thekbex · 4 years
I was tagged by @blaze78-caskettalways ❤️🥰
Three Ships: CharCoop (Private Practice) Caskett (Castle) & Darvey (Suits)
Last song: Send my love by Adele
Last movie: The Negotiation
Currently craving: I'm currently watching Kdramas (obsessed with Crash Landing On You btw) and now I'm craving for Korean food 🍜
Currently reading: Women, Race & Class by Angela Davis
Rules: tag nine people you want to know better/catch up with then answer these questions.
Well those are the rules, but I haven't been the most active around here, I don’t even know which accounts are still active, so tag yourself if you want ❤️
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empiriconda · 5 years
blaze78-caskettalways replied to your video “Charles and Liza || I Just Want To Be By Your Side Hello friends, I’m...”
I LOVE IT!! Great edit. 👍🏻 These two make my heart swell, I love them so much! 😍😍
Thank you so much for the lovely comment. And thank you for watching! 
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blaze78-caskettalways replied to your photoset
Have fun at WDW! I got back last month and miss it so much!
Thanks! I’m psyched. I love Disney World so much. It’s my number one vacation spot.
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webuiltthepyramids · 6 years
set your entire music library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up, then tag 10 people. I was tagged by @tobiasmquinn.
I Really Like You - Carly Rae Jepsen
Something There (Soundtrack Version) - Beauty and the Beast
Congratulations - Dessa
I Told You So - Keith Urban
Best Song Ever - Katie Armiger
Only One - Katharine McPhee
Sway - Danielle Bradbery
Girl That I Met On The Internet - GIRLI
Closer - Tegan and Sara
De Madrugada - Ekhymosis
I tag @captainsantiagos, @maryannisawkward, @thetrailtooregonandani, @pileof-goodthings, @minimalflirtation, @wellamarke, @cross-the-ocean-in-my-mind, @pdc84, @katasstrophee and @blaze78-caskettalways.
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thisisaplatypus · 9 years
Your tags are golden!! 👏😘Carry on, my friend! :)
Awww thank you, sweetie! ♥ Seriously, I really am tired of all this non sense crap. We’re a fandom, we’re supposed to be kind of a family. Instead, they choose to hate Nathan/Stana and leave all kinds of hate everywhere and blaming other people for not getting what they want. Ugh, this is disgusting :/.
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musefulstranger · 10 years
blaze78-caskettalways replied to your post: blaze78-caskettalways replied to your ...
Fair enough. Just happy to know I’m not alone in my enjoyment of it. 😄I certainly wouldn’t want a whole season of that! 😳
lol pointtttt
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trixiedeckerstar · 4 years
Rules: tag nine people you want to know better/catch up with then answer these questions.
I was tagged by @iheartstana. Thank you! :)
Three ships: Caskett (what a surprise), David Seidel/Lisa Plenske from Verliebt in Berlin, and if movies count, Rick and Eve O’Connell from The Mummy (1999) and The Mummy Returns. If I had to pick a third TV ship, it would probably be MerDer.
Last song: Skyward by Davina Michelle
Last movie: I watched The Princess Diaries for the first time because @fourteenthofaugust has been reblogging several gifsets about it lately and it seemed fun!
Currently craving: a good night’s sleep
Currently reading: Castle fanfiction, mostly. As far as books are concerned, I finished reading Ceremony in Death by J.D. Robb a few months ago, so my next read will probably be Vengeance in Death, the following installment in the series.
I‘m tagging @caskett-copop83 @tinyambivert @remuslovestonks @mxkeawish-believeinmagic @itsmemo007 @alwaysgurl43 @mythologyjail @castle-always @blaze78-caskettalways. Feel free to answer or not! ;)
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alicepao13 · 10 years
blaze78-caskettalways replied to your post:So, I watched all the seasons of Angel. Seasons...
It’s been a while since I’ve watched it, was s4 Gina Torres’ season?
Yes. That was the best thing that happened in S4, because Gina Torres is awesome and she was playing an evil character too. Come to think of it, that must have been about the same time when Nathan Fillion guest starred in Buffy as that evil priest.
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bunysliper · 10 years
blaze78-caskettalways replied to your post:So apparently my benchmark for getting to know new...
I approve of this benchmark, because I share in it. lol You’ve got your priorities right from where I’m standing. ;)
Thank you! It all sounds totally legit to me.
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I was tagged by the amazing becketts-areola! 
Her questions:
Favorite part about being in a fandom - I appreciate that when I get excited that two fictional characters do something adorable, my freak out is echoed by people that just "get me" So thank you!! ;)
Do you like thunderstorms? I love thunderstorms, best time to do anything!! 
Last book/movie/tv show to make you cry - I rewatched Veritas Tuesday and was a blubbering mess.
introverted or extroverted (or a mix)? Mix, I am willing to talk to most anyone, but I like being really close with a select group!
what are 3 things you love about yourself? I love that I am finally nurturing some latent talents, I love my amazing friends, and I love my ability to nap!! (Seriously I rock at napping!)
favorite childhood toy? I received a Baywatch Barbie for my birthday that came with a dolphin toy that made noise.... the dolphin was my favorite thing in the world! 
favorite vegetable? Potatoes
Do you prefer watching a movie at home or in a theater? At home! Couch snuggles and snacks beat sticky floors and random people necking anyday!! 
Are you Stana Katic? I wish!! Oh the trolling I could do!! 
My Questions:
Top 5 favorite fictional characters?
Book or Movie?
Favorite beverage?
(If you are brave) Post a #TBT pic?
Do you do anything musical?
Favorite restaurant?
Have you been out of your country?
Where would you go and what would you do on a dream vacation?
Favorite dessert?
I'm tagging iwillneverbesafe, blaze78-caskettalways, buttonupkitten, 74flawsasofyesterday, veraflynns, beckett-luvs-her-goober, it-would-have-been-great, handcuffedplotbunnies, and why-am-i-narrating
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musefulstranger · 10 years
blaze78-caskettalways replied to your post:duuuude…7x08 was…..uhmmm…it was like an episode...
LOVED the early seasons of X-Files, so I’ll high five you on that! 👍😉Miss that show so much!!
saaaaaaaaaame mulder&scully 4 evaaaah
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fan1bsb97 · 10 years
Answer the questions the person who tagged you made up. Write ten questions yourself. Tag ten people to answer your questions.
My answers to questions from fragmentedsandwiches
1.) Who was your first best friend? How old were you?
Karen Mulligan age >1 year haha. We were kind of thrown together since our moms were friends and we were born within a month of each other. My other best friend was Michelle and we were bffs from age 5-22.
2.) What was your first favorite song (something on the radio. not a nursery rhyme. lol)?
Hard one because I didn't listen to the radio until I was about 12. I would say Amy Grant - Jehovah (my mom would make me listen all the time haha) but my fav. song once I started listening to the radio was BSB - Quit Playin Games.
3.) What was your worst injury?
Thankfully I've never really had one! I hurt my toe badly last year and was limping for a bit.
4.) Who was your favorite teacher you’ve ever had?
Mrs. Poszonyi - 3rd grade. So sad when she left on maternity leave and I only had her for a few months.
5.) Who was your first crush?
Ryan McNulty - 1st grade. So hilarious when this bitch in my class told me to yell "I want to have sex with you" (which I did) not knowing what it meant.
6.) Do you play an instrument? If so, what?
I took piano lessons for years but never practiced so..none.
7.) College major
Communications for one semester. Then early childhood ed and psychology (because ed. majors had to double major from a small selection). I still can't believe I have a degree in psychology haha.
8.) Most embarrassing moment
Thankfully I don't have anything that traumatic. I would say when my voice cracked one night during my solo senior year in our musical, or when I slipped in mud in middle school.
9,) Favorite TV show as a kid?
Hardest of them all! Early years - Saved by the Bell I guess. Ages 8-12 - Lois & Clark. I also loved, as we all did, Snick and the TGIF lineup. Remember deciding on whose house to go to to watch it on Friday nights?
10.) What was the first movie you ever saw in the theater?
Pretty sure I have a vague recollection of Oliver and Company, but I was only 3. After that was definitely The Little Mermaid.
My questions to my tagged people:
1. Favorite couple you've ever shipped EVER.
2. Favorite book as a child and as an adult.
3. What was the best day of your life?
4. What is the most daring or exciting thing you've ever done?
5. If you could be on any game show what would it be and why?
6. What is the one thing in the world you hate doing more than anything?
7. Other than what you do now, what other job would you want?
8. If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you go?
9. If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy?
10. What is your earliest memory?
Tagging:  blaze78-caskettalways, favouriteslittlethings, stina-bo-bina, allanhawco, sparklemouse, niuxita21, gar6301, cawleyc, keerry, satankatic
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trixiedeckerstar · 4 years
Rules: list 5 TV shows that make you feel better, then tag ten other blogs.
Thank you for the tag @beckettshales 💖
1) Castle
2) the French version of Don’t Forget the Lyrics!
3) The Good Place
4) The Rookie
5) a tie between One Tree Hill (because it made me happy but I haven’t watched it in a while) and Brooklyn Nine-Nine (because I like it and think it’s a really fun show but I have watched only a few episodes so far)
I’m tagging @twentythrees @fourteenthofaugust @copop83 @blaze78-caskettalways @tinyambivert @continue-to-be-amazing @heat-waveee @shelienead @remuslovestonks @alwaysgurl43 As always, feel free to answer or not! ;)
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blaze78-caskettalways replied to your post: So I put a whole dairy milk block of chocolate in… I love how you call it “milk block”! Aussies rock! ;)
Lol yes we don't say chocolate,it's just too boring :)
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mishacklemoose · 11 years
blaze78-caskettalways said: I feel the same way! By far my favorite villain in this show, so you’re not the only weird one. ;)
Yay, I'm not alone! I just kind of never want him to die. Any episode he is in is interesting as fuck. The two(possibly 3 because of Monday's episode) are some of my favorite Castle episodes!
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dancingontiptoes · 11 years
blaze78-caskettalways replied to your post: Haha Happy Birthday to me:P
Just sent you a message but Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is as lovely as you! :)
You are too sweet, thank you so much Jen!!:) My day was really great:D
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