#blob slendy
slendy eating some creepy pasta
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snzysimper · 2 years
Some sick Slendy for @itchy-twitchy-sneezes
Ok, so I head-cannon that when Slendy is sick(mostly if he has a fever), the sticky substance that his tentacles are made of just kind of forms on the rest of his body and he sort of just melts into a messy sticky blob-
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And then here’s what you all came for:
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jaskanetic · 4 years
Dream Time
So I had this dream, that like ....
I was in this BIG ASS TREE and the tree had a big ass forest inside of it, with another BIG ASS TREE the biggest tree in the forest.
There was a leetle forest kingdom, an I was like.... An actor ? Or something? I was cosplaying for an anime.
So I went to this building cosplaying this character to play the character for this play.
And there was another actor with me that I was all buddy-buddy with.
The thing about that was, there were these two other characters.
Technically three but.
Only two were significant.
They looked.... Vaguely like Sans, but they were also very different. Like... They were short, thin, with round heads, bone-white skin. Yes, skin. And they had a certain... Smile ... One that was a lot like Sans's but not. That was probably the only sans thing about them- their smile just looked vaguely like his, everything else was very unique and different.
Oh, and they had skin.
They were like ... Spirits?
They had on these cute little suits- like button shirt, vests, no jacket tho, no hat. Brown pants, weird .... Boot, things.
I think one of them had a marking on his cheek? Idk.
They followed me around everywhere. Like they've known me since childhood, and they were obsessed with me.
And we all lived in this... Weird building together, with a bunch of workers for different places. As if majority of population lived in like... This really weird ass ... Orphanage-type building. But it wasn't an orphanage, it was filled with adults made to work.
And the thing was, most people were some sort of like .. spirit. Fairy. Mythological being. I was the only human, I think.
We had our own table, me, the two spirit dudes, and the third guy- some super tall slendy ass tree dude who never said anything.
In a weird way, I was also their servant? Bc I was human. But like ... They never hurt me or anything, I was treated just as fairly as everyone else.
So, like, during the play. These two, strange spirits were like... Super jealous I was buddy-buddy with this other actor. One of them was SUUUUUPER jealous, the other was mildly so.
So, after seeing them like that, the dream skipped to me making them like lunch or dinner or something in the cafeteria of that building.
And I gave them their food and sat with them and we chatted, and I could tell they were both like... Possessive-ish? But didn't mind much. Something was off with one of them tho .. the one that was super jealous- he was the one with the weird, vague marking.
So, something happens, then I'm confronted, I think, if I remember correctly. They tell me some stuff, confess some thing. And I'm like "I gotta think about it" which upsets them both. I think in the dream I returned their feelings, but I was just iffy and lacked experience and stuff. Oh and they're spirits and i was human so.
The one with the marking keeps getting really jealous, so he goes full on yandere. He has this like .... Cave?
In the biggest tree in the forest, he has like, a chamber. The tree is hollowed out, there's an obvious entry hole but no one comes to this tree because they can't? Thry just can't. No reason. Like some higher power prevents them.
Through the entry of the hollow tree, you could eventually descend underground- into a hallway, which led to a large chamber. The chamber had a window in the ceiling, which filtered in sunlight during the day, the rest of the room had torches lit.
The chamber floor had this diamond pattern, but at the center, it broke a bit into this.... Weird symbol. There was also a hanging cage- a few cages hung in the center of the room. There was an open, lowered cage, and a blood stain on the floor, as well as a very... Disfigured human body. And the thing was- it was my body. Like.... They killed me and brought me back to life, for whatever reason.
And by that I mean- apparently these two spirits are far more than they appeared to be. They looked innocent and helpless but in this dream world, they were the most powerful beings to have existed. Yet because of me, they disguised themselves, and followed me around.
They had this... Ability, to take my soul, and recreate my body. With all my memories and things intact, minus what they didn't want me to remember. In this case, them killing me.
Well, this marked one killing me.
Apparently, he tried pulling some sort of magic thing on me, to make me fall in love with them? It didn't work because I was already, in love with them, I just wasn't ready to accept a relationship. But something happened, it backfired idk, I went literally insane like a zombie, and he had to kill me.
Which was fine, because he remade my body and I woke up the next day in the dream without memory of what happened.
But HE wasn't fine. The other spirit- was possessive and jealous, but he was ok with waiting for me, and tried to talk to the marked spirit. But the marked spirit- SUPER yandere and shit and kinda OOF'd. The marked spirit kept trying to find a way for me to accept being in a relationship with them faster- as if he was afraid I'd eventually lose interest and move on. (Very hard for me to fall out of love).
He kinda went insane. His magic stuff went too far. One day I was cosplaying Kagome for a play- and then somethin happened. Ended up in this dark area with cogs turning and stuff- looked like the inside of a clock tower?
These... Monsters... Zombies? Idk, they were zombie-like, but something else. Pinned me down and started to try and eat me. At first, the guy- the spirit with no mark- had followed me. He wanted to rescue me bc yknow, he cares, but he was also like "I doubt they'll hurt her much". So he was kinda debating letting the zombie creatures scare me for a while for some sort of revenge.
Welp. Revenge backfired.
He got pinned down or stopped or something, don't quite remember if something fell on him or some unseen force halted him- but once he couldn't move, he panicked REALLY BAD, not for hist safety but for mine. Bc as soon as he was down- the creatures actually started biting and tearing into my flesh and everything.
Like. I was screaming, fighting, bleeding out, and dying.
And i think at some point he was like, deadass crying. But couldn't do anything- and even then, it was too late for me apparently.
So I died a second time.
When I was dead, idk what happened to the monster things, I think he killed them. But then he went outside of the clock tower, and was pretty pissed at the marked spirit- or not pissed.... He was pissed but mostly like "i gotta stop this dumbass now why do i love these idiots".
Bc the marked spirit was kinda losing his mind in his tree cave.
At this point, neither of them made me a new body yet, and for good reason. They were gonna have some argument and didn't want me getting caught in the middle- that and some other crazy shit was going down in the world idk.
But as a weird, human spirit- I made my way to the tree, and stopped in front of the entrance.
Where I saw, inside the darkness of the entrance, these... Goopy... Amalgamated blobs. With glowing eyes and reddish-copper skin. No idea why they were there.
Then my perspective shot back in time to when I was getting murdered by monsters. Then it shot back to the tree entrance and went into camera view- where my vision zoomed into the entrance to see all the goop monsters, and then back out.
And it just kept switching back and forth. And then to the unmarked spirit who was like "some bad shits about to happen" and went to the tree to find the marked spirit.
And then suddenly, I saw the marked spirit in the tree entrance, with his hand shoved through a goop thing, his fingers out and everything. And he was laughing, and telling me something? He was really angry, not just at me, but at a lot of unrelated things. And I was kinda scared, but also kinda felt bad for him, and wanted to help him.
Then the unmarked spirit appeared beside him. And they both stared at me. And all I heard was "ours" and the dream ended.
And the setting of the dream was really... Beautiful. And very fantasy esk.
Also I think in-between everything I also FUCKED the two spirits but I honestly don't remember.
Have fun with this knowledge.
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