#blitzbee week 2024
stickycircuits · 5 months
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@blitzbee-week day 3: attack !
this one is absolutely my favorite so far- im so proud of how the lighting came out on blitzwing <3
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pasquiart · 4 months
Day 6 NOSTALGIC 💕🥹♥️
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lovelycatdraws · 4 months
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Blitzbee week 2024 day 6: Nostalgia
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maryvioletique7708 · 5 months
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{ Day 2 and 3: Sunrise | ATTACK || @blitzbee-week }
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ultrabananapudding · 5 months
Has there been any recent HoA week (with ready prompts) or am I just out of the loop..... 🤔
My experience with Until Dawn Secret Santa exchange from last year was very positive so now I'm excited to jump into another one, this time with HoA ‼️
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blitzbee-week · 7 months
Blitzbee Week 2024 is happening! ⚡🐝
Join us May 5–11 for a week full of prompts dedicated to the Bumblebee/Blitzwing ship! 💛💜
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While we do provide prompts, you may follow them as loosely as you'd like or come up with your own! There is also no obligation to fulfill every prompt. Have fun with it!
This event accepts all creative forms regardless of media or skill level. AUs and other continuities are welcome too! NSFW is allowed but please tag your works accordingly. We will be using the tags #suggestive and #valveplug for filtering purposes.
Please tag us and use the tag #BlitzbeeWeek2024 for your works! There will also be a collection on Ao3 under the BlitzbeeWeek account.
Blitzbee Week is also being held on Discord (18+).
Prompts in text below cut.
Day 1 (May 5): Forbidden Day 2 (May 6): Sunrise Day 3 (May 7): Attack Day 4 (May 8): Hot/Cold Day 5 (May 9): Scars Day 6 (May 10): Nostalgic Day 7 (May 11): Hope
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alicefromwhichplanet · 4 months
Alice’s Ship Guide: Blitzbee
Good day. The Blitzbee Week 2024 has just concluded. I had a lot of fun attending it. However, after seeing some of the interpretations of this ship, I find them quite different from how I understand this ship. At the same time, many of my friends who share my interest don’t ship Blitzbee, which probably has something to do with the popular interpretations of them. So I would like to share my views on this ship, and see if I could inspire some new thoughts on them. Should be fun.
*most of the following analysis is based on tfa, but not limited to it. I like shipping two generally consistent characters in different universes, as a way of training my imagination with slightly different dynamics.
1) They are two childishly reckless young adults. There is an age gap but not very big/important.
Most of the ships I like are “mutuals”: they are equal in strength and mental status. They understand each other better than others.
In tfa, we see many “corresponding” characters in the two camps, for example, Lugnut and Bulkhead are both “the bulky one with destructive power” on both teams. Blitzwing and Bumblebee form a “corresponding pair” as they both play the role of “the funny talkative guy in the team”. They are both young and reckless, having an immature side of them compared to other teammates.
Examples are:
Examples are: Blitzwing (in particular his “random” alter) made a free fall into autobots to have fun messing with them , forgetting about the task Megatron repeatedly told him to do first. Likewise, Bumblebee acts recklessly on many tasks/occasions as well (for example, challenging “Colossus” on a tv show).
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The two have an amazing interaction in the episode “Velocity” when they chased/raced with each other, which clearly shows their similarity in personality. Many have noticed the childishness of Bumblebee but failed to see that in Blitzwing as well.
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As for the claims of Bumblebee being “underage”, you have to admit autobots are using child soldier in their army to prove that (which is not likely). Bumblebee attended military school in preparation for the elite guards, which should only take adult/ almost adult students, long before he joined Optimus’s team of engineers. The team doesn’t treat him as a child. And seeing from Blitzwing’s personality, he is not so far from Bumblebee’s age. The two are like 20 and 25 year olds mentally.
Also I want to mention that the age of transformers should not be the counted the same way like humans, because they are alien robots who don’t die easily unless they are killed in a military conflict. There is little chance they will perish for old age (all the parts are replaceable), so they can actually live for a very long time if no fatal accident happened. In this case it should be natural for adult bots with an age difference to date, for there is no obvious physical deterioration as age increases. In this case similarity in mental age/ state of maturity is more important than actual years of living. This makes Blitzbee a couple with similar ages rather than a couple with huge age difference.
2) “Growing up together” is the most interesting theme in their relationship.
As I have said, Blitzwing and Bumblebee are both reckless, immature young bots, I would like to see them growing into more responsible and stable ones through learning to take care of each other.
Blitzwing has the mental issue that causes mood swings. He also might have experienced more trauma of war and abuse compared to Bumblebee (the famous triple-changer adaptation being the major one in my fan fiction ideas). After he developed a secret relationship with Bumblebee he would become more stable and his trauma will be healed to some extent by Bumblebee’s powerful, devoted love.
This leads to my major take that Bumblebee should eventually play the role of a “caregiver/protector” in this relationship, speaking of mentality. He should learn to be the one that “fixes” Blitzwing with love and trust. I love to see Bumblebee grow up and learn to be the responsible one that takes care of his lover, rather than staying in the shell of childishness forever and letting traumatized Blitzwing do all the dirty work. Growing up together is an amazing part of this ship and I would love to see more of this in their dynamics.
3) Megatron and the Decepticons are not their enemy.
This is also a major issue I’m having with the majority of Blitzbee fandom. I’d like to propose that since we’re depicting a cross-fractional relationship, it is an excellent chance for us to explore the autobot/decepticon dichotomy in a more meaningful way. Both camps attracted numerous followers and lasted long in the civil war. It is neither reasonable nor meaningful if Megatron’s reign is sorely established on threatening, violence and jungle rules. The decepticons should have fraternity/comradeship inside their camp if autobots do. Decepticons love and respect their battle mates as well, and Megatron as a much trusted leader does show care towards his decepticon soldiers (no need to say that tfa Megatron has shown amazing tolerance and a cool mood in all three seasons). Dehumanizing decepticons to create obstacles for blitzbee is the cheapest and most shallow way of interpreting them either as a couple or as two individuals. Blitzwing as a decepticon soldier has his beliefs and loyalty to his camp too. It is sad that many blitzbee writers simply dismiss Blitzwing’s choice of being a decepticon as being threatened or forced into it, which is just unreasonable since Blitzwing is one of the most trusted subordinates of Megatron. There is a way of exploring both Bumblebee and Blitzwing’s struggles of dating an enemy and their guilt of betraying their camp they willingly joined. This makes the ship more in-depth and lively, only that it requires the shipper to have enough knowledge of politics and an unbiased attitude towards the decepticons.
4) They don’t follow traditional heterosexual roles. They are a homosexual couple (basically, gay. I can also accept genderbending both of them women).
This actually applies to every couple I ship. I don’t like the traditional depiction of romance that requires two individuals to either play by the “feminine script” or “masculine script”. I think this kind of view is rooted in unreasonable expectations/ gender stereotypes of patriarchal society, and is harmful and outdated. I don’t want to assign Blitzwing and Bumblebee fixed roles as “top” or “bottom” as well. Everything should be dynamic in their relationship.
5) If they become mature enough to handle children, Blitzwing is the carrier.
This conclusion comes from 4), and also simply because of the fact that in tfa, decepticons are larger than autobots, this naturally makes the possible cross-fractional kid a “middle size between autobots and decepticons”. This means the kid should be bigger than usual autobot kid (if spark-sexual reproduction is possible) and it would be dangerous for autobots to carry a half decepticon child. If such rule exists, there should already been natural selection working on Cybertron to let the decepticons carry the child if pregnancy happens. Also, as I mentioned in 4), I don’t want to assign traditional gender roles to Bumblebee and Blitzwing, so when it comes to carrying, it is actually the same as other things they should do as a couple: it is alright for the fittest one in a relationship to do it. If the child is big, Blitzwing be the carrier. It’s natural and smooth.
6) (nsfw) Size kink? They have so many more kinks! They actually enjoy non-penetrative sex and spark sex.
This is also based on my take of dismissing traditional gender stereotypes. Penetrative sex is not the only way to get pleasure. Since there is a size difference, it should be uncomfortable/ unpractical for Blitzwing and Bumblebee to carry it out often (If you think they have a size kink, I’ll have to say that kinks shouldn’t be the main reason they get together as a couple, or the relationship would become unhealthy with objectifying the other for sexual pleasure. And it’s certainly not the kind of serious relationship that involves love and respect that I’m trying to write about.).
For one thing, they are very playful childish individuals, besides, sexual reproduction is still not in the codes of Cybertronians, it is actually a perfect chance to break the stereotypes of sexual pleasure solely achieved in penetration. I would like to imagine Blitzbee having all kinds of kinks that may entertain both of them trying all kinds of tricks. Penetration is just a bit too old-fashioned for them. Spark sex, as a more daring method free from any trouble of size, should also be a good choice for them.
7) If there are humanformers, I would like to see Bumblebee being Latino/from Latin America, and Blitzwing being German.
This is my personal interpretation of their human forms based on their accents and designs in canon, and some of the interpretations in fandom. Their personalities fit pretty well for people coming from these two regions, and Blitzwing in particular. There are simply too many German implications in Blitzwing (his accent, his helmet and look, icy) that I just can’t imagine Blitzwing’s human form being anything else.
If you like my interpretation and would like to try this ship, I’ll recommend you my blitzbee fan fictions (ideas). Though they’re limited in number, they’re all consistent to my interpretation above.
Old World, New World
One More Light
Bayverse (Bumblebee movie):
(And the just finished Blitzbee Week 2024 piece)
The Phantom of the Opera
More works are under construction. And if you want to hear out my headcanons just search for #blitzbee in this blog. Thanks for reading!
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moonlight-tmd · 4 months
Thank you so much for sticking here with me, I really hope you liked it. It’s the first time I’ve done something like this so comments appreciated!
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stickycircuits · 5 months
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alright yall, time to kick off for blitzbee week! im so excited!!
@blitzbee-week Day 1: Forbidden!
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stickycircuits · 4 months
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weekend got busy so im not able to finish these on time but i still wanted to share for the days! @blitzbee-week days 6 and 7: nostalgic and hope! <3
this week has been super fun and i do plan on finishing these up after this busy weekend!
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stickycircuits · 5 months
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cutting it close but i made it! @blitzbee-week day 4: hot/cold
i've been using this week to try to push my colors and i've been so happy with how much progress i've made!!
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stickycircuits · 4 months
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@blitzbee-week day 5: scars
not my favorite piece of the week but i'm still happy with it <3 and it's probably bc my sleep schedule is changing up but 2 more days to go!!
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stickycircuits · 5 months
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day 2 of @blitzbee-week! Sunrise <3
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lovelycatdraws · 5 months
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Blitzbee week 2024 day 1: Forbidden
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lovelycatdraws · 4 months
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Blitzbee week 2024 day 5: Scars
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lovelycatdraws · 4 months
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Blitzbee week 2024 day 7: Hope
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