#blue mercenary stinger
hermesserpent-stuff · 24 days
So, want to hear some ideas for Wings of Fire-fied Sabretooth and Wolverine and Gambit? Ye or no? I'm going with ye. (Note: you can imagine imagine as full dragons in Wings of Fire world (but with X-Men charactersas dragons), or even imagine an au where they are part dragon or can turn into dragons and that dragons are that X-Men world's version of mutants (imagine Remy with a little tail and wings and talons! AAAAAHHHHH SO CUTE!!! AND PAPA SABRETOOTH AND PAPA WOLVERINE AND FAMILY X-TEENS AND BROTERHOOD AMD ALL THE ADULTS!!!)
Yeah, I'm excited. So, let's let's this!
Sabretooth I see as one of these three tribes, or as a hybrid of two of them: HiveWing, IceWing, and/or NightWing-
• HiveWing Sabretooth! has caramel golden, warm orange, and/or dark black stripes and spots on his scales, has deadly stingers in his claws, has honey or acid green eyes, has briad shoulders and sharp teeth, plus a powerful bite,, was a powerful soldier/guard once... possible names for him but aren't limited to: Velvet, Vespid, Vespa, Sawtooth, Scorpion, Scarab, etc.
• IceWing Sabretooth! has pale amber scales with darker gray-brown splashes, like wild cat spots or imprints in snow, has gray-blue-green eyes, has sharp, serrated claws, is larger than most IceWings, has a few scars, is a deadly foe and was once a spy and assassin... possible names for him include but aren't limited to: Vole, Sable, Snow Leopard, Sastrugi, Stratus, etc.
• NightWing Sabretooth! has dark brown scales, sharp amber-brown or moss green eyes, thick shoulders and a large build/height, and was an assassin/mercenary/soldier before... possible names for him include, but aren't limited to: Victor, Victorious, Vicious, Vengeance, Creedbreaker, Sabreteeth, Sharpteeth, etc.
Wolverine I see as the same tribes as Sabretooth, being HiveWing, IceWing, and/or NightWing-
• HiveWing Wolverine! has dark blue-black amd pumpkin orange scales, dappled across his face and neck and back and tail, with dark black wings with orange lines running through them, has dark red-brown eyes, has deadly wrist stingers, is broad in stature but not as tall as HiveWing Sabretooth, was once a soldier/guard, then experiment, then free dragon... possible names for him include but aren't limited to: Locust, Leafcutter, Wasp, Woodworm, Hornet, etc.
• IceWing Wolverine has gray-blue scales, darker gray-blue-purple scales running down his back and spread across his wings, like shadows, sharp, deadly claws, thick shoulders, a larger build, has dark gray-blue eyes, and was once a guard/noble, then rogue dragon... possible names for him include but aren't limited to: Lynx, Lemming, Wolverine, Wolf, Howlite, Hoarfrost, etc.
• NightWing Wolverine! has dark blue/dark indigo scales, has large black-blue wings, has sharp teeth and claws, has a strong tail, is shorter than most older dragons, but bigger than any dragonets or young adult dragons, has dark brown or dark rust-colored eyes, has a few scars, was once a soldier/spy, then left... possible names for him include but aren't limited to: Loyalty, Longnight, Woebringer, Warbringer, Warwinner, etc.
Gambit I can see as either of these three, or a hybrid of two: SandWing, SeaWing, and/or NightWing-
• SandWing Gambit! would have muted dust brown scales, with darker brown speckles or black diamond patterns like a snake, has odd eyes with black and pink-red or black and gold, has swift and sneaky talons, has slightly tattered wings (they look like his coat), carries a few pouches full of dragonflame cacti seedpods and smoke bombs, is a decent fighter, is/was a thief for the Talons of Thieves... possible names for him include but aren't limited to: Roadrunner, Rattlesnake, Gila, Gazelle, Emu, etc.
• SeaWing Gambit! has odd scales, a dark green-brown, like kelp or turtle shells, with pink webbing and glowscales, has bright red-pink eyes like coral, has a trick where he lights up all his scales as bright as he can to blind enemies, is a minor prince or noble, makes excellent seafood dishes, is/was part of the Seas' Guild... possible names for him include but aren't limited to: Remora, Reef, Ray, Gill, Gulf, Goby, Gale, etc.
• NightWing Gambit! has dark red-brown scales, has red-pink eyes, has hard scales, has a few scars across his wings, has a minor empath ability due to almost being hatched under the moons, wears a few piercings in his ears, is/was a member of the Thieves' Wing, a group of spies, thieves, and shady individuals... possible names for him include but aren't limited to: Reminisce, Revenge, Remedial, Gamble, Gallant, etc.
Fun facts for them:
• In each world, Gambit, dragon-mutant or dragon-dragon, falls in love with Rogue
• Logan and Victor are brothers or were brother-adjacent to each other
• Dragon or dragon-mutant Gambit can cook great seafood dishes, and adds spice to his food, could make a living just selling his tricks about how to cook and bake, or selling his food as a street vendor, he's that good
• Dragon Victor is large, due to being older than most dragons and because he is a big boi that has big bones
• Dragon Logan is smaller than Dragon Victor, but is bigger than the teens/dragonets and young adult dragons
• Dragon Gambit is a goid friend and/or older brother to younger dragonets
(Notes: These will be added to my blog, too, but if you like any of them, feel free to explore the dragon side of things! These are my opinions on what they'd look like and possible names and pasts they'd have, but nothing is set in stone!)
I hope you enjoyed this, Hermes!
interesting. never read WOF tbh!
but interesting!!
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lazodiac · 5 months
ONCE MORE, we delve into the plane of Thunder Junction, in our attempt to figuring out what each plane each card is from.
Last time we finished all the monocolour cards, and you can find all of those here. I'll also been including a villainy score for Oko's gang, to see how much they count as villains... and in retrospect wish I'd done that for all the legends, since this is a VILLAIN set. Call that a project for another day...
For now though, let us enter into the wild, wild world of...
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We open off with a big one- Akul the Unrepentant! The main antagonist of the story, a PERFECT black-hat western villain- he is fierce and evil and SMART but also you can bait him with the right words and at the end of the day he's just a right bastard with a gun. An honestly pitch-perfect villain for a villain set.
The way his scorpion mandibles make a cowboy hat silhouette, his gun-stinger tail and his fire breathing claws, he is a perfect example of what a Scorpion Dragon is and how strongly it fits the aesthetic of the plane.
But we've been told all the Scorpion Dragons are from Gastal, an obscure plane from Urza's Planeswalker novel, so they're from Gastal. I hope we go there one day and learn what that plane is like beyond its very sparse appearance elsewhere.
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Annie Flash! Our first member of Oko's gang to rob Akul! She's Atiin so from the Atiin Plane, and is the only Atiin that shows up in story. We learn from her stories that her people are still out there wandering, while some settled in Thunder Junction.
Among them her nephew, who Akul afflicted with tuberculosis with his stinger (it's some kind of dark curse but given how it is described it's absolutely TB, a fitting disease for the time period). He left to join his people, because staying in bed all day half asleep from medicine is worse than suffering while awake.
At any rate, she's retired to protect the town she's ended up in... and is threatened by Oko into helping take down Akul. On the villainy scale she is a fierce 0/10. I wish she'd just shot Oko in the head.
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Annie Joins Up is one of a cycle- all of the major members of Oko's gaing gets little pieces like this. They're clearly part of one singular mural but we haven't been shown it and it makes me sad.
Given the context, I'm counting these cards as Thunder Junction original.
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A strange, fascinating card, it's a sherrif's sterling silver star, radiating various creature spirits out of it. Given the form of magic at play I'm gonna say this is from Alara, since it resembles the Nacatl totem magic.
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Hellspur Mercenaries holding, unfortunately, YOU at knifepoint. Good luck friend cause I'm out of here.
... okay I'll stay long enough to say it again; Hellspurs threw away all ties to their home planes to become dyed in the wool magma mutants. They're from Thunder Junction now. The predominance of glowing purple and dyed hair could imply these individuals are from Kylem, but I'm sticking to my thunder-guns here.
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This is the only real indication that the cactus folk are "new" to the plane, despite having lived here for generations as non-sentient cacti. I don't really like this, but whatever. Native to Thunder Junction.
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The Sterling Company's shiny leader, in the vampiric flesh. Given his style he's definitely from New Capenna. He doesn't show up in the story at all, but his presence is felt by the colonizing cops that he employs.
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Big ol' Bonny Pall is our distaff counterpart to Paul Bunyan, the American lumberjack of old west mythology. She's even got a massive blue ox to help her out!
She's one of the giants from Eldraine, and if I could remember where I saw blue oxen on that plane I'd tell you to confirm it.
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Everyone's favorite goblin-monkey, Breeches! A secondary member of Oko's gang, though in truth his loyalties lie with his captain, Vraska. His main goal in the story is blowing things up- as is his want- and showing us that he has more self control than Gisa does.
As far as villainy goes he's a soft 2/10. Nothing he does is inherently evil, the pirates of Ixalan (his home plane) are categorically the nicest faction present there, and ultimately he's only with Oko to help Vraska betray him.
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Bruse Tarl! There's absolutely no reason he should be here in the villain set, but also he's a cattle rancher who is a fan favorite on a plane where ox and cattle are well known an aesthetic so of course he's here from Zendikar, having finally found some beasties that listen to him.
Fun fact; the four visible livestock on the card include Pillarfield Ox, Ox of Agonas, Vigor, and Bartered Cow. These cards won't add to the total, but are here and that's cool.
Also fun fact: according to the card crafting stories, this card was originally Strongarm from Lorwyn/Shadowmoor! Neat!
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A cactus with a gun! Native to the plane, and my friend.
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Gryff's are the wonderfully unique heron-hippogryffs of Innistrad, so this beautiful bird-beast is from there.
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Who????? Who are you???? You have human hands but are otherwise completely just a bear man??? The only plane where ANYTHING like this even remotely exists is fucking Blobavia, in the Un-iverse? Who are you??? Why is there no legend article for this fucking set?!?!?
I have no fucking clue where this guy could be from, but the flavor text leans me towards Arcavios. This is some random bear druid man from Quandrix House.
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Eriette, the Beguiler! She's one of the secondary members of Oko's gang, despite being ostensibly the first one recruited (or at least the first recruited on screen, by Jace-as-Ashiok). She is of course from Eldraine, and even has beef with Kellan, the newest member of the gang.
Beef that she puts aside! For the mission! Because her evil plan on Eldraine was "I will treat PTSD from the invasion by offering the chance to go to sleep forever, and will coincidentally get to rule the plane" which is like, not even THAT evil? It's misguided and kinda fucked up but not like, EVIL evil? And despite anger at seeing the DIRECT guy responsible for her defeat, she still buries the hatchet. This is like, a 1/10 on the evil scale.
Also there is the slightest, slightest implication she might have poisoned Oko at the end of the story. If she did she gets a "Nahiri did nothing wrong" modifier.
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This delightfully cheery grandma is from Zendikar, and is doing what she does best: climbing stuff! She's a new character as far as I can tell so we know nothing about her otherwise, but she's survived the Eldrazi and the Phyrexians and is still smiling so she's okay in my book.
Notably, she does get some fun flavor text on other cards.
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The flavor text feels at odds with the vibe of what formring a posse would be- normally this sort of gearing up of the locals would be to fight AGAINST the Sterlings coming in and taking the entire plane, but I digress.
The specific sort of decorations of the town and the people involved feel Atiin to me, but I think I've gotta give this to Thunder Junction proper.
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Ghired is a fascinating character to me, because he's shown up before and despite doing so still has no real character and has not contributed to any of the stories he's in. Which is a shame because he's one of the best concepts they've ever come up with, from the best plane they've ever made; he's someone on Ravnica who left one Guild to join another!
This Selesnyan shaman turned to the Gruul Clans after witnessing Illharg, the biggest of the big pigs, rise from the primal earth of the plane! Despite joining the Gruul he still has a Selesnyan connection to wildlife, and on a fully untamed plane like Thunder Junction he is THRIVING. It's so cool! He should do stuff!
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It's time for a controversial legendary! It's the Gitrog monster, freshly done being Thalia's steed during the Phyrexian Invasion. He's bullfrogged his way tot Thunder Junction, and now people want to turn this one cult inspiring hypnotoad into just another wild and wacky horse to ride.
I get it. I get why people find this to be a discrediting of the Gitrog from fearsome monster to funny creature, but it honestly works? Innistrad is a plane of horrors, and what happens to horror media when it recurs? It reduces, with each iteration. The best horror film franchises start and end at one, maybe two if you're lucky, and it only takes a complete and total revitalization and reimagining to fix it.
For now, Gitrog is a funny horse, but maybe one day he'll be the monster you remember from your nightmares.
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A scam artist and swindler from Innistrad, Old Honest Rutstein is a surprising pull for the plane... and yet works perfectly, as snake-oil salesmen fit the old west aesthetic perfectly. Has many a fun flavor text in the set, and notably is NOT a hellspur. He's just got some fun glowy corn husks to play with.
Was the first card from the set teased as preview art before this story arc began.
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The name is a reference to Misinformation Campaign, one of the best cards from Guilds of Ravnica, but mechanically it really is more like Dovin Baan's stupid planning and plotting card.
With that in mind, and given the... strange art, I'm saying this is from Ravnica.
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Jem Lightfoote, with an e, is one of the Atiin, as her flavor text implies. This is all we know about her, other than her being delightful and probably fun at parties.
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Jolene Jolene, please don't go punching my man into space. This... hilarious card showcases New Capenna's premiere boxing tough knocking a guy directly out of his boots, while her horrifically photo-realistic snorse niss's menacingly behind her.
Fun fact: her magical gauntlets, which she still has and you can tell because you can see them around her fists, lets her literally punch money out of people! Every hit knocks some gold out of them, made from their blood and life.
This is directly referencing a magical item from some actual play DND podcast that I'm blanking on the name of. Maybe The Adventure Zone?
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Kambal, once the Consul of Allocation of Ghirapur, in Kaladesh, was ousted from his position following the revolution, replaced with Pia, Chanra's mother. Despite losing all of his actual political power, his underworld connections didn't consume him for failure, and he survived past the Phyrexian Invasion to go on to becoming the corrupt mayor of Prosperity.
The art of him makes it look like he, as the kids these day say, is "serving cunt" and I kinda adore it.
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Kellan's join up card. Thunder Junction.
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And here is Kellan proper! The erstwhile hero of the "omenpath" saga of magic story, this is the first time since Eldraine that he's actually mattered in any real capacity! Here, he finally manifests the last of his birthright, the fae magics of Oko's plane, but in his heart he's still the little shepherd boy from Eldraine.
Kellan's story honestly concludes so well that I'll forgive the somewhat lackluster middle portion. He's a sweet and innocent and perfect soul. 0/10 villainy score.
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Kraum is Ludevic's Opus, his perfect creation, the pinnacle of his mad stitching science. He's like two dudes connected together who can fly through electromagnetic powers. Mad scientists are silly.
I adore that Ludevic cares this much about his apprentice though. Kraum never shows up in story, which is probably for the best, but it's really funny to imagine every scene Geralf is in just has a two headed lightning crackling Frankenstein just, off in the distance watching him.
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Jaspar Flint is, apparently, a Hellspur, which I can kinda see from the mutations on his hands and chest, so I suppose he's from Thunder Junction. But also there's no Viashino out there that look like desert lizards, so I do wonder where he's from... my best guess is actually Gastal, for some reason.
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Lazav, successfully convincing everyone on Ravnica of his death in defense of the plane, has decided to go solo mode. So much for him and Tezzeret's plane to take over Ravnica- not that that'd ever come to fruit given it's from a book everyone hates.
I really love the art for this card.
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Lilah is the leader of the Slickshots, and notably while she doesn't show up in the story proper, the secret to her and her gangs success does; a magical tincture only she can make, that empowers her and her allies with a little extra oomph to their magic.
The best way to identify a Slickshot is through their magic, and thte specific green magic she's launching out of a strange, heart-shaped bottle, suggests to me that she's actually a witch from Eldraine.
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The flavor text, plus the make and model of the thunder-gun on our would-be gunfighter's side, suggests this is Atiin to me.
And that's a total of thirty! So lets take a quick break and go to part 2 momentarily!
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moonamite · 9 months
Madness Combat Wings of Fire AU
This is just saying what tribes I’d think they’d be- nothing too complex yet.
Hank- (Unknown) Nobody really knows what they are anymore, being covered in bandages and scars and black cloth. Pretty big, probably due to their age. Whatever they are, they’re still the deadliest dragon in Nevada.
Sanford- (Mudwing) A very large dark brown Mudwing hatched from a blood-red egg. His specialty is still explosives (Dragonflame cactus) and melee combat, with a little bit of knowledge on healing. He used to be the bigwings of his group, but due to unfortunate events, he’s no longer with them. However, some of his bigwing instincts can be seen when he’s with his teammates.
Deimos- (Skywing) A smallish rusty orange colored skywing. Slender but still muscular. Prefers to blast enemies with fire from a distance. He always looks a little dirty, but that’s just his scale color. Mostly.
Doc- (Icewing) A grey icewing that used to be a member of the AAHW. The scars on his cheeks are a constant reminder of his Dissension. Absolutely not a doctor, but still acts like the medic of the group. Wears a large jacket to keep his cold inside.
Jeb- (Nightwing) A purplish-black nightwing with a sleek body, formerly a head scientist for project nexus, now the self-proclaimed savior of Nevada. He’s got seer powers, though not too strong. Thanks to the animus-touched keystone fragment, he’s got all the powers of his regular grunt self.
Tricky/Hofnarr- (Seawing) The short, dark green, timid eccentric genius animus dragon who is a head scientist of project nexus- or at least, what’s left of him. Not only has he been zombified, but he’s (seemingly) been driven mad by his own powers. He roams around Nevada, without a care in the world, doing whatever he wants, with nobody to stop him.
Sheriff- (Sandwing) A cowardly pale sandwing with a black diamond pattern going down his scales. Despite his cowardly nature, he does a good job being the leader of MERC and all the dragons in it. He’s not afraid to nick you with his stinger, though.
Crackpot- (Rainwing) Although constantly shifting colors, his default colors are usually green and dark yellow/orange. He tends to have a lot of emotions at the same time very quickly, leading to some… unusual and slightly unpleasant colors to look at. He’s tall but scrawny and slightly unkempt looking. Of course, being one of the head scientists for project nexus doesn’t leave much time for sun time. Maybe that’s why he’s so unbearable all the time.
Phobos- (Nightwing) A very big and powerful jet-black nightwing, hatched beneath a blood moon. He’s adorned with jewelry and a flowing majestic cape, and is missing an eye. Cunning, charismatic and cruel, he rules over the city with an iron fist (or rather, talon). Definitely has the ego of a nightwing.
Church- (Seawing) A very big muscular dark blue Seawing, with large spines. Based off an electric eel. They still have the stitches and scars of a G0L3M, as well as having all the electrical weapons as their grunt counterpart.
Jorge- (Mudwing) A greenish-brown Mudwing that’s a little smaller than Church. He’s an unsib but seems to treat Church like a Mudwing would their sibs after getting paired up. Despite not being a bigwings, he’s still massive due to being a G0L3M.
Victor- (Skywing) A slender red Skywing with a short snout. A former chef turned mercenary living in the Nevada desert. He’s a little skittish but is a reliable fighter in claw-to-claw combat, especially aerial combat.
Chopper Dave- (Sky/Nightwing) A slightly short and chubby Skywing-Nightwing hybrid, with the big wings of a Skywing but snout of a Nightwing with reddish-brown scales with black splotches scattered across his body as well as some scars from previous accidents. Carries a lot of Nightwing mannerisms (besides the ego) but isn’t very adept at combat, but is an excellent flier. Totally won’t crash into anything.
Q-Bert- (Sandwing) A big pale gold Sandwing with dark specks covering his scales. He’s a merchant who settled into SQ for the money. He’s fairly bulky and scarred, but they’re old scars.
Skinner- (Rainwing) A large pale Rainwing G0L3M that works as a doctor for SQ. Everybody loves him.
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sunderedazem · 1 year
“it’s okay. i promise you, i will be here when you wake up.” with spyscrapper for the drabble prompt?
OHHHHHH YES (thank you!)
There's- something noticeably different about being hurt by the Golden Skriton, as compared to it's lesser counterparts. And as Cal stumbles yet again, holding his side where the beast's stinger had pierced him through and limping, his calf still pouring blood - he tries to puzzle out what. But it's hard to put a name to with the chill of Jedha's cool deserts leeching warmth from his shivering limbs and sapping clarity from his stream of conscious thought. It's hard to figure out with the gash in his back still seeping warmth down his clothes despite the bacta dressings.
He blinks again, and Jedha's deserts burst with kaleidoscopic color before fading back to tans and browns and the oncoming violet of dusk. He's...a bit too far from the base to make it back before nightfall, he thinks fuzzily.
It's a shame BD had stayed with Cordova. The little droid always had been good at making sure the stim capsules didn't get smashed to pieces. And Cal...Cal hadn't been so lucky this go around.
The desert sways back into vibrant colors again, the pain fluttering into strange pulses of neon for a moment, and Cal staggers to a halt, staring absently at the landscape as it flashes green and gold and bright blue around him. He....doesn't think this is precisely normal. Maybe that's what's different about the Golden Skriton sting...?
He doesn't notice he's keeled over on the sand until the grit is cool beneath his cheek and there's spreading warmth sticky and wet beneath his side and- it's a little silly, really, how everything keeps flickering into pretty colors...and the sounds are starting to get weird too, there's a humming buzz that keeps getting louder and louder-
"Cal! Holy shit, scrapper-"
Bode's face is a miasmas of blinding orange and purple above him, and spinning wildly, and Cal giggles weakly up at him. He looks weird. Maybe Cal's just tired.
"Heyyy...jetpack..." he tries to get out- but the words slur on his tongue and garble, and there's a flash of fear on the mercenary's face that seems wrong, very wrong when the pain is drifting away and Cal doesn't really feel all that cold anymore. Dark eyes blink down at him, cutting sharply through the drifting colors and glowing traces of weird lights starting to curdle his vision at the edges. It feels like he's on the edge of a dream, a little. Carefully, Bode's hands trace around the curve of his throat, pressing against his pulse. Cal stares up at him, watching.
He's so pretty. Bode's so pretty it hurts.
There's a strangled sob then, and before he realizes what's happening Bode's sliding his hands underneath Cal's shoulders and knees and lifting. It's comfortable, and Cal's very convinced he's about to have a nice nap listening to Bode's pattering heart. Everything's pleasantly fuzzy now. And Bode is still so-
He sighs, closing his eyes against the bright colors beyond. Bode's handsome. Kissable. He wants to do that, later, maybe.
"You're the pretty one, scrapper," Bode says then, and his voice is choked with fear. "You hang in there, you hear me? Kiss me later, you hear me?"
Cal hums.
"...promise?" he garbles. "promise you'll...be here...?"
Bode chokes again, and his heart's a horrid drumbeat, loud and terrified in his chest. Cal thinks they might be flying.
"I swear to you, Cal. I'll be here when you wake up," he whispers. He sounds so scared.
Cal barely has time to wonder why before the kaleidoscope swallows him.
(He wakes up three days later, antidote like fire in his bloodstream and bacta plastered over his injuries. Bode is no longer orange and purple, but he is there. Cal thinks that he promised to be.)
(Bode still looks kissable. He always has.)
(Cal kisses him.)
(He's kissed back.)
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trapuppet · 4 years
@blue-mercenary-stinger asked:
🙏 Fantoccio and Belle? owo
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mimosmerc · 4 years
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ROUGH: @blue-mercenary-stinger
TUMBLE: mobian-menaces ( may their blog rest in pepperoni )
ZAVOK: @zav0k , @chaos-driven-muses
DOCTOR STARLINE: @chaostested , @dr-starline
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i love & support them all & wish them the best this upcoming year ( because i’m late on the new year hype train ) !!! cheers to our previous threads & here’s to hoping we can further plot out the [ pre-ISSUE 4 ] future of this hectic group — if you’ll have me.
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canon-fcdder · 4 years
✩ {  @blue-mercenary-stinger​​​ } ✩ - Continued from ★
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{ ☆ } Well... Isn’t someone jumpy. Still, Wakko seems unperturbed— just like at their first meeting, not even flinching at the startled tone —merely sitting upright in the abundance of fur. A paw raises to scratch at his ear for a moment before- 
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❝ ... Can I follow ya around if I’m not clinging to your tail?  ❞  { ☆ }  
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zav0k · 4 years
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- @blue-mercenary-stinger​ said: "Heeeey there, big guy." A large, toothy grin greeted the zeti as the skunk leaned back, playing on his little console that he stole earlier. Tumble was on a mission with Mimic unfortunately. "Beaver guy said I'm stuck with ya until he's finished with whatever. So, who're we gonna smash up?"
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      “Rough. One strong, fearless warrior. It is good to see you.” Pleasantries aside... he should have known Starline would set them up together. That man cannot be trusted. Whatever he is up to, this ‘revenge against Dr. Eggman’ he is planning, he certainly is doing his best to play along with the ‘team dynamic’... held together by stitches as flimsy as they come, converged in a moment of mere necessity, with no talk of organization beforehand.
      All that is to be known is that, indeed, as the platypus once stated, Zavok himself is to spearhead the group. If they want to cause mindless property damage of all sorts, so be it. Whatever keeps these brutes pacified.
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      “There is much we can do in such little time. As it stands, one facility has already fallen. Many will follow. With the Eggman flunky’s intel concerning most of the ‘good doctor’s structural inner workings, we know precisely where to strike.”
      The behemoth cracked his knuckles, facing towards the horizon beyond. “We must strike communication centers, barracks, foundations of morale. Anything that may cause widespread chaos and disconnect as many operatives from this ‘Eggnet’ as possible. It is certainly a good thing that you came along. Only the strongest and the most resilient will survive.”
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abssomnium · 4 years
@blue-mercenary-stinger // starter call.
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➦                               ❛ - okay charmy, good form on that last attack! try to focus your swings with parry synchronization next time, alright? you wanna disarm them, THEN go for the gold. - ❜
              downtime in the resistence, a lost courtesy to most. for silver, he typically enjoyed tableside chats or maybe sharing a plate of sandwiches ; but to have the honor of training a younger teammate? oh! his heart soared at the opportunity. he wouldn’t let knuckles down, OR charmy! hands flatten towards the floor as he lifts off & floats over to charmy’s side to the side of the training dummy stuck like a scarecrow in the earth. for charmy, it had been specifically decked out in jockey gear made from scrapped egg drone parts.
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                               ❛ - & remember your battle ettiquette! since he’s on OUR team, be sure to thank travis for every good battle. - ❜ — travis being the dummy, of course. as innocent as he may be at times, silver truly had a heart of gold with good intentions all around.
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blackarms · 4 years
› ; .             HE WAS NEVER good with children, maria being the only exclusion. his stoic person never amounted to any salvable reputation when handling the young, particularly since they typically found him terrifying. a dark essence adorned by strangely sharp teeth && glowing green blood usually horrified the children after a brief scrap with trouble. but not with this one ; oh no, if anything shadow now had a replacement silhouette to mephiles. charmy bee, member of the chaotix, had recently begun to tail after the anti-hero, his speed never a nominal factor in what was required to lose his tag-along. be it a simple stroll through the forest, a convoy mission needing stealth && precision navigation, or even a toss up of butting heads with sonic — charmy had been somewhere on the sidelines, trailing after the alien hybrid.
             it was uncomfortable to him, shadow never have been given such undivided attention day in && day out. nowadays attention spans died within the first few unrewarding minutes of tracking, yet somehow the bee managed to shadow after the hedgehog for hours on end. there had been no confrontation, no comment or snide remark made his way ; instead he had opted to IGNORE charmy until he got a clue. after all, that’s what he was all about in his team — the chaotix were criminal investigators. though today something sparked in shadow’s mental state, a synapsis firing that works him up into a cold sweat, figure turning heel to abrasively face the following child as arms cross.
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                               ❛ - how long do you plan to keep this up ? - ❜ having kept his sneer short && to the point the agent remains frozen in place, unmoving even to the slightest breeze. he wanted answers, possibly even an explanation as to why he had dedicated so much of his time into pursuing what seemed to be a menial cause. && what was his reward for doing so? wasn’t it going to be short-lived? a temporary achievement? NOTHING MADE SENSE.
-  › : 「 @blue-mercenary-stinger // starter 」
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revolutionarytale · 4 years
"HIII!" eagerly the child is already approaching. "You are new here, right? I guess you are cause I‘ve never seen you before! I‘m Charmy! Wanna play?"
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“Hello there and I am.” Molly nodded with a smile on her face even if she was nervous at the same time. “And I would like to even if I’m unsure how to play... Also, I’m Molly.”
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welcome-to-chao-hub · 4 years
Zeena: ...Do you ever get that feeling that Zazz is about to do something stupid?
Zomom: ...sometimes.
Zeena: Not even on the Hex and we both know what’s about to happen.
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omniversentertwined · 4 years
      It was normally important to keep an eye on these sorts of situations -- or really, the people involved in them, but this time..perhaps she’d simply kept watching through the two-way temporal "window" out of disbelief ( && a small amount of amusement.. ).
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      “ Gods, it really is just like a father exasperated over the actions of his children.. ”
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whispon · 4 years
@blue-mercenary-stinger // starter call.
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➦                               ❛ - claire? - ❜
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              the scout was somewhat quiet, voice low due to the hour — it was still ealry on in the day, not many had risen yet. though her name implied her hushed tones, she hadn’t always been so soft spoken growing up, even amongst the diamond cutters. claws gingerly reach out to take a hand of the simian’s shoulder, herding her close to the wolf as she tries escorting her off & towards their kitchen facility on base.
              once in the clear & able to talk more openly without fear of waking fellow mercenary members, the youngest of the crew gave an excited wag of her tail, sat at the table while hopefully the elder was prepping some kind of morning cocoa for the teen. sure, there still remaining that heavy air of drowsiness, but usually a happy pup like whisper could whisk that feeling away with a few yips of praise.
                               ❛ - hey, what were you doing up so early anyways?? i thought i was the only one who got up at daybreak nowadays. . . ? - ❜
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wolfxnews · 3 years
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“Charmy... Are you really sure you know what you’re doing here?” Sole asked; a frown forming on her face when she saw the bee gathered some items and placed them in front of her as she wasn’t quite sure what he had planned but considering he had a diet coke bottle and some Mentos... She had a feeling she knew where this was going.
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“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
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trapuppet · 4 years
@blue-mercenary-stinger asked:
(Belle) "Oh! I didn’t know there was another marionette.“ He didn’t appear to be a badnik so that’s a good sign. "I am, uhm, Belle. What’s your name?"
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➦              was that the sound of footsteps? the lone stage producer rose his gloomy visage from atop his pirate ship’s platform, glowing eyes widening to dinner plates. could it be? strapped in suspenders was another like him, another puppet! fantoccio never felt such elation swell in his solid wooden frame, body jumping up from his knees in a hands-free leap into the air, catching the grace of magic to keep him aloft in the rafter space above.
                                ❛ - doth mine eyes DECEIVE me ? no, it can’t be— -! another, like a mother ? or perhaps a sibling suits better ? - ❜
              with his addressal soliloquy out of the way, the marionette descends to just above belle’s perception, feet kicking out merrily as hands fwip out from under his shawl, those engraved joints clear as day — by the very screws! ❛ - I WAS RIGHT ! more than me, there’s another ! all this time i assumed i was the only one in this theater. AH ha ha ha —! well, this will be one heck of a concept. - ❜
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              FANTOCCIO slips a finger crooked under his chin, eyes narrowing vaguely as he sculpts his vision over the taller individual. she seems lacking in most of her whittled edges, though maybe that was purposeful? maybe she hadn’t been intended for entertainment? NO! — perish the thought. a puppet was nothing short of bunraku, still within the origins of intricate fantasies! with a slow circle around the mobian, the poorly mannered producer pokes a digit to her nose, a small attempt to illicit some form of comedy.
                                ❛ - odd, you don’t appear to be of the same venue. . . you’re a carver’s prize, are you not ? surely you’re your own string-master too, yeah ? - ❜
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