#blame kip
hachiibun · 2 years
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The 3rd of January is a certain Wan/der/er’s birthday, and well—a new vision must bring new issues with it, right?
If you like my drawings, please consider buying me a coffee ☕ ! I’d really appreciate the help!
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wrestlezon · 3 months
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Best Friends & Orange Cassidy vs Miro & Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford Feud (Oct 2020 - Mar 2021)
Hey, I finally finished putting this together! (its just tv stuff, i missed any twitter tweets)
I've supplied (brief) summaries, hyperlinks, and timestamps for each show, mostly to fite/triller where you can directly watch them if you have an AEW+ sub. If you don't, I tried to include some youtube/twitter alternative links where applicable. I've also left the bilibili video ids from before I got fite/triller, they're in blue.
(My advice: feel free to skip straight to Jan 06 2021.)
It's a looooong post, so its under this readmore. You can also find it as a separate page on my tumblr here. if i end up hosting it anywhere else i'll edit the original post and put a link here as well maybe
by zon :)
OCT 14 2020
The feud begins. The first match of the show is Best Friends vs FTR. Kip and Penelope are… playing… on an arcade cabinet in the arena. Trent accidentally destroys the cabinet while fighting FTR. Kip and Penelope to run off. After the match ends, they return with Miro who beats up Chuck and Trent. After a commercial break, Miro/Kip have a tag match (squash) against Lee Johnson/Sean Maluta and then do a promo about the broken arcade cabinet.
0:16:21 arcade break | 0:20:00 Miro Appears | 0:26:00 Miro/Kip/Penelope postmatch promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-42-20/2p88b/ BV1Rp4y1r7y9
(later on in this show, Orange has a match against Cody for his TNT Championship.)
OCT 28 2020
Returning from supporting Orange Cassidy in his lumberjack match, Best Friends bump into Miro, Kip, and Penelope (MKP, if you will) in the halls. MKP are pretty chill about the whole broken arcade thing and offer them some presents and halloween treats. Chuck and Trent are unamused. MKP then reveal that it was merely a halloween trick™ and beats them up.
1:17:00 best friends + MKP backstage promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-44-20/2p8ac/ BV1j5411L7GM
Also, Orange has a rematch against Cody for that TNT championship since their last match ended due to the time limit. This time its a lumberjack match. Best Friends are present and also take part in the chaos.
54:28 Orange’s match entrance | 57:50 Cody’s entrance (and the rest of the match)
NOV 2 2020
Excalibur interviews Trent and Miro ahead of their upcoming match on Wednesday over webcam. It’s 6 minutes long, and mostly Excalibur bearing witness to Trent and Miro arguing. Gonna give a shout out to their distinct webcam setups, lol (Trent is using workout earbuds and sitting in what has to be a large dim empty room, Excalibur is in his bedroom, and Miro is in his gamer office with a headset)
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NOV 4 2020
Trent vs Miro. During the entrances they show a clip from the interview from Nov 2nd. Orange and Chuck are hanging out ringside, as well as Kip and Penelope. Eventually Chuck runs off stage while fighting Kip. Dark Order appear to beat up Orange since hes fighting John Silver at the upcoming Full Gear. Miro scares them off and then defeats Trent with his submission hold. After the match, Miro puts Trent back into his Game Over submission and Chuck runs in to save him. Kip was following close behind. Chuck and Trent get both of their asses kicked. Orange attacks MKP and the two sides split off.
0:23:25 Trent vs Miro | 0:28:00 Chuck leaves | 0:31:00 Dark Order appears | 0:37:23 Match Ends | 39:40 Postmatch ends
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-45-20/2p8cy/ BV1wV41117E7
NOV 6 2020
Chuck Taylor fights Lee Johnson on AEW Dark. Nothing MKP-related happens, but at the start Excalibur briefly brings up the ongoing feud Best Friends are having with Miro/Kip/Penelope. Plus its a fun match for AEW Dark.
43:56 Chuck Taylor vs Lee Johnson
NOV 7 2020
Full Gear! Orange has a match against John Silver. Later on, he gets interviewed by Dasha alongside Best Friends. MKP interrupt the interview– Kip’s mad that Orange’s beef with the Dark Order caused them to show up at the Trent vs Miro match, and that they could’ve hurt Penelope. He asks for an apology from Orange and then immediately slaps him anyway. Best Friends get mad on his behalf but Orange casually says everythings cool and walks with the two of them offscreen. Everyone is confused at how chill he is.
3:09:53 Backstage Interview
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-full-gear-2020/2p83a/ BV18K4y1E7uE
NOV 11 2020
They play the segment from Full Gear on this Dynamite and announce Kip vs Orange for next week.
NOV 18 2020
Kip Sabian vs Orange Cassidy. Best Friends accompany Orange for his entrance, but return to the back. Miro’s on commentary calling Trent his Young Boy. JR brings up Kip and Penelope’s upcoming marriage. After Orange wins the match, Miro sprints from the commentary table to punch out Orange. Best Friends show up immediately after and MKP run off.
0:26:53 Match Start | 39:50 Match End
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-47-20/2p8ft/ BV1jK4y1j79q
NOV 24 2020
Trent vs Michael Nakazawa Chuck and Orange are hanging around ringside. Not necessarily MKP-related, but Excalibur mentions their feud. The Wrestling Observer article says that Nakazawa sabotaged Trent during his match against Miro way back when, but I’m not sure where that’s specifically mentioned. It’s really just in service of facilitating this goofy comedy match.
NOV 25 2020
Miro & Kip’s game livestream is interrupted by OC. Its a trap by the Best Friends!
DEC 1 2020
Best Friends have an AEW Dark match against Sean Maluta & Adam Priest. Unrelated to the feud, it seems? https://youtu.be/oLW9pywcIYI?t=2722
DEC 2 2020
The show starts off with the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale, and it has Orange Cassidy in it. It comes down to him, Wardlow, and MJF, and Orange eliminates Wardlow to end the match and qualify for the dynamite diamond ring match next week. Best Friends come out to pick him up congratulate him. Orange flops to the ground like a sack of potatoes. MKP come out to antagonize them and are held back by every referee.
13:45 Match End | 15:03 Postmatch End
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-49-20/2p8i3/ BV1KK41137KR
DEC 9 2020
The dynamite diamond ring match! Best Friends accompany Orange and hang around ringside along with a group of others to even out the odds as MJF has the entire Inner Circle backing him up. This is a pretty fun match. At the end, Miro comes out to knock Orange out while the ref is preoccupied by ringside chaos, and then MJF takes advantage of this to pin Orange for the win. Best Friends fight with Miro & Kip, but the refs get them away. Miro proceeds to kick the shit out of every security guard.
1:43:36 Orange’s entrance + match start | 1:57:35 Ringside Chaos + Miro Appears
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-50-20/2p8jf/ BV1QK41137mb
unrelated, but MJF has a short promo against Orange at 14:40
DEC 15 2020
Best Friends vs Chaos Project fight on this episode of AEW DARK. Miro comes out at the end to yell at them, but the refs keep him away.
1:42:00 Match intro | 1:53:00 Miro Appears
DEC 16 2020
(trent had a fight against jericho earlier, and had a staredown with ortiz/santana…)
Best Friends do a promo– They’re unhappy about Miro sabotaging Orange Cassidy, and hear that Kip and Penelope’s wedding date is being announced next week, and warn that they’ll also be at that show.
1:41:20 Promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-51-20/2p8ka/ BV1bt4y1k7SC
DEC 23 2020
Wedding date reveal segment. Best Friends’ intro starts, but its just a prank. They then show Trent being loaded into ambulance.
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-52-20/2p8l5/ BV115411H7PA
JAN 06 2021
Chuck and Orange give an update on the status of Trent’s injury, Miro and the gang show up. Miro tells Chuck that he needs to stand up for himself instead of hiding behind his friends, or better yet be Miro’s friend and do all his chores. Chuck challenges Miro to a match next week, and Miro accepts with the stipulation that if Chuck loses he’ll have to be his young boy/rookie. Chuck agrees just to get this stupid beef over with faster.
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-01-21/2p8ne/ BV1c54y1s71A
JAN 13 2021
chuck vs miro. we know who wins– obviously. how would there be a butler segment otherwise?
0:15:20 chuck entrance | 23:02 match ends
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-02-21/2p8oj/ BV1xh411y7XX
You can also just watch the last 3 mins of the match on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vRsizDs838
JAN 21 2021
We get the Charles Taylor butler reveal during Leyla Hirsch vs Penelope Ford. Orange is in the crowd, rather unhappy. After the match, Miro commands Chuck to enter the the ring and bosses him around. He then forces Chuck to look at Orange in the crowd and say into the mic that Miro is his best friend now.
1:25:22 Penelope Ford Entrance | 1:34:55-1:37:33 Postmatch Promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-03-21/2p8pk/ BV14v4y1f7tr
FEB 03 2021
Miro and Kip have a short backstage promo about being excited for the wedding. Chuck is standing next to them, miserable. Vickie Guerrero then fetches them for the big wedding.
Miro gets Chuck to bring the champagne, then drinks Chuck’s glass cuz he is working. Miro gets mad at the person sized present hanging round the ring. Chuck says its a wedding gift from him. Miro is on to him, and trashes the gift. Chuck cuffs Miro's leg while he isnt looking, then Chuck turns on them. Orange also appears :)
1:00:12 Wedding Stage Setup | 1:00:56 Backstage Promo + Wedding | 1:12:08 Wedding… Ruined | 1:16:23 (segment end)
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-05-21/2p8sj/ BV1vU4y1x7E8
FEB 10 2021
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Recap of last week’s events.
47:35-49:24 MKP's promo, then Orange and Chuck
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-06-21/2p8tp/ BV1ur4y1N7Fd
FEB 17 2021
Orange Cassidy vs Luther on dynamite. Chuck and Serpentico are ringside. Neither Miro nor Kip Sabian make an appearance.
FEB 24 2021
Tony Schiavone has an interview with MKP. They’re very very mad about the wedding. Miro wants to beat up Orange. He says he likes Chuck Taylor and wants him to come back and be a butler for him again. Someone gives tony a note. Its one of those little “will u wrestle us at revolution? y/n/maybe :)” asking-someone-out-in-highschool kind of notes. Miro gets mad and says its childish and that Orange Cassidy is such a bad influence on him. But if Chuck comes home he’ll teach him how to be a man. Miro then crumples up the note and eats it, and then spits it back out at Tony.
37:13-39:35 Promo Segment
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-08-21/2p8w5/ BV1cp4y1H7Qv (0:37:25 ?)
alternatively: https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1364752741889900545
MAR 03 2021
Revolution 2021 Miro + Kip vs Chuck + Orange match announcement, plus a short backstage promo from Miro.
1:43:26 Miro Promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-09-21/2p8xm/ BV1MK4y1D737
MAR 08 2021
The Match At Revolution. feat. a lightly bloodied chuck
1:21:54 Marvez backstage interview w/ Chuck and Orange (that leads into the rest of the match) | 1:33:26 Match End
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-revolution-2021/2p8rn/ BV1Pf4y1t7GL
MAR 10 2021
Chuck and Orange requests a rematch. Arcade Anarchy!
31:30 Promo Start
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-10-21/2p8zg/ BV1rN411Q7c2
alternatively: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SGY6GgdLJU
MAR 17 2021
Marvez interviews Miro about how Chuck and Orange challenged them to a rematch. Miro’s not interested, says he is over it. Kip interrupts and says he super isn’t over it, and is mad that Miro doesnt care and also hurt his wife! Kip accepts the rematch.
1:33:27-1:35:01 Backstage Promo
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-11-21/2p90p/ BV1Cf4y1s7uv
MAR 24 2021
Video package about the upcoming Arcade Anarchy match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwRMbFy4SU8
MAR 29 2021
AEW DARK miro shows up at the end of orange/chuck’s match. :O https://youtu.be/d2hjXKRuHVY?t=94
MAR 31 2021
The Arcade Anarchy match! By pinfall or submission only.
1:39:29 Match Intro / Miro + Kip Entrance | (commercial break) | 1:43:34 Orange + Chuck Entrance
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-13-21/2p93m/ BV1yf4y1x7Kq 1:26:40 (?)
supplemental material for the arcade match lol: https://twitter.com/callmekrisstat/status/1377705137792290821
ah damn wtf hold on the tweet’s deleted. here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210914041200/https://twitter.com/callmekrisstat/status/1377705137792290821
what happens later?
APR 07 2021
Best Friends interrupt Death Triangle's in-ring promo and start shit up with them (again):
https://www.trillertv.com/watch/aew-dynamite-episode-14-21/2p94w/ BV16K411w7Ug 0:16:00 (?)
APR 14 2021
Kip Sabian is nowhere to be found, which Miro finds pretty annoying! He just wants to talk, cmon. Well, since he can’t find him, he’s moving on to challenging anyone in the company holding gold. https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1382498000484851713
APR 21 2021
miro promo again: https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1385035045799448585
APR 26 2021
Kris Statlander started feuding with Penelope Ford, too. Here’s a Road to Dynamite where Chuck, Trent, and Orange support Kris through a promo video package. It’s one of my favorites.
APR 28 2021
Kip goes to see whats up with Miro :) https://twitter.com/AEW/status/1387583461939101698
Over the course of 2022 you’ll occasionally see a guy in the crowd with a cardboard box on his head. That’s Kip Sabian, out of kayfabe he was dealing with recovering from a shoulder injury? It lasted a while and when he recovered he came back as a my chemical romance lookin’ dude who may or may not have thought the cardboard box was controlling him? The gimmick didn’t get over so it got dropped pretty fast. He also had a short feud again against Orange Cassidy in 2023 when Orange had the All-Atlantic Championship– he got under Orange’s skin so bad! Anyway thats neither here nor there. Thanks for reading!
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yonic the hedgehog
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
i need to silence my brain its so loud in here
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
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Let the Light In
Pairing: Tom Bennett (World on Fire) x f!reader Warnings: Fingering, male masturbation, smut. Word count: ~1.6k
Summary: Having stumbled back too late from the pub, Tom finds Lois and Douglas have locked him out for the night. Thankfully, the girl across the road takes pity on him.
Author's note: Day ten of the Smuffmas prompts - "bed sharing and accidental stimulation". No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
“Lois! Lois! Come on, let me up, don’t be tight!”
The shouting filters through to her subconscious, and she grumbles, slowly blinking her eyes open, mind foggy with sleep.
“Lois! It’s freezing out here!”
She flicks on the lamp on the bedside table, lifting her watch to look at the time.
Almost 1am. Bloody pillock.
She has lived opposite the Bennett family her entire life, and though she doesn’t know them well, they’re neighbourly, exchanging polite “hellos” when they pass in the street. Though Tom’s is usually accompanied by a wink that makes her skin feel too hot.
Over the last year or so, she’s grown used to being woken up by Tom stumbling back home at some ungodly hour, waking her up as he shouts for his sister, Lois, to open the window and let him up into their shared bedroom. He knows he’ll cop an earful from their dad, Douglas, if he comes in through the front door. It’s usually double locked anyway, so his key wouldn’t work even if he were to try.
Lois has never left him out on the street for this long though, but she can’t blame her, she’s probably sick of it by now.
Fuck’s sake.
There’s no point in leaving him out there, his shouting will wake up half the street. She considers it a good job that her own dad works nights, and that her mum has taken to wearing earplugs to bed so that he doesn’t wake her when he returns in the early hours of the morning.
She sighs, throwing off the duvet and stepping out of bed. She parts the curtains, lifting the sash window and shivers as the coldness of the air outside chills her skin through her nightdress as she leans out.
Tom stands outside of his house, leaning back with a lit cigarette between his lips as he stares up at his bedroom window. He’s about to shout again, when she interrupts.
“You’re gonna wake the whole bloody street if you keep on!” She hisses.
He turns, plucking the cigarette from his mouth and exhales a tight line of smoke through pursed lips.
“She won’t let me up,” he calls back. “don’t s’pose there’s any room at your inn? It’s Christmas Eve tomorrow, after all.”
“It’s Christmas Eve right now. Have you got any idea what the time is?!”
“Tomorrow doesn’t start ‘til I wake up, sweetheart.”
He flashes a lopsided grin up at her, and she has to fight the urge to smile back as she feels familiar flutters in her stomach.
Cheeky git.
“Wait there,” she sighs, sliding the window closed.
She wraps herself in her dressing gown, picking her way carefully down the stairs, before switching on the hallway light and opening the front door.
Tom is there already, leaning against the doorframe, the crushed butt of his cigarette inches away from his feet.
“You’re a star. Shall I take the sofa then?” He asks, crowding the small space in which her family hangs their coats as she closes the door behind him.
“Absolutely not. Last thing I need is dad coming back from work and seeing you sprawled out in the living room, he’ll throw a fit. Shoes off.”
Tom bends down, unlacing and kicking off his shoes. “Where you putting me?”
“You can kip in my room. Bring those with you.”
“Oh,” he smirks, “if you insist.”
She rolls her eyes, making her way back upstairs, with Tom following close behind.
“You can sleep on the floor,” she tells him, chucking him the knitted blanket from the end of her bed, and the extra pillow she sleeps with.
“Thanks,” he sounds almost disappointed as he catches them, setting them down and busying himself with shrugging out of his jacket and leaving it on a heap on the floor with his shoes.
She had expected him to sleep fully clothed, so she is shocked when she hears the metallic clink of him opening his belt as he lowers his trousers. Feeling her skin prickle with heat, and her heartbeat begin to race, she quickly turns away, shedding her dressing gown and climbing into bed.
She pulls the duvet up around herself, remaining facing away as she listens to the rustle of clothing as he pulls off his jumper, and arranges his bedding.
When it finally grows quiet, she leans over to turn the lamp off and lays back down.
“Night then,” Tom says quietly.
She lays there in the darkness, eyes closed, willing herself to fall asleep and yet it won’t seem to pull her under. It isn’t helped by the relentless shifting around and sighing she can hear coming from the floor beside the bed.
After five minutes of listening to Tom toss and turn, and grumble to himself, she groans and finally switches the lamp back on, leaning down to look at him.
“Can you not just go to sleep?!” She whispers in frustration.
He pulls himself to sit up, scrubbing a hand over his face. “It’s uncomfortable down here. And I’m cold.��
She presses her lips into a tight line, before exhaling loudly through her nose. “Fine. Come on then.”
Shuffling to the far side of the mattress, she throws the duvet back for Tom and he climbs in eagerly.
“Smashing,” he says with a wink, before turning the lamp off.
They lay back to back and, in her tiny single bed, the angle pushes both of them to the far edges of the mattress, neither one of them comfortably having enough space to stretch out and go to sleep.
“This is awful,” she complains quietly.
“Mmm,” he agrees. “Let me just…”
Tom rolls over and her breath catches in her throat as she feels his chest press against her back, his body slotting itself against hers.
Admittedly, it’s comfier like this, they both have more room, and yet she is certain she won’t sleep a wink with the heat of his body so close to hers. He must be able to feel the way her heart thuds in her ribcage.
He shifts slightly and she feels the press of a bulge against her backside, she knows precisely what it is, and it sets her pulse racing. Instinctively, without thinking, she presses back and his breath shudders hotly against the shell of her ear, his nose pressed into her hair.
Tentatively, his fingertips spread out over her hip, pulling her back against him as he rolls his hips forward, and she feels sticky heat pool between her legs as he hardens against her.
She’s not entirely sure why she’s allowing this, just knows that it feels good and she doesn’t want it to stop as they move rhythmically together, both chasing a friction that neither can quite achieve.
“Have…have you ever…” he whispers, trailing off.
She swallows thickly, afraid to disappoint him, but wanting to be honest. “No.”
“Can I touch you?” 
His hand tightens on her hip and she nods. “Yes.”
Slowly, his fingers trail down her thigh, until he reaches the hem of her nightgown. His hand travels the same path again, only this time upwards and against her bare skin.
She whimpers as he cups her mound through the cotton of her knickers, the pads of his fingers pressing against the dampness of the gusset.
“Christ, you’re soaked,” he breathes shakily.
“Sorry,” she whispers back, feeling her cheeks grow warm.
“Not a bad thing, darlin’,” she can hear the smile in his voice, “nothin’ to be sorry for at all.”
His hand slides upwards, pressing flat against her lower abdomen, and then slides down again, creeping beneath the waistband of her underwear.
“Fuck,” Tom grits out, as his index finger slides between her folds, gathering her wetness before circling her pearl.
She buries her face into the pillow, to stifle the moan that leaves her. She has touched herself before, but it has always been hesitant, secretive, just enough to feel nice. This makes her feel as though her body is on fire.
Tom shuffles behind her, and for a moment she wonders what he is up to, until she feels the brush of his knuckles against her back. She doesn’t need to look to know that he’s pulled his cock out and is stroking himself. The idea makes her throat run dry.
His breaths come in hot puffs, the slick sound of him pleasuring himself, coupled with the squelch of his fingers as they slide and circle against her is lewd, and she knows she ought to feel ashamed, but she is desperate to fall from the edge that he’s eagerly pushing her towards.
She screws her eyes shut when his digit slides inside of her, her walls clenching around him as he curls his finger upwards, dragging against her and making her thighs shake.
“So tight,” he groans, before withdrawing, circling faster against her sensitive bundle of nerves with newly applied arousal.
She whines, arching against him and she feels the movement of the hand he has on himself speed up, as quiet grunts escape him.
“You’re close, aren’t ya?”
“Let go. Come for me.”
She bites down on the pillow, muffling the squeal that bursts out of her as her thighs clamp around Tom’s wrist, and her entire body shudders with the force of her peak. She feels like a bottle of pop that someone has shaken too hard, every part of her body coming apart in tiny bubbles.
Tom presses his face harder into her hair, his nose touching her scalp as he groans low in relief, his hips stuttering against hers as he finds his own release.
Slowly she turns to face him. His blue eyes shine in the moonlight, his full lips slightly parted as he breathes raggedly. He leans in, brushing his lips against hers, but not quite kissing her as they lay there together in blissful, tired silence.
“You’ll let me in next time, won’t you?” He rasps.
The double meaning is not lost on her, and yet it does nothing to affect her answer.
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sthavoc · 6 months
Hey! Looove your blog sm. Idk if you write smut but if you do, could you write Enzo giving you head? If that’s ok w you, and feel free to just ignore if it’s not
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·˚ ༘ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
·˚ ༘ summary: enzo giving you pleasure. that’s it.
·˚ ༘ warnings: neck kisses, oral (fem receives), fingering, moans, teasing
·˚ ༘ note: guys! i’ve never really written smut 😭 I mean the times i’ve written it I don’t like it. so I’m absolutely sorry if this is trash. I decided to keep it a bit short for the first time. the reason I haven’t written it is bc I’ve tried to avoid it for the very reason I just wouldn’t know what/how to write it. I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t like it. I really tried my best tho. still, if any of you somehow liked this, smut is on the table, I don’t mind! ps anyone got tips on how to write it?? it would be of great help!! hoping there’s no grammar errors
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Your moans were softly audible, coming from the inside of your hotel room. Your head, tired from frequently coming up and down to see how Enzo poised over your body. Lips so near to your skin that the tease was being too much.
“Que bonita te ves.” He glided himself up to you to kiss you, and you hooked him quickly. His bottom lip was locked with your upper lip, not wanting to let go.
Enzo’s lips bussed down from your jawline to your neck, his tongue going in spirals on the soft warm skin. It made you tremble and whine. “Enzo ya. Sabes como me mojo con tus besos.”
He didn’t stop and rather of keeping his space slow, he went quicker. You could feel the wetness in you grow, you wanted to pull away, but Enzo knew your every motion. He had his hand on the back of your neck kipping you locked between his hand and lips.
“¿Y por qué crees que me encanta hacerlo chiquita?” His head changes positions to look at your blubbering eyes. “Me encanta ver como te descontrolas con tan solo estos besitos.”
He kissed the center of your chest, proceeding to go down onto your belly. The momentum of it was fast, and your breathing was loud you were afraid everybody could hear you. But at the same time, you weren't providing a care in the world. Your head balled back after you watched how Enzo looked between your legs and the eye contact he kept with you as he bent your legs up to keep a grip.
“Me gusta como me miras con esos ojitos tan hermosos que tenes, chiquita.” The fervor of his breath fell between your legs, teasing you. “Y todo esto para mi.” His eyes go down.
You could deem the burn from how fatigued your neck was and also from how alluring your body had gotten from the previous actions Enzo had done with you. But you wanted to look at him, admire how he looked between your thighs, and how his veiny and strong hands linked between them. He peppered your inner thighs with gentle sloppy kisses that got closer and closer to your clit.
“Dios-” You grasped the sheets when his tongue slid up your lips, and again. He went in a circular motion before giving your clit a kiss. A kiss that he softly sucked in on.
“Sigue haciendo esos sonidos nena. No pares.” Enzo adored your moans. Just the sound of them could get him hard, and you knew that. So the chance of you hiding them wasn’t in the cards.
The veins in his hands kept on marking harder from the blood that pumped through his body, along with the force he pertained to your thighs. Nail marks would for sure be left. Your moans were working him up and he wasn’t containing himself from groaning on you, making it vibrate against your clit. You felt the heat on your stomach, and on the back of your neck. Your baby hairs had already stuck onto your skin, soaked in the sweat.
“Enzo-” Oh how he loved it too when you whined his name, It was one of his drawbacks. He fled free one of your thighs to rub your clit for more stimulation, seconds later sticking one finger inside you, making you grip his hair. Strongly. With one hand on his hair and the other on the sheets.
His pace never quelled, the roughness was there and the kissing was sloping. And if his tongue felt tired, it didn't matter to him because he was not going to stop until you came. He twirled his finger inside of you making you flutter and keep the grip tight on his hair. The suction with every kiss felt as if you were getting closer. And Enzo knew it.
“Sabes tan bien chiquita.” He groaned on your lips making your cheeks colored more red from the praise. As if having them tinged from what he was doing wasn’t sufficient already.
The man was keen on it. Your brain was murky, but you couldn’t help but guess about the way his tongue was moving. It was going in different directions, that he wouldn’t usually do. You felt how he did a zig-zag motion and then a circle.
He was writing his name.
The thought of it only made you moan even more, you were so close you could only shove his head deeper into your pussy. Enzo had added another finger to work you up even more before he let go of your other thigh to bring up his hand towards your breast to play with. Giving it light squeezes before he played with your nipple, his finger going up and down. Also twirling it between his index and thumb.
You felt your legs beginning to shake and that’s when Enzo knew you were close, he started to go harder with his fingers and faster with his tongue. Doing all kinds of motions. Going up and down, in circles, front and back, doing the figure eight.
“No pares.” You felt the warmness grow in your stomach, and your legs shake from how good his rhythm felt. Your moans continued and your skin was washed. Your mind had you unconsciously locking his head between your thighs. His name fell from your lips oftentimes as you reached your orgasm, and all Enzo could do was oversee you with lust in his eyes.
Your head was rolled back, your jaw was dropped a little, your cheeks were flushed and you had your eyes closed. Yet he could still see the faint drops of tears. The sex face he loved. When your unstableness came to ease your chest was abruptly going up and down. The cloudiness in your brain was starting to fade as you came back to your senses.
Enzo had remained on his spot while he watched the equilibrium come back to you. He gave your upper thighs soft kisses before he came back up from his spot onto the bed. He was gentle to give you a free bed sheet to cover yourself as you rested your back on the headboard turning to look at him with a smile on your lips.
“¿Deletreaste tu nombre verdad?” Your eyes looked for a reply on his face. And your smile only grew after the only action he gave was a smirk.
“Sabes que me encanta que digas mi nombre.” He shrugs making an effort to give a silly reason.
You only smiled and gave him a small nudge before he brought you into a soft embrace.
This man will forever be your weakness.
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shirubie · 1 month
Untitled WIP for Virgil's birthday
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A little something I'm working on, featuring the soon-to-be Birthday Boy. Hope you enjoy!
"You're sure you've got everything?" Gordon asked as he passed Virgil his suitcase. "Got your toothbrush?"
"Yes, Gordon." Virgil replied, sliding the green suitcase into Tracy One's baggage compartment. Virgil was now ready to leave Tracy Island to attend the biggest Firefighter and First Responders gathering of the year.
"Deodorant?" Gordon continued.
"Extra underwear?"
"I have a sufficient amount to last the week, Gordon," Virgil replied while restraining himself from rolling his eyes. Logistics were one of his specialties for goodness' sake. You would think he knew how to pack a suitcase for a week-long trip.
A smirk appeared on Gordon's face. He leaned in closer and whispered in Virgil's ear. "Condoms?"
"GORDON!" While there were very few taboo discussion subjects between the brothers, the blond was very close to crossing a line here.
"What?" Gordon held up his hands trying to look innocent. "I've been to the Olympics, remember? I know what kind of funny business happens backstage at these events. The Olympic Village was not a kid-friendly place, let me tell you…"
Virgil sighed, trying not to think of Gordon's involvement in those backstage activities. He slammed the baggage hold door shut and he and Gordon walked toward the hangar entrance, where a few family members were waiting to see him off.
"All I'm saying is that you need to be prepared. You might meet someone and…"
"I'm not going there for a hookup, Gordon." Virgil defended.
"I know, I know. You're going to learn new firefighting techniques, to network with other first responders to allow better collaboration in the field and to improve IR public image." Gordon recited what he had heard Virgil say at least a hundred times in the past month.
"Exactly." Virgil smiled, happy that he hasn't been talking to thin air when explaining the purpose of this trip.
"And also…to fanboy all over Kip Harris for a week."
'Guilty as charged.' Virgil internally admitted. But how could you blame him? His childhood idol had asked him to be a Guest of Honor at one of the world's biggest firefighter conference. Anyone would be excited to spend a week socializing with the best in their field of work.
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ghost-of-the-barrens · 4 months
[Hello, Silver, Dr. Silverpoint.]
[I wanted to meet you both in person.]
[I am the spirit of this world. The... one to blame for what happened.]
(Silver instinctively puts herself between Kip and Someone, glaring down at them. Her entire body glitches horribly, making the scrapes and dents on her metal frame more apparent.)
Prototype: [Re/Relax#.]
(Prototype appears beside it. Silver's form begins to stabilize at the sight of him, but he's clearly still struggling to keep himself together.)
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wings-of-ink · 5 months
I thought of the scene from the demo where the curse decided to manifest itself in the form of a tattoo on MC's body. What if MC couldn't take a breath and the disease ended up killing them?
Can we see parents and friends POV if that happened? Pretty please🙏
Sorry for the delayed response, Anon! This was legit kinda tough for me to think about, but no worries though, I’m really okay with it. I have considered doing a short about that moment from another perspective since MC was very out of it and tensions were high. Thinking about the MC succumbing in that moment breaks my heart. I probably won’t do a direct POV type scene for their death or anything, but just give some generalizations for your ask scenario.
It would be devastating. Extremely.
Kip and Dov would not stop trying to revive the MC for a long time. There would be much screaming and crying. Both would hold the MC in their arms and rock as they mourned. Grief never ends after that.
Betony and Kavi would do what they could, but ultimately would be distraught and try to just be there for Kip and Dov. They both take the loss hard, Betony always felt like MC was family, one of her babies. Kavi feels like a failure, he hates himself for letting MC suffer (this is where Lakota gets it).
Oswin isn’t doing well either. He is filled with regrets. He never told MC the news. He never gave them his gift. He never said he was sorry. He beats himself up so damn hard and it stays with him for his entire life thereafter.
Those were the five that were around for most of that moment. Lakota was tending to Willow at the time as she was having trouble. They will be bereft when they discover what occurred.
Lakota will blame himself for not finding a way to save MC. He’ll forever think that he must have missed something or he didn’t try enough things. He cries for years, and has to avoid areas that contain memories with the MC, which is a lot of places. Though his wife wasn’t as close with MC as Lakota, she feels it too. MC is not only a friend, but a person she respects and admires, who she knows helped shape the man she loves.
That's about as far as I’m willing to go on that one. I am already tearing up. I am a marshmallow @elegantunknownphantom can attest to that, lol. You are stronger than I, Anon! Thank you for the ask and I hope the answers satisfy a bit! ^_^
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the-exhausted-dumbass · 7 months
Hello everyone. I am the man that you all know as Panda. I ran the pandasanddragons blog. Most notoriously, you know me in association with “Rai” who is now going by Kip and by he/him pronouns. His tumblr blogs, as far as I know, are notaguyrai, slaps-and-scribbles, volcanic-penis, and terracotta-crockpot. He also made an Instagram account at one point. I don’t think he uses it anymore but it is boopyboopcoup. I have been able to prove with certainty that me and Kip are not the same person. I had a voice call with @theintrovertbean who had been in voice calls with Kip and was gracious enough to join me in one so that I could prove once and for all that we are different people. @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia was present during the call as well to serve as a mediator and can also confirm this information.
If you are not familiar with the situation, the original callout post is here.
I want to say that I am so sorry for everything. I let myself get caught up in all of this. I let Kip do horrible things, and encouraged him. I helped him, and I am deeply, exceptionally ashamed of that. I know that nothing I do can ever truly fix what I’ve done. I know that I messed up. I have no excuses for that. It was more terrible than I have words for. You don’t have to forgive me, I don’t expect you to either. But you all deserve a real apology. Not the fake bullshit one I had originally made.
Those posts original apology posts I made were made to try and cover things up, and to try and work out ways out of the whole situation. Those posts were also in some ways an attempt to pull all the blame onto myself, and take it off of Kip so he could keep doing whatever he wanted to do.
This did all truly start with a miscommunication, I vented to Kip. He decided he needed to do something and eventually we both got called out for that in August. Even before that, though, I had started to resent him. Afterwards, it all got worse. If I wanted to talk about it, he would brush me off. He would tell me that since it had already happened, there was nothing to talk about. And we started to argue more, I started to get more distant and he got angry about it.
I also want to apologize for my old blog. I originally made it so that I could make a post about my own opinion/analysis/whatever of Asra and Julian. I didn’t expect to get any attention and I hadn’t even planned on making more than one post. Kip encouraged me to keep posting, he helped me with the blog a lot. But I never wanted to just be a hater or be inflammatory with that blog. And so I am sorry for everyone who I hurt or upset with those posts.
The rest of this post discusses Kip, what he’s done, and my experience with him. Some of it is…a bit graphic and absolutely disgusting. But I feel it’s important to put it all out there. This is the last post I am going to make. After that, I’m leaving this fandom entirely and completely.
Recently, Kip has become active again, trying to cause harm to the Arcana fandom. This had brought attention to me, and to old posts I had made to vent about the situation and lead people to believe that the account was Kip and the source of the harassing messages.
I have decided to come forward with what I know about Kip and his current whereabouts, little as that may be. I do not want to run away from this situation anymore and let him have continued power over me.
I had at one point believed Kip to be my best friend and so I trusted him. I vented to him, I confided in him. I now believe that he saw me as not a person but as a toy. There were times when he would ask me to send messages to people, usually harmless. But he would also ask me to harass people on his behalf. When I expressed that I wasn’t comfortable with that, he would often call me a coward. I told him I sent things so he would leave me alone. He would even get angry with me for not wanting an ongoing conflict with someone I had had a slight miscommunication with. He was always pushing me into things because he “stupidly believed” that I was finally gaining confidence
Kip heavily manipulated me to believe that he was right, that he cared about me, and that anything he was doing was for my honor, as he put it.
He would often belittle me, implying that I was stupid or inferior to him, and also often ignored my boundaries. Much of this came in the form of talking about our OC’s. Often times, Kip would tell me that he was horny. He would then proceed to write about how his OC would assault mine. I participated and I wish I hadn’t. Because it was horrible and I never actually enjoyed it. Kip viewed my OC as his own personal sex toy. He wanted to write “dead dove” content about my OC. I had expressed not liking an idea he was writing out, and he ignored it and kept going with the scenario. I even framed it as my OC’s boundaries but it all went ignored and he would continue. I would try to steer it in a more palatable direction. But that turned into Kip wanting my OC to assault his.
After a creator was sent suicide bait, and a different user, wanting to defend them, came to my blog saying it had been me, I panicked. All I knew was that I had not sent anything like that, and I wanted people to know. It was then doubled down that I did it, with reblogs stating it, several non anon asks, and several anon asks. I couldn’t take it anymore, and I wanted to just delete the blog and be done with it all. Kip, however, told me that many people loved that blog and I should leave it up so they could revisit if they wanted to. So he offered taking it so that I could have some peace while everyone else got to still have access to the blog as an archive. After that I had no control over or access to that blog. In some respects, Kip had access over all of my socials, or at least my tumblr blogs. He would tell me to send asks to people, and I would as long as it was harmless. I never sent anything that would have been harassing or cruel and he called me a coward for it.
Kip often edited my posts, he had access to them before they were posted, he read pretty much anything I posted before I posted it, and put his own suggestions into them.
Some of these images may be a bit blurry, but I needed to put them together since I’m on my phone. These images are from the discord server that me and Kip shared. After the initial call out post, I deleted my old account and joined the server from a new account. So the “deleted user” is me, and I took screenshots from the new account.
This group of images is Kip describing how everyone has always been nothing it a social experiment to him, myself included
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This group of images is how Kip liked to abuse my OC. Mostly starting with things like “Your OC is afraid of [x] right? So what if…” it got intense and this is the most mild of it all.
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This one is specifically something Kip came up with because both me and my OC share a fear of being pregnant
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These images are of Kip…generally manipulating and guilting me. And getting upset that I had wanted to apologize for everything
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Kip guilt tripping me, riling me up, and just being awful in general
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More guilting, and mistreatment. Things that hurt, and in the top left corner, when this all started. And I told Kip to drop it all. And of course, that he was angry with me for making amends with someone immediately instead of holding a grudge and being mean to them.
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These last two are our last conversations. I was angry at him and I finally confronted him about everything. And of me having had doubts, having been disgusted with myself about everything that happened and Kip telling me that we were doing the right thing.
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underratedandoverit · 6 months
Just A Breath Away
~2k words kip sabian & orange cassidy, it reads extremely gen (but it can be interpreted as pre-shippy considering how this whole au ends up going)
set in immortal fears/the belt corruption au. ive been trying to get back to writing, very slowly, and heres just. a brain barf from last night. i guess thats the best way to describe it. a whole lot of nothing but deep rooted hateful feelings for 2k words for near the beginning of kips healing arc
warnings; unreality, can potentially be read from between the lines as self destructive thoughts. heavy emotional hurt/comfort. kip is just having a really fucking bad time wow
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate
”I’m only trying to help you.”
Kip stared up at the ceiling of his designated bedroom, the words echoing in his head. He had heard them so many times before in the past, both in and out of this situation he was currently trapped in, and yet it didn’t make receiving them any easier for him. Especially when they came from the one person he really, really didn’t want to hear them from. The one he didn’t believe them from.
He sighed, more annoyed than anything else. Kip shouldn’t be here, and he knew it. He shouldn’t be under this roof, inside these walls, in this house, on this bed. He shouldn’t be related to any of those things, and yet.
And yet.
He was annoyed. No, scratch that, he was angry. At himself mostly, for allowing this to happen, for letting things go on for so long that he ended up here. For not being able to stand on his own two feet, physically or mentally, so that Kip was forced to let someone else do the dirty work for him.
So that Kip was forced under the care of Cassidy.
A quiet groan escaped from him before Kip could stop it, eyes closing as he felt a wave of unwanted emotions washing over him. He couldn’t exactly place them, give them names, recognize them, but it felt like everything at the same time; anger, sadness, sorrow, hope? He really wasn’t sure. The only thing he could for sure pinpoint down in the darkness of the bedroom was that these were all feelings brought to his mind but just the mere thought of his self-proclaimed arch rival.
And yet he didn’t want to feel any of them.
His body did its best to resist him as Kip tried to roll onto his side, fighting back every inch of the way to the point where it wasn’t even worth it. This wasn’t the first time his mind and body disagreed on the actions he should take, making it painful to even try to move, the pain leaving Kip almost paralyzed just laying on his back on the bed, staring at nothing. The feeling came and went as it pleased, but most often it showed up as an inconvenience when he wanted one thing but was handed another.
It all frustrated him. Angered him. Disappointed him, leaving Kip unable to do anything, left dealing with these feelings in his already loud head all by himself, all alone.
He could feel the shadows creeping on the edge of his vision, on the edge of his consciousness. It wasn’t anything unusual at this point, but Kip was tired of it. Having to listen to those whispers, calling him names, assigning words to him about how they felt about him. Telling him how fucked up this was, how fucked up he was, how it was his fault. All his fault, how they got here, how he ended up in this situation, how he messed it all up. All his fault.
All his fault.
It had been almost a daily occurrence now. He hadn’t been able to sleep, leaving him vulnerable, open to all of this. The shadows laughed at him, telling him he only needed them, secluding himself was a good thing no matter how much Cassidy tried to keep some sort of a connection with him. Help? Fuck no, he didn’t need help. Kip was much better off without any of that, especially from someone like him.
From someone like Cassidy, who was the cause of all of this. Well, after Kip had managed to fuck it up first, of course. He was the one to ultimately be blamed for everything, after all.
Kip was almost violently ripped out of the serenity of the dark thoughts in his mind, the voice piercing enough to force his eyes open, focusing back on the blank ceiling. He couldn’t see anything else, nothing was moving. The voice, while distant, distorted, almost dark, had a tint of familiarity to it that he didn’t want to acknowledge.
The way it echoed against the inside of his skull made him come face to face with the reality that it was his own, without Kip saying those words out loud, without thinking them to himself.
“You’re disgusting, you know that?”
Kip didn’t reply, but he could feel a new wave of emotions crashing over him. Shame. Guilt. Disgust. The breath he took in was so much shakier than he expected, the loudness of it almost scaring him out of his own skin.
“So disappointing. Get up.”
He wanted to tell it to stop, but Kip just couldn’t. Instead, he felt his body working against his mind, pushing itself up to its limits, sitting up on the bed for the first time in what felt like days. His head was already spinning, the darkness around him hugging him so tightly Kip almost wasn’t sure if this was his bedroom anymore. The soft kisses it left on his skin burned, making him want to scream, both out of pain and the pleasure of feeling something other than nothing, but no sound came out of him. Kip just sat there, trying to find his breath again, eyes looking at the nothing in front of him.
The nothing shaped like himself, smiling back at him, the darkness so wicked in him it was impossible to look away, even if Kip knew he wasn’t real. That it wasn’t real.
“Was this what you wanted?”
Kip wanted to tell him no, it really wasn’t, he never intended it to be like this. He never knew it was going to be like this. If he had even the slightest idea, maybe he wouldn’t have done it. Done anything. He never wanted to even entertain the thought of succumbing to the darkness, to any extent.
Kip never wanted this, and yet there were no words he could say that would make that clear.
“You’re so pitiful. I don’t understand what he sees in you.”
He inhaled sharply, without intending to do so. Kip could almost see the darkness wearing his smirk, laughing at him. Making a mockery out of him, knowing he was way beyond the help. That these thoughts truly were his own, not just something the cursed world was trying to shove into his head anymore.
“He’s given up. You’re a fool for thinking otherwise.”
A fool. Beyond help, so much so that the one person who promised to help him had left him alone. It felt like he hadn’t seen Cassidy in ages. Maybe he was alone in this room, in this house, being left behind with nothing but broken promises, words that ultimately meant nothing. Nothing but lies that he wouldn’t give up. Lies like so many Kip had told to others, only to break them because he felt like it, because they were hazards on his way to everything he eventually lost.
And now here Kip was, abandoned like all his friends by him, lost like everything he had once had.
“All you need to do is give in.”
The voice was like a hot whisper against his ear, making Kip shiver, knowing how wrong all this was. It wasn’t supposed to go like this, it never was.
“Let yourself go. Allow yourself to be done with this.”
The offer was tempting. Kip could feel the expecting eyes on him, forcing him to turn away, as if he was thinking about this. Maybe on some level he was, contemplating if it was worth it. Worth it to keep trying, especially if he was alone. Abandoned. When there was no hope in the horizon. He could be done with all of it, just let the darkness swallow him, allowing him to decay, to rot away, mostly in peace. Maybe even without pain, if he asked kindly enough.
“I…” His voice was hoarse, drifting off into the empty corners of the bedroom, without Kip having no idea how to continue that sentence. He wasn’t sure what he wanted, what he needed. If there was someone, or something, that could give him that. To give him anything. Everything was so fragmented, so cracked, unorganized in his mind that it was impossible to put into words. Of course he only needed actions, to simply allow himself to be taken over, but somehow even that felt more difficult than usual.
Maybe somewhere in there, under all the filth inside of him, was still just the smallest light of hope. How or why, Kip wasn’t sure, but something in him told him that he was able to feel it. Despite everything.
“I-I… I don’t know…”
He felt the darkness pressing tighter against him, forcing the air out of his lungs. Hands on his arms. Hands on his chest. Hands on his neck. Hands on his face.
The scream that escaped him wasn’t audible, being drowned under the voice that boomed in his head loudly enough to make it throb for days to come.
“You don’t know?! Don’t you understand?! You’re nothing! Nothing! Nothing but a pitiful excuse of a weak, pathetic failure! Nobody wants you, nobody needs you! You mean nothing!”
Kip couldn’t reply to it, the headache becoming unbearably too much. He struggled to catch air back into his lungs, every breath burning, making him want to throw up. The spots the hands of the dark had been holding onto him burned, they felt vile, almost violated. He could trace the cold fingertips against his skin perfectly if someone asked, remembering every mark being left on him, the words imprinted into the inside of his brain with every word that had been spoken to him.
He didn’t want this. It was all too much, the feeling pouring out of him in an incomprehensible sob as Kip couldn’t hold the floodgates shut, being too exhausted and in pain to hold it back anymore.
Only as he could feel a soft pair of hands landing on his aching, exposed arm Kip’s head snapped up, eyes barely focusing on the concerned looking face of a familiar blond looking back at him.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
Cassidy’s voice sounded so distant Kip wasn’t even sure if he was sitting in front of him on the bed or not. It felt unrealistic that after everything he would be there. Kip wanted to reach out, so desperately, to make sure he was there, touch him, his face, make sure he felt him breathe. Feel that he had a heartbeat. But he couldn’t move, holding onto the little bit of solace that Cassidy’s hands on his arm gave to him. At least it felt real, even if it would end up not being so.
“I heard you scream. I-it’s okay. I’m here.”
Kip just looked at him, finally feeling the stinging of the tears in his eyes. His senses were slowly returning into the room, him into his own head, making at least a little bit of sense again. Cassidy’s hands on him, squeezing his arm slightly, making sure he was there. The tears staining Kip’s face, the salty taste on his lips actually making sense to him. His hands that he didn’t even realize had been squeezing the bed sheets so hard this entire time.
“I’m trying to help you, Kip.”
Hearing his name leaving Cassidy’s lips cracked something in him. Kip wasn’t entirely sure what it was, but it made him swallow thickly, feeling the lump that had formed in his throat.
“If you can tell me what happened, I--”
Kip’s voice was barely above a whisper, followed by a sob he wasn’t able to hold back. Cassidy looked at him, clearly alarmed, not expecting this from Kip, the tear stained face twisting into some combination of pleading and comforted as Kip finally reached a hand towards him, fingertips barely gracing Cassidy’s cheek in a weak attempt to touch him.
“He… Help me. Please.”
Cassidy’s face softened into an understanding smile, him nodding his head just barely before Kip leaned closer, basically collapsing against him. Cassidy pulled him against his chest, one arm holding him close tightly as the other hand rubbed his back, gently hushing him as Kip broke down in sobs in his arms.
“I will. Don’t worry. I will.”
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missprincesse345 · 8 months
His island queen 🌺🌺
Summary: what happens when the elite & rest of the Aew roster meet the only other important person in Chris Jerichos life in the most surprising way.
Pairing: Chris Jericho x younger wife reader ❤️
Warnings: mostly fluff
Y/n fatu ( face claim India Westbrook)
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Her tattoos: left hand
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Right hand:
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Back piece:
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For the past couple weeks going into the new year Jericho & the elite have been dealing with the Bcc’s unruly actions against them since Chris beat yuta for the roh championship then the elite beating mox,Claudio and Bryan for the trio’s belts. The feud has been getting worse by the second from sneak attacks to down right intentionally causing physical harm not only to them but everyone else randomly for no reason it was getting ridiculous, which is why they challenged them to a street fight on rampage 2 weeks from now sick of their tactics.
“ This has to stop!!! Just because we beat them clean at the beginning of the new year those pricks wanna throw hissy fits and attack us left & right then going around randomly injuring others on the roster” Nick Jackson said snarling sitting down the boys and Chris just got back from their 5 man tag match against United empire ,kip sabian, and Ricky starks. Which of course ended in another attack by the bcc after the boys that got slightly bloody resulting in some of them getting stitches no thanks to that damn screwdriver they’ve been using.
Wincing putting the ice pack on his shoulder “ agreed this shit ends after new week can’t afford anyone else getting injured or attacked by them” kenny said closing his eyes all of them understand what it’s like to lose championships every now and then but what the bcc is doing isn’t it. “ especially coming from me being the first victim *points to eyepatch * try explaining to your 2yr old why daddy is wearing a eyepatch I’m not waiting when the day comes moment we walk out and hit the ring I’m attacking” hangman said joining kenny on the other couch holding his husband lovingly.
When feud first started hangman came out to save Kenny and the bucks from a beat down only for the bcc to hold him down and stab him in the eye while the rest were tied up let alone to beat up to help. “ can’t blame you besides they’ve had the belts for to long, Chris you good dude been quiet since we came back?” Matt said looking over at Jericho who was packing his bags silently fuming completely in his own world “ huh ? * looks over his shoulder * physically no mentally I’ll be fine *sighs * okay no I’m not okay!!!” He growled.
“ who the hell do they think they are just because regal trained them then of leaving them high dry all of them are above everybody else?! No just some wannabe house of black knockoffs” Chris said it was true though especially No thanks Bryan Danielson’s hypocrite delusional nonsense and fake propaganda crap. “ Acting like they’ve never lost before doing the most over the top bullshit I’ve seen come rampage all bets are off!!! The want batshit crazy that’s what we’re going to give them those stupid idiots are in for a rude awakening” he declared as the others agreed after this street Bryan & the Bcc’s actions are going to finally catch up to them.
- 2hrs later-
Chris and y/n’s house:
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Waving goodbye thanking them for the ride Chris made it home god it feels good to say that during the whole feud he always looked forward to decompressing from all of it relaxing and being wrapped in the warmth nurturing love with the one person that always brings happiness and joy to his life just when he feels like he wouldn’t find it again.
Walking up the stairs then inside locking the door behind him Chris chuckled hearing Sade playing through the house on low then the smells of delicious food filling the room he was at peace, after playing with the dogs for a little bit he walked further into the house finding the source Chris smiled fondly leaning against the wall watching his flower moving their hips to the beat her siren honey vocals matching perfectly to the music how did he get so lucky.
Y/n’s outfit (all sets made by me) :
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“ Now how did I miss this little performance? Let alone my own home?” He said teasingly startling the woman a little bit before chuckling as she smiled big walking over hugging him tightly greeting him with a loving kiss.
“ we’ll if you got back earlier than you’d have still been able to catch the whole performance” the mystery woman smiled rubbing his cheek before kissing him again “ how you feeling pain level 1 to 10?” She asked looking at the small stitches on his forehead. “ 5 so not too bad but right now I’m here so that’s all that matters, mm is that what I think it is?” He said looking at the meal she was preparing. “ yes now go get cleaned up it should be done when you come back downstairs” she giggled swatting his chest playfully.
Who was the mystery woman you ask?
Well she is not only Chris’s new wife but also well known in the wrestling world as Desiree parks but most people that know her personally especially her family she’s y/n fatu , yep that’s right she’s the usos baby sister and Roman Reigns baby cousin that wrestles under new Japan wrestling/stardom.
The two met mid 2022/23 at jeys birthday to which he was invited after word got out about his divorce from his ex wife who treated him badly and cheated on the twins wanted him there getting his mind off things. And have fun little did he know he’d find love again let alone true happiness in their baby sister as if it was a soulmate like force that brought them together.
Even though he wasn’t really up for getting out of the house mingling with other people Chris was actually enjoying himself quite a bit maybe this what he needed “ hey man there’s someone we want you to meet if that’s okay?” Jimmy said joining him by the bar “ sure I don’t mind” Chris replied taking a swig from his beer.
“ cool uce , hey !!! Sis c’mere!!! * y/n turns around smiling softly hearing her brother * hey Chris this is our little sister y/n” jimmy said introducing her to Chris whom became hot and bothered instantly seeing the Carmel skinned goddess standing infront of him.
“ hi Chris nice to meet you nice to finally meet from all the stories and music the twins tell me about great to see the man himself” she said her voice like honey making him snap out of his haze. “ it’s nice to meet you I’ve seen some of your work too very amazing” he smiled shaking her hand watching her face blush a little everything was going to be okay he thought.
*Flashback over*
The two have been married for almost three years now having a private ceremony in early 2023.
Handing him his plate once he came back all washed up and clean they migrated to the living room and caught each other up on everything going on since sometimes she would be wrestling while he was touring. After dinner and dessert they relaxed on the couch watching a movie just wrapped in each others embrace towards the ending Chris looked down chuckling noticing she’d fallen asleep on his lap.
Smiling softly he just traced her cheek softly how did he end up finding himself a modern Wonder Woman a woman with a simple touch could calm him down or able to always look at situations from both perspectives fixing the problem easily without any hesitation. Beats him but one thing he does know is that no matter what he’ll always protect her.
He’s gonna win for her the nights of fear & worries will be over he hated seeing her terrified crying because of the painful physical state he come home to.
2 weeks later
It’s time the night everyone had been waiting for the Bcc we’re going face their actions but most importantly Chris was going to make them for bringing tears to his wife. He had her stay in the back with Brandi & Britt watching not wanting her to get hurt very little people know about y/n & his relationship it’s not that he was afraid of what people would think Jericho just wants that part of his life private.
Cause now or day’s people can get to you any form especially in their line of work.
The match was just getting brutal at this point both teams were pulling out all of the stops yet nobody could blame them Bcc’s actions had gone to far it was time they faced the music. Jumping slightly as Chris was slammed into the tacs Y/n silently prayed to herself watching her husband scream in pain “ his gonna be alright they all are” Brandi said rubbing her shoulders in comfort “ I know * sighs * just worried i mean get it but i still get scared when he gets hurt doing matches” y/n replied with a small smile she was no stranger to these kind of matches having done a few through out her career.
“ And you’re winners of this match the Elite & Chris Jericho!!!” They announced as the arena cheered loudly the whole building shaking with excitement and applause it was over the bcc’s reign of terror was over. Y/n let out breath of relief cheering watching Chris standing tall alongside the elite in victory both knew that the win was needed , as the boys close out the show with Britt & Brandi Chris was finally going to show the world his good luck charm to the world.
“ Now as you know that through out this whole feud we conquered and fought taking down the bcc tired of being attacked let alone disrespected right?” Chris chuckled as the crowd cheered. “ thank you cause you guys never once stopped giving us that energy to keep fighting through the terror , they caused but as you can see all of these amazing hard working people in this ring have their loved ones with them right now well I have a special person here tonight with me as well” he said smirking as the crowd got excited wondering who the mysterious person was.
“ she’s literally been my rock through this whole roller coaster of pain and craziness literally has been my light for a while now and till the day i die my heart,my bestfriend and god so much more probably going to kill for outing her * crowd laughs * so with out further ado let’s give her a warm welcome” he said pointing to the ramps.
The crowd goes crazy watching y/n walk out smiling big shaking her head walking down to the ring “ it’s Desiree parks !!! The immortal goddess!!!” Taz said in shock as Tony & Excalibur agreed in complete shock.
Getting in the ring with the help of the young bucks Chris pulled her into a tight hug rocking her softly before kissing her head holding her close “ yep this beautiful woman has been with me through it all especially during the lowest months in my life but there is one special title that not only she holds but a title very close to my heart ladies and gentlemen she’s my wife!!” he said watching her blush as the boys & crowd went crazy as she held her hand up showing off her wedding ring.
“ And with that being said Tonight will forever be the most important nights of my career!!” He said handing the mic over to the announcer pulling her into a deep loving kiss while everyone cheered & wolf whistles for the couple.
No matter what came his way long as he had his island queen by his side everything would be okay.
The end ( hope you guys enjoyed it
Her theme:
Y/n’s outfit:
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ask-zadr · 11 days
Hey I don't wanna blame Dib, because I know he's trying his best as a parent, but how does Kip keeps getting away with his shit when his father is right there? He is the person who literally stopped Zim for years. Didn't he notice anything odd with his son? Like any signs? I mean I can see Zim being in denial about it, or way too cocky about his parenting skills, but Dib is a pretty observant character. Is Kip just that good covering his tracks? Or is his dad biased because they're raising him differently in different environment than his partner was brought up?
It’s definitely a combination of those reasons. A lot of it also boils down to dib just not wanting to see his own child doing what he’s done. Dib now feels that the way zim was was all because of being brainwashed as a child soldier, so because Kip was being raised differently, he just didn’t feel any major concern about it.
You also have to remember, Kip is a combination of dib and zim, two very, very intelligent people. Kip is just extremely smart and covers his tracks well. Very quiet, plots, and does things in the shadows. As for the signs that were there, when his family realizes who he really is, they do feel crushed and stupid for not noticing.
- admin
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burnwater13 · 3 months
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Max Rebo playing the red ball jet organ at Garsa Fwip's cantina, in Mos Espa. Image from The Book of Boba Fett, Season 1, Episode 2, Tribes of Tatooine. Calendar from DateWorks.
“Grogu! Can you keep it down? I’m trying to get some sleep.”
Wow. The Mandalorian was cranky. Usually he didn’t mind Grogu being up when he was grabbing some extra kip. Grogu wondered what was bugging him. It couldn’t be his new Max Rebo red ball jet organ, could it? 
Grogu had been surprised to get the package the day before. It wasn’t his naming day, it wasn’t present day, and he hadn’t ordered anything. But there it was. A giant container with his name painted right on it in big red letters and underlined at least three times. Who did he know who would send him something all the way from… Tatooine?
Peli maybe? But she was pretty thrifty. She would have waited for him to show up on Tatooine again before she gave him a new deck of sabacc cards, hoping that he wouldn’t notice that they were marked, not like that had ever happened before. 
The Sand People? He hadn’t thought that they would even know how to ship something across the galaxy. They might use the tools they found as they traversed the Dune Sea and other parts of Tatooine, much like the Jawas did, but they didn’t really do anything with credits. Grogu had been assured it took plenty of credits to ship stuff around the galaxy when he asked his dad to ship the rest of the rations pack Grogu refused to eat to the rancor at Boba Fett’s palace, because he was sure that Ranky would appreciate it. So not the Sand People. 
Then it occurred to him that maybe it was the Daimyo who sent him the lovely musical instrument. Daimyo Fett did like music and often had recordings of soft music playing in the palace because it hid the foot falls of the mech spiders that carried the monks of B’omarr around. Grogu didn’t blame him for that. Those little mechanical feet tap, tap, tapping, around the stone floors of the palace echoed in a creepy way that gave most people a bad case of the shivers. 
But when he did a thorough review of the container, it’s contents, the rest of the packaging, and the delivery receipt, he discovered exactly nothing about whoever sent it. His dad had commented that someone was sure to own up to it eventually.  If they didn’t, Din Djarin had muttered that he would be tracking them down otherwise. 
Grogu decided that it didn’t matter who sent the cool red ball jet organ. What mattered was learning how to play it. Whoever sent it had included a couple of data cards of songs he could learn. He was happy to note they had included the lyrics of the songs and not just the organ part.  That was great. He’d always thought that he had a nice singing voice. 
As soon as he could, he began to set up the organ. That took close to forever. First, the parts were big. Much bigger than him. Then his dad said he couldn’t use the Force to move things around. That didn’t seem fair to Grogu, so he had to time his work every carefully. He didn’t want his dad to catch him breaking the rules, but he also didn’t want to wait until a full month of Taungsdays for Din Djarin to help him because he was so busy. 
Grogu had no idea what the Mandalorian was busy doing. As far as he could tell, Din Djarin’s armor was clean and shiny. His weapons were properly cleaned, sighted, calibrated, and stored. The N-1 was in tip top condition and had no routine, predictive, or necessary maintenance cards open on it. 
Yes, the Mandalorian had created a whole maintenance regime for the ship and followed it rigorously. Grogu found it annoying most of the time, but occasionally it paid off, because it allowed him to schedule certain activities far in advance because his dad would be busy with ship maintenance and not hovering over Grogu while he was test driving new Force powers. The first time he levitated to the top of the preserver to grab some cookies from the ‘hidden’ jar, the lecture he’d received from his dad still echoed in the back of his head it was so loud and fervent. Uff. He didn’t need a repeat of that.
Greef Karga didn’t even have anything for the Mandalorian to handle on his behalf. So what the heck was the problem?
It didn’t matter. Grogu worked quietly until he had the whole red ball jet organ set up. He found a power supply for it and then hit the ‘On’ button. The equipment hummed in a soft, gentle tone that Grogu immediately liked. It was soothing. It was a perfect tone. It was consistent. It didn’t oscillate between frequencies or volume or anything else. He could have listened to that all night. 
But he also wanted to learn to play it. He tried to set the volume to its softest level. He tried to select a song that was short and easy to learn. He tried to not to use the Force. But he forgot that whenever he sang a song, he sang it with all of his abilities, at the top of his voice, with as much emotion as was appropriate. Oops. 
Imagine waking up and being all crabby when your only son sang his favorite song, ‘Dads are Great!’, so loudly your blaster fell off a shelf and whacked you on the helmet. Grogu couldn’t have predicted that happening! Not even with a maintenance system. Dank Farrik!
Who sent this to Grogu? Thoughts...
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shiftynightshade · 2 months
Ok, this made it official.
Burryaga hated senatorial dinners.
They were just too much. Too many people, too much glitz and glamor. The Force was clear cut and in horrible vibrancy, glass edges cutting against his senses as hidden intentions and double meanings were thrown around like nothing.
Burry wrinkled his nose and hunched his shoulders further, as if doing so would miraculously make him smaller. It only made the tension in his shoulders ache something fierce, pulsing down his spine and through his muscles.
Yeah, this sucked.
Burryaga pursed his lips and cast his gaze down across the open floor from the edge of the balcony, taking in the marbled flooring and the gauzy fabrics draped from the ceiling and indoor balconies, glittering gold as they caught the light in a display of pure opulence. But even that paled in comparison to the clothing senators and Coruscant’s elites were clothed in, glittering gems and silks of the highest quality creating outfits that cost enough to feed an entire settlement on the frontier.
His own clothing was simple compared to the beings around him, his own temple robes pure white with trims of shimmering gold, his lightsaber partially obscured by the cloak around his shoulders. Comfortable, but not as familiar as his mission leathers, worn from years of use. Just how he liked them.
Usually he wouldn’t be bothered by it, but being fresh from the recovering settlements did put things into stark perspective.
Tearing his eyes from the unnecessary show of money, Burryaga narrowed his eyes and returned to scanning the crowd itself, looking for any familiar face. Not that he needed to try.
As if he were guided by he Force itself, Burryaga’s eyes immediately found who he always looked for.
Down in that sea of wealth and double meanings, Bell Zettifar was a beacon of light and compassionate beauty, magnetic in he way he weaved between senators and elites like he was born to. Bell’s own robes fluttered with every step, catching the light as he calmy parted crowds with his mere presence. Burryaga leaned further against the railing, enraptured as Bell accepted a drink and talked with a young, dark haired human and their red headed companion the familiarity a small shock.
Then he looked again, and upon closer inspection it was obvious that the two were actually just Kip and Jom. The conversation didn’t last long, maybe a few minutes before they were moving on. The second they left, Bell seemed frozen in time, the light catching his earrings, then their eyes were meeting, Bell’s face adorned with a smirk that always promised a little mischief. Bell waved, and Burryaga waved back fondly, snorting when Bell turned and made his way across the room once more, now towards the stairwell.
Anticipation set his heart beating quicker, Bell's presence familiar as it grew closer and Burryaga absentmindedly smoothed down a little of his fur.
Just to self soothe a little, he told himself.
Like a liar.
A minute ticked by, then soft footfalls reached his ears, and Burryaga’s heart was racing once again. This time he couldn't blame it on the crowd.
The thin curtains that covered the entrance shifted, signalling another person just behind him.
Lithe fingers gently lay against his back, and Burryaga shivered as they trailed down, past his elbow to gently glaso his wrist in a loose hold. The touch was featherlight, and suddenly Burryaga wished he hadn't worn the cloak, if only to feel Bell's fingers in his fur for a little longer instead of being separated by shimmersilk cloth.
Much to Burryagas discontent, Bell released his wrist to fully appear in view, now staring up at Burry as he leaned his hip against the balcony and rested his elbow on the railing, a flute of something pale and bubbly still loosely held in-between his fingers, warm brown skin littered with tiny scars and burns.
“Party too much?”
Burryaga bit his lip and nodded slowly, mourning the loss of contact. His wrist burned.
Silently Burryaga moved to mirror Bell's position, his forearm stretching across smooth marble as he leaned on his elbow, fingers stretching out enough that the tips just slipped in-between Bell's.
Bell chuckled warmly and gently nudged back, sending another rippling shiver down Burryaga’s spine. It was both too much and not enough. Warmth bloomed in his chest, sweet and cloying as it filled his chest and Burryaga could feel himself choking on it. Bell's eyes glittered in the low lighting, and Burryagas throat dried a little more as Bell lifted up his drink to sip, his smirk melting into a gentle smile, something quieter and more intimate.
Stars Burryaga wanted to kiss him so bad it hurt, wanted to cradle him closer in early morning light and whisper sweet nothing's in the privacy of the dawn.
Burryaga wanted. He wanted badly.
“Burry? Are you alright?”
Burryaga jerked, and was immediately grateful for the fur on his face hiding the blush he could feel heating his cheeks. Bell's eyes had narrowed in concern, eyebrows drawn down as he peered up at Burryaga, as if Bell thought squinting hard enough would let him see into Burryaga's soul.
And Burryaga would let him. He would happily strip open his ribcage and hand Bell anything he wanted, because Bell was irreplaceable in his life. His best friend. His partner.
Burryaga growled softly and nodded again, absentmindedly reaching forward to gently trace the pale scar across Bell's cheek with his finger, thumbing at the old injury. Bell let him do as he pleased, eyes half fondly fixated on Burryaga's own face. Burryaga's heart was pounding in his chest, a forceful beat that he feared that Bell could actually hear it. He dropped his back to his side.
Weirdly enough, Bell looked a little sad at the action.
“You sure? Youve been… distant lately.”
Kind, beautiful, stubborn Bell. Burryaga huffed a soft laugh and stepped closer, further tangling his fingers with Bell's, the increased contact burning. Up closer, Burryaga could see the beauty marks and freckles that dusted Bell's skin like stars, the molten copper that made up his eyes.
“Distant? What gave you that idea?”
Bell's lips drew down into a pout that was way too cute for a twenty-two year old human to be reasonable. He suddenly looked younger, anxiety etched into his eyes as he shifted on the spot.
“I dunno, I feel like you haven't been talking to me as much lately. Have I done something to upset you?”
Burryaga cooed in reassurance, mentally kicking himself for not realising how easily Bell picked up the shift in their dynamic.
“No no you've done nothing wrong Bell, I've just had a few enlightening realisations lately, that's all.”
Bell looked far from mollified.
“Oh?” Bell's voice was hushed, a breathy quality to it that wasn't there previously. “And what were these realisations, if I may ask?”
Burryaga shook his head and stepped as far into Bell's space as he could, their hands still linked as Burry crowded him against the shadowy wall of their alcove where any wandering eyes wouldn't see them, courtesy of the gauzy curtains.
Huh, they actually were useful.
With his free hand, Burryaga plucked the half filled flute from Bell's loose grip and deposited it on the small side table just beside them. Blood rushing in his ears, Burryaga was tempted to place his hand on Bell's waist, but quickly discarded the thought, instead cupping his cheek and tilting his head back until Bell's head nudged the wall behind him, braids swinging with the motion.
Bell's pulse was racing belong the flesh and bone of his jaw, his throat bobbing as he swallowed shakily.
The space between them was thick with anticipation, charged and yearning.
“…I don't think I'm brave enough to put it into words just yet.”
Bell peered up at him through his lashes, and Burryaga felt as if he were the one pinned to the wall, those eyes piercing in every way possible.
“Then why don't you..” Bell's fingers came up to grip his wrist once again, this time tighter.
“Don't say, don't think, just do.”
Burryaga lipped his lips, heart quivering and chest filled with everything he wanted to say and more. But he couldn't, so he did what he had been yearning to do for months.
Fuck it.
He tightened his grip and kissed Bell.
Bell's lips were soft, and Burryaga could faintly taste Bell's drink on his lips. Bell hummed appreciatively, and Burryaga regretfully pulled away.
Despite the chaste nature of the kiss, Burryaga was relieved to feel that Bell was panting in unison with him, heat building as they stared at each other silently.
“Do you get what I was failing to say?” Burryaga asked quietly, as if it were a secret between the two of them. “What I've felt for you for so long?”
Enraptured, Burryaga watched as Bell licked his lips and nodded silently.
“I think I might need another demonstration,” Bell teased in an equally hushed tone. “Or two.”
Disbelief and joy were bubbling up like a shaken bottle of champagne in Burryaga’s chest, and he culould feel his lips stretching into a dopey smile.
Burryaga inched closer once more. “I think I could be amenable to that, Knight Zettifar.” Burryaga teased back.
Bell's hand trailed from his wrist and slid into the fur beside his neck, and then they were kissing again. It was faster, more assured as Bell reciprocated enthusiastically. His fingers tugged at his fur, and Burryaga had to muffle a growl, finally giving into the urge to grip Bell's waist.
Their tangled fingers moved to instead grasp at robes and purchase on each other's bodies. Bell panted against his lips as they parted, head thumping back against the wall. His voice had grown breathy, hitching into a startled gasp when Burryaga planted a featherlight kiss on the underside of his jaw.
Bell pulled him impossibly closer, fingers tangled in fur and shimmersilk as Burryaga pepered his throat with kisses. Burryaga planted a firmer kiss on the hollow of Bells throat, eliciting a high pitched gasp, followed by Bell's hand tightening in his fur and pulling him back.
“You okay? I didnt-”
Burryaga blinked, taking in Bell's flushed features, his heaving chest, his burning eyes.
“One,” Bell begun, lips shiny. “We're still in public, so we really shouldn't be getting carried away.”
Burryaga flinched at the reminder, an apology on the tip of his tongue.
“Two,” Bell continued with a raised eyebrow, daring him to say anything. Burryaga wisely kept his mouth shut. “My neck is rather… sensetive, so we're better off continuing this in the privacy of our own rooms.”
Burryaga blinked, then smiled incredulously.
“Why do you get to be so smart and so pretty all the time?” He griped affectionately, moving to rest his forehead against Bell's.
“Oh I dunno, why do you get to be so sensible and handsome all the time?”
Burryaga snickered, snorted when Bell laughed quietly with him, one hand desperately smothering his giggles
“Soo,” Bell rose an eyebrow up at Burry and moved to gently fix his robes, smoothing the fabric out. “The party should be finishing up soon anyways, and Indeera's looking after Ember for me until tomorrow.” He reached up on his toes and looped his hands around Burryagas neck.
“Did you want to continue this back at my apartment?”
Burryaga gripped Bells hips and briefly nudged their noses together.
“How about my room instead?” He offered with a smirk.
“My beds bigger anyways.”
Bell's eyes widened with shock, then a quiet peal of laughter slipped from Bell's lips as he gently let go and fixed his own robes, and snagged the previously abandoned flute of champagne, taking another sip from the glass.
“I'll see you back at the Temple.” Bell said with a quiet grin, then, when Burryaga thought he was going to slip back through the curtains with nary a trace, Bell leaned once more and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“Don't keep me waiting too long.” He teased quietly, then slipped from Burryaga's grasp, disappearing from view.
Butryaga stared after him, and gently reached up to touch the cheek Bell had kissed as if he could pull an imprint of it off.
Oh stars I'm so in love.
Burryaga exhaled once, twice, then calmly left the alcove, as if nothing had ever happened.
Okay, maybe not all senatorial dinners were bad.
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Chapter 26: In Which Darkrai Asks a Question
Twig sent back a note that she had some loose ends to tie up before she could visit Kip, hoping that the note would buy her some time thanks to how she hadn’t specified a day she’d be coming back to Treasure Town. Ark, confusingly, almost elected to stay home when she ran to the post office to deliver it. She told him she was heading out, and he replied with a distracted hum. Confused, she asked if he wanted to come along, and he seemed to snap awake and rushed after her out the door. He watched everyone and everything with a strange look in his eyes as they made their way through Verdant Village— somewhere between sorrowful longing and bitter anger. Whatever it was in his gaze, it wasn’t the awkward, distant sort of cheerfulness she was used to from him. He wasn’t regarding everything with a wide-eyed awe— it was a narrow sort of scrutiny that didn’t fit on Ark’s face. 
Honestly, he seemed a bit ticked in his distractedness. There were moments he was almost irritable— not enough to truly be called irritable, though, because this was Ark she was talking about. He just seemed a bit… short. Maybe a little snippy in how he responded to her questions about if they had enough food to make it to the next weekday market. Not enough to qualify as rude, but he was colder than usual. 
Weird. She could look past it though. She had her moodier days— he probably was just going through one of his own.
She ignored all of that, but she couldn’t look past him asking her that long-dreaded question as she sorted through the groceries she’d grabbed on the way back from the post office, glad to finally be home. “How long were you planning on keeping this up?”
She set down an oran berry she was examining for bruises, confused. “What the heck are you talking about, man?”
“How long did you intend to lie to me?”
“Dude, I’ve never once lied to…” 
She recognized the chilliness to his tone now, the coldness of his gaze. She recognized the way he postured himself and seemed to take all the light out of the room with his presence. 
It all belonged to Darkrai, of course, and fit so poorly on Ark. 
Suddenly a number of things made sense— the fact that he knew Kip had a cowardly streak, the way he spoke as he asked her about joining Team Venture, even the way that he held himself these past weeks— Darkrai remembered. He remembered, and he was mad. Twig had never once seen him upset. Never ruffled, never perturbed— Darkrai was always calm, always cool, always collected, and never the picture of burning cold rage before her.
She should be terrified. Something in her was definitely cowering at the sight of Darkrai so furious before her, but she managed to hold her ground despite the coward in her begging to run. She was tired. Maybe she was ready to die if it meant she could get some rest.
“Your answer?” He demanded.
She tried to come up with some pacifying response to give him, but could only summon the truth. She was tired. It had been a long time of lying to keep people safe. She had already messed everything up. Why not get some stuff off her chest before she kicked the bucket? “I was going to keep it up as long as it took.”
“You fully intended to keep my past hidden from me, tucked tidily away for all of time?” He loomed over her— or more like he tried to, at least. Twig didn’t back down. 
She gave him a weary glare. “Can you blame me?”
A long, tense silence filled the air. It felt like if she reached out a claw, she could pluck it like a string.
“Are you going to kill me?” She asked.
Conflict flashed across his face. 
“Just get it over with already. I’ve been waiting for this to happen. Might as well get it done after all that waiting.”
“I’m not—”
“Not what?” She spat. “Not the type to get your hands dirty? Too bad. If you leave me alive, I’ll tell Kip and Cresselia— everyone— and we’ll be stuck in the same situation we started in. You’ll face off with us in Dark Crater, I’ll end up cursed or whatever that arm thing you did was, and you’ll end up without your memories again or something. I don’t care. Just get it over with.” Tears pricked at her eyes despite her frustration. “I’m tired. I’m done. I blew the shot I had at keeping everyone safe and getting a friend while I was at it. So kill me.”
Again, that conflict flickered across his features. He scowled and seemed to ready himself to deal that mortal blow… but he vanished instead, melted into the shadows. She could sense he was still in the room, judging by the heavy atmosphere that surrounded him remaining, but he was gone without a visible trace.
Twig got the feeling he didn’t want to talk. Too bad.
“You’ve got the perfect opportunity here, man. It’d be kind of stupid to pass it up when I’m literally telling you to get it over with.”
“You’d be doing me a favor, you know,” she murmured.
No answer.
“… How long have you remembered?”
The heaviness in the air crescendoed, and then it lifted. He was gone.
Twig wondered why he left without finishing the job.
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