#blue exorcist astaroth
ghost-foxx-goddess · 4 months
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Shura and Astaroth for the fusion event on discord
35 notes · View notes
trancylovecraft · 5 months
(AOEX) The Blood Of An Unwilling Covenant
PART 3 OF 8: Astaroth
(Yandere Platonic Demon Kings (Ba'al) x Reader)
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Her hands gripped around the cold metal bars, The nipping of the night's air reflecting in the brisk chill coming from them.
A half-crescent was placed high in the sky, The moonstruck light reflecting in the ebony skies along with the sparks of the stars gleaming like spilled glitter. It was a beautiful night, One you could stare at for hours upon from your bedroom window while you fell into the depths of Hypnos's hold.
But he didn't have a grasp on [F/N] tonight, Instead she was wide awake to view his mother in all her glory. The song of the wind travelled through the outskirts of the town she stood in, Symphonic in nature as it played through her hair.
[F/N] stood grasping the corroding bars of the towns cemetery, One of it's kind and a rarity for Japan as the majority of the dead decided to be cremated. She was lucky it was in walking distance from the youth centre.
It had been about a year since the incident with Umaimon or whatever his name was, Only becoming a funny story to tell while mingling. She hadn't thought about it in ages however, Less than a C plot to her current arc.
Her eyes peered through the bar gaps, Pushing her face right in between as irises searched the perimeter for any kind of staff attending to the tombstones, Or whatever they did, [F/N] didn't know.
But she did know that there wasn't anyone in her sight, No matter how far she squeezed her face in between the gate bars or how much she listened out for any footsteps. Made sense, These places always tended to be understaffed.
She'd been staking this place out for nights now. Just like clockwork she would slip through the cracks of her old window, Always after making sure that the makeshift dummy of pillows and blankets was fastened in place.
[F/N] hadn't been allowed out for ages now, Serves her right for sneaking out so often and getting into trouble she supposed. But it was cruel not to let her come here, Not to let her speak her sorrows.
This was where Tetsuya was buried after all.
[F/N] stuffed her hand into her basil-coloured hoodie, The darkest shade she had to hide her in mother nights shawl as she pulled out a branded flashlight.
It was a childish design, Really. It was trademarked by scooby-doo, An American cartoon she and Tetsuya use to watch on the daily. It was designed like that old van the gang drove around in, Blue with green flames and the occasional orange flower to break it up.
It was also a flashlight that use to belong to Tetsuya, A fact that she smiled at, Admiring the chipping paint only for a moment before she flicked it on.
The light fluttered. [F/N] had to shake it to stabilize the rays as it finally shone against the bars in front of her.
It finally illuminated the grounds hidden behind the gate. Though the moon was luminescent it only helped to see the shapes of gravestones and flowers within the dark, The shadows consuming everything else leaving it difficult to see.
Though with the flashlight she could now see the exposed engravings of the granite rocks. Whispers of the dead and their legacies inscribed onto the stone. A brother, A sister, A mother and a wife was what they were known as but they weren't anything she knew.
As usual, There was no guard to react to the spotlight. Incompetent staff, They wouldn't even be able to spot her freshly-teenage self climb over the gates of the grounds they were meant to protect.
A foothold in the first bar. [F/N] pushed herself up and was just tall enough to grasp onto the upper bar of the gate's design, Hanging from the metal digging in her palms. She was spry enough to pull herself up.
It was easy cake to lug herself to the top of the gate, Fling a leg over the side and hop down into the overgrown grass of the graveyard below. Feet hitting the dirt with a thump, Barely even ripping her old jeans in the process.
[F/N] didn't hesitate to start sprinting across the valley the graveyard sat in, Guarded by the thick brick walls and nothing else as she seen the security passed out in the booth. Slobber down his shirt and a cup of coffee gone cold on the desk.
She ran past gravestones filled with flowers in all colours. Peonies, Roses and Daffodils were only the few she could name as she passed by, Only seen by the spotlight. Names she didn't recognise, Dates she wasn't around for and family members that weren't hers.
She knew however when she saw the far off headstone, One surrounded by nothing but corrosion and empty pots that it was the one she was looking for.
Her run skittered to a halt, Almost tripping over her feet as she came to the end of the row she was in. The scooby-doo flashlight still held tightly in her hands, The spotlight it shone dusting over the engravings of the tombstone.
Tetsuya Toyama
20XX - 20XX
Beloved child. Forever in our hearts, Rest in peace.
[F/N] smiled as she read the engravings, Almost as bright as the spotlight shining on them. Her body lowered, Knees bending as she crouched in front of the tombstone belonging to her late friend.
"Hey, Tetsu'.. Haven't been around much, I'm sorry about that but Mrs. Ono hasn't been letting me out. You know how she is.." [F/N] giggled lightly as she flicked the flashlight off, Stuffing it back into the front pocket of her hoodie.
She didn't get a response as she sat back onto the dry grass of the grave, Sitting directly in front of the soil where he was buried. She curled up into a ball, Arms hugging her knees as she let the silence sink in with the wind.
[F/N] sighed, Clicking her tongue.
"It's been so long since you've left me.. Ya know? Even though has been so long you're still my friend, My only friend.. Since the other kids think I'm delusional" [F/N] laughed lightly, Though it sounded strained in her throat as her smile started to die.
Her hand reached out, The very tips of her fingers dusting the surface of his headstone. The ice cold stone seeping into her skin like a sponge, Flooding her pores with an algid frost overtaking her body heat.
Her thumb brushed over his name, Lining the letters.
"I know I'm not crazy.. You know I'm not crazy, Don't you Tetsu'..? It was a demon that did this to you, It was a demon that took you away.. I know it's not a bear or a boar or a.." [F/N] trailed off as her thumb brushed along the words, Reaching his second name of Toyama.
She hummed.
"But to be fair.. I didn't even know you had a last name until you were dead." [F/N] muttered, Fixated on that one little last name and every syllable it held. "I don't even remember my own, To be honest with you.."
Her hand dropped from the headstone, Falling to her side as she sat in the silence of the wind. Her hands snaked themselves over to the opposite elbows, Hugging her hoodie closer to her body.
She sniffled, But it wasn't from the cold.
"I don't know a lot of things.. How to multiply fractions in school or.. Or I don't know what I want to do when I'm older. I don't know how you can make money or make new friends.." [F/N] trailed off, Shaking her head as a lump formed in the apex of her throat.
She stared at the gravestone, And as she read the name once more she hugged herself just a little tighter.
"..And I don't know how I'm ever gonna go on without you, Tetsuya. I want to avenge you, Tetsuya, I just.. I just.. I just don't know how.." [F/N] choked out through a salesman smile, Holding it up the best she could as her vision started to blur.
"Y-You were always the headstrong one.. You were always the one to find a solution first. You were never a crybaby like me, You always knew what to do so.. Please.. Just tell me.." [F/N] pleaded softly, Hands running down to the ungrown soil and gripping it tightly.
But yet again, She got not a single response from the coffin of her dearest friend.
[F/N] sniffled, Gripping the soil tighter. She knew she was never going to get a response, She knew there was no reply to her prayers or her pleads. There was never going to be one from him, Even if there was she didn't know what it would ever be.
"T-Tell me.." But she asked anyways. Body descending to the fresh soil of the grave, Cheek laying against the coursed soil as she rested in front of the grave. A makeshift bed for one, Yet knowing very well the second was lying just underneath beside her.
[F/N] shut her stinging eyes, The light red of them closing on the moonshine of the soil. She was so tired, So very tired.
What the counsellors, The staff and the psychiatrists didn't know was that the reason she kept leaving the youth centre was that she was searching for evidence. Every day she'd run off into the woods where he was killed, Retracing her steps and finding the exact spot.
For hours she would think of possible deaths, Angles and ways he could of died. Especially where the culprit would scamper off, Not to mention the search for the evidence of demons existence.
It was the only thing she did with her time nowadays, Nothing else.
The cigarettes she smoked were really the only fun she had left. She had grown to known it was bad but the way they tasted and the addiction was just so.. Enthralling to her. Even when they were kids and they pretended lollipop sticks had smoke raising high, She had liked them.
Tetsuya always thought they were cool, And she thought he was cool.
[F/N] loved him, She truly did. That old saying, The blood of the covenant was thicker than the water of the womb. It really did hold some weight, After all, She was lying next to the evidence.
He was her best friend, Her brother. In life or in death they were partners. Nothing would ever denounce that.
She just wished she had more time to tell him that.
"I-I'm sorry.. I was always the one holding you down.. I-If I wasn't such a coward then maybe I would of been there to save you.. I'm sorry, Tetsuya.." [F/N] sobbed quietly, Whispering the words to the cracked stone of the grave like the sweet nothings of a lost lover.
And most of all, She wished she passed over with him. Maybe then neither of them would need to be alone, Neither would have to go on without the other.
[F/N] jolted up from the silt of his grave, Cheek smeared in dry dirt as she craned up at the sudden sound.
Could it be the groundskeeper? Last she saw he was knocked out so deep that his drool dribbled all over his polo, Coffee so cold that it seemed iced and untouched for hours so did she really have such bad timing for him to wake up now?
Her hands lunged to the top of the gravestone, Peering over the edge of it. The sound had came a bit away from behind it, It sounded like something heavy slamming into the side of a large object.
Her eyes scanned back and forth like a hawk, Alert and attentive as she searched for whatever could of made the noise. [F/N] gulped, Hopefully it was just the deadbeat stoners coming out after a hit and not the groundskeeper.
[F/N] really couldn't afford the trouble.
There wasn't anything to be seen apart from the faraway mist surfing around the valley, Only illuminated by the tranquillity of the moonlight and obscured only slightly by the rows of shadowed gravestones.
[F/N] looked side to side once more. There was nothing in sight, Not person nor predator to be found within her vision. It was completely empty, All alone under the watchful eye of the moon.
[F/N] sighed, Breath dusting the air.
She lowered herself down from behind Tetsuya's gravestone, Knees resting on the dirt as relief washed over her like a rising flood.
Though that relief was drowned out by a taloned hand yanking her up by the scruff of her hood.
"AAH!" [F/N] screamed out into the night's air as suddenly her feet connected with nothing, Raised at least a few feet from the ground as the only thing holding her up was the sturdiness of her hoodie. Front fabric digging into her neck and choking her like a noose.
The hand shook her around, Body swinging back and forth as her screams echoed out into the night. She flailed and flailed but nothing she did let her go from whoever was attacking her, Neck craning behind her to try and get a good look.
But she could smell him before she saw him, And all she could pick up was the stench of deathly rot.
"GREAT! I come all the way here to absolutely nowhere and all I get is some human brat spying on me?!" The man wretched. His voice sounded like his vocal chords had decayed from his throat, Rotten and foul.
[F/N] couldn't hear him over the volumes of her screams, Her own chords straining to their final string.
"Y-YOU'RE NOT THE GROUNDSKEEPER-!" [F/N] shrieked as she was roughly shaken about by the hood, Both brain and organs hitting the insides of her flesh making her want to throw up her dinner of chicken stew.
"Shut up, You squealing little bitch! Of course I'm not your 'groundskeeper' or whatever the hell you think I am." The man snapped, Unflinching at her soles of her feet slamming wildly into his midsection.
[F/N] cried out, Feeling the edges of his overgrown and assumedly grotty nails start to run down the back of her neck, Teasing the uninjured flesh. She flailed her head around, Screams turning into obscenities as she finally got a glimpse of the man.
Tall and and withering, That was what came to mind at the sight of him. He was dressed in a salaryman's suit yet the oversized folds of his jacket and trousers could never cover his decaying weight.
What should've been out was in and vice versa, Ribs jutting up from behind his wrinkled blouse and his stomach caved in from what could've been hunger atop disease. While she couldn't see his face she could only guess what maggot-infested skeleton would've been of his complexion.
She could almost hear his teeth grind, Pincer's snapping together.
"W-What do you want from me?! I don't want any trouble, I-I don't know why you're here but let me go and I promise I wont say about seeing you here! J-Jus' let me go home!" [F/N] wailed out as the kicks to his shins, That seemed to do absolutely nothing to deter him.
"Let you go? Let you go?!" The man scoffed, Spit flying from his throat before his eyes lit up. "Ah, I get it now. You must be with those wretched little exorcists aren't you?! Tell me, Now!" He hollered.
The clawed nails on her neck went in, Jagged overgrown corners puncturing into her neck ever so slightly more. [F/N] screamed almost imagining it, Blood starting to pool up from the incisions and trickling down like rain on a car window, She could only imagine.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know!" [F/N] babbled out, Hysterics setting in as her voice reached a crescendo.
The nails jabbed in further, The carmine of her bloody pulp spurting up once more, Making her screech.
"Liar! You came here to take it, Didn't you?! You did! Tell me now and maybe I'll let you go with the majority of your limbs attached!" He bit. The claws puncturing her neck wrapping around her throat. Jerking her body to face him.
[F/N] gasped.
The mans face, The mans face was unable to be seen. Not the majority of it but from what she could see?
He was decaying.
Black and blue splotches were hidden behind an old paper bag covering his head, Holes ruptured to form a crooked frown and eye hollows. The splotches, Disgusting and just like the festering mould on expired bread. This time however, Covering his skin like red-hot pimples.
Bile rose in her throat, His sickly yellow eyes hidden within the shadows of the paper lunch bag he wore. [F/N] wanted to puke, The smell made so much more sense now. The one that reminded her of the squirrel carcasses often found on the roadside outside of the centre.
Sometimes days old, Scabbed with their cool blood and their black beady eyes listless. They were often mangled, Tiny little limbs dissected into their tendons and ligaments all across the road.
And as she looked at him, The image of the squirrels was the only thing that came to mind.
She swallowed back her burning puke, Though that only made her words all the more choked.
"P-PLEASE! I-I don't know what you're talking about, I really don't know what you're looking for-! I'm not with 'exorcists' or whatever I swear! I-I'm just here to visit a grave!" [F/N] bellowed, Dripping mucus coming down from her nose as she wept at his visage.
The pointed teeth in his maw bared into a hiss, The shadows of the bag only making the drips of saliva glinting from upon them. [F/N] shuddered, Unconsciously turtling into the warmth of her basil hue hoodie as she waited on baited breath.
And just like that it was over.
The hand around her neck tightened, Bringing her closer ever so much before launching her across the graveyard.
[F/N] screamed as the wind wept round her body, Flying back at impossible speeds for someone of his muscle rate before her back connected with the hard surface of the ground. [F/N] cried out, Something in her back cracking as she tumbled over on the grass.
She rolled onto her side, Vomit not being the only thing coming out as her lips were coated in a thick ichor. Her hands grasped clumps of the grass, Near tearing it out of the ground as she hung on for dear life. Vision spinning, World dizzy.
The cold air was so much much nipping as she heard the muffled stomps of angered footsteps approached her over the ringing in her ears. The back of her throat burned, The sepia retch splattered across the dry dirt being the cause.
The footsteps stopped, Fixed just behind her.
"Stupid little girl.." The man chided as his diseased eyes looked down at her pitiful form curled into a fetal position. His foot pressed into the dip of her back, Roughly pushing it forward and turning her onto her front as she retched at the movement.
Though as much as he looked at her like a dying rat, He did believe her. What a pitiful little thing like her would never be accepted as an exorcist, Even though they were rodents just like herself.
What he had came out here for, She obviously didn't have. An artefact the Illuminati had been tipped off to by one of their members, Said to just be lazing around in this nowhere graveyard.
What a waste of time.
"P-Please.." [F/N] choked out weakly, She had landed wrong at an odd angle and now she was paying the price. She had no idea who he was, Writhing around on the chilly grass as the moon watched over the scene as an avid spectator.
A junkie, A drunk, A psychopath or a felon. Any of those could've applied to him. She had just wanted to visit her dead friends grave, So what were the chances of this scenario happening?
What were the chances that he would let her go?
The man, Designated as The King of Rot, Astaroth raised his hand. The sheen of his dirty claws glistened in the pale moonlight, Fingers curling to take in the rev of the killing blow. He grinned, Slitting a rats neck was always so.. Satisfying.
His hand fell down, Falling down from the air at a velocity so fast it could cut glass. Her neck in sight, Exposed as she coughed up even more of the mixture of bile and blood.
Her eyes only caught the shimmer of the grime on the claws as they came at her neck. She opened her mouth, Spew dribbling out and she clenched her eyes shut to brace.
[F/N] screamed.
The excruciating agony of claws slitting a bloody ribbon on her neck, The tendons in her neck snapping like faulty guitar strings as her lifeblood spilled out into a punch. Juices shining in the abomidable night.
All of it together, It never came.
[F/N] waited a second, Shaking as she held her knees close to her chest before she widened her lids.
Head still laying against the valley's grass, Eyes opening to see the close up of weed strands and blue-back beetles scurrying about. Her neck, It was still intact, There was no connection of a blade or talon wringing it.
Instead it was only an inch away, Hovering just above her throat. Her heart thundered looking at it, Hands still grasping at the grass for dear life as she turned her head over. Snot running down from her nose as she came face to rotting face with the assailant.
He was angry, He was furious.
And for some reason, The angry chitters of insects was all she could hear.
"YOU WRETCHED BEASTS-! LET GO OF ME, I'M A KING! YOU SHOULDN'T BE ATTACKING ME- DID HE-" The man was bellowing, Body jerking around at odd angles from seemingly nothing. Face scrunched up as his bony limbs stood entirely still.
The bugs, The angry chitters were coming from all of the bugs surrounding him. She watched as they came from nowhere, The graveyard only housing the odd centipede or ant hiding in the grass.
But this seemed like swarms pooling at his feet, Angry pincers snapping at the hems of his trousers and ants biting at his bare ankles. [F/N]'s jaw dropped, In absolute awe at what was happening before her.
She scampered back, Body still splayed across the grass as her back hit an unidentified gravestone. The bugs were so miniscule like the stars overlooking them and despite their large numbers and nips, There was no way they could've been doing something like that to him.
Body jerking as if something much bigger than ants and beetles was attacking him, Ramming into sides of his body. Biting and scratching at his skin as dark marks and bloodied gashes were suddenly found on his skin.
Was it something she couldn't see? Something she couldn't grasp? What was it, What was it doing to him?
He toppled over, Back thudding against the ground as the bugs took their chance and started to swarm. Crawling up his arms, Legs, His torso and his neck. They were eating him alive, Gnawing him down to the bone.
He yelled.
"YOU'LL REGRET THIS-! IF THIS BODY WASN'T SO WEAK I COULD-! I COULD- BEELZEBUB!!" Astaroth hollered, Spit flying out from his mouth as he cursed out some unseen name. Yet even so, It made [F/N] gulp.
Beelzebub, She recognised it yet it had been so long since she had heard it at all. It was the name of her old imaginary friend she use to have when she was younger, One she pretended to play with out in the sticks.
All before she found.. She found the corpse..
[F/N] swallowed back the acid reflux singing away at her throat, Pushing herself forward onto her knees, Her body moved for her along with her tongue.
"S-STOP IT! FUCKING STOP IT, ALL OF YOU!" [F/N] screamed. She knew not what she was doing nor did she know why, The only thing she did know is that she wanted this all to stop. To go home, Never had she ever envied the fake dummy under her bed before now.
Her sweat dropped, The angry shrieking of cicadas and centipedes came to a sudden halt. As if a sudden trance had came over them, Pincers stopped snapping together. Little legs stopped churning and the jerks of the man's body fell entirely.
The moon just a little higher in the night, Whisping trails of mist still dancing across the scenery. [F/N]'s sweat turned cold as she watched the insects march backwards away from the man, Almost like a hive mind they parted like the red sea.
Just like a new-born foal, [F/N] got up onto shaky knees.
She was covered in dirt from head to toe, Her hoodie of polyester was blemished with dark splotches. The backside of her jeans wet and muddied from the way she hit the ground, Not to mention the throbbing pain in her back that is.
[F/N] pulled back the strands of hair from her eyes, Knotted and tangled from the commotion as she looked at him. The bugs, So small yet so violent did such a big number on him.
The moulded spots across his body were so much bigger now, Like the marks of the black plague he was twitching. Covered head to toe there was no more sign of his sickly pale skin now, All bitten off by the invertebrates around him.
[F/N] swallowed, If she hadn't let go of her lunch before she would've done it now. He was groaning or what sounded to be groaning, [F/N] couldn't tell as his vocal chords were chewed out from their place in his throat.
One foot forward, Pressing down onto the ground in front of her. The bugs surrounding them moved backwards even more, Watching as she warily stumbled her way over to him, Eyes never leaving him for a second.
"What the fuck.." [F/N] breathed as she stopped and stood over his body, The paper bag on his head long gone and floating somewhere off in the wind. She didn't care about it now, Only seeing the horror of what disgusting carcass he had become.
His rotting skin was layered out over his thinning bones like purple tarp on a corpse, His eyeballs were non existent yet there seemed to be some flicker of what use to be still in there. [F/N] gagged, The stench of guts so much more prominent now.
Why did the bugs attack him like that? Why were they so aggressive and why did they leave her out of it? [F/N] glanced warily at the invertebrates still surrounding them, Terrified as she eyed them carefully.
"You.. You bitch you.." He croaked out, Belching as his body quivered. His head lazed round to meet her, No eyes yet he stared straight into her like he did. [F/N] bit her quivering lip in attempt to stable it, Fighting back the urge to back away.
"You have connections.. You.. and Beelzebub.. You, How-"
The man choked out gargled coughs, [F/N] gasped as his body jolted in place. Wincing back from her position only a little bit.
"A.. Are you okay..?" [F/N] squeaked, Tears rolling down her face and tickling at her bare skin. Her hands together, She knew the answer very well as it was obvious, Yet the question so natural on her tongue it could've been instinct.
The coughing stopped, Wheezing dying off from what was left from his lungs. [F/N] sniffled as she watched his eyes hone in on her even more so. If [F/N] wasn't stupid, She might of mistook it for confusion.
"W-What..?" He spluttered, Blood pushed out from his mouth and spilling out over his charred cheeks as he choked on the rest. [F/N] shyed her eyes away, Heart drumming like rain on a rooftop as she kept back cries of your own.
"I-I said.. I said are you okay..?" [F/N] repeated, Trying not to look at the carcass lying not even a foot away from her. It was a stupid question, Making her feel so seen within the empty gravesite.
She kneeled down towards him, Hand hesitantly reaching out to where his heart should of been and pressed down, There was no beat yet he seemed to still be alive. Though her eyes darted, Her thumb brushed against something in his suit.
Astaroth twitched, Eyes still hawked on the girl perched above him. For some reason he couldn't speak and it was not because of the state of his vocal chords, It was strange and nothing like he had ever dealt with before.
But for some reason, It made his crumbling ribcage shake, Something pulsati-
"What the.." [F/N] said as she pulled out a folder of sorts. It was similar to the ones found in the youth centres archives, One's she snuck around in at night time but this one caught more dirt than the ones she was digging through. Stained with muck.
For some reason she felt compelled to take it, So much so when she spied a single word upon it.
Her hands seemed to move on their own, Possessed by the desire of a prying feline. Eyes narrowing in and sparkling with the shine of the Luna above as she opened the cream-folder-front to the first page.
"What.. What is this.." Astaroth wheezed though [F/N] wasn't focused on him. Documents, Dozens of them were stored inside the file. [F/N] shifted through them, Picking at the perimeters of the paper as she scanned the sentences inside.
Illuminati. Demons. Artefact. Laboratory. Location.
Words that made her widen her already-wide eyes, Her hands gripping the edges of the folder like it was her last life-line. It shook in her firm grasp, An oxymoron but she wasn't inclined to care.
"You.. Human, What are you doing to me..?" Astaroth whispered as his hazy eyes landed onto her form shifting through secret Illuminati files. He seethed, He couldn't be sure what was happening to him, Was it rage that she was searching through his stuff or was it.. Something more warm.
Was there a difference to him?
[F/N] wiped the drool on her polyester sweater sleeve, Not caring about the mess as her heart ran thousands of miles per hour. What was this? What did this mean? It spoke of atrocities, Talking of terrors and horrors she couldn't even comprehend.
Pictures, The pictures that were attached to the documents with a simple little paperclip were showing mutilated carcasses. People strapped to something you'd see in a dentists office yet their contorted, Almost disfigured jaws screaming was enough to speak to her.
This had to be fake right? This had to have some explanation..!
"You.. Come here.." Astaroth coughed out and this time it was enough to get her attention as [F/N] jerked her head over to him, Snapping the folder shut on instinct. She stared at him, Terror in her eyes as she let this sink in.
"Fuck.. I can't be here.." [F/N] exasperated, Suddenly realising the weight of the situation she was in. There was a dying man in front of her, A person she could be linked to if the groundskeeper woke up and saw her.
[F/N] shook her head, Lungs puffing out her chest and depressing back in. She took a few steps back from the cadaver. She couldn't afford to go to juvie! She had stuff to do, She had a mission to do, She needed to find Tetsuya's killer and there's no way she could do that behind bars.
The bugs around her chittered once before squirming away. Beetles crawling under stones, Worms and grubs returning to the earth from whenst they came. Ladybugs, Roaches, Snakeflies and mantises all skittered away from the scene, Leaving them alone.
[F/N] followed with them, Not wanting to be here any longer.
She shoved the file under her shoulder, Not taking her eyes off the dying man as she leaned down to pick up her scooby-doo flashlight that she had dropped in the fall. She shoved it into her pocket, Ready to turn away before she heard it.
"Wait.. W-Wait.. Come back here.." The man gurgled, Bony hand rising up from his side and pointing a withered finger at her. [F/N] shook, Stepping back further from the scene.
"No.. I gotta go, I'm sorry." [F/N] replied quickly, Shaking her head as she watched the mans body return to jerking and twitching. He moved violently, Making her hold her breath as his rotten carcass tried to get up.
"N-No! Get back here-" The man spluttered out another round of bloody coughs "D-Damn this weak body.. Useless! Stupid! M-Mortal body-!" He screamed out into the night, Wretched voice echoing throughout the valley.
[F/N] whined, Jerking away.
But by the time she had looked back, He had fallen silent.
He made no move now, Not twitch nor jerk of a single finger. He was just splayed out on the ground, Skeletal jawbone dropped open with no single syllable to be let out. He had died, Gone comatose after everything he seemed to still live through.
[F/N] seethed out air through her teeth, Dioxide turning into vapour in the night. She couldn't linger any longer, She couldn't be caught with a corpse. Even though it was the bugs that had done it, There was no way to explain why they did it.
[F/N] turned, Legs picking up and starting to sprint with the folder still sat under her armpit. The word demon written on a piece of paper in there, It could only mean that he was aware of their existence or at least had some idea about it.
He wouldn't miss it, He was dead. But she could use it well enough, Useful for her search.
So off she took into the night, Gone under the shawl of Mother Nyx. The groundskeeper would awaken and find the corpse lying through the rows of headstones without ever knowing she was there.
No camera's, No witnesses and an incompetent staff member. She was glad that these places were underfunded.
As she hopped the fence once more, [F/N] escaped into the open streets.
Uncaught and unseen.
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mxsarae · 1 year
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Everyone look at this neowww
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xanderscollection · 10 months
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The Baal ft textposts
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paxerle · 6 months
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Collab with @blue-executive
Tea party deluxe 🎀
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swissroll87 · 1 month
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My favorite pairings and how they feel.
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frobby · 8 months
I know this anime only canon but rin should have mauled shiratori reiji for driving a fucking truck through the side of his house
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Bc most of my fanart is AoEx fanfart, I think i just use this blog to dump all of it. We're still in 2020's art tho
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digital-vic · 1 year
some white-haired characters i like :3
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at1nys-blog · 6 months
How would the demon kings + Rin react to the descendant of a very powerful demon ending up being their crush?
Like... This demon used to work with Lucifer and Samael before he decided to stay in Assiah and start a life.
That was centuries ago by now, though, and now a half demon appears at True Cross with the powers of that demon.
This was harder than I thought, knowing little to nothing about half of them it got tricky but I hope you like it. Beelzebub's was so rushed, sorry if doesn't liveup to your expectations and if it took me this long to post it.
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Lucifer's HC
He can feel it, is not that hard to miss it
Stoic but inside???
His feelings are all over the place
He asks Renzo to take you too but the boy fails (as if you would let him)
Hopes to see you again
When you get inside the Illuminati HQ he knows you are there
He can somehow tell is you
Orders to Homare Todo to bring you to him
He might be weaker than his usual but when you are in his presence you are overwhelmed by his power
He would just look at you because he wants to make sure about his suspicions
Then asks you about your powers and your family
You don't want to, like why would he wants to know?
But you give up immediately both because of Homare and Lucifer's presence
He used to like your demonic ancestor, they were one of the strongest one in his battalion
And he sees a lot of them in you
I think he would develop platonic feelings first towards you because of your ancestor and with time, keeping an eye would have a crush on you
If you don't accept his proposal to join his ranks he would fell bitter about it, a demon first and now you? This can't happen to him
But if that makes you happy, then, so lets be it
Sends his demons to keep an eye on you
No one is allowed to touch you
Like not even on purpose
If they do, Lucifer will deal with them immediately
When you are back with the Exwires, Exorcist and the Vatican to stop him, he would try to make you change your mind once again
If he succeds, happy Lucifer
Treats you like a queen
If he doesn't change your mind, would get mad but would find it difficult to hurt you
Mephisto's HC
The moment you walk into the school he is alarmed
In a good way though
As he can feel Satan’s powers he can sense yours
Special treatment and doesn’t even try to hide it
He doesn’t care
Follows you in dog form almost everywhere
Protective af
He invites to eat with him as much as possible
Would take you out every time he isn’t at the Vatican
You want to study? No you can’t. He wants to show you around the school grounds
Tells you about the school as if it’s his baby (is kinda is?)
Sometimes he is very cryptical so you understand nothing of what he is saying
Info dumps
A lot
About everything he know and he knows about a lot
Of course he would tell you about your ancestor
If you didn’t know about it he would react like a drama queen because there is no way your family didn’t told you
He has pictures about the time your demon of an ancestor was in Gehenna
Tells you stories about that time too
Astaroth isn’t allowed to talk to you
Or look at you
Or breath at your direction. Nothing
Will buy you gifts for no reasons at all. He liked it and though you would like it too
Flirting much
“Sugar daddy” vibes
Azazel's HC
He knows you
He is very close to your ancestor
The reason other demons and the Kings never even though to hurt you? His protection
He is the third strongest but Lucifer was never interested in you and so Mephistopheles
Dude is also your principal so why would he hurt you?
He crystallized but he knows how to keep an eye on you
Smiley when you befriend his demons
Like, so much smiley that if he wasn’t crystallized he would kick his feet like a teenage girl
(Your favorite are Ghosts and he sends in as much as possible)
You saw him twice in your life but you know he is the demon king that sends you friends
You are in the middle of plan plotting(?) and he is “does Mephisto treat you good?” “Are your classmates nice with you?”
He acts like a concerned father with their child at college
Embarrassment to the max
But somehow you are… BLUSHING???? (Daddy issues are strong but being fixed thanks to him)
The Exwires would tease you and he would think they are being mean to you
And he is there to save the day lol
Makes them stop without even talking. His presence is enough
One minute he is “👹” and then is all “😊”
He is fine with everything the True Cross comes up with until he knows you are save
100% tells his demons to protect you no matter what
He doesn’t ever openly confess but this is his way to
You don’t get it though
Like everyone else can but you
He is forced to tell you because he can’t believe you don’t get it
Iblis' HC
A fucking flirt. She doesn’t even care that you and your stupid friends are attacking them
She is all bubbly and flirting with you but the second someone else is in the frame???
Be ready to see her demonic side
Is just so confusing to see (Renzo thinks is funny)
Confesses to you like… every two seconds?!
Followed with “if you join us I’ll treat you better than they do” speech
You are so frustrated
You just want to fight her but woman is “no, let’s flirt instead”
You remind her a lot of your ancestor
Surprise surprise, she had a thing for them too
Got very angry and sad (this is a secret shhh) when they stayed in Asshia
Sees you as a second chance for her to make you stay on the side you belong to does that even make sense?!
She is very short tempered so...
I can see her going into fight mode with you if you don’t either flirt back or join her
Still finds it hard to use all her power against you
Which just is an opportunity for you to use all of yours
Betrayal #2
If you are on their side though
Still a 24/7 flirt
Quality time>>>>>>>>>
Shows you off because she has the best “underling” ever
Never really had to confess. Her flirting did the job.
If feelings are reciprocated woman is living her life to the fullest
Will show you off still but now because she has the best partner
Astaroth's HC
when your ancestor left, he was very very very very sulky about it
Like, they were good friends. If not thr best of friends
And then they just left
So when he feels their power back… runs to see where are they
But finds you
He is confused
Why is he sensing the powers from a common human?
He has a hard time putting 2 and 2 together but when he does…
He refuses to believe it
There is no way they have procreated with humans
But you remind him a lot of your demon ancestor
And you have their same habits
The one Astaroth loves so much
Dude is drawn to you
But he can’t do much since he can’t enter school’s ground
And Rin is always around you
So he waits in the shadows
When he meets you for the first time on he other side of battlefield he is mesmerized because not only you LOOK like them but your fighting style is just the same too?!?!
Tries to convince you to join his side
You refuse, for obvious reasons
While he tells you about your lineage he confesses
You are like “did a demon, one I’m trying to kill just confessed?” With a very disgusted face on
And he is like “Uhm, yes?! But you are also part demon so don’t look so disgusted?! thanks”
Will 1000% take it personally if you don’t reciprocate his feelings
And would act accordingly, a.k.a prepare to see him fight at his max
Egyn's HC
Egyn is the chillest out of everyone else
This because he doesn’t register his feelings for you
The second he does…
Freaks out
Like a lot lot
When he is calm would ask to keep an eye on you
Watches over you with pride
He is so happy about all your achievements even tho they are made to be used against him and his siblings
His crush isn’t much of a secret
When he sees you on the battlefield…
He tries to not fight you
If you are tasked to fight Egyn, you are very confused because why is he avoiding you?
He will tell you the reason why, he doesn’t need to be told twice
You are more confused than before
But your confusion just keeps growing the more he talks
How can he have a crush on you?
You don't mind him too much, and he is just "okay, whatever" on the outside but on the inside???
And when you do, for the wrong reason, he doesn't know how to react to be honest
I mean he is happy but he also is not because you are charging at him to attack
Avoids the attack by counterattacking you with like 1% of his strengh because there is no way he is going to hurt you
Very chaotic overall
The other demon King have to step in before he gets killed
Iblis is the one to lecture him about his feelings getting in the way but also she is nice to him about it because they are the closest so she is doing it for his safety mostly.
Now you are fighting Iblis but she is still not using all her strengh and you can tell Igny asked her to go easy on you
Amaimon's HC
Chaotic flirt
Oh Lord, is just there to flirt with you
Mephisto will tell him to not but he doesn't listen
He will try to make you jealous by controlling Shiemi, spoiler, he fails
He won't show it but he is sad that his plan didn't work
Did I say chaotic flirt?
No, because he would use all the cringy pick up lines he heard from humans
He has a list where he writes down new ones every time he hears one that he likes or he sees work
His favorite is: “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.”
Not for a particular reason he just like it
If when doesn't it work he would stop everything he is doing and take out his lil notebook and try another one
and another one
and again while you look at him trying to not laugh at him, I mean this demon came to attack you for started
"Okay, maybe this will do the trick *insert random very cringy pick up line* no? It didn't? Okay maybe this one *insert another one*"
Bon is ready to fight him and so is Rin like, they can't handle this dude even if they tried their best
You wish to make him look ridicolous a little more but you have a task and need to get it over soon so you just ask him to stop and give you Shiemi back
He just want to flirt and you to fight? Why?
After Mephisto sends him away, he would ask his brother to tell him more about you
It will take him a lot to put the pieces together about your ancestor so when Mephisto tells him he is like:
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I think he had beef with your ancestor so he is weird out A LOT and also this is funnier lol
Mephisto will tell him to stay away from you but he won't listen
best trope with him will be the 'He fell first, she fell harder'
Beelzebub's HC
Second chillest of the eight of them
I think he is the most rational one between everyone
Like he would be the only one that understands (accepts) your ancestor leaving Gehenna (he totally had a meeting with his demons and tell them to leave them alone)
He would check up on your ancestor for a while but stops because of his duties making him so busy to do anything else
Also because the other demon kings, mostly Iblis, would tease him a lot
He is very composed at all times, not when other points out his feelings because he has to analyze them first
But is not as easy as he thinks it was going to be
Once he comes to the realization of what his feelings are he is kinda of disgusted at first because you are human.
Sure you have demon blood running through your veins but still human
He will come around eventually
I think he would try and get into the school to talk to you but Mephisto is like "nah ah leave my students alone"
Just to tease him honestly
If he managed to sneak in Mephisto let him in he would just confess to you
Which confuses the living Gehenna out of you, but you kinda accepted, mostly to get him get away because he wanted an answer
He is fine with you taking sometimes thinking about it
When you met again the first thing he does is asking you if you have an answer to his question
If you say no, most probably because you don't know him and you won't go against your friends, he would walk away from you
Not before telling you about your lineage
If you knew about it True Cross and your family told you already he would let you alone
In case you didn't know about it, it could go in two ways: 1. You stay on True Cross side and ask for explanations for later or 2. you second guess everything the Order told you and might get on the demon's side. Your choice
If you side with them, Beelzebub would ask some of his underlings to take you somewhere safe and to never lose sight of you
Answers all your questions about your family, and about everything you want to know
Trains you to use your powers at their full potential
+ Rin's HC
Something doesn’t sit right with Rin when he first sees you
He also doesn’t get why Mephisto is always in your business
Or why he is always asking about you
Then he kinda of put the pieces together
You are a half demon like him and Mephisto is your father
When he confronts you about it you just laughs at him
Confuse Rin
Not only he was wrong about your father but also you being half demon
You are fully human, biological speaking, but inherited some demonic powers from your powerful ancestor
Confused Rin #2
But he is also impressed by you
Befriends you immediately
Training sessions are a thing now
Studying sessions too (he doesn’t like those as much as training)
It would took him too long to realize he likes you
Longer to confess
He is an over protective type of boyfriend (by the way you asked him to be your boyfriend because he was taking sooooooo long)
Like, on missions? There is no way you two aren't paired up; At school? He is seated next to you in class, at lunch
He is having an hard time when you are in your dorm
He knows how it feels to have demonic powers and he wants to make sure no enemies attack you
He also will show you off every chance he gets
When you have to attack Lucifer a part of him wants you to stay back even though he knows you can take care of yourself just fine
Very proud of you when you take down an enemy stronger than you
Will talk about it 25/8
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azathothweirdo · 1 year
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lmao Lucifer is so exhausted
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ghost-foxx-goddess · 1 month
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Redraw of Astaroth from last years version for the Redraw Event on Discord
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adrasteaeydiate · 1 year
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naidleen · 1 year
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Ao no Exorcist S01E01 (2011)
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yomai · 1 year
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he alr caused sum shit when he here before, i wonder what more shit he’s gonna cause
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paxerle · 11 months
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Astaroth 🍄
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