#bless all the sweet fans that take photos with him thank you for your service to the community 🥺🥺🥺
somedaytakethetime · 7 months
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sunflowerskies00 · 2 months
too sweet, part 7
but then you wake up for the sunrise
series master list
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liked by edwards.73 and others
yourusername: home sweet home💛💙
rutgermcgroarty: the world traveler returns
yourusername: had to bless my fans with my presence luca.fantilli: correct- fan, singular dylanduke25: next time you leave take your singular fan with you markestapa: please he's s so annoying
lhughes_06: everytime i talk to you it's 'i hate michigan and i want to move'
yourusername: could you not expose me on the internet? lhughes_06: no I find this fun jackhughes: he's right, you hate michigan _quinnhughes: really you've never said one nice thing about the state yourusername: you assholes I hate michigan because none of you guys are here a majority if the time *liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, and _quinnhughes* trevorzegras: well that's adorable lhughes_06: we just wanted you to admit it for everyone to see yourusername: i hate all of you
edwards.73: crazy how you've been back for 48 hours and I haven't seen you
yourusername: lies I was at your game edwards.73: now how i meant it yourusername: i don't understand elaborate please 🤨😏 edwards.73: you're such a brat you don't need me to elaborate dylanduke25: could you please take this to your text conversations please? us normal people don't need to see it markestapa: ^fr we don't want to see it
alexturcotte_: soo when are you coming to visit me?
trevorzegras: or me yourusername: when i'm not broke
username41: the tension between y/n and ethan in these comments is crazy
username24: so real username62: they don't even try to hide anymore
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liked by taylorrose and others
yourusername: a compilation of sorts
taylorrose: you love a good compilation
yourusername: i really do taylorrose: also the second phot MAAM yourusername: what? something wrong? taylorrose: currently shaking my head and laughing at you yourusername: good
rutgermcgroarty: you two are disgusting
yourusername: rut we talked about this you can't be jealous just because I won't date you rutgermcgroarty: you=annoying yourusername: love you too *liked by rutgermcgroarty* markestapa: rut's right you two make me vomit luca.fantilli: can't disagree sorry y/n dylanduke25: don't be sorry, they're nasty
_quinnhughes: the second photo?? tell him his hand is too high
yourusername: i'll pass, but thanks for the suggestions _quinnhughes: you drive me crazy yourusername: happy to be of service
trevorzegras: i just know the siblings groupchat is going off rn
yourusername: i'm going to mute them trevorzegras: then they'll show up to michigan yourusername: you're so right
username24: please she's so lucky
username56: REAL like look at those hands *liked by yourusername*
edwards.73: i think i've seen those jeans before
yourusername: i wear them at least once a week dumbass edwards.73: it's it sad that you own enough clothes to fill at least 3 closets and you wear the same 3 things yourusername: okay no need to call me out edwards.73: and those 3 outfits barely even consist of clothing from your closet edwards.73: it's clothing you've stolen from someone else yourusername: i'm going to take away your commenting privileges edwards.73: right i'm sure
Sibling Groupchat
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Luke and Y/N messages
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tags: @love4ldr
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manjuhitorie · 5 years
Hitori-Escape Tour 2019, they're at the halfway point, so time to post reports!
Disclaimer: These were all pilfered, ransacked, polished and ravished from my JP Twitter mutuals,,,, Who are all such kind souls,, Not only have they used their memory skills to seed Rie's words, but they even bothered to share the concert's happenings with the world wide web, AND they have urged me forward to keep on translating them... So I'll take the liberty to post them organized here... When you pass by any JP Rie fans on twitter, click hearts...💘 Shinoda’s name is shortened to SND, ygarshy’s to yg(a), and Yumao to Yu(ma) throughout...!
1 Hitorie's Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/3/2019 at Takutaku in Kyoto! Report! 
Yumao's tweet "Our tour starts today! I have cut my hair too short."
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The first show, the first step….
SND looked back at both of the members to say “Let’s do our best guys.” Yg nodded back. Yuma started it up…
●SND played FAST guitar while singing, yg howled out harmonies on [a] chorus. Yu snickered at one of SND's slips.
SND used Leader’s jaguar on a [very very special song].
They did their best…
●SND “Its hoooot... We always came to Takutaku in the winter so now I’m experiencing Takutaku in it's true form.... Can I take a drink break, fwaaaaah, it's hot y'know? I'm even properly hydrated y'know? This water is gonna churn in my stomach, gehh I feel sick....”
SND: "RAISE THE AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!!!!! I DON’T GIVE A DAMN IF ALL OF THE POWER IN KYOTO GOES OUT!!!!!! GIVE TAKUTAKU ALL THE ELECTRICITY!!!!!!!!!! LIKE IT'S OPERATION YASHIMA!!!! (*In reference to the wonderful Evangelion episode: https://evangelion.fandom.com/wiki/Episode:06).
●Shinoda’s band introduction was “On bass ygarshy, on drums Yumao, and on guitar and vocals is I Shinoda. Music and lyrics brought to you by wowaka.”
●SND “Umm…We have merch…But the towels? T-shirts? They all sold out… No seriously I’m just…. We really did bring a hefty load of stock…Thank you all… Also what else sold out?” Crowd “The cap! Pens! DVD! Pouch!!” Shinoda “‘OK, whatever..... Thank you…’” ←That is exact verbatim, SND spoke in English. All that Netflix watching is showing.
●SND “By the way ygarshy, did you know they’ve stopped selling HimoQ?" yg: ....... >>>*BWOON*<<< *responds with only the sound of his bass* *HimoQ is an old school gummy candy by the brand Meiji, and-
--yg turned away with a smile that couldn’t be concealed. While behind them Yumao was playing his drums while just repeating “HimoQ.... HimoQ..... Why HimoQ...”
●Lastly there were also many reports on people being showered on by SND’s sweat. Stay hydrated please sensei
●Nishimaki Taichi their cameraman’s comment: I was drenched in the sweat of Takutaku’s splintering heat until just a minute ago, yet now that I’m almost back home, this whole day feels like it could’ve been a dream. Lol
This is the start of a fabulous new year.
●Shinoda’s comment My ears are still pulsing,,, Takutaku of Kyoto, thank you so much. I’m glad I was able to come and be a part of your 45th anniversary, I’m happy I was able to see everybody’s faces. The journey begins. We’ll be in Okayama tomorrow, hope to see you there.
●The setlists I won’t repeat, just to avoid spoilers for any possible goers!
2 Hitorie's Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/4/2019 at CRAZYMAMA 2nd Room in Okayama! Report!
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All members have interactions, I'm relieved..
●SND “Yesterday was so hot I thought I was going to puke, I’d only ever been to Takutaku in the winter not the summer… I came to Crazymama today shaking in fear but… Air conditioning is the BEST! The number one necessity for any venue is!!!! heavy-duty!!!! Air-conditioning!!!!!”
●As soon as SND started talking about yesterday, Yumao dashed up front in a rush to talk. He asked to borrow SND’s mic so he could join in on the MC,
The way they were standing next to each other got them called out for looking like a stand-up comedy duo.
●Yu “Yesterday I mouthed the words ‘Were concerts always this painful?’ to ygarsh 5 whole times and he didn’t understand me,” SND “Well of course not (laughing).” Afterwards when Yu did ask him, ygarsh responded with "They aren’t." Yu thought he was the only one dying, ah sweet relief~, he says.
●Yesterday did Yuma really get exhausted enough to collapse against the wall? Did SND slide atop speakers to then stick the landing, singing with his knees against the floor? It's out there...
●Yu and SND bickered with each other over who watches more Netflix. (They both praised the Netflix show The Naked Director etc. on Twitter recently also).
●SND “By the way ygarshy did you know that cicadas actually live longer than 1 week?”
ygarsh “BWOON♪”
(Cicada’s having only a life span of one week is a common myth in Japan. Also this interaction mimics yesterday, is SND subtly taunting yg in new ways the new staple for the Mannequin intro? Amen.)
●SND tweet: "Thank you Okayama, after doing 2 concerts in row, I see that I really am capable of singing. We'll be back,, until then,,"
●Katou Haruhisa, the founder of LUCK'A Inc. who’s produced Rie’s merch for so many tours, QRTed today's official backstage photo and strutted with pride: "They're all wearing great shirts lol #I made this"
3 Hitorie's Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/12/2019 at the five morika in Iwate prefecture! Report!
Yumao's tweet "Tomorrow is Morioka. The next day is Sendai. I hope to see you there!" 
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●In a small box with but a platform as the stage and a metal bar between the rockstars and the crowd, what happens if a SND sizzles up and sits down on the bar, gets up and gets down on the floor? FAN SERVICE. LOTS OF FAN SERVICE, THAT'S WHAT. SND was poked by fans, clapped by fan, had his head pet by a fan…. Amazing..
●SND praised the drama "Methanol” he watched on Amazon Prime. ●SND blessed the cool air of Morioka and rebuked the weather up in Tokyo. "I've still been walking around in shorts and sandals." *Looks down and checks himself out* "I ate such a ridiculous amount of grilled meat yesterday, I'm worried about my figure" "We all ate a ridiculous amount"
●SND "By the way ygarshy did you know that honeybees' body temperature can go up to 50 degrees celsius?"
 yg "....*BWOOON*" (goes into bass intro)
(The series...It's certain.. last time it was SND's provocative tidbits about a snack discontinuing.. then long-living cicadas, now..this.)
4 Hitorie's Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/13/2019 at Sendai darwin in Miyagi prefecture! Report!
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●All the effects smoke made Yumao, in the back of the stage, look like a mirage... Yumao got up and called himself a mirage... Yumirage bamboozle... From there the crowd was riled up into cheering: “Yumao~ Yumao~ You’re so cute Yumao~” 
Yuma kept posing and hugging his hands against his chest* “Thank you...” SND “You pretty boy...” Yuma “I'm snatched everybody... My wig is like snatched...” SND “Snatched, snatched... What are you a Twitter fangirl.”  (*Yumao was using the fujoshi term "尊い".) ●During encore intermission the electric fan next to the stage picked up yga’s shirt and blew it up, exposing yga. Laughter was induced among the crowd, and SND, who missed the whole thing, was left all confused as to why everyone was laughing—. ●SND “By the way ygarshy, it’s Friday the 13th but, did you know that Jason doesn’t actually use a chainsaw?”
 yg “*BWOOOON*” ●Someone dived during the last song... As in, a fan started climbing up on other fans and rolling around up there. Staff handled it, and their love for Rie is blazing but... Etiquette and respect for the show space is the best way to enjoy the best show!! Please... SND’s tweet: “Sendai performance complete. Thank you, thank you, thank you”
5 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/25/2019 at Koube VARIT in Hyougo prefecture! Report!
Yumao's tweet "Today is Koube, tomorrow shall be Hiroshima. I hope to see you there!"
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●SND MC speech "Did you guys have fun today? I think there's a lot of mixed emotions right now. If you didn't have fun, know that we're coming back here again. And then if you still don't have fun again, we're still coming back here again." ●Encore intermission! Crowd as they were walking back out "ygarshy! Yumao! Shinoda!" Yumao, pretending to be a person in the crowd in a scheme for instigation: “Yumao~~!” The crowd “Yumao….?” Yumao “Yumao…? Yumao!!!” Crowd “Yumaooo~~~!” SND “You sound like a Pokemon, crying your own name as if you’re a Pikachu.” Yumao “Yumao!" SND "Can neither of you (or yg) talk normal on mic."
Yumao *Goes and sits down at his drums* Crowd "Yumao~" *Plays a drum trick*  “Yumao~~~”  *Plays an even more flavorful trick*  “Yumaoooo~~~”  *EVEN MORE*  “YUMAOOO~~~~”
 SND “He’ll keep doing that if you keep it up, so keep pampering him.”
●SND “Backstage, they have redbull right, so before the show I couldn’t get over how delicious it was and I kept glugging, and so I was ready to burp throughout the whole first song. SND tweet after: I was in danger of deranging into the wet pants monster.  ●Also Shinoda was hopping around playing guitar and he bumped into ygarsh at some point, of who seemed super annoyed—. ●SND “Remember last show, I mentioned Jason, I said there's actually no chainsaw? Well I watched the second movie and, he gets attacked by a chainsaw in that one!” yg *Makes a face as if questioning if that gag was his queue* SND *Nods* yg *>BWWOOON<* (Into the Mannequin intro)
●In the post concert photo Yumao seems to be drinking a Chocola BB, a vitamin B2 supplement to help with acne, mouth sores, and overall exhaustion....
●SND tweet: Koube concert: complete, thank you all. Playing at VARIT is, truly, fantastic,,, I’ll meet y’all in Hiroshima tomorrow. Until then,,,
6 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/26/2019 at Second Crutch in Hiroshima prefecture! Reports! 
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●SND “By the way ygarshy-kun, did you know that Mocomichi Hayami started a youtube channel!”
  yga *>BWWOOON<*
(*Mocomichi, dubbed “The olive oil fairy“, is an actor who gained internet fame after his displays on the TV show ‘MOMO’S Kitchen’ where he would dump HUGE AMOUNTS of olive oil over his food, ignore the recipe requested of him, and then praise his cooking like crazy in the end. He was a riot! And he’s truly skilled at cooking! He's won Gourmand cookbook awards, he loves olive oil, he has his own kitchen brand, he was in the Kamen Rider 555 movie where he got killed by monsters halfway through, he loves olive oil- Anyway his channel is here.)
+ SND used wowaka’s red jaguar guitar in today and yesterday's concerts. Introduced (W)HERE with "As Hitorie we only make good songs, we only make God songs. And this is a good one even out of the good ones".
●Crowd “What did you guys eat for lunch!” SND “For lunch I ate soba.” Crowd “Booo! Eat okonomiyaki!” (*Hiroshima is famous for it) “Screw that assholes!!!” “Whyyyy just try it!!!”
SND “And ygarshy gave Yumao an egg sandwich.” yg “… ...Uhm..”  Crowd “!?!?!? Woooahh!!!” yg “Shut up for a second.” Crowd *Still bustling, not listening* yg “Over something so silly…. why are you all excited….” yg “… So uhm I just wanted to say that…. Yumao likes eggs.”
Post show Yumao tweeted “I like eggs.”
●SND tweet  “The Hiroshima show: done. A rare event occurred today huh. Y’all were lucky… in a way? That aside I had fun. Thank y’all. I’m off to have a drink.”
7 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 9/26/2019 at Sapporo SPiCE in Hokkaido prefecture! Reports!
Yumao's tweet "Today is Sapporo. I hope to see you there! Ahh the first magnitude stars".
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●SND ”Hokkaido, you’re so full of spirit! It’s ‘cause RSR had to cancel the first day, isn’t it!? How many of y’all missed out on seeing Number Girl?” *Hands rising all over* SND “Muahaha!!!! Well I already got to see them!!! Poor you!!!” (*Rocking Sun Festival last month was canceled due to Typhoon 10 hitting Hokkaido).
●Shinoda rued and revered the heat. Said that Sapporo’s been the second sweatiest show after Kyoto.  Crowd “Let’s make it the hottest!” SND “No! You can’t beat it. That was a traumatic experience, I thought I was gonna die. But we can still make the excitement levels the hottest!”
●Encore intermission and the usual outfit change: SND “Aren’t you hot in that?” Yumao “Yeah, this sweatshirt is way too big for me. Oh, because it’s Shinoda’s” It was too hot for SND so he made Yumao wear and promo the official merch. SND opened his mouth to make a comment when the crowd slipped in with “Yumao you’re cute wearing that~~ so cute~~!” cheers. SND “Shut up I’m talking!!” SND “….I’m sorry for yelling!” ‘Apologizes before things go downhill’ Crowd kept the spirit high by asking ygarsh if he wanted to eat pizza, yg nodded his head, then scooted towards the mic as if to say something- but turned back... He tricked everybody!  Rie weren’t going to let him get away with that, they had to pick on him for revenge!
Crowd “Hello! [At yg]” SND “What?! You’re resorting to teaching him the basics of conversation?” (SND and Yu laughing out loud) SND “He’s not an AI y’know??” (Yuma has his hands on his stomach at this point). yg *Still not talking* SND “Ahh what are we gonna do with him” SND “yga~rshy~kun~, have some fun with me~~!”
 yg “*>>>BWOOOOON<<<*
●SND tweet: Sapporo concert: complete!! That was way too fucking hot!! Damn ridiculous! That’s what makes it so good. Thank you.
8 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/10/2019 at UMBER in Shizuoka prefecture! Reports!
Yumao's tweet "Today's Shizuoka!"
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●A wild cockroach appeared before Yumao and SND backstage during the intermission.
It was a huge one, scurrying across the stage walls throughout the end of the show regardless of its own size.
●yg offered Yuma the rights to his front stage mic for Yuga and SND to be able to talk about it together, so he pulled at his mic in front of him…. Only for the cable to come spiraling out, yanked from the jack, off went the XLR connector, and all. yg's power move left him laughing hysterically. yga laughed!!!!! He laughed as he gave Yumao a powerless mic!!
●With the power move to piston off of, “Professor Yumao” was on the case to give a “lecture” with his cockroach wisdom! He told us about how the ones with the perfect figures come from the outside and live under trees, german cockroaches like to stay inside and come from the inside...
SND “Back when I used to live in a rundown apartment in Nagoya, there was 2 perfect cockroaches always waiting for me in front of my apartment”. Yu “Outside, right!!”
yga *Frozen up and now hiding against the wall*
●Prof. Yumao also gave another lecture about Shampoo from the anime Ranma 1/2, complete with “Ne!” imitations, SND piped in also until he realized something- and then got angry at Yuma because only few will know who he’s talking about....
SND “So tell me, what time is it?” Yu “Time to talk about things everybody will understand!” SND “No it’s encore time!” Yu " :O "
yg *Still hiding against the wall away from the nerds*
●SND “ygarshy! Ygarshy! Get a good look at this!” yg *Nods at him* SND *Proceeds to pose like the Dragon Ball Z Kamehameha* “Hah!” yga “>>>>*BWOOOOOOOOON*<<<” 
●SND tweet: “Shizuoka show: complete, thank you so much. I had a lot of fun. We’ll be back. Nagoya will be tomorrow. Until next time,,,”
9 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 10/11/2019 at SPADE BOX in Aichi prefecture! Reports!
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●Hasegawa-san, the drummer of SND’s past past band “Dr. Right” from around 2007 (See video of youngin SND and crew performing: https://nico.ms/sm11604475?ref=share_others_spweb…), he also payed a visit to the show!!!! And took pictures with SND!  >See https://twitter.com/toshiya230/status/1182631585230704640
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●First song SND immediately messed up the first note and the music halted, Yu and the crowd had to urge him onward-!
●SND “Hitorie is great. Hitorie’s songs are great. Only badass songs. Before I joined, Leader sent me demo versions and said “I want to do songs like this”… Electricity rushed through my veins, this is gonna be a revolution, am I really going to be a part of this?! I thought.”
●The stage at the venue is one that shook like crazy from everyone’s vigor, Rie seemed to enjoy the ride.
●SND “I left Nagoya, went up to Tokyo, and now I’m back in Nagoya, singing nonetheless... I’m not embarrassed carrying the mic to sing non-guitar songs anymore."
●SND "After 9 shows doin’ this, it's really hit me. Hitorie really make great songs! But even among all of them this one is peachy… Wait no one says that? This one’s at the tippy-top. ….Wait no one says these words in Tokyo, nor Nagoya?? Ah whatever let’s go” (The original words were ドンズバ and ダントツ, both old niche words).
●Encore intermission, Yumao came out in front of the mic then… Clenched his fist up into the air and stood stout! SND “You’re not gonna talk, now, what are you doing?” Yu “Freddie Mercury, is in the house!!”
“This move isn’t in Bohemian Rhapsody, b/c once the scene starts he’s already on the piano but, before the show Freddie does the *poses again*!!! SND “So that’s what you were doing? Even though you play drums? Drums aren’t a piano?” Yu *👌* SND “They are a little bit similar huh hahaha”
●Rie wished everyone safe travels home through Typhoon 19! They even cut the MC short to ensure swift departure- SND “I bet y’all would go off tweeting “Their chitchat was so long I couldn’t get home! Fuck them!” Well we’re fortunate, one day later and it would've been cancelled.."
●Then, the usual Thing.... SND “ygarshy, ygarshy! A fly seems to have sorta, landed on your bass over there!” yg *>BWWON*< (Interrupting SND’s sentence with a rushed note).
●SND tweet "Nagoya concert: complete. SPADEBOX shakes like crazy, it's such fun. Thank you so much. Make it home safe y'all. And let's meet again. Until next time."
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((((((Shinoda, constantly: "I have a phobia of bugs" Also Shinoda, constantly: *His ways to provoke ygarsh involved cicadas, bees, cockroaches and flies.* + *Advises people dealing with heartbreak to go watch videos of giant hornets VS Japanese honeybees.* + *Draws super detailed cicadas in his manga Chikyuu Monogatari.*
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Shinoda you maso.)))))
Ahhhh also! If you're a member Hitori-Atelier!-- (Which you should be!!! Because not only are Hitorie snazzy and there's the upcoming message campaign, but ALSO because Rie is always seeking more vigor which I KNOW YOU GUYS HAVE, I've seen your liberal usage of the almighty exclamation marks and emojis. You can't hide it, so show 'em some more of your energy!!!!!🙌🙌🙌)
--Shinoda has been periodically blogging about backstage tidbits and I've been translating those for fun so, plop: https://privatter.net/u/boat_manju 
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yoongiwillforgiveme · 6 years
Just Give Me a Reason Pt. 2
Warnings: Mentions of self hate and depressing themes
Kay 🌹
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July 14th, 2014
I was at the balcony of the small venue along with some of the staff and other guests watching the boys perform, I kept a low profile, dressed in light wash jeans, a simple black t shirt and a baseball hat.
For the first time in months I felt like an ordinary person. Going to a concert, having a good time without people paying much attention to me, it was nice. I genuinely liked their performance, I found myself cheering for them and enjoying their music way more that I thought I would.
It was particularly interesting watching the rap line go at it hard since they all looked so sweet. The duality was shocking.
Was that Suga? No way that was the same shy, innocent, young looking kid from last week.
He owned the stage. All of them did but there was something about him, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but my eyes were glued to him 90% of the time, watching him rap was quite the spectacle. And judging by the loud cheers and screams from the fans I wasn’t the only one into it.
After the last song I left the venue quickly without having the opportunity to say goodbye to them since I didn’t want people to recognize me. I didn’t want to steal their thunder so I left through the back and instead made sure to send them a big bouquet congratulating them for a wonderful performance.
   I didn’t stay in touch with the guys, but after pictures of me attending their concert in L.A. leaked I started getting tons of attention from their fans, most of them thanking me for supporting them or asking me to listen to some songs.
There was this one time one of my friends shared a short clip of us dancing around in my hotel room while we were watching the War of Hormone music video, I found out about it after their fans shared the link to their YouTube channel, at this point I only knew their title songs and some others, but I felt like they sort of accepted me into their fandom after they saw I genuinely liked their work.
My life went on, I immersed myself in work to try and forget about everything else. From collaborations with luxury brands, numerous interviews, photo shoots for magazine covers and charity work I had zero time to stop and deal with my feelings. I preferred it that way, the reality of my personal life was something I wasn’t ready to deal with just yet.
  May, 2015
I was in Milan, and with nothing much to do in my hotel room but sulk or take a nap I decided interacting with my fans would be a better idea.
After 20 minutes of answering questions and replying to their lovely messages I asked them for new music and film recommendations.
“Have you watched the new BTS video?” “Watch the I Need U music video, it’s really good”
I read several comments like that from armys and curiosity got the best of me. I typed the name on YouTube and there it was, newly released music material.
First thing I noticed was the boys no longer looked like how I remembered them, they all looked more grown and mature, it was only a couple months since I first met them but now they didn’t look like little kids anymore. This new look and concept suit them, I liked it a lot.
At the 34 second mark I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw what it looked like to be Suga lying on a bed. With pink hair and in a white t shirt and a pair of ripped jeans that made him look like sin.
He definitely doesn’t look like a kid anymore, damn. I thought to myself and chuckled. I continued watching what seemed more like short film than a music video. It was well made, artistic, very dark and filled with beautiful shots of the boys all in different situations that made your heart clench.
It was nice having the subtitles, but I didn’t need them to figure out what the song was about.
It hit me like a truck. My life is ruined all because of you… Why do I love you and try so hard to forget you when you don’t even care
It was a song about a person still foolishly in love, trying to hold on to a relationship that was already dead.
I didn’t hear Brad come in; earlier he said he’d drop by to discuss my hair for an upcoming photo shoot. I guess he came in right after the music video ended. He rushed to my bed the minute he saw my face.
I didn’t even feel the hot tears rolling down my cheeks until he hugged me and asked what was wrong, that’s when I let myself break down for the first time after my breakup.
“It hurts, it hurts so bad and I don’t know how to make it stop Brad. I feel so worthless and pathetic. I was so stupid to believe I deserved to have a happy ending.” Brad held me and cried with me until I had no tears left to cry.
After I let it all out and calmed down he ordered room service. Milkshakes and burgers will make you feel better he said. He did my hair and told me I looked pretty even when I knew I was a hot mess. That’s why he was my best friend, he was there for me in a time of need and he tried to convince me that the only reason my ex was my ex was because someone else was destined for me. Someone amazing who would love me like no other, someone I would love like never before and put all the other guys to shame.
“You will have your happy ending gorgeous, he wasn’t it. You’ll find the love of your life, and if he can make you smile every day I swear I’ll be his number one fan. You deserve to be happy and I promise you will be again, you’ll see.”
That night I had the first good night sleep in months. Maybe Brad was right, it was hard to imagine a world where I could be happy again after having so many negative thoughts lately but time heals all wounds. Maybe I would be happy again in the future, with or without someone to share the beauty of life, but that night in my dreams I wished for a special person to come into my life, because after all, what’s the point of living a beautiful life if you don’t have anyone to share your blessings with?
That night was also the first I dreamt about him, it was almost as if I called for him. I didn’t even know him and I hadn’t thought about him in months, But I dreamed of a pink haired guy with the sweetest smile standing next to me in that motel room, we never said anything to each other, we were just there. He smiled at me and held my hand as if saying, it’s okay, you’ll be okay.
Maybe he appeared in my dream because I was exhausted and my brain just mixed everything I had seen, heard and thought about that day, including him. Maybe it wasn’t that big of a deal, but I couldn’t deny that his presence gave me peace. When I held his hand I felt like it was going to be okay. 
I needed a change. It was time for a new beginning.
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Episode 11: Ready, Set, Shoot! It's Photo Day!
Is your house a mess? Or is it ready for its photo op? IN THIS EPISODE join as Lori talks Photography and strategies that make your home sell for Top Dollar.
Main Topic Takeaways:
1. Getting ready for photos
2. It's just like online dating
3. Use a professional
4. Fix, Freshen, Focus
5. Our Team's services
Hear some more of the tricks, trips, wisdom, and stories that we didn’t summarize. Listen to Episode 9 of Lori Alvarez’s Real Estate With Soul:  Ready, Set, Shoot! It’s Photo Day!
Do you have the right tools to get your home sold?
Last week we talked about a Pre-listing Home Inspection where you fix all the bones and cosmetics of a home. So what comes after the Inspection?
Today we are talking about a big one.
The Power of A Photo
The photos that showcase your home’s beauty, fresh makeover, and draws in a family that loves it. The photos that make your house look top notch on the internet.
Lori Alvarez and Team is proud to say that we offer an amazing photo package, video, and the occasional matterport to get your home sold. No matter the home, you get the same top notch photo package.
Selling your home is emotional, it’s overwhelming, and it’s absolutely something we are familiar with and we are here to support you.
"Wow! We just listed your home and it’s already trending on the internet."
You don’t want your home to be sitting on the market for weeks and weeks. If you’re ready to move, the first thing you want to hear is, “Wow! We just listed your home and it’s already trending on the internet.” Right?
While  Lori Alvarez isn’t a photographer, she does know some amazing people that are. You wouldn't want Lori to take your home’s photos. They’ll end up like her crooked, goofy, double-chin angled selfies all over her Facebook Page. Her words, not mine. You can always expect honesty from Lori!
Now, truth be told, some realtors will take the photos themselves with a smartphone and use that as their provided photo package. And that’s okay. That’s them, that’s what they do and smartphones have come a long way. But are they Top Notch, Million Dollar Photos? Lori’s not so sure. And Top Notch, Million Dollar, is what we are aiming for.
You want an agent that’s going to invest in getting your home sold for the most amount of money. We believe it’s important to hire a professional photographer.
Check out a previous podcast episode and learn about Fixing, Freshening, and Focusing on the right things in more detail to get your home ready for the market.
It’s important to get your home ready for the Photoshoot using the Fix, Freshen, Focus method. Fix what’s broken, Freshen up the space, and Focus on highlights. And then, by this time in the home selling process you should have had your Virtual Staging Consultation where a team professionally advises you on how to make your home photoshoot ready. It’s after the Virtual Staging Consultation that you connect with the Photography team to get your Photoshoot scheduled and accomplished.
What does the Photoshoot team do?
Some bonus touches our team does:
Tuns on the ceiling fans
Turns on the TV
Turns on water faucets
Adds music ambiance
What are we trying to accomplish?
Lori said, “We want the room just says yes, come sit down, enjoy, relax.”
We don’t want your home to look like Lori’s bad 6th grade yearbook photo with super short hair, pimples, and way too bright lipstick.
Photoshoot day
And now that your Photoshoot is done.
Processing the photos takes about a 24 hour turn around. Our photography team touches up, edits, and adjusts all the photos to showcase your home at it’s very best.
And Then, you’re on the market. You’re ready to tell the world, look at me! Look at how beautiful my home is. Is this your next home sweet home? That’s what we want you hitting the MLS with.
The photos can make or break a sale
Have you ever wondered why a home sits on the market for over 100 days?
An easy answer may be that their photos didn’t do it justice. As Lori explained to a past client who questioned why an amazing home hadn’t sold already, “I just said to him, oh, it's the photos, man. Did you see the photos?”
And do you know what he said? “Oh, I get it. Laurie. It's like online dating. You know, you just go through the photos. And you just keep on swiping because they didn't look great.”
What an amazing aha that was for Lori. Now she’s been married for over 23 years and we online dating wasn’t exactly “the thing” back then. But doesn’t that make so much sense?
Lori said, “You don't want people to keep swiping past Your house. You want them to stop. You want them to go- Oh, my gosh, honey, that's it. It's the house. We gotta go look at it.”
It’s important to capture the emotion of the buyers. To make them feel the space inside and out so they can envision their life in that home. Why? Because that’s when they are going to pick up the photo and schedule and in person showing of the home. And when you successfully communicate the value of the home in both photos and in person, you’re going to get that home sold.
Top Dollar
The buyers are going to be willing to give you the seller the most amount of money for your home. You walk away satisfied with some overabundance of money in your pocket. They want into a beautiful vision of a home.
No one wants to sell their home for cheap. So if you don’t want to sell it for cheap you need to put in the investment, just like we do, to make your home shine above the rest on photo day.
All of the elements that go into selling your home for Top Dollar matter.
We are here to serve
Lori Alvarez and Team walk with you step by step to make that happen. If you need a plumber, we got one. Painter? Check. Staging? Check. Photos? Check and check.
Lori Alvarez and Team is here to serve. That’s why on photoshoot day a representative from the Team is there with you.
Show up early
Get things set and ready like lights, fans, curtains, toilet seats, doors, drawers, etc.
Make adjustments and suggestions
Answer questions
Help you move items
Darkness isn’t your friend. People notice when a room isn’t inviting, especially in photos. Dark heavy curtains casting shadows pull the energy from a photo. It is super important to bring as much light into a room as possible. It makes the whole room feel fresh, inviting, and spacious.
Our Photo Team
We’ve been working with our Photography team for over 11 years. We’ve watched them grow from a couple kids opening their business to a thriving and fantastic Photography service.
The Photography team appreciates their work. The Team will:
"We want to make sure you get that hard earned equity you’ve built in your home. Invest in yourself. Invest in your home. Just like we invest in you."
Take photos inside and out
Take a drone video
Take a video walkthrough 
Make lighting adjustments
Make color adjustments
Retake shoots if needed
Minor edits
What do you want your house to be remembered for?
This team makes your home look like a million bucks, but do know they won’t move your personal items so be sure to put away anything you don’t want on the internet forever.  
Tune in to hear some side stories about what you don’t want to leave out in the open on photoshoot day.
You want your home to be remembered as their Home Sweet Home. You want them to take ownership of the home, to see their family living there. Because that’s what it’s all about. We want the home to be their perfect dream home and we want you to get the most amount of money for your home. 
We want to make sure you get that hard earned equity you’ve built in your home. Invest in yourself. Invest in your home. Just like we invest in you.
Lori Alvarez and Team will make you look your best. We want your house to smile for the camera. And we want you to smile as your keys are passed to a beautiful new family to enjoy..
How long do our photoshoots take?
About 2-3 hours, give or take the size of the home and any extra additions.
Lori’s best advice is, “Allow the buyer to feel themselves in the space.”
Where do we use these photos?
Where we list your house for sale (MLS)
On our Social Media
In our Advertising
Misleading Information
Now you may think, all these photos and staging sound misleading. But wouldn’t you dress up, polish, and primp yourself for your own family photoshoot? It’s the same thing. You are aiming to showcase your beauty. You’re setting your home’s best foot forward to get Top Dollar. Plus, you can bet your neighbors are going to be looking at your listing. Everyone loves to see what the inside of a home looks like, right?
In Conclusion
So we talked about photography, and I hope you recognize how important it is to the sale of your home.
Fix. Freshen. Focus.
Ready. Set. Shoot.
Let’s work together and get you Top Dollar for your home sweet home and bless the next family with all it has to offer.
Lori Alvarez has been in the Real Estate Industry for almost 15 years. If you’d like to contact her call her at 909-227-4196. She loves helping families find their home sweet home.
Our podcast is geared towards our current clients. We love to give our buyers and sellers great information. Wondering about something we haven’t covered? Send us a message. 
Thanks for reading. What’s going to be your next step to finding your home sweet home?
Real Estate is an ongoing, beautiful story. That’s why we love to share ours and to help you begin yours! Tune in to the next episode where we will continue the conversation.
Follow us on:
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and check us out at Lorialvarez.net
KW Realty, DRE 01794115 
Know someone interested in buying, selling, or investing in Real Estate? Let us exceed your expectations! We love serving the Southern California Foothill Communities!
Be boldly blessed.
Disclaimer: Please verify all information with the licensed professional of your choice.
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junker-town · 7 years
40 reasons people why Tom Brady is the NFL’s most polarizing player
On his 40th birthday, we reflect on why people have such strong feelings about the Patriots quarterback.
NFL fans either love Tom Brady or they hate him. There’s not much room for any feelings in between.
One of the reasons Brady is such a polarizing player is because he is, as of Thursday, 40 years old, and despite his age, he’s still at the top of his game. That was on display in Super Bowl LI, when he bounced back from a difficult first half to erase a 25-point deficit and win in overtime for the first time in Super Bowl history.
It was his fifth Super Bowl victory out of seven appearances. If you like Tom Brady, this is likely one of the reasons you’re enamored with him. If you hate him, well, this is also probably one of your top justifications.
On this momentous occasion, Brady’s 40th birthday, let’s examine 40 reasons fans either love him, or love to hate him.
1. He’s good. Real good.
Brady has the best lifetime win-loss record of any quarterback in NFL history with 208 wins against 61 losses. It’s enough reason for his supporters to love him and his detractors to despise him.
2. He has a supermodel wife.
On the surface, it looks like Brady lives a pretty charmed life.
3. One of his houses has a damn moat.
Just a gentle ~reminder~ that Tom Brady once lived in a house with a MOAT. https://t.co/yWNvZq9gDk http://pic.twitter.com/QAcuEfAvXV
— Curbed (@Curbed) February 2, 2016
4. Deflategate.
If you’re a Brady fan, you’re still outraged that the quarterback had to serve a four-game suspension to start the 2016 season for his role in Deflategate and his unwillingness to cooperate with the league’s investigation. If you’re a Brady hater, you enjoyed every minute of those four Brady-less games.
5. His hairstyles.
Brady’s hair choices over the years evoke some visceral responses. Especially this one.
Photo by Elsa/Getty Images
And this one.
Photo By Harry How/Getty Images
And definitely this one.
Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images
6. Super Bowl LI is enough of a reason on its own.
A historic comeback. A nearly-flawless second-half performance. It’s the kind of heroics that Brady has developed a reputation for over the course of his career.
7. Drew Bledsoe.
The way Brady evolved into the Patriots’ starter, taking over for an injured Bledsoe and earning — or stealing, depending on where you’re standing — the starting job is memorable and left people with strong feelings about Brady from Day 1.
8. His aggressively healthful diet.
Who in the world can survive without drinking coffee? Or alcohol? Or eating strawberries? This man has a freezer full of avocado ice cream. It’s either admirable or obnoxious.
9. People either love or hate Bill Belichick and the two are inextricably connected.
As your feelings about one go, so they go for the other member of this dynamic duo. Belichick and Brady’s winning ways are intertwined, and if you hate one, you probably . hate the other, and vice versa.
10. He’s rich as hell.
He’s No. 15 on the Forbes World’s Highest-Paid Athletes list. Brady is currently playing on a two-year, $41 million deal with the Patriots, and he’s pulling in about $22 million this year. Not bad. He’s made about $196.2 million over his 17 seasons, according to Forbes. And he rakes in an extra $8 or so million per year with his many endorsements.
11. His UGGs endorsement.
Ugh, UGGs. We’re willing to bet more people dislike this one than the other way around.
12. His Aston Martin endorsement.
The cheapest Aston Martin you can buy costs a cool $118,000. Perhaps you admire Brady’s suave nature, one that screams, “I can convince you to buy a car that costs six figures.” Perhaps you’re rolling your eyes right now just thinking about it.
13. His Tag Heuer endorsement.
The least expensive Tag Heuer watch we can find is about $1,500. They can run you upwards of $20,000. Your reactions to this are probably in line with whatever you think about that Aston Martin endorsement.
14. His wife is even wealthier than he is.
Gisele’s net worth hovers somewhere right around $360 million. They seem very happy together, and they have a lovely family and more money than they know what to do with. How nice for them.
15. His draft story is really something.
You may have seen him crying about it on NFL Network once or twice or one billion times. Okay, Tom, WE KNOW that every team passed you over for over five solid rounds of the 2000 NFL draft. Everything he has accomplished as a sixth-round pick is truly remarkable.
16. He went to Michigan.
Tom Brady is a bona fide Michigan Man. Michigan Men in general tend to rub everyone but other Michigan Men the wrong way.
17. This failed high five.
Bless his heart.
18. He had a Make America Great Again hat in his locker.
This is the very definition of polarizing.
19. His mom says he’s the fastest player in the NFL.
He’s definitely not, but it’s sweet of her to say it. I mean, the guy ran a 5.28 40-yard dash at his combine. And this is what he looks like lumbering for a first down.
20. He never says what he actually thinks.
Unless all of Brady’s opinions are vague and noncommittal, he’s not forthcoming about anything. He’s been asked about things like his relationship with Donald Trump and other hot-button issues, and he gives bland answers that don’t actually tell you a thing. Maybe you’d rather not know what Tom Brady thinks about anything, but there are plenty of people who would appreciate a straight answer once in a while.
21. He had a cameo on Entourage.
We’ll let Turtle tell you about it.
22. He also had a cameo in the Entourage movie.
So did his teammates Rob Gronkowski and Julian Edelman. Edelman was helping Gronk bong a beer, and that’s probably better than Brady’s cameo.
23. And he had a cameo in Ted 2.
Brady played himself, of course, in Seth MacFarlane’s film about a foul-mouthed talking teddy bear which stars Boston’s own Mark Wahlberg. Wahlberg’s character, John, and Ted, the talking bear, seek out Brady as a sperm donor.
Producer Jason Clark, and apparently everybody on set, were all impressed with Brady.
“The guy did a fantastic job,” Clark said, via USA Today’s Bryan Alexander. “The funniest thing about having Brady on the set was the stir he created with the crew and other cast members. It was like having the President visit the set."
Of course it was.
24. He probably owns your team on a regular basis.
Unless you’re a Patriots fan or a Broncos fan, Tom Brady basically owns your team. He has a winning record against every other team in the NFL, and the only reason he doesn’t have a winning record against the Patriots is because he plays for New England. If you’re a Patriots fan, you’re probably thrilled about this, and Broncos fans are probably proud that their team has held up so well against Brady. But for everyone else, this is probably pretty annoying.
And even Wikipedia acknowledges that Tom Brady is the owner of the Jets.
25. He lost two Super Bowls to the New York Giants.
Maybe you’re a Giants fan, or a fan of every team but the Patriots and the rest of the NFC East, and this makes you happy. Maybe you’re a Patriots fan, or you hate the Giants. Either way, you probably have some feelings about this.
26. He is bad at sumo wrestling.
Surprise! Tom Brady is bad at something. Maybe it’s because sumo wrestlers typically aren’t 6’4 and 225 pounds. But he is not good at it at all.
@tombrady always fighting for that extra yard. #TBAsiaTour #IWILL
A post shared by Under Armour (@underarmour) on Jun 22, 2017 at 6:01am PDT
27. He wrote a cookbook and it costs $200.
If you want to eat like Tom Brady eats — and deprive yourself of wonderful things like coffee and gluten and strawberries and ice cream that is made from actual cream and sugar instead of avocados — these fine recipes can be yours for this exorbitant price. You can also pay for his meal service to send you the ingredients for these garbage meals.
28. This awkward pump fake.
What the heck is this, Tom Brady?
29. He had a dance-off with Julian Edelman to Migos’ “Handsome and Wealthy.”
And he looked like your dad dancing at a wedding after spending a little too much time at the open bar.
Tom Brady v Julian Edelman dance off. I can't... http://pic.twitter.com/V97sdrC5bb
— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS) June 15, 2015
30. The Tuck Rule.
This one hits Raiders fans right where it hurts. An obscure rule was applied to overturn a Tom Brady fumble, and it kept Oakland from beating the Patriots in the divisional round after the 2001 season. We can’t blame Oakland fans for staying bitter about it.
31. Patriots fans revere him unconditionally.
If you criticize Tom Brady in front of a Patriots fan, you know you’re going to get an earful. It doesn’t matter what this guy does. If you don’t like him, you’re a hater and jealous and the worst. It’s exhausting. But also, Brady is one of the all-time greats, so maybe the people who criticize him are haters and jealous and the worst.
32. He wants to play until he’s 45 years old, and he might be able to.
If you’re over 40, this especially might annoy you just a little bit. Brady’s in impeccable shape, and playing for five more years is a distinct possibility.
33. The FBI had to look for his missing Super Bowl jerseys.
And Robert Kraft compared them to priceless works of art. If you didn’t roll your eyes at that whole spectacle, you may have not been paying attention.
34. He’s been to more Super Bowls than 28 of the 32 teams in the NFL.
Okay, Tom Brady, we get it. You’re very good at football.
35. He’s won more Super Bowls than 28 teams, also.
Only the Steelers have more, with six wins. The 49ers, Cowboys, and Patriots (thanks to Tom Brady) each have five wins.
36. He wrote a self-help book. At least it doesn’t cost $200.
It’s called The TB12 Method: How to Achieve a Lifetime of Sustained Peak Performance, and it’s about the most Tom Brady thing ever.
37. He declared the day of the Super Bowl LI parade a city-wide holiday.
You’re not actually the boss of the whole city of Boston, Brady. (Actually, Bostonians are probably more than willing to accept that he is.)
Attention managers of Boston: I hereby declare tomorrow a city-wide holiday. TOMORROW, WE DANCE IN THE STREETS #LETSGOOOOOOOOO
A post shared by Tom Brady (@tombrady) on Feb 6, 2017 at 2:41pm PST
38. He’s on the cover of the G.O.A.T. Edition of Madden, but won’t admit that he’s the greatest of all time.
Ah, Tom Brady’s filled with humility. How endearing. Or annoying.
39. A courtroom sketch is the most famous portrait of him.
First look at sketches from today's #DeflateGate hearing. Credit: Jane Rosenberg http://pic.twitter.com/u9rg9s49bT
— Jim Armstrong (@JimArmstronger) August 12, 2015
His bust in the Hall of Fame damn well better look like this.
40. He’s 40 years old and is playing as well as he ever has.
Happy 40th birthday, Tom Brady. Here’s to many more.
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