#blake skov
f0x-meets-w0lf · 1 year
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despite everything in the universe working against him, skov makes it to his early twenties with a handful of new tattoos and a determination to honor his late friends’ memories. he’s still a slutty stoner and a jock and kind of a firecracker, but maybe he’s reeled it in just enough to feel responsible; he’s got to keep his shit together enough to not mess up the opportunity to live with swan as he finishes his grad school program. (but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t spend plenty of time laying around on heaps of their clean laundry, smoking a bowl and eating snacks and playing video games while swan studies nearby, with occasional breaks to give skov attention, of course.) you know i had to let him keep his signature blue hair.
they say in times of stress/change, people often return to things that are comforting to them, and i suppose that’s what’s happening here. i have been missing kavinsky and his pack of dogs lately, thinking about how nice it would be if they got the chance to grow up and heal some of their wounds and live a little, so… here we are. a small treat for those of you who found me through my trc/dreampack art years ago — bonus points if you recognize the ‘photos’ on the wall.
while i still think about and find comfort in raven cycle characters a lot, i feel like i’ve outgrown some parts of them, and maybe that’s part of why i have been imagining them older. maybe i’ll draw some more ‘adult’ trc stuff (lmao i realize how that sounds but i swear i actually don’t mean it that way this time). hope this brings a little joy/nostalgia to some of y’all’s days ♡
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boringsideeffect · 3 months
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guys Skov is SO BACK. 💖⚡️🛞🌟🌸
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prokopenkokavinsky · 1 year
Skov: so what are you and Kate gonna do tonight?
Aaron: Shit man we’re gonna study.
Skov: I think you’re good.
Aaron: No what if we-
Skov: Get a 92? I’ve seen you cry over a 98 I think you’re gonna be okay.
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packofd0gs · 1 year
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“K glared daggers at Jiang, and for once, he kind of had the right.
Jiang reached up and scuffed the back of his hand against Kavinsky’s rough-stubbled cheek, firmly but gently, a silent question. K just shrugged. Like it didn’t matter. Like he didn’t used to shave every morning before school, like he only ever let his stubble grow if he was going to be using his fake ID. Like he hadn’t broken a mirror in a fit of rage because he looked like his dad the first time he tried to grow a beard in freshman year.
Something in Jiang’s stomach felt deeply unseated, like he was watching a movie he’d seen before and forgotten the ending.”
From “and this was the dream;”, a fic I’m writing in which Kavinsky lives past the 4th of July and participates in the events of the Dreamer Trilogy. It’s a story that weaves up through childhood and teenage delinquency, growing into a story about becoming someone that you don’t despise when you look in the mirror every morning. K is back to blow shit up and take control of his future.
Excerpt is from the end of Chapter 5.
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dregsbrekker · 1 year
Depending on how you began the story, it was about Joseph Kavinsky. In his too-cold, too-bare room in the Shenandoah Valley Regional Rehabilitation Center, Kavinsky dreams of fire, hungry and hot, swallowing the world.
He decides he wants in.
A canon-divergent re-imagining in which Kavinsky lives through his Fourth of July suicide attempt. This is a story that weaves up through childhood, through teenage delinquency, and grows into a story about a saving yourself from the person in your reflection that hates you more than anyone. Its about the shapes between these characters, growing with them in their ever-strained, ever-dangerous lives of magic and crime.
Ever wanted a TRC AU where Kavinsky lives, breaks out of rehab, commits ecoterrorism with Bryde, and becomes a hitman with Mr. Gray? Well, this is your fic.
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
Also Mike kinda got slotted into my category of Blake Skovron (the Raven cycle, you can go look at my old trc blog @prokopenkokavinsky for more on him) and Aaron Minyard where I think he’d like stuff like Tyler the Creator but also really like Paramore there is no in between with this man
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puhnatsson · 3 years
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✨boyz’n’cars✨ blake naughty-boy skovron 💙
✔️ gansey x chevrolet camaro ‘73
✔️ ronan x bmw
✔️ josy x mitsubishi evo
adam x hondayota
✔️ noah x mustang
declan x volvo
✔️ proko x vw golf
✔️ swan x vw golf
✔️ skov x mazda rx7
jiang x toyota supra
henry x fisker
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townpunk · 3 years
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dream pack picrews
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aziraphalefell · 4 years
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alrighty so like dream pack mood boards i made a while ago!! i really am happy with how these turned out!!
in order of images—
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alinaxstarkov · 4 years
Everytime I re-read the fragments of The Dream Thieves and get to the describtions of Kavinsky and Prokopenko I’m like:
Ummm, Maggie, sweetie, your xenophobia and slavophobia is showing, turn it down a lil, will you?
Not to mention her writing the parts with touching on K’s sexual orientation and internalized homophobia because boy oh boy, I could rant about it for hours.
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boringsideeffect · 15 days
Currently thinking hard about Skov & Swan’s origin story as a couple
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prokopenkokavinsky · 2 years
I often have to remind myself that K was written to be an all around douche bag and Proko was nothing but a dreamed up version of the old thing, which was hinted to just blindly follow him and NOT K genuinely loving his pack and Proko, and Proko being an intelligent intellectual that’s smarts would rival Adam’s and be top of his class
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Who’s Who in The Jiclan/Dream Pack (+ Gansey and Ronan) Hadestown AU That I’ll Never Write:
Kavinsky - Hades
Proko - Persephone (just imagine Proko and K singing How Long)
Jiang - Eurydice
Declan - Orpheus
Skov/Swan/Ronan - The Muses
Gansey - Hermes
(Skov/Swan/Gansey would totally be a ship in this AU, Adam would be there somewhere for Ronan, probably as one of the background characters that we don’t know the name of)
Feel free to add anything else to this post!
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dregsbrekker · 2 years
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skov x the unraveling of pup the band lyrics
songs: grim reaping, habits, cutting off the corners, waiting, relentless, totally fine
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
Tiny Mike and Blake Skovron are my favorite short boys send tweet
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deans67impala · 4 years
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the dream pack on instagram
↳ skov
kavinsky, prokopenko, swan, jiang
click for better resolution!
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