angelsdvsts · 8 months
↪ closed for @blindspct | inspo ♡
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"i don't get it -- why me?" hazel's voice breaks as realization settles in -- everything regarding the two was fake. it was their was of getting what they wanted from her. "i thought you loved me?"
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davidkarofskyindie · 8 months
blindspct (Nelson/Teo)
@blindspct continued from (x)
nelson had noticed the stranger on the walk in and he didn’t think that he’d be the type to jump in the way he did. he knew better than to judge a book by its cover though. as he spoke, he slowly nodded. “yeah,” he breathed out, a little embarrassed by the fact that he’d been stood up but at least the other was joining him now. “you don’t have to do that. i mean, i should be the one paying since you’re basically saving my ass right now.” he added, giving the other a smile as he called him cute. was he dreaming right now? was this really happening? “no, no. you can stay. i’m nelson, by the way. you are?”
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"i don't have to but i want to... maybe i can be talked into letting you cover dessert but right now, i've got it" teo said with a kind smile and a tone that made it clear he had no plans on budging from his position. having now seen a smile on that face, he was absolutely determined to keep it there no matter what it took. "i'm teo, pleasure's all mine nelson" he gently reached a hand over to shake nelson's, just looking into the man's eyes and taking in everything before him. he let his thumb rub innocently over the back of nelson's hand as he just enjoyed the little look being shared between them "so, tell me about yourself nelson... what do you do, what do you like, basically everything you told the idiot whose spot i've luckily stolen. by the way if he turns up, point him out to me cos i will totally fight him for you"
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myriadxofxmuses · 2 months
What ethereal vibe do you give off?
Tagged by: @ruinedsoulsrp
Tagging: @popularmxnster , @fxntasmagoria , @waveofstars , @homelander-rp-blog , @disposablelover , @savagecuhnt , @4fter-hours , @pcrfectillusicn , @lunarruled , @heartxshaped-bruises , @blindspct , @huntrcssqueen
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Greek mythology entity
(a hush falls over the crowd just by the mere mention of your name. you've been around, you've done and seen it all, and you're still thirsty for knowledge and power. your conquests are heard of all around the world, especially how great you look in leather pants. seriously no one's managed to pull this look off, props to you)
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mysterious bookstore owner
(your bookstore/tea garden/cafe is a haven for many who were lucky enough to stumble across your (very well) hidden store. you may or may not be a very powerful immortal who now lives a quiet life. you share a likeness to someone in a photo hung up on your wall that was taken in 1902, but no one's really questioned it yet. only your most loyal customers are privy to your colourful past. oh the scandal and mystery of it all)
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Liam (no FC yet)/Cooper
300 year old vampire
(you've lived through the 80s- you're pretty sure you've seen it all. wandering around the world aimlessly, you're kinda tired of everyone gawking at your otherworldly, dark beauty every time you round a corner, so you tend to leave humans alone. and yet you feel the need to use your wisdom and guide those who are lost in the world. you're pretty chill but also will bust a tear at the mere sight of a sunrise or sunset)
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woodland fairy
(so heartbreakingly selfless, it's enchanting to everyone around you, especially strangers. you are loved, adored, by everyone who gets to know you well and gets to call you their friend. sprinkle a little pixie dust on your loaf of bread and have a heavenly day you lovely creature)
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h3rtzoom · 3 months
"Well, life really comes at you fast, doesn't it?" Reagan was too tired and too hungover to be embarrassed as the cop pulled back the cell gate and Rory waited for her on the other side. She could have called a few different people but she knew Rory would come and maybe there was a part of her that wanted the younger woman to see that she wasn't all that perfect either. "This was a mistake anyway," she swore as she stepped out and side eyed the cop who knew her a little too well at this point. "Let's get the fuck outta here." @blindspct
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ofginjxints · 8 months
closed starter for @blindspct
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Felix was on edge most days. He should have known since he started taking jobs for shitty people he would end up in trouble. Trouble didn't begin to describe what he was in. Framed. For m/urder. Why Joanne wanted to help him was inexplicable, but he knew he trusted her. Who he didn't trust was every fucker else. So when he heard the door open at the apartment that wasn't his, he stood from the couch, arms outstretched. It wasn't until the familiar face walked in that he relaxed. "Jo. It's you."
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cherrysugcr · 7 months
closed starter for @blindspct
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"Lottie, I love ya but you need to fuckin' listen for your own good and the good of the children." James spat back at her pushing into the house as his men waited outside to escort them elsewhere. "You're gonna have all the time in the world to be pissed at me at the safe house. Right now I need you to gather your things, pack things for the kids and come with me. The longer you make me stand here and explain this to you the less time we have to get to safety. Do you understand. It's your choice, stay here and die or come with me and live. That's the reality right now. I get it, this is all my fault I'm the one who forced you to have kids with me and move away out of my safety. All my fucking fault. But now make a choice."
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thanaredreamtof · 1 year
closed for @blindspct continued from here
A part of him was surprised that she was willing to hear him out, but he wasn't going to let the chance go. He stuttered at first, trying to get his words out. "Alana, I'm sorry..." he said, his voice full of regret. "I was stupid...I was stupid to have kissed her...and I'm not going to make excuses for it, I won't, it was stupid and mean and wrong..."he said, and looked into her eyes. "Alana, I have not stopped thinking about you.." he let out an insincere laugh, "please just give me another chance...I promise I'll make it up to you"
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brckensocietyarch · 1 year
{ closed starter | @blindspct​ | possible connection: ex, bully, sibling of friend she crushed on, legit whatever you vibe with. }
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Kayden had spotted them across the room about an hour ago, the familiar face she hadn’t seen since high school. What had she been doing for the past hour instead of going up to them? Debating if it was worth it, f they would even remember her, or if she’d just be utterly embarrassing herself. Thankfully, the multiple shots she had during that hour had loosened her up enough to finally bite the bullet. “Hey... You went to East Lake, right?”
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blindspct · 7 days
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it's been entirely too long since i've updated my pinned post, so i've decided to throw a new one out there to update my everyone since i have gained some new followers. first and foremost, my name's jacey and i'm 27 years old. my activity is hit or miss. it honestly depends on how i feel after work but with that being said, the majority of my posts are queued. i am always up for plotting but the only thing that i ask is that you read my rules first. i look forward to writing with you all!
  muses.  open starters.  rules.  wanted plots. 
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mctionsick · 1 year
moved from here | @blindspct
A slow and playful grin spreads across his face at her question. He shrugs his shoulders like he's trying to remain casual. "Certainly doesn't hurt. I got a couple memories from last night locked and loaded that'll keep me around too though," he teases. "I can stay. When you get tired of staring of this handsome mug, feel free to kick me out though. I can't have you getting sick of me before I can take you out for real."
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angelsdvsts · 8 months
↪ closed for @blindspct | inspo ♡
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"what are you talking about? she wasn't flirting with me at all.." brooks denies, licking his lips, "c'mon, babe chill."
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stayliquidarchive · 1 year
closed starter for @blindspct !!
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" i spend a lot of time wanting to throw whatever i can get my hands on at your head. " she scoffed, glancing off to the side. " you're a pain in the ass. "
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myriadxofxmuses · 1 month
@blindspct from X
Oscar didn't have to either think about or fight the smile that tugged at his lips with her invitation. He hadn't expected them to hang out so soon, but he appreciated her diectness and he was more than happy to share a meal with her. And for once he'd cleared his schedule - the podcast reason enough to take a small break from work. Dinner with her was an added bonus. "Uh, yeah, I'm free," he answered, his happy surprise evident. "Where were you headed? And, as long as it's ok with you, I'd like to be a gentleman and drive us. If nothing else, it'll save you some gas," he offered with a small, somewhat nervous chuckle.
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h3rtzoom · 8 months
Random Starter for @blindspct ft. Avery Guerrero, 33-35, she/her & UTP Click Here for Plot
"I mean there's no better time to debut our relationship. God, do you hear me? I'm making us sound like a celebrity couple who needs good PR." Avery hadn't questioned herself as to if this was a good idea or not but what she knew was that seeing her best friend so heartbroken was something she didn't want to see again. "Plus we're both going to be looking hot, there will be a lot of people at this party and you know they're gonna be there. Looking smug and thinking you're down in the dumps and not dating a hottie like me." She wiggled her eyebrows, probably a bit too excited to rub it in their exes face. Revenge always put a smile on Avery's face. "Now come on, what is it my sister says? Let's take a good pic for the gram."
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popcultr · 7 months
MUSE: roshan hughes / 26 / pansexual
based on this plot HERE
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roshan was on his lunch break and he'd headed over to the flower shop next door, this was becoming a bit of tradition for him. he picked up one of the flowers and put it down on the counter in front of the cute florist, "i'll just take this please" he mutters awkwardly, not really making eye contact with them.
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coconvtfm · 1 year
@blindspct liked this for a starter
wren bit their lip and looked at their partner as they moved their cell phone away from their ear. "that was helena, my ex," they told their girlfriend of six months. "she's saying that her daughter who was just born... could be mine." they revealed and realized that if that was so, then wren and she would have already been talking and flirting, though not official yet. they had a few drunken hookups with their ex after the break-up, but wren had never informed their now girlfriend of that. they hadn't cheated, but it was probably still wrong not to mention it... and now, they were possibly a parent.
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