sinnerxroulette · 1 year
“How the hell did you get my number?!” @bliitzo for Stolas (after their first hookup)
"Pft. You gave it to me? Honestly Blitzy, you're so funny."
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The lovesick bird giggles lightly
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pyramultimuse · 7 months
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"Oh, its you." Stolas said bitterly as he glared down at the imp with a harsh expression. "I don't have time for your pretending to give a shit today, just tell me what you want so I can get back with dealing with my own problems alone."
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ultio-angelus · 8 days
❛ i’m gonna make you scream my name. ❜ bliitzo @ stolas (for their first time)
“Heh! Um….that’s very, um….kind, of you? It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, that’s a bit…a bit forward isn’t it?”
“Is it getting hot in here? I think I’m getting really hot—“
//interpreted this as being from their actual ‘first time’ and it made me miss flustered closeted Stolas teehee//
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grimowled · 1 month
"Do you know what would look good on you? Me." bliitzo
☽ terrible pickup lines - accepting !!
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"OH OH, YOU'RE CERTAINLY not wasting any time tonight, hmm, blitzy~?" he can not contain the sheer relish bubbling up in his throat, the slightest titter of a laugh in response to his chosen imp's antics; while he definitely can't deny blitzø's an enthusiastic lover, he rarely initiates this way. the prince can only forgive that questionable pick up line - he made him laugh after all!, pale-white features flushing in blissful delight, his lanky body and magnificent tail feathers splayed suggestively on the velvet sofa, only the sheer fabric of his night robe draped over long, crossed limbs, warm and ready for the sexual rapture to follow. "--well, I happen to fully agree with you, my darling." his beloved little imp better not be just teasing him, for the demon prince is in the mood to ravish or be ravished, one way or another.
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hazbintales · 3 months
@bliitzo replied to your post.
Blitz chooses make them mine
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" Oh yes, Blitzy! Make me yours! "
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burning-fcols · 3 months
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"Well I could use some eye candy around the office. You're hired!" @ angel for the secretary au - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @ʙʟɪɪᴛᴢᴏ 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 Slipping away from the overbearing grasp of Valentino hadn't been an easy feat... and until he'd managed to make it to Imp City— one of the furthest places from the glitz and glamor of the Vees' territory he could realistically reach —Angel had expected to be abruptly dragged back to the moth, kicking and screaming. Every eye aimed his way, every look that lingered a bit too long, shooting paranoia through the spider even when cloaked in his disguise. Angel Dust is hardly an unknown figure around Hell... Especially in the areas he had to pass through during his escape.
All he needed was one person to see past his ruse and he was done for... Yet by some twist of fate— or perhaps a cruel joke, Angel's brief taste of freedom reduced to his LAST if he's not careful —he had made it to the run-down ruins of Imp City. Hopefully far enough from the influence of Vee Tower to where he could remain unnoticed. With their own slew of Sins and Local Celebrities, surely one newcomer ( even one who looks like Angel ) wouldn't be worth causing a stir. It seems like these Hellborns have enough issues of their own to take up all their time and attention...
Arriving had been whiplash when compared to what Angel had grown accustomed to yet also oddly-nostalgic when he thinks about where he had started in Hell. From the top back to the bottom, he knew that if he was going to survive, he'd need a better source of income than the stash of money he managed to gather before fleeing. He could do what he does best... but with how little cash most Imps seem to have to spare, it wouldn't be very lucrative. Besides, it wouldn't help him keep inconspicuous if he was flaunting his best known talents.
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So, he had walked his fine ass to the first building with a ❛ help wanted ❜ sign he could find. Poorly spelled and littered with doodles as it was, he figured it couldn't hurt to check... From how eager this Imp seemed as soon as Angel strolled into his office for an ❛ interview ❜ , he definitely made the right call. Keeping this job should be effortless, so long as he makes sure to give the Boss something to look at. Grinning as he accepts the handshake and the position, Angel pulls down his sunglasses with a free hand to give Blitz a wink.
❝ Then I'll make sure ta get even prettia' fer ya tommorra'~ ❞ Running a hand through his bangs when the shake ends, he studies his new boss with a shameless scan. Up and down the others body, slowly to ensure Blitz takes notice. ❝ Y'know, you ain't half-bad yerself, baby... Or would you prefer ta be called somethin' else? ❞ Wasting no time in schmoozing the man in charge, Angel bends down a bit as if better meeting the Imp's gaze. Making sure to position his arms so that his chest fluff is more prominently spilling from his shirt. ❝ Sir? Boss? ... Daddy?~ ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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sevenciircles · 1 year
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A solo mission.
Millie tended to occasionally do favors for friends, take care of sinners or other hell borns for them. Especially after word of her slaughter of the Knolastname top people, it seemed every being she had ever interacted with came in from the woodwork.
But Millie, loyal as ever, was happy to help in exchange for maybe a drink or two.
She tended to keep these missions secret, on account of the dangerous nature of some of the jobs. Being set in Hell rather than the living world took away an advantage, but Millie liked the challenge and the thrill of the fight.
However, she knew she should have turned down this job. It was too complicated, a well armed gang known for violence had cut a friend of a friend out of a deal. She was to slaughter everyone. Millie could do it, she was prepared.
But Millie didn't anticipate it being a set up. They were ready for her, and she had made it out alive, but it was a hell of a fight. A stab wound was leaking blood from a hole in the side of her stomach, and a gunshot went through her shoulder. Various smaller cuts lined her body. She had won, eventually, but Millie knew she needed to treat.
Aiming to go home, Millie found herself too far. She looked around, realizing she was near her boss's apartment. She winced, not wanting to trouble him. But the pain coursing through her spurned her on.
Knocking on the apartment door, Millie waited patiently, putting pressure on the stab wound.
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Millie would never live this down. It was a lot of pain, but not the worst injuries she had ever sustained. Not by a long shot. Still, her body was on fire.
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cxffeeshxp · 1 year
“I just remembered that when I was a kid I swallowed like 8 things of Pop Rocks and then drank a whole can of Coke. You don’t think that counts as a suicide attempt, do you?“ Bliitzo for Chaz
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{{ L }} "Who the fuck starts a conversation like that? I just sat down." And Chaz thought he was weird himself... Blitz really taking the cake.
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dogtccth · 1 year
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@bliitzo asked:
You’re always a little snappy when you’re tired. (bliitzo for moxxie)
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Arms cross in a huff before hissing back in response . " I do not ! "
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mcltiples · 1 year
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@bliitzo sent; "Hey stolas you busy?" bliitzo
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Getting a call from Blitzo, at this hour of night, always was welcome. No matter if Stolas were sat in front of the television, snacks on the side of his hip, laid comfortably on the couch. It must've been midnight, but who was really counting?
"For you, Blitzy," He paused for a dramatic effect, twirling on the cord connected to the phone. "Never -- is there something you need? Perhaps a little rough housing? Me bouncing on your dick hard and fast until neither of us can take it anymore~"
Those words were spoken in a slight purr. Too nonchalant for something so suggestive. Though, his excitement got the better of him and he couldn't help it.
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fzrticv · 1 year
@bliitzo : “Seriously though what did you ever see in that guy?” Bliitzo for moxxie 
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THERE was a sigh, followed by an annoyed glance. The imp was fully aware of the why. It waqs easy to see even if he moved one from what he would consider a ‘young love’ situation. But he also rahter not share all the details with his boss.
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" It was probaly a mix out being young, naive and well - belive or not , immaturity. “
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deepspacevivarium · 2 years
“You’re so pretty.” Bliitzo for Stolas
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"You're flattering me, Blitz." Stolas runs a finger along Blitzo's jawline and flicks it off his chin. "You can call me 'pretty' all you want in bed tonight. It is the full moon, after all."
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pyramultimuse · 11 months
“I didn’t expect this.” @bliitzo for stolas
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"I know. Things have been... Difficult and straining for a long while. I wanted to do something nice for you in hope that we could maybe start over in a more proper way." Stolas said in response to the imp's reaction to the romantic dinner at the owl's home that he had set up for them. "You have always meant alot to me, Blitzy. Will you give me a chance to show it?"
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grimowled · 2 months
“I swear to fuck stolas thanks to you I can’t stop coughing up these damn feathers.” Cue him coughing up another one (Bliitzo)
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"OH, BLITZY~..." it's almost a breathless moan, the way that pet-name drips from his tongue with longing and unabashed delight. he knows not-so-deep-down that this isn't something his beloved imp enjoys, and yet he can't stop himself from hoping against hope that his constant and explicit attentions may elicit some kind of positive response in him someday. he certainly does look so perfect, framed between his feathered thighs--- oh, such an irresistibly enticing image conjures in quick-to-lust mind, throwing him right back into the thrall of those sinfully rapturous nights of unbridled passion! oh, how the prince longs for another chance to loosen all the suffocating trappings of his royal cage! for there is nothing else in the hells that makes him feel the agonisingly slow passing of time more acutely than waiting for what feels like eons for the monthly encounters with his imp. he coos somewhat demurely as he clasps a slender hand to his chest, looking softly flustered as he regards his beau with heavy lidded reds. "I do so enjoy the ... thorough way you take care of me." still, that doesn't mean he should be explicit all the time, and that he couldn't hold onto some occasional modesty. @bliitzo
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hazbintales · 3 months
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@bliitzo ⸻ unprompted.
“Whatever it’s not like he really likes me. He just likes when I fuck him.” Bliitzo for fizz
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Fizzarolli stared at Blitzo as he listened to him speak. A roll of his eyes followed as Blitzo finished. ❝Uh-huh, which is why, what did you say before? He comments and likes your images, checks in on ya? I’ll say it again, that’s more effort than just wanting a lay. ❞
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burning-fcols · 3 months
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"Nice tits baby." @ angel for the secretary au - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @ʙʟɪɪᴛᴢᴏ 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 Ever since Angel was hired by IMP, his new boss hasn't been shy about complimenting his appearance. No matter how inappropriate the timing or comment... and Angel fucking LOVES it. There had been no question about why he was taken in by the company— directly being referred to as ❛ eye candy ❜ in his interview —and frankly, it offers an added layer of insurance. Even if he wasn't good at this secretary shit, he could rely on his looks ( and if need be, his sexual prowess ) as reason enough for Blitz to keep him around.
Honestly, he doesn't even need to try at his actual job... Those two skillsets are more than enough. Despite this, Angel hasn't been slacking in his responsibilities either. Keeping things running smoothly, since the office Hellhound doesn't lend a hand. The busywork is stimulating enough to keep him from constantly worrying about being tracked down by Valentino... and he'd be lying if he said it didn't feel genuinely good to be entrusted with tasks. To be a valuable part of the team, even if he does have the occasional habit of doing coke at his desk or bitching out a customer.
But it's not like Blitz gives a damn... Which is the only opinion that matters here.
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❝ Thanks, Daddy~ ❞ Angel purrs without missing a beat. Ignoring the eye-roll and groan from Moxxie as the Imp gets his coffee with a sigh, the spider shamelessly pushes his chest fluff. Bending over as he massages the soft mounds— so Blitz can have a better view of them —he teases through a sly grin, ❝ Y'know, they feel even betta' than they look... ❞ A familiar song-and-dance between the two of them. Blitz throws praise his way, he meets him with another flirt... a back-and-forth throughout the day that makes other employees want to tear their hair out.
A steadily-building tension in the air that Angel doesn't doubt is going to become too much to handle at some point... but he ALSO knows that he doesn't plan on being the one to make the first real move. Angel could never take away Blitz's fun moment of getting to crassly proposition his secretary, like the Boss he is. It's a classic scenario; a delectable little power dynamic that gets to sincerely play out right now... and all good things come to those who wait. 「 ☆ 」
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