#blob slenderman
slendy eating some creepy pasta
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paintedlepard · 1 year
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Also! With the rebooted art blog comes a new sona! Meet the Letter A, a shapeshifting creature who LOVES flexing his weird biology and playing dress-up <3
He's called Letter A because every single one of my self-insert ocs has a name starting with A, so I decided a silly guy meant to just Be Me should be the epitome of that concept!
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akanemnon · 1 year
Im going to give your character and twin runes cast milkshakes, based on what i think they like
First up: Your Oc/Pfp (I can't remember they're name):
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Red velvet milkshake. (This one is a random guess)
On to Kris:
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Blueberry milkshake! (They don't sell any moss-shakes i'm sorry) Fun Fact: Blueberries, like Kris, are a little bitter but are also sweet (in their own way).
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Chalk board shake lol
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Chocolate milkshake, of course!
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Strawberry milkshake with a cupcake on top!
Papyrus Sans and "Slenderman"
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A glass of milk. Papyrus cause it is good for your bones, sans cause it's low effort, Gaster cause its good for your bones and low effort to make as a blob.
I think you're pretty close for most of them. I never tried red velvet milkshake, so I can't really say that for my sona. It's not a common flavor over here, but the colors fit them! Gaster is the only one where I'd say that he doesn't like milkshakes/milk. The only thing Twin Runes Gaster drinks is Pepsi Max.
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levitheeldritch · 21 days
I offer you all the drawings of my hallucinations from like... 2022.
(minus the hanging man. I haven't drawn him yet, he's recent.)
Feel free to ask me questions about them.
I should redraw these guys soon.
Edit: current theory about what they are:
My childhood imaginary friends, which happened to be all creepy, had persisted far past childhood. They have repurposed themselves to be of use to my anxiety disorder, serving as a function to keep my fight or flight in check.
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I've had them from ages 6-now, and the only explanation I have is... Trauma...??? Specifically from horror movies. Except Wayne.
So, we got:
Slenderman in a fedora
The girl from the ring
Blob?????? I think they're a manifestation of fear. Or something.
Dead little brother (dw it was 10 years ago, I'm fine)
These two MFS that MOVE. bro was waving at me.
I have no clue about legs though. I think they were from a very specific ghost video I watched when I was like... In elementary school.
I'm happy they aren't super vivid and believable hallucinations though. At least it's just shadow people and disembodied legs.
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randomanimehoe · 2 years
Caverns, pt4
Aight listen up, I’m back. My motivation decided to leave me and return later with a cheap pen and box of cheezits but I’m here. Enjoy the fic
CW: dark fic, manipulation, mention of homicide. It’s creepy pasta what did y’all expect
(this is cringe)
I sat still as a statue, a lingering feeling of nausea sat in my stomach. How did he know so much about me, my thoughts, my dark desires, my name and where I lived.
More importantly, his offer. It was tempting, too tempting. I badly wanted to give in- NO (—) you're stronger than that, you promised yourself you wouldn't stoop to his level.
But what if no one knew...
I was snapped out of my apparent trance my a knocking on my door that echoed throughout my bedroom. My little brother came in, "Yo fatass, dinner time." He turned and left without another word. How rude; typical brother. 
Sighing, I dragged by jelly-like body to the bathroom to wash up, though I didn't really feel like eating. I put my hair up and washed my hands, still feeling like I'd just come off a roller coaster with a million loops.
As I approached the dining room I was hit with the smell of fajitas, a smell that normally brought joy to my soul, a savory, bold smell that I could get high off made me gag slightly, like when the dentist pushes their tools just a bit too far back.
I couldn't refuse the meal, not without being questioned. 
"Did you already eat?"
"Are you sick?"
"Oh so we're being ungrateful now?"
I didn't want to hear it.
I forced myself to eat just enough to make it look like I had an appetite, however every bite I took felt like I was swallowing a mouthful of needles coated in vinegar and pure vanilla; a gross mixture or sour and metallic. Imagine eating your own vomit, that's what I felt like.
"So how was skating (—)?" Asked my mom. I turned my head to look at her. Basically, I was a carbon copy of her. We had the same hair, same eyes and same stiff personality, only if she were to appear suddenly in a movie It'd be as thunder crashed in a hurricane, a perfectly timed breeze blowing her hair just so, emphasizing her power and influence as a person. My entrance would be more like a mouse caught in a trap, baited by a slimy blob of peanut butter.
"It was fine, though I feel on a jump and hit my head a bit." I saw her head turn, a scowl on her face, eyes wide and a wrinkle in her forehead. "I'm fine though, I just need to sleep it off," I quickly added.
She glanced at me, doubt and suspicion in her gaze piercing me like an arrow at mach 15, waiting for a crack in my facade that she could use to create a lecture.
But no, she simply shrugged and went back to her  fajita, leaving me alone.
My little sister spoke up soon after, telling everyone how she'd leveled up in dance and how she was almost at a full middle split. I didn't really pay attention, trying to focus on getting through dinner. I couldn't seem to choke down my food fast enough; it was as if my body was putting a wall between my mouth and stomach. 
Ten minutes later, I'd finished, so had my brother. I excused myself, saying I was tired and wanted to go to bed early, even though it was only 7:30.
They seemed to buy my excuse, letting me slink off to be alone with my thoughts.
I plopped down onto my bed and let myself sink into the mattress like an iron boulder in the ocean, my thoughts just as heavy and endless.
I WANT to kill him.
I NEED revenge.
But Im BETTER than that.
I CANT become a murder like him. 
Is it murder if I don't kill him? What if I... toy with him until he kills himself?
But I'd probably have to get help from that slenderman.
How do I find him?
654 words
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divinamour · 2 years
There’s a spectrum of non-human shapeshifters that tracks how non-euclidian someone is. On a scale from Ditto to Fox Movie!Mystique. Ditto being the extreme far end that’s literally just a blob with two dots and a line drawn on to make it seem affable and non-horrifying. And then there’s Fox Movie!Mystique that’s just a creature in the shape of a beautiful woman walking around with her scaly-titties out. 
Double Trouble is less extreme than Mystique, because they have a tail. Odo’s... past Double Trouble, but before Mystique. Pale corpse skin and no real face is kinda... Slenderman of him.
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dayoung-remade · 6 years
that wanna teleport pee brain thing is so scary i saw a thread on twt n i cant even finish reading it bc i’m so creeped out i’m schleep
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bioodorange · 2 years
Wow, I just had this crazy thought 👀
If Brian is this "unstable" as he is as a proxy.
Imagine if his S/O took his place?
Like instead of him turning into a proxy and serving the Slenderman/Operator.
It's actually his S/O, and he is living a "normal" life, but without them. So maybe he came back to life but just because his S/O offered themselves in return. So basically it's like inverted roles.
I would imagine that this man would become a mess, losing his friends and now his S/O to the giant faceless creature, his everything.
Just think about it:
(Small TW at the mention of drugs and alcohol)
Brian is at a party, music blasting while he lays in the cold bathtub, weed in his hand and a beer bottle in the other as he stares up blankly at the ceiling, the world becoming obsolete as his cross faded mind can only be filled with thoughts of you.
A small tear running down his face as he regrets meeting you and ever developing anything for you, yet at the same time, he misses you and wants you back.
Wow, my mind is spurring today 😳
THIS IS AMAZING WHAT?? I dug my self into a little pit I am so sorry it took me so long to respond to this master piece!! I free wrote a little drabble I hope you do not mind.
Music played just outside the door, the base so loud Brian could have felt the vibrations if he wasn't half submerged under water. It was like he couldn't hear it, everything in his mind was muffled by static. The buzzing had followed him everywhere since that night- or was it a week? That he couldn't remember no matter how hard he tried.
What had happened was a blur to him, it hurt to try and think about it. The few memories he had felt like he was sitting in the backseat, watching a scene unfold as a third party but from his own body. The only thing about it he could grasp was the people. While he could picture names, faces and even a select few events before it all happened, all that stuck out in his mind was you.
It was surprising because he had the least memory of you. Your hair was short, he thought, at least in the blurred more recent memories he had. Blunt and uneven in some places it was like you cut it yourself but was somehow fitting, charming almost on you, it framed your face well. A face he couldn't piece together. Even things before the incident, when you two were new couple, were disturbed, unlike his memories of everyone else.
Everyone else had files on them to- reports, job histories, facebook pages and abandoned families, yet you had nothing to your name. No old social media, no friends, no possessions he could find. The only thing that kept him clinging to your existence was yearbook photos and tapes. Tapes that had him, Tim, Jessica, Jay- everyone who was a mottled blob in his memory including you.
Brian's vision became hazy like his memories as he focused again and looked away from the ceiling, his eyes dancing with color as they readjusted to the light. Placing down the bottle of warm beer in his hand, he took a long drag from the joint that had miraculously survived his trip in the tub.
Standing up, a trail of water followed behind the blonde as he climbed out of the bath. A small puddle began forming at his feet as Brian began staring again, this time not absentmindedly, but at his own reflection. His cheeks were gaunt, sunken more than his natural cheek bones. His eyes looked dull too, somewhat hidden by his overgrown fringe. His hair hadn't been this long before, atleast not that he remembered.
He didn't remember much these days, everything speeding buy as he sat stuck in an intoxicated pit. Something he did remember though was how much he had loved you. How you had started this fire in him that fueled his every motivation. It was what helped him get up in the morning and soothed him to sleep at night.
There were vague memories of you tracing the tattoo's that ran along his arm. He could faintly smell the cologne you used on week-old hoodies and clothes for date night. The plushness and warmth of your skin felt almost real to him, but not quite enough as he gripped the cold, rigid marble of the counter.
That was it, all he could muster up from the hell he had lived through where you never left his side. Brian could not bare to think about it, how you had died with his memory. He had no other comforts or memories of you- well, aside from your name.
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gypsywillow · 3 years
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We love a good monster movie, especially ones that are unpredictable and terrifying. Monsters can be giant or small, alien or natural, they can surround you or come from within. Below are our favorite monster movies.
Alien Invaders
The Blob (1958)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Alien (1979)
The Thing (1982)
Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
Signs (2002)
War of the Worlds (2005)
Slither (2006)
The Fourth Kind (2009)
Dark Skies (2013)
Extraterrestrial (2014)
A Quiet Place (2018)
Nature’s Finest
The Birds (1963)
Jaws (1975)
Piranha (1978)
Cujo (1983)
Twister (1996)
Anaconda (1997)
Open Water (2003)
The Happening (2008)
The Ruins (2008)
Frozen (2010)
Crawl (2019)
Not So Gentle Giants
Them! (1954)
Godzilla (1954)
Jurassic Park (1993)
King Kong (2005)
The Host (2006)
Cloverfield (2008)
Pacific Rim (2013)
Colossal (2016)
Rampage (2018)
And the Itty Bitty Terrors
Gremlins (1984)
Ghoulies (1985)
Critters (1986)
Arachnophobia (1990)
The Reaping (2007)
Water Creatures
Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
Loch Ness Horror (1981)
Leviathan (1989)
The Host (2016)
The Shape of Water (2017)
Sweetheart (2019)
Sea Fever (2019)
Underwater (2020)
Wendigo (2001)
Mothman Prophecies (2001)
Leeds Point (2008)
The Barrens (2012)
Indigenous (2014)
The Mothman of Point Pleasant (2017)
Shortcut (2020)
Ancient Beings
Jeepers Creepers (2001)
Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Sinister (2012)
Ritual (2017)
It (2017)
It: Chapter II (2019)
Bye Bye Man (2017)
Urban Legends
Candyman (1992)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Bye Bye Man (2017)
Slenderman (2018)
Mercy Black (2019)
Leprechaun (1993)
Leprechaun in the Hood (2000)
Dagon (2001)
Darkness Falls (2003)
The Hallow (2005)
Boogeyman (2005)
Pans Labyrinth (2006)
The Mist (2007)
Under the Shadow (2015)
Krampus (2015)
The Mimic (2017)
The Society (1989)
Wrong Turn (2003)
The Descent (2005)
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (201)
Chernobyl Diaries (2012)
The Montauk Chronicles (2015)
The Lodgers (2017)
Stay Out of the Fucking Attic (2021)
The Monster I've Become
The Fly (1986)
Under the Skin (2013)
Spring (2014)
They Look Like People (2015)
Split (2016)
Us (2019)
Invisible Monsters
Pontypool (2008)
Altitude (2010)
Resolution (2012)
Bird Box (2018)
The Invisible Man (2020)
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remorseless-bastard · 3 years
Sone Jeff headcanons because why not?👀👀👀👀
Jeff wears mainly sweatpants and tank tops. But he does switch to hoodies in the winter.
Jeff threw away the classic white hoodie over ten years ago when he outgrew it.
If he is peeing inside a bathroom, he will sit down to pee. Because why stand up when you have a perfectly good seat right there?
He does stand if he is going outside though.
He eats a lot and very fast. Not only a massive amount of food but he also eats whatever he can put his hands on. Good food, bad food etc. The man can eat a whole entire roasted turkey within fifteen minutes.
He is nearsighted. He really needs to stand pretty close to you just to see you. Besides that, you look like a blurry blob.
However, his hearing and smell is fantastic. He can hear everything and smell a rotisserie chicken from a block away.
Jeff is a chubby chaser. The man is 6’6ft and 350lb. He doesn’t want someone very slender. He is afraid of crushing them if he hugs them too tightly.
He been smoking since he was a teenager. His voice is very deep but hoarse too.
The spooky white faced killer isn’t him. That was a photoshopped picture he did called “White boy James” And people for some reason thought that was actually Jeff the Killer. Jeff is a tan hispanic man and that picture looked nothing like him besides the dark hair color.
Jeff’s hair is really thick and wavy. But only half of his head grows hair since the other side of his face is burned.
He didn’t become a killer just because he was bullied. He snapped because he was horrifically abused by his father and his mother did nothing to stop the abuse.
Jeff cut a smile in his face out of spite. Not to look pretty.
His mother always told him “Just smile! Nobody needs to know what’s going on at home!”
So Jeff was like: “Okay bet.” And cut a smile into his face.
Jeff getting set on fire was from a hate crime. It was more than just bullying.
The shitty homophobic/racist kids were the ones who captured fifteen year old Jeff, poured vodka and cleaning chemicals on him and set him on fire.
Jeff doesn’t really know the other creepypasta monsters.
He had a drink with Eyeless Jack once and didn’t even know that he kills people.
He saw Slenderman while he was peeing on a tree. He was drunk and assumed that he was just seeing things.
Slenderman was a little grossed out by this and just left Jeff alone.
He never inappropriately put his hands on any of his victims. Jeff only kills people and thats it. He’s not a creep.
He hardly has a filter on who he kills. He’ll throw hands at men, women and children.
However! He does lowkey have a target towards abusers like his father.
Jeff snapped and killed his family when he was fifteen. (A fifteen year old felt a little more realistic than just a middle school kid lmao)
Its been over ten years since the day where Jeff snapped. He hardly remembers all of the details, so whenever he tells the story, some minor details are different.
Jeff’s brother is alive and well. He survived the stabbing and was put into foster care.
He just never reached out to Jeff or wants anything to do with him. Because being stabbed and almost dying is pretty traumatic.
Liu is currently a mental health nurse who is happily married to his husband and is currently raising their twin daughters. He is living his best life without Jeff.
Meanwhile Jeff still thinks he killed his brother and still mourns over his death.
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angeloncewas · 3 years
Dude, that's my path to Dream. Got tumblr, saw cut post about Mavin, watched slenderman rage quit, watch AH, Jeremy joins, Jeremy streams Among us with Chilled, recommended becomes flooded with Among Us, I get recommended 5up, 5up in lobby with Lud, Lud in lobby with Corpse, I watch Corpse, I watch clip of Corpse and Dream meeting, YouTube recommends Dreams response to cheating, I need more context, binge Dreams videos, he goes live on twitch (had no idea this was a rare thing) I am now a Dream stan.
WAIT THAT'S KINDA COOL. We made like a weird cross-pathing and ended up at the same place. I went from Among Us to Tommy to Wilbur to Dream - the influence those space blobs have had on the world is immeasurable ahfcjkd
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talesfromthecrypts · 3 years
its not an insult tbh but would it be fair to say that you don’t really have standards when it comes to this genre of movie? if you like the vibe you like the movie?
Oh no there are standards. Its just I'm not judging say Malignant on the same exact scale I'm judging say The Lighthouse on. Different movies have different standards them (and the vibes) fit to. Which for the case of this ask I'm going to assume the genre is horror (though I could go off about any of).
Let me use some recent examples of stuff I don't like. The 2019 Carmilla movie is supposed to be an adaption of a lesbian vampire novel. Not only are there no vampires in it, but its boring as sin with uninteresting characters. Both Slenderman and #horror are utterly incomprehensible in editing and on top of that neither has any sense of actual fun at all. The Slenderman movie is a gray blob with nothing to look at and nothing to remember about it. A Classic Horror Story basically lists out the tropes its using and the movies its ripping off as if that gets it points.
For some comparison of similar recent stuff I like. Bit (also a queer vampire movie from 2019) contains all sorts of vampires, memorable scenes, and actual characters with personalities. Something like Unfriended or Spree has a sense of fun to it, there is color and I can tell what's going on. It feels like the people making it wanted to be there. Malignant is like ACHS in that it is a hodge podge of horror genres and references but it never feels the need to be like "haha remember Evil Dead", "you ever seen a giallo?". You either get it or you don't and that was part of the fun
So in short, the vibes thing is sort of a joke cause yes I have standards but they aren't me expecting a cheesy fun horror movie to fulfil the same needs as The Green Knight or a serious Ridley Scott movie. Malignant and The Conjuring or Unfriended and The Lighthouse shouldn't be judged to the same scale because they are not trying to achieve the same things.
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symphonicspecter · 3 years
Which mythical creatures/cryptids are your favorite(s)? Feel free to expand upon your answer of you want!
Me thinking about monsters: fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah
Okay so in no particular order
Mothman my beloved. Theres a few of you following me that know one of the reasons he’s a fave but I’m not disclosing that publically. I think as a cryptid he’s very neat because there is an event associated with his sightings!
And while Mothman is most famous for showing up around Point Pleasant before the Silver Bridge collapse, there have been sightings of a similar creature by different names in Mexico and southern US before a swine flu outbreak, and I don’t remember the location but somewhere else before an earthquake. Would be neat if they’re related, like this creature that tries to warn people of disaster. Although of course from the skeptical side it’s probably been misidentifed birds and coincidences. But it’s fun to think about!
Also the typical design of this vaguely bug-bird-human blob that’s pitch black with big eyes is really cute. It’s also just fun to see all the different ways people draw him. And he’s a little bit of a meme which is fun. Fun fact the first time I read about Mothman was in 4th grade and the book had a creepy drawing of him staring through someone’s window, so some nights I was afraid that if I opened the curtains I’d see him staring at me. .
I like the Jersey Devil too, theres a lot of cool designs of him. Like yesss gross demon horse man lets gooo. I also think it’s really interesting how some of the “sightings” are not actually of the creature but of hoofprints and disembodied voices. Somewhere in New Jersey a beast is tap dancing on roofs at night and I think that’s great. .
Fresno Nightcrawlers! They’re fucking pants. They’re just so funny to me. Just these weird little baggy pants lookin guys walking around in people’s yards at night. .
The Chupacabra is another fave of mine and has been for a while. I personally like doglike interpretations better than the alien ones. Spiky vampire dog is such a neat idea. Horrible for your livestock though. Maybe if Chupacabra is real we could tame it 🤔
For non-cryptid creatures:
Dragons!! In case it’s not obvious when I have a dragonsona. I’ve loved dragons since I was little. I ALWAYS was the “why do they have to slay the dragon why can’t they befriend the dragon” kid. I had lots of books of dragons as a kid, from story collections to novels to drawing guides to history and famous dragons collections. And I would read them again and again.
Im not quite sure what drew me to dragons versus other mythical creatures at first. Except that they’re very cool and there’s lots if different kinds. Dragons are really cool because they show up in myths all over the world! So there’s lots of stories and lore.
I love how dragons are so popular and varied that there’s lots of designs for them too, and they still continue to be popular creatures, even a fairly common sona!
I think another thing I’ve liked about dragons over the years is the experience of drawing them. Because there’s not just one dragon design, I used to draw dragons a lot to practice different types of animal bodies and colors. And I didn’t feel as pressured for accuracy as I did drawing animals and people.
Slenderman. One of the most modern monsters in terms of creation time. I think it’s VERY cool that he’s borne from the Internet, so the spread of his popularity and trends in the myth are recorded. Like, this is a myth that you can find the origin of and view it yourself (I don’t know if the site is still up actually, but I’ve seen screenshots so I know there’s at least that). I really think Slenderman was done dirty by popular media. He deserves a better movie and to be known for more than just bad incidents. I love the wide range of takes though. I know I keep saying that but I really do think it’s neat how people interpret creatures differently. Slenderman is cool in that some people make him scary, others make him funny, or sympathetic. And while typically he’s made scary, or at least spooky, there’s different ways he’s scary. Some people like him as a violent killer, others like him as a psychological predator. It’s really neat that no two Slendermen scare the same way.
Also he’s just a neat looking monster. 10/10 would get a gangly hug
Cerberus/hellhounds. They’re scary looking but they’re just puppies! Good boys and good girls! Houndoom is one of my favorite pokemon too (it’s inspired by hellhounds)
On one hand, manticores are not one of the first creatures that come to mind, BUT whenever I see one I always think oh !!! How cool!!! They have a very cool design! While it’s never said explicitly in The Divine Comedy that Geryon is a manticore, his design is clearly based on one. I love that “the beast of fraud” has “the face of an honest man” but when you look beyond that it’s a monstrous body, it’s a symbol of deception! .
W*nd*gos are incredibly controversial bc of their origin and the usual design for them is inaccurate, but I’m using that as a reference point here. The actual myth of these creatures I’m not as much a fan of. However, the “big black furry beast with a skull head” is one of my fave designs. I’ve seen some proposals for calling this design pucca after the black shapeshifting creature instead! Tbh I think we need a new name entirely since this type of monster seems detached from other myths. It’s just a very neat design that I wish we could call something else!
Okay ummm that’s it with naming I think. But I like all sorts of weird creatures! I like animalistic looking ones more than humanoid or abstract. Ive probably said it many times before but I love monsters that are actually sweet or friendly.
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What if, when in the mind and away Thomas, all the sides revert to a base look of eldritch entities with no true shape or form?
Maybe blobs, sirenhead and slenderman sort creatures, or other things of the sort?
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salted-cushions · 4 years
I keep seeing references to the Onceler on tumblr but I refuse to learn who or what that is
in my mind it’s vaguely connected to slenderman, the grinch, and tim burton. I picture it as a vague grey blob somehow wearing a shortish top hat with a smart silk band, and as far as I’m concerned there needs to be no eludication on the subject
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Plant for the ask thing (that’s the green one right 😅)
grass types, yes!
- my favorite pokemon of that type
dhelmise. i absolutely love dhelmise. it doesn’t look like a grass type at all. it is a giant anchor dragged up from the bottom of the ocean when you fish it out, so you’d think it’d be water/steel. but noooo. it’s grass/ghost because the actual pokemon is the faceless seaweed blob tangling the ship parts together into something resembling a face. that’s stupid. it’s stupid. but also wonderful and horribly creative and i love this crazy ass idea and pokemon needs to do more creepy ghost shit like that. and also its ability gives it steel type attack bonus anyways, so it’s also a big fuck you to typing in general. what is there not to love about dhelmise.
- my second favorite pokemon of that type
applin. it’s a wyrm in an apple and that is the silliest possible way to implement a grass/dragon type, i love it, look at this small bean. i love its big dumb eyes and its cute small tail i just. baby. baby!!!!
- the cutest pokemon of that type
rowlet! it is small, and round, and also has a permanent home in ash’s backpack, it is baby!!! what else is there to say?
- the most stupid or dumb (looking) pokemon of that type
listen. look. i know the dlc makes it an actually endearing character and actualy a baby that you bond with genuinely after helping it. i’m all for that. BUT i still am so unnerved by calyrex. why are its limbs like that. if your limbs are going to be like that you should be on all fours. i hate this slenderman bigass giant fuckin head deer motherfucker bastard.
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