portraitsofsaints · 9 months
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Merry Christmas
“Open wide your door to the one who comes. Open your soul, throw open the depths of your heart to see the riches of simplicity, the treasures of peace, the sweetness of grace. Open your heart and run to meet the Sun of eternal light that illuminates all men.” St. Ambrose
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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mahashankh · 9 months
Christmas Celebration 2023 | Origin, Definition, Traditions, History & New Facts
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Christmas Around the World Joyful Christmas: A Myriad of Festive Delights Await You in 2023! Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, observed by billions of people around the world. It is a religious holiday for Christians, but it has also become a secular cultural celebration. Christmas is celebrated on December 25th in the Gregorian calendar. History of Christmas The exact origins of Christmas are unknown, but it is believed to have originated in the early Roman Empire. The Romans celebrated a pagan holiday called Saturnalia in honor of the god Saturn. Saturnalia was held from December 17th to December 23rd. The early Christians adopted this holiday and reinterpreted it as a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. In the 4th century AD, the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made Christmas a legal holiday. Christmas quickly became one of the most important holidays in the Christian calendar. Christmas Traditions There are many Christmas traditions that are celebrated around the world. Some of these traditions include: - Decorating a Christmas tree - Exchanging gifts - Singing Christmas carols - Attending church services - Eating a special Christmas meal Christmas Around the World Christmas is celebrated in different ways around the world. In some countries, it is a religious holiday, while in others it is a secular celebration. Some of the most popular Christmas traditions around the world include: - In the United States, Christmas is celebrated with turkey dinners, gift-giving, and tree decorating. - In the United Kingdom, Christmas is celebrated with a traditional Christmas roast, plum pudding, and caroling. - In Germany, Christmas is celebrated with Christmas markets, gingerbread cookies, and stollen. - In France, Christmas is celebrated with a bûche de Noël, a type of Yule log cake. - In Mexico, Christmas is celebrated with posadas, processions that reenact the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem. Christmas is a time for family, friends, and giving. It is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and spread love and joy.
Christmas In 2023
Christmas is a time for celebration, family, and friends. It is a time to give and receive gifts, and to spread joy and goodwill to all. In 2023, Christmas will be celebrated on Monday, December 25th.
what is christmas ?
Christmas is an annual festival celebrated in many cultures worldwide, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time of joy, togetherness, and festivities marked by the exchange of gifts, festive decorations, and special meals. Beyond its religious significance, Christmas has become a cultural and secular celebration, bringing people together to share love, warmth, and goodwill towards one another. Traditions include decorating Christmas trees, exchanging presents, and enjoying festive meals with family and friends. The holiday season typically spans from late December into early January, fostering a sense of community and spreading cheer across the globe. How is Christmas celebrated around the world? Christmas is celebrated around the world, but there are many different ways that people celebrate this special holiday. In some countries, Christmas is a religious holiday, while in others it is a more secular holiday. However, no matter how it is celebrated, Christmas is always a time for joy and happiness. Some of the most common Christmas traditions include: - Decorating a Christmas tree - Exchanging gifts - Attending church services - Singing Christmas carols - Eating a special Christmas meal What are some of the most popular Christmas foods? There are many different traditional Christmas foods, but some of the most popular include: - Roasted turkey - Ham - Mashed potatoes - Stuffing - Cranberry sauce - Pumpkin pie - Eggnog What are some of the most popular Christmas gifts? The most popular Christmas gifts vary from year to year, but some of the most popular gifts in recent years have included: - Toys - Electronics - Clothing - Gift cards - Experiences What are some of the most popular Christmas movies? There are many classic Christmas movies that are enjoyed by people of all ages. Some of the most popular Christmas movies include: - Home Alone - The Grinch - It's a Wonderful Life - A Christmas Story - Elf How can you make Christmas in 2023 special? There are many ways to make Christmas in 2023 special. Here are a few ideas: Spend time with loved ones Give to others Volunteer your time Make homemade gifts Start new traditions Enjoy the simple things
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HISTORY OF CHRISTMAS The history of Christmas is a rich tapestry woven from various cultural, religious, and historical threads. While the celebration of Christmas is now predominantly associated with the Christian tradition, its origins can be traced back to earlier pagan festivals and rituals. - Winter Solstice Celebrations: - Many cultures celebrated the winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year, around December 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere. These celebrations marked the turning point when days began to lengthen, symbolizing the return of light and life. - Roman Festival of Saturnalia: - The Roman festival of Saturnalia, held in late December, honored the god Saturn. During this festival, social norms were temporarily overturned, and people engaged in feasting, gift-giving, and merrymaking. - Nativity Celebrations: - The Christian celebration of Christmas has its roots in the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. While the exact date of Jesus' birth is not specified in the Bible, December 25th was chosen by early Christians to coincide with existing pagan celebrations. This helped ease the transition of people into the Christian faith. - Christianization of Pagan Festivals: - As Christianity spread through Europe, missionaries often incorporated local customs and festivals into Christian celebrations. This syncretism helped facilitate the conversion of pagan populations. - Medieval Christmas Celebrations: - In medieval Europe, Christmas evolved into a more elaborate celebration. It became a time for feasting, music, and elaborate theatrical events. The Christmas tree tradition is said to have originated in Germany during this period. - Puritan Opposition and Victorian Revival: - In the 17th century, some Puritans and other religious groups opposed the celebration of Christmas due to its perceived pagan roots. However, by the 19th century, Christmas underwent a revival in the English-speaking world, particularly during the Victorian era. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert popularized the celebration of Christmas with their own family traditions, including the decorating of Christmas trees. - Commercialization and Globalization: - In the 20th century, Christmas became increasingly commercialized, with the rise of gift-giving, Santa Claus, and festive decorations. The celebration spread globally through cultural exchange and globalization, adapting to various local traditions and customs. Today, Christmas is celebrated by billions of people around the world, both as a religious holiday and a cultural phenomenon. The customs and traditions associated with Christmas continue to evolve, reflecting the diverse cultural and historical influences that have shaped this festive season over the centuries.
The Religious Significance of Christmas: The Birth of Jesus Christ and the Nativity Story
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christmas Christmas, celebrated globally with joy and festivities, holds profound religious significance for millions of Christians around the world. At the heart of Christmas lies the sacred narrative of the birth of Jesus Christ, an event that has shaped Christian theology and tradition for centuries. In this article, we delve into the religious significance of Christmas by exploring the birth of Jesus Christ and the Nativity Story. The Birth of Jesus Christ: The Christian faith teaches that Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, was born in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament of the Bible provide detailed accounts of the events surrounding his birth. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod in Bethlehem, a small town in Judea. The story recounts the arrival of the Magi, or Wise Men, who followed a guiding star to find the newborn King of the Jews. Herod, threatened by this prophecy, sought to locate and harm the infant, leading to the Holy Family's escape to Egypt for safety. The Gospel of Luke offers another perspective, emphasizing the humble circumstances of Jesus' birth. Mary, a young woman from Nazareth, and her husband Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for a census decreed by Caesar Augustus. Unable to find lodging in the crowded town, they sought refuge in a stable where Jesus was born and laid in a manger. The angelic announcement of the birth was made to shepherds in the fields, symbolizing the inclusivity of the message. The Nativity Story: The Nativity Story encompasses the broader narrative surrounding the birth of Jesus. It includes the angelic announcements to Mary and the shepherds, the journey to Bethlehem, and the significant roles played by various characters such as Joseph, the Magi, and the shepherds. Central to the Nativity Story is the concept of the Incarnation, wherein Christians believe that God became human in the form of Jesus Christ. This miraculous event, celebrated at Christmas, underscores the divine nature of Jesus and his role as the Savior. The Nativity Scene, a popular Christmas tradition, visually depicts the key elements of the story, often featuring figurines of Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, angels, shepherds, and the Wise Men. The scene serves as a powerful reminder of the humble yet profound circumstances surrounding the birth of the Messiah. The religious significance of Christmas is deeply rooted in the birth of Jesus Christ and the Nativity Story as presented in the Gospels. For Christians, Christmas is a time of reflection, worship, and celebration of the miraculous incarnation of God in human form. The Nativity Story continues to inspire believers, fostering a sense of hope, joy, and spiritual renewal during the festive season. As millions gather to commemorate the birth of Jesus each year, the enduring message of love, peace, and salvation resonates across generations, making Christmas a sacred and cherished observance for Christians worldwide.
Cultural and Global Celebrations: Exploring Christmas Traditions Around the World
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christmas As the holiday season approaches, the world comes alive with the festive spirit of Christmas. While the core of Christmas is rooted in Christian traditions, the celebration has evolved and adapted to various cultures, giving rise to a rich tapestry of global customs. In this article, we embark on a journey around the world to explore the diverse Christmas traditions, cultural variations, and mouthwatering festive foods that define this joyous season. Christmas Traditions Around the World: - United States: - The United States celebrates Christmas with a blend of religious and secular traditions. From the iconic Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center in New York City to festive parades and elaborate decorations, the U.S. embraces a festive spirit marked by gift-giving and family gatherings. - Germany: - Germany is renowned for its Christmas markets, where streets come alive with the aroma of spiced mulled wine and vendors selling handcrafted ornaments. The tradition of the Christmas tree, or Tannenbaum, is said to have originated in Germany and has since become a global symbol of the season. - Mexico: - In Mexico, Christmas is celebrated with vibrant street processions known as Las Posadas. These processions reenact the journey of Mary and Joseph seeking shelter, with participants going from house to house seeking "posada" or lodging. Festive piñatas and traditional foods add to the merriment. - Japan: - Christmas in Japan is marked by unique traditions. While it is not a national holiday, the Japanese often celebrate with decorations, lights, and the exchange of gifts. KFC has become an unconventional but popular Christmas Eve dinner tradition in Japan. Cultural Variations in Celebrations: - Eastern Orthodox Christmas: - Many Eastern Orthodox Christian communities celebrate Christmas on January 7th, following the Julian calendar. Countries like Russia, Greece, and Serbia have distinct customs, including special liturgical practices and festive meals. - Australia: - Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere occurs during summer, leading to unique traditions such as beach barbecues and outdoor festivities. Australians often decorate their homes with native flowers and embrace a more casual, warm-weather celebration. - Ethiopia: - In Ethiopia, Christmas, known as Ganna, is celebrated on January 7th with colorful processions, traditional music, and dance. The faithful attend church services, and the day culminates in a festive feast featuring unique dishes. Festive Foods and Special Dishes: - Italy: - Italy is synonymous with delectable Christmas treats. Panettone, a sweet bread studded with candied fruits, and pandoro, a golden, star-shaped cake, are staples during the holiday season. - France: - In France, a Christmas feast might include roasted meats, foie gras, and the iconic Bûche de Noël, a yule log-shaped cake made of sponge cake and buttercream. - Mexico: - Tamales, bacalao (salted cod), and ponche, a warm fruit punch, are integral to Christmas feasts in Mexico. Sweet tamales, such as those filled with chocolate or fruits, add a delightful touch to the celebrations. Certainly! Here's an article detailing Christmas celebrations in different countries presented in a chart format:
Christmas Celebrations Around the Globe: A Global Tapestry of Festivities
Christmas, a widely celebrated holiday, takes on diverse and unique forms across the globe. From traditional customs to modern festivities, each country has its own way of embracing the spirit of Christmas. Let's take a journey around the world to explore how different nations mark this joyous occasion. No.CountryChristmas Traditions and Celebrations1United States- Decorative lights and ornaments on houses and trees.- Exchange of gifts on Christmas morning.- Santa Claus visits and festive parades.2United Kingdom- Christmas pudding and mince pies are popular desserts.- Carol singing and festive markets.- The Queen's Christmas Message is a tradition.3Germany- Christmas markets with handcrafted ornaments.- Advent calendars and festive feasts.- St. Nicholas Day celebrations on December 6th.4Italy- Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve.- La Befana, a gift-giving witch, visits on Epiphany.- Midnight Mass and nativity scenes.5Japan- KFC Christmas meals are popular.- Illuminated displays and Christmas cake celebrations.- Christmas is not a public holiday, but widely observed.6Australia- Beach barbecues and outdoor celebrations.- Carols by Candlelight events.- "Carols in the Domain" is a famous outdoor concert.7Mexico- Posadas, a reenactment of Mary and Joseph's journey.- Piñatas and festive processions.- Nochebuena feast on Christmas Eve.8Sweden- Saint Lucia's Day with candlelit processions.- Traditional Christmas smorgasbord.- Yule Goat and festive decorations.9Brazil- Giant Christmas tree lighting in Rio de Janeiro.- Christmas dinner with family and friends.- Fireworks and beach celebrations.10India- Christmas feasts with traditional sweets.- Midnight Mass and carol singing.- Christmas is celebrated by people of all religions. The diversity in Christmas celebrations across different countries highlights the rich tapestry of traditions and customs that make this festive season truly global. From the snowy landscapes of Germany's Christmas markets to the beach barbecues of Australia, each nation infuses its unique cultural elements into the celebration of Christmas, creating a beautiful mosaic of joy and togetherness. As we embrace the holiday spirit, let us appreciate the various ways people around the world come together to celebrate Christmas, fostering a sense of unity and goodwill that transcends borders. Whether it's a traditional feast, a festive market, or a beachside gathering, the essence of Christmas remains a time of love, joy, and shared warmth for people from all walks of life.
The Enigmatic Legend of Santa Claus: A Timeless Tale of Joy and Generosity
Santa Claus, the beloved and jolly figure who epitomizes the spirit of Christmas, has captured the hearts of people around the world for generations. The enchanting tale of Santa Claus has transcended cultural boundaries, becoming a symbol of joy, generosity, and the magic of the holiday season. This iconic figure, with his rosy cheeks, white beard, and red suit, has a rich and fascinating history that weaves together folklore, traditions, and the spirit of giving. The Origins of Santa Claus: The roots of Santa Claus can be traced back to various sources, blending together over centuries to create the beloved character we know today. One significant influence is Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop known for his acts of kindness and generosity. Legends of Saint Nicholas's secret gift-giving, such as leaving coins in the shoes of those in need, formed the foundation for Santa's benevolent nature. The Evolution of Santa Claus: The modern image of Santa Claus took shape in the 19th century in the United States. Clement Clarke Moore's 1823 poem, "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (commonly Read the full article
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alvinmarktan · 2 years
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It’s still Christmas on this last day of the year. In some parts of the world, it’s snowing, and snowman sculpture are being created. I hope you all spent 2022 creating many wonderful things. I sure did. Thank you for following and supporting my art this year! Have a bright and great start to the next! 😊 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #watercolouringfood #sketchingfood #sketchbook #sketchbookskool #sketchbookart #sketcher #sketchartist #sketch #illustration #aquarelle #pencil #watercolour #watercolor #inspiration #НевскаяПалитра #スケッチ #urbansketchersg #foodsketch #alfdoodles #alvinmarksketchbook #foodsketch #lakopi #sketchingcake #merrychristmas #blessedchristmas #snowman #châteraisé #christmascollection https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0gbr6y4rr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Immediately no. You don't want to fall in love with a house you can't afford, do you? #foodporn #summit #entrepreneurship #youtube #iedcdsi #ecell #yummy #beyourownboss #smile #medicine #thekellyfamily #kellyfamily #photo #startup #patriciakelly #beach #patriciakellyofficial #s #idol #memories #onemoreyear #proud #f #graceandkellylive #graceandkelly #itisessential #songsandstories #anewroom #blessedchristmas #derklangmeineslebens (at Tacos El Gordo • H Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm737NOrYhm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coptorthodox · 5 years
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Emmanuel... God is with us, not against us Emmanuel... God is with us, we are not alone Emmanuel... God is with us, we can walk in His footsteps; love unconditionally, live in holiness, abundantly give and forgive... Blessed Christmas! #merrychristmas #blessedchristmas #coptorthodox @coptorthodox #copticorthodox #coptic #orthodox #thegiftgoeson #christmas #emmanuel #godiswithus #godwithus https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_UlqmJkL_/?igshid=1xmolijgeatam
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donlow · 6 years
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Blessed and a merry Christmas to all my friends and a happy new year! Have been trying not to over eat the during this festive season but to no avail. Anyhow, wishing all prosperity and a fun filled holiday!! . . . #procreate #Christmas #festiveseason🎉 #festiveseason #christmascard #ipadpro #blessedchristmas #merrychristmas #happynewyear https://www.instagram.com/p/Brx0vS3g81m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5zj0ttt3bv4o
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brendtjacob · 4 years
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Thanks for the Christmas gift. - #thankyou, #gifts, #presents, #free, #freestuff, #freegoodies, #freetreats, #freeproducts, #freeitems, #christmasgift, #exchangegift, Had a blast at our Christmas Party last night. #christmasparty, #christmas, #merrychristmas,#happychristmas, #joyfulchristmas, #blessedchristmas, #happyholidays, #pasko, #maligayangpasko, #feliznavidad, #joyeuxnoel (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJO4QwRHZUN/?igshid=ds6llyd0kqhi
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flamingogroupmn · 4 years
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas! 🎄⛄️🦩❄️
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erichmercado · 4 years
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Christmas 2020 at @smcenterlaspinas #christmas2020 #smcenterlaspinas #christmas #christmastree #tinsel #blessedchristmas #paskongpinoy #pasko (at SM Center las Piñas las Piñas City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH7xLrLFME1/?igshid=32bnt8dcp9ji
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portraitsofsaints · 9 months
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 Merry Christmas
And the Word was made flesh… "He has become so small a child! So that you can approach Him with confidence" -St. Josemaria Escriva
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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pixilets · 7 years
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May the magic of Christmas brings you Happiness, Peace, Success, into your life. Warm greetings from Pixilets. . . #Christmas #ChristmasEve #Winter #Christmas2017 #Feliznavidad #BlessedChristmas #SeasonsGreetings #MerryChristmas #Noel #Gifts #Fun #Family #ChristmasTime #HappyHolidays (at Sacred Heart Cathedral, New Delhi)
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georgewilliam-blog · 7 years
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A BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO YOU and YOUR FAMILY #blessedchristmas #christmas #photography
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ohh-its-bree · 5 years
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Have A Blessed Christmas Everyone ✨ • • • Photo taken & Edited By Me 😌 ... .. . #merrychristmas #blessedchristmas #happyholidays #2019 #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gmHu2AWEH/?igshid=hs4b5aeg820x
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amigraciee · 5 years
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|| 1st year to celebrate christmas together ❤ #blessedchristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f4kGFpBbl2mU3iGVS-6xXo_Lh_cdbkqosurM0/?igshid=1h5l2a95ixzu4
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scarfjoint · 5 years
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Christmas soon to come. May it be a blessed one for you. - Here’s our Japanese inspired Christmas dinner. KFC! Sour cream and onion chicken with nacho crisps. Ho ho ho! ^ o ^) v - No turkey this year cos I can’t haul it in and out of the oven, not to mention the 3 days of prep for the stuffing and all the trimmings. No fancy party or crackers even. If you’re having a festive round of celebrations, hey, enjoy! : ) If you’re alone, well.. take me for company. We’ll be alone together shall we? : D Far away and over the hills. Still a merry time. : ) . . #singapore #christmas2019 #kfc #blessedchristmas #joypeacelove #toyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B6c1zUNA2R7/?igshid=1020xzwdub7ih
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artreev · 5 years
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ART R'EEV Wishes All Christians Around The World, "A MERRY CHRISTMAS..!!!" & To All Non-Christians, "HAPPY HOLIDAYS..!!!" To One & All, "HAPPY NEW YEAR...!!!" As We Are Ushering Into A Brand New Year 2020 May 2020 Be A Better & Successful Year Ahead..!!! #seasonsgreeting #merrychristmas #joyouschristmas #blessedchristmas #thejoyofgiving #christmasinthetropics #happyholidays #holidayseason #happynewyear #goodbye2019 #welcome2020 #blessednewyear #celebrate2020 #abrandnewyear #freshstart #artsychristmas #abstractchristmas #art_reev (at Singapore, City. Asia.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6a9M2HBJh3/?igshid=3g08cusetqhr
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