#blirby notice
Yo, I’ve decided to make a Twitter alt for NON-SEXUAL NSFW drawings (artistic nudity/anatomy basically, majority Len’en, perhaps original stuff in the future)! I’m mentioning this here too since I don’t want to risk getting killed by the Tumblr Overlords by making a sideblog and posting it there.
For some time I’ve actually had some interest in drawing these kinds of things, but have always been afraid of people interpreting it as/acting sexual about it. I hope with this, I can become a better artist and learn new things while also being able to create an incredibly specific type of art (non-sexual NSFW for an obscure video game series X).
Because Twitter is bullshit, here’s screenshots of my pinned thread, PLEASE read it before checking out my alt account.
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I know this is something quite different for me, but I do genuinely wish to improve as an artist and begin going outside of my comfort zone to learn more. And as I said, I really do hope I can bring some appreciation to non-sexual nudity in not just art, but also life.
And once again, if you’re a minor, please do not engage in adult/18+ spaces, for your own safety. I had a lengthy discussion with artists and we all agreed that spaces for artistic nudity and anatomical art studies (and the likes) are very, very fundamentally different from those kinds of spaces.
Anyways, here’s the link to the account (sorry for rambling so much lol)!: https://twitter.com/BlueKirby_2
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i write fanfic you nerds. vast majority of it is len’en tho
edit june 22nd, 2023: ok ill add more to this. most important thing is im gonna (and plan to add) more tags that you might wanna click on, just in case they ever become hard to find
my musescore my youtube channel my tumblr
my carrd (i basically just use it as an infrequently updated shmup accomplishment tally place tbh)
night sakura of dead spirits
poecile atricapillus and passer montanus
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