuckled and kissed his cheek quickly. "Good man. I knew you'd see my point. Nothing like a good wine, and a warm body for the cold nights." He wiggled his eyebrows at him, then laughed and walked away to where the register was. After everything was paid up and packed they grabbed the bags and made it back to the cabin. "I'm really loving this place, babe. The quiet alone is something I'll treasure while we're here" he said as they walked through the door and headed to the kitchen to put the bags down. "I have the feeling I'll be walking with plugs in my ears from now on when we get back home." He chuckled and winked at him.
Jesse looked around and nodded, "I know what you mean. Sometimes it all just gets too much. I kind of thrive on it though... but that doesn't mean I don't want a break every so often. Something Georgia doesn't seem to get. She thinks a break is a day off in my apartment." He sighed, placing the bags down on the counter and they got to work unpacking them and putting them away. Thankfully they had a fully stocked kitchen so could pretty much cook up anything they wanted, and they'd bought enough stuff to last them a few days at least. More if they dragged it out but it wasn't like the town was far away - and it was summer so there wasn't exactly a chance of a snowstorm to trap them in. "I do want to try to get something written while I'm here... you know, a change of pace might get the creative juices flowing. Not to mention, you're here to inspire me and all but one of the songs I've written for my new album have been inspired by you so far. Well, you and just being myself."
Blaine closed the pantry once everything in place, then turned to Jesse and smiled, his arms going around his waist as he pecked his lips gently. "I'm the luckiest muse in the world then. I'm happy to be part of your life now that you're so comfortable with it. With who you are and what you feel. I have the feeling the best is yet to come, Mr. St. James, and I'll be there, pom poms and all to cheer for you, always." They shared one more kiss, then he stepped back and rubbed his hands together. "How about we drink some wine, hmm? The one you bought looks like is from a good year."
Jesse smiled into the brief kiss and nodded. "Well, you made me realise it was okay to be okay with who I am. So thank you. I don't think I can ever repay you, but writing songs is what I do so it's a start." He grabbed one of the bottles of wine they picked at random, searching through the draws for a corkscrew, luckily finding one. He popped open the bottle, and poured the two glasses, taking Blaine's and leading him to the alcove window, with a couch and a gorgeous view of the mountains. It was still the afternoon, but he could imagine sitting here and watching dusk settle over them. But for now, they sat on the couch, curled up, drinking sips of wine and soaking in the view.
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anderstarblaine · 7 years
The One with Reminiscence || Seblaine
Date: March 3rd, 2017
Locations: Westerville, Ohio. The Smythe Residence. 
Who: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe
Notes: Blaine and Sebastian fly to Ohio for Sebastian’s little sister’s birthdayand things start to get a little more intense as the feeling of nostalgia take over.
rem·i·nis·cenceˌ /reməˈnisəns/ noun noun:reminiscence; plural noun: reminiscences
a story told about a past event remembered by the narrator. "his reminiscences of his early days in Washington" synonyms:memories, recollections, reflections, remembrances"her reminiscences of a wartime childhood"
the enjoyable recollection of past events. "his story made me smile in reminiscence"
Sebastian Smythe:
At the beginning of March, Sebastian and Blaine had packed and prepared for their little weekend trip back home to Westerville, Ohio. Saturday would be Sloane’s 18th birthday and the two were looking forward to spending some time in the Smythe family home. Sebastian hadn’t been back since Christmas and he knew his family was worried about him after having been in a coma. His mother had come up to New York to visit him while he was in the hospital but his father had been too sick to travel and the patriarch was eager to see the prodigal son return home.
Things between Sebastian and Blaine were the same as always; they never really touched on the definition of their relationship and Sebastian didn’t feel a need to press. After all, Blaine was still married to Kurt, even if it wouldn’t stay that way for very long. Sebastian still had his unspoken fears and doubts that he might just become a rebound for Blaine’s shattered marriage. Though he knew that he meant the world to Blaine and Blaine to he, it was a feeling that he just couldn’t shake off yet. They could always discuss such things once Blaine’s divorce was finalized.
“Are you sure she’ll like these? I feel like I should’ve went with the Hannah Montana CD; girls still like that shit, right?” Sebastian joked, the gift bag for his sister in his hand as they boarded the plane at the airport. “Just kidding; I’m sure she’s going to love your gifts.” He chuckled, aware that Blaine’s choice of presents for Sloane was perfect. The flight over was only about two hours so they would be in Ohio in no time. Sebastian had tried to rally for a road trip but taking a plane would save time, which meant more time spent with family.
Once he and Blaine were seated, Sebastian buckled his seatbelt and gingerly set the gift bag on the floor in front of him, trying his best to settle. He fiddled with the tray table lock, moving it back and forth before looking up and fiddling with the air. As much traveling as he did throughout his life, Sebastian could never get used to flying. Maybe he shouldn’t have fueled his fear of flying by ever watching Final Destination and Snakes on a Plane. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he tried his best to relax by leaning back in his uncomfortable seat.
Blaine Anderson:
Even though Blaine had felt an enormous weight lift from his shoulders when he left Kurt, it seemed that only lasted a short time. With every day that passed and every missed call from Kurt he began to feel the weight again, he knew that he really needed to completely detach himself from the toxic relationship if he wanted to ever start feeling free. He also wanted to be able to give Sebastian a reason to feel secure in their almost-relationship. So he made a plan and at the end of February he went to see a divorce lawyer, then he made plans with Santana and Sam that they would move his stuff for him while he was in Westerville so he didn’t have to see his soon-to-be ex-husband anytime soon. The main reason he was being more or less childish about the divorce and not seeing Kurt was because he had no idea what he wanted to say to him and he didn’t want to say something he would regret so he thought it best to just avoid it until he was ready.
He was very happy when the time finally came for them to escape the city for the weekend, he definitely needed a break from his life. Both of them. Juggling school and Nightbird was proving to be a difficult and tiring task for him though he managed. Luckily he was good enough at juggling both that Sebastian was never the wiser regarding Nightbird even though he did feel guilty for lying. He made all of the arrangements with Sam and Santana, the two happily and graciously understanding of his need to get away. He made a mental note to take them out when he got back-- sometimes he felt he took them for granted, worried that he treated them as just his team and not as his best friends sometimes. He mentally planned a night out with them, even planning on bringing Sebastian along, knowing he hadn’t seen the two since high school. Might be a nice reunion. Plus he felt the need to drop the news about his marriage in person.
Blaine made sure he had a nice little get-well-soon gift packed away for Sebastian’s dad and a tiny something for his mom, planning on stopping whenever they landed to pick up a nice bouquet of flowers for his mom. He chuckled softly as Sebastian worried about Sloane’s gift for the hundredth time it seemed, nodding. “Seb, you know she is just going to be happy to see you, anything else is just extra. I’m positive she will like these things-- we can even pick up a few other small things when we stop to get your mom’s flowers if you want. Make a little goodie-gift bag out of it all.” Blaine took a breath, letting it out softly as they settled in their seats. He was very excited to get going; he hadn’t flown anywhere in quite some time and he also hadn’t been back home since Christmastime. He’d even planned on dropping in on his parents for lunch or dinner before they went back to the city on Sunday. As he thought about their plans, attempting to write it down in his mental planner, he happened to notice Sebastian fidgeting with the tray on the seat in front of him. He gave the taller a once over, realizing what was happening in the seat next to him.
“Seb,” He grinned slightly, raising his eyebrows. “You alright, handsome?” Blaine had to admit it was awfully cute to see his big tough guy of a best friend being all nervous about flying. He felt a little bad for not giving in to Sebastian’s idea of a road trip but there was no way he could be gone an extra two days from the city just for them to travel. The idea of an eight hour car ride with Sebastian was immensely appealing but they would have to save it for another time if they wanted to visit their families and spend a good amount of time with them.
Sebastian Smythe:
Knowing that Blaine was thoughtful enough to go out and get presents for his parents warmed Sebastian’s heart; he liked that Blaine loved his family so much. He loved knowing that even if Blaine didn’t bring any presents home, that his parents would love and accept him wholeheartedly. Sebastian’s parents weren’t stupid and saw the way their son would look at Blaine and fawn over him. They understood and recognized that Blaine was Sebastian’s first love. As long as Blaine was Sebastian’s friend, they would always and forever welcome him into the family.
Sebastian had been focusing so hard on trying to remain calm that he barely even heard the man next to him calling out to him. He’d been tapping his fingers against the armrests, unable to remain still. “Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-- I’m doing great,” he replied, now speaking twice as quickly as he was a moment ago. Soon the flow of people boarding the plane had come to a stop and a stewardess announced over the PA system that the plane would soon begin taxiing to the runway for take-off. “Hoo, boy, this is it…” Looking over at Blaine, who seemed slightly amused by the way he grew more nervous and flustered by the prospect of taking off, Sebastian felt a faint blush spread from his face down his neck. “Don’t worry-- I do this every time I fly… I just freak out a little right before take-off and then again right before landing. It’s no big deal, really.” Sebastian sighed again, trying his best to calm his nerves.
With a nervous chuckle, Sebastian shook his head. “I know I must look silly,” he mumbled, covering his eyes with one of his hands. He used his other to take Blaine’s hand, gripping it for assurance. “I’m really glad I have you here with me this time. Even though I think I’d rather run to Ohio at this point.” He coupled his little tongue-in-cheek comment with a wry laugh, making it clear that he was only joking. The plane rumbled as the large engines on both sides of it began to gear up, whirring loudly to prepare for take-off. The resounding noise caused Sebastian to nearly jerk in his seat, his heart pounding quickly. He could probably run faster than a stupid plane and in the event of a crash could logically run fast enough to get Blaine to safety. His illogical fear of flying was one of Sebastian’s vices that he wished he could be without.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine raised his eyebrows even further as Sebastian spoke, it taking every ounce of self-control he had in him not to giggle at his best friend. He knew that Sebastian’s fear was nothing to laugh at but it was so endearing to see someone who acted like such a badass his entire life. With a sweet smile he placed his hand on Sebastian’s knee to give it a squeeze. “Hey,” His voice was quiet and soothing. “Everything is gonna be okay, babe. Here,” Blaine laced their fingers together, showing the taller their hands. “See this? I will not let go until we land, okay?” He promised before leaning closer to press his lips to Seb’s jaw.
“And it’s not silly, you don’t look silly.” He reassured Sebastian, squeezing his hand gently. “It’s perfectly normal to have anxiety about flying. I don’t think anyone doesn’t have at least a little bit of anxiety when they fly.” Whenever the plane was in takeoff mode and they started speeding down the runway, Blaine made sure to hold Sebastian’s hand tightly and not let go. He would not be the first one to let go while Sebastian was freaking out. “Look at me,” He said before the plane took off to hold the other’s attention. “I got you, Seb. We’re safe.” Blaine promised in full confidence, knowing that even if anything were to happen on their short plane ride- he would be able to save them no problem. Them and the rest of the passengers and crew.
Blaine still didn’t take his eyes off of Sebastian even when they were finally up in the air, he held his hand and with his free hand he reached over to caress his arm gently. He hoped that he could somehow soothe the taller, wanting him to not be so scared for the next couple of hours. “Would it help if I told you that by the time we get home I will be completely moved in?” He offered, hoping to take Sebastian’s mind off of flying. “I told you I went to see the lawyer, yeah? He should be serving Kurt the divorce papers soon.”
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian truly appreciated that Blaine was so calm and soothing through this stressful experience. He liked that even though in his mind, this illogical fear was dumb and shouldn’t exist because Sebastian had flown dozens of times back-and-forth between Ohio and New York-- not to mention the times he’s flown to Europe-- a measly less-than-two-hour flight shouldn’t even be a big deal. He appreciated that Blaine still remained understanding and non-judgemental. Sebastian looked down at their hands, fingers intertwined and a warmth radiating between them. A smile curled upon his lips when Blaine neared to press a kiss against his jawline. “Thank you,” he whispered loud enough for Blaine’s ears only.
The plane began to speed up and elevate itself for take-off. Just as it was doing so, Blaine had reached over to hold his arm. Sebastian looked at his friend, staring him in the eyes and he could feel his anxiety begin to melt away. Though probably just as illogical, Sebastian felt that Blaine would protect him in the event of anything going awry. What exactly could Blaine do was not a question within Sebastian’s mind-- only that he felt safe when he was with him.
When Blaine mentioned the lawyer and fully moving in, Sebastian’s ears perked up. He knew that Blaine had taken action when it came to actually getting himself divorced from Kurt, though he didn’t know much past Blaine going to see his lawyer. “Oh? Y-yeah?” Sebastian’s voice came out thick with slight anxiety but he was genuinely interested in the conversation, appreciating Blaine’s attempt to keep his mind occupied and not thinking about them flying. “So with the rest of your stuff it’ll finally be our place, hm?” He replied with a smile, though they both knew that the apartment was already considered theirs. “Hopefully Kurt accepts those divorce papers and does you the favor of signing them without any more drama or arguments; I think we both know you’re more than ready to be done with him.”
Sebastian brought Blaine’s hand closer to him, pressing his lips gently at the back of Blaine’s hand. He liked how the other man’s skin always felt so soft. “We should celebrate when it’s finalized-- do something big, y’know? I could get champagne or maybe we’ll even get dressed up and go out.” Sebastian wanted the occasion to be one filled with cheers rather than ending on a sad note. Though it could be seen as unfortunate that the two had to split, no one in the world was happier than one Sebastian Smythe.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine smiled sweetly at Sebastian as he was anxiously interested in what he had to say. He kept ahold of his hand, soothingly rubbing his thumb back and forth as they spoke, giving a soft nod. “Yes, I will be completely moved into our place when we get back. I gave Santana and Sam a key and they agreed to get my stuff for me-- more than understanding that I want nothing to do with Kurt right now.” He explained, sighing softly. “I owe them big time, I was thinking we could all go out together when we get back to thank them- you remember them right? I know you met them a handful of times. Santana is the one who matches your snark.” He teased, chuckling, rubbing Sebastian’s arm lovingly again. “I really hope he just signs them and leaves me alone, honestly. I just want to get it over with and stop wasting time on him and our lie of a marriage and just...get on with my life.” He got only mildly upset when he spoke of Kurt, the feeling of frustration was still strong. Blaine still couldn’t wrap his mind around why instead of just ending it so he could stop wasting his energy, Kurt just decided to make Blaine look like a bigger fool. He would never forgive him.
“I thought I might ask your dad about what to do if Kurt refuses-- I’m not really sure if he’ll know. I don’t know much about lawyers and attorneys or what the difference is but maybe he’ll know something that will at least help. He’s always been very wise.” He said with a soft smile, leaning his head back against the seat and looking out the window. “I’m really looking forward to this new life.” Blaine said, lifting his gaze back to Sebastian. “Thanks for saving me. You’re my hero.”  With that, he crinkled his nose and brought the other’s hand up to his lips to kiss it gently.
He tried his best to keep Sebastian’s attention for the entire flight, especially the moments when they hit a mild area of turbulence and he could feel the taller tensing up even more than he already was, squeezing the feeling out of his hand practically. He soothed him with soft words and assurance, even sneaking in a kiss or to against his cheek and jaw, even placing one against the freckle under his ear at the top of his neck. Blaine could tell that even though his efforts worked some, the other was still anxious. He was very thankful when they finally landed and he could feel Sebastian’s anxiety levels go down even further.
Blaine didn’t let go of Sebastian’s hand even as they gathered their stuff and walked of the plane, still not gonna be the one to let go first. “C’mon, handsome. Let’s go pick up the rental car- I’ll drive.” He insisted, memories of the taller being a speed demon in their high school days making him cringe.   
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian liked the way Blaine said “our place”. It was just another thing that solidified the idea that they were headed down the right path to an actual relationship. Another was that Blaine was more than willing to reintroduce his friends to him. Although Sebastian personally had zero feelings for either Sam or Santana, he knew that both meant a great deal to Blaine and he was felt grateful to be included in that part of his life. “Mm, I don’t think I’ve seen either of them since our high school days-- Think Santana still hates me for slushee-ing the both of you way-back-when?” He’d meant to bring up the memory to garner a laugh or two but instead it just sent a pang of sadness through him. What if Blaine’s friends couldn’t accept him because of what had happened in the past? Not that he cared what those two thought of him but what if that somehow impacted his budding relationship with Blaine? Without missing a beat, he continued his reply, “We can definitely get together with them. Drinks or maybe even dinner. Let me know whenever they’re free and you wanna do it.
“In the meantime, however,” his smile grew the more Blaine talked about divorcing Kurt, “I think my dad will gladly give you any and all legal advice to help you with this process. I’ll help you in any way that I can, too; I mean-- I am your hero after all, hm?” He chuckled softly, knowing in his mind that he would truly be a hero for Blaine, even if no one knew it. The speedster could and would be there for Blaine to save the day whenever he needed.
Landing wasn’t as stressful as taking off for Sebastian; he knew now that he had Blaine and there was no reason to worry. His breath still caught when the plane touched down, the turbulence shaking the whole aircraft, but with Blaine’s hand in his own then everything was okay with him. Everything between disembarking the plane and retrieving their luggage went smoothly, and once they had the rental car they were headed for Sebastian’s old home. They’d stopped on their way to buy a bouquet upon Blaine’s insistence even after Sebastian tried once more to tell him he was being beyond sweet.
“We’re here!” Sebastian called, using his old key to come through the front door. He laughed when Sloane came running down the stairs to hug him tightly. “Hey, birthday kid, you’re getting tall; did you go through another growth spurt?” he teased, handing his sister the gift bag he’d been holding. “Here’s your present; it’s from both me and Blaine.”
Sloane chuckled and pushed her brother away, “Yeah right, I’m the same height I was the last time you saw me, dumbass.” She used the name affectionately for her older brother, finding joy in their little rapport. “Thanks for the gift; I’ll open it tomorrow at the party.” Sloane turned to Blaine, the expression on her face seemingly getting even happier when she met eyes with him. “Blaine!” She exclaimed before she threw her arms around him. “God, when Sea Bass said he was bringing you to celebrate my birthday, I almost didn’t believe him but you’re here!” She squealed the last syllable, visibly enthralled that Sebastian’s old classmate was here as well.
“Glad to see that dumb nickname is still relevant,” Sebastian rolled his eyes as his mother entered the foyer from the kitchen, greeting her son with open arms. “Sebastian; I’m so glad you’re home. Your father will be so happy. He’s been asking about you a lot; he was so worried after that lightning strike. Go on and see him-- He’s sitting in the parlor.” Sebastian left his and Blaine’s bags on the floor of the foyer to be taken care of later, more interested in seeing his father while Blaine greeted and caught up with the Smythe ladies.
Blaine Anderson:
When the two stopped off to pick up the flowers for Sebastian’s mother, Blaine also picked up a few things to throw into Sloane’s gift bag-- some cliché girly things in her favorite colors that he remembered. He was even more excited and anxious to get to Westerville when they were on their way; he couldn’t wait to see Sebastian's family. He was also slightly nervous that the Smythe family might not be as excited to see him as he was them considering how he’d left things when they were younger. He basically toyed with Sebastian’s emotions, gave him hope, and then left him high and dry to run off to New York with Kurt. Blaine honestly wouldn’t blame them if they hated him.
The moment they stepped into the Smythe household it was like they went through a timewarp and they were just eighteen years old again, going up to Sebastian’s room to do homework and fool around. He grinned from ear to ear when Sloane came rushing down the stairs to greet them, his fears of being unwelcome quickly fading when he caught her eye and she got even more excited. Blaine hugged the younger Smythe tightly, chuckling at the nickname. “Oh I totally forgot about Sea Bass- here we’ve been hanging out for like a month now and I haven’t called him that once.” He joked, holding the young lady’s hands tightly. “Sloane, you are beautiful as ever- I can’t believe you’re the same age I was the last time I saw you.” He shook his head.
Sloane smiled sweetly at him as she crinkled her nose, giggling. “Well you are just as handsome and dapper as ever, B.” She said, letting go of his hands to straighten out his bowtie and tap his nose, Blaine mirroring her nose crinkle before hugging her again. He turned his head when he heard Mrs. Smythe’s voice, his face lighting up again, only barely noticing when Sebastian left. He approached her with caution hoping she would be happy to see him too, thankfully she was just as excited to see him as Sloane was. “Blaine Anderson, it is so good to see you.” The eldest Smythe woman, Samantha, hugged him tightly, graciously accepting the flowers before ushering him to the kitchen so she could put them in water and they could catch up, along with Sloane as they asked him how he had been and what he’d been up to. He told them the short version of how things had been tough since high school, he gave them the cliff notes of what was going on with him and Kurt and Sloane could barely contain her happiness.
“Ugh, thank god.” She said, rolling her eyes. “That boy is unbearable I can’t believe you ever went out with him, much less married him.” Although the comment made Blaine laugh because it seemed the entire Smythe clan were the We Hate Kurt Hummel fan club, it still earned a soft slap on the arm from her mother. “Sloane.” She scolded her, the younger Smythe only shrugged, standing by her comment.
“Sorry, not sorry, Ma. Hummel hurt Blaine multiple times. Now this? Nuh uh, he’s officially on my shitlist.” She said as she grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter to take a bite into it, leaning onto said counters with her elbows, giving Blaine a look. “So, B, now that you’re a single man. How ‘bout Seb, huh? You guys finally have sex yet?” She asked him, wriggling her eyebrows, speaking out of the side of her mouth as if she were attempting to keep it on the down low.
“Sloane Ophelia.” Her mother’s one was more stern this time even though she was trying to hide a laugh. Samantha leaned her own elbows on the table, mirroring her daughter. “So...did you?” The two Smythe women burst into giggles as they watched Blaine blush, it was apparent that the it was a fun activity that the whole family enjoyed. “Oh, boy…” He laughed softly, a bright shade of crimson painting his his cheeks as he cast his gaze down with a bashful grin. “I sure have missed you guys.”
Sebastian Smythe:
While Blaine spent time with the ladies in the kitchen, Sebastian had slipped into the parlor. He found his father sitting in a lounge chair pointed in the direction of the television. The television was turned down, the captions scrolling along the bottom of the screen of whatever was playing. “Dad?” Sebastian called out and it seemed like his father hadn’t heard him the first time around. He stepped closer and once he was within his father’s peripheral vision, it caught the elder’s attention.
“O-Oh, Sebastian! You’re home! Your mother let me stay up late since you were coming tonight; I’m glad you’re here!” His father greeted happily, trying to pull himself to his feet. Sebastian insisted he remain sitting, kneeling down next to him and taking his hand. Sebastian’s father had grown weak with old age, having retired a few years back. Though the older man insisted he was still as healthy as a horse, he tended to stay home on most days. “I was so worried when I heard about that whole lightning business; I wanted to come and see you but your mother--”
“Dad, it’s okay,” Sebastian interrupted, shaking his head and laughing it off. Of course his father could try to hobble his way onto a plane to come see his comatose son in a New York hospital. “I’m all better now. I’ve never felt better in my entire life; I promise.” He smiled and his father did the same, chuckling quietly.
There was a moment of silence where neither man knew what to say to each other. Sebastian’s relationship with his father was that of very few words even though they were very close. “D-Do you want a drink, slugger? No one’s touched the liquor cabinet since the doctor told me I should stop drinking,” his father laughed like it was such a stupid rule, shaking his head. “Sometimes your mother will pour me a glass of apple juice in my favorite glass; isn’t she a sweetheart?” His soft laughter trailed off with a cough, his father bringing a handkerchief out of his pocket to cover his mouth. “... I believe your mother said you were bringing a friend? Is it that queer fellow that favors the bowties and tight pants-- the one you’ve been hung up on since high school?”
Sebastian couldn’t help but laugh at the way his father described Blaine. “Y-yeah, Dad. He’s the one and only; I think he’s talking to Mom and Sloane in the kitchen right now. He’s staying here for the weekend with me.”
“The last time you two were together… If I remember correctly, he ran away.” Sebastian’s father thoughtfully rubbed at the white, stubbly scruff on his chin, “My advice, son? Don’t let him slip through your fingers this time. If he runs, run after him.”
His father’s last statement made Sebastian smile wider than ever. Years ago, his father would've been singing a completely different tune and telling him to settle down with a respectable woman instead. Things had definitely changed for the better and the difference in his father from Sebastian’s childhood was striking. “I will. Thanks, Dad.” He patted his father’s leg before rising to his feet, venturing back into the foyer to pick up the bags. Poking his head through into the kitchen, he saw his mother and sister seemingly trying to pick Blaine’s brain. “Hey, you two-- don’t pick on him. You’re both taller than he is and it just makes you both look like bullies.” He teased, nudging Blaine. “You wanna come up and get settled in the room? We can come back down and catch up if you guys are planning on staying up.”
Blaine Anderson:
After Blaine denied having sex with Sebastian, the subject of the conversation didn’t stray too far from their relationship. He shared the fact that they were living together which seemed to make the two very happy. Even though he was having a nice time with them he was happy when Sebastian interrupted, a bright smile spreading across his face. He giggled softly, nudging the other back. “And the short jokes begin.” He teased, crinkling his nose. “Yes, let’s go settle.” He said, pushing himself up from the counter.
Samantha shook her head as she checked the time. “I really should be getting your father to bed. Blaine, you can say hi to him tomorrow.” She smiled sweetly as she kissed Blaine’s cheek, giving him a tight hug before giving her own son a hug and a kiss on the forehead. “I am so happy to have you boys here. Tomorrow is going to be so great.” She said before Blaine thanked her, asking if she would extend his greetings and well wishes to the eldest Smythe before she left the kitchen, going off into the parlor to take care of Mr. Smythe. Blaine looked to Sloane after her mother left and she raised her eyebrows. “Hey listen, I’m not going to be a cock-block so if y’all are staying up, I’m up. But if you two want to go to bed, I am not here.” She giggled, coming around to wrap her arms around Sebastian and Blaine’s shoulders to hug both of them at once. “I love you both and I am so excited you are here for my birthday.” She kissed both of them on the cheek before following behind her mother, assumingly to tell her father goodnight.
Blaine was still blushing after he and Sebastian were left alone in the kitchen, he chuckled softly. “I forgot that you were just like your sister and mother.” He turned to lean back against the counter, looking up at Sebastian. “I wasn’t here five minutes and they had me blushing.” He smiled fondly, sighing. “Did you see your dad? How is he?” Blaine asked, lifting himself from the counter.
Sebastian Smythe:
Sebastian smiled when his mother and sister bid him goodnight, insisting that they would go up to their room and turn in for the night since it was already getting late. Sloane’s crass comments about the two of them having sex painted an expression of amused surprise upon Sebastian’s face. He turned to his friend and chuckled, seeing that he was still quite red in the cheeks. “Yeah, don’t you feel right back at home in the Smythe house?” Sebastian joked, nudging Blaine playfully before leading him up to his old childhood room. They continued their conversation as they made their way through the house, speaking of Sebastian’s father. “I saw him, yeah. He seemed pretty good-- about the same as when I saw him at Christmas, anyway.” Sebastian didn’t exactly know how to communicate his feelings about his father. He knew his father was getting older; the man was already well into his forties when he’d had Sebastian, and he moved slower than before. The fact that his father was getting older was a topic of discussion Sebastian liked to stay as far away as possible. “Um, we had a good talk. He asked about you-- You’ll have to say hi to him tomorrow.”
When they entered the room, he could see that his mother had kept it mostly the same-- untouched, even, from his high school years. It was nice to know he always had a place to come home to whenever he desired; he was grateful for his family. “Here it is,” he announced, setting their bags down, “Does it feel familiar? If you’d like, I can slip on my Dalton blazer to really bring back the memories.” He moved to look at the photos lined along the top of the dresser, picking one out that was dear to him. He had a copy of it at his home in New York, framed and placed on his bedroom wall. “Remember when we took that picture? You followed me out to take photos and we ended up making a day out of it.” Sebastian handed the photo to Blaine, smiling at the memory. It was a selfie Sebastian had taken with one of the first cameras he’d gotten, the two of them making silly faces with their faces pressed against each others.
Sebastian plopped himself onto the edge of the bed, extending his hand to bring Blaine in closer. “Thanks for coming here with me. It means a lot that you agreed to come-- Even before you moved in with me.” He told Blaine, wrapping his arms around the smaller man’s waist. “I promise I’ll go easy on the short jokes while we’re here. It’s not fair that you’re outnumbered here, after all.” He winked and huffed out a short laugh. Being in his old room with Blaine right in front of him, it felt like he was a kid again. Everything was much simpler back then when no one was married and it was just the two of them, alone in a room, without anyone to bother them.
Blaine Anderson:
As Sebastian spoke of his father Blaine was sure to pay close attention and he assessed his body language. He knew that the topic of his dad was a touchy one for Sebastian knowing how he was getting older and how Seb did not like to get into his feelings. Blaine could definitely understand. He didn't press any further, only taking the taller’s hand to give it a squeeze, wordlessly letting him know that Blaine was there for him. “I definitely want to see him tomorrow. I feel bad I was too distracted with the ladies to say hi- but I wanted to be sure you had some alone time with him though so it's all good.”
When they entered Sebastian's room, that time warp feeling he'd had when they first arrived that night got even worse. He chuckled softly as he came in, closing the door behind them. “Whoa, time warp.” He voiced his thought with a smile. “Yes, please put on the blazer.” He joked back with a laugh, getting closer to the taller as he looked at the picture, smiling fondly of the memory. He remembered it vividly as if it happened the day before. Blaine loved those days back then when he would call up Seb early in the day just to see what he was up to, then he would tag along and they would end up spending the entire day together until well after midnight. He remembered those feelings well, not only because he was feeling all of them all over again since the two ran into each other. “Mm, I remember. I loved that day.”  Blaine nodded. “I still have a copy of this picture.”
When Sebastian sat on the bed, Blaine turned to face him, the smile not leaving his face when he was pulled closer, slipping his arms around Sebastian's neck. “You don't have to thank me.” His voice was soft as he looked into Sebastian's eyes, shrugging. “If anything, I should be thanking you for bringing me. I feel really happy right now.” He said softly. It was the truth. Right there in that moment he felt happier than he had in a while. It could have been just the feeling of nostalgia enveloping him up in the moment, but he honestly didn't think that was it. It was just Sebastian and the way he had always made him feel.
He slipped his fingers in the other's hair, playing with his hairline on the back of his neck, letting out a soft sigh as he looked lovingly at Sebastian, thinking about how thankful he was for him. After all of those years he was still there for Blaine no matter what. Blaine could never wrap his mind around how anyone in their right mind could hate Sebastian and not give him a chance. It was more than worth it to break through his walls and his tough exterior to get to the caring, loving, extremely loyal person that was underneath it all. He felt extremely lucky to be one of the select few people in the world to know the real Sebastian. No one ever understood why he cared so much for him but it never mattered because he knew Sebastian better than those people. Sebastian was the guy who was always there for him no matter what. When Blaine felt lost and alone after her transferred to McKinley, Sebastian made him feel important, found, and not alone.
And here he was again doing the same exact thing. He was saving him yet again and making him feel wanted and not alone. “Seb, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you and all that you have done for me.” He whispered just for Sebastian to hear, letting his hands slide slowly to cup the other's face, brushing his thumbs over his cheeks. “I just want you to know that I do love you.” He knew he had said it before, he hadn't quite gotten up the courage to tell him that he was in love with him-- though with how he was feeling on this trip he might just end up spilling the beans before it was over. He didn't say anything and he pressed their lips together, kissing Sebastian slowly and sweetly.
Sebastian Smythe:
A hum of satisfaction vibrated behind Sebastian’s contented smile when Blaine expressed how much he appreciated him. It felt nice to be appreciated and to feel wanted. His smile only grew when Blaine affirmed his love for him. They’d said the words to each other before but things were different then. Kurt was in the picture and Blaine had made a vow to remain faithful regardless of any temptations or feelings. Sebastian knew that their feelings for each other were very strong and could not be denied any longer. He knew sooner or later they would need to have that important conversation that would officially solidify and define exactly what they were to each other.
Sebastian was getting himself hooked on the way Blaine very easily played with his hair, fingers raking through his short locks and making the hair on his neck stand straight up. His hands moved up Blaine’s back as their lips connected. Sebastian hummed again, a bit more purposefully than before as he pressed into the kiss. He knew that even without having the conversation and without verbally defining what they were to each other-- that as long as he had Blaine right here with him like this-- everything would work itself out. “I know, B… I know.” Sebastian whispered against the other’s lips. He pulled away and chuckled with a peaceful sigh. “You know how I feel about you; nothing’s changed.” Sebastian pressed another kiss to Blaine’s soft lips, elated that he was allowed to do this-- that it wasn’t considered “wrong” or “taboo” any longer. Though he liked skirting around Kurt’s suspicions and being Blaine’s dirty little secret, he felt he was at a place where he could stand next to Blaine and proudly hold his hand.
The two of them remained close to each other, the moment between them growing thick with a vague tension. It was neither sexual nor negative-- Sebastian couldn’t put his finger on exactly what was happening in this unspoken moment. He looked up into Blaine’s eyes, admiring the way his golden eyes always looked so soft and gentle yet still shone radiantly. “I bet you’re tired. Let’s get to bed, hm? We’ve got a full day tomorrow and it’s getting late.” Even though there were words that needed to be said, the moment still hadn’t felt right to Sebastian. Besides that, he wasn’t even sure how to put his feelings into the correct words. So like Sebastian always did when he was trying to avoid his feelings or any serious situations, he filed it away for a later time.
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hautekurture · 7 years
[para] truth at first sight
characters → @happilyeveranders​, @hautekurtures​
location → nyada campus, new york
timeframe → dec. 18, 2016 afternoon
summary → blaine and kurt meet for the first time on the way to the nyada post office. blaine is truth-stickered and kurt is honestly blunt, naturally, as they get into a discussion about what to believe.
notes → none.
Kurt had finished his letter to his dad that very morning. Who knew letter writing would be so hard? He missed the ability to call his dad over multiple states or texting him when things got too hard. Even if Burt Hummel would send him dumb things on Facebook and share it on public mode for all to see, Kurt missed communicating with his dad easily. But apparently that was breaking one of the rules. Kurt was not allowed to contact his friends or family regularly until he was approved by the Committee. Whoever they were, they had sent Kurt to this place. The New York Academy of Divine Arcanum. A-u-g-h. NYADA on the outside was some progressive learning annex but in reality, it was a bourgeois prison. A prison that had no clothing storage options that Kurt could go behind on.
After three different drafts of his letter, Kurt finally had one that the censors wouldn’t strike out. In the lies of the letter, Kurt had written to Burt that he wanted to try acting, and had auditioned at NYADA out of a whim, and had gotten in on scholarship. This would sting Kurt, as he had always mocked actors moving to New York for their Big Apple Break. He also wrote something stupid about trying a tech-free cleanse that was a New York trend among the artsy elites, which was why his phone and social media were currently quiet. Kurt knew that Burt could smell a lie a mile away but when it came to his son, Burt would always believe Kurt. The guilt piled on. 
Kurt wrote that he was sorry but he had cancelled his flight to Lima. Christmas and New Years Eve plans were going to change. That part hurt the most. The holidays were the only time Kurt allowed himself actual family time, and now he wouldn’t be able to see his dad for who knew how long. He had to excuse himself from writing at times so that he wouldn’t get worked up emotionally and cry. 
If there was one thing he wasn’t going to do, it was going to be crying at NYADA. 
His lies now sealed in an envelope, Kurt took to one of the things that cheered him up, picking his outfit for the day. The new closets that Tina and Elliott had brought over were to Kurt’s taste, and when he opened the doors, Kurt felt like he was back to his normal life, just over three months ago. 
Seeing the weather was going to be cold, Kurt layered on his black wool garbadine and leather Saint Laurent Classic Teddy Studded Jacket over his Alexander McQueen embroidered skull long-sleeved sweatshirt. It was a stunning match with his Givenchy star-embroidered slim leg jeans. Kurt checked himself out in the full-length mirror that he had installed and then pulled off his navy and red single-striped Paul Smith double-breasted coat from its hangar to complete the look. Perfection, the name was Kurt Elizabeth.
He was feeling his inner diva as he took his Saint Laurent Nevada 20 Harness Boots, black suede obviously, and flicked off his dorm’s light with gloved hands. It was time to deliver a letter in style. 
Blaine felt like he was going mad; gluing his eyes to his phone was an endeavor that he would add to his list of un-enjoyable acts of subterfuge. Having to pretend not to hear the greetings his way had made the first year representative for Florence Farr feel like he was letting down in constituents, but Blaine knew the tricky traditions of NYADA enough to steel himself from an unavoidable dosage of truth serum. He walked quickly, eyes scanning the moving dot on his map app, and turned up one collar on his coat to avoid being recognized. Why didn’t he bring a scarf? Blaine thought of himself as real dumb, for real, as he hummed a song in his head in efforts to drown out the voices calling his name. Jabir Ibn Hayyan wasn’t too far... He could make it to the Marketplace!
Kurt grumbled. His life was the worst. He had nearly tripped over some strange goo on the floor while leaving his building and did not want to think what that was like. He would never complain about New York City’s trash again. At least NYC didn’t have shiny blue liquids that looked like it came from the ass of an unicorn. Annoyed with the bad SyFy effects he had to live with for the next four years, Kurt was taken aback when on the way to the JIH Marketplace, he spotted someone who looked familiar looking down and frowning a storm into a phone.
Wait a second, wasn’t that guy that one weird optimist whom Kurt briefly chatted on tumblr and then later instagram-stalked? What the hell was his name? Kurt had it on the tip of his tongue. “Blaine!” Kurt then gasped in the back of his throat for he had said the name out loud. 
Blaine would deny that he raised his head because the voice reminded him of someone. He would deny it, if he could. At the moment he lifted up his eyes from his phone, he was buffeted by a sudden breath he took in, sharp like winter wind, because that fair skin, auburn-hair, in the distance there, could that have been -- Blaine only barely recognized his own feet quickening toward the boy that was -- “Kir--” the name hurt to say, his throat got half-choked, half-burned in his desperation, but it wasn’t -- the figure was taller, eyes cooler, and hair a grander fanfare. Blaine stopped himself. All of himself. A foot or so away, Blaine stared, trying to mask his disappointment. It wasn’t Kirk. Blaine stood in front of -- “Kurt.” Oh aetherflip. 
Kurt ’s lips parted when Blaine approached him with such unexpected energy. On the internet, the boy before him sounded delusional, like he had fairy tales for breakfast. However it seemed with the trim and bespoke manner that were present that Blaine Devon Anderson looked like he had come out of a fairy tale, one of those Disney ones that Kurt sort-of grew out of when he was in middle school. Princely, wasn’t Blaine? The dark and neat parted hair, vibrant hazel eyes, and the warmth radiating from Blaine’s face was, Kurt dared to say, okay to look at. However Blaine looked it didn’t change the fact that Blaine was one of those magician buffoons. Coolly Kurt crossed his arms and smirked. “Well hello there, Blaine Devon Anderson. Charmed to make my acquaintance?” He snarked, making light of the way Blaine introduced himself.  
Blaine ‘s reply came out automatic. And the strange thing was, it was true. “Delighted. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. You want everyone to remember the name because they’ll be working for you?” Blaine remembered reading the line when he checked on Kurt’s blog the first time the self-professed Common student had made his mark on Blane’s tumblr dashboard. The longer that Kurt looked over him with those pale blue eyes, Blaine was reminded of Kirk. He looked away, unable to face it any longer. The image stung, his own eyelashes were nettles as Blaine blinked. He felt a growing panic in his stomach. It was whirring in his gut gently like a little twister and built up every second. How could he mitigate this? Kurt was the first people he saw -- aetherheck, this was going to be something dreadful. He was starting to get red and flushed in that sharp gaze of Kurt’s.
Kurt ‘s lips turned into a pout. That wasn’t the reaction he had expected from Blaine. Why was the boy so friendly? Biting away the unpleasant sensation in his throat, Kurt aimed to change the topic. His voice was high and still cool like a December freeze. He smirked, commenting, “You keep looking away, am I keeping you from your magician things?”
Blaine jerked his head back up toward Kurt. While Kirk was taller than Blaine by an inch or so, Kurt was noticeably taller. To say that the different dynamic affected Blaine was an understatement, he felt more raw and vulnerable, mostly attributing to the sticker’s hex. He tried to fight Kurt’s question, admitting to the other student that he was thinking about a missing friend... that would be a mood-killer, no? Blaine was sweating, his tongue floppy and useless in his mouth while he tried to come up with something, but the sticker prevented Blaine from saying it. Instead out came the rushed and anxious, “N-no, hahaha... It’s a normal errand. What about you? Still looking for the closet, are you going to the marketplace?” He felt out of breath at the end of his rapid-fire sentence. Better to shift the focus to Kurt than him.
Kurt ‘s perplexed face only grew the more Blaine squirmed around. Was Blaine nervous around him? A part of Kurt hated that for he was no bully. While he was sharp-tongued, he didn’t want anyone to fear him. But another part of Kurt was delighted. Something about Blaine acting so skittish around him was indestructibly potent. There was no name for this feeling but Kurt didn’t mind it. Which made Kurt himself feel nauseated as the feeling passed. He flexed his toes and lifted up on his tip-toes for a second, moving tired muscles and partly to shake off this nausea. Blaine’s questions didn’t need a long answer.  “...No, I was able to find one thanks to Tina. Yes. It’s close by here, isn’t it.”
Blaine lit up at the mention of Tina -- his best friend was so helpful and lovely -- and that Kurt was answering his questions without any sort of snark to them. Seeing as though Kurt had semi-asked a question (though the tone didn’t betray one), Blaine offered himself smiling up at Kurt with honest warmth, “I’m headed that way, too.” Whilst at the moment he was truth-stickered and his plan to greet the postman struck out badly by the distinctly fashionable boy in front of him, Blaine didn’t mind sight-seeing NYADA during Yuletide. He already seen some of the marketplace’s decorations but not in full detail as he had been busily traveling around for traditional celebrations. “Want to go together?”
Kurt sniffed. Did Blaine see him like a lost child? Even if he didn’t know where exactly the Post Office was in that sprawling marketplace, he could do it by himself. Sticking up his nose, Kurt turned to walk past Blaine. “As if I need help. No thanks, I can read a map.” He muttered, loud enough for Blaine to hear. It was a mean-spirited challenge. Maybe finally Blaine would break that stupid charming smile.
Blaine reached out, putting up a hand to stop Kurt before the other got the wrong impression. Blaine’s eyebrows rose when he saw Kurt’s soured features and he gently lowered his tone, patient and cordial. He explained, “Not help, just company’s sake. It’s going to be the holiday season soon, so why don’t we take it easy before everything goes a little awry? Besides, we are headed the same way. I’d love to enjoy your company.” Blaine slowly angled his outstretched hand so that his palm faced upward at Kurt; it was inviting and open. 
Kurt kept on feeling off-kilter around Blaine. Why didn’t Blaine get mad at him? Kurt had rejected the boy’s way of life too many times to count on one of his manicured hands. But Blaine was relentless, he was determined, and he wasn’t so in Kurt’s face with everything. That thick guilt made Kurt’s neck heavy. The walk wasn’t so long from what Kurt remembered seeing on his phone. He looked down at Blaine, rolled his eyes, and grasped at Blaine’s hand to shake. “Only until the marketplace.” He said.
Blaine ‘s grin was broad as can be, eyes crinkling up into two indented crescents. His fingers wrapped around Kurt’s gloved hand as he lead them into the walk toward Jabir Ibn Hayyan, oblivious to how they looked in their surroundings. He was more focused on Kurt, “I noticed that you have a letter in your hand, so post office?” Blaine questioned, wondering who the recipient could be.
Kurt couldn’t believe that he was holding hands and walking. With Blaine. He kept on glancing over at the weird boy but Blaine was either ignorant or stupid or sweet or all three. He hoped no one was noticing them and picked up his pace. He almost felt embarrassment until Blaine mentioned the letter, cradled in his free arm, and suddenly he could care less about hand-holding. “Christmas. Letter. For my dad.”
Blaine ‘s face fell, eyebrows furrowed. Kurt was separated from his family during this time of year. Kurt had made quite a fuss about not caring that he was alone on the dashboard, but that was then and this was now. Wouldn’t someone be lonely as they were if they had to be taken from their home? Blaine swallowed down a horrible gulp; did all Lusus Naturae suffer this? He asked quietly and solemnly to Kurt, “Does he know about NYADA?”
Kurt noticed the tone change in Blaine’s soft voice and didn’t ask. Kurt didn’t want to dwell on anything. He was stuck here. The day where someone were to rescue him and tell him that this was a nightmare, that Kurt had been Punk’d, wasn’t going to arrive. No Ashton Kutcher. But even if he was out of his element, it didn’t mean that Kurt was going to be accepting of this world’s inhumane laws or labels. It was snarkier than intended, but Kurt was not the one to take back his words. “No. What about you. You got one of those elaborate satanic rituals to be all excited about? What are you doing for holiday.”
Blaine chuckled, taking Kurt’s joke in stride. He looked over his shoulder to spy at Kurt’s grumbling and shook his head. His other hand turning into an index finger point, Blaine went through the complete dialogue of satanism versus magical craft. At times he got a little too into it, moving his hand around as though he were casting. “Oh, satanic rituals are for witches who dabble in dark necromancy! ....That’s outlawed by the United Magic Council. It’s one of the cardinal laws.” He gave Kurt a brief run-down of the rules, though Kurt didn’t seem to be very interested. However at the second part of Kurt’s question, Blaine’s confidence faltered. Again, here he wanted to lie so much. Tell Kurt how immensely important and lovely the Anderson banquets were but that dizzying sensation returned stronger than ever. He stammered, “And--ah, um, I--” and then sighed, giving up the fight. “I actually don’t like... Yuletide, much. Our family traditions are... too fake for me.” He gave Kurt a weak smile, hoping that Kurt wouldn’t be disappointed or worst, judging of Blaine for being rude toward his own family. 
Kurt discovered for the first time that Blaine Anderson had something to him that wasn’t a children’s crayon art of sunshine and rainbows.“...I’m surprised.” Kurt said, and let a silence hang. Then Kurt was the one to step forward in his Saint Laurent and pull Blaine into a walk. Why did Kurt hold on? He supposed that finally Blaine felt... common? Normal to him, approachable honestly. Even inside this insane magic school, there was something human and familiar. Kurt was gruff but said, “I didn’t expect you to tell me that. Here I thought you’d smile and say it’s paramount or whatever SAT word for the simple definition of great...” He glanced at Blaine and actually smiled for once during their conversation. 
Blaine ‘s mouth was little open as he breathed out a relieved huff of a laugh. “Hah, I guess it’s hard to lie around you. Are you going to be celebrating Christmas?” He asked, walking faster to match Kurt’s longer legs. Soon they were side-to-side. Jabir Ibn Hayyan’s marketplace was in the distance, very close by. Blaine could spot the chimney smoke from the multiple roofs there. 
Kurt snorted and said, “I don’t believe in Christmas. I only celebrate it because of my dad. He always loved the Hallmark side of things.” He gave Blaine a look and tossed his hair. Now this was the time for Blaine to snap, wasn’t it? Kurt showed a toothy, daring grin. Many people snapped at this point. Kurt recalled his grandparents whom he had to write cards to when he was younger. Kurt finally lost in touch with when they had visited their son Burt in Lima, and was appalled that their cute grandson was a born sinner for not only being gay, but for not believing in God. How could Kurt do it? How could he when the religion said that who he felt love toward was wrong? His stare at Blaine was callous. “If you couldn’t tell, Atheist here. I don’t believe in gods, much less a god. Is that against your magic values?”
Blaine tried to figure out the sharpness in the blue eyes but realized that this wasn’t right. If his intuition was guiding him right, Kurt had unveiled -- perhaps involuntarily -- a core wound. Blaine felt terrible for the boy, at the things he might have gone through. While Blaine wasn’t a believer of the Christian faith, he knew many Commons were in the United States. Without warning, he squeezed Kurt’s hand that was wrapped around his, emoting that he was here and present. He replied, “No, not at all. Many esoteric traditions are open, whatever you believe in, is what you believe in.”
Kurt chuckled darkly, amazed by Blaine’s openness. This was all for show. Blaine was saying this to make Kurt feel better. He held Kurt’s hand to look nice, to be kind and all that fake niceties. That was it. Kurt hated people who sucked up to him to try to make him feel better. “What if I believe in science? In what I know is true?”
Blaine found no fault in that. “Of course, then. Why not?” He asked Kurt aloud. 
Kurt stopped in his tracks. He whipped his head, eyes wide and mouth hanging out so low that it might as well be unhinged from his jaw. Kurt was shocked that Blaine had uttered a thing. “Excuse me. What?”
Blaine grinned as he talked; Kurt’s expression at times, was funny to see. He repeated himself with confidence. “Why not, Kurt? I believe in science too.”
Kurt yanked his hand away and glared at Blaine. The gloved hands waved through the air as Kurt accused Blaine, “But you’re a--you’re one of those loony magicians! Fakes. It’s all smokes and mirrors--you believe in that crap. How can you believe in science!”
Blaine held his ground, not perturbed by the outburst. Blaine went to Florence Farr. People flipped for the smallest of things (Blaine himself not excluded from this trait). He said to Kurt, calmly and with a little smile. “Belief is open, as I said. Atoms can’t be seen but we believe that they exist, don’t we? Through science? We have never seen a black hole close up but we believe they exist and that they can suck up everything, including light. What I’m saying is both are valid. Magic isn’t the only answer to everything, I admit that. I read up on things not only related to magic, you know.” He crossed his arms and gave Kurt a protective look. 
Kurt didn’t know how to react--for a blink’s worth. Doggedly, he then countered, “So if I say that my powers aren’t... magic, augh, but a genetic mutation, like a--a deficiency, you’d believe me?” This was the belief that Kurt had held his entire life. The one that those on tumblr kept on saying wasn’t real.
Blaine thought for a moment and then shrugged. “Why not. Biochemistry is complex.” Aether knew that the supernatural sciences, especially transmutation, was a hot field that was constantly changing. 
Kurt  then implored, voice breaking at the start, “What about that I’m not a--a Changeling, that I’m human?” He finished strong and exhaled, staring at Blaine afterward. 
Blaine looked at Kurt honestly for the first time in true shock, then pity, then empathy. He knew what it felt like to be out of his identity, in some way, though not to the extent of Kurt. That high voice and even higher prideful facade that Kurt had crafted -- there was some cracks that Blaine could see now. But that didn’t diminish Kurt at all. Blaine closed his eyes, breathed, and stared back at the glassy blue eyes in resolution. He said, “If that’s the belief you have, that’s the truth to you. Why not.”
Kurt  didn’t say anything. Instead he turned around, continuing on the way to the marketplace. Shoving his gloved hands into his pockets, Kurt kept his eyes to the ground, watching as his boots crunched in the leftover slush of winter. Quietly but with enough volume for Blaine to hear, he turned his neck around to say to Blaine, “I still won’t believe in magic.” There was a bit of a smirk though. He waited for Blaine to follow.
Blaine followed, initially wrought with worry that Kurt was mad at him, but the other seemed not be. He grinned and then followed, jogging lightly to catch up the distance. “Consider it to be a genetic mutation, something scientific, then, Kurt. You don’t have to change yourself to a different rubric. Everyone believes in something.” He explained as they finally entered the marketplace. Decorations of every kind lit up the square and people were going around, carrying presents. Blaine smiled at the scene and then led Kurt to the Post Office, pointing out the green building’s sign. They entered together and heard a ring as the door opened for them.
Kurt was quiet as Blaine explained some more. “Hm,” was all he said, but he took what Blaine said to heart. Maybe he didn’t believe in magic, but others could... or something. He sighed, fighting himself on his complicated emotions. He took some brief glances at how the square was prettied up, but not to the extent of Blaine. No matter how beautiful, this place didn’t feel like home with the simple tree and little decorations Burt did himself. Now that was what was truthfully gorgeous. Once inside, Kurt handed off the mail to the post office clerk without a hitch. “So, are you here to pick up something?” He asked Blaine.
Blaine was thinking of how the gala invites would be this year and was out of it until Kurt re-entered his personal atmosphere. Oh no! The sticker! Blaine tried o lie but in the end, he was bound by the hex. “Ah, no! I... urk. Needed -- uh, wanted to see a postman, that’s it. But I don’t have to. Anymore. Yes...” He trailed off pathetically and then weakly grinned at Kurt. Exiting the building, Blaine felt like an idiot.
Kurt made a face and followed Blaine outside. Blaine was cute but had weirdness stamped onto him like a clothing brand. “You are so odd. I finished dropping off my letter so, I’ll be heading back into my dorm to have a normal night. Bye.” He was going to leave, expecting the conversation to end like that.
Blaine “Ah wait, Kurt.” He reached out and grasped at Kurt’s arm with little force. Thinking of Kurt being alone pained Blaine. “I know you might not want to, so don’t feel bad if you want to decline... but would you be interested in attending a Yulemas party that Tina and I are throwing? It’ll be on the twenty-third. I’ll be posting an online itinerary on tumblr. I’d... I’d really love to see you there.”
Kurt eyed the hand on his arm with short distaste before his attention was diverted Blaine-ward. He didn’t know what to say at first. Blaine was inviting him to a party? What for? Pity? But Blaine wasn’t looking at him for pity. It was complicated. He said, unsure, “Thanks for the invite. I’ll... I’ll think about it. Blaine, thank you.” Kurt eyed to his left, signaling his departure, and then started to walk away.
Blaine moved the hand away and then grinned wide. That wasn’t a rejection! Kurt might come! Excited beyond doubt, Blaine waved great motions at the leaving figure. “Then... See you around, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel!” 
Kurt waved like he had seen the queen do on television, many years ago. It was a swivel of his wrist, nothing too big, but when Blaine waved back, hand outstretched and arm flapping like some idiot, Kurt ended up smiling when he turned away to walk back to his dorm.
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accio-chris · 7 years
Letters to B. (1/4)
New fic, yay!
relationship: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
rating: General Audience
summary:  Two people, one phone call, and a series of extraordinary events.
chapter 1 of 4
read on     AO3    or    ff.net 
“…and that was Rod Stewart with a little help of Michael Bublé and their Winter Wonderland! I personally love that song so much. It always makes me warm inside. And those two amazing voices! Heaven for ears, isn’t it?
"Okay, and now the weather report. It seems like New York is about to get hit by a snowstorm, so better hurry up with everything. Tomorrow, on Christmas Eve we expect over two feet of snow and temperature below 30 degrees. It’s the perfect opportunity to stay home, with your loved ones and just be with them. There’s nothing better than to drink hot chocolate and read, while cuddling with your partner in front of a fireplace, right? It’s why I love winter time so much, it gives us more opportunities to do just that.
"The next song is also one of my favorites, and even though it was released years ago, it still is a bit controversial. But before we hear that Baby, It’s Cold Outside, I see someone is calling us. Hello, this is Blaine Anderson, Radio Warbler New York. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”
Blaine smiled pushed some buttons. He loved getting calls from his listeners.
“No, it��s not!” Melodic, but a bit hoarse voice exclaimed. “Nothing is beautiful, not about today, not about every day! All this Christmas spirit is totally overrated. No one is nicer those days. Your boss is an asshole who gets you even more work, so you can’t go home, the boyfriend of two years you were about to introduce to your dad dumps you, because you’re apparently too clingy, and you almost get killed because someone tripped and fall on you. So no! Nothing is beautiful! Life sucks! Love sucks!” The guy’s started talking faster, only to hiccup between words. He’s voice got higher, and Blaine could swear he heard sniffing.
“What’s your name?” he asked, hoping it’d stop the man’s ranting.
“What is your name?” Blaine repeated. “So I know what to call you.”
There was silence on the other side. When Blaine thought the guy hung up, he heard his answer.
“Um.. Kurt. It’s Kurt.”
“Like in Sound of Music?” He smiled when he heard a soft ‘mmhm’ form the guy. “See, Kurt, you can’t loose your spirit. Believe me, I know life sucks sometimes. But all the other time life is just so beautiful. We’re gonna be snowed in the next couple of days. Take your time out, relax. Call your family, try new desserts. For just one day don’t worry about anything. Let yourself be free.”
Blaine hoped with all his heart that his little speech helped Kurt, at least a bit. Christmas was his favourite season, and he hated seeing people sad around that time. Frankly, he hated seeing people sad at any time, but it pained him more on Christmas.
“Well, you see, you’re wrong, again.” Came a response from his speaker. “I can’t take a day off. Can’t afford it. Life isn’t a fairy tale. Or a stupid romcom. Day off won’t resolve your problems. You can’t just take a walk and bump into the love of your life in the Central Park. I don’t know in what weird bubble you live, but the real world doesn’t work like that. So, screw your stupid advice. Screw you, Blaine Warbler!”
Blaine looked at the “call disconnected” on his monitor, mouth wide open, stunned. He worked here for 10 years and never something like this happened to him. The silence prolonged, and it took Susan, one of the technician to knock on the glass screen to finally make Blaine react.
“Oh, wow, that was… Intense” he cleared his throat and pushed some buttons on the console in front of him. “I hope everyone else is having a bit better morning. And now promised Baby It’s Cold Outside, the version sang by Rod Stewart and Dolly Parton. Enjoy.”
In his apartment in East Village, Kurt threw his phone across the bed and groaned into pillow. He just made a total fool out of himself. On air! What the hell made him make that call? He blamed the cheeriness in Blaine’s voice, the way he talk about Christmas and love. Kurt could swear glitter was coming from his radio speakers every time that guy talked about how magical this season is.
Looking at the clock on his nightstand, Kurt got out the bed. He had an hour before he had to be at the office. The thought of meeting with his boss made Kurt shiver. He only hoped that Jonathan didn’t recognise him. It’s one thing to bitch on your boss in private, but doing it on air of one of the biggest radio in the city? That was suicide.
Not that it wouldn’t solve some of Kurt’s problem. He didn’t want to die, no. But to disappear for few weeks, recharge batteries, and hopefully came back with better ideas for his life. Instead of working for Vouge, or at least for the best Broadway theaters, he wasted his time designing and sweing for costume renting company. He liked Halloween, it was a time when he could be creative. But Christmas? Dear God. Every year, he had to make the same costumes for ten different nativity plays. Coudn’t they use the costumes from previous yers? Did they eat them after the play or what?
He was grumpy, and he took it out on that poor radio guy. Kurt knew that. But it wasn’t his fault his life was such a travesty. His job was a joke, and his love life? Once again, didn’t exist. The thing was, he liked Corey, really. He liked him enough, that after a year of dating he wanted to finally introduce him to his family. Kurt had it everything planned - he would took Corey with him to Ohio for Christmas, and then he would take him for a romantic stroll and asked him to move in with him. But Kurt was so excited about it, he couldn’t wait till Christmas. So he asked last night, while they were watching movies at Corey’s place. The silence after his question lasted enough for Kurt to know he made a mistake. After that, they started talking, then arguing. During this screaming match Kurt learned his clingy, want too much, complain too much. He was too much in general. When Kurt came back home that night, he was gratful it happened at Corey’s place, and definitely not in Ohio.
With the last glare at the radio, that played Adele’s Hello now, Kurt took his clothes and, cursing everything in the world, started to get ready for work.
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