nr-bonsai · 3 years
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Fire🔥🔥🔥🔥 #adenium #adeniumobesum #insatadenium #instaflowers #desartrose🌹 #obesum #hybridadenium #doubleflowers #fullbloom #fulloffire🔥 #naturesreflectionbonsai #adeniumbeauty #instaobesum #bloomrose #multicolor #colorfulflowers #colorfullflowers🌼🌺🌱 (at Chittagong City - চট্টগ্রাম শহর) https://www.instagram.com/p/COG2b1RD_pG/?igshid=xmuaoker1t6o
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Oh no, I see boat in the dentist... Also I like your outfit cube!
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Cube: "Oh, well, thanks! I guess-"
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Boat: "Oh now I'M being weird or wh"
Cube: "Yes you are now shut up and get out of the water-"
Boat: "Geez fine you don't have to shout at me--"
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Boat: "There. I'm out. We good? Can I go back?"
Boat is available for asks now
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ynvrish · 2 years
Aesthetic username!🌾
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Jewels of the moon bathed sea
The waters of Cobalt Sands are said to once have been home to the moon gazed souls, mystical spirits born from fallen stars. Most of the archipelago’s residents are descendants of those spirits. Along with the waters, the villages too have a lot of interesting history.
Kati invited me, Shara, and Daisy Jane for a visit to check out the shops. She also introduced us to Justine, a friend of hers who runs a jewelry shop called Glittering Spring. Along with exploring the archipelago, we’ve been collecting gems on the shoreline so we can craft stuff with them.
The inn we’re staying in has a lovely view of the coast and we can see many of the other islands in the distance. To the north are the Pearl Waterfalls, Broken Ribbon Reef, and Lemon Stone Springs. Violet Coal and Bloomrose to the east, the Dandelion Reef in the south, and the city in the west.
There’s also a partially hidden area that used to be some sort of lab which has been abandoned for centuries. Apparently there’s some political issues surrounding the records stored there so while the place isn’t exactly secret anymore, it’s closed off to the public - though that doesn’t stop curious onlookers from trying to steal a glance. What makes the lab a place of interest is the fact that the god who once stood alongside the moon gazed people directed many of the experiments so most of the records were his own personal notes. While the experiments and research itself were not controversial in any shape or form, it’s the circumstances that were going on behind the scenes that pose an issue. Of course, because of the mystery surrounding the whole thing, it’s a hot topic full of speculations.
Glittering Spring is a quaint little shop located at the end of Cobalt’s commercial street. Justine’s been running the business for almost eleven years now. Jewelry making started out as a fun hobby for her that eventually turned into something she could see herself pursuing. Over the years Justine has evolved her craft, not only creating exquisite designs, but also products that are practical, environmentally friendly, and cost effective.
Before that, she was an actress best known as the lead on a teen musical sitcom. I never really got into the show but I’ve seen a handful of episodes and it was an obvious attempt as a vehicle for another teen actress turned pop singer that ended up falling flat. It’s not that Justine was a bad singer - far from it - in her own words, she was mediocre, especially compared to her co-stars. The show only lasted two seasons and by then Justine had completely lost interest.
As much as she enjoyed music, that venture into the pop music scene made her realize it wasn’t the path she wanted to pursue. Her experience on the show as a whole was pretty much the exact opposite of what she wanted out of life. While she was fairly popular back in the day, she never gained the same traction as other young stars, and that became obvious as she got older. After the show was canceled, Justine made a few small appearances here and there before retiring from acting all together to completely focus on Glittering Spring.
Now she enjoys a quiet life in the archipelago, spending her days getting in touch with nature and creating art. Like most of the residents here, Justine is a descendant of the moon gazed - on her mother’s side - so she too has always been drawn to the sea. Early in the mornings Justine goes for a swim and while getting her exercise in, she also collects various sea gems so she can make her products. Cobalt Beach is said to be rich in jewels, most which can only be found in these waters. Sounds like a nice way to start the day!
That’s the main reason why we’re here - to collect sea gems! Around this time of year, pastel crystal starfish are the most abundant so that’s what we’ve been collecting. Other treasures we came across are sango pearls, luminescent ores, radiant azure sapphires, and violet sandstone.
Sango pearls aren’t exactly rare as they can be found in other places in the world, but they are quite uncommon around here. Justine uses those to make earrings and hairpins, both which sell well, though they also tend to sell out quickly. Luminescent ores are what she uses for most of her jewelry along with pastel crystal starfish as they’re the most accessible - it is often said that it’s easier to find high quality luminescent than low quality golden leaf diamonds (a rare and often sought after gem). They indeed look very pretty! As for the other gems, Justine keeps a close inventory of them and frequently rotates her products based on what’s available.
Being out here exploring the islands, it’s easy to get inspired by the scenery. I’ll admit, I’ve been feeling a bit creatively burnt out lately. I think it’s because I spent the past several days making scrunchies a while back to give as gifts - I didn’t mind too much but being a knitting machine puts a lot of strain on your wrists. In all my years of knitting, this is the first time I overdid it. Because my wrist was sore, I was unable to knit or draw or do pretty much anything that involves using my hands a lot for a while. Thankfully rest has helped my wrist - next time I’ll be more mindful so I don’t end up hurting myself again.
A lot of Justine’s designs are inspired by the coral and foliage on the islands. There’s a lot of organic, curving, wavy shapes, fluid like the ocean waves. What sticks out to me about Justine’s art style is her use of soft pastels and muted earthy tones - like the earth and sea.
It’s good to see Shara in better spirits as she’s been having a rough time. She’s still going strong on her journey of healing and as expected, she’ll hit rock bottom (or worse) on some days. Part of that process is coming to terms with a bunch of hard truths and accepting that not everything’s gonna work out for the best.
Just as Shara predicted, certain people in her life objected to what she’s been doing. In her father’s words, seeing a therapist is an insult to her family. According to his logic Shara is either too dumb to have agency over her own life or she’s dangerously manipulative and deceiving so she can’t be trusted. She’s long accepted that there’s no winning with someone like him, but when it comes to certain other people, it’s a lot more complicated.
Let’s just say there’s a reason why a lot of us have trust issues. Nothing like confiding in someone you thought you can turn to, only to have them dismiss your problems and/or make it all about them. Then they complain about you never telling them anything the next time you have something going on. Bonus points if they make you feel worse or irrational, like it your own fault that you have problems. It’s basically telling someone,”hey, I feel upset about something” and they’re like “you’re not allowed to be upset, maybe it’s your own fault if you feel that way” without ever acknowledging the real issues, especially if they are part of the problem.
Shara’s been working on how to stand up for herself more and given how most of her family tends to walk all over her, it’s easier said than done. Out of all her brothers, Shara got along best with Tanner, at least until she started putting her foot down. Honestly, while I have gotten along with him, he does have that “I think I know you better than you know yourself” kind of attitude, which is probably why I don’t hang out with him much. Although he does care about Shara and doesn’t put her down as much compared to the other brothers, he does treat her like a doormat, always expecting her to put him first. It’s no wonder Shara can’t advocate for herself - she never properly learned how.
She had ranted about this on our server when Daisy Jane and I, along with Andrea, Cheyenne, Raiden, and Rocky were online. Basically, Shara and Tanner had been at odds for a while to a point where Shara finally had enough and went off. In a way, she hoped that he’s finally listen to her for once because out of all her brothers, he’s the one she trusted the most. And then he flat out insults her, claiming that she’s been difficult since starting therapy. He had also went as far as to say he doubts people actually like her that much, also claiming that if she keeps seeing “that shrink”, she’ll end up losing whatever little friends she has left.
Her anger at him definitely isn’t misplaced. Tanner has been talking behind her back for a while, even DMing some of us, practically trying to bait us into saying something bad about Shara. By the time he got to me, I already knew what was going on so I told him that I refuse to take part in whatever the hell he’s trying to do and ignored him after that. I haven’t heard from him since but if he tries to approach me again, I’ll have to block him for a while. He claims that he’s trying to show what kind of person Shara really is to “tach her a lesson” but in reality it looks like he’s trying to sabotage her support system by pushing her friends away from her.
How the fuck is that considered doing someone a favor? Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled the same stunt Dello and Donna’s uncle did with the whole playing victim by manipulating facts to make themselves look better and make the other person come across as irrational. Now that I think about it, they are the kind who tend to throw others under the bus as a scapegoat when it could benefit them.
All of this can’t be easy on her, Shara knew what she signed up for when she decided to face her issues head on and she has no regrets. It’s been a long time coming and I’m happy for her. Despite what she thinks, I consider Shara to be one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. Not because she’s survived the storm, but because she knows and acknowledges her own weaknesses.
Listening to the waves and marveling at the scenery is more than enough to put one in a calm mood. Enjoying a nice hot cup of tea while sitting on top of a cliff overlooking the water - it’s one of those small joys of life that makes the day a little better. There’s a reason why the moon gazed souls strive for simplicity and tranquility.
With the weather warming up and the daylight stretching out, we’ve been able to make the most of our time at the waters. Crystal starfish are so pretty, it’s no wonder why the people call them gifts from the sea. I can just sit down and look at them all day. The sea never ceases to surprise me with its treasures.
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"Every Flower Blooms In It's Own Time" PC:@sbalaji271994 #sbv #sbvphoto #sbvclicks #sbvphotography_official #sbvphotos #sbvgroups #sbvphotography #blushpink #blushpeony #blushpeonies #blushpeoniesplant #gardenglove #flowerphotography #flowerblossom #flowers #flowerrose #roseflower #roseplant #plantrose #yercaurdflower #hillflower #photooftheday #photographyofdslr #photography #camera #cameraday #cameraday2020 #blossomofflowers #bloomrose #rosebloom (at Yercaud Hills, Tamil Nadu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCAjFmwAVAZ/?igshid=1ymstzsj2vxo
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