#blainter rp
blainederson · 4 years
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New Seblaine 1x1 - Multiple storylines/verses - Prompt us!
We both have been writing in the grpc for about eight years and writing fanfiction for much longer than that. We’ve been partners for six years and we are currently taking a break from our 1x1s to start this project! We have been itching to start something new for months and we just could not decide on a plot! After a little brainstorming, we decided to open up a multiples 1x1 where we could include small plots and big plots all in one place.
Every verse will have its own unique tag so they can be differentiated from each other. We’ve created these blogs in hope to keep ourselves motivated and to keep our creativity flowing rather than remaining stagnant when we get stuck. That’s where we would like you to come in! We’re going to be accepting prompts for storylines and instead of writing a fic we’ll play it out whether it be via para form, or dash-ing, or a combination of both. We’ll have multiple storylines going at once so we will have a sort-of queue system in place in case we have too many running at once. But we will see how this goes and adjust accordingly!
(We also do Blainter)
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conceitedclarington · 5 years
[Private Message] @artisticanderson
Hey handsome. Can I pick your brain for a possible outing for the two of us? Warning-- it might involve me serenading you until you’re utterly head-over-heels for me.
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Open Starter: Old Habits Die Hard
It had been two years since the divorce, and just a mere few hours since Blaine’s latest release from rehab. Here he sat, on a metal bench in a subway tunnel, his back pressed to a cold cement wall with a lit cigarette hanging from the corner of his lips as he waited for the train to take him back to Manhattan, and subsequently his cozy apartment. Some might question the ethics behind smoking after just leaving a center designed to help with addictions, but it wasn’t like Blaine had wanted to be there anyway. He just hadn’t had much of a choice when his father had threatened to not only cut him off, but write him out of his will if he didn’t get his act together. 
It also wasn’t like Blaine didn’t know he’d gone off the rails, and he had the pap pictures to prove it. Despite everything, he was fully aware of that fact, he just didn’t care. In his mind, this is what he needed to get through each day, so what could be so wrong about a beer here, a cigarette there if he was left feeling less empty than he had prior to engaging in them? He pulled himself from the trance of thought he’d been in, and immediately his eyes landed on the reflective metal plating on one of the columns across from him. He looked awful, and all he could think about was how disgusted a much younger, more suave version of himself would have been if he’d seen himself now. He had stubble, his hair wasn’t gelled despite sitting in a tunnel full of people, and... sweatpants. He was wearing sweatpants in public. Letting out a scoff, he fished his phone out of his pocket, loading up a game to occupy himself while he waited, and to stop that thought process in it’s tracks.
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artisticanderson · 7 years
Be My Valentine? || Blainter
Date: February 14th, 2018
Location: Hunter Clarington’s apartment
Starring: Hunter Clarington & Blaine Anderson 
Summary:  Giving Hunter another chance, Blaine goes to Hunter’s place for a nice Valentine’s dinner and the two work things out.
Notes/Warnings: None
Blaine Anderson: 
Blaine’s mind had been plagued with replays of his and Hunter’s previous date and how it had ended so badly between the very apparent hickey on his date’s neck and the interruption that was his brother. Heck, even the dance club had been a bust. Part of Blaine wished that they hadn’t even gone out on that date because now he was fighting with himself internally on how upset he was allowed to be over the fact that Hunter had been apparently not only seeing someone else but having sex with them. His logical brain informed him that he had no right to be upset considering how less-than-serious their relationship was-- they’d only been out on one date. So when Hunter suggested they have a do-over of their second date, he decided it was only fair to give him another chance. He hoped he could believe that Hunter would stop once he felt serious enough about Blaine and he wouldn’t play around with his feelings.
After work on Wednesday afternoon, Blaine got himself ready and left Target enroute to Hunter’s place, having picked the nicest bouquet of roses that were left in the store after the crowds cleared out for his date. Taking a deep, cleansing breath as he arrived at Hunter’s place, he got out of his car and made his way to the man’s door and giving a soft knock. He hoped this night would go much better. “Hey you,” He said softly, smiling at the man who answered the door.
Hunter Clarington:
Having been given a second chance after nearly blowing it came as a great assuage to Hunter when it came to one Blaine Anderson. After an amazing first date and a not-so-great second date, he was hoping that the third time would be the charm and it would give both men a better idea of the direction their relationship was headed in. Hunter had always been a very physical being as it was very apparent with Scarlett, but he was also very intellectual and he’d really hit it off with Blaine when they had dinner on their first date. Hunter wanted to pursue that even further.
Hunter left work a little early and put his studies off to the side for another day, instead spending the better part of the afternoon getting his place ready for this date. He made sure to pick up a few Valentine’s decorations to set the mood, figuring Blaine was the type of person to appreciate those types of things. With chicken and pasta being on the menu for the evening, cooking the meal was relatively easy and he’d bought a smooth Merlot to go with the meal.
When the knock came at the door, Hunter wiped his hands off on a kitchen towel and hurried over to answer it, smiling. “Hey,” he greeted, his steely grey eyes meeting Blaine’s warm honey ones, stepping back to let him into the apartment. The table for two was already set with placemats, silverware, and even a single rose in a vase. The pasta was already cooked and the red sauce simmering in the pot on the range bloomed an aroma that wafted throughout the entire apartment. Hunter looked at the bouquet in Blaine’s and chuckled slightly, appreciative of the gesture even if he wasn’t the type that ever got flowers for himself. “Are those for me? I’ll have to get a bigger vase…”
Blaine Anderson:
Despite the slightly rocky waters the two had been dealing with, Blaine was happy to see Hunter and something about being in his presence was calming to his rapidly beating heart even though his stomach twisted tighter with nerves. When Hunter pointed out the roses in Blaine’s hands, the shorter chuckled. “Oh, yeah-- these are for you.” He confirmed, handing them over. “I mean, I couldn’t not get my valentine flowers, right?” Blaine smiled sweetly, giving a slight shrunch and a crinkle of his nose before getting close to Hunter, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.
“It smells so good in here.” The younger said as he stepped into Hunter’s home, slipping off his jacket now that his hands were free. He glanced around at the place, noticing how Hunter had it all set up for their Valentine’s date and Blaine couldn’t help but grin. “Wow, handsome, you sure went all out, didn’t you?” Biting on his lip gently, he turned to Hunter, looking up at him. “I’m...thank you for having me over. I’m glad we’re doing this.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter couldn’t help but to grin when Blaine kissed him on the cheek. He thought the younger man was very sweet and it was cute how romantic he was as well. “Well, thank you for my flowers, Valentine,” he gratefully accepted the bouquet and inhaled the sweet, flowery scent. When Blaine looked over at the decorated table, Hunter chuckled softly. The older man was capable of being romantic when he wanted to be and when it came to Blaine he found that romance came much more easily. “I’m really glad we’re doing this too; it means a lot that you agreed to coming over for a Valentine’s dinner.”
With the flowers placed in a jar Hunter found to put them until he could get a vase, Hunter went back to the stove to get the food. “I hope that besides the flowers, you’ve brought your appetite. Dinner is pretty much ready.” It was no time at all before Hunter brought out the pasta on a big platter and set it down on his little dinner table. “Do you want a drink? I got us some nice wine that’ll go well with the pasta-- if you’re interested, that is.” Hunter offered, picking up the bottle of Merlot from the counter and handing him a wine glass.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine smiled as his date shared the same sentiment about having this Valentine’s date and he nodded. “Of course I agreed-- you owed me pasta.” The shorter chuckled as he made his way towards the table, watching as Hunter worked in the kitchen and thanking him as he took the glass. “I would love a drink, yes.” He took a sip of the Merlot after Hunter poured it into his glass, going ahead and taking a seat at the table.
Blaine took the napkin on the table and he shook it out to place it in his lap, looking at the food on the table. “It looks as good as it smells. So far, I am thoroughly impressed.” He said truthfully with a sweet smile. “I apologize for not bringing the cupcakes-- I didn’t have enough time to prepare. I'll make it up to you later, though. I promise.”
Hunter Clarington:
After Hunter poured the wine, he clinked glasses with Blaine before taking a sip. “Oh, there’s bread too,” he remembered, slipping back into the kitchenette to retrieve the small slices of french bread out of the oven. The aroma of buttery rosemary and thyme joined the symphony of smells as he placed the bread on a smaller platter to join the pasta on the table. “I wasn’t banking on you bringing your cupcakes since this was a pretty impromptu date but I’m definitely looking forward to trying them next time,” Hunter gave a slight nod before taking Blaine’s plate and serving him a hefty serving of chicken and pasta. He served himself as well after taking his place at the table across from his cute date.
“Now, I’m still trying to perfect this pasta recipe but I personally think it’s pretty damn good,” Hunter boasted, waiting for Blaine to take the first bite and pass judgment on his dish. “But I’ll let you be the judge.” With bated breath, Hunter looked to the younger man expectantly.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine took a big, deep breath as Hunter pulled the bread out of the over, the overwhelming smell wafting through the apartment caused his stomach to growl with hunger. He was more than ready to dig in to the delicious-looking food. Thanking Hunter once more as the man handed over a full place of food. Bringing it up to take a whiff of the pasta, Blaine hummed in delight before grabbing his fork. “Yeah? Well, we’ll see about that.” He said, twisting the pasta around his fork before taking a bite. Blaine let his eyes roll and his head fall back. To say it was delicious would be an understatement. “Mmm, god.” Blaine chuckled, shaking his head. “So, ono.” He hummed again before laughing at himself for letting Pidgin slip from his mouth. “That means, like, delicious.” He explained as he was taking another bite, nodding. “This is probably the best pasta I’ve ever had.”
As the two sat there at the dinner table, even though Blaine was smiling he was still thinking about the large elephant in the room and he was still unsure how he felt about the whole thing. It made him feel weird to know that the guy he was kind of dating was having sex with someone else. He wondered briefly if he or she had been there that day or the night before. Maybe they just left when he arrived-- maybe he passed them on the way in. It was weird to feel so jealous considering he’d just met Hunter but he really liked him a lot. A lot. He also didn’t want to scare the man away by making him think Blaine was too jealous or possessive-- especially so early in their almost-relationship. “So…” He broke the silence, fearing it had been a long time since he’d said something considering how lost in his thoughts he had been. “What made you want to go into pharmaceuticals?” The younger asked, hoping to get the conversation flowing while also learning about Hunter. Sure, he wanted to talk about the sex thing, but he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea.
Hunter Clarington:
When Blaine tried his pasta and voiced his utmost approval, Hunter smiled and gave a little nod, glad to see his food was appreciated. “I’m glad you like it so much.” He didn’t say anything beyond that, aware of the slight tension between them due to their last date. He’d hoped that if they pushed through and made it past the awkwardness, they could restore their friendship and connection to how it had been prior to Blaine discovering the hickey on Hunter’s neck. The older man allowed himself a bite or two before Blaine was the one to start the dinner conversation. It wasn’t much of a surprise that the younger man wanted to avoid really addressing the topic of Hunter’s active sex life. So for the time being, Hunter decided he would do the same and keep up with the conversation.
“Well, you already know I pretty much did it for the money,” Hunter answered Blaine’s question. It wasn’t very admirable of him to choose an occupation based on the paycheck but by this point in his life, the man had no shame. “I’ve been a straight-A student since high school and I’m really good at those science courses. I didn’t want to be a doctor because it’s stressful and time-consuming but a being a pharmacist means a six-figure salary and steady hours with vacation days, which’ll make travelling all the more easier for me to do.” Hunter knew that that future was just out of his reach, but not for long. “I was going to school full-time until a couple of years ago… but now I’m just going part-time.”
Blaine Anderson:
As the two ate their food and Hunter explained his reasoning for going to school to become a pharmacist, Blaine listened with genuine interest. He could understand Hunter’s point of view for sure-- after all, Blaine was only working at Target at the moment so he could make money for school. “I get that-- you don’t hate it and it makes decent money. Makes sense. You could always be a pharmacist anywhere, too. It’s definitely not a bad career choice.” Blaine nodded, smiling at his date, giving a shrug. “It could still allow you to travel even more-- like, long term traveling. You could move somewhere and settle for a while, find a job for a couple of years to save up again and then move again if that’s what you wanted. Do you speak any other languages? You could probably do it overseas, too.” Blaine encouraged, taking another bite of the food.
“I still have no idea what my fallback should be,” He began un-prompted. “I know that art can’t always be reliable but I haven’t been able to choose what I want to do if it fails…” Blaine tilted his head a little, looking at Hunter, shrugging once more. “I don’t know, I think I feel like if I have a “back up” then I’m setting myself up to fail and to be okay with failing as an artist and I really don’t want to fail.” He explained.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter nodded with agreement when Blaine noted the older man could potentially do his job anywhere after he got his degree. “I took French in high school and I tried learning Italian via Rosetta Stone a few years ago but I haven’t retained any of it, really,” he laughed as he twirled his fork in his pasta, “I guess between work and classes I’ve just been a little too busy to actually learn a second language. I wouldn’t be opposed to learning a little Japanese, though…” Hunter gave Blaine a coy look followed by a smile.
“I think as an artist, you need to fail-- at least a little bit,” Hunter voiced his insight, taking another sip of his wine. “I think the failure will help you to become a better artist. I mean, you already seem pretty humbled but experiencing failure and shortcomings would make for some really emotional art; do you know what I mean?” He asked, hoping that he wasn’t coming off sounding too pretentious or off-putting. “As your friend, I can’t guarantee you won’t fail but I can say you’ll always have someone you can rely on or help you out if you need it.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine raised his eyebrows, grinning at the man across from him when he suggested he would like to learn Japanese, giving a humble shrug. “I might know someone who can help with that.” He returned the coy look, chuckling softly as he took another bite. “I actually think hearing you speak any language would make me melt on the spot-- your voice alone is knee weakening.” He shook his head, resting his chin in his hand.
As Hunter offered his insight, sipping on his own wine as he took every word the other told him, appreciating the advice. “I think I definitely agree with you about needing to fail-- I think failure and heartache definitely are what make an artist an artist. I mean, I don’t really like to brag on myself because I like staying humble-- but a couple of my pieces are worthy, I think. I’ve been through a lot in my life and I think it definitely shows through my art. One time a local place in Hawaii actually gave me an opportunity to sell my art. It was really cool-- I mean, only a couple of people other than my father bought pieces but still.” He shrugged, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. “Yeah?” Blaine’s eyebrow quirked at the promise of always having someone to rely on. “Well, I sure hope so. I wouldn’t mind you sticking around for a while.” He admitted.
Pausing for a moment after feeling a slight happy feeling, the thought of the hickey and Hunter having sex with someone else crossed his mind and he glanced down, sighing softly. “Hey, I, uh-- I don’t really want to talk about it but I think we should talk about the, you know...thing.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter had no problem talking about Blaine’s art and his aspirations to become a successful artist. He was actually enjoying flirting with the man and even debated pulling out a random phrase in a foreign language to give the younger man butterflies. But when Blaine looked down at his plate of food and sighed, Hunter knew that they wouldn’t have a chance at being genuine with each other until they were both truthful about their feelings and the fact that Hunter had been sleeping with another person while also pursuing Blaine.
“Okay, let’s talk about it,” Hunter agreed, tone of voice even and poised. He really had nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of as well. Like Blaine had said before, he was an adult who could make adult decisions since they weren’t in a committed relationship. “You already know that I’ve been sleeping with someone else but what else would you like to know?” He asked, setting his fork down and taking another generous sip of his wine before refilling his glass for another gulp.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine sat up a little straighter in his seat, placing his fork down as Hunter spoke. His golden eyes narrowed gently as he looked at the man across from him-- not angrily so but in more of a curious manner. “Okay, so, you’ve been sleeping with someone while attempting to pursue me.” He stated, not really asking, just getting it out there for the sake of getting it out there. “I...I don’t know how to feel about it-- I mean, I don’t like it but I’m going to just...not feel anything about it because you have the right to do as you please, you’re an adult. We’re only in the beginning stages of this-- I have no right to you or to tell you what to do.”
The shorter nibbled on his lip, looking down for a moment before looking at Hunter. “Do I know who it is?” And almost as immediate as the question left his lips he shook his head. “No, no. Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.” He rolled his eyes at himself, chuckling. Blaine took a soft breath, pausing briefly before shaking his head, reaching over the table to take Hunter’s hand. “Listen, I really like you a lot. I want to see where this can go. So...as long as you promise me that this is something you really want then I’ll believe you-- and I’ll trust you to be a one-person man if this becomes an official thing.” He nodded, swallowing his feeling to give Hunter the benefit of the doubt. “Deal?”
Hunter Clarington:
When Blaine had asked who it was that Hunter was sleeping with, the latter’s eyes widened just slightly. Revealing that information to Blaine would only make the man angry and it had the potential to cause drama at their workplace, which was something he definitely didn’t want to be the cause of. Hunter remained quiet as Blaine said his piece and he nodded. As someone who was often described as stoic, Hunter had the ability to hide his feelings behind a calm and poised expression. He looked down at their conjoined hands, the older man tightening his grip a little and offering up a small smile. Despite Blaine’s chagrin of the fact that Hunter had been sleeping someone else, he was still willing to offer up a second chance and for that, Hunter was especially grateful.
With a slight chuckle and another nod of his head, Hunter was quick to answer, “Deal. Blaine, I like you a lot too-- more than I usually like most people-- and I want to see where this goes.” He reached out across the table with his other hand and clasped it over Blaine’s hand as he continued to speak, “And because I don’t want to mess this up before it barely starts, I won’t be seeing anyone else while I’m still pursuing you. I already cut things off so my full attention will be focused on you.” With that last syllable, Hunter gave Blaine’s hand a light squeeze.
Blaine Anderson:
The smile on Blaine’s face grew as Hunter took his hand and re-confirmed the fact that he liked him and when he expressed that he officially cut things off with whoever he was sleeping so he could give Blaine his full attention. It proved to Blaine that Hunter cared enough about him to be serious about seeing if a serious relationship could bloom from them seeing each other. Glancing down to hide his happy grin, Blaine placed his other hand on top of Hunter’s, giving his hand a squeeze back. “Good.” He said softly with a single nod as he looked at Hunter again.
Feeling like a small weight had been lifted from his chest, Blaine pulled his hands from Hunter’s so he could get up and lean over the small table, gently cupping Hunter’s face to press a kiss against his soft lips. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Hunter.” He said softly, smiling at the man in front of him, excited about the prospect of their new relationship.
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↳ INSTAGRAM:  @warblingblaineanderson uploaded a new photo
RIP my red shoes!  This is a pic I found of them from a charity show I did last year.  My brother managed to borrow them and get some girl’s vomit all over them ;(
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Although it has been a hard few months, and me barely able to keep up with life. I have moved back to New York, ready to continue my education at NYADA. I also would like to say that after three years of friendship Hunter has agreed to date me. 
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conceitedclarington · 7 years
Wasabi (What’s up, B?) || Blainter
Date: January 29th, 2018
Location: Target & a local Japanese restaurant
Starring: Hunter Clarington & Blaine Anderson [ @artisticanderson ]
Summary: When Blaine and Hunter have a not-so-chance meeting at the CVS pharmacy and latter invites the other out to dinner.
Notes/Warnings: None 
Blaine Anderson:
It had been an exhausting week for Blaine to say the least, adjusting to a new job and being surrounded by new people was wreaking havoc on his anxiety and he was running low on his prescription. He had already called in to switch his pharmacy over to the CVS inside of Target when he was notified that he got the job, figuring it'd be more convenient for him to just pick it up there when he needed it. That was before he had started talking to Hunter, however, and now he was a bit nervous to go pick up his prescription-- Hunter would know something about him that he didn't really share with anyone at all. He felt a bit naked upon realizing that.
Blaine had played it cool when he was flirting with Hunter before but he wasn't sure how he felt about seeing the man after he knew this about him. But still, he was intrigued by the older man and still wanted to meet him officially in person and see if their flirtation would continue.
Having just finished his shift for the day, Blaine made his way to the pharmacy, speaking to the woman at the counter and showing his identification before she thanked him and asked him to please wait so the pharmacist could come explain the medication to him. He chuckled internally, thinking how this wasn't his first rodeo as he chewed on his bottom lip, waiting for Hunter to show.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter had been going through the motions of the work day, filling prescriptions and putting up with making small talk between his co-workers when a familiar name popped up on the system. He reread the name to be sure he was seeing it right: Anderson, B. Surely it could’ve been another Anderson; it was a very common name, after all. Deciding to abuse his power as a pharmacist, he clicked into that customer’s file and checked the birth date. This Mr. Anderson was the same age as Blaine. Having worked in his field for a while now, Hunter recognized the prescription and knew why one might need to take it.
Deciding against snooping any further, Hunter processed the prescription like he would’ve done for any other individual and went about his day. It wasn’t until near the end of his shift that he would see the name again, and this time he had a face to match to the name. “Well, well,” Hunter smirked as he approached the window, where one Blaine Anderson was waiting for him to give instructions on how to take the medication. “So I’m guessing this is part of your oh-so-dark past?” He asked, bagging up the prescription before handing it over to the shorter man. “Now I suppose you know to take these and even if you don’t, you can read the instructions printed on the side of the bottle?” He teased, aware that it was likely Blaine could’ve been on this medication for a while already.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine’s face lit up a little when Hunter finally approached him, a grin pushing his cheeks up. He let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head as he looked down at the prescription in his hand, shrugging. “Yeah, I guess the cat’s out of the bag--” He said, glancing around a little before looking at Hunter again. “It’s definitely part of the a lot.” He said, referencing their earlier conversation before nodding his head. “Yeah, I’m pretty well-acquainted with Alprazolam. I’ve been on it long enough.” He explained as he shoved the small bag into his jacket pocket, letting his golden eyes lift up to take a good look at the man he’d been flirting with the past couple of days. He was pleasantly surprised and a little taken by how handsome the man really was.
Flirting with him had definitely not been a mistake.
“I, um,” Blaine cleared his throat, letting out a soft chuckle, a soft blush painting his cheeks. “Are you getting off any time soon?” He raised his eyebrows, shaking his head, the red in his cheeks deepening. “I-I mean are you getting off from work anytime soon. Not, like, getting off.”  Another laugh fell from his lips as he rolled his eyes. “Embarrassing myself less than two minutes into our conversation- that’s a new record for me.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter nodded along when the shorter man confirmed his suspicions about not being a newcomer to the medication. Even though Hunter was now in on this little secret, it wasn’t even the slightest bit an issue for him. He was not the type of person to cast judgment when he himself demanded the same treatment when he laid all his cards on the table.
When Blaine made an accidental innuendo, Hunter’s brows rose with mild amusement and he let out a chuckle when a red tint shaded over Blaine’s cheeks. This guy was just too cute. “Well, aren’t you the forward one,” he teased, leaning over the counter with a cocky grin plastered onto his face. “I get off of my shift in ten minutes. Wait up for me and we can go out? I know you’ve been dying to have me take you out.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine’s insides fluttered a little as Hunter leaned over the counter with that look on his face. The arrogance that exuded from the older man and his grin were going to be hard for Blaine to resist. He giggled softly, rolling his eyes. “I believe you're the one asking me to wait for you, Clarington.”
Letting his teeth drag over his bottom lip slowly, Blaine nodded his head. “But yeah, I suppose can wait.” He said with a smile, giving a slight shrug. “Since you're so eager to take me out.” The shorter teased with a crinkle of his nose.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter nodded and tapped the top of the counter when the other agreed to wait for him. He hurried to finish up his work, wanting to leave as soon as his shift was up without leaving too much for the other pharmacist to be done once he was gone.
The next time he saw Blaine, he was in his regular clothes, a navy sweater hugging his muscular form. “Want to grab some coffee? I know Starbucks is right here but maybe we can go someplace where we won't run into any coworkers,” he suggested as they made their way towards the store’s exit. “Or if you're hungry, we can get a bite to eat. Either way, my treat.”
Once they were outside, Hunter stopped in his tracks, unsure if they should drive in the same car together or if they should decide then and meet up at their destination.
Blaine Anderson:
When Hunter came into view once again, Blaine gave him a once over and smiled in his direction. He was extremely nice looking and it almost made Blaine weak in the knees. When Hunter mentioned Starbucks, Sebastian crossed his mind and he was thankful that Hunter didn't want to stick around Target for them to hang out. Not that going on a date with two different guys was a bad thing- he didn't really know either of them and there was no harm in getting to know them.
“I'm down for not sticking around here,” he nodded as they made their way to the parking lot. He raised his eyebrows when the taller stopped, looking up at him, realizing he was debating the driving situation. “I would absolutely love to let you buy me dinner.” The shorter teased, nudging Hunter's arm before nodding his head towards his car. “C’mon, I'll drive.”
Hunter Clarington:
A smile pulled at Hunter’s lips as the shorter man suggested dinner. It had been a little while since the older man had been on a date and he considered it a treat that he got to take out someone so cute. A dinner setting would be a great place to show Blaine just how charming he could be. He eagerly followed Blaine to his car and let himself into the passenger seat.
“Where's your favorite place to eat? Have you not found a place yet since you haven't been here that long?” Hunter asked, trying to remember if the other man had ever divulged how long he'd been in Minneapolis. “I know a handful of really great restaurants but it all depends on what you're craving.”
Blaine Anderson:
Once the two were seated in the car, Blaine started it up and took off his name tag, attaching it to a lanyard hanging around his rearview mirror, accompanied by a fake lei that one of his friends had sent him from home. He knew it was obnoxious but that's one reason he loved it. “I actually do have a few favorites, I know this great ramen place-- do you like ramen?” He asked, glancing over at the man as he pulled out onto the street.
“Or I could go for sushi-- I'm really big on Asian foods and sea foods, having grown up in Hawaii.” He explained, smiling at the man as he drove, raising his eyebrows. “Do you like that type of food? Because I will literally eat anything.” He chuckled.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter gave an unsure nod of the head when Blaine suggested ramen or sushi. Usually whenever he took someone out on a date the typical choice was Italian or even American food. “I think I've only had sushi once or twice and I don't remember what I had,” he answered truthfully. Blaine continued to intrigue him and knowing that if they were to go on another dinner date in the future, adventurous foods awaited him, had Hunter a little excited.
“But I'm open-minded and if you know what's good, I trust your judgment. I'm sure I'll like wherever you choose.” Hunter settled a bit more in his seat before playfully batting at the lei dangling from the rearview mirror. “I take it that you're pretty proud of your hometown? You don't see many leis in Minnesota.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine nodded and listened as Hunter explained that he had only had sushi once or twice. “Well if you like sushi then we could definitely go and I'll show you the best place to get it around here.” He gave a little shrug. “I'll save ramen for our next date.” Blaine glanced at Hunter again, winking at him.
When Hunter turned the attention to the lei around the mirror, Blaine smiled fondly, almost sadly, as he thought about home. “You could say that, yeah.” He nodded, shrugging once more. “I really love Hawaii, I do. Me needing to get out had little to do with the place itself. It's a beautiful place to live and all of the people I know are wonderful. It was a great place to grow up-- I feel like It was kind of like a small-town type of childhood despite being a big island or city.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter smirked at the mention of a next date, glad to see that he’d already left a good impression with Blaine despite the date barely even getting started. At this point he’d try all sorts of different cuisines if it meant he’d get to see more of Blaine and his cute demeanor.
When Blaine’s tone changed and the conversation turned a tad sullen, Hunter bit the inside of his cheek and silently debated changing the subject to something a bit more light-hearted. “I’d love to go one day; they don’t call it a paradise for nothing, right?” He asked, quirking a slight smile to lighten the mood. “Maybe one day you’ll find yourself heading back home? Or do you have plans to head elsewhere? You could always throw another dart on a map.” He nudged at Blaine and grinned as he went on, “I’ve always wanted to do that and travel all over the world. I bet there’s so many different things to do and places to see… I want to do it all and go everywhere.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine smiled softly as Hunter attempted to make the conversation lighter, feeling a little bad that he’d let his tone of voice give away his feelings towards his home. He didn’t want the conversation to be so heavy. “Yeah, it’s definitely a paradise. It’s beautiful and the weather is always beautiful. It’s never, never this cold.” Blaine chuckled, shaking his head. “Maybe if this goes well enough I’ll take you some day.” He nudged.
“I definitely don’t see myself staying in Minnesota any longer than I need to.” He answered honestly. “I mean, Minneapolis is nice and all but it’s just...not really for me.” He explained before shrugging. “I think I would probably choose my next place with a dart again. It’s proved to be an interesting experience for sure. And it’s looking like it might turn out to be pretty promising.” Blaine said with a slight grin as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter chuckled at the prospect of possibly going to Hawaii with Blaine. It would surely be an adventure.
When they pulled up to the restaurant, Hunter followed Blaine’s lead as they walked through the double doors. “So is that your plan for life? Just throwing darts and seeing the world?” Hunter asked, visibly interested and maybe even a little envious. While they waited to be seated, Hunter continued his conversation with the shorter man. “Minnesota isn't necessarily for me either but the school I'm going to is great for the degree in pursuing. If somewhere else offers a bigger paycheck then I'm completely willing to move wherever life takes me.”
Hunter was about to say something more when the host of the restaurant greeted them and sat them at a little table for two. “You're going to have to help me order; I only know a few things I like, like California Roll…”
Blaine Anderson:
“My plan for life…” Blaine parroted as they made their way into the restaurant, genuinely thinking for a moment and then giving Hunter a shrug. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it. Throwing darts and seeing everything. I’m an artist so I can take my work anywhere with me and I can do odd jobs anywhere to keep my head above water. I have no specific plan. I just...want to make art.”
As they were seated and Hunter mentioned he liked California Rolls he chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, we can absolutely get some of that in case you don’t like the other things.” Blaine glanced at the menu briefly before making his suggestion. “Since it’s your first time let’s get this sampler platter, it has a little bit of everything.” He said, pointing to the menu. “And if you like it enough we can get another one or even try a different one. Sashimi is by far my favorite-- it's just raw fish-- but you might not like the texture if you’re weird about that kind of thing. And I would also suggest whatever we get, it be a nigiri or maki rolls since they come two to a plate and we can share,” he explained, getting distracted with the menu as he was starving.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter simply listened when Blaine expressed that he was an artist. He supposed “starving artist" was an accurate description at this moment in time because of the way Blaine spoke so passionately about different types of sushi and using foreign words that Hunter wasn't familiar with. He chuckled softly, mostly to himself, not even bothering to look at the menu.
“My taste buds are in your hands today then,” Hunter decided, closing the menu and sliding it away from him. “I'd like to think I'm capable of being adventurous so you go ahead and order anything you want for us and I'll eat it-- even the raw fish.”
A waiter made his way over to their table to take their order and Hunter ordered himself a beer before gesturing across the table to his date. “He'll be doing the rest of the ordering for the night.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine liked that Hunter seemed so easy-going and that he was willing to try anything at least once. He liked adventurous people like that. “Well I promise I’ll do my best not to steer you wrong.” He chuckled before ordering the assortment of sushi, thanking the waiter as he left.
Once they were left alone, Blaine placed his chin in his hand, looking across the table at the older man, smiling at him. “So, Hunter, tell me about yourself.” He nudged the conversation along gently, genuinely curious to know more about the pharmacist. “Are you from Minnesota?”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter, too, was all smiles once he was left alone with the other man, leaning across the table as he began to talk about himself. “I'm actually from Colorado Springs; I moved here to go to school. But I've been here for the past few years already,” he thought back to when he first moved to Minnesota like it was a long while ago. He had felt much more inexperienced in the world compared to now. “You already know I'm a pharmacy tech but I'm working towards getting my degree so I can be a full-fledged pharmacist. The pay that comes with that degree is significantly higher and it'll open a lot of doors for me.
“What I really want to do is travel,” he explained, knowing that since Blaine had shared his passion for art, the man might be more interested in learning about his own passions rather than his job. “I figure that if I make enough money, I can afford to go anywhere I want.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine nodded his head as he listened intently on what the other was saying. “I think it’s interesting that you want to be a pharmacist, I’ve never met anyone who prefered that line of work before-- was there something specific that made you want to do that? Or was it just because the paycheck is nice?” He asked, tilting his head to the side a little before a bright smile spread across his face.
He was happy to have found another soul that longed to travel the way he did, it wasn’t often that he came across someone who didn’t have a set location as part of their dreams for the future. Blaine had no idea where he wanted to end up in life or even what he wanted to do besides art. “Where do you want to go? Like...where do you want to start? Where do you want to end up? Or are you just wanting to go wherever the wind blows you and if you happen to land in your forever spot then you’ll stay?”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter shrugged in response regarding his choice of occupation. “My parents wanted me to go to college. I wanted to travel the world first but they told me they wouldn’t pay a penny for any of it if I was going to throw away a ‘proper education’,” he gestured with air-quotes and rolled his eyes, “Since I was fresh out of high school, I didn’t have a cent to my name. So they paid for me to go to school and even paid for my apartment until I got myself a good job and that’s where I am now. I'm not passionate about medicine but I'm happy about the money.”
The waiter came back to the table with a round of drinks and Hunter was eager to take a sip of his beer, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips as the chilly liquid made its way down his throat. “I don't care where I end up; for me, there's no endgame in sight.” Hunter continued to speak after the waiter left. “I want to go to Venice for sure, though. And if I end up liking this food, definitely Hawaii and Tokyo.” He shrugged again, “I want to see it all, Blaine. I might never even find a forever spot.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine happily sipped on his non-alcoholic beverage when the waiter came around, not breaking his focus from Hunter as the older explained his thoughts on the future, shaking his head as a grin spread across his face. “That’s exactly how I feel!” He nodded eagerly, excited to have heard that Hunter shared his same sentiments when it came to life and traveling. “I want to see and do everything I possibly can-- I honestly don’t even care if I ever settle anywhere. I just want to go. I feel itchy sometimes when I think about it-- antsy. I just want to get started. Minnesota hasn’t been an awful start but I definitely know it isn’t my forever home.”
“Tokyo is absolutely on my list-- up at the top, even. I have a lot of friends who live there and who are from there. I’d like to visit the Philippines, too. I have family there that I’ve never met in person and I really want to meet them.” He explained, sipping his drink again, the excitement of the conversation exuding from him as he was so delighted to share this common interest with the other man, never having had someone to talk so passionately about this with before.
Hunter Clarington:
A smile made its way onto Hunter’s face yet again when Blaine all but exploded into a ball of excitement, practically bouncing up and down in his seat as he talked about his own traveling plans. Their shared wanderlust was a great common interest that Hunter knew held the potential for unlimited conversation. “Considering you’re from Hawaii, I’m not surprised you’re eager to travel across Asia. Maybe one day you and I might even cross paths on our adventures… Or even take a trip together.” Hunter suggested, quirking an eyebrow suggestively in the younger man’s direction.
Before Blaine had a chance to respond to Hunter’s advances, the waiter stopped by their table and delivered/presented an assortment of various sushi-- most of which Hunter couldn’t immediately identify. “Wait, hold on, is this an octopus leg?” Hunter asked, poking at what seemed to be a piece of a tentacle paid over a small, oblong mound of rice.
“Yes, sir, that is tako nigiri,” the waiter answered, voice even and polite.
Hunter simply stared for a moment, his brain processing that he hadn’t just heard English just now. “... Right, okay.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine grinned brightly at Hunter when he mentioned the prospect of them running into each other on one of their adventures or even maybe going on one of those adventures together. Sure, they barely knew each other but it was definitely nice to think about. He felt like Hunter was a cool guy and just from what he knew already he thought Hunter would make for a great travel partner. When the waiter brought their food and Blaine sat up a little straighter, crossing his legs under himself in the booth as he grabbed a pair of the chopsticks on the table. “Are tentacles a little too adventurous for your first time?” Blaine giggled, breaking the chopsticks apart, telling the waiter thank you in Japanese, also asking him for a fork, before he left the two alone again. “In case you’re not brave enough to master the chopsticks tonight.”
Looking at Hunter, a grin spread across Blaine’s face as he fixed up a small bowl of soy sauce and wasabi. “Now, you’re not really supposed to put the wasabi in the soy sauce-- you’re supposed to put it on the sushi and then dip it but, eh, sometimes breaking the rules is fine.” He explained before he glanced up from the bowl of sauce, chuckling. “I promise that I will take you somewhere else after we leave if you don’t like any of this. There’s a pizza place nearby that’s open until like three in the morning.” He assured Hunter as he rubbed the chopsticks together before looking at the spread in front of them. “Here,” He took a piece of the sashimi with his chopsticks, dipping it before leaning extending his arm so Hunter could take the bite. “If you can eat the sashimi, you can pretty much eat any of it-- except maybe the octopus.” He chuckled.
Hunter Clarington:
When the foreign words came out of Blaine’s mouth and he spoke to the waiter, Hunter raised his eyes with surprise though not unimpressed. Hunter watched Blaine break apart the wooden chopsticks and he did the same, ignoring the offered fork. He wanted to impress Blaine as well. “I’ve used chopsticks before; I can manage,” he insisted stubbornly, though internally he wasn’t too confident. When Blaine deftly used his chopsticks to pick up a piece of sushi and offer it across the table, Hunter was left duly impressed. Leaning over the table, Hunter took the entire piece or sashimi into his mouth without hesitation. When he straightened back in his seat, he chewed slowly as to taste the fishy piece as much as possible. His brows furrowed as he chewed, realizing the texture Blaine was talking about but it wasn’t intolerable. “It’s good-- I like it,” Hunter said after swallowing, “I really like the way it tastes with the soy sauce.”
Hunter flashed Blaine a charming smile before looking back down at the spread before him. He thought about the pizza Blaine mentioned and shook his head gently. “Maybe we can save pizza for our third date-- after ramen as our second date. I definitely liked the sashimi and I want to see what other ones I like, too.” He tried to grab at one of the pieces of sushi with his chopsticks but it kept slipping through no matter how many times he tried until the piece not only started to get mushy, but it fell off of the platter completely.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine was pleased that Hunter seemed to genuinely like the food he was introducing him to so far, a grin spreading across his face. “Yeah? Good!” He said sweetly, his smile growing at the mention of a third date. “Oh? Is this going so well that we already have a third date?” He glanced down briefly, nibbling on his lip before looking back to Hunter. “I’ve never had a date go so well that I already have a second and third date planned before the first one is done.” His nose crinkled cutely before he reached for a piece of the raw fish, taking his own bite. Blaine’s eyes rolled in heaven as the food touched his taste buds. “Mm, it’s so good. I hope you like the others.”
“Back to what we were saying before-- I think that if we run into each other while running all over the world we should probably take it as a sign of fate.” He flirted, crinkling his nose at the other before he noticed that Hunter was semi-struggling with the chopsticks and a fond smile tugged at his lips. “Do you need help?” He chuckled, finding the other man completely endearing and adorable.
“Here,” He said, extending his arm to show Hunter how he was holding the chopsticks. “Like this.” Blaine then placed his down to reach over and help the other place the wooden sticks in his hands the right way. “Then you just--” He guided the man’s hand to the piece of sushi to help him pick it back up onto the plate at least. “Got it?” He asked sweetly, raising his eyebrows.
Hunter Clarington:
As Hunter was continuing to struggle with his pair of chopsticks, he listened to Blaine go back to talking about their possible future travels. When Blaine offered up his help by showing him the proper way to hold the utensils, Hunter attempted to do the same. He wondered to himself if it was because Blaine practiced art that he was especially dextrous. As Blaine helped him, Hunter wordlessly accepted his help but offered him a kind smile. When he reached out for the piece of sushi once more and was able to pick it with a bit more ease, his smile only grew. The accomplishment, although small, was very clearly evident on his face. “I got it,” he grinned.
After eating another piece of sushi and letting out a quiet sound of pleasure, Hunter went back to their conversation of travels. “I think it’d be very serendipitous of us if we happened to run into each other while we were both traveling around the world but I don’t like to leave certain things up to fate. Like, you dropping by the pharmacy today when I also happened to be working was thanks to fate but I don’t think I’ll be relying on fate for our second and third dates.” Hunter explained, “I’ll be much more proactive in asking you out.”
Blaine Anderson:
When Hunter seemed to have a better handle of the chopsticks and he was able to grab a piece of the sushi and eat it without much problem, Blaine smiled happily at him. “Perfect.” He encouraged, his gaze lingering for a moment to admire the other-- he genuinely really liked the man sitting in front of him so far and he was having such a great time with him and they were just barely into the night.
Blaine’s smile didn’t leave his face as Hunter spoke about not leaving their next dates up to fate, a soft, flirtatious giggle falling from his lips as he covered his mouth after popping one of the pieces of sushi into his mouth. “Oh, you like me that much, huh?” He said, shrugging. “Well, I definitely don’t mind leaving some things up to fate but I like sure things like our second and third date. And I certainly like you enough. ” He winked at the taller before offering another piece of sushi across the table to Hunter. “Here-- try this one next.” He leaned over to feed Hunter again. “Good, right?”
Hunter Clarington: Hunter eagerly took the next offered bite from Blaine, relishing in the fact that they were already intimate enough with each other to practically be acting like a bonafide couple. “Tastes amazing,” he agreed after swallowing. “We both have pretty good taste, if I don’t say so myself,” Hunter began to boast as he shot the other a flirty wink, “You know great sushi places and I know a cute, attractive guy when I see one. Clearly following my instincts by taking you out were right on the nose because you’re incredibly charming as well. ”
Being so open about his feelings, it caused Hunter to smile shyly and he shook his head. “A-anyway, to answer your question— yeah, I definitely like you enough to take you on a second and third date… other future dates implied, of course.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine smiled a satisfied smile when Hunter liked the sushi he had him try next, a deep blush painting his cheeks pink when the taller called him ‘charming’. “Yeah, well, I have my moments.”
A silly grin pushed Blaine’s cheeks up as Hunter’s shy smile graced his face and Blaine shook his head, chuckling softly as he placed his chopsticks down, leaning back in the booth. He looked adoringly at his dinner date. “You’re extremely cute, you know that? Like, I know -- obviously -- that you’re devastatingly handsome and almost too attractive. But you’re really cute.” He emphasized the fact that Hunter’s looks weren’t the only things he had going for him. “I can’t believe I haven’t met you before now, such a shame.”
Hunter Clarington:
“Oh, you definitely have your moments, Anderson.” Hunter agreed strongly, taking another sip of his beer as he tried a few more different types of sushi. He made sure to ask Blaine for the names of the ones he especially liked so that he would remember to order them the next time he came to this or any other sushi restaurant. The compliments Blaine paid him stroked his ego nicely. He wasn’t exactly sure what the younger man meant by the emphasis on cute, but either way, it seemed to make Blaine like him more and he certainly wasn’t going to complain about that fact.
The two continued with their dinner conversation and Hunter ordered another beer since Blaine was the one driving tonight. When it came time to pay the check, the older man swiped it before Blaine had a chance. “I insist on paying since I am the one that asked you out, after all,” he said with a laugh, giving his credit card to the waiter. “And hopefully now that you’ve met me and had a meal with me, you’ll do me the pleasure of going on another date with me-- very soon.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine attempted to fight Hunter on paying for the bill but he gave in with a roll of his eyes and a soft smile once he realized that Hunter wasn’t budging, slipping his wallet back into his pocket. When Hunter mentioned another date, Blaine raised his eyebrows, that same grin that’s been on his face for most of the night taking its place again. “Excuse me, Hunter Clarington, are you officially asking me out on a date?” He bit his bottom lip, shaking his head. “Of course I’ll go out with you again. I had a really great time with you tonight.” He assured the older as the waiter brought back the receipt.
“I- tonight was really great, Hunter.” Blaine confessed softly, leaning his chin in his hand as he gazed at the other with a sweet grin. “I think you’re really…” He couldn’t find the perfect adjective to describe Hunter, really. He was...something else. He was unlike any guy he’d ever met. “You’re a really cool guy…?” The shorter let out a laugh at his choice of words, blushing at how dorky he sounded. “I’m sorry, that was lame-- I just, I can’t put my finger on what you are. You’re...something else.” He nodded with a smile. “I really like you a lot.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter chuckled fondly when the younger man struggled to find the words to describe him. Seeing the way he seemed to make Blaine speechless at times was really adorable. “Yeah, I’m asking you out on another date. Maybe the next time you and I both have the day off, I can pick you up and we can do something a little more fun in addition to grabbing a bite to eat.” Hunter suggested, quirking his eyebrow. “Maybe over time you can figure out what exactly I am.”
He reached over the table and took Blaine’s free hand into his own. “I’d very much like to get to know you better as well,” he spoke with his voice low, only loud enough for Blaine’s ears. He observed the young man’s faint blush tinted across his cheeks and felt something stir within him. “And for the record, Blaine, I don’t think you’re lame at all. Quite the opposite, actually.”
Blaine Anderson:
The blush on Blaine’s cheeks deepened at Hunter’s suggestive tone, causing him to glance down bashfully. He could feel butterflies flitting around inside of his stomach at the way Hunter looked at and spoke to him made him feel giddy. He liked the way Hunter made him feel and he was already starting to feel a little addicted to it.
When the older man took Blaine’s hand in his own, Blaine could feel a small spark where their skin was touching and it made his heart skip a beat. He didn’t take his eyes off of Hunter as his smooth voice curled around Blaine’s eardrums, making him shiver. “I-you,” He chuckled bashfully once more. “Just what are you, exactly?” He asked, referring to the other’s statement before. “And what kind of, uh, fun are you suggesting?” Blaine leaned in a little more, his chin resting on his hand once more.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter shrugged at Blaine’s question and offered a coy look. He wasn't a very innocent-looking man even from a stranger’s perspective. “Oh, y’know… whatever kind of fun suits your fancy.” His answer was vague as he had intended it to be, wanting to keep a certain air of mystery surrounding his personality. “I think what it is, is that we are both attractive, like-minded adults who appreciate each other’s company. Not to mention I'm very beguiling and you are especially charming. Our chemistry makes sense, don't you think?” He gave Blaine’s hand a little squeeze before letting go and letting out a soft, satisfied sigh.
This date had been incredibly enjoyable and even with it being almost over, he was already looking forward to the next time he and Blaine could go out again. “I'd be the gentleman here and offer you a ride home but I don't seem to have my car here with me,” he chuckled again.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine chuckled softly, shaking his head as Hunter pulled away. “You’re quite the charmer, Hunter. And I absolutely agree- I think our chemistry is definitely something. Something I...I really don’t want to ignore.” He explained sincerely as he looked at the man across the table, shrugging. “There’s no harm in seeing how this goes.”
The shorter shared the same soft sigh before he stood up from the booth. “Well, it just so happens that I have a car. So I suppose I’ll be the gentleman tonight.” He said, offering his hand to Hunter with a cute smile. “Shall we?”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter was glad to hear that Blaine shared the same sentiments as him about the two of them having a definite chemistry between them. It made Hunter want to spend even more time with Blaine and really get to know him. “I definitely want to see how this goes.”
When the younger man offered his hand, Hunter couldn’t hide his smile as he eagerly took it. He followed him right out the door, walking hand-in-hand with him. When they reached the car, Hunter was slightly reluctant to let go but he forced himself to do so before letting himself into the passenger seat. Before Blaine could start up the car, Hunter took his phone out of his pocket and handed it over to him. “I think it’d be best if I had your number, right? That way we can plan out our next date?”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine liked that Hunter made no move to let go of his hand as they walked out of the restaurant, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering around excitedly. Once they were both seated in the car and Hunter handed over his phone, Blaine glanced at him before smiling. “Of course, yeah.” He nodded, taking the man’s phone and tapping his number into a new contact. “We can plan our next date, or you know…you can text me anytime for anything.” He said with a shrug, smiling over at Hunter. After sending himself a text so he’d have Hunter’s number as well, Blaine slipped his keys into the ignition.
On the drive back to Target, Blaine stole a glance or two at the taller in his passenger seat, smiling at him softly. “So for our next date, what’re you thinking besides Ramen? Any ideas?” He asked as he drove, keeping a balance between watching the road and glancing at Hunter.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter mirrored back Blaine’s smile when he was invited to text him for whatever reason possible. The night was full of Blaine’s positive reactions and it was more than enough evidence for Hunter that this had been a good idea and would continue to be a good idea. For the majority of the drive back to Target, Hunter was very aware that Blaine was glancing in his direction. He, too, stole his own glances and at a few points they even met gazes. When that happened, Hunter smiled from ear to ear. Maybe Blaine thought that he was “something else” but Hunter couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was about Blaine that had him so interested, either.
“I haven’t decided where we’re going. That’s part of the reason why I hadn’t asked you out yet; I wanted to take you out to something I knew for a fact you’d like.” Hunter explained, possible date activities going through his head. “What do you like to do for fun?”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine nibbled on his lip for a moment to ponder Hunter’s question, wanting to give him the best possible answer. “Well, I love to paint-- did I mention that? I mentioned that, right? I’m an artist.” He thought to mention the activity he loved the most, not being able to remember if he had earlier in the night as he’d been so lost in spending time together. “That’s actually what I’m in school for.”
Giving another few moments to think about it, Blaine shrugged. “I really like the outdoors. I spent a lot of time outdoors in Hawaii, surfing, paddle boarding, hiking. Now, I don’t think surfing or paddle boarding are options.” He laughed, shaking his head. “But, I dunno-- I like to dance.” He offered another suggestion. “Honestly I’m always up for anything, really. I love trying new things.”
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter nodded when Blaine expressed he liked to paint; he was aware the man was either an artist or an aspiring one, at least, since he was still in school. Whether or not painting would be their next date’s activity, the older man made sure to make a mental note of this so that they could one day visit it as a possible idea for another date or adventure together.
Upon hearing that Blaine enjoyed the outdoors, Hunter’s smile grew and his eyebrows lifted as he all but bounced in his seat. “I love the outdoors; every summer when it gets warm enough, I take a few weekends to myself and go camping. I’ll fish and just be out there and enjoy the serenity of it all… It’s really peaceful.” He chuckled then, realizing he was getting a little lost in his thoughts. With it still being the middle of winter, Hunter still had a few months to go before camping was even a viable option. “Uh-um, so yeah, maybe we could do that in a few months. I do like dancing, though, and maybe the next time we go out you can show me your moves.” He playfully nudged at Blaine then, grinning.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine raised his eyebrows when he’d seemingly chosen the right answer for Hunter’s question and he looked at the taller, thinking it extremely adorable at how excited he’d gotten at the mention of the outdoors. When Hunter expressed how much he loved being outdoors and camping, Blaine’s face lit up at the suggestion and he happily nodded his head. “Oh, absolutely. I love camping- I’ve wanted to go since I’ve lived here but I didn’t have anyone to go with and I didn’t want to go out by myself for the first time.” He explained, smiling at the taller. “But I absolutely would love to go with you.” Blaine agreed, not really thinking about the fact that he didn’t really know anything about Hunter at all and yet he just agreed to go camping with him. There was something about Hunter, though, that made him feel like he didn’t have to worry.
As they pulled up to the Target parking lot, Blaine parked next to Hunter’s car, he turned to the other. “I would love to go dancing with you, Hunter.” He said with a soft smile, taking that moment to look at the man next to him. To say that Hunter was a gorgeous man would be a vast understatement. He noted the beauty mark on Hunter’s cheek- something he had noticed all night long to be honest. Narrowing his eyes as if sizing him up a little with a small grin on his face. “You’re cute.” He said before crinkling his nose. He knew he had said it multiple times that evening but it kept occuring to him and he felt the need to remind Hunter again.
Hunter Clarington:
“Well since you’re from Hawaii and you’re used to the Hawaii’s weather, as soon as it gets warm enough we can plan something together. Maybe a weekend when the moon is waning so we can see a bunch of stars out at night.” Hunter mused out loud, smiling softly. It made him happy to hear that Blaine was so willing to accompany him on a camping trip and it was a future date he was definitely looking forward to.
When the car stopped and Hunter looked around, recognizing the parking lot to his workplace, he smiled a little sadly at his date. “Too bad this night has to end or else I’d take your cute ass dancing right now,” Hunter told the other man, “But I’d like to end our first date on a high note.” He leaned over the center console of the car, his hand gently but firmly grasping Blaine’s forearm before closing the space between them and placing a kiss to his lips. His other hand reached over to cup at the side of Blaine’s face, deepening the kiss for just a moment before pulling away. He opened his eyes to get a good look at the other’s reaction, grinning with satisfaction. “You’re cute. Good night, Blaine; I’ll see you again soon.” He said the last statement as a fact, knowing he would surely run into the other at work at the start of the new week.
Blaine Anderson:
Before Blaine could really address the burning sensation in his arm from where Hunter had placed his hand, the older’s lips were on his own and the spark from where their lips touched quickly spread a wildfire through his chest, catching in the rest of his body. He kissed Hunter back, his lips slowly dragging against the other’s as a soft breath shuddered through his nose, placing his hand on Hunter’s wrist when the other cupped his face.
The kiss came to an end all too soon and Blaine’s golden eyes fluttered open to look up at Hunter, a deep blush painting his warm cheeks as he bit down on his bottom lip, stifling a giddy laugh. “Y-yeah.” He nodded, shaking his head, feeling lightheaded almost. “See-see you.” He stuttered, the man leaving him breathless. Upon seeing Hunter’s satisfied grin, Blaine chuckled softly, shaking his head. He knew he probably looked like an idiot with his stupid grin and his blush and stuttering. “I’m-” He couldn’t get out any words so instead he was the one to lean over the console this time and Blaine stole another slow, soft kiss from the man. “Good night, Hunter.” He whispered, staying within inches of the other’s face as his eyes glanced at Hunter’s lips before they flickered up to his eyes.
Hunter Clarington:
Hearing Blaine stutter and stumble over his words was just too cute and it caused Hunter to chuckle again. It seemed it was difficult not to smile whenever Hunter was around the other. When Blaine leaned back in for another kiss, Hunter hummed with pleased surprise, not expecting the younger man to take such initiative. He relished the slow, languid way Blaine moved his lips and when they separated for a breath, Hunter found himself licking his lips. With a huff of an amused laugh, he nodded and left Blaine’s car without another word.
When Hunter got into his car, he threw Blaine one last look and gave him a slight wave goodbye before driving towards his home. He had a swirl of feelings mixed up inside of him and a smile he would wear on his face all the way home.
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indie-dcrper · 6 years
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I am currently seeking rper partners who are looking for a Blaine Anderson, Darren Criss FC or Hunter Clarington. Open to most plots, so please send me a message if interested.
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conceitedclarington · 5 years
Karaoke Knockout || Berrington & Blainter
Date: March something
Location: Krazy Karaoke Bar, Minneapolis
Starring: Blaine Anderson, Scarlett Berry, Hunter Clarington @artisticanderson @scarlettsberry
Summary: Hunter really wants to be able to hang out with both his boyfriend and best friend together, much to their chagrin. They all agree to spend a fun evening at a karaoke bar where nothing should go awry... right?
Notes/Warnings: Underage drinking; written fic-style. Longest para ever omfg
After having spent time with his boyfriend as well as his best friend, Hunter was looking to spend time with the two of them together. He knew that Blaine and Scarlett didn’t exactly get along with each other but he’d hoped that they could spare a few hours together so he could have the best of both worlds. Managing to convince the two for a friendly outing at a karaoke bar, Hunter drove over to Blaine’s place with the intention of meeting Scarlett at the bar.
Alternatively, Blaine was not looking forward to the night ahead; he was trying his best to stay optimistic for the sake of his boyfriend. He promised Hunter that he would go into the evening with an open mind but if he were being honest he did not want to do it. He didn’t like that Hunter was so close to Scarlett; something about the girl rubbed him the wrong way.
“Ho, brah-- lookin’ slick, nah?” Duke greeted, opening the door for Hunter when the latter knocked, scratching the thick scruff on his chin.
Hunter didn’t know how this guy and Blaine could be related, let alone identical twins. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes and offered Duke a polite and cursory smile. “Hey, is Blaine ready?”
Almost as if on cue, Blaine came out into the living area, a smile spreading across his face at his handsome boyfriend. He had gotten dressed in his typical fashion: colorful chinos, button up and a bow tie that complimented the colors he chose. He had slicked his hair back just a little with some gel. The sight of Hunter made him a little less tense; at least he’d get to spend the night with him. The other grinned right back when his eyes landed on Blaine.
“Hey handsome,” Blaine greeted, coming up to the taller and kissing him gently. Opening his arms, Hunter welcomed his boyfriend into the kiss. “Yes, I am ready to go. You know, we could always just go to the movies or something.” The shorter suggested, grabbing his coat and putting it on. “No talking and such.” He half-joked.
“Oh, a movie wouldn’t be as fun,” Hunter told Blaine as he helped him with his coat. Hunter gave Blaine a once-over and clicked his tongue. “Damn, Anderson, you clean up really well. You look delicious.”
Blaine sighed softly when Hunter turned down his movie idea but his negative feeling was shooed away when his boyfriend complimented him on his appearance, a deep blush painting his cheeks. “Yeah? Well, you’re not so bad yourself.” He said in a gentle tone before saying goodbye to his brother and leaving with Hunter.
They made their way out into the cold evening air to Hunter’s car, walking hand-in-hand, Hunter excited to reach their next venue. “Besides, I want to sing a duet with you; I think it’d be fun,” the taller said as he thought about the evening ahead with optimism. “It really means a lot that you’re coming with me to do this. I know Scar’s not the easiest person to be around considering how abrasive she is, but, she’s also my friend.”
Blaine paused for a moment and he gave a slight smile accompanied by a shrug. “I know it means a lot to you, of course I’m going. You… You’re really important to me, Hunter.” He said softly as they stood there for a brief moment. “I want to show you that, and if that means making nice with Scarlett, then I’m willing to give it my best shot.”
Hunter squeezed Blaine’s hand and offered up a genuine and grateful smile. “You’re important to me, too. I appreciate you a lot.”
Being the gentleman he was, Blaine went ahead just a few steps, opening up the driver’s side door for his boyfriend. Once they were settled in the car, he smiled at the prospect of singing with the taller once they were at the bar. “What do you wanna sing with me?”
“I think something flirty and silly like one of those High School Musical songs you kiddos are singing these days would be fun,” Hunter joked, though he was actually trying to think of an entertaining duet for the both of them. He wasn’t exactly a performer but he could carry a tune moderately well.
Hunter fired up Pandora on his radio to find a good duet. “I think Summer Nights is a little overrated,” he commented as he skipped the song. Sonny and Cher’s I Got You Babe came on next and Hunter raised his eyebrows at his boyfriend. “A contender, perhaps?” They started on their way towards the bar but not before Hunter sent a text to Scarlett that they would be there soon.
Blaine chuckled softly at the mention of High School Musical, shaking his head. “Wow, Hunter, I didn't take you for the High School Musical type- but I am one hundred percent down to go for that,” he half-joked. As the made their way to the bar they were meeting Scarlett, Blaine smiled to himself as Hunter flipped through songs to find the perfect duet for them. He found it extremely cute that his boyfriend was so eager to find their song. Their song. It was romantic and it sent flutters throughout his stomach.
“While I don’t necessarily agree about Summer Nights being overrated, I can agree that it’s a bit cliche.” He smiled, settling in the passenger seat with his hand resting on the middle console, fingers laced with Hunter’s once more. “Sonny and Cher?” He asked as the song began, his own eyebrow quirking. “I actually really like that a lot.” He said in agreement as he looked over to Hunter. “I like you a lot.” Blaine bit his bottom lip gently. It seemed with every moment he spent with the other man he was falling a little faster for him.
Hunter smiled when their hands laced together, the warmth of Blaine’s hand seeping into his own. He liked that the young man was so in tune with physical affection. He gave him a slight squeeze with his hand, grinning at him. “I got you, babe,” he winked at Blaine. A few other songs played on the radio and Hunter wasn’t quite sure which he really wanted to sing; he might’ve found a more contemporary duet for them so he didn’t want to make any sure decisions yet. Hell, maybe Blaine and Scarlett might’ve ended up singing a friendly duet together to smooth things over.
“And for the record, I like you a lot, too. Maybe after this, you and I can enjoy some alone time together,” Hunter suggested. While he thought this outing with the three of them might be good, it was true that he was missing the one-on-one time he shared with his boyfriend.
Before Scarlett had even left her home, she had started to pre-game. She was not looking forward to the night ahead in the least bit. She despised being under the same roof as Blaine and doing so willingly was going against every fiber of her being. She wasn’t looking forward to watching him hang all over Hunter as if he really meant anything to the man. If he was so special, Hunter wouldn’t have kissed her back. He would’ve dumped her the moment he and Blaine became exclusive if he was. She was nobody and if Blaine was everything Hunter wouldn’t bother with her at all.
Not that she cared. Of course she didn’t care, she was Scarlett after all. All she cared about was winning-- it’s not as if she had feelings for Hunter.
She arrived at the bar with a nice little buzz, not enough to be drunk, but just enough to make her feel lighter going into the night. Scarlett waited outside for the two to show up, her body tucked inside of Hunter’s leather jacket she still had from their little rooftop rendezvous, smirking to herself. Maybe she was an instigator, but it was an innocent mistake-- she grabbed his instead of hers by accident-- Whoops. As she stood outside, she shoved her hands inside the pockets of Hunter’s jacket. “Wha-?” She asked as she pulled out a box of cigarettes and a lighter, smiling to herself. “Alright, Green. Thanks.” Scarlett said to herself, opening up the box to find a single stick left. Throwing the box away in a nearby trash can, she lit up the cigarette, holding it between her lips as she took a long drag. As she blew the smoke out into the cold air as she checked the time. Just about that time, her eyes landed on the man’s familiar car and she smirked.
When they pulled up to the bar, Hunter saw Scarlett out front before they even parked. “Looks like she’s already here,” he pointed her out to Blaine. The shorter rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. When they got out of the car, Hunter made it a point to stroll up to the place walking hand-in-hand with his boyfriend. It wasn’t to make Scarlett upset but to assuage Blaine’s feelings that this night wouldn’t go as planned. It helped a little when Hunter slipped his hand into Blaine’s, causing the other to stand a little taller and walk with a little more confidence as they made their way.
“Hey, Red,” Hunter greeted his close friend, noticing his leather jacket around her. She looked good in his jacket but he was smart enough not to say so out loud. “Did you get a head-start on a buzz?” he was debating with himself whether or not he would drink since Blaine was still underaged and would most likely be spending this night sober.
“Hey babe,” she said as the two approached, throwing one arm around Hunter’s neck to hug him as she flicked ash off her cigarette in the other direction. “Of course I pre-gamed, you know me.” Scarlett had noted the two holding hands before and a fire ignited inside of her. She wasn’t afraid of Blaine in the least bit, she had everything he couldn’t give to Hunter and she knew it.
Blaine gave Scarlett a once-over as she greeted Hunter, narrowing his eyes at the way she hugged him and called him babe. He wouldn’t say anything; he’d bite his tongue for now. He wanted to show Hunter he was trying his best. “Hello Scarlett,” he said politely. “It’s nice to see you again.”
Scarlett tore herself away from Hunter for a brief moment to look at Blaine, giving him a nod and an uncertain look. “Professor,” She said, reaching to tilt the man’s bow tie. “Nice bow tie.” Scarlett chuckled, looking at Hunter before taking a drag of the cigarette. “Want?” She offered him, a tiny grin tugging her lips.
Hunter declined the offer of a drag, chuckling. “Maybe later?” he looked back at his boyfriend, aware that he wouldn't really like that. Hunter made an effort not to smoke around Blaine since he knew he didn't like it. Besides, he was also trying to quit. He pointed towards the door, letting Scarlett know they were going to go inside.
Blaine raised his eyebrows as they entered the loud bar. People were already singing, loudly and off-key, others were cheering and clapping. It was loud and noisy and not really Blaine’s scene, but he wanted to make the most of it. He wanted to have fun.
“Hey,” Hunter gave Blaine's hand a little squeeze. “I'm here to have a good time with you; I don't need alcohol or cigarettes to do that, okay?” He wanted Blaine to know that this evening out was about having fun, not getting sloshed.
Blaine gave a shrug when Hunter spoke. “I wasn’t really aware that you smoked together,” he sighed softly, swallowing his feelings for a moment and squeezing Hunter’s hand back. “It’s fine, everything’s okay. I’m gonna go find the karaoke list and put us down for our duet, okay?” He gave his boyfriend a small, reassuring smile before letting go of his hand. “Get us a seat, I’ll be right back.” He pressed his lips to Hunter’s cheek before going off to find whoever was in charge of karaoke night, fixing his bow tie to put it back in place.
With a small sigh, Hunter nodded and did his best to stay positive. He knew Blaine was trying his best but he could tell he was already tense from such a short exchange. Hopefully with some drinks in Scarlett and some songs flowing between the three of them, they could find some semblance of friendliness. The man scanned the bustling bar for an empty bar-height table and claimed it, pulling out one of the chairs.
Scarlett waited for a few moments before squashing out her cigarette. Taking a deep breath, she went inside and headed straight for the bar to order herself a couple of shots to take before she ordered drinks for the three of them. “Thanks, love, put it on my tab. I’ll be back for more.” She winked as she picked up the drinks and headed out to find where Hunter had found a table. Noticing Blaine wasn’t next to Hunter, she quirked an eyebrow. “Aww, did the Professor leave already?” She asked, placing one of the drinks in front of Hunter. “And here I was nice enough to buy him a drink.”
“Haha, retract the claws a bit there, Red,” Hunter chuckled, eyeing the glass set in front of him. He wasn't going to drink unless Blaine was going to, too. “Blaine went to go put our names down for some karaoke. Are you going to do any singing? Or are you just here for the booze?”
Scarlett raised her eyebrows when Hunter told her to retract her claws. “Oh, baby, you should know me better than that by now. I’m being so nice, you can’t even see my claws right now,” she chuckled. “I bought the child a drink,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. “I’m here for the booze- I don’t sing.” She shook her head. “Rachel got the voice, I got the smarts.” Scarlett snorted, looking at the other. “Are you?” A wide grin spread across her face. “Are you going to sing tonight, hotshot?”
Hunter nodded in response. “Yeah, that's the whole point of coming to a karaoke bar, isn't it? I want to at least sing a couple of songs.” From Scarlett's wide grin he suddenly felt a little put on the spot and chuckled. “I mean, I'm no Broadway junkie like your sister but I sing in the shower sometimes; I'm pretty good.”
After Blaine successfully signed him and Hunter up for a duet, he even extended a little bit of kindness and signed Scarlett up as well so she wouldn’t have to worry with it. Making his way through the crowd, he finally made it to the table with his boyfriend and Scarlett. She was standing too close to him; he didn’t like it. He didn’t like the way she seemingly thought she had nearly a chance with him. It was desperate and sad. “What’d I miss?” He asked, coming up to Hunter’s other side, slipping his arm around the taller’s waist.
“Hey, you,” Hunter beamed when Blaine returned to his side, an arm draping over the shorter man's shoulders to bring him in closer.
Scarlett eyed the shorter as he tried his best to show her that Hunter was his. It was cute; she was amused. “Nothing at all, kiddo. Here, got you a drink,” she offered, pushing the glass of liquid to him.
“Oh,” he looked down, a little surprised by the gesture. “I can’t drink, I’m only twenty.” His automatic response made him internally roll his eyes.
The girl raised her eyebrows, laughing once as if the shorter had told a joke. She looked between Hunter and Blaine and then back to Hunter. “Oh,” her face dropped. “He’s serious? You’re serious?” She looked at Blaine again, snorting as she picked up her own drink. “Whatever, dude.” Scarlett sipped her drink, she knew he’d be a stick in the mud but she didn’t think he wouldn’t drink with them. “Maybe a drink would loosen your bow tie a little there, professor.”
“Blaine doesn't have to drink if he doesn't want to; we don't all have to be buzzed to have a good time, right?” Hunter spoke up, giving Blaine's arm a reassuring squeeze. He didn't want the younger man to feel pressured into getting drunk. “Here, I'll buy you a Shirley Temple,” he volunteered, waving a waitress down to get Blaine a non-alcoholic drink.
Scarlett rolled her eyes and just drank her drink, doing her best to bite her tongue.
Blaine appreciated the way Hunter stood up for him but he still felt the pressure from Scarlett— he didn’t want her or Hunter to think of him as some stupid little kid. “No,” he reached for Hunter’s arm to stop him. “No, it’s fine, Scarlett was nice enough to get me a drink, I’ll drink it,” he said, almost uncertain. But as he exchanged looks with the girl he felt a little more confident in his choice. Taking the glass, he downed the alcoholic beverage and slammed the glass down on the table as it burned all the way down his throat.
Scarlett watched with an amused smirk as Blaine gave in and downed the drink. “Good boy,” she said, turning to the waitress and ordering another round on her.
Hunter on the other hand, watched with a bit of surprise as his boyfriend downed the drink. “Wow, Blaine, that’s, uh, actually kind of impressive… Not to mention hot,” he smiled.
The shorter man leaned more into his boyfriend as the crowds went wild for the person who was just finished singing and the emcee came on stage to announce the next singer and Scarlett heard her name come out of the man’s mouth.
“Excuse me?” She said, squinting at the stage.
“Oh! I signed you up already so you didn’t have to wait in that long line,” Blaine said with a smile, looking at her with a genuine smile. Hunter raised his eyebrows and laughed, nodding along.
“Oh, no, no.” Scarlett shook her head. “I don’t sing, no thanks.”
Blaine’s forehead wrinkled and his smile fell slightly. “Oh… I’m sorry, I thought you wanted to sing? It’s karaoke night, you have to sing!” he encouraged with another smile.
“Yeah, c’mon-- this is a karaoke bar, Red. You have to sing at least one song,” Hunter encouraged her as well-- or, challenged her. “Don’t tell me you’re too afraid to get up on stage and sing one little song?”
Scarlett didn’t appreciate the peer pressure coming right back onto her and normally she wouldn’t give in to such stupid challenges but with Hunter looking at her and with Blaine sitting there like he was so great, it got the best of her. “Fuck off, Green,” she said, downing her new drink and leaving the table to move to take her place on the stage. She whispered in the ear of the emcee to make sure they had her song. Taking the microphone into her hand, she looked out at the crowd of drunk people, butterflies in her stomach. She hated being in front of people, she hated being on stage, she felt extremely uncomfortable but she wasn’t going to let Professor Bowtie show her up.
“This is for all you bitches out there,” she pointed to the crowd before her finger landed on Hunter. “Especially you, Hunt.” She winked before clearing her throat as the opening chords to Bitch by Meredith Brooks began. Hunter blinked then, glancing at his boyfriend before turning his eyes back to her onstage.
I hate the world today You're so good to me I know but I can't change Tried to tell you But you look at me like maybe I'm an angel underneath Innocent and sweet
Scarlett’s voice shook as she sang, she wasn’t the greatest singer in the world-- Rachel was definitely more talented than she was-- but she wasn’t as bad as she thought she was. As the girl sang, she began to work the stage a little, feeling the buzz of the alcohol working throughout her bloodstream, giving her just a little more confidence. She strut across the floor and flipped her hair for the audience.
Hunter bobbed his head along to the beat, a slight smile as he watched the girl garner up her confidence.
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover I'm a child, I'm a mother I'm a sinner, I'm a saint I do not feel ashamed I'm your hell, I'm your dream I'm nothing in between You know you wouldn't want it any other way
After the chorus, Scarlett was getting even more into the song. The hot stage lights were making her cheeks a little red along with with the alcohol. Placing the mic on the mic stand, she smirked at the audience as she began to sing the next part of the song. Making a scene of stripping off Hunter’s leather jacket, showing off her skin as she wore only a little black tank top underneath, Scarlett seduced the audience and they cheered for her, a couple of guys hollering over the music at her. “Yeah, baby, take it off!” Wolf whistles that made her smirk a little bigger, tossing the jacket over a stool placed on the stage for the ballad singers.
Hunter chuckled under his breath, sure that Scarlett was probably thriving and enjoying all the attention. Seeing her work the audience was entertaining and his smile only grew as she continued her song.
Scarlett’s eyes had found their way to her ex-lover back at their table. By that point in the song, all of Scarlett’s nerves were hidden by a new confidence that the audience and liquor had given her. “I'm a bitch, I'm a tease, I'm a goddess on my knees.” She winked directly at Hunter, causing Blaine’s forehead to wrinkle.
When you hurt, when you suffer I'm your angel undercover I've been numb, I'm revived Can't say I'm not alive You know I wouldn't want it any other way.
When she was finished, the bar erupted into applause and all of those men wolf-whistling her once again, causing her to chuckle and take a bow. She grabbed Hunter’s jacket and slipped it back on before hopping off the stage and making her way back to the table, though she was stopped a couple of times and given a number or two that she slipped into her bra with a devilish smirk at her suitors.
Hunter was wearing a half-amazed, half-surprised expression when she had returned. She was amazing and really owned that stage, even if some of her flirting might've been deemed just a tad inappropriate. Still, Hunter was impressed.
Blaine had been shifting his focus between Hunter and the girl on stage, watching his boyfriend’s face carefully as he reacted to the way she performed. He couldn’t get a complete read on Hunter’s face just from those couple of minutes alone, but the amazed expression was a little unsettling. He shook his head to shake off the feeling and clapped for the girl as politely as possible.
“Way to go, Red-- The audience loves you!” Hunter said with a grin, handing her a drink the waiter had brought by while she'd been on stage. “I think Blaine did you a huge favor by getting you up on that stage.”
While Blaine found her performance incredibly inappropriate, he did admire that she swallowed her fears and got up there anyway. “He’s right, they love you.”
Scarlett giggled softly, taking the drink from Hunter. “Of course they do,” she downed the drink quickly as to not lose her buzz. “Yeah, Professor,” Scarlett said, looking at Blaine and reaching down in her bra to grab the numbers she’d accumulated on her way back to the table. “Thanks to you, I’ve got some prospects for a new fuck buddy.” She chuckled at her own inside joke, before looking at the couple in front of her.
“Oh,” Blaine’s expression went from vaguely impressed to mildly judgmental as the girl declared finding a fuck buddy, the heaviness of the word new going right over his head.
Hunter, however, caught her statement as soon as she had said it. Seeing as how Blaine hadn't realized she was indirectly talking about Hunter, there was no reason for the latter to say anything. “Classy,” Hunter commented, shaking his head. “Well you definitely got that crowd warmed up for when Blaine and I take the stage.” Thinking that since Blaine had helped himself to a drink, Hunter decided to take a few sips from his own. He'd be careful not to drink too much in case he needed to drive everyone home.
Scarlett couldn’t help but chuckle again at Hunter’s comment. “Classy is my middle name, Green.” She said, winking at him as she waved to the waitress to get another drink.
The use of the nicknames was beginning to really wear on Blaine’s nerves and this time he mirrored her amused laugh. “Ah ha ha, so fun. You two and your nicknames, so cute, what’s the story there?” He crinkled his nose, his jealousy showing only a minuscule amount. “You two are pretty close, huh?”
Hunter could sense Blaine’s tension but maybe explaining the story behind the nicknames would put that tension to rest. “Well, we’d gotten into an argument because Scarlett’s name is literally just ‘Red Berry’ and so I started calling her ‘Red’, and well-- my name is Hunter, so…” he trailed off and shrugged his shoulders. “Didn’t really expect the two of us to become friends since we started off on rocky waters but it’s kind of funny how stuff like that works out sometimes.” Internally he’d hoped that the same could happen for Blaine and Scarlett as well.
The shorter man listened to his boyfriend’s explanation, thinking it kind of endearing that the two had started off on less than ideal terms but had grown closer as friends. He would’ve found it even more endearing had it been anyone but Scarlett. But he could tell that Hunter really liked having her as a friend so he took a breath to ease his nerves a little, trying a bit more genuinely.
“That’s actually a really cute story,” he nodded, giving a tiny smile. “I’m, um, really glad Hunter has a close friend.” He rephrased himself to sound less accusatory.
Grinning at the boy, Scarlett chuckled softly. It took every bit of self control she had left to bite her tongue and not make some cheeky comment regarding how close she and Hunter actually were. “Yeah, really close,” she said, taking a step closer to Hunter and tossing her arm around his neck. “Best buds, right, Hunt?” she crinkled her nose back at Blaine, giggling as she took a new drink from the waitress.
Scarlett turned her attention briefly to the waitress, a smirk settled on her lips. “Hey beautiful, keep ‘em coming and maybe later I’ll return the favor,” she winked at the girl, who blushed and walked away with a giggle. She made a point to flirt with anyone she could, hoping that somewhere deep down it would get to Hunter. Though, she was well aware he was probably too dumb and had his head too far up Blaine’s ass to even notice.
Not that she cared-- of course she didn’t care. She just would like for him to be as uncomfortable as she was if, hypothetically, she did happen to let anything between the two men get to her.
“Sure, we’re definitely best buds,” Hunter replied honestly, feeling that he had never had a connection with another person quite like he had with Scarlett. “Do you think it’s a good idea to be hanging around me if you’re trying to pick up a fuck buddy, though? People might get the wrong idea,” he told her, though he made no move to push her away.
Scarlett looked at Hunter in the eye as he commented and yet still let her stay close to him, a grin quirking the corner of her lips.
Blaine’s brow furrowed as he watched the brief exchange between Hunter and Scarlett, letting out another chuckle. “Uh, why would anyone get the wrong idea?”
The girl looked at Blaine and then back at Hunter. “Yeah, Hunt, why would anyone get the wrong idea?” She said, not taking her eyes off of him. “You and the professor are very clearly gay for each other. Besides, no one here would ever believe I’d be with you,” Scarlett teased him, pushing herself off of him with a snort. “You wish you could get in these pants, bub.”
Hunter chuckled nervously, not having realized that he’d almost let his previous with Scarlett unintentionally slip. “Uh, because you’re hanging onto me and it kind of looks like we’re together?” he pointed out, maneuvering out of her hold and scooting over to Blaine. He wrapped his arm around the smaller man in a similar fashion, giving the girl a pointed look. He didn’t even bother addressing the fact that he wished he could have her. “See? Now it’s clear that Blaine and I are together.”
Scarlett laughed out loud, the alcohol clearly running through her in full force. “You’re such a fucking idiot, Green,” she said, placing her elbow on the table to rest her chin on her hand as she looked at Hunter, returning his pointed look. “It’s clear that you and Bowties are going to make me vomit.”
“Oh, shut up; don’t act like you don’t have a heart,” Hunter teased right back, assuming she was just trying to reject that he and Blaine were open about their feelings.
With his brow only furrowing deeper, keeping a close eye on the two in front of him-- mostly Scarlett-- he felt a bit more uncomfortable than he had the rest of the night. Something wasn’t settling well in him and he was beginning to regret coming out. He stayed quiet for a moment before he noticed the red ink on the side of Scarlett’s hand, tilting his head just a little to make out the tattoo on her hand in the dimmed lighting. “You have Hunter’s name on your hand...” he stated rather than asked. “That’s…” He shook his head-- what was he even doing here? “That’s great.”
Scarlett raised her eyebrows, looking down at her hand. “Ah, fuck my bandage fell off,” she complained, looking down and around for it briefly. After half a moment she gave up and shrugged, looking at Blaine. “Yeah, you know, your boyfriend will literally do anything,” Scarlett snorted as she leaned into the table as if telling Blaine a secret.
“Yeah, she took us out to get tattoos,” Hunter explained, feeling unashamed and comfortable as he shared the story. He looked at Blaine as he continued, “She got an actual berry inked on me but I was much nicer and chose my name.” Then he looked back at Scarlett with a grin, “I can only imagine your face if I got a deer trophy or something equally stupid tattooed on you.”
Scarlett laughed, rolling her eyes. “Considering how stupid you are I’m honestly surprised you chose something so nice.”
Blaine listened to Hunter’s story and his insides tightened with jealousy and confusion. He was confused at how lax Hunter was about having matching tattoos with the girl- especially considering the tattoo she had. It wasn’t like he didn’t know what the red string symbolized. He felt extremely tense and uncomfortable. But before he or Scarlett could respond, the emcee announced Blaine’s and Hunter’s name, calling them to the stage.
“Hey! We’re up,” Hunter said excitedly, taking his boyfriend’s hand and making their way up to the stage. “Feeling nervous?”
Blaine let Hunter lead him up to the stage, not saying anything until he was addressed. Raising his eyebrows just a little, Blaine shrugged. “No, not really.” He seemed less enthused about karaoke than before.
“Woo, Hunt! Shake that sexy ass, baby!” A drunken Scarlett called across the bar, followed by an obnoxious laugh.
Hunter laughed and shook his head at her, waving off her comment with an amused expression on his face. It was obvious the girl was drunk.
Pressing his lips together, Blaine was irritated. He was irritated that he felt so inferior to Scarlett and that she felt like she could just say and do whatever she pleased especially at and with his boyfriend. He tried his best to not let her get to him, taking a couple of deep breaths. Yeah, it sucked to learn his boyfriend had a matching tattoo with her-- that his boyfriend chose a soulmate tattoo for her, even-- but at the end of the day Hunter was his officially and that meant he had something the taller couldn’t get from the girl. There was something about him that Hunter wanted more than just some superficial friendship. That’s all the two were anyway, friends. He didn’t know why he was so bothered by her.
Letting out a soft sigh, Blaine looked at Hunter before they went on stage. He didn’t know what to say or how to express his feelings without sounding like a total insecure baby about it but he didn’t want to lie to his boyfriend about his feelings. “I’m sorry, I just… I don’t feel as into this as when we first got here..” He shook his head. “I want to sing with you, I do. I just… want it to be genuine.” He voiced his concern.
Hunter hooked a finger under Blaine's chin, forcing him to look directly into his steely grey eyes. “Hey, don’t think about anything else but us right now. Forget Scarlett and her obnoxious comments or all the people at this bar; this song is just for you and me, right here and right now.”
Blaine looked up at Hunter with his golden eyes, he melted at the way the older looked at him, the way he spoke to him. He let his eyes flutter for a moment before he took a deep breath, a smile spreading across his face as the negative feelings seemingly rolled of his back. “Mm, you’re pretty good at making me feel better,” he said softly, leaning up on his toes to kiss Hunter sweetly.
Hunter reciprocated the kiss with a smile. “Good. I like making you feel better,” he said to him, brushing a thumb gently against his cheek and enjoying their little moment before they were ushered onto the stage.
Meanwhile Scarlett stayed back at their table, having a couple more drinks so she could achieve her drunken sweet spot so that she would be able to stomach the rest of the evening. She flirted with the waitress a little until she was called away again and Scarlett was once again left by herself. She felt horny and irritated and all she wanted to do was go back to Hunter’s place and hate-fuck him into his mattress. A flash of her riding him and reminding him through gritted teeth who makes him feel good ran through her mind and she shivered. “Ugh, gross.” She shook off her feelings and pulled her phone out of her pocket, sending a drunk text to the Clarington she could have her way with later if she wanted.
The song title came onto the screen and Hunter looked to his boyfriend with a silly grin spread across his face.
I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher. A romantic and fitting duet for the two of them, at least according to Hunter.
When the opening notes started playing, Hunter grabbed a microphone and handed another to Blaine, the shorter taking it promptly as he followed Hunter to the middle of the stage. They stood front and center, though Hunter's attention was fully on his boyfriend. As the lyrics popped up and noted that Cher's part was first, Hunter pointed to himself and opted to take the lead. He opened his mouth and started singing along to the tune, although in his octave.
They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow
Scarlett groaned and rolled her eyes as Hunter started to sing. Of course he was good at it, anything to make him even more attractive. When the next line scrolled onto the screen, Hunter reached out to hold Blaine's hand as he swayed to the melody. Blaine took his boyfriend’s hand as Hunter sang, looking up at him sweetly, all of his tension seemed to have vanished and it was only the two of them.
Well I don't know if all that's true 'Cause you got me, and baby I got you
Hunter grinned as Blaine sang to him. With the next line, they would harmonize beautifully. Blaine didn’t take his eyes off Hunter as they sang, his stomach failing with butterflies. He liked the way Hunter had been able to make him feel better and pull him into that present moment to enjoy it.
Babe I got you babe I got you babe
Scarlett watched the performance with a wrinkled forehead, partly amused and partly disgusted. The way Blaine looked at Hunter made her want to vomit with his big stupid piss-yellow eyes.
The shorter man’s mind wandered as they continued their song, he imagined a life with Hunter and he imagined this being their song— them dancing at their wedding. He began to think that maybe he was worried for nothing; Hunter seemingly only had eyes for him in that moment.
The girl’s eyes drifted over to Hunter’s face and she watched as the room spun around him. She didn’t buy it, she didn’t buy the way he looked at Blaine at all. There was no way that he was more into that muppet than her— never mind she was the one who didn’t want anything more than a warm body.
As the couple continued to sing, Hunter pulled Blaine closer to him and the two swayed together to the beat. As the taller man gazed down and the shorter stared up, the rest of the world seemingly vanished.
“I got you, babe,” Hunter more spoke than sang to his boyfriend, the lyrics acting as a promise for him.
Scarlett watched Hunter through narrow eyes as he looked at Blaine, taking his lyrics so seriously. She sighed as she looked down at the table at Blaine and Hunter’s abandoned drinks, she needed them more than they did so she downed them and when everyone around her clapped she joined in with obnoxious hollering. She was actually really impressed by Hunter’s abilities and by the time the new alcohol mixed with the old alcohol she was semi-impressed by Blaine as well.
When the song was coming to an end, the music still playing on the speakers, Hunter pulled Blaine in for a tender kiss in front of their little audience and Blaine melted right into it. They garnered a handful of aw's but it didn't matter to him. All that mattered in that moment right now to Hunter was Blaine and vice versa. Blaine gripped tightly at Hunter’s shirt as they kissed and he knew he was 100% falling in love with the man in front of him.
When the two took their final bows, Blaine held his hand tightly, their fingers laced together. He pulled him close to steal another kiss when they were off the stage. He felt so much better in that moment than he had five minutes before.
Hunter smiled against the kiss, very glad to see that Blaine's confidence and comfort had returned after their duet. They walked back hand-in-hand all the way to their table.
“Well, well, well, look who has actual talent,” Scarlett said as the two approached, giggling softly as she reached for Hunter’s arm, tugging him closer. “You didn’t tell me you had talent, oh, my sister would be all over you.” Any thin layer of boundaries that Scarlett might’ve had was completely gone with those last two drinks. “And you, you did okay too, Professor,” she said, squishing Blaine’s face between her hands.
And just like that, Blaine was annoyed again. Forcing his polite smile, trying not to let her get to him. “Thanks, Scarlett,” he said, tightening his hold on Hunter’s hand as Scarlett closed in on their personal space, pulling his face from her hold. “You do know my name is Blaine don’t you?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh, I know,” she chuckled. “You’re so funny.” Scarlett said before looking at Hunter, placing her hands on his chest.
Hunter narrowed his eyes as he looked at the girl, realizing that she was probably further gone than any of them would've liked. With her all over him like this, even he was getting a little annoyed. “Alright, alright,” he chuckled awkwardly as he tried to pull her off of him and keep her upright. “Looks like someone has had a little too much of that juice.” With all the drinks empty, he knew she'd had too much in such a short amount of time. He flagged down a waitress to get Scarlett a glass of water.
“But I have to agree,” Hunter continued, “Blaine and I make great duet partners. Maybe in an alternate universe we could've become performers for a living,” he joked.
Scarlett shook her head. “Too much? Never,” she leaned against Hunter as she looked over at Blaine and smiled at him. “Isn’t this great? Isn’t he great?” She looked up at Hunter. “You’re really great.” She squished his face between her hand.
With a heavy sigh, Blaine let go of Hunter’s hand and shook his head. “I’m going to use the bathroom.” He excused himself and walked away from the two, needing a moment just to himself, he was beginning to feel even more upset than before and he wanted to calm himself. Blaine didn’t like losing his composure.
“Uh huh,” Scarlett said, not taking her eyes off Hunter’s mouth, still having it smooshed in her hand. “You’re really pretty, you know that?”
Hunter watched with a frown as Blaine left them to go to the bathroom; the older man could tell that Scarlett’s physical affection was really bothering him. “Hey,” the man gently grabbed onto her hands and moved them away from him yet again. “Can you cool it with all the touchy-feely? It’s making Blaine upset; you’re sloshed but I know you can tell. What’s your deal? You said you’d at least attempt to play nice.”
Scarlett pouted when Hunter took her hands off of him and she huffed. “What? I am being nice.” She said, crossing her arms, her stance very child-like. “It isn’t my fault he’s some big insecure baby. Maybe he’s making me upset, huh, you ever think of that, Sparky?” she asked him with raised eyebrows, her words slurring ever so slightly. “Don’t see you tell him to cool it.” Scarlett tapped the taller’s chest with her finger.
With a confused look on his face, Hunter shook his head. “What has Blaine done to make you upset?” he asked, trying to think back to anything the boy could’ve done. “Signing you up to sing that song? You were amazing and the crowd loved you; you can’t be mad at him for that..!”
The girl looked up at him for a moment and she laughed. “You think I’m mad at him for that?” She shook her head. “Fuck, Hunt, you’re hilarious. Of course that’s not why I hate him. You’d know if you weren’t so dumb.” She gripped onto his shirt and  seemingly tripped over her foot without even moving, almost losing her balance. “That wasn’t even that big of a deal-- I’d fuckin’ do it again!”
“Whoa, hey,” Hunter reached out and grabbed onto Scarlett, steadying her as he pulled her body against his own. He wasn’t sure what she was getting at by calling him dumb but he didn’t appreciate it. “Then I don’t get it-- why the fuck do you hate Blaine so much?” he pressed on for a straight answer, trying to look her in the eye.
“He thinks he’s so much better than me because he has you all to himself.” She rolled her eyes, pushing against Hunter’s body, the feeling of their bodies pressed together was overwhelming for her and she didn’t want any part of it. “I’ll show him-- I’m better than him,” she said as she stomped off away towards the stage to get her name back on that list.
Hunter was left by himself, the gears and cogs in his brain working to figure out what the heck Scarlett was trying to tell him. Why was she all caught up in wanting to be better than Blaine? What did that even mean? He watched her with sheer confusion.
“You’re in luck, sweetheart. One last spot just for you,” the emcee said to her as he handed over the mic.
Scarlett kissed the man on the cheek and stumbled up onto the stage, grabbing the stand for support as she cleared her throat. “This one's for me, because I fucking love myself,” she slurred, the bar remembering her from before and applauding for her, hollering for her as the song True Love by Pink began to play.
Hunter folded his arms over his chest, waiting for her to sing. He wasn't familiar with the song or the lyrics and it was clear from Scarlett's behavior that she wasn't just singing another song to get away from the conversation.
After a few deep breaths, Blaine collected himself before attempting to shake Scarlett off. Making his way back out to where he’d left the two, he glanced up at the stage, noticing Scarlett was once again up there. “What is she doing?” he asked as he approached Hunter.
“I… I'm not sure,” Hunter replied, his eyes not leaving the brunette onstage.
Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face There's no one quite like you, you push all my buttons down I know life would suck without you
Scarlett worked the stage effortlessly as now she’d lost all of her inhibitions.
At the same time, I wanna hug you I wanna wrap my hands around your neck You're an asshole but I love you And you make me so mad, I ask myself Why I'm still here, or where could I go You're the only love I've ever known But I hate you, I really hate you So much I think it must be true love, true love It must be true love Nothin' else can break my heart like True love, true love It must be true love No one else can break my heart like you.
As the girl sang her heart out, unintentional meaning dripping behind every word she sang, she danced around carelessly. The crowd loved her even more the second time around and she was eating up all of the attention.
Hunter watched as Scarlett more or less sang this song to him, and it clicked. As he watched her, his eyes grew bigger and the realization hit him like a billboard in middle of a hurricane.
She liked him.
Maybe she even loved him.
With the new knowledge that she might harbor romantic feelings for him, Hunter began to open up his mind. She was practically telling him through song that a future together existed. He didn't have to settle for Blaine.
Hunter froze and his body went stiff at the thought. Was he just settling for Blaine because he had thought this entire time that Scarlett wasn't an option? He'd been told by Scarlett herself that a future together wasn't a possibility. Yet now, here Scarlett was, telling him the exact opposite.
The entire time Hunter’s head was spinning, Scarlett worked that stage, her singing in the background felt muffled to Blaine as he watched his boyfriend watch the girl on the stage. Blaine carefully gauged every single moment, every twitch, he watched as Hunter came to a realization that Blaine had known since the three met one another.
“God, she's so fucking drunk,” Hunter told Blaine, looking away from the stage and swallowing his thoughts and feelings-- putting them into a deep, dark pit in his stomach. “We should get her an Uber home or something… We should've just gone out to a movie like you'd suggested earlier.” Hunter waved down the waitress so he could settle up their bill and hopefully soon end this night.
Blaine’s brow furrowed at the way Hunter was suddenly so ready to leave and a cold feeling coiled itself up in Blaine’s stomach. He didn’t say anything, just continuing to observe the energy in the room between Hunter and Scarlett- he felt like a third wheel. He only nodded when Hunter had said they should’ve just gone out to a movie. Scarlett would’ve had to been quiet. “It’s fine,” he finally spoke up. We can just go whenever she’s finished.” His voice was quieter than it had been as his own wheels in his mind were turning.
When another thunderous applause erupted, signaling the end of her performance, Blaine shook his head a little. He didn’t understand what made her so great.
The girl came off the stage to join her friends a little less enthusiastically than she’d left. “Ugh, i don’t know how performers do it, I’m exhausted,” she said, rubbing her stomach gently. “And I don’t feel so good.”
“Usually people don’t do multiple songs with so much energy when they’re drunk,” Blaine quipped, crossing his arms.
Hunter just remained quiet, watching the two and their back-and-forth.
Scarlett raised her eyebrows, chuckling at him. “Well look at you, Professor-- so much smarter than me aren’t you?”
Blaine didn’t say anything, only looking away and raising his eyebrows.
With another laugh, Scarlett looked to Hunter. God, how she wanted him. “Hey baby, you wanna pay for mine too? I’m don’t feel so well,” she said, reaching into her pocket. “Gonna call Al and she if she’ll pick me up and take me to bed if you catch my drift.” Scarlett scrolled through her phone, squinting at the bright screen before she found Alex’s name. She’d come to realize that the next best thing to getting Hunter in bed was his sister. “Hey Alex, baby, you free tonight?”
Blaine looked at her as she spoke, looking back at Hunter. “Is that your sister?” He tilted his head. “I’m so confused,” Blaine mumbled under his breath.
Hunter hid the grimace on his face as he searched for his wallet and only nodded when she asked if he would cover for her drinks as well. “Yeah, they're sleeping together,” Hunter replied to Blaine rather flatly. He knew Blaine might question his distaste for jealousy, as Alex had before, so he followed up immediately with an explanation. “It's not my favorite thing to have the image of my friend and my sister getting it on.”
After closing up their tab, Hunter took Blaine's hand into his own. “So Alex is going to come get you? I trust you not to do something stupid like attempting to drive home?” he asked. Although the night's revelations left a weight in his stomach he didn't know what to do with, he knew he still cared about Scarlett. “I think Blaine and I are all karaoke'd out.”
Scarlett looked at Hunter, raising her eyebrow. “Don’t you worry about me, Hunt,” she said, looking him in the eyes. She looked vaguely pale and like she was gonna throw up but she kept her composure. She reached into her pocket for her keys, walking up to him and pushing them into his front pocket, not taking her eyes from his. “There, now I can’t do anything stupid,” she said before looking at Blaine. “Professor, I wish I could say it was nice spending time with you.” Scarlett patted his shoulders before slipping her hands into Hunter’s jacket that she was still wearing. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” she rummaged in the pockets a little before pouting. “Gonna see if Hunt left anymore cigarettes in his jacket. Toodles.” She blew them a kiss and stumbled her way out of the bar to wait for Alex.
Blaine watched the girl with raised eyebrows, taken aback by her words and actions. He really didn’t like that girl. He’d given her the benefit of the doubt and tried to be nice to her and give her a chance but they just didn’t mesh. He didn’t say anything to her before she left, only opening his mouth to speak when she left after having made the implication that she was wearing Hunter’s jacket. “Is… Is she wearing your jacket?” he asked, looking up at Hunter as the girl disappeared.
Hunter furrowed his brow, also taken aback by Scarlett's actions. One minute she was practically confessing her feelings for him and the next she was jumping into bed with his sister. Although Hunter prided himself on knowing Scarlett pretty well considering they hadn't known each other for very long, the evening left him utterly confused. Confused about her, confused about his feelings for her, and confused about where their relationship stood.
“Yeah. I lent it to her whenever we last hung out because she'd gotten her clothes wet from some snow,” he explained, too preoccupied with his inner thoughts to really realize this was yet another reason for Blaine to feel insecure. Hunter and Scarlett were awfully close, after all. “She probably chose today to wear it to get under your skin… typical.” He rolled his eyes then, feigning disgust. In actuality, he knew it was completely within her character and she had just the overbearing amount of sass and snark to do something like that.
With the girl having left, Hunter reached out for Blaine's hand and took it into his own. “Can I do something to make this up to you? Flirty duet aside, this didn't go how I wanted.”
Blaine just gave a nod when hunter explained why she had his jacket. “Oh.” Was all he said. He didn’t much care for that explanation but he wasn’t sure what he expected exactly. Letting Hunter take his hand, he gave a little shrug. “I don’t know, let’s just… go?” He asked.
“Yeah, getting out of here will be the first step of shaking this evening off,” Hunter agreed, leading the way back to his car. “I know you tried really hard to be nice to Scarlett… for my sake. But, after tonight, I won't ask anymore.”
“It’s okay,” the shorter said, following Hunter back to his car. He stayed quiet the whole way, the events of the evening replaying in his mind. He let out a sigh before stopping next to the car. Closing his eyes, he rubbed his face a little. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” he asked, looking at the taller with his golden eyes.
Hunter shook his head. “No, no I'm not,” he denied, “She and I are friends and that's literally it. Maybe if she wasn't so jaded and abrasive I'd be able to tolerate her more but--” Hunter cut himself off when he realized he was rambling a bit. “We're just friends-- I promise.” He gave Blaine's hand a light squeeze. “I only have eyes for you, Blaine. I want you to be my boyfriend-- not her.”
Blaine wanted to feel comforted by Hunter’s words and the feeling of their hands together but he just couldn’t shake it. “It’s just, she’s clearly in love with you. She all but flat out told you that in there— and the way you look at her. The way you treat her. She asked you to pay her tab and you just did. She called you baby. She's wearing your jacket.” As he listed all of the things he just began to feel worse. Looking up at Hunter still, he felt extremely insecure in that moment. “I want you, Hunter. I know you want me too, I just...I don’t know how much. I don’t know if you even realize yourself the way you look at her.”
Hunter listened to his boyfriend. Knowing the way Scarlett was, this was possibly the first time since Danny that she'd developed feelings beyond a quick fuck and maybe she was having a difficult time dealing with that. “She calls my sister pet names, too. That doesn't mean anything to her; it isn't like when I call you ‘babe'. She's told me herself that she doesn't do feelings or relationships. Maybe she doesn't realize it herself but she has to figure out her own feelings and come to terms that I'm with you.” Hunter let out a sigh as he scratched the back of his neck. “She likes to flaunt the fact that she and I are friends but she's not in a relationship with me.”
Gently, Hunter pointed at Blaine, his index finger resting just above his heart. His demeanor changed slightly and he offered a small smirk. “You're in a relationship with me. I can't help that I'm hot stuff and seemingly everyone wants a piece of me but I'm yours.”
Blaine listened as Hunter spoke, sighing softly. He still felt something uncomfortable and uncertain deep down. When Hunter pointed at him, that sly little smirk on his face, it made Blaine chuckle. It lightened his mood just a little. He wanted to believe him, he wanted to believe Hunter so much. If he were being honest with himself, the taller had given no real indication on why he shouldn’t trust him. Maybe he was reading way too much into everything because of his own insecurities, maybe what he saw today was nothing but two really close friends. He gave a tiny smile. “Yeah? You’re mine? Promise?”
“Only yours, babe,” Hunter winked, his hang slinging around Blaine's waist and bringing him in for a kiss. He hummed softly into the kiss and when they broke, Hunter flashed his usual grin at him. “I don't go around kissing my friends like that. You're special.”
The shorter seemed to melt once again into Hunter as they kissed, the man’s kiss seemingly able to make him weak in the knees. Placing his hands on Hunter’s chest, he bit on his bottom lip. “Okay, okay, I’m just...I’m just being silly. I’m sorry. I trust you. Just because she’s in love with you doesn’t mean you reciprocate it.” He promised before leaning up to kiss Hunter once again. “Maybe we can continue this at your place?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Hunter’s grin only widened as he felt Blaine become comfortable and at ease once again. The taller man happily kissed him back and waggled his eyebrows at the mention of going back to his place. “Mm, Blaine Anderson, I thought you’d never ask,” he laughed and moved to open the car door for his boyfriend.
When Hunter got into the car and started on the way home, he smiled as he held Blaine’s hand in his own. But still the revelations of the night weigh heavily in his heart. Although he wouldn’t let it show-- especially tonight-- Hunter wasn’t going to let this mess up his relationship with his boyfriend. He genuinely liked Blaine and wanted continue this. Even if that meant he liked Scarlett, too.
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Hard to say Goodbye || Blainter 001
Blaine always hated days like today, he’d known that as soon as Hunter had arrived home, their number of hours together was limited, but at the time that didn’t matter to him, because after all of the waiting his boyfriend was finally home. But now it was Hunter’s last day, and the hours were counting down quickly and Blaine didn’t know what to do with himself. How was he supposed to handle saying goodbye again? It wasn’t like it got any easier the more times they did this, in fact it made it even harder, because Blaine never knew if this was going to be the last time they saw each other and that was a thought that he simply couldn’t handle.
He rolled over onto his side, watching as Hunter slept beside him, sighing softly as he reached out and gently swept some hair from his boyfriend’s forehead, trying to take in as much of him as he possibly could. They wouldn’t see each other properly for a few months and he didn’t want to forget a single thing about the love of his life. They’d have to get up soon, he knew that, have their usual breakfast together, before packing up Hunter’s things and forcing themselves to say goodbye once more. It was a routine that they’d perfected by now, but it was still one that Blaine could do without. 
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The One With the Marijuana
Tagging → Hunter Clarington & Blaine Anderson
Location → Westerville, OH
Time Frame → May 4th, 2015
Summary → Blaine needs to get away from his home and family, he finds himself at Hunter’s place and his new friend has ways of helping him relax.
Blaine Anderson:
Two hours. That’s how long Blaine’s parents had been home. They’d been home two fucking hours and they had spent every second of it at each other’s throats. It was driving Blaine mad-- as if it wasn’t bad enough that he had to deal with telling them what happened when they got home the night of the shooting, and as if it wasn’t bad enough that his boyfriend had been hovering every possible moment he could. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate how attentive Trent was and how much he cared-- he did. He appreciated it so much and he loved him for it. But having someone asking you every three minutes if you’re okay can wear on your nerves.
Just like listening to your father yell at your mother like it’s a sport can.
He laid there on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, a couple of tears rolling down his cheeks out of sadness and frustration. He hated this. He tapped his fingers against the bedspread as he groaned out loud when he heard his mother’s voice fighting back against his father’s hateful words. He didn’t even know if they knew what they were fighting about anymore. He couldn’t stand listening to it anymore, he needed to get out of there until the waters calmed enough for it to be quiet. With a heavy sigh he got up out of bed. He grabbed his phone and keys, slipping them in his pocket before putting on his shoes.
He was usually careful about sneaking out when they were fighting, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire but he was so irritated that he didn’t even care, he just walked out the front door with an announcement.
“If anyone cares, I’m leaving and won’t be back until tomorrow.” He slammed the door behind him, taking a deep breath as he walked down the driveway, sniffling away any more tears that might threaten to fall. The cool air felt nice as it filled his lungs, the cars driving through town and the birds chirping as if they were saying goodnight to their friends as the sun was starting to set sounded so nice compared to what he’d been listening to. His only issue now was where to go.
All of his friends at Dalton were at the lacrosse game they were having. As he started down the sidewalk, walking away from his house, too upset to trust himself behind the wheel of his vehicle. He debated walking to Dalton to maybe catch the end of the game but he knew Trent would be there and he didn’t really want to deal with anymore of his hovering that day. It was hard enough dealing with him being so sweet every day when all he could think about was Hunter.
Between his conflicting feelings towards Trent and his new friend and then dealing with his parents, and the pain of his arm as it healed, Blaine felt really close to losing it on some days, this day was no exception. So he started walking and he didn’t stop until he somehow ended up at an apartment complex not too far from his house. He bit on his lip gently, clearly not having thought this through. There were too many units to go knocking on everyone’s door to find the one he wanted.
As luck would have it, though, an older lady was just leaving her apartment as he passed and he stopped, politely asking her where he could find who he was looking for and she pointed him in the right direction. He took a deep breath as he came upon the door. “Please be home,” He whispered softly, wiping his face a little, for he had cried a little more out of frustration on his way there, before knocking gently on the door.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter had been at home, counting out his latest bounty. Life hadn’t stopped after what happened at the bank with Blaine; Hunter still did his job as diligently as he had done before. His boss hadn’t had any problems with what had happened, although he warned Hunter to keep his head in the game. Although the boy had been in his mind quite often and they’d managed to chat here and there, but when he was on the job Hunter kept his mind clear.
With the money he’d come into, he could buy a couple more nice things for himself and put some away for a possible vacation. He’d been living this life for a long time without any real breaks and he was hoping for a little time away sometime soon.
Hearing a meek knock at the door, Hunter shook himself from his thoughts and quickly gathered his money, stashing it away in a metal cash box and hiding it under his couch. Hunter wasn’t expecting any company so he was on guard. He approached and opened the door, surprised to see Blaine standing there with his shoulders hunched and a pair of big, hazel eyes staring up at him. It was obvious that he was distraught and had come seeking him for some type of comfort or solace.
“Bl-Blaine,” Hunter stammered, taking a step back so Blaine could enter, “What’s wrong? Come in,” he welcomed the boy into his apartment without hesitation. His apartment was big enough for a single man-- a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. It was nicely furnished due to all of Hunter’s knick-knacks and findings from burglaries, but not so extravagant that things looked misplaced. He guided Blaine inside and closed the door behind him, unsure of what to say or do next.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine couldn’t help but smile a little when he saw Hunter standing there in front of him, trying and failing to hide the fact that he was a bit upset. “Hi,” He said softly as the other greeted him, following him inside, taking the moment to look around a little, noticing that Hunter had nice taste when it came to furnishings and decor, also noting that his apartment was fairly clean and he appreciated that.
With a soft sigh he turned to Hunter as he shut the door, shaking his head. “I, um, I’m sorry to just show up unannounced.” Shrugging his shoulders gently, he bit his lip. “I didn’t really want to go anywhere else or see anyone else and I…” He sighed again, rubbing his temples. “I couldn’t listen to them anymore.” He said as he looked up at Hunter. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything or bothering you I just…” Blaine paused with another shrug.
He really didn’t want to see anyone else or talk to anyone else, he knew that being around Hunter would calm him down and make him feel better just as he did when Blaine was in the hospital. He had assumed that considering they’d continued to speak to one another and flirt with each other since that night, that he could count on his friend to be there for him and that it wouldn’t be too weird to show up unannounced.
“I just wanted to see you..” He said really softly, finally finishing his sentence as he looked at the taller still.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter listened to Blaine intently, hoping to gather an idea of what might’ve happened despite the young man unable to construct very many complete sentences. His frown deepened when he realized Blaine’s parents were the cause of the boy’s distress; as soon as their eyes met, Hunter wrapped his arms around Blaine and gathered him into his embrace. At a moment like this, Hunter wasn’t sure of what to say. He could say all the same things he was sure Blaine had heard before from other people who had consoled him, but he felt that what Blaine really needed in that moment was physical affection and just the company of a friend. Not to mention a moment of peace and quiet.
“You can stay here tonight if you want to,” Hunter made no move to break the hug, letting himself relax with Blaine nuzzled against him. The boy smelled really, really nice… And Hunter could catch a whiff of strawberries either from his shampoo or hair gel-- Hunter didn’t know or care what-- but it was damn near intoxicating. Hunter’s hand rubbed Blaine’s back soothingly, hoping that doing so would make Blaine feel more relaxed and calm enough to talk his problems out with him.
After a few moments, Hunter pulled away from the hug and offered his friend a genuine smile. “C’mere, you can sit on the couch.” He led Blaine to the comfortable seat and moved toward the kitchen, still speaking to him from across the small apartment. “Do you want something to drink?” He asked as he pulled a glass from the cabinet, “I have orange juice and milk… Or if you want something stronger I can offer you a beer and I think I still have half a bottle of Sherry left.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine kind of melted into Hunter’s embrace, nuzzling his face into the other’s chest as he wrapped his arms tight around him, already feeling a little better just by being close to the other man. He took a deep breath, breathing in his friend’s scent, feeling even better as Hunter rubbed his back.
“Thank you.” Blaine whispered with a soft nod, letting the deep breath out as their hug came to an end. He looked up at him as he smiled and he felt his own smile tugging at the corners of his lips involuntarily-- Hunter’s smile was dazzling, causing a warmth to spread through his chest.
He followed Hunter to the couch, kicking off his shoes and taking a seat with his legs folded underneath him and he  sunk back into the comfy couch cushions as he watched Hunter walk off to the kitchen, wiping at his face one last time and shaking his head. “Beer is fine,” He said softly, sighing, thinking the alcohol would help him chill out even more than he already had. Pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, he nibbled on it gently. “I’m sorry for just coming over...I hope I didn’t put a damper on your evening.”
He scooted over slightly on the couch to make room for Hunter when he came back, looking around a little again, noticing things he hadn’t before when he first looked, smiling a little to himself. “I like your place” He said, turning his head towards the other again. “It’s cozy.”
Hunter Clarington:
“Yeah? I’ll be sure to give you a grand tour of the place if you want. It’ll take a whole five minutes.” Hunter pulled two beers from the fridge and opened them before making his way back to the couch to take a seat. He hadn’t thought twice when giving Blaine the beer; he knew that Blaine was underaged but it seemed like this in itself felt a little illegal so what was one more tiny illegal thing? He doubted Blaine would tell anyone about it, anyway. “You don’t have to apologize or worry about ruining my evening,” Hunter replied softly as he sipped his beer, leaning back and getting comfortable. “I’m glad that you can rely on me when you need to.”
Looking over at Blaine, he noticed that the younger looked a little reserved and almost quieter than usual. Perhaps it was because this was the first time Blaine had been over to his apartment but Hunter wanted the young to feel at ease regardless. He scooted closer to his friend, nuzzling close.
“So? Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” He wondered if talking about it was what Blaine wanted to do or if he preferred talking about something else to get his mind off of things. “Or if you want, we can watch TV or something.” He looked down to the coffee table in front of them, glancing at the TV remote. He covered Blaine’s hand with his own. Blaine’s hand felt soft and warm, and were small enough that Hunter could almost completely cover it with his own large hands. “You know, I’m here for you-- for whatever you need. Just tell me what you need from me, Blaine.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine said a soft thank you as he took the beer from Hunter, taking a drink of it as the taller sat down. He wasn’t uncomfortable by any means but he was a little down still because of his parents so he wasn’t completely himself at the moment. He looked over at the other as he nuzzled closer, his insides fluttering a little, feeling a little more relaxed already as he sipped his beer again, getting a little closer himself. “Mmm,” He sighed softly, leaning into the taller a bit. “I’m feeling a little better already.”
He glanced down at their hands as Hunter touched his, he smiled and turned his upside down so he could lace their fingers together. “I would much rather be distracted from it than talk about it right now, if you don’t mind.” He said gently, his gaze lifting back up to Hunter’s eyes-- he noticed they were green today. He shook his head gently as Hunter offered his TV, his nose scrunching a little. “Nah, it’s okay. The quiet is really nice. We could just talk if that’s okay?” He grinned a little, scooting a little closer. “Maybe you could give me that tour later.” He flirted, taking one of his legs out from under himself and placing it over the taller’s.
Taking another sip of his drink, he sighed softly, looking back down at their hands, brushing his thumb over the back of Hunter’s hand. “Thank you for being so nice to me.” He whispered, a tiny smile tugging the corner of his mouth up. “I like being around you,  I mean I’ve only been here a few minutes and I’m already more calm than I have been in the past few days.” He let out a soft chuckle.
Lifting his eyes once more, he looked at Hunter, squinting gently. “You must be magic, huh? There’s no way that amount of handsome is mortal.” He teased, the bridge of his nose scrunching.
Hunter Clarington:
A smile crept its way onto Hunter’s face as Blaine draped one of his sexy limbs over his lap. The older man looked down at Blaine’s leg, noting that the young man favored skinny jeans and how they hugged his limbs deliciously. Subconsciously licking and nibbling on his bottom lip, Hunter set his beer down on the coffee table before carefully taking and placing Blaine’s beer as well. With their hands free, Hunter was able to grab onto Blaine’s legs and pull him closer, until the boy was practically sitting in his lap.
“You just want to talk?” Hunter asked in a whisper, his eyes following the movements of Blaine’s scrunching nose. Having Blaine tease him stirred something within the man; a deep, lustful longing for the boy. They were very close to one another-- their faces mere inches away from impact. Although Hunter’s intention was only to tease, he had a feeling that there was enough courage and daring between the both of them that this could escalate.
But Hunter wouldn’t think about what ifs for now. He pressed closer still, until Blaine could feel the faintest of Hunter’s breaths against his cheek and ear. Hunter knew that it would send a thrill down the boy’s spine and possibly even excite him; he liked teasing Blaine.
“I’m glad that I can be here for you,” he told Blaine once again, still keeping his voice at a gentle whisper, mindful that the boy could feel every word spoken on his hot skin. “I want you to feel relaxed and calm around me.” Just then, an idea popped into Hunter’s head and he pulled back; It was obvious by the way his eyes lit up and his little smirk grew into a smug grin. “Do you want to try something?” He asked Blaine vaguely, looking into the boy’s eyes with a knowing expression. “Something that’ll help you relax really well? I might have something that’ll loosen you up so you can really enjoy the night.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine let out a soft chuckle as Hunter pulled him onto his lap, settling on it a little as the other spoke, the feeling of his hot breath kissing his skin with every word spoken causing a shiver to travel all of the way from the bottom of his spine to the top, causing chills to rise on the back of his neck. He looked down a little as he grinned, he absolutely loved this feeling. The rush it gave him to be so close to the older man was addicting. “Maybe we could do more than just talk.” He whispered softly, leaning into Hunter a little more, resting his temple against his forehead, shivering again at the taller’s words against his ear.
Sighing contently and closing his eyes he smiled softly. “Mmm I definitely feel calmer now that I’m with you.” He lifted his head, though, when Hunter spoke again, suggesting something to help him relax more and enjoy the night. He chuckled a little as a smirk settled on his face, looking at his friend. “Well I figured we’d get to that but not until later tonight.” He teased, as he settled a little more into Hunter’s lap, deliberately moving just right so his ass would brush against the right spot.
“Really, though, what did you have in mind?” He asked with a giggle, his brow quirking curiously as their eyes met. “Because that sounded sexual and need I remind you that you’re straight.” He crinkled his nose. He liked to tease Hunter in more ways than one, it was fun. He’d never felt so comfortable with another person, and especially not in such a short amount of time, so he didn’t think twice about teasing him, sexually or not sexually. It was fun and he loved that Hunter would tease him right back.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter chuckled and shook his head when he was teased. He really liked that they could be so friendly with each other; he really liked Blaine. They’d talked about Hunter’s orientation and the man had on more than one occasion insisted that he was only interested in women. Of course, his actions proved otherwise but Hunter wasn’t about to point that out. “I didn’t mean anything sexual; I meant something else, you goof.” He playfully pushed Blaine before standing up. “Wait here and I’ll go get it.”
Leaving Blaine alone to go into his bedroom, he rummaged through his nightstand and pulled out a small ziploc bag containing a few green buds. He also grabbed a lighter along with a small pack of rolling papers and a grinder. He wasn’t sure if Blaine would go along with it but he was willing to try. If not, maybe the boy would be willing to shotgun… That would be really fucking hot.
When he returned, Blaine was sitting right where he’d left him. “I’m not going to force you if you don’t want to, but I can show you how to smoke it if you want?” He offered, showing the little baggie to his friend. He assumed that Blaine, being the prim and proper little spoiled rich kid that he was, probably hadn’t even ever seen a joint before. Hunter pictured the boy coughing with watery eyes after taking an inexperienced hit; the thought was cute enough to put a grin on his face as he worked on grinding the buds. “I promise it’s not difficult at all once you get the hang of it.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine giggled softly as Hunter pushed him and he scooted off of his lap, watching with a smile as he walked off. He grinned to himself while Hunter was gone, sighing softly as he thought to himself that he made the right choice by coming over. His nerves had already calmed down so much from being with Hunter and the alcohol had helped as well, which he finished off while the taller was gone.
He turned his attention to his friend when he came back into the room, raising his eyebrows at his statement, a smile spreading across his face when he saw what Hunter had in his hand, feeling a bit excited and amused-- excited because while he expected this night to be fun and interesting, it just got a lot more so, and amused because Hunter offered to teach him how to smoke it as if he’d never smoked a joint in his life.
He thought back to the last time he did, it was with Trent and a few of the other Warblers, they’d had a bonfire at  the co-captain’s house and one of the Warblers had brought some and they say around and smoked it, that was the night he and Trent had sex for the first time. He shook his head gently, making the memory fade as he sat up a little on the edge of the couch, watching Hunter as he grinded, biting his lip gently, grinning. “Oh, yeah? You can teach innocent little ol’ me to smoke a joint?” He said, feigning an innocent tone before a chuckle fell from his lips.
Hunter Clarington:
“Of course I can,” Hunter replied as he carefully set the fuzzy green pieces into the thin rolling paper. “If it’s too much for you, I can even just exhale the smoke into your mouth and nose-- y’know, like shotgunning.” The thought of Blaine knowing how to smoke weed hadn’t even occurred to him. After he was satisfied with the shape of the joint, Hunter placed it between his lips and lit it. He wanted to take a few puffs until the flame had caught onto the good parts-- so Blaine could feel all the full effects of the marijuana. “Like this,” he then took his first real inhale, letting the smoke fill his lungs before blowing it out with a smooth, long breath. Right into Blaine’s face.
He watched as the smoke billowed up and over and around Blaine, thinning out as it spread behind the boy. A smug grin spread across Hunter’s face as he watched Blaine’s expression. The boy seemed willing to try it himself so Hunter decided to pass the joint along.
Carefully handing Blaine the lit joint, Hunter gave instructions to the boy. “Inhale and try to hold in your breath-- inhaling again will help the weed get to your lungs-- and hold it for a few seconds before exhaling.” Hunter hoped that Blaine wouldn’t do something wrong that would cause him to choke or make his eyes watery; he wanted this experience to be good for him. He wasn’t sure if this was necessarily a good idea because he was essentially introducing drugs to him and what if this turned out being a gateway drug for Blaine? Hunter nibbled on his bottom lip waiting for Blaine to take the hit and see what the outcome would be.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine raised his eyebrows when Hunter didn’t catch his teasing tone and he chuckled again, shaking his head as he watched as he placed the joint between his gorgeous, full lips, smiling as he watched him light it up and take a hit. He knew it shouldn’t have been, but something about the way the older knew just what he was doing and the way he lit up the joint was really attractive.
His smile expanded into a slight grin as Hunter gently blew the smoke towards him, it only growing a little as he went on to explain how he should do it and he couldn’t wipe the amused grin off of his face, shaking his head again. “See? You’re adorable.” He said as he took the joint from Hunter. He placed it between his lips and took a decent sized inhale, welcoming the feeling of the smoke filling up his lungs before taking the joint from between his lips, holding in his breath for a long moment as he handed it back to Hunter. He looked to his friend as he let out his breath, blowing the smoke right back into his face, the smug expression now on Blaine’s face, using the last little bit of smoke in him to blow a smoke ring towards the other. “Like that?” He asked, with his eyebrows raised, the corner of his mouth tugged up into a smirk.
“Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not as innocent as I look.” He took a deep breath as he sat back against the couch, smiling at Hunter. “For the record though, I’m absolutely not against that shotgunning idea.” He added, biting his lip gently, the thought of Hunter’s mouth anywhere near his again making his insides stir with excitement.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter quirked his eyebrow when Blaine called him adorable. He’d been called that by the boy before but he wasn’t sure what Blaine was referencing just now. When Blaine took the joint from him and took a hit almost expertly, Hunter’s expression changed from curious to surprised, an open-mouthed smile on his face.
“Well, well, so here I was just making a fool out of myself but I see you’ve done this before.” Hunter laughed as he received the joint from Blaine and took another hit. “I underestimated you, Anderson. You’re obviously much more badass than I first pegged you for.” Passing the joint back to him as he exhaled, Hunter stood up to get two more beers for them. He turned on his stereo, the easy listening tunes playing through the room and setting the mood.
He sat back down just in time for Blaine to pass the joint off to him again. “You feeling a little buzzed yet?” He asked, noting that the joint was already half gone. “I have more so you don’t have to hold back.” Truth be told, Hunter was beginning to feel the effects of both the marijuana and the alcohol working inside of him; he felt lighter than air and his head felt cloudy. He wanted to relax with Blaine and melt right into him-- to kiss him and do many, many things to him that he wouldn’t do sober.
Scooting closer to Blaine, Hunter took a swig of his beer before leaning against him. Blaine felt warm and soft-- Hunter was very comfortable being right there next to his friend.
Blaine Anderson:  
Blaine took another long hit from the joint as Hunter went off to get more to drink, holding his breath for a few moments before blowing the smoke out slowly, playing with it some more, blowing a few more smoke rings before passing it back to Hunter, taking his beer, opening it up and taking a drink.
He looked to the taller with a smile as he leaned against him, nodding gently. “Mmm yes, I’m definitely feeling very buzzed.” He answered, definitely feeling a bit lighter himself. He bit his lip gently as he watched Hunter drink his beer, thinking about Hunter’s earlier suggestion and the fact that he felt like he might’ve disappointed the other by already having smoked weed before, so he didn’t get to teach him anything. He had an idea then and his eyebrow quirked up.
“You know,” He started, leaning forward to place his beer on the coffee table after taking another sip. “I’ve never shotgunned before.” He sat up a little, moving to straddle the taller’s lap -the alcohol and marijuana certainly didn’t make Blaine any less forward- and he placed his hands against Hunter’s chest, looking at him. “Show me?” He said, his voice low, only inches between their mouths.
If he wasn’t sure before, by now Blaine was one hundred percent sure he would do as much and go as far as Hunter would allow him to tonight, but he wasn’t one to just give it up, he would definitely enjoy teasing Hunter through the night until he just couldn’t handle anymore. Shotgunning was ideal for him to continue with the teasing, their lips so close and not touching enough to kiss, the tension would be so high, it would be delicious and he wanted it.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter was glad to hear that Blaine had loosened up and felt buzzed from either the weed or the alcohol; all Hunter wanted for the other was to feel more relaxed tonight, after all. After placing his beer aside he accepted the joint and prepared himself to take another hit. What he didn’t prepare for was Blaine to move on top of him, straddling him against the couch. Although it wasn’t unfamiliar to see Blaine being so forward, Hunter wasn’t used to being so okay with it. After the night they’d met each other Hunter had always been very adamant of the fact that he was 100% heterosexual; he had to remind Blaine more than once due to their constant flirting though tonight Hunter didn’t feel the need to remind his friend at all.
“Oh? You want to try it, hm?” Hunter wrapped his free hand around Blaine’s slender waist to pull him closer. “There’s a couple of ways to do it but I think the best way is, well-- you’ll see. Just get ready to open those pretty lips of yours and breathe.” With a chuckle, Hunter placed the joint between his lips and took in a deep drag, holding his breath as he pulled the joint away. He pressed closer to Blaine and looked up, right into his eyes. As if on cue, Blaine slightly parted his lips and Hunter clashed their lips together, gently blowing into the boy’s mouth. Hunter hadn’t ever shotgunned like this before-- there were other ways to do it-- but this was by far the most sexually appealing to him.
Their shotgun had somehow transformed into more of a kiss over time; Hunter moved his lips against Blaine’s as smoke billowed around them. He tightened his grip around Blaine, pulling him in even closer until their bodies were flush right up against each other. He hummed softly, moaning into the kiss before completely losing himself in it.
By the time they pulled away to breathe, the joint had already burnt out. Hunter tossed it onto the coffee table so he could wrap both arms around Blaine and keep him close. All Hunter cared about right now was Blaine.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine slipped his arms around Hunter’s neck and his insides seemed to catch fire as their lips brushed against each other and he inhaled the smoke Hunter offered him, he felt as if he was melting right into the taller’s arms and it was so fucking hot. He let his eyes flutter closed and all of his intentions of teasing went out the window as he was too weak to continue with it. He slipped his fingers into the back of Hunter’s hair and captured his lips with his own, kissing him deeply and slowly.
He shivered when he felt the vibrations against his lips from Hunter’s moan and he let out an involuntary one himself as he also got lost in the feeling of the older’s lips against his own, it was a feeling that he had believed he could get addicted to and he was right-- he was in trouble. He had already become addicted to Hunter in just the short amount of time they’d known each other, he was addicted to the feeling that came with talking to him, being close to him, the feeling of his lips and how it felt like his entire body was buzzing with electricity when they kissed. He was in trouble because there was no going back. He needed this.
Hunter was already becoming his drug.
When they broke to take a breath and Hunter pulled him closer, Blaine left his eyes closed, resting his forehead against the taller’s, his breath coming out in soft pants over the other’s lips. He let his hands slide down his neck and over his shoulders to rest on his chest. He could feel his insides trembling-- he wouldn’t be surprised if he started trembling on the outside at any moment, feeling as if he might explode. His stomach was fluttering intensely, like it had that night when they first kissed, his head swirling with cloudiness from the alcohol, marijuana, and the feeling of intoxication just from being with Hunter.
He wanted to have sex with him, he had images of Hunter throwing him on the bed and ripping his clothes off and of them rolling around in Hunter’s sheets until they were too exhausted to move flashing through his mind. Panting, sweating, moaning. He wanted to experience that. He knew that if kissing Hunter was enough to blow him away...he couldn’t even imagine really how incredible the sex would be.
All of the kissing and images of sex was starting to turn him on a little, he snaked his arms around the other’s neck again, and he found himself trying to get closer to him, causing their crotches to rub against the other as he did so. Accidentally. He bit his lip to stifle the groan that wanted to fall from his mouth at the feeling, his eyes rolling behind his closed eyelids.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter’s heart was racing, blood rushing through his veins speedily to provide his brain and lungs with enough oxygen. He felt like he was being suffocated and drowned and electrocuted all at once but in a weirdly good way. He wanted Blaine to continue making him feel this way-- like a child playing with fire even after being burned. Hunter knew in his mind that this wasn’t right but his body kept telling him go.
“Fuck, Blaine,” Hunter murmured with a hiss against Blaine’s lips as their crotches grazed against each other’s. Hunter felt it down to the very core of his entire being. He pulled Blaine closer yet, grinding his hips up against the other’s to repeat the sensation. Maybe it was a little embarrassing but the simple action of his cock being touched-- although with too much clothing between them-- added to their intense kiss had already gotten Hunter hard. He felt like a teenage boy again, home alone with a girl for the first time ever. Except this time Hunter was a fully grown man and he was alone with a underaged schoolboy. An extremely hot, underaged schoolboy.
Although he’d previously claimed he had no experience with men sexually, Hunter instinctively knew he wanted and needed to touch Blaine. At some point his hand had moved from Blaine’s back to his stomach, his fingers absentmindedly tracing circles in his abs. Hunter certainly wanted to go further but doing so meant he’d be crossing a line he’d never even dared to approach before Blaine. Silently cursing himself, Hunter instead slipped his hand under Blaine’s shirt to feel him, skin-to-skin. His fingers brushed over Blaine’s nipple, feeling it harden under his touch.
“You’re so hot,” Hunter whispered between hot, needy kisses. For now he was alright with just kissing Blaine and touching him like this; he just wasn’t sure if he was mentally ready to take the next step. As he continued to kiss and touch the boy, he felt his cock twitch and harden inside his jeans. He wanted Blaine. Badly.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine gasped slightly against Hunter’s mouth as the older man touched him, tightening his fingers in his hair, he pressed himself down a little to have that feeling once again along with the new sensation of being touched by Hunter. His cock hardened with the movement and he captured the other’s lips again, kissing him deep and needy.
He whined softly when Hunter whispered to him, something of a growl escaping him as he nodded his head. “Yeah you are,” He whispered, his voice wrapped in a heavy breath, before biting Hunter’s bottom lip, tugging it gently and dragging his teeth over it as he grinded his hips down once again, a smirk tugging at his lips when he realized that his friend was just as hard as he was. He tugged Hunter’s hair gently to pull his head back, taking his mouth away from his to lick a long strip right under his jawline to his ear all the while he was rolling his hips down once at an agonizingly slow pace, stopping when he reached the taller’s earlobe.
“How about giving me that tour now?” He whispered suggestively against Hunter’s ear, pressing a kiss to his earlobe before nipping at it. Blaine wasn’t sure how far he could get Hunter to go, and he certainly wouldn’t pressure him into it, but there was no harm in testing those waters, even if they just ended up in bed continuing to do this for as long as possible. It felt incredible, he definitely didn’t want it to stop.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter’s jaw went slack as he felt Blaine’s tongue carefully tracing his jawline, a shiver tickling down the his neck. He gasped almost inaudibly, his fingers nearly scrambling to grab at Blaine and beg for more. When he heard the request for a tour of the apartment, Hunter pulled back and his eyes snapped open to stare into the pair of deep, dark, hazel. As if receiving a sensory overload from Blaine’s sensual touch, every single one of his thoughts were pushed out of his brain to make room for one massive thought: Bedroom.
Grabbing Blaine’s hand almost roughly, Hunter staggered down the hall in a rush. “Bathroom’s on the left-- nothing interesting in there-- and this is the bedroom,” Hunter opened the door so quickly, it swung right into the wall. “C’mere, you, “ Hunter growled, tugging Blaine inside and throwing him onto the bed. He didn’t care that Blaine was a guy; his brain was working on autopilot and all he wanted to do was to feel good and make Blaine feel good. He didn’t care that he wasn’t gay; he didn’t give a shit about labels right now.
Climbing onto the bed, Hunter hovered parallel with the boy. As he looked at Blaine, he realized he didn’t have any words to offer. There were a jumble of words that filled his head, making it difficult for him to think but enough to propel his actions. He grabbed at Blaine’s shirt, urging him to take it off; he wanted to see more. Once he managed to get it off, Hunter straddled Blaine and sat back, looking down at his body.
“Fuck,” he rasped under his breath, studying how absolutely gorgeous Blaine was, topless and sexy on his bed. An underaged teenage boy, was half-naked in his bed. “You’re so fucking hot.” Hunter kissed at Blaine’s neck, sucking lightly at his hot skin, leaving a little trail of faint marks down his chest.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine let out a slight giggle at Hunter’s eagerness when he grabbed his hand and pulled him through the small apartment, laughing a little more at the ‘tour’ he was giving. Blaine grinned at Hunter as he growled, quirking his eyebrow. He liked this. He liked this a lot and he liked where it was going. “That was the quickest tour I’ve ever been on,” He commented before tugging Hunter down to clash their lips together for a quick, needy kiss, because there’s always time to be a smartass, even when you’re in bed with your devilishly sexy new friend.
Wasting no time when Hunter urged him to get a bit more naked, Blaine helped pull his shirt off, he took a moment to pause whenever the taller straddled him, biting his lip as he looked up with him with lust blown eyes, only a thin stripe of gold could be seen. His head was still buzzing with his high, the alcohol running through his bloodstream, but he knew exactly what he was doing and he wanted it. He wanted it bad.
He licked his lips and let his eyes flutter closed as Hunter started to kiss his neck and his body, grinning a little to himself, knowing he’d have marks to see later to remember this by-- the thought of his boyfriend seeing them and questioning them never once entering his mind-- and that turned him on further.
His chest and stomach rose and fell with heavy breaths as chills rose on his body, Hunter’s lips were sparking fires underneath his skin and it was spreading rapidly. He placed his hands on Hunter’s sides, tugging at his shirt gently with a soft whine. “Off,” He growled softly, slipping his hands under the hem of his shirt. “Too much.” He continued, not being able to form a complete sentence at the moment.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter felt another tickle travel up his spine as Blaine’s hands rubbed his sides, the hem of his shirt riding up. The feel of Blaine’s fingertips grazing his bare skin caused blood to rush to his head and groin. Obeying Blaine’s command, he reared back so he could pull off his shirt, tossing it to the side, forgotten. Since he was already stripping, he decided he might as well undo his jeans to relieve some of the pressure. His cock had been confined-- straining to get out of its denim cage. After undoing his fly, a very prominent bulge peeked through, still clothed by Hunter’s black boxer briefs.
Palming his cock roughly, Hunter let his head drop backwards as he let out a pleased moan. Touching himself for a bit took the edge off though it only spurred on his sex drive. As he released his hand from his cock, he draped himself over Blaine so the boy could get the opportunity to touch his body. Tempted and thinking with his cock, Hunter lowered himself to allow his crotch to rut against Blaine’s, seeking friction.
“Blaine,” Hunter buried his face into the bend of Blaine’s neck, the boy’s name coming out of his mouth in hot breaths of air. He loved the way Blaine’s name sounded. He loved saying his name.
Hunter still wasn’t quite sure where this was going. He’d gotten this far with marijuana and alcohol fueling him and they weren’t about to slow him down now. Even in his haze, he knew in his mind that he had no idea what he was doing. He was treading into new territory with Blaine as his guide.
Still, he knew what he wanted. His hand reached down and palmed at Blaine’s crotch, managing to undo his fly and just touching his cock got Hunter even harder. Blaine might’ve still been boy but goddamn did he feel like a man-- a long, thick man.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine’s breath only got heavier as he watched Hunter with hungry eyes, following his hand down to watch him palm at himself, biting his lip hard he threw his head back against the pillows. A gasp escaped him as he felt Hunter grind down against him, whining as his hands flew to the back of the taller’s neck, sliding up to tangle in his hair as he rolled his hips up. “Mmm,” He groaned in the back of his throat, the vibrations from Hunter saying his name sending a shiver down his spine.
He loved hearing his name coming out of the other’s mouth and he wanted to hear it again. He imagined hearing it wrapped up in a mid-orgasm moan and it made his cock grow harder in his tight Chinos.
Blaine’s hand tightened in the older man’s hair when he touched him, a moan falling from his parted lips. God, everything felt so good, so hot. Any tiny voice in the back of his head that might’ve started to tell him this wasn’t a good idea was shut up harshly by the feeling of Hunter’s hand on him. “Mmm, Hunter.” He turned his head to moan the other’s name against his ear, a neediness to his tone.
“Fuck,” He whispered, his voice wrapped in heavy breaths as he pressed his hips up again, needing more. This wasn’t enough, he needed more. He gently pulled Hunter’s head up so he could look at him, looking up at him with even darker eyes, his lips parted and pink from all of the kissing. “Take them off.” He requested, sliding his hands quickly down the taller’s hard body to push at his jeans, tugging at the elastic of his boxer briefs.
He wanted as little between them as possible, and both of their pants were in the way, he needed less. Less clothing, more Hunter.
Being the impatient person that he was, almost as the words left his mouth Blaine pushed his body up gently to roll them over, tugging off Hunter’s pants, discarding them to the floor with their forgotten shirts before sitting up a little to kick his own off very quickly. He wasted no time when he was finished to hover over the taller, grinding his hips down to get more friction, the only thing separating their erections were their boxer briefs.
His eyes rolled back at the pleasurable feeling as it warmed his body, another groan crawling out from the back of his throat, muttering a “So fucking hot,” as he crashed their lips together again, kissing Hunter hot, needy, urgently. He needed him, he needed more, more, more.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter could feel Blaine’s urgency by the way he tugged at his hair as they grasped at each other, seeking more friction and pleasure. Each time Blaine rocked against his hand, Hunter could swear he felt the other grow harder and harder. Suddenly, they were looking right into each other’s eyes and Hunter saw a side of Blaine he’d never seen before-- an expression with which he wasn’t familiar. It excited him.
As Blaine rolled them over, Hunter settled into the bed and obeyed Blaine, letting him remove his pants without complaint. Although a part of him was somewhat scared for what would come next, he had to admit the feeling of Blaine’s crotch grinding down against his with only a bit of thin fabric separating them turned him on to the extreme. Likewise with Blaine, he wanted more.
“Mm, yeah you are,” Hunter murmured between hot and needy kisses. Every touch felt like electricity surging through his veins, charging him up until his insides were buzzing. Already a deep rooted heat bubbled up in the pit of his stomach. “Fuck, Blaine,” he keened, hips bucking up into him.
As Blaine continued to grind down against him and kiss him, the fogginess in Hunter’s head began to dissipate. He realized they were in bed, only in their underwear, and at any moment Blaine could escalate things to the next level. Although Hunter had been more “go-with-the-flow” than anything regarding tonight, he was definitely certain he was not ready to take that step. Knowing that he needed to regain that control, he hastily pulled Blaine back and switched their positions; It wasn’t difficult to do so considering Blaine looked and felt about half his weight. He pinned Blaine down to the bed by his wrists, his knees digging into the bed on either side of Blaine.
Now it was his turn to look into Blaine with dark, lust-filled eyes. He didn’t want to stop what they were doing; he didn’t want a repeat of their first evening together when he’d just up and left. He wanted to show Blaine that he was very interested in keeping him as a friend. A close friend. “Wanna make you feel good,” he murmured quietly in a low, rough voice. He ground down against Blaine’s crotch with more urgency and fervor than ever before. “Wanna make you come, Blaine.” Words spurted out of him, easily falling from his lips as he looked down at the boy. “Want you to come for me.”
Truth be told, Hunter was close to coming himself. He could feel his balls drawing up, ready to spill his load into his boxer briefs. It took him a lot just to hold on, his grip around Blaine’s wrists tightening as he continued to rut against him, each movement inching him closer and closer to his release.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine whimpered when Hunter turned them over, the feeling of the older being in control and wanting the control turning him on even further, pushing him towards the edge. He looked up at the taller as they continued to rut against one another, biting his lip hard. He loved feeling Hunter’s weight on him, he loved how it felt to be pinned down to his bed, he loved the feeling of his strong hands wrapped around his wrists. It all felt so overwhelmingly hot, so incredible.
His eyes rolled back as he shut them, the sound of Hunter’s words and harsh breath causing chills to rise on his skin despite the thin layer of sweat that was glistening in the slight bit of moonlight that was shining through Hunter’s bedroom window and the bedside table’s lamp. He rolled his hips up to meet the older man’s rhythm, his hands gripping at nothing but air because of the way Hunter held him down. “Fuck, Hunter.” He whined the other’s name, the whine that only meant his orgasm was just inches away.
It only took Hunter’s voice, quiet and rough mixed in with both of their heavy breaths telling him to come for him to push him over the cliff. His eyes slammed shut tightly, rocking his hips up desperately and letting out a loud moan wrapped around Hunter’s name as his orgasm hit him hard. He clenched his fists hard and his forehead wrinkled, his jaw dropping, his cock pulsing inside of his boxer briefs as he came. His insides exploded underneath his skin, his blood feeling as if it had been replaced by fire as the pleasure caused him to shutter, his entire body trembling as he moved to ride his orgasm.
It could’ve been the fact that he was high and still a little tipsy but he had never felt the way he did in that moment. It was nothing like the times he’d fooled around with Trent or any other boy, this was incredible.
He whined and moaned as he looked up at the taller. “Kiss me,” He begged in a desperate, needy whimper. He needed to mix the feelings of this pleasure and Hunter’s kiss, knowing it would cause the fire under his skin to explode into fireworks.
Hunter Clarington:
Watching Blaine with dark eyes, Hunter moved his hips with the other’s, timing each thrust for maximum pleasure. He ground down hard against Blaine while leaving little to no room between them as he seeked more and more friction. Being with Blaine, regardless of how wrong it might’ve been, felt amazing and Hunter needed more. He watched as Blaine’s jaw dropped, his face absolutely gorgeous as he came in his underwear. Refusing to let up even a little bit, Hunter continued to jerk his hips down even after Blaine had come.
As he leant down to kiss Blaine, he captured him in a sloppy kiss as his body continued to move. “Fuck, I’m gonna--” He gasped into Blaine’s mouth, drawing back only the slightest bit as he let out a deep groan and let everything go. Thrusting into Blaine hard, spurts of white stained the inside of his boxer briefs. His grip around Blaine’s wrists tightened to the point it would most likely leave behind bruises..
Hunter had never done this with another man before and now he had to rethink a few things. Because goddamn that was so hot and they hadn’t even really done anything other than a lot of kissing and grinding up on each other. Being with Blaine like this made his whole body shake from the inside out and his hands trembled as he released his grip around the boy’s wrists. Even though they’d both came, Hunter had a desire to remain close to Blaine-- to hold him and kiss him even if the moment wasn’t as heated as a few moments ago.
“C’mere, you,” Hunter growled, flopping onto the bed and pulling his friend closer. The inside of his underwear felt uncomfortable and awkward but he ignored it in favor of staying tangled up with his friend in bed. He drew Blaine in for a deep, tender kiss, even allowing himself to let out a content hum. Once he felt the need to pull back for a fresh breath of air, Hunter told Blaine exactly what he wanted, “Stay the night with me; I’ll give you a ride to wherever tomorrow.”
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine had been trying his best to keep any of the feelings that were bubbling up inside of him at bay from the moment he’d learned that he’d learned his new friend was very persistent about being straight and just friends, knowing if he wasn’t careful he would just end up hurt, but between the orgasms they’d just shared and the way Hunter pulled him close and kissed him deep made it difficult.
He was in trouble.
He bit his lip gently, lifting his gaze to Hunter’s as he cuddled a little closer, also ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of his underwear, not wanting to leave this moment. He slipped his hand over the taller’s side to his stomach and up his chest, leaning their foreheads together as he placed it on his cheek. He closed his eyes and took a deep, shaky breath. All of the things he felt that first night when they kissed flowing through him and wrapping around his insides, warming them. He slipped his leg between Hunter’s and as they lay there tangled together the thought crossed his mind that he could get used to this. He knew better than to think that but, god, it just felt so nice. He felt cared about and safe in Hunter’s arms, he wanted to stay in this moment forever.
In the back of his mind he was afraid that at any moment this could all come to an end and Hunter could push him away, which is why it surprised him when the other spoke again, telling him to stay. Something inside of him fluttered and a small smile pulled the corner of his lips up. He knew he was getting to him-- he knew he wasn’t the only one who was feeling something here. He knew that from the first night they met and he knew that if he kept trying he could get through to him, no matter how hard he tried to make himself and Blaine believe he was straight-- he felt something for Blaine and Blaine knew it.
The shorter just nodded softly before inching a tiny bit closer, brushing his thumb over Hunter’s cheek, closing the space between their lips again to kiss him deep and tender like before, only slower. He couldn’t say what he was feeling or thinking without bringing attention to the fact that Hunter was feeling the same so he figured kissing him would be the best option.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter took Blaine’s tiny nod as a “yes”, tightening his hold around him and pulling the covers over them. When he was with Blaine, it felt like sometimes they didn’t need any words to convey what they were feeling. They barely knew each other and yet it also felt as if they’d known each other for a very long time. Something about Blaine made it easy for Hunter to click with him-- to be on the same wavelength of thought and emotion regardless of the situation or topic of discussion.
Kissing Blaine was beyond Hunter’s vocabulary he would use to describe it-- The way Blaine’s lips pressed against his, moving perfectly in time with his own was blissfully incredible. He broke apart from the kiss a few moments later, settled right beside Blaine in his double bed.  After having a few drinks and getting high-- and especially after coming-- Hunter felt spent. All he wanted to do now was lie there and fall asleep with Blaine close by.
“You should come over more often,” Hunter murmured softly, draping an arm over Blaine’s torso. Perhaps it was the haze of drugs and alcohol that blinded Hunter to the problem at hand-- that he was lying nearly naked in bed with an underaged, teenage boy, when he was supposed to be straight-- and maybe in the morning Hunter would realize his mistake and attempt to correct it. After all, he didn’t want to give Blaine the wrong idea. It would mess up his friendship with the young man.
Clearly, he was digging his own grave.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine cuddled a little close to Hunter, nuzzling his face against the other’s chest, inhaling deep and exhaling, trying to calm his heartbeat while simultaneously breathing in his friend, even mixed with sex and sweat he smelled delicious. He let his hand slide down the taller’s stomach and then back up a couple of times gently, an absentminded touch of affection as he smiled softly. “Mmm, I definitely will.” He whispered softly, pressing a soft kiss to Hunter’s chest.
His smile didn’t fade when he closed his eyes,  he couldn’t help but smile, he felt so much better than he had hours ago when he was sitting in his room listening to his parents yelling about God knows what-- he’d learned to tune out their words long ago. He was amazed by how much better he felt, no one - not even Trent, sadly enough - had been able to make him feel this much better, to take his mind off of all of the shit at home. He felt okay, he felt safe, and that tugged at his heart a little, made something inside of him start to stir.
“Thank you,” He whispered softly after a few moments of silence, his hand finally settled against Hunter’s chest, his thumb moving back and forth in a soft, slow, absentminded motion. “Not just for tonight but for tonight and again for that day.” He shook his head a little bit, letting the seriousness of his voice captivate the feeling in the room, the sexual tension gone and the comfortable feeling laying over them like a blanket, he didn’t want to scare Hunter away with serious talk, but he could feel a little bit of his walls tug downwards, wanting the other to know how sincerely grateful he had been for him over the past week. He’d helped him in so many ways already and he wanted him to know. He hoped the taller wouldn’t reject the moment with him, rather embrace it and share it even if it only lasted a moment or two and then they could go back to their teasing, and flirting, and the lighthearted way the spoke to one another.
He wanted to let him know that he already meant something to him, regardless of long they’d known each other.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter was no stranger to post-coitus cuddling nor to a little pillow talk-- many of his sexual partners loved to cuddle. He understood that sometimes people just wanted to be held and to have another warm body there in their arms. Although he didn’t consider Blaine his sexual partner, he understood the emotional state his friend must’ve been in after escaping the bickering and barking of his parents. He wanted to be there for his friend and from the look of Blaine’s face and the sound of his comforted voice, Hunter assumed he’d managed to get the job done.
“No thanks needed, Anderson. I wanna be here for you.” The elder murmured quietly, only somewhat aware of Blaine’s gentle touches as he closed his eyes and carefully tightened his hold around his friend to bring him even closer. “... Always wanna be here for you.”
For reasons Hunter couldn’t explain he wanted to protect Blaine. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he still felt guilty for being the reason why Blaine ended up in the hospital or maybe he just really liked the boy’s company. He wanted to continue being in Blaine’s presence. In Hunter’s mind he and Blaine were just friends; they weren’t to go beyond what just happened. Even tonight was a mistake but with the boy all snuggled up beside him, Hunter wasn’t about to kick him out of bed. Just because they’d done what they did, didn’t mean anything had changed. Hunter Clarington was 100% straight.
It’s just that it was getting harder and harder for him to convince himself of that.
Blaine Anderson:
Blaine’s insides fluttered at the way Hunter spoke to him as he held him closer, smiling gently still as he nuzzled a bit more against the taller. “You really have been-- at the hospital and now..” He whispered gently, pressing his cheek against Hunter’s chest as he sighed softly. “You just have no idea what it means to me.” His voice got somewhat quieter as he spoke.
He rolled his eyes at himself internally, leave it to Blaine to get emotional at a time like this. Blaine was always an emotional person but with everything he’d been going through, mixed with the marijuana and alcohol and the overwhelming new feelings that Hunter brought with him when he barged into his life, he felt a little more emotional than usual.
He sighed contently, slipping his arm around the other's torso, his fingertips lightly rubbing against the skin of his side. "I'm really glad I met you, y'know." He said through a yawn, the exhaustion from the day's activities finally setting in, his arm a little sore. He felt so warm and cozy and safe in Hunter's arms- the fact he felt like he could sleep there spoke volumes about his feelings towards the taller and how much he trusted him already. "You're so warm and snuggly." He cuddles closer, nuzzling some more, the fact that he was getting a bit sleepy obvious in the deepness of his voice. "Feels safe with you."
Blaine let out one last sigh of content as he nuzzled his face against Hunter’s chest. “Mmm, my hero.” He mumbled low before he slowly drifted off to sleep in the taller’s arms, comfortable and happy.
Hunter Clarington:
Hunter opened his eyes slowly and looked down at his friend for whom he felt he needed to protect at all costs. “I’m glad I met you as well,” he replied, letting his hand rub gently up and down Blaine’s back, soothing him. “I like that I can make you feel safe.” Hunter hadn’t ever had anyone depend on him like this before-- there were times when he worked that his accomplices replied on him to keep them out of trouble-- but it felt nothing like what it felt like to have Blaine clinging onto him for reassurance and safety.
Because Hunter lived alone he felt the cold sting of loneliness on a daily basis, so having Blaine with him was pleasant and it was apparent he found Blaine quite alluring. With Blaine being so much younger and smaller than himself, Hunter liked feeling like a type of protector or guardian for him-- someone that he could trust in and seek for refuge. Hunter thrived on the feeling of being relied on. He liked feeling needed. He liked that Blaine wanted to be near him.
“Sleep, Blaine. I promise I’ll be here when you wake up.” Hunter shut his eyes and allowed himself to relax with Blaine, his breathing growing much more evened out. It didn’t take very long for the older man to fall asleep, his arms still securely around Blaine. The warmth of the other’s body helped lull him into a blissful state of rest, a smile on his face knowing that he’d wake up with him right there beside him.
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