starscoffeecreamer · 5 months
Different anon here but mechs gaining weight as a sign of health and healing.
Its hit everyone to various degrees and when it finally hits Rodimus he is not a happy mech.
He’s never been like this before, Nyon being starved, fighting a war, leading his crew in the beginning and the many dangers they’ve faced. He is not at all used to having actual weight on his frame.
It’s noticeable too.
His thighs are thick and his hips are round and his aft is bigger and yikes his once curvy and flat tanka are now bloated, curvy, but still bloated. His chassis is heavier too and he has weight on his arms now.
He doesn’t say anything about how much he doesn’t like it but he doesn’t have to.
Drift and Ratchet know him well enough to see that something isn’t right.
Rodimus doesn’t touch them aside from holding their servos. He doesn’t cuddle anymore, something he loves doing the mech will always be touch starved, he doesn’t flirt or tease anymore. Doesn’t initiate fragging or even let them frag him saying he just wanted to watch or wasn’t in the mood—the biggest of red flags all of them— Rodimus was either always in the mood or would touch himself while watching not blushing and staring off like a virgin or like he was embarrassed about something.
He doesn’t like fueling in front of them anymore either and they’re worried.
One night they overhear him talking with Blurr and listen in.
Blurr had heard about Roddy gaining some weight finally and came to check on him. He had a feeling his friend wasn’t handling it well.
“I can admit at first i didn’t like it either, we’re speedsters too much weight will slow some of us down. But I’ve come to like it because of Swindle. He loves putting his paws on me even more now. Maybe you should try that?”
Rodimus saying he doesn’t recognize himself looking in the mirror let alone thinking his partners want to interface with him, has them spark broken.
Blurr gives Rodimus a shoulder to lean on and he clings to the other because yeah he’s still Roddy and he hasn’t touched another in far too long.
After Blurr leaves Rodimus sits there for a moment getting himself together and goes back to his hab to find the two not there.
He can’t help letting himself fall into a depressive spiral as he lays in the other room and recharges.
He’s woken up to soft kisses and servos crawling all over him.
He feels charge building up so quickly after having been alone and untouched for too long only to try pushing the servos away and sitting up.
The two keep him pinned and a deep kiss steals his breath away followed by another.
Servos open his modesty panels and he tries to fight it but they pop open and now teeth are nipping at sensitive cables and he can’t stop his moans.
He feels servos on his tanks and tries to suck them in but that gets him a harsh plunge of digits in his valve and his whole frame is shaking.
He’s in tears and the two haven’t even started speaking sweet words to him yet.
They tell him how beautiful he is. How beautiful he’s always been with this figure and the last. They take their time taking him apart enjoying this new frame gain and how soft he is. How plush and desirable he is now. How vulnerable and open and honest he is compared to the bravado he used to flare. How they enjoy him like this so much better.
How they want him soft and confident in this frame, how they love the way his body jiggles now and how healthy he looks. How supple his energon pouches are and how beautiful his valve looks now thats it’s gotten fatter.
How he’s so breedable now that he isn’t a twig they could accidentally break in half.
They love every bit of him even more.
They want to lavish, touch and ravage his frame more than ever and that they’re sorry they hadn’t shown him sooner.
They really do have a talk after slow fragging Roddy for a full week. Its a side of him they haven’t seen but welcome.
It’s something Rodimus has to learn to accept and he does.
With their help he does.
To their detriment he begins wearing body jewels and silks now his valve is fragged out every day.
I hope you don’t mind this long post.
awwwww! this is adorable. I love Rodi/mus learning to love himself again with the help of everyone.
*adds this to reference box along with thicc seekers*
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void-draws · 10 months
Hello! I wanted to request a fanfic but you have every right not to write it. I would like a fanfic with TFA Blurr where the reader is having a hard day and Blurr decides to help him.
You couldn't help but feel quite down today. To be fair, it would be difficult not to be, considering how your day was. You showed up to late for work, because your alarm didn't go off and additionally, there was traffic jam on every possible way to your workplace. When you had finally arrived, your manager yelled at you for about half an hour about how you couldn't come so late and not even call to notify them that you would be a few hours late. Not only had you forgotten to call, but due to the stress, you had also forgotten your phone. Now, you couldn't even use it during the break to play on it, call or even text anyone. The rest of your day wasn't better either, you were smothered with work, due to the upcoming holidays. Your manager had also decided to use your break as a meeting instead, using you being late as an excuse to justify this decision. You had mentally cursed him for that, it's not like it was the first time he used your break like this either, but you had somehow managed to stay calm, you need this job afterall. On top of everything, your manager had been passive aggressive to you for the whole meeting...
You collapse on your bed inside of the autobot base, letting yourself sink into the soft mattres below you. You relax and look out of the window, it's already dark outside and you've just gotten back from work, what a waste of what could have been a good day.. Sounds of quick footsteps approaching your room can be heard. A voice, rambling, almost talking too quickly to even decipher the words "Ah, you're finally back. I have been trying to contact you all day! I wanted to inform you that we have made great process in uncovering the decepticon double agent-" The voice suddenly pauses, which you now realise is the voice of the bot Blurr. Blurr gives you a concerned look "What happened? Are you alright? You know you can talk to me." You mustered up the strength to bring your tired body into a sitting position, then you answer him "Im alright, I only had a bad day at work." You kind of regret answering blurr's question, as the bot starts to bombard you with questions, you can't even decipher what he just asked, but you can make out the last phrase. "..Do you even want to talk about it, or would you rather rest?" You think about his question for a short while, before answering "I'd like to take a rest. ... Could you tuck me away?" Blurr gives you a quick nod "Of course, I will do that if it makes you feel better."
Not so long ago, you had been completly oblivious of the culture of cybertronians, where they'd safely swallow their smaller companions and friends whole for various reasons, like comfort, safety of the prey, to simply bond with eachother and more. You were first introduced to the concept once blurr moved into the autobot base. At first, it sounded weird and terrifying to you, but slowly you had warmed up to the idea when seeing how well the prey was treated by the autobots. The first time was a little scary, due the unfamiliarity of the whole thing, however you had quickly discovered how nice it was. The warmth, the softness and the comfort of being as close as you can possibly be with your friend. It became a common thing with you and Blurr once you two got to know eachother, even if you can't always tell what he is rambling to you about, it is nice to know, that the bot won't forget you when you're tucked away inside his core.
Blurr gently picks your aching body up, lifting you off the bed and over his intake. He is suprisingly slow for his standards, in order not to hurt you. Carefully lowering your feet inside his jaws and slowly, however rythmicly gulping you down. You can see and feel your feet, then your legs and after that, your torso dissapear into his tight, but soft throat. You relax as Blurr works on gulping your body down, even though it's tight for you, it feels quite nice, almost like a massage from all around you. A few seconds pass, until you are gently pushed inside a larger space. Blurr's fuel tank. The soft walls are kneading at your small form as you comfortably settle inside. You lean back at close your eyes, the sound of his steady sparkbeat lulling you to sleep.
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nazorneku · 2 years
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saraw4ters · 8 months
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siberat · 8 months
Prompt idea: Belly motorboating/kissing. Bonus if that belly is painfully full after being stuffed to the gills lol
It felt like an enormous bowling ball was resting on his midsection, pressing down on his frame as he lay on the berth. His frame felt so heavy. Every move felt damn near impossible! It was as if he was trapped in the stickiest glue that refused to give up its hold. Thankfully, the berth was soft and cozy. Silk sheets definitely added luxurious comfort.
Just how did he end up in this predicament?
Swer/ve groaned. He knew the answer: his big mouth. This time, he didn’t talk himself into trouble but ate himself into trouble. All because of some stupid bet. And his pride. The bet: a bunch of ‘B/ots at the bar claimed that one of his advertised dishes was a scam. You know, if you can eat this whole meal, it’s on the house! Now, why would the minicon offer something he didn’t stand behind?
The meal can be consumed in one sitting.
And the bets were made. Credits slammed on the table, and mechs jeeringly told the barkeep to put his mouth to good use then and prove it.
Usually, he’d talk his way out of it, but upon seeing Blu/rr place his bet, the red and white bot changed his mind.
Blu/rr was betting in his favor, claiming he could devour this whole meal in one sitting.
How could he back out now that his crush was cheering him on?
So, Swer/ve gobbled up the large turkey feast, which consisted of an extra-large portion of cyber turkey, twice-baked lithium potatoes, creamy mac and cheese with little slivers of bacon sprinkled on top, stuffing, and, of course, two generously sized dinner rolls.
It was a struggle to get that smorgasbord of a meal down his throat, and he had the food sweats to prove it as he set the silverware down on the empty plate. He was about to gloat when a large slice of cherry pie sat before him. Suddenly, he remembered this menu item included dessert.
No one knew who groaned louder: Swer/ve of his belly.
But now he lay, painfully stuffed belly up on a silky-smooth berth. He was a richer mech tonight! But that’s not what revved his engines the most. The fact that he laid in Blu/rr’s berth was the best reward possible.
All throughout the feast, his idol was the only mech rooting for him, giving him encouraging words and adoring smiles as his optics raked up and down his rounding frame. Pri/mus, it looked like Blu/rr would rather use his servos to touch and fondle his flab!
Swer/ve wouldn’t have objected, but he did have a bet to win.
He felt the berth shift around him. Peeking up, he received a wondrous sight! Blu/rr was crawling over him like a cybercat, engines purring as a trail of kisses traveled down his chest and onto the belly’s crest.
Swer/ve couldn’t stop staring. Seeing those lips pursed as they kissed at the taunt paunch was ever so alluring! Seeing those doe-like optics stare up at him just ground his gears! Feeling that tongue dart out to have a taste of that bloated belly nearly fried his circuits. Soon that mouth sucked gently at protoform- licking where it was taunt and sucking where adipose accumulated.
And for good measure, a few bites were added in.
And those servos? They kneaded at the soft, dough-like flab along his sides. Fingers dug in and gently pinched, slapped, and groped at love handles as if they were stress-relief toys. Thick thighs were tickled and traced. Swer/ve’s cooling fans whirled to life. This touch sent electric-like pulses to surge throughout his scorching frame, causing him to wiggle and squirm. Suddenly, the minicon felt so alive… and on fire!
Pri/mus, when was the last time the barkeep felt so cherished? No one ever paid him any attention- aside from demanding another drink. Yet here he was, laying in his crush's berth, getting all the compliments his spark could desire. Hearing Blu/rr gently moan as his mouth worshiped the now grumbling beast while hands lavished was just too much! And seeing a sly smile appear on the racer’s face was too good.
However, that should have been a clue. The other’s helm dropped out of view as the servos smooshed the flabby underside of the tummy together. Swer/ve squealed in laughter (and a few burps) when that face shook within his tummy flab.
Pri/mus. He can now say he had his tummy motorboated
sorry I didn’t get into more detail about the painful aspect. I’ll have to make sure I copy the prompt to my laptop when I write. Hope you like! I had to take this down a bit for tumblr. lol.
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pico-digital-studios · 9 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Locations: Universe Chart
In this post, I'll go through the codenames for all of the present universes in Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond!, and what character(s) they are assigned to:
Blur Gang's universes
MP-2021 (OMT universe) CR-2017 (Crossover Realm / EXE CU) NS(Nexus Sensor)-2021 (OMT!Mina's universe) JA-1991 (Mini Sonic's universe) NM-1973 (Mr. Needlemouse's universe) EX-2022 (Xenophanes' universe) DS-2022 / FNF-DS-3110 (D-Sides universe) BK-2009 (Black Knight universe) ND-2022 (ChaosIIUniverse) PR-2023 (Shatterverse) - PR-EGG-2023 (New Yolk City) - PR-GRO-2023 (Boscage Maze) - PR-SEA-2023 (No Place) - PR-GRIM-0000 (The Grim) - PR-FICE-2024 (Deepfreeze Domain) EV-2019 (Errorverse) MV-2023 (Mobiverse) MFF-2022 (Mobius' Freedom Fighters Universe) GI-2023 (Hog's Universe) MY-2023 (Wacky's universe)
Visited Into the Sonic-verse universes
BOOM-2014 (Boom universe) AO-1992 (AoSTH universe) X-2000 (Sonic X universe) MULTI-2023 (Superstars universe)
Quill Society's universes
SS-2001 (Lost Memory universe) STC-1993 (Sonic the Comic universe) AR-1992 (Archie Sonic multiverse) CD-1993 (CD Alt End universe) UG-1999 (Underground universe) LEGO-2016 (LEGO Sonic universe) SUNK-2014 (Sunky universe) FP-2015 (Freedom Planet universe) NM-1963 (Needlem0use universe) MOV-2019 (Movie universe) SA-2022 (Milly's universe) BL-2017 (Blitz universe) RAW-1994 (RAW's universe) DΩ-2018 (Discovery Omega universe) OVA-1996 (Sonic OVA universe) PDH-2011 (Pana's universe) ELE-2023 (Sonic x Elemental universe) VOC-2009 (Stella's universe) PIR-1994 (Somari universe)
Other Sonic universes
IDW-2017 (IDW universe) SAT-1993 (SatAM universe) RE-2014 (Lost Drive universe) XE-2018 (Extraterrestrial Encounter universe) HoM-2023 (Hues of Metal universe) SRB-1998 (The universe of Sonic Robo Blast 2 and its MANY mods) ZONE-0000 (No Zone) - ZONE-SM-1992 (Luna Zone) - ZONE-LAW-2000 (Ligitopolis) - ZONE-ANTI-1994 (Moebius) - ZONE-MER-1998 (Kingdom of Mercia) - ZONE-YL-2058 (25 Years Later universe) NEX-2023 (Sonic Legends universe / Nexus Dimension) - NEX-PM-2008 (Project Mettrix sub-universe) - NEX-UT-2006 (Sonic Utopia 2006 sub-universe) - NEX-ZERO-2012 (Sonic Zero Remastered sub-universe) - (more to be added) PRIME-1991 (the ORIGINAL Sonic universe) EDU-1996 (Sonic's Schoolhouse) EXE-2013 (original Sonic.exe universe) GMT-811 (Green Mountain)
Linked universes (via ties to Sonic)
FNF-NEW-2023 / Earth-111723 (Rewritten FNF universe) EJ-2017 (Spark the Electric Jester universe) RR-2024 (Rollin' Rascal universe) BB-2024 (Penny's Big Breakaway universe)
Disconnected universes
alans_pc (Animator vs. Animation universe) UT-2015 / DR-2018 (Undertale and Deltarune universes) FNF-2020 (Friday Night Funkin' universe) - FNF-BS-169 / Earth-169 (B-Sides universe) - FNF-NEGA-427 / Earth-427 (Minus universe) - FNF-NEO-21821 / Earth-21821 (Neo universe) - FNF-SOFT-10143 / Earth-10143 (Soft universe) - FNF-POINT-22512 / Earth-22512 (Arrow Funk universe) - FNF-ALT-409 / Earth-409 (Funkinverse base world) - FNF-WHOT-88 / Earth-88 (VS OURPLE GUY universe) - FNF-HOLO-16063 / Earth-16063 (HoloFunk universe) - FNF-TOON-2819 / Earth-2819 (Wednesday's Infidelity universe) - FNF-MOBI-623 / Earth-623 (Mobian BF's universe) - FNF-TG-1249 / Earth-1249 (Blueballs Incident universe) - FNF-DJX-221711 / Earth-221711 (DJX universe) - FNF-HF50-13166 / Earth-13166 (HoloFunk Pre-6.0 universe) - FNF-LOGIC-804 / Earth-804 (FNF Logic universe) - FNF-LYRIC-1215 / Earth-1215 (FNF WITH LYRICS universe) - FNF-CLAY-5619 / Earth-5619 (Clay BF's universe) - FNF-MIX2-72599 / Earth-72599 (Alt MIX universe) - FNF-MEGA-12488 / Earth-12488 (B-Bot's universe) - FNF-REW-15221 / Earth-15221 (Return Funkin' universe) - FNF-WII-1119 / Earth-1119 (Mii BF's universe / Wuhu Island) - FNF-CHILD-8814 / Earth-8814 (Childhood Memories universe) - FNF-BLU-923 / Earth-923 (BluBuni's universe) - FNF-SALT-21 / Earth-21 (??????????????) MSYN-2018 (DDLC universe) GC-2019 (Glitch Chaos universe) URB-2023 / Earth-12124 (the city universe where New Identity, New Life takes place)
JC-231 (the old Sonic.exe story universe that's frowned upon by EVERY Quill Society member. Yep, even LM!Sonic.)
SEGAVerse universes
TNL-2015 (Sonic 1: The Next Level universe / Gust Planet) AK-1986 (Alex Kidd universe) RIS-1995 (Ristar universe) NIGH-1996 (NiGHTS universe) SDA-2000 (Samba De Amigo universe) SC5-2002 (Space Channel 5 universe) COL-1990 (Columns universe) FAN-1986 (Fantasy Zone universe) AXE-1989 (Golden Axe universe) MONK-2001 (Super Monkey Ball universe) PUYO-1992 (Puyo Puyo universe) CHU-2001 (ChuChu Rocket! universe) JET-2000 (Jet Set Radio universe) EGG-2003 (Billy Hatcher universe) ECCO-1992 (Ecco universe) SHI-1992 (Shining Force universe) GUN-1993 (Gunstar Heroes universe) ROCK-1992 (Sparkster universe) RAGE-1991 (Streets of Rage universe) TOE-1991 (ToeJam & Earl universe) ARC-2000 (Skies of Arcadia universe) DRA-1995 (Panzer Dragoon universe) AGES-2012 (City of AGES) UNK-0013 (Dr. EggOmega's universe)
CapcomVerse universes
MEGA-1987 (Mega Man universe) VIEW-2003 (Viewtiful Joe universe) BRE-1993 (Breath of Fire universe) GNG-1985 (Ghosts 'n Goblins universe) OKA-2005 (Ōkami universe) SF-1987 (Street Fighter universe) HUNT-2004 (Monster Hunter universe)
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flavionvr · 11 months
Genio della musica ma anche icona della moda.
Il suo inconfondibile guardaroba andrà all'asta il 16 novembre nell'ambito della vendita online The Fashion of Prince, organizzata dalla RR Auction. Oltre 200 oggetti, tra abiti, accessori e gioielli, di proprietà dell'uomo d'affari parigino Bertrand Brillois, avido collezionista degli oggetti del guardaroba del genio di Minneapolis, morto nell'aprile del 2016 a causa di un'overdose di farmaci oppiacei.     La collezione che andrà all'asta comprende, tra l'altro, la celebre camicia bianca con le ruche indossata durante la storica performance nel 1985 alla 12/a edizione degli American Music Awards a Los Angeles. In quell'occasione l'artista, soprannominato His Purpleness per la passione per il colore viola, nonché per Purple Rain, mandò il pubblico in delirio interpretando appunto il brano del 1984, colonna sonora dell'omonimo film. La camicia è stimata 15mila dollari. Quella stessa sera Prince usò come accessorio una spilla da bavero per il suo completo in verde, blu e oro, che è stimata circa 7mila dollari.     In vendita anche il cappotto in cachemire indossato durante Under the Cherry Moon, commedia musicale romantica del 1986 diretta e interpretata dallo stesso Prince. È stimato 25mila dollari.     Come spiega la casa d'aste gli eredi di Prince non hanno nulla a che vedere con la vendita. L'artista, infatti, era noto per i regali che faceva ai suoi dipendenti ed amici, inoltre organizzava spesso vendite di oggetti usati a Paisley Park, il compound studio-abitazione alle porte di Minneapolis.     Brillois, andato a caccia di abiti ed oggetti per circa 20 anni, pensò anche di aprire un museo dedicato alla moda di Prince. Ha abbandonato l'idea solo dopo che Paisley Park fu trasformato in un museo. A quel punto, dopo aver constatato che il lascito dell'artista sarebbe stato al sicuro, ha deciso di mettere all'asta la sua preziosa collezione.
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Phantom (2023) (Thriller)
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt25503544/?ref_=tt_mv BUY on AMAZON : https://www.amazon.de/Phantom-Blu-ray-FR-Kyung-Gu-Sol/dp/B0C6BM2SDS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_(2023_film) Phantom (Korean: 유령; Hanja: 幽靈; RR: Yuryeong) is a South Korean spy action film based on Mai Jia‘s 2007 novel, Feng Sheng.[2] It was directed by Lee Hae-young, starring Sol Kyung-gu, Lee Hanee, Park So-dam, Park…
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sparkdogfirearms · 1 year
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Product Name: Mauser BLU MUSR M-15 CRB 22LR 22R FDE
Key Features:
Bolt-Action Design: Mauser rifles are known for their robust and reliable bolt-action mechanism.
Controlled Feeding: Mauser rifles typically feature controlled feeding.
Strong and Solid Construction: Mauser rifles are renowned for their sturdy construction and high-quality materials.
Adjustable Iron Sights: Many Mauser rifles are equipped with adjustable iron sights.
Accuracy: Mauser rifles are widely recognized for their inherent accuracy.
Product Details:
Stock: Black Side Folding/ 3-Position Synthetic Finish: Flat Dark Earth Sights RR: Folding FT: Folding Capacity: 22+1 Model Series: Mauser M-15 Barrel Length: 16.53 Overall Length: 34.65 36.06 Max
Price: $380.99
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starscoffeecreamer · 6 months
Knockout was not built as a medic. As a racer he had tiny titties that are nice, perky and aerodynamic. When he discovered his interest in surgery he started thinking of altering himself to be more like a medical bot. In particular he liked the huge breasts full of dense energon. Yet he didn't care for the sag or weight of them. No, his breasts had to be something worthy of his name.
His breasts are the obviously fake kind. Round, perky and huge. He's very proud of the design after all he sculpted it himself. Everyone wants to have their hands on it and he's happy to oblige. They're firm but have enough give for a very satisfying squeeze. He loves when Breakdown puts his big strong hands all over them and praises their perfection.
I think when he and Ratchet start spending time together he'd be surprised by Knockouts custom boobs. Maybe discuss designs and how to make them more functional medical pouches. Maybe Knockout gets an appreciation for Ratchets big naturals and changes his mind about having big weighty tits.
Lots of ideas but just needed to get porn tits Knockout into the world.
holy shit anon that's awesome
I both love the idea of racer frames having tiny tiddies and the idea that they have huge ones hidden behind their plating like it's a sports bra (example: i say Blu/rr has huge badonkers behind his chestplate and when he takes it off/opens it they just boing out)
Kno/ck Ou/t would totally have custom tiddies. He's gotta have the flashiest of everything, right? I could see him randomly flashing the vehi/cons occasionally, or even the auto/bots as a distraction
oughhhh I hc break/down as having huge naturals too so maybe they had a tit size contest once
also YES rat/chet has huge saggy weighty badonkers and no one can say otherwise
(id totally cup them tbh WAIT WHO SAID THAT)
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noloveforned · 2 years
no love for ned is on wlur from 8pm to midnight tonight for the annual 'best of' show where we set the clock back twenty years and look at the music i was playing on the radio in 2002. the throwback show is covering the full four hour slot so there's no re-air of last week's show- which you can stream whenever you'd like and see below!
we wrapped up our fall divorce theme last week. all semester long we heard tracks on divorce-inspired albums by elvis costello & the attractions, ulysses, the mendoza line, jarvis cocker, fleetwood mac, richard & linda thompson, marvin gaye, and willie nelson.
no love for ned on wlur – december 2nd, 2022 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label willie nelson // pretend i never happened // phases and stages // atlantic weird year // hydrant // wish and lean - ep // obsolete media objects arrah and the ferns // fire ants // fire ants digital single // (self-released) the john-pauls // kindness // bon mots // aagoo best bets // the minor leagues (single version) // the minor leagues ep // (self-released) twenty five cents // don't deceive me // time to go- the southern psychedelic movement 1981-1986 compilation // flying nun hot tubs time machine // all the drinks // double tubble // trouble in mind les rallizes dénudés // enter the mirror // 1977 live (remastered) // temporal drift the crossing // sound from the bench: ii. mouth piece // ted hearne: sound from the bench // cantaloupe johnny coley // my baby // landscape man cassette // astral editions alison cotton // that tunnel underground seemed neverending // the portrait you painted of me // feeding tube patrick shiroishi, alex cunningham and thom nguyen // that kind of hell // basket of knives // astral editions sirone // that kind of hell // artistry // moved-by-sound muriel grossmann // clarity // universal code // rr gems the edwards generation // someone like you // joe bataan's drug story and other tracks recorded for ghetto records compilation // now-again marlowe featuring blu and joell ortiz // royal // marlowe three // mello music group amerie featuring eve // one thing (remix) // because i love it // columbia naughty by nature featuring heavy d // ready for dem // nineteen naughty iii // tommy boy ovrkast. // montara // montara digital single // do more. baby rose featuring georgia anne muldrow // fight club // go ep // secretly canadian fievel is glauque // save the phenomenon // flaming swords // math interactive disq // the curtain // desperately imagining someplace quiet // saddle creek seazoo // beaten by the rain // beaten by the rain digital single // big terry lucid express // blank // floret // kanine linda smith // confidence // do you know the way..? cassette // preference the reds, pinks and purples // don't come home too soon // everything holy ep // (self-released)
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philippageorgiou · 4 years
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Blu del Barrio and Ian Alexander discuss Star Trek: Discovery with Wil Wheaton in The Ready Room [x]
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woolydemon · 4 years
Autobot Elite Guard: If your man: has a big red eye, extendable limbs, and giant treads as shoulders- that's not your man. That's the Decepticon double agent, Shockwave.
Bumblebee: no that's still my man
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sersi · 5 years
my external hard drive betrayed me and died so, uh, there goes over a terabyte of movies 🤦🏽‍♀️
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entamesubs · 3 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS Blu-Ray: Episode 5
Google Drive ONLY (for now)
Support us on ko-fi
Blu-Ray episodes will come out one at a time every Friday, until I’m done with the full first season (1-13).
The next episode should be up on September 3rd, barring surprise events. We’re out of the RR era and into tempsubs now!
Please use either MPV or MPC-HC to view the Blu-Ray episodes. I do NOT recommend using VLC.
Please check the post for episodes 1&2 to see why.
!! This is NOT a final release !!
Nor are any of the files on Google Drive. They will be polished and edited one more time before being put up on Nyaa. Stuff I decide on changing halfway through these episodes will eventually be changed for Nyaa release.
Until that happens, the Google Drive folder is more like a “final draft” than a finished product. I will not be going back to change font, styling, or certain wording until I’m done with all the other episodes first.
Extended Translation Notes
Typesetting changes
The same as my post on them here for episode 62.
Bahnschrift -> Gandhi Sans Bold.
Athelas -> Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold (for Luke)
White text, black outline, colored shadow for summoning chants for the sake of readability
Bakuro’s font is Lato Black. It’ll be the default font used for most summoning chants unless it’s a special or important character, in which case I’ll stylize it differently.
These are what the subs should look like:
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If they don’t look like these images, please reblog or reply to this post with a comment. I’ll try to fix it before final release.
Minor wording changes “Rules” -> “Format”
They very clearly say “rules” in English over the course of this episode, but in the midst of translating this I realize that a more appropriate localization may be “format” because that’s what we would actually call something like Rush Duels in English.
Rather than “rules”, it’s very clearly a new “format”, which makes more sense for English speakers. When the final version is released on Nyaa after I’m done with everything here, I’ll probably scrub through previous episodes to switch “rules” to “format”, unless it’s fine as it is in context and makes sense.
You may see one or two “rules” in the subs for this episode; they were kept intentionally. Otherwise, we’ll mostly be using “format” whenever they refer to Rush Duels like this again.
Rush Dragon Dragears -> Striking Dragon Dragias -> Multistrike Dragon Dragias
So if you haven’t noticed, Dragias’ name has been on a wild rollercoaster ride since the start of this series. A lot of people are used to Dragears as it was the initial translation by YGOrg. This is not really wrong, by the way.
The reason why there is so much switching is due to localization. With the official release of the SEVENS Puzzles & Dragons collaboration event for global servers, we learned that the TCG name for Dragias is “Multistrike Dragon Dragias”.
This also backs up an earlier-released pillow set with English monster names, so you can expect to see “Yamiruler, the Dark Delayer” and “Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar” in the subs after finalizations are made.
Why? Because I believe in using the TCG names as that is what people will be most used to once the game releases here in the West (and yes, it is coming). I have already been using TCG phrasing for various other terms, like “tribute summoning” instead of “advance summoning”, or “spell card” instead of “magic card”.
As we get more news on the TCG release of Rush Duels, I will be changing card names accordingly.
Light Bullet -> Light Blast
Some more minor Dragias changes. This is the name of his first attack. I felt like “blast” was a lot more accurate than “bullet” which is just the literal translation of 弾 (dan).
Bakuro’s lines
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“Rush Duels [have] got very shallow rules, where even I, who has difficulty remembering things, can remember them easily.”
Original Japanese: 「ラッシュデュエルは覚えたての僕ですら簡単に勝てるほどの底の浅いルールだとね。」
This is just a straight-up mistranslation. Unfortunately, this is not what Bakuro said.
It should be something more along the lines of “Rush Duels are so shallow that even I, someone who’s just learned it, can grasp it so quickly”. Bakuro does not have a faulty memory.
覚える can mean “to remember” or “to memorize”, however its second definition is also “to learn”. What makes this definitively “to learn” is the presence of the ending たて (-tate), which is used to signify when it’s someone’s “just done” something.
In this case, Bakuro has “just learned” Rush Duels.
廃刊 (haikan) “ceasing publication”
When Bakuro is defeated, he says these words. Earlier in the episode, they were translated as “shut down”, but the word specifically means “ceasing the publication of some news or article” which also includes things like magazines.
The reason the subs say “report... over” instead of “ceasing publication” or “shut down” is because I just felt like it was a really weird set of words to say out of context. I instead opted for something that makes more sense in English, like Bakuro who’s just finished reporting from the scene, therefore “report over”.
For people interested in the raw BDMV vs encoded final video comparisons, click here. (Click the image in the center to swap between “raw BD” and “encoded”).
Translation, timing: entame Proofreading: angelthinktank (Yona) Encoding: PelvisBass
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Regarding the news and timing of said news,
I don’t know… I honestly have mixed feelings.
On one hand, I want to be cautiously optimistic with the whole thing because I want to see if they finally got the message from the fans (including us on the Blu Crew), but at the same time just because something is now on HBO Max or really any of these streaming services doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gonna be good… Especially with the shit we got with those last seasons - excluding RR because it was a spin-off set in the same universe.
I’m going to wait until more information comes out and when that happens, I’m going to try to be as open minded as possible.
Until then I’m just going to sit back and observe, and that’s all I have to say.
Am I happy? Yes - honestly I’m happy at the idea of more official TD content, but I feel like that old saying of “Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me twice? Shame on me.” applies. And considering what they’ve given us in the past, you can’t exactly blame a lot of us - myself included - for approaching this with a little bit more skepticism. It’s just the first announcement after all and that doesn’t make any of the vague details in it concrete 🤔🤨
What about you? Thoughts on all this?
I’m feeling the same way! I’m really skeptical. I’m not keen on the idea of a season with new contestants. If anything fresh now knows what the fandom wants. It doesn’t sit well with me that this announcement is coming after blu productions was shut down.
Who knows if the content will be any good, I’ll end up watching if there’s some kind of reunion season because I’m Duncney trash. The idea of a season for hbo max interests me because I’m wondering if that means a seasons will be more pg13 like the first was? Like if it’s a season too “inappropriate” for Cartoon Network?
It will probably be a while until we get any details, so like you’ll I’ll just be on standby until further notice.
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