#blazamy is mentioned uwu
witheringdove · 1 year
“‘She wanted to fight. Desperately, she wanted to ignore her left eye and pursue Sonic anyways. They felt right. Even if both hedgehogs had someone else promised to them, it didn’t matter.
Destiny be damned, she wanted to scream.’
Amy knows Sonic is her soulmate. On the night of her eighteenth birthday, destiny tells her otherwise.”
Remember when I said I would write a soulmate angst AU for sonamy? Well, here it is! 
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
1 and 5
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
hmm, well I can read this in a couple ways. like, i can usually get WHY someone ships something but a lot of the times i either fail to see the appeal or they’re so fanon it might as well be different characters, so why the insistence of the ship? otherwise, i can often think it’s a good ship but just not get why people are so obsessed with it or why it’s their OTP
so, everyone knows I’m gonna say sonadow, but this also applies to blazamy and infidget. like, it screams “i need a basic mlm ship where i just replace one character with a self insert and woobify the other one, and i’ll erase the canon love interest by giving her comphet and shipping her with the other girl character that way everyone is happy” like 💀 the creativity is on the floor. hell, gadget isn’t even a real canon character he’s just a fandom-owned oc! i’m cool with oc ships, but the people who declare him a real character confuse the hell out of me because he doesn’t have a canon personality or traits beyond the universal avatar so like. no he’s not lol. (you can like gadget btw i just don’t get ships with him especially infidget)
on a less “y’all are whack” scale and moreso a just “i don’t understand your lifestyle but it’s cool” i gotta say, a lot of the idw ships people have and yes this includes tangle and whisper because LOOK I LOVE THEM THE SHIP IS GREAT but it’s like, “mlegh i canon do much with this” energy. i get the ship but i don’t get the enthusiasm, y’know? bugbear is an exception btw
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Hahahahahahaha, YES! now, bsc veterans may remember that i was doxxed by sonadow shippers in the 2000’s fandom, and that a certain discord server resulted in the near death of a bestie (long story that i hate talking about for privacy reasons, but i’m not exaggerating). y’allso know i’m not really good with its sister ship blazamy because i just mentioned it
HOWEVER. i have bigger issues with EVERY SILVER SHIP and wavouge. wavouge was literally my cool fruity best friends who are also girlfriends but not exclusively girlfriends because they’re like,,, free spirits and stuff. and y’all DOMESTICATED them. jail. prison. you turned them into blazamy again but this time with the stereotypical “omg hot girls do crime and they were girlfriends” trope. it screams tumblr “make everything lesbians” culture and it grosses me out. it’s like those fucking posts where someone talks about rewriting a story or myth or fixing a ship in a show or suggesting a media prompt and then someone responds with “but make it gay/what if they were both girls/let then be lesbians” and it’s just more basic lesbians. bland. boring. unoriginal. the fandom has taken so many cool relationship dynamics and just reduced them down to “uwu cute gay ppl i love them aaaa” like WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE EDGY SPICE!!! THE DEPTH!!! THE FLAVOUR!!! i’m like not aggressive mad rn i’m goofy-mad for the record because this shit bothers me but don’t hold every word i say as “the ultimate truth” i’m just casually rambling. you can have joke posts like a lot of my infinite doodles and how i respond to asks about dog&hog, but the difference is that is for HUMOUR and they are still dark complex characters in my canon even when i don’t take them seriously on tumblr
but anyways, back to silver. one word: woobification. i do not trust anyone with silver ships except myself and like a few other besties because it’s such gross mischaracterization for me? between him and scourge, some people just do not know how to act and make them so pathetic and docile and borderline stupid. i can’t enjoy most silver ships because a good portion of the content will just piss me off lolol. like, when silver is treated the same way as kat valentine from victorious i know something is SERIOUSLY wrong. ruins so much fandom content for me personally
also this isn’t ship-specific and it’s usually taboo to mention, but i am sick and tired of the intense feminization of transmasc characters. i know people will always respond with “oh but you can’t say that you’re attacking real transmascs who look like that! they can identify however they want!” but i would like to remind you that i am talking about fake people, not real ones. when an actual transmasc identifies with feminine traits and rocks that shit, they’re a real person who is well rounded with interests and likes and personality. when a FICTIONAL CHARACTER is reduced to their transness and frequently exploited for it, it makes me extremely uncomfortable and ruins characters and the ships they’re in for me. the fact that people project so hard onto these characters to an unhealthy degree that my criticisms of the fanonization feels like personal attacks on their identity says it all: let go of the blorbo, they are not yours and they are not you. let other people disagree with the fanon and not make it about how they invalidate your existence, because this has nothing to do with you actually.
and before someone comments, i do NOT mean we should abolish trans characters or not draw them with non-transitioned traits. you have have trans characters in your ships, etc etc but some of y’all just do not know how to act lol. some of my tumblrbesties on here have fantastic trans rep (you know who you are) and if fandom was more like them, a lot of ships wouldn’t be ruined for me
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