panickypeachboy · 3 years
@blcsscmedstars​ requested:  [Toca meme] Sayu in g6 maybe? :D
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//Looking cute Sayu!!
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squidsavior · 3 years
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◤   blcsscmedstars 〉 🐤 (You know what to do) ◥
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aplushemporium · 4 years
@blcsscmedstars​​ registered in the interest tracker!
beep beep beep whirr...
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“ You resemble a mannequin, but your internals are electronic, like mines! Are you, a robot, too? “
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alienxbassist · 3 years
starter for @blcsscmedstars​ 
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“Are you guys like-- Vocaloids are something from a different country? That’s pretty sweet.”
Huh, the music industry will take anything and anyone under labels. What a weird science lecture, but if this college was run under a big label company they might as well spend their money on whatever teaches their students. Shame that some people think music will replaced by robots. 
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vapor-end-user · 4 years
🚼 And one more forrrrr the ham man :D
send me a 🚼 and a ship i’ll use a doll-maker or picrew (Draw) to design what i think a child between our two muses would look like
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[Meet Sunny! The brightest shining diamond shaped object head you’ll ever find!
Usually wears bright colors with obnoxious patterns but his favourite cool sun hoodie and shoes tends to break up the eye sears.
Will try his darndest to cheer you up if you’re down. a prankster. harmless pranks at least.
Likes to make up songs made up of gibberish. has mastered the art of talking simlish. Yes that’s right. the language they use the in the sims games.
loves working with dad to try and get mom to gigglesnort. (it’s not easy to do)]
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eclipsedfates · 3 years
@blcsscmedstars​ liked for a starter!
[ IV ] - Man, he couldn’t BELIEVE this was happening, for REAL! This was it, his big break, something that’ll put his radio news show on the map--! He didn’t get his hopes up too high since this whole NSR company seemed PRETTY high end for a record label...
...But here he is! Vinyl City, music capital of the WORLD! Gosh, the skyline lights looked so pretty when he soared above them not a few short hours ago...
[ DR.WHITE ] //: Just--be careful, yes? You’ll be coming back after the weekend is over, right--
[ MN.6 ] //: Don’t wooooorry, Dad, I’ll be fine! I got this! I know it was a little last minute, but you gotta grab opportunity like this when it pops up! This is one of the hottest bands out there, I CANNOT let this fly by me.
[ DR.WHITE ] //: Alright, alright--take care then--and call me when you’re finished, okay?
After reassuring his father again, yes, that he WOULD call when he was done, Avi closed out his comms. Right! Now he just had to get there--Metro Division District, Baracca Mansion. Yeah, he had NO trouble picking out the GIANT building sprawling across his view. It looked more like a fort rather than a famous mansion, really...
Oh, jeez. Was that a crowd outside the gates? Yeeeeaaah, he’s not dealing with that. He flashes his press pass at the security cameras, and once he’s sure he’s not going to set off anything, he flies right over the crowd and gates towards the doors.
(...Cool, so...I guess I just knock?)
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“Yelloyelloyellooo?” Knock knock. “Avi News, here for the interview! Thought I’d breeze past the front gate for ya!”
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kelfuffle · 3 years
@blcsscmedstars​... a story where fish meets rock...or something.
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is this fate.... hector’s hector is hector. underwater, hector hector hector... blublublublublubectorlublub...
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sternenteile · 4 years
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★ @blcsscmedstars​ asked:  🍵 //Spill it
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okay, all the very vicious salt  gets a break for a second while i make a teeny, petty complaint. here’s a nice moment of cooldown that is, at worst, an eye-roll moment.
what is... with nintendo’s silly mandates on the mario series? it’s so ridiculous tbh. the fact of the matter is that nintendo is restrictive on which characters get representation in the ip and how much they should get. a prime example that applies for a more popular character is waluigi. people have been crying out for waluigi to get into a main series game, a wario land/warioware game, or just... something more meaningful for a long time. it makes me almost wonder if nintendo treats him with more disdain because he was made by camelot and not them?? idk.
in fact, a lot of mario characters that aren’t made in-house get heavily sidelined. side characters from spin-offs and mario rpg characters are the ones who get it worst. yeah, i know, ‘geno and mallow and other smrpg characters are owned by square,’ i get that. i’m not exclusively talking about them. what about other fan favorites? waluigi, i already mentioned, but how about other dkc characters? they’re part of the mario series, but a lot of modern dkc was created by rareware. diddy kong hardly gets any love from them, and he’s the biggest deal besides dk himself. what about king k. rool? it took over a decade for them to acknowledge him in anything (smash ultimate), and it was only after a massive amount of fan outcry. this is the main antagonist of the dkc, a mario spinoff, series.
what about the rpg characters outside of smrpg? alphadream’s and intelligent systems’ creations deserve that attention, too. why fill mario kart rosters with more baby clones and metal clones when there are meaningful characters to add instead? fawful is a huge fan favorite from the rpgs, probably the only one that is right up there with geno in terms of popularity and outcry. what about peasley, vivian, parakarry, dimentio (the NERD, ya love to hate him ghdksjgh), bleck, mimi, midbus, the shroobs...? there’s so much potential to be had with all of these whimsical characters. why do they just... not care? again, it’s probably because they’re not in-house characters.
mario? obviously in-house. luigi? same thing. peach and bowser are very in-house, as well. even the more story-heavy rosalina is an in-house creation, and even with miyamoto’s reservations, she’s been getting a lot of attention. toadette was created for the same reason waluigi was: as a spin-off staple. one was made in-house, the other was made by a second party. guess who’s been getting a lot of love in the mainline series while the other has been consistently shafted?
it’s pretty dumb tbh. idk who to blame for this, but whoever at nintendo has been enforcing this just... has the wrong idea. the mario series is so full of life, yet they intentionally stifle it. ridiculous.
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darkwaved · 3 years
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... she's not quite sure what to say, but she’s proud of them.
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panickypeachboy · 4 years
//Inspired by @heartguiided​, I’m posting some of the Miis I’m planning to use in Miitopia too!!
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squidsavior · 3 years
◤ @blcsscmedstars​ left off from [ HERE ]◥ 
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Her cheeks turned light blue, that glowed with her bioluminescence for a short moment. As she was taken to the back exit to the alley. Away from everyone and what felt like everything, it’s perfect.
“Finally, away from everything. And we can have time for ourselves.” She looks up at the sky trying to catch a glimpse of the lights.
“You know… Inkopolis and Vinyl City are kind of the same at night. But I haven’t seen many festivals in the city… which is kind of sad. I liked seeing the fireworks during Inkfests.”
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aplushemporium · 4 years
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“...Wait...their name is 1010...but, they’re only...one, two, three, four, five...”
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“Where’s the other five...??”
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frestoniia · 3 years
@blcsscmedstars​ || x
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“ You... Want me to teach you how to swing dance? ”
     Wow. The idea that a professional NSR artist wanted to learn from him-- it was pretty amazing! And also... Really, really nerve-wracking. He wasn’t sure how good of a teacher he’d be, but if there was one thing he knew inside and out, it was Swing. And he definitely wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity to teach someone about something he’s passionate about. 
“ I can certainly try! ” he laughs a little, “ The thing with swing is that there’s really no one way to do it. It’s all about finding out which style best suits you, and then making it your own, y’know? But since you’re a beginner, we’ll start with something simple. Like, say... ”
     He thinks for a moment, absentmindedly twirling his hat around the tip of his finger. 
“ Oh, I know! The T-step shuffle. It’s simple, but a lot of fun. And it’s like riding a bike; once you learn how to do it, you’ll never forget! Are you ready? ”
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musemade · 4 years
@blcsscmedstars​ / sc
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❝YER ONE’A THOSE ROBOTIC idols, right? If yer a robot shouldn’t you, like, not need to go to school?❞
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clydesgod · 3 years
😠 (Krista?)
Questions for my muse - Accepting!
😠 - what is something or someone your muse has ever hated or hates
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“Goodness. If we’re being really, truly honest. I...”
She looks around for a second, making sure the coast is clear. It is, and she lets out a sign of relief.
“My parents are the most rudest people in the entire realm. When I was younger they never let me have any fun, they always tried to force suitor after suitor onto me. I only really gave into their demands after around 2000 years. Mabon is wonderful, not like the other fools they forced on me.”
“My kind are very egotistical, and they always like to boast about their accomplishments rather than talk about things they like. I was thankful they set me up with Mabon though...”
“...but don’t get me started on what happened AFTER. They imminently asked me to return at ONCE and check out OTHER suitors! Wanted to keep the bloodline ‘pure’. I’m honestly sick of them both. My other siblings too.”
“I haven’t talked to any of them in about 30 odd years.”
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░▒▓ ♥ ▓▒░
@blcsscmedstars​ submitted: “ Gifted to Eve was a small box. Inside the box there were heart shaped, home-made sugar cookies, topped with icing with colorful abstract shapes. It was a rather… rudimentary job. The drawn shapes were wobbly and it was quite messy. On the box there was a note:
“Hi Eve! I wanted to get you some-fin nice today, so I was inspired by your art to make these for you! I did my very best with the cookies, but um, I’m not as good a drawer as you. So maybe I should have asked my friends to kelp me. But I hope it’s ok! I worked reel-ly hard on them because I think you’re a really spe-shell friend! At least they taste yummy so I hope you like them, Pyun~! ♡” “
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      Eve chuckled. She didn’t need a signature to know that these fish puns were coming from Sayu. Once again, she was surprised that someone had brought her gifts, but upon thinking it over, she supposed she shouldn’t have been. Sayu was the bubbliest member of NSR--no pun intended--and was always looking for excuses to shower people around her with love and adoration. Valentine’s Day was probably the perfect holiday for her.
      She picked up one of the cookies, looking it over with a smile. How cute... Even if they weren’t perfect, it was still the thought that counted. Part of her wished she could keep it forever, but it would’ve been a waste of good cookies. She took a bite. These were... surprisingly good. She didn’t know if Sayu cooked before or not. She didn’t really have a need to. But if she hadn’t, that made the gift all the sweeter.
      She was definitely going to have to return the favor.
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