arospecbandgeek · 3 months
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hor hor hor hor hor
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sadsoftserve · 3 months
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yeah, okay, but what are your flamebomb and blairecrash headcanons?
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Fred is kinda dumb. We all know this. He's like SUPER dumb, around only her specifically. He gets all flustered and blushy when someone brings it up too.
Fred goes to Giovanni for dating advice. Why? Because he's his boss ofc! Needless to say, Giovanni is way more experienced in this field than you'd suspect. Half of the shit Fred does, was advice he got from Gio.
He also goes to Flamethrower for dating advice. He is just as hopeless as Fred.
Fred is a history nerd. He will go on for hours about smth like, the Taigan Australian war or smth and Blaire will listen. She may be only focused on his face, but she's "listening"
Fred probably has a big family, (I mean 8 family cars? Yeah that says something) and I think he gets made fun of relentlessly by them.
When Blaire first met his family, she was nervous, but it quickly went away when she found out Fred's family is SUPER strange. She felt at home though, they are nice people.
Blaire's love language is I think probably gift giving, Fred's is quality time and Physical touch (the guys broke he can't afford gifts.)
And when Blaire gets him something expensive he feels so bad because he knows he can't return the favor. So instead he just showers her with as many free dates and hugs as he can
Has beaten Tanners ass and gotten suspended for it. Does not regret it, his family is also very proud of him
Malewife x Girlboss vibes frfr
Flamethrower was the first one to catch feelings. He didn't realize it at first, but when she took him to go blow something up, he was like "woah, I like her" and has been hooked ever since.
Giovanni isn't too thrilled though. That's his SISTER. He loves his boys, but he loves his sister more, and his big brother instincts will not fail!
While Flamethrower didn't know she was Bulimic at first, when he found out, bro cried. Like real ass tears, in front of her, Giovanni and the rest of the boys. They were all huddled in the big stall of the girls bathroom at a brunch place. (You can guess the looks they got when they walked out bawling) and flamethrower was bawling his eyes out, which in turn caused Giovanni to cry, which caused all of them to cry.
She's never felt more cared for.
So Flamethrower actively knows when an Episode is close. He knows the signs. And he will no matter what, support her through it. Even if that means staying in her room, cuddled close while she watches myth busters.
He's very emotional. Like, you've seen Giovanni emotional, think that but x5 more
His love language is words of affirmation, While Valeri's is physical touch
He has also beaten the shit out of Tanner, except he did it at a cheer match and almost got kicked off the team.
Thankfully Ms. Cox convinced the cheer coach to not kick him off, bc she knows what Tanner did.
They use a lot of pet names, to an uncomfortable extent.
The first time he went to a Roughhouse family reunion, he was ganged up on by all of Val and Gios cousins. He was interrogated, and threatened. Soon enough they found out he was harmless and left him alone. Moxie still keeps her eye on him.
Her mom's love him. He's such a helpful boy. Giomommy won't admit it, but she's happy that she found someone. Her mom is just happy he's not an ass like Tanner.
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arospecbandgeek · 1 month
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throws my oc x canon propaganda at you and runs away
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arospecbandgeek · 3 months
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pulling an all nighter is funny because there’s only certain things you can come up with when you haven’t slept in 24 hours
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arospecbandgeek · 3 months
The sillies have consumed me.
Give me your BlaireCrash + FlameBomb Hcs, and DONT hold back.
I haven't even posted abt FlameBomb yet, I guess your Hcs will be the first.
Take a spinning Ramsey as Payment :3333
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“don’t hold back” “alr” writes a whole fucking essay worth at 2am
tw: SA, Abuse, Eating Disorders
Blairecrash + Flamebomb HCs
Blairecrash (Blaire x Fred)
The two met through tutoring. Blaire was failing history. Fred wanted to make some extra money.
Eventually some of the side talk turned into actual conversation, befriending each other.
Fred caught feelings first. Blaire was completely oblivious to this.
The two actually got together through a drunken confession. Fred picked up Blaire after she went to a bad party and was too intoxicated to drive.
He even carried her to the front door. Until she confessed. Then Fred dropped her in the grass out of shock.
Fred will make fun of his girlfriend for being “short” even though it’s only by a couple inches.
In reverse, Blaire will make fun of Fred for being less athletic than her.
Fred is teaching Blaire how to draw.
Blaire spoils Fred. A lot. Many of their dates are just shopping sprees.
Fred sucks at dancing. During homecoming, he was completely embarrassing. Blaire would roll her eyes and keep going anyway.
Would 100% fit that “He asked for no pickles!” meme.
Blaire has an entire crying fit whenever the dog dies in movies. No matter how many times Fred has to explain it’s just fiction, she’ll cry even harder.
Blaire’s favorite thing ever is My Little Pony. Any and all generations (Except the 5th one, ew). She keeps this a complete secret. No one knows except for Fred (who probably found out by opening one of her closets and seeing 300 toys)
She feels welcome to talk about My Little Pony, and even wake up early to watch reruns or play with some of the toys.
Fred doesn’t judge her for it. Finds it a bit weird, but loves her enough to go along with it.
Tanner McCroy is an abusive ex boyfriend of Blaire’s.
She was sextorted by him for a year or so. Blaire essentially did anything he wanted.
After Tanner got “bored” of her, they broke up and she was finally able to find someone else.
When Fred realized what happened, it made him angry. A type of angry that he’d never felt up until that day.
So angry that he got into his first school fight for it, punching Tanner square in the jaw.
The effects of Tanner never fully went away. Blaire developed PTSD from the events.
Fred wanted to do something, but beating up Tanner over and over again wasn’t going to fix the bottom line.
The only thing he could really do was be there to support her. No matter what.
Flamebomb (Flamethrower x Valeri)
less bc i don’t know val like that and i don’t want to get it wrong 😭
Val is a night owl and Flame is an early bird (Due to his practices being so early in the morning). This causes the following to happen:
On Friday nights, Flame will tend to fall asleep doing anything extraneous/ comfy past 1am. This tends to happen during cuddling. Val finds that adorable.
Speaking of cuddling, sometimes Flame plain sleeps on top of his girlfriend. On accident. Not in a cute cuddly way, but taking up half the bed type of way. Val refuses to move, making productive things more difficult. For example her trying to type on her phone would produce gibberish.
They go on mini crime sprees as dates sometimes. The occasional fire starts.
Like Blairecrash, they sometimes also wake up early to watch Saturday Morning Cartoons and rather cereal in bed, albeit different ones.
Tanner was also an ex of Val. The situation didn’t get as far as Blaire’s, but Val was SA’d.
Flame feels similar about Tanner as Fred does.
When Flamethrower witnessed Valeri’s bulimia first hand, his heart dropped into his stomach.
He tried to stay calm when confronting her about it, staying completely passive and not blaming her for anything. After a couple minutes of her being out of view he completely shut down.
Flame wished she didn’t have to suffer like that. That he could just snap his fingers and make her healthy again. That she’d just be okay. But things didn’t work like that. Things were much more complicated.
Bonus - Double Date HCs
These mostly get planned by Fred and Flame since they’re closer.
Despite being somewhat the opposite of each other, Blaire and Val get along very well.
Their first double date was to a laser tag game.
Everyone got really competitive.
For extra competition, Fred and Flame were on one team, and Blaire and Val were on another.
Fred is actually really good at laser tag, causing Blaire to get targeted and shot multiple times. Because of that, Blaire “swore revenge” on him.
That essentially just means stealing the food off his plate later on.
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^ Val actual ended up doing this to Flame. He got flustered and this was all he could think about for the rest of the day.
After, they went to go pick up something to eat.
It took a million years for them to figure something out since no one was craving anything but was also picky of where they wanted to eat.
They ended up choosing a fast food joint. (Taiga Country’s In & Out equivalent)
Blaire ate half of Fred’s fries.
Unrelated to this, I’d like to think they went on another date where Val blew something up. She would go:
“Whoopsies! Well, anyways….”
And then Blaire would stare at the fire like this
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