tortoise-partytime · 7 years
*chuckles, before giving an eye roll at the skeletons wording though snuggles into the ‘group’ hug* if I really was baloney this would be more of a sausage party, though I mustard (mustn’t) say too loud- you two are pretty important to me *hides pink cheeks in my scarf * on a side note, how do you feel about piercings?
Red chuckles at your pun and a huff of amusement escapes Sans. Both their grips on you tighten a little bit as you snuggle in closer. “better get the toothpicks, then, cuz if this is a sausage party, vanilla here is a total cocktail weenie.“
Sans’ mouth twists at the joke and he rolls his eyelights. “must make you a bratwurst then, red, cuz you’re a total brat.“
Luckily, before things can escalate you ask your follow up question and they both consider their answers a moment.
“what kind’a piercings we talkin’ here, sweetheart?“ Sans asks. “granted, i like most of them,“ he admits with a quirk of a brow and a sly smile.
Behind you, Red chuckles darkly and gives you a bit of a squeeze. “oh, i’m a big fan, doll. got a few of my own i could show you sometime, if you like...“
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skelimagines · 7 years
FT bros finding out their O/S is part dragon after picking up on O/S' odd behaviour. How would they respond? (And possibly how UF bros would react to the same O/S displaying courtship behaviour to the skeleton e.g. Self-made nests that may contain some of the skeletons items, leaving gifts for them ) 💜
This is the first of a lot of Feraltale stuff coming in... {also I think you meant S/O} ~Mod Feral
FT Sans
Of course! He should’ve known! The hoarding, the love for certain items, the constant need to protect him despite his abilities after they mated, your ability to bite through harder objects, it should’ve been obvious! He’s a little ashamed at the fact he didn’t realize right away because one of his closest friends is a dragon of sorts. He was just blinded by the fact you looked human. It should’ve been obvious.
He’s also likely to ask you a lot of questions and see what you can do. Plus expect an increase of both gemstones and your hoard item. He’ll be observing you to make sure you’re safe.
FT Papyrus
That does explain some of your mannerisms, but he can’t help but wonder what that means for both you and your future together. Are you vulnerable to both monster and human illnesses, or only one or the other? Are you magical or not? Will you be able to handle some of the hardships of Snowdin’s weather?
Can you have children? Will you guys be able to raise a family of your own or will you have to adopt? Will the children be safe if you guys can reproduce? There’s a lot of questions on his mind now.
UF Sans
He’s embarrassed but at the same time flattered. He’s glad you like him so much but please stop making such a showy fuss about it. Please.
UF Papyrus
He loves it. Shower him with gifts! Enjoy your nest of his things! As long as his scarf stays out of the nesting, he’ll love every second of this.
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
The UF/ US/ SF skeleton bros become suspicious of their S/O how has been acting oddly- only to find out they've been hiding that their half dragon and that someone has tracked them down who wants to kill them ( and S/O's small family) because of an old grudge they have on S/O's mother. What are the skelebro's responses? ( thank you, I'm quackers for your writing style:3 )
Quackers for my writing style?? That’s so cute. 
When you start acting odd, Red immediately suspects that you’re cheating or you’re leaving him. Either way, you don’t want him in your life anymore. He goes to confront you about this, but accidentally walks in on you transforming into your dragon form! Red stands paralyzed with a mixture of amazement and fear, unsure whether he should attack or wait. After all, this is you, you wouldn’t hurt him…right? Still, he can’t let his guard down. When you finally notice him, Red summons a blaster and growls, waiting for your first move, but your eyes, oh your eyes. They are the same ones as your human form, sparking with love and familiarity. You lower your head and whine in surrender, showing that you have no intentions on hurting him, allowing him to come closer and stroke your nose. Red is still cautious, but the second he touched your scales, it’s like he falls in love with you all over again, like before, he only loved a part of you, but now? He loves all of you, the dragon, the human, everything, and it’s exhilarating. 
When you revert back to your human form and explain your situation, he’s putting you and your family under his protection and essentially, under house arrest so he could go find this person and kill them himself before they could get to you. He comes back, with the attacker’s death on his hands and he promises that they are never going to bother you again. 
When Fell sees you turn into a dragon, he attacks you, but they don’t harm you and even if it did, he was pulling his attacks anyway. When he realizes that you’re not retaliating, Fell just stops and drops all of his weapons and admires you in amazement. You’re so beautiful, so perfect for someone like him. He imagines charging to battle with him on your back as you beat your powerful wings. He asks you if it’s really you, and how come you never told him. Since you’re in dragon form, you can’t really answer, but you lower your head and motion him to climb on. Once you feel him properly settled, you quickly take off, careful not drop him and soar through the skies, his screams of fear mixing in with excitement. 
You land in a large clearing and revert back into your human form and tell your story. Fell just laughs at you, asking if that’s what you’re really scared about. You’re a badass dragon who’s dating the Great and Terrible Papyrus! You should have nothing to fear! He comes along with you and helps you track down this person and gives you the honor of eliminating them yourself. 
As you transform before him, Blue’s eyes light up excitedly with little shining stars as he squeals with excitement. He confronted you about acting strange before, but he never thought you would be half freaking dragon!! This is so cool! When you’re finished, you lower your head so he could touch you, but Blue is paralyzed with amazement, that you have to nudge him back to reality. The skeleton lovingly nuzzles your nose, kissing you everywhere before asking if you could fly. He wants flight? You’ll give him flight. Without any warning, you bite his shirt and throw him in the air, catching him on your head so he could grip your horns. Blue cheers wildly as you take off to the skies, yelling, “THIS IS AMAZING” at the top of his lungs, and you can’t help but smile. You’re still careful with him, and if Stretch ever found out that you did this, you’d be dead. Landing in a clearing, Blue climbs off you, stumbling on the grass breathlessly and as his heart races with adrenaline. You transform back into your normal self and explain your situation. 
You have nothing to fear datemate! The Magnificent Sans is here to help! He gives you a big kiss and goes on his phone, dialing numbers and telling people to meet him where you’re at right now. An hour later, the entire former royal guard shows up with their weapons ready. The dogs tracks down the guy and the guard restrains them while you call the police. You asked Alphys why the entire guard showed up just for Blue and she laughs. 
“Sans never made it into the Royal Guard, but everyone treated him like one and we all would do anything for him”
You can’t help but feel the same.  
Stretch kinda....low key knew. Well, he didn’t know that you are part dragon and can turn into this wickedly epic beast, but he did suspect that you’re not just a normal human being, and that you are keeping thing from him. As you transform before him, he’s smirking and wondering how he got so lucky to land an awesome datemate like you, and who else could say that their s/o is a mother freaking dragon?! He declines your offer to ride you because he’s too overwhelmed right now, but he does like touching your scales. In fact, because you’re so big, you’re probably pretty comfortable to sleep with. Which he does in the future. 
You explain to him what’s been going on and he understands. With Blue’s help, you and Stretch put together a plan to capture this person, by staying put and let them come to you. It was an easy fight; a dragon and two skeletons against one, so no one really got hurt. Blue calls the police and the guy gets locked up forever. 
FIGHT HIM! Black isn’t going to hurt you too much, BUT HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO FIGHT A FRIKING DRAGON?! SDFGHJKL HE’S FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW HOLY SHIT! LET HIM FIGHT YOU! He’s even more excited that Blueberry about this!!!! He wants to charge into battle with him on his back, watch you destroy your enemies with a stomp of your foot, and HOLY SHIT CAN YOU BREATH FIRE! Please calm this skele down, he’s going to have a heart attack. But his reaction is amusing and you wonder how far you can push it. You bite the collar of his shirt and take off with super speed with him in dangling from your mouth. Black screams, laughs, and cries at the same time, then when you land, he actually passes out. 
When he wakes, you tell your boyfriend your situation and Black just laughs. That person must be an idiot if they think they can hurt you when you’re under his protection. Normally he would take this job himself so he doesn’t have to share the glory, but he wants to see you in action. Also that charge into battle thing. It’s been a dream of his. 
When you transform,  the first thing he thought of is how jealous Black is going to be. Then, he finally processes that this dragon is you, holy cow, it’s you! You who he loves so much, who stayed by his side, who makes him laugh, makes him cry, and want to do anything for. And you’re also this beautiful, majestic dragon, he just can’t comprehend how giddy he feels and how much more he loves you. You lower your head so he could touch you and so Rus runs his fingers under your smooth scales and it was like meeting you for the first time again, and falling in love all over. He’s so lucky to have you.  Rus declines your invitation to take a ride on your back, but he does fall asleep on you, mostly because he’s so overwhelmed and needs some time to process.
When he wakes up, you had already transformed back into your normal form, with his head cradling in your lap as you hum a soft tune. Rus thinks it was all a dream, but you confirm it wasn’t and that you had something to tell him. You explain your situation and Rus calmly kisses your head, telling you that it’s all going to be okay. He instructs you to bring your family over to his house and sit tight. You follow his orders and when he comes back that night, the skele smiles sweetly and reassures you that you have nothing to worry about anymore. 
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acidpumpkin · 10 years
anything and everything you can tell me would be useful pleeeease~ *puppy eyes* your so awesome for doing this:3 gamzee is fricken adorbubble, you cant deny him^^ (sorry for the late reply TT^TT)
First of all, I'll talk about the general cosplay. There are tons of tutorials all over the internet for things like troll makeup and horns, so it makes no sense for me to do one of my own. Hanyaan has pretty good ones for makeup. Here is a general troll makeup tutorial and here is a video she did for gamzee face paint. You can find a shit ton of tutorials for horns here. I have personally been using Mehron clown white and monster gray color cups for my face and pax for my arms and neck. (I'm probably going to stop using pax. It stays on like whoa, but holy fucking SHIT is it a pain to scrrub off.) My horns are honestly made out of shit I found around my house. Wire, tin foil, paper mache, sheetrock compound, homemade gesso, and mod podge. I am trash. I do not understand how I managed that. 
My wig is just a shortish shaggy black wig I bought off ebay. I ran out of time to style it before my first panel, so I seriously flipped it upside down, sprayed it with hairspray, and shook it. It worked out pretty well. 
The clothes are pretty self explanatory. I made a stencil out of freezer paper for the Capricorn symbol because I cannot free hand to save my life. Freezer paper is the shit. You can find it at any supermarket, and it's not expensive at all. One side of it is all glossy and you can iron your stencil right onto the clothes, paint that shit, and then just fucking peel it off once it dries! As for the pants. Fuck circles. It is so tedious. I just bought a pair of men's sweat pants and painted the circles on one by one with fabric paint. I used a CD as a stencil and traced around it with chalk like twenty times. It was rough. 
I will not be getting into how I managed his stupid fucking god tier. I don't have any pictures of me in that yet. Maybe someday. Today is not that day.
Okay, now I imagine Gamzee to be super lanky and not very well balanced. I am NOT lanky at all, so to make up for it, I kinda act like I do not understand where my limbs are. I take huge steps when I can and sway a bit as I walk, leaning back and exaggerating my arm movements when I'm not afraid that I'm going to smack people. I have run into so many walls, oh my fucking god. I noticed that if I'm crowded, I tend to hold at least one of my arms parallel to the ground with my wrist limp. I have no idea what that is all about. Just kinda go with what you feel. 
I have only ever played him when he was stoned. I have been around many stoners in my life, so it's really not hard for me to jump into the stereotype. Fucking smile. All the time. He goes into short bursts of tangents, nowhere near as wordy as Dave's, and is actually a REALLY GOOD LISTENER. He totally seems like the kind of guy who would gesture wide and slow as he tells a story. He gets a bit distant and lost in his thoughts at times, and I just imagine him looking off into the distance and making the most confused face whenever he does that. Try to play off of these parts of his personality. They're def the more noticeable bits IMO.
Talk slow most of the time. Really REALLY move your mouth when you talk. I do not know why this helps me get into character, but it seriously does. I always gave him a bit of a southern sounding accent. Pretty sure I had originally done that to try and work around talking with the teeth in my mouth, but after a while, it just seemed to fit. 
If you must use props, a faygo is always a good cheap path to take. I've seen some people who actually had the juggling clubs from his strife specibus and THAT was super cool. Most people use the bike horn. I have used to bike horn. If you must use the bike horn, please please PLEASE avoid honking it constantly in the halls at conventions. For one, Gamzee actually gets startled by the sound of them. It's on his intro page. For another, it's just common courtesy. Noise makers at a crowded con are not always fun.
I can't really think of anything else that I can touch on. I've never done sober Gamzee. Terrifying isn't really my thing. 
Thanks for the ask! I hope this helps at least a little bit!
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tortoise-partytime · 7 years
Could I possibly hug red and classic to make a ‘sanswhich’ for some motivation please? (P.s. hope you have a boo-tiful halloween full of skeletons~ )
Red cocks an eyebrow at Sans, who just shrugs then flashes you a grin. “i’d say you’re full of baloney saying you want a hug from this guy,“ Sans remarks as he jerks a thumb at Red, “but i guess maybe you just really want to be baloney, huh?“
Sans pulls you in for a hug, and Red closes in on you from behind, twining his arms around your waist while Sans’ loop around your shoulders. “lettuce hug in peace, man, no need to judge a girl for her dreams, heh,“ Red mutters right next to your ear from behind as you find yourself snugly sandwiched between two broad, hard chests.
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tortoise-partytime · 7 years
*sighs at the skeletons fighting* now, now, skeles Your both beautiful~ as for piercings I’ve got two on each lobe, one ring on each helix and labret lip currently- though I’m debating about getting my tongue done- thoughts? * glances between the two*
“maybe, but i’m prettier,“ Red says with a grin over your shoulder, though Sans refuses to rise to his bait and answers your question instead.
“sounds like an awful lot of hardware,“ he muses with a chuckle.
“getting through airport security must be a bitch,“ Red chimes in with a wicked grin.
Again Sans ignores him in favor of saying, “looks good on you, though. as for a tongue piercing, you do you, kid. i have heard that those can be a pain, though.“
“plus learning how to talk proper again with a bit of metal run through your tongue,“ Red muses, giving the idea some thought. “i mean, i think they look sexy as hell, but vanilla’s right, i’ve heard they can be a pain, and not just in the literal sense.“
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you are Cu-Te~ if not are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'Cause you are F-I-Ne~
Are you made of Nickel, Cerium, Arsenic and Sulfur? Because you've got a NiCe AsS! 
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
6, 33 & 59? ^w^
6: 4 turns off
Scat, incest, Mommy/Daddy, and knife play
33: My current relationship status
I’m a single pringle lol 
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
I have this irrational fear of cockroaches? I know they can’t hurt me, but seeing them freaks me out to the point where I might cry if there’s too many of them
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
For rus harem, how about puppy lovers? (since some see him as being called pup by black? Plus he is adorable and acts an a protector) :3
People might get the wrong idea though, but like....good. It’s our disguise for sin loving our tol submissive skele
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
* is eating popcorn as I watch the brawling from the sidelines with my own skeles * this is why we can't have nice things * swapfell rus waving "go ducky" flag*
*Blows kisses to my husband*
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acidpumpkin · 10 years
hi i was just speaking to lordtien, and they said your the usual gamzee in theyre group- as your so awesome at it; i was hoping you can give me some tips? please? :3 *offers english candy*
Aw, thank you so much! UwU
I would love to give you some tips! Is there anything you would like me to focus on? Mannerisms? Body language? Speech? The cosplay itself? Idk, I could probs go on forever. Gamzee is my child, yo. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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