#bloodlines richelle mead
adeoetregina · 3 months
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INSTAGRAM AU >> Vampire Academy/Bloodline Series
Re-make of my old edit
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retiredficwriter · 5 months
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acesydneysage · 10 months
Reasons why The Indigo Spell is my favorite Bloodlines book:
Witchcraft! So much cool witchy stuff!
Sydney and Adrian aren't together yet, and there's resisting and pining and oh, but they give in and make out every 50 pages or so
How much of a goner Sydney is from page one, she thinks about Adrian constantly and misses him the second they're apart, while telling herself that the idea that she's "already halfway in love with him" is crazy
How insanely bad Adrian is at "loving from afar"
Adrian making heart eyes at Sydney while she throws fire balls
Sydney watching Adrian paint and going MINE
Crossword in the airplane scene, just how well Adrian knows her
Sydney actively going against the Alchemists, questioning what they tell her and being resentful of how they used her
"His face was the picture of perfect politeness and restraint, meaning something disastrous was probably about to happen."
Oh no, I'm completely horrified at the idea of having to touch and dance with a vampire, I'm not thinking about when he kissed me at all
Sydney and Ms. Terwilliger actually developing a mentorship, Ms. T driving herself to the ground to protect Sydney and Sydney saving her
Talking about Ms. T: "He looks like he would do anything for you" She met him once! Captain of the ship! Well, Jill's first mate, anyway
Sydney and Adrian playing supernatural detectives!!!
The kiss at the college party
Adrian looks at Sydney's aura and almost explicitly states that she's demisexual
"I'm a quick study"
Alicia is a cool villain
Malachi Wolf is back and has a squirrel cookie jar, and Sydney can't wait to tell Adrian about it, momentarily forgetting she's supposedly leaving for Mexico
The whole melodramatic set up for their kiss and first date in the end is so, so Adrian, and he found a place Sydney would adore
If anyone wants to explain what their favorite book in the series is and why, please tag me :)
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artianaiolanthe · 2 months
I know I'm the only one actively on the "Moroi society is inherently cult like" rn but like the more I think about it the worse receipts I have.
The "royal" society of Important vampires is also all encouraged to keep the bloodline from getting too murky. Like sure none of the main relationships are close cousins so much as distant relations but they are easily able to trace things like Christian having "just enough Dragomir ancestry" that his and Lissa's kids could be Dragomirs and that reads as "oh great we're related enough that our kids can matter more!"???
The whole plot with Mia also, that she's able to be mocked and ridiculed for being mistreated for dating (having been groomed by? What was the age difference again I don't have my books) Lissa's brother when she was more of a commoner and had no royal blood to her name. That Lissa was able to steal her boyfriend so easily not only because of spirit but because they were in an entirely different class.
The weird as fuck caste system that's basically "Royal Moroi > Commoner Moroi > Guardians > Other Dhampires > humans/Alchemists"
It's a rabbit hole no one asked for but I have No Choice But To Dig because otherwise I'm completely entirely lost
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maranoahs · 1 year
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Recently played Resident Evil and the model Leon was based on, Eduard Badaluta is definitely my fancast for Adrian Ivashkov. He is Romanian and 6’1 like Adrian.
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jetsteelyourheart · 4 months
Bloodlines Book 5 Silver Shadows by Richelle Meade
Illustration of the wedding <3 I moved the location. I mean, Sydney loves roman architecture? And they're in Las Vegas? Honestly Caesars Palace just seemed like the obvious choice (I considered the Venetian but the locations outdoors at Caesars were just more picturesque)
Excerpt from Chapter 20 of Silver Shadows
"Oh, hang on. You need this first."
I caught hold of her hand and slipped on the newly made engagement ring. Sydney's breath caught at the glittering array, and then she looked up at me in alarm, finally realizing where the funding for this adventure had come from. "Adrian, those are your aunt's."
I led her forward. "And now they're yours."
The officiant knew about our time constraints and kept the service pretty basic, mostly sticking to what was legally required in the state of Nevada. He did add one part that was his own design, words that burned into me and repeated in my brain later when I slipped the little glittering circle of rubies onto Sydney's finger: "Until now, you have always lived your life alone. Every decision you've made has been for you and you alone. Now, and for the rest of your days, your life will be tied to another's. Every decision you make will be for both of you. What one does affects the other. You are a family, a team... inseparable and unbreakable."
They were powerful words for someone like me to hear, someone who'd indeed lived a pretty selfish existence. But as I met Sydney's shining eyes and saw the hope and joy radiating from her, I felt up to them. I was ready to take that selfless step with her, to know that everything we did now was about the two of us and, eventually, our family. This was the biggest decision I'd made in my life... and the one I did most happily.
When the vows were said and the rings were on, the officiant pronounced us husband and wife. I drew Sydney to me and kissed her, full of love and life and the happiness of what we had in store for us. When we finally pulled apart, the minister added, "I'm very pleased to introduce the world to Adrian and Sydney Ivashkov."
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sparrow-sage · 1 year
Sydney and Adrian and their feelings mirroring each other’s, a compilation
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Bloodlines/The Indigo Spell
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Bloodlines/The Indigo Spell
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The Indigo Spell
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The Indigo Spell
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allaboutthedrama · 9 months
I'm curious about how active the Vampire Academy book fandom still is. Specifically, if anyone out there would be interested in reading a retelling of the Bloodlines series from Jill's POV? I've been rereading the books and felt inspired, but I'm not sure if there's anyone else who would want to read it? If you think you might, please interact with this post or send me a telegraph or something, idk how the kids are doing it these days.
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angee1011 · 8 months
I need to rediscover my roots…
And by roots I mean that era from 2011-2015 when I was obsessed with Sydney Katharine Sage and Adrian Ivashkov.
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yikuaidanggao · 18 days
Yesterday I went to a book shop nearby and saw a Bloodlines copy. It was on a stand in the front, I feel like it means it's selling good.
And It made me sad again that we've never got to see our golden girl Sydney Sage on screen.
I just hope one day Richelle decides to write a continuation to the story.
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What's your top 10 Sadrien moments?
OH GOD TOP 10?? Alright bet!
1) The iconic 'my God Sage, your eyes' NO BRAINER
2) When Adrian stands up for Sydney when everyone keeps pestering her about her blood. The way he defends people and stands up to others is just not appreciated enough.
3) THEIR FIRST KISS ARBRASRSTBSRBR always has me kicking my legs and giggling bro UGH
4) When Adrian rescues Sydney from re-education and Sydney is like 'are you in a suit? 🥹' and Adrian was all like 'I'll make the witty lines here, Sage'.
5) When Sydney threatened to kill someone for Adrian HELLO?!?!
6) "Will you do this deadbeat Moroi the honor of marrying him?" 🥹😭
7) Not really a Sydrian moment but when Adrian holds Declan for the first time and starts crying and reads his aura and chokes up its just so sad and precious and I really think he was meant to be a father tbfh
8) Adrian always finding cute nicknames for Sydney LOL
9) omg THEIR DANCE AT SONYA AND MIKHAILS WEDDING (and Adrian photo bombing someone's photo honestly iconic).
10) Last but not least, Adrian calling out Sydneys eating disorder. As rude as it may have seemed, u think it was the wake up call she needed and Adrian genuinely helped her take a step back and look at it all just like she did with him.
11) When Adrian's scared of losing Sydney and she starts crying over him and he's like 'I never thought I was worth anyone's tears' and he finally went to get on meds 😭
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retiredficwriter · 2 months
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“Takes a lot of tries before you hit perfection.” He paused to reconsider that. “Well, except for my parents. They got it on the first try.” Happy Birthday Adrian Ivashkov!
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fromevertonow · 1 year
How about we skip another VA adaptation from the beginning and just jump to the part where Sydney and Adrian meet? Could we do that?
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artianaiolanthe · 1 month
The magic system in this series is so fun and cracked and fascinating and yet we're limited by the fact that Moroi are more focused on protecting (their) peace than doing anything. Characters like Christian and Tasha and Mia and Jill are, in theory, working on finding more useful and productive methods of using these abilities but both because of Rose being limited in her exclusion from that part of the narrative and the status quo of the court we kind of get robbed of seeing anything other than the exploration of spirit.
Which is cool, don't get me wrong seeing the beauty and chaos of spirit is plenty cool. But we see the other elements used in creative ways like--
Christian melting Rose's zipcuffs off her wrist
Mia and Jill using water as a distraction via "smothering" the Strigoi and making constructs
Victor and the Zmey using earth as a way to anchor compulsion! The lust charm, that tattoo ink, fuck spirit I wanna know more about that--
And this is twisted but air being used in Lissa's torture. Suffocating and smothering her with it.
"oh but the rules are to prevent them from doing anything this harmful" scouts honor isn't stopping them from doing the harmful shit either. The ones who want to fuck people up are gonna do it, why not even the playing field so everyone can defend themselves?
Oh? Moroi are dedicated to the greater good? They don't need to protect themselves that's what Dhampirs are for?
Hate to agree with Victor but Y'all Are Dying For a Reason
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booksbeyondimagining · 10 months
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Changed polishes today.
"Opulent Obsession" by Orly - a deep cherry red, almost black creme (although it feels like a jelly almost). Paired with Vampire Academy and Bloodlines by Richelle Mead because this bloodred nail polish should go with some vampiric books.
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jetsteelyourheart · 1 year
Thanks to Bookclub where we read Bloodlines outloud on the internet, I've been spouting off character interpretations left and right and of course I've been overthinking one about Adrian recently:
When Adrian goes to see his dad, he ostensibly seeks to gain a few things from it: money for his living expenses, for his dad to show some interest in his life, and information about his mom so that he can have contact with her while she is incarcerated.
Sydney notices that, in spite of this, that Adrian has chosen to specifically dress and behave in ways he knows won't endear his dad to him: he wears jeans that are getting holes in them (not jeans that are designed that way, ones that specifically are getting worn down), he crumples up his shirt so it has wrinkles, and then when he gets to the restaurant he orders a martini immediately.
None of this is set up to get Adrian what he wants, which is first and foremost access to his mom. When everything falls apart its easy to look at the scene and read Adrian as argumentative and not even trying to give his dad any leeway, even as Sydney tries to stay out of the father / son fight so Adrian can have a chance at getting some of what he came for. This obviously ends badly, with his dad laughing at the thought that his son could or would want anything serious from him. He writes Adrian off without a thought and then tries to apologize to Sydney for Adrian's existence with a payoff.
So why did Adrian go about it the way that it did?
I see it as a defense mechanism, one that I can relate to. When you are viewed as the bad kid, the worthless one, there is a deeply entrenched defense mechanism that comes about over time. If someone always expects the worst from you, at a certain point you lean into it - both because its generally easier than trying to change their mind, and also because it hurts less.
I think that no matter what Adrian did, his conversation with his dad would've gone the same way. He would have asked for money and told he was irresponsible, he would have tried to tell his dad he was going back to college and trying to be better and his dad would've written him off, and when he asked for a way to contact his mom his dad would've told him no and that it was his fault she was in prison.
Now imagine this scene, going exactly the same way, but Adrian is putting on the best version of himself he can. He's wearing the right clothes, following his father's lead, sober and stays calm the whole time. And his father still puts him down -- not for who he is now but for who he thinks Adrian is.
So Adrian puts on the wrinkled, messy clothes. He orders the martini. He orders the second martini.
Because this way, when his dad writes him off, at least Adrian has the comfort of knowing he wasn't trying the best he had. At least his best isn't proven to be not enough.
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