badheart · 6 years
@blessedfate ;;   SQUINTS DEEPLY, ur gonna have to fight me because one thing you better understand quick -- Priscilla is queen
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“More like dead meat if you bring her here.” 
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amplectormors · 6 years
send me ❤ and I will bold all that applies to your muse
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I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you like family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me
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eldingaesir · 6 years
Send 🍞 to throw a loaf of bread at my muse || Always Accepting!
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“I was a bit hungry.” The quip comes after she smacked him upside the head with a loaf of bread, smiling up at her before taking a bite out of it. Only to find it had gone stale. That made it taste foul, but he kept eating, as if to make a point, though what point that might be, he didn’t even know himself.
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liarwolfe-blog · 6 years
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“--- Kingsglaive. I did not mean to bother you.       It is late, I was just finishing my rounds.”
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swcrdlillies · 6 years
@blessedfate for V-Day!
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“--- So what are you doing this fine love sick day?” He asked as an arm wrapped around her shoulders. She was off duty, it should be fine but honestly, it didn’t really matter to him if it wasn’t. She had been busy for a week, and they hadn’t seen each other or gotten to talk much but a few texts, which is fine. It’s the job. But Gladio missed her.  He kissed the side of her head and leaned a bit more into her. “I was thinkin’ we go out. Have a proper date and ya know, not spend it in the Citadel.”
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rianaithe · 6 years
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     As the Warrior of Light, it was her duty to obtain information pertaining to certain individuals which she was to be on the hunt for but only with the right information would she be able to perform these jobs properly as she would rather take them alive than simply kill each and every single one that would she was assigned to. Rumors had brought her to a rather well known info broker, an au ra whom apparently had a good hand in the profession she took part in. Now while it would have been more proper to knock, she instead found herself propping her feet up on the womans desk and leaning back in her chair. It was comfortable to say the least though she knew it would be short lived and just like that it seemed right on cue that the door knob would turn and said door opening wide.         Arms that were once behind her head now on her lap as feet came to the floor and form straightened along with the chair. Before she could be questioned, left index would cut her short as she stood up with hands planted firmly on the desk.      ‘ Now, before you lose your mind hear me out. I have a proposition. ‘ / @blessedfate
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leorugiet · 6 years
blessedfate replied to your post: why is cor so sensual when he speaks during the...
a sensual night after murdering everything this is how cor seduces
he just rubs blood all over his face and serves some soup in a can
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armorofone · 6 years
❝ date a girl who summons demons. ❞
Dragon Age Starters
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“Or... Or... I don’t do that and enjoy my face not being sucked off. Or trapped as some succubus’ big ole slave. Or stepped on by some Terror demon. Maybe spirits wouldn’t be so terrible... Maybe. But from what I hear it’s almost impossible to be sure which is which.”
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ofimmortal-moved · 6 years
blessedfate replied to your post: But really. cor taking anyone on a date in a nice...
// sir who gave you the right
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would you want me to take it off? 
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ardenssolis · 6 years
Reunite Me: I’ll write a drabble of our characters reuniting together.
drabble list meme; no longer accepting || @blessedfate
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     BEING A KING MEANT that he did not have the luxury of free time even if he could easily raise his hand and shoo away any who came to him if he so desired. Ramses took the governance of his kingdom seriously, his desire to leave a mark on history as his father and those before him the young pharaoh, fanning his ambition to forever be remembered as ‘the greatest’: not great, but something so much more than this still. Thus, weeks passed, and not once had he returned to the Nile with intent to meet with the Siren that dwelled within its waters. Her memory had not faded from him, though, and from time to time, as he looked off into the distance to see the rippling waves from his palace window, he had pondered the thought of appearing once more. If he did, what if she was gone? What if she had long since returned to the sea where her fellows resided?
     What if she was angry at him for his abrupt disappearance? The latter question had him feeling thoughtful as he tapped a finger against his gilded throne, Ramses attention barely on the scribe that droned on before him about food stored away for potential drought. What did he care if she did? Her opinion, along with any others, meant little to one who had the world in the palm of their hand. She was just a means of passing the time; a temporary reprieve from his life as a king. Glancing off to the side, his mind continued to drift, the scribe’s words practically on deaf ears as he began to grow more and more restless. After much debate, eventually a decision was reached. ❝I think I shall see her,❞ he said after a time; his abrupt proclamation taking the other aback as they paused.
     ❝My King?❞
     ❝It is aggravating,❞ he continued on, brushing aside the poor scribe’s confusion, ❝I had only been curious, yet here I am, ensnared like a fish upon a fisherman’s hook.❞ Golden eyes shifted back to the young man, the scribe practically sweating from unease as they struggled to figure out what their sovereign spoke of. ❝Begone. I will hear the rest of your words later.❞ Pushing himself up from his throne, he did not bother to wait for the other to take their leave before he did so first, sandals clicking against stone as he began to disappear from sight. If there were any who approached him as he made his trek to his chambers, they were promptly shooed off and ignored, at least for the time being. He held a one track mind at the moment, and nothing would deter him once a decision was made. As soon as he reached his room, ornate jewelry and clothing was shed for something more ‘fitting’, and when that was finished, he was already on his way to the usual spot that Siren lingered.
      Soon appearing by the shore, he peered into crystalline water as if searching out her familiar form before the splashing of water in his direction took him aback. Gasping, he stumbled back, chest and garment wet as gold met bright blue that just peeked from beneath the Nile’s waters. Without seeing the Siren’s smile, he knew it to be upon her lips just from those expressive eyes alone. Her mirth brought a smile to his own, his gaze softening easily into molten gold. ❝So, you are still here.❞ The relief that washed over him felt like cool water upon his skin.
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badheart · 6 years
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Happy New Year to @blessedfate c: 
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eldingaesir · 6 years
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair
Non-Verbal RP Starters! || Accepting!
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hair             
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Nearly asleep after the meal she had made, he was lounging about without much care, happily content with his stomach full. She hadn’t been kidding about being a good cook, feeding him better than the bread she had thrown. What he hadn’t expected, was her to weave a flower through one of the braids he wore in his blond locks. One eye opened lazily as he felt the shifting of his hair, looking about without much worry. Once he spotted her, he chuckled a bit, reaching up and brushing his fingers against the flower gently. “Many thanks. What have you woven into my hair, gorgeous?” He purred, both eyes now open as he tilted his head back to look at her,k that smile on his lips quite content.
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jaxyu-a · 6 years
🌠 - Would your muse make a wish on a star? If so, what would they wish for?
→ headcanon meme. 
honestly? nah. the idea of it is kind of cute and he’d get a chuckle out of it, but it’s nothing he’d do on his own. i say on his own because if he was with someone else who was into it, like a kid, he’d play along and make a wish — otherwise, he wouldn’t bother. and if he was just making a wish to play along, it’d be something silly like oh, i wished for a new erhu or something, maybe even something sweet like i wished for your wish to come true.
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silvercharict · 6 years
blessedfate replied to your post: Polnareff would def go to nightclubs. You know...
// needs glowsticks
Glowsticks, PLUR bracelets and a clubkid-esque getup
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khresme · 6 years
❝ silence is the most painful goodbye. ❞
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Loss. It sat on her chest and ate with a grudging reminder on her heart, where everything she’d ever loved had been stolen from her loud and ruinously. There was no silence when magitek had descended the skies and flamethrowers razed those sunny, green forests to ashes, the place of her mother’s blasphemous death never having truly recovered. Even her father’s snowy and smoky ruin had been in the rage of a tempest, so loud that all senses whited out in the snowy carnage. 
“Better silence than some warring death that comes in the aftermath of mortar fire.”
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leorugiet · 6 years
blessedfateがあなたの投稿に返信しました: I’m glad to know that Noctis’s painful and tragic...
// that’s it, that’s the entire thing
this is a tale of ancestors committing tax evasion and the IRS being relentless on the descendants 
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