#bleary-eyed and absolutely peeved about the upcoming day... you putter around and try to get ready and he-
ofallthingsnasty ยท 2 years
Nasty can I just get Aizawa to snatch me up real quick? Cause I'm reallllly gunna fail my final exam tommorow and tbh I'd rather be a basement wife then face that monster ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚
He wouldn't want me so stressed out, and given I'm so distracted with things it'd be super easy to just pop on in. Basement wives to hot af heros don't need to be smart tbh
๐Ÿ˜ญ Oh no anon, I wish you all the best!! I hope you pass. (I know exactly how you feel... ๐Ÿ˜ญ And maybe you'll pass with some luck? Has happened to me before ahdjjsjjs) ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ–๐Ÿž You can tell me how it went if you want! Sometimes it helps me to rant a little and then move on after a hard one....
Honestly, same! Look at us getting an education when we could be sitting pretty in someone's home, voluntary or not :T And I feel like Shouta especially couldn't stand to see you so stressed out - it would genuinely pluck at his heartstrings. He wants you safe and, most importantly, healthy. That can't be happening when you sob yourself to sleep hours after midnight, dreading the next day because you feel utterly unprepared. Stress is pretty bad for your body - if he waits just a little longer, who knows what it'll cause within you. (Not to mention that he can clearly tell you aren't enjoying yourself... and that just won't do). Snatching you up right now is very sensible. Removes you from a bad situation and puts you into a loving, patient home! Isn't that great?
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