#bluepulse week 2018
bluepulse-week · 1 year
Good morning! May I ask if there's a tag where I can easily browse previous years' prompts? (On mobile atm, so it's a bit harder to get around.)
Hi! I have gone back through the Bluepulse Week blog for you and compiled a list of links to the previous years' prompts.
Bluepulse Week 2016
Bluepulse Week 2017
Bluepulse Week 2018
Bluepulse Week 2019
Bluepulse Week 2020
Bluepulse Week 2021
Bluepulse Week 2022
Fun tip: if you know of any other ship weeks, check out their prompts/themes for ideas!
Alternatively, feel free to check out any of the resources below for ideas too!
OTP Prompts & Themes
AU Prompt List
Hope that helps! :)
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violetwolfraven · 6 years
Bluepulse Week Day 5: Colors/Seasons
Summary: The team goes on a mission in December. On the way back, Jaime and Bart decide to stick around for a while.
“I’m boooooooored!” Bart groaned.
Jaime looked over at him, glaring, “Bart, I am, too, but we still have to stake this guy out until Cassie and Barbara get here to take over.”
“Well, when’s that going to be?” Bart asked.
“Not for another hour,” Jaime said.
“But we’ve already been here forever.”
“We have been here three hours.”
“Scarab says we’ve been here three hours.”
“Well, I’m a speedster,” Bart said, “Feels longer for me.”
It started snowing.
Jaime looked up, “Great.” He was already cold, and now it was just worse. They couldn’t be suited up on this kind of stakeout, so while normally, Scarab could keep him warm, he couldn’t today. Jaime was shivering in his coat.
Bart was looking around in wonder, “Wow.”
“What’s the matter?” Jaime asked, “Haven’t you seen snow before?”
“Yeah, but...” Bart shrugged, “Where I’m from, it’s usually not this white. Here... well, it’s kind of magical.”
The snowflakes contrasted sharply against Bart’s auburn hair. His green eyes were sparkling like Jaime had never seen.
“Magical,” Jaime agreed.
Bart had told him he had a thing for him, but... well, both of them had been kind of pretending it never happened. Nothing about their friendship had changed. Jaime had been pretty sure he was straight. That he didn’t like Bart that way.
But with how good the speedster looked in the snow right now... who knows?
A wind swept through the park where they were sitting. Jaime shivered.
“Are you cold?” Bart asked, looking concerned.
“I’m from El Paso,” Jaime said, “It doesn’t get this cold at home.”
Bart put his arm around him, and Jaimewas surprised to feel that Bart was really warm.
“Speedster metabolism,” He explained, like he knew what Jaime was thinking.
“That’s convenient,” Jaime admitted.
Bart seemed a little embarrassed, “Um, you’re okay with... this... right?”
“Yeah,” Jaime said quickly, “Yeah, I’m okay with it.”
The snow didn’t seem so bad anymore.
“Having fun?”
Jaime wasn’t sure how long they’d been sitting there when they turned around to see Cassie and Barbara smirking.
“It’s cold,” He said defensively.
“Well, you two can go back to the Watchtower and warm up now if you want,” Barbara said, badly hiding her smile, “Cassie and I can take over.”
Jaime knew Bart usually liked to hurry, but he walked pretty slowly towards the Zeta Tube, staying with him instead of running ahead like he usually did.
“So I guess it doesn’t really snow in Texas,” He said awkwardly.
“Not usually,” Jaime agreed, “You know, it actually is nice here. Wanna stick around a little longer?”
“Uh, sure,” Bart said, surprised.
They walked through the park, talking about little bits of nothing as it got darker. Jaime wasn’t 100% sure if this specific park would do anything like he was hoping for it to do, but hopefully...
Suddenly, lights went on everywhere. Tiny lights, like fairies, in a million colors, arranged in different patterns. Some of them were shaped like icicles, some just regular lightbulbs. Bart stared at it all, amazed.
“There’s nothing like this in the future,” Bart marveled.
“Do you like it?” Jaime asked.
“Like it?” Bart asked, “It’s beautiful! And amazing! Did you know this was going to happen?”
“It’s Christmas season,” Jaime said, “I had a hunch. I thought you’d want to see it.”
“You waited around even though you hate the cold, because you wanted me to see this?” Bart asked.
Jaime looked at his feet, “When you told me you liked me a couple months ago, I didn’t know what to say. I’d never even considered thinking of you as anything but my best friend. But I started thinking about it more and more, and... I like you, too, Bart.”
“Really?” Bart asked.
“Yeah, I—“
Bart cut him off by kissing him.
Jaime was shocked, obviously, but he melted into it. It felt warm, and right, and he wondered why he’d taken so long to realize this would work.
When they pulled apart, they were both blushing like idiots.
“Um, we should get back to the Watchtower,” Bart said, “I promised Gar I’d help him decorate for this big Christmas party he planned. You wanna help, too? Gar kind of bought too much decorations; we’re going to need everyone we can get.”
“The League okayed a party up there?”
“No. They’re welcome to come, but they can’t say no if you don’t ask.”
Jaime laughed, “Why not? Sure, I’ll help you decorate.”
As they walked back to the Zeta Tube, Jaime’s arm around Bart’s shoulders, they didn’t notice Cassie and Barbara talking and watching them through binoculars.
“Mission accomplished,” Cassie said, high-fiving Barbara, “Operation Bluepulse has succeeded.”
“What are we going to tell them about why we’re not staking out that guy we had them watch for four hours anymore?”
“Nothing. We’ll just hang out around here for a few hours and tell them we found out it was a false alarm.”
Barbara shrugged, “We probably shouldn’t have had them stalk a random person for four hours, though.”
“Eh. The guy didn’t notice them, anyway. No harm done. And now they’re together, so that’s a bonus.”
It turned out the League was fine with the Christmas party. But there may or may not have been several incidents involving mistletoe and various couples.
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disregardcanon · 5 years
a decade of self recs
i’d like to invite anyone who wants to to participate in this exercise along with me!
this is a self rec and a reflection on a fic from each year of the decade
fandoms include: percy jackson, adventure time, a song of ice and fire, girl meets world, gravity falls, young justice, the flash, my hero academia, the mcu, and the handmaid’s tale. 
2010: I didn’t even know what fanfiction was! oh my gosh i was a baby!
I Won’t Ever Leave You Alone
Fandom: Percy Jackson 
Pairings: Percy/Annabeth
Summary:  What happens when Percy's sent to the Roman Camp and flat out does not want to remember his past? Can it have a happy ending? It's my first fan fiction and I hope you enjoy.
A.N: This WAS the first fanfiction that I ever wrote. It was bad. It’s STILL bad. however... if I didn’t ever write this one, then I never would have gotten less bad. That’s important! 
The Ice Prince
Fandom: Adventure Time
Summary:  "Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice" Robert Frost. The lonely ice prince wonders a frozen wasteland of his own creation, searching for companionship he will never be fortunate enough to find, with only vague recollections and half memories as comfort. Drabble Ice Prince!Finn
A.N: this fic is actually shorter than the author’s note I wrote for it, but... I’m not going to lie. The atmosphere work is really great and the wording flows really nicely. I’m proud of this little piece. I think out of everything that I wrote that year, it shows my potential the best. 
Hot Chocolate Heals All Wounds
Fandom: Percy Jackson 
Pairings: Reyna/Annabeth and past Percy/Annabeth 
Summary:  Moving on is never easy, but with hot chocolate, love, laughter and Reyna by her side, Annabeth might just manage.
A.N: 2013 was where I really started to take off as a fic writer. I improved drastically over the course of the year, but I still think that this fic that I wrote during the summer is the closest to my heart. It’s the first of my “ladies getting over trauma together and falling in love” genre. 
It’s not as good as I remember it being, and oh lordy. the smut.. the smut is bad. But there’s a lot of potential here, and I can still look back on it fondly. 
The River Rushes On
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire 
Pairings: Catelyn/Cersei 
Summary: The official reason that she is sent to Riverrun is so that she can learn to be a proper lady alongside Hoster’s daughters. The unofficial reason, of course, is that Tywin found his golden twins having sex.
Or, the one where all good things end, but life continues.
A.N: I had a bit of debate going between this one and a sansaery fic that I wrote that year, but I decided that this HAD to be the choice. Catelyn/Cersei is a pairing that I came to on my own, but I ended up really loving because of the friends I made through the pairing. While this might not have been might best writing of the year, I feel like it was a formative enough experience that it overrides that. 
honorable mention: like the songs, a tragic sansaery au where sansa was a traveling singer
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire 
Pairings: Sansa/Margaery 
Summary:  In an alternate universe where many of the members of the Westerosi elite are magical creatures, the Lannisters seal Sansa Stark's wolf form deep within her. Margaery Tyrell vows to break the spell.
A.N: this is where we get into fics that I might actually recommend to someone. This one was one of the last fics that I wrote during high school, and it was inspired by our class reading of Macbeth and the emotional turmoil of getting ready to head off to college. There’s still some stuff I’m REALLY proud of in there. The spell ingredient “blood of a lover, willingly drawn” is still fantastic, the dream is still chilling, and I honestly sometimes think of adapting this premise into an original story.
honorable mentions: a guide to coming out, the girl meets world edition 
her heart’s duet, the mabifica soulmate’s au 
Over the Shadowy Hills 
Fandoms: Young Justice
Pairings: Artemis/Zatanna
Summary: Wally is dead, but Artemis isn't. She's trying to learn how to deal with that.Featuring: Bart Allen, product placement Netflix isn't paying me for, blatant symbolism, and snaibsel sweaters.
A.N: 2016 was a REALLY hard one. I wanted to put like, 3 star wars rebels fics, but i’m holding myself to my one fic per year policy, and if it’s one fic for year... then it has to be over the shadowy hills.   
one of my other friends helped me work this into a fic that i could be really proud of, and it’s the better version of the same fic type as “hot chocolate heals all wounds” from a couple years earlier. i’m still really pleased with the way that this one panned out and i couldn’t leave it out of a best list, 
the honorable mentions:  you were someone, once the winter soldiered! ezra fic that helped me become friends with @bodhimcbodeface​, the ketbine soulmate au where sabine drew dicks all over her face, and then there’s the mirialan!ezra au. 
you, me, and the flash makes three
Fandom: The Flash 
Pairings: Cisco/Iris, eventual Cisco/Barry/Iris
Summary: When Barry Allen wakes up from his coma, he finds out that Iris is dating Cisco. He tries really hard to dislike the guy, but Cisco makes it really hard. He's a likable dude.Things get more complicated from there.
A.N: i have a few others that i would have liked to put for this year, but i saw “you me and the flash makes three” and then i was like. well shit. i can’t pick anything else. this fic is a little under 15k and it’s really one of my favorite things that i’ve ever written. it’s a little cheesy and at parts feels a little clunky, but i think that the way that i was able to hit the most important emotional beats for season one of the flash and flesh out all the relationships within an ot3 outweigh that. 
honorable mentions are: how to fall in love with your mark, the bluepulse fic where bart allen realizes that he can’t kill jaime reyes and 
mantis prays to oregon, the guardians of the galaxy vol. 2 fic where mantis is ego’s biological child, but that somehow makes everything worse
Ad Astra Per Aspera
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairings: Ochako/Bakugo 
Summary:  Ochako sees none of herself in Bakugo’s pure rage, her sheer confidence. Bakugo holds up an enormous middle finger to the world and says come and get it. She’s harsh. She’s loud. She’s angry. She doesn’t say what’s on her mind; she shouts it.If she’s being completely honest, Ochako is a bit in awe with her.People might not like her, but they take her seriously. Bakugo grabs them by the throats, pulls them in and says “I am woman, hear me roar."
Sequel to "knights in shining armor"
A.N: 2018 was the year that I embraced the gender bend and started writing bildungsromans that deal with coming of age and trying to puzzle out wtf being a person and gender even are. I’m really pleased with all of them, but this is my favorite. Partially because I think it’s the most well-written, partially because I like the motifs the best, but mainly because it taught me a lot about myself and my writing. 
Also it accidentally got me to ship kacchako, which is something I appreciate. 
honorable mentions: hers, not his: the fem!todoroki one where she learns that sometimes telling your dad to fuck off isn’t worth giving up the things that you love
gimme a boost over heaven’s gate, the one where eleanor and tahani end up on the same talk show together. then bone. then become better people
Paint a New Horizon 
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire
Pairings: Sansa/Margaery and abusive Sansa/Joffrey
Summary:  Sansa is a painter. The moment that she meets Joffrey he becomes her muse. After they get married she starts to see his true colors unfold in front of her and she loses her passion. Then she meets Margaery. Her presence changes everything, and reignites a passion for painting and for life that Sansa thought was long buried. It’s too bad that leaving Joffrey isn’t an easy task.
A.N: this fic is 23k of my sweat and tears. i know that it’s kind of a weird premise, but this was the most gripping writing i’ve done all year. it was exactly right for me at that moment. 
however, it does spell a bit of a turning point in my writing and life. in the past, i have written short fics that i could get posted fairly quickly. this fic was the result of multiple weeks of work when i was off school, not working much, and focusing mainly on... writing this damn thing. moving forward, i’m going to have to try to figure out a way to keep up my motivation and drive with longer projects when i don’t have the time to dedicate to HUGE chunks of work at one time when i also know i’m not going to get the instant gratification of kudos immediately after a long writing sesh. i know that sounds silly, but this is the first year where the majority of the fics i wrote WERE longer. 
while i’m very pleased with all of these longer fics, it does mark a shift that i will just have to learn how to deal with. 
honorable mention: A Woman’s Place, the handmaid’s tale time travel fix it fic
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cakewitch43 · 6 years
Bluepulse Week 2018-Dreams/Nightmares
Bart has a nightmare while at a sleepover at Jaime's house. Khaji Da comforts him.
Bart woke with a start. Suddenly, he couldn't breathe, couldn't think. His heart was pounding in his ears, and his feet were tingling strangely.
"Bart Allen?" came a voice from the dark. Oh, right. He was at Jaime's house for a sleepover. The trouble was, Bart couldn't answer, he was too busy trying to breathe.
"Come here," Khaji grabbed Bart from under his arms, pulling him into his lap, and Bart found that he had fully suited up, becoming more Khaji Da than Jaime Reyes. He pulled Bart toward his chest and held him there steadily.
Bart knew he shouldn't cry. He knew that Khaji only partially understood human emotion, and would probably panic if he started crying.
"It's alright Bart; you are safe. We will protect you." That didn't help, like, at all. Tears sprung out of Bart's eyes as his breath hitched, trying to stop, to contain the emotion welling up inside him, but it didn't work. Bart pressed into Khaji's shoulder, and Khaji just held him tighter, rubbing circles in his back and whispering sweet nothings in his ear as he sobbed.
He didn't know how Khaji did it. Sure, he was getting more and more human each day, but this is something even most humans would feel uncomfortable.
"What was your dream about? I am told telling another helps with the pain." Khaji whispered in Bart's ear.
Images flooded his head. The Blue Beetle from the future, coming to take Jaime and Khaji away, Jaime's screams as he yelled "I'll find you! I'll find you!!". The Reach scientists, poking and prodding him, as right across the hall, Jaime's screams echoed for all to hear. But they didn't care. The Reach didn't care about love or fear or hate or sentience, they were just parasites, sucking each planet dry of everything they had to offer, stealing babies and lovers and lives, only for the sake of science and productiveness. It was sick.
"Bart!"Khaji was shaking him slightly, looking into his eyes like Bart was going to keel over and die any second now. "You're okay. You're safe. I'm here, Jaime's here, you're safe. Whatever it is, we have you, We love you."
Tears began flowing freely again, but not nearly as rapidly. Bart sunk into Khaji, breathing deeply. "Thank you,"
Khaji Da began to lay back down, taking Bart with him. "Bart Allen. You are ours, and we are yours. Whatever ails you, be it nightmares or enemies, we will slay them. They will be terminated, viciously, and we shall care for you in the aftermath,"
Bart sighed, sinking deeper into Khaji's body. He knew he would have more nightmares, they were an inevitability, but Jaime and Khaji Da would be there to comfort him, that's all that mattered.
Commenting takes only a few seconds and really makes my day/encourages me to write more! You may not remember your comment a few days down the line, but these things really warm my heart.
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yj-fanfic-awards · 7 years
Young Justice Fanfic Awards 2018 Information
Hey everyone!! included in this post is everything you need to know about these awards I have decided to hold!! First of all please follow all rules that are outlined in posts and make sure that you are having fun. I did not create this event to cause drama or make people feel like they aren't good enough of a creator, but to celebrate all the wonderful work that has been created in this fandom over the last few years! Please, please reblog this post so that more people can find out about this event. I want to run this like the first Bluepulse week I did and have as many people as possible participate. If you have any questions don't be afraid to DM me or ask a question!! 
These are pretty simple as I wanted it to be easy for everyone to be a part of. 
1. When you wish to nominate a fanfic doing so on this form would be best. If not messages or asks are okay but you will be more limited. You can nominate the same work for various sections but please say which ones. 
2. No hate!! if I see anyone hating on a work their nomination will not be counted and will be blocked from seeing anything to do with this event. 
3. Everyone can only do the form once, send one message or one ask. This is so that works aren’t spammed. 
4. Nominations are open until April 2nd 6pm AEST. Any nominations sent after this will not count. 
Overall Awards 
- Best Work
- Best Author 
- Best Future Based (beyond what is conciderend canon)
- Best Wip (unfinished work)
- Best Comedy
- Best Hurt/Comfort 
- Best Romance
- Best Canon Divergence
- Best Canon Compliant
- Best AU (can be anything, but must diverge enough to not be in any other categories)
- Best Fluff
- Best Smut 
Best Troupe
- Season 3
- Non-Hero
- Modern AU
- Slow Burn
- Time Travel 
- Wally West Lives
Oneshot Awards (one chapter only)
- AU
- Smut
- Fluff 
- Canon 
- Angst 
Series Awards (more than one work by the same author)
- AU
- Smut
- Fluff
- Canon
- Angst
Author Awards (the writer)
- Hurt/Comfort
- Romance
- Canon Divergence
- AU
- Smut
- Fluff
- Canon
- Spitfire
- Bluepulse
- Supermartian
- Chalant
- Cheshroy
- Birdflash 
- Rare Pair (anything not written above)
Please, please, please reblog this so that the work can get out, I really want to bring the fandom together with this event. 
Much love, 
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Obitine Fanfic Awards 2018 Information
Hey everyone!! included in this post is everything you need to know about these awards I have decided to hold!! First of all please follow all rules that are outlined in posts and make sure that you are having fun. I did not create this event to cause drama or make people feel like they aren't good enough of a creator, but to celebrate all the wonderful work that has been created in this fandom over the last few years! Please, please reblog this post so that more people can find out about this event. I want to run this like the first Bluepulse week I did and have as many people as possible participate. If you have any questions don't be afraid to DM me or ask a question!!
These are pretty simple as I wanted it to be easy for everyone to be a part of.
1. When you wish to nominate a fanfic doing so on this form would be best. If not messages or asks are okay but you will be more limited. You can nominate the same work for various sections but please say which ones.
2. No hate!! if I see anyone hating on a work their nomination will not be counted and will be blocked from seeing anything to do with this event.
3. Everyone can only do the form once, send one message or one ask. This is so that works aren’t spammed.
4. Nominations are open until April 2nd 6pm AEST. Any nominations sent after this will not count.
Overall Awards
- Best Work
- Best Author
- Best Future Based (beyond what is considered canon)
- Best Wip (unfinished work)
- Best Comedy
- Best Hurt/Comfort
- Best Romance
- Best Canon Divergence
- Best Canon Compliant
- Best AU (can be anything, but must diverge enough to not be in any other categories)
- Best Fluff
- Best Smut
Best Troupe
- Role Reversal
- Best enemies/friends to lovers
- Modern AU
- Slow Burn
- Pregnancy
- Jedi
- Royal
Oneshot Awards (one chapter only)
- AU
- Smut
- Fluff
- Canon
- Angst
Series Awards (more than one work by the same author)
- AU
- Smut
- Fluff
- Canon
- Angst
Author Awards (the writer)
- Hurt/Comfort
- Romance
- Canon Divergence
- AU
- Smut
- Fluff
- Canon
Please, please, please reblog this so that the work can get out, I really want to bring the fandom together with this event.
Much love,
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ao3feed-bluepulse · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iliiJv
by miagirl3
Bart and Jamie are having a sleepover when all of the sudden Jaime starts to have a really bad dream,
Words: 2023, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of My One True Love
Fandoms: Young Justice - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jaime Reyes
Relationships: Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes
Additional Tags: Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Dreams and Nightmares, Nightmares, takes place in season 2, Bluepulse Week 2018, sorry it's late
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iliiJv
0 notes
lowkeyhaikyuuhell · 5 years
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violetwolfraven · 6 years
Bluepulse Week Day 2: Dreams/Nightmares
Summary: M’gann experiences the boys’ nightmares, then attempts to make them talk about it.
M’gann was running. She couldn’t run fast enough. The post-apocalyptic landscape was treacherous and M’gann’s shoes were barely together. Wait... why was she running when she could fly? M’gann looked down to see someone else’s—a human’s— body.
I’m dreaming, M’gann realized, Someone else’s dream.
It wasn’t uncommon. She’d shared one with Wally, where he was being chased by toast, one with Garfield where he’d been frustrated about not being able to turn into a regular-colored elephant, and various other PTSD-induced nightmares with almost everyone on the team. The only reason M’gann was still sane was because she knew it wasn’t real.
But real or not, M’gann was scared. She was more afraid than she’d been in her life. Or, whoever’s dream this actually was was that scared. M’gann listened in on their thoughts.
No, no, no, no.Not again. I prevented this. I was going to protect him. I need to go faster...
A hand went up to the person’s neck, where an inhibitor collar was stopping their abilities.
M’gann probed deeper into the person’s thoughts. This was... Bart?
Bart cried out as something hit him, hard, knocking him against a tree. M’gann knew it was a dream, but somehow, the pain was real.
Bart was crying, scared out of his mind, and blows fell on his back, on his head, on his arms and legs, and he was curled in too tight a ball for M’gann to see who the assailant was.
Whoever it was, they lifted Bart off his feet by the throat, and M’gann was shocked.
It was Blue Beetle.
But it wasn’t... really. It looked like Jaime, but this Blue was a lot bigger, with a homicidal gleam in his eyes. He didn’t look at Bart with compassion. Only cruel amusement.
“J-Jaime!” Bart gasped, “It’s me! It’s Bart! We’re friends!”
“We are not friends,” Blue Beetle said in a deep voice that could give most people nightmares.
“It can’t be- be you under there,” Bart choked. Panic was just making it harder for him to breathe.
Blue Beetle laughed, “You won’t know until it’s too late.”
He drove a sword through Bart’s stomach.
M’gann was immediately slingshotted into someone else’s nightmare. Oh no.
The most confusing part was that it was a similar scene.
It was almost the same—post-apocalyptic. But Bart was standing in front of whoever this was, hands up, terrified. He couldn’t run away. This him had an inhibitor collar on, too.
“J-Jaime,” Bart pleaded, “Please don’t hurt me! I’m your friend.”
This was Jaime’s dream.
“Scarab, don’t hurt him! I’m begging you, don’t hurt him!” Jaime’s shaky voice was in his head.
“The Bart Allen has to die, Jaime Reyes,” another voice said. M’gann had sensed Jaime talking to someone telepathically before. She hadn’t known it was the Scarab. All she could sense now was Jaime’s fear and pain. He was terrified of hurting Bart. He seemed to lose all hope. Was this what had been going through his head while on-mode? Hurting everyone and not being able to do anything about it?
“No, please! Bart, run!”
“I thought you were my friend,” Bart said, sounding bitter and angry.
“The Bart Allen can not hear you,” the Scarab said to Jaime, drawing swords.
M’gann could hear Jaime begging Scarab not to do it. He was fighting as hard as he could and M’gann sensed that if he could, he would be crying. And she sensed his horror as the sword was driven through Bart’s stomach.
“No!” Jaime sat bolt upright in bed.
“It was only a dream, Jaime Reyes.”
“Could you see it?” Jaime gasped, still panting.
“Yes, but it took me some time to wake you.”
Jaime shuddered, “Man, that was scary.”
“You should know that I would never do that.”
“If we were on-mode, you wouldn’t be able to stop it,” Jaime pointed out. Maybe spending the night at the Watchtower had been a bad idea. His parents had thought it might help, but tonight’s nightmare was as bad as always.
Jaime made his way to the kitchen, and was surprised to see Bart there, absentmindedly not-really making popcorn.
“Scans indicate that the Bart Allen is distresssd,” Scarab said, “He is scared.”
“Bart?” Jaime asked.
Bart jumped, “Hey, her-man-o! What’s up?”
“You okay?”
He looked guarded, but nodded, “Yeah, why?”
“You don’t look okay,” Jaime said. As he put a hand on Bart’s shoulder, he got a flash of pain. Fear. Betrayal. A deep voice laughing and telling him he wouldn’t know something until it was too late. Like his dream, but on Bart’s end.
Bart jumped, like he’d gotten something, too.
“What was—?” Jaime was confused.
“The M’gann M’orzz is behind that corner. That telepathic connection was her doing.”
“Telepathic connection?” Jaime thought, “You mean that was a dream Bart had?”
“Did you just get a flash of me trying to kill you?” Jaime asked aloud.
“Yeah,” Bart admitted, surprised, “Except, you didn’t want to. How did you know?”
“That was the nightmare I just woke up from. Scarab thinks M’gann connected us telepathically for a second.”
Bart processed that, “Does that mean..?”
“Yeah,” Jaime confirmed, “Bart, whoever that Beetle was, he wasn’t me. He’ll never be me.”
Bart shrugged, “The dream was right. If he is, I’ll never know until it’s too late.” He sighed, “Jaime, you know the real reason I came back to the past?”
“Too keep an eye on me?”
“Yeah... no. I came here to kill you.”
Jaime felt a flash of shock, “Oh. Wait, why didn’t you?”
Bart chuckled, “Maybe it was stupid, but while I was trying to find your weaknesses, that wasn’t all I found. I found you. The mission stopped being ‘cross you off,’ and started being ‘save you.’”
Jaime didn’t know what to say. Had Bart really risked everything. Every horrible thing that had happened in his future, just to save him?
Turned out, Jaime didn’t have to say anything. Bart wrapped him in a hug, burying his face in the older boy’s shirt.
Jaime just hugged him back, trying to make up for everything the future version of him had done, even though he knew that was probably impossible.
Around the corner, M’gann smiled to herself and went back to bed. The boys were far from okay, but maybe they were starting to heal.
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bluepulse-week · 6 years
Hey Everyone! So Bluepulse week will be happening again this year from November 19-25!! I want to give everyone a chance to help come up with the themes! Below is a link to a google form where you can write up to 10 different ideas you have! The 7 most popular will be chosen for the 7 days!
Google Form
love xxxxx
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violetwolfraven · 6 years
Bluepulse Week Day 1: Soulmates/Firsts
((First meeting and first time connecting. :) ))
Being led into the cave by Wally West for his first day officially on the ‘hero’ job was pretty cool. Bart could admit that much.
“Can’t wait to see everything!” He exclaimed.
Wally chuckled, “Didn’t you see all of it yesterday, kid?”
Hearing Wally call him ‘kid’ like that almost made him choke up. His Wally, the future Wally, had called him that. Until the day he died. Of course, that Wally had been an old man, but it still hurt.
“Well, most of it,” Bart admitted, “But think I missed a few things.”
“Nightwing’s filling the team in on who you are right now,” Wally explained, “Go ahead and look around.”
Bart zoomed around, heading for the places he’d missed. Unfortunately, not paying that much attention to where he was going.
Bart smacked head-first into a teenage guy a little older than himself, knocking both of them down.
“Whoop! Sorry! Are you okay?!” Bart asked, concerned. Most people would be hurt pretty bad if they were hit by a speedster, and this guy didn’t have any obvious super powers besides the fact that he was kind of hot.
Groaning, the guy sat up, “Nah, it’s cool. I’m okay.”
“You sure?” Bart asked anxiously.
“Yeah,” The guy said, “Sorry, who are you?”
“Bart Allen,” Bart said, “Aka The Flash’s grandson from the future, aka Impulse! And you are?”
“Jaime Reyes,” The guy said, looking extremely confused. Bart didn’t blame him. Even where he came from, time travel was weird.
“Aka Blue Beetle.”
Bart’s eyes widened. Shit. This was the guy who was going to enslave all humanity? He didn’t look that dangerous. But Bart guessed he was young now. A lot could change in the few years that Bart had left to save the world.
“What?” Beetle asked. Now, he was the one who looked concerned.
Bart guessed his face must be pretty good.
“Eyyyyy!” Bart exclaimed, pasting on an excited expression, “History books don’t say a lot about you, but you were aways one of my favorites of the lesser-known heroes!”
Inside, Bart wanted to die a little at the fact that he’d just said Blue Beetle was one of his favorites, but he guessed he had to cover up the fact that he’d probably be sneaking a lot of glances Beetle’s way somehow. This was as good a cover as any.
“Oh,” Beetle seemed a little embarrassed, “Uh, cool.”
It was pretty much awkward silence until Wally came and found them.
“Hey,” He said, “There’s a mission. Nightwing needs you two.”
“Great!” Bart exclaimed, “My first real mission!” Inside, he was amazed that no one saw how he wasn’t actually excited.
Nightwing assigned Bart to the same team as Blue Beetle, which was good and bad for several reasons.
Good because Bart could use this to see what he was dealing with, here. He wasn’t sure yet if this Beetle could intercept an attack at super speed, or if that was a skill he’d get later.
Bad because the idea of working with the guy who had killed so many of Bart’s friends made him sick.
Of course, he’d gone deep undercover before. Posed as a servant when really, his inhibitor collar had been off the whole time. But Bart had to admit, this might be his worst assignment yet. Partly because this kid scared him more than he’d care to admit, partly because this kid was just that: a kid. Bart had killed before. But never someone this close to his own age, and definitely never someone who, as far as he knew, hadn’t even done anything yet.
“Are we going to get going?” Beetle asked, directing the question at Batgirl.
“In a second,” She said, “I need to grab some things. But yeah. Suit up.”
Blue and black plates of armor materialized around Beetle’s body.
Bart ran to the bathroom as fast as he could, but still was barely fast enough to make the toilet as he threw up. He was shaking. Not quite crying yet, but shaking. That armor... well, it made all of it too real.
Bart knew he was moving so fast that he could be gone as long as he needed to. While in ‘Flashtime’ as it had been dubbed, no one would notice his absence.
And Beetle would never notice his death.
Bart zoomed back into the hangar, zooming past all the frozen heroes who wouldn’t notice him. He zoomed right up to Beetle, letting his hand vibrate.
But he hestitated, looking up at the boy who was barely older than he was.
This Beetle was a lot smaller than Bart’s Beetle. He was younger, too. He probably hadn’t even stopped growing yet. His eyes weren’t merciless and unfeeling; they were full of warmth and hope. Even the armor seemed... softer. Less threatening.
Not guilty. The words flashed through Bart’s head. Not yet.
Bart let his hand stop vibrating. It would be so easy to just shove it through Beetle’s chest, stop his heart, now, before the bug had a chance to do anything... but it was the fact that he hadn’t done anything yet that made Bart not do it.
Not guilty. Not yet.
Bart moved back over to where he had been standing and slowed down, out of Flashtime. Judging by the lack of response, no one had noticed his absence.
Actually, Beetle did look a little confused, like he’d noticed something. But he didn’t say anything.
I can always do it tomorrow, Bart told himself.
Why did Bart try to do this again?
Hanging out with Blue Beetle in superhero form after the mission was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Going out to an arcade suited-up looked dumb, anyway.
Still, Bart pasted on a fake smile and tried to act like he knew what he was doing in air hockey. It wasn’t like it didn’t exist in Bart’s future or anything.
“What makes you think you can beat a speedster?” Bart asked.
“The fact that I have a murder-bug embedded in my back that enhances my reflexes!” Beetle actually managed to score a goal against Bart.
“Murder bot?” Bart asked, “That’s how your powers work?”
Good to know. Take out the ‘murder bot’, take out Blue Beetle.
Beetle shrugged, “He’s called Scarab, but yeah.” He scored another goal against Bart, “Better step up your game, hermano.”
“Very funny,” Bart said, “So, the bug. Can I see it?”
“Why?” Beetle asked, “I mean, kinda weird request. He’s feeling kind of threatened.”
“He?” Bart asked, “That thing is sentient?”
“He doesn’t really like you calling him ‘that thing,’ but yeah. He’s sentient. Why do you ask? And shut up.” He directed that last bit at his back.
“What did he say?” Bart asked.
“Uh... he wanted me to vaporize you. Don’t worry, though. I’m not going to do it.”
Bart chuckled nervously, “That’s really weird.”
Beetle scored another goal, winning the game.
“Ha!” Beetle moved around the table, “That is how you win a game!” He raised his hand.
Bart flinched, unable to stop himself, but Beetle just clapped him on the shoulder. It didn’t hurt.
“Bart?” Beetle asked gently, looking concerned, “Was your family abusive?”
“What? Why would you think that?” Bart attempted to look confused, hoping it was enough.
“I have friends in abusive homes,” Beetle said, “I saw the way you flinched before I touched you. You don’t have to hide it.”
Bart didn’t know what to say. Jaime seemed genuinely concerned. That, and what was he even supposed to say? That whenever he talked back, or complained, or wasn’t working fast enough with the inhibitor collar on, he got the shit beaten out of him? That he had been heavily abused, hurt whenever he did something even remotely wrong, his whole life?
That he had come here to kill the person who’d abused him, and so many other kids, but that he now found himself connecting with that person?
“Yeah,” Bart admitted finally, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Jaime slowly put his arm around Bart’s shoulder. No sudden movements. No pain. Just warm, comforting contact. Bart instinctively leaned into it. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d last felt this... safe. Warm? Bart didn’t even have a word for what he was feeling right now.
“I won’t ask if you don’t want to talk,” Jaime said, “But I want you to know that I will never hurt you, Bart.”
Bart nodded. For some strange reason, he believed Jaime. The Blue Beetle in the future had to be someone else. There was no way Jaime would do this, Bart could tell. Something must happen to him in the future.
And Bart had to save him.
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bluepulse-week · 6 years
Hey I'm wondering if your going to run bluepulse week for 2019. Not anytime soon though, as 2018 was in November. Just wondering because I participated in 2017, but haven't got a chance to do it last year and would love to do it again.
Yeah I will be running it again! it will hopefully be a little earlier this year in August or September!
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cakewitch43 · 6 years
Come read!!
General Audiences
Archive Warning
No Archive Warnings Apply
Young Justice (Cartoon)
Young Justice - All Media Types
Young Justice (Comics)
DCU (Comics)
Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes
Jaime Reyes
Bart Allen
Garfield Logan
Blue Beetle (DCU)
Cassie Sandsmark
Tim Drake
Dick Grayson
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Soulmates
Bluepulse Week 2018
Love at First Sight
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ao3feed-bluepulse · 6 years
Bluepulse Week 2018-Dreams/Nightmares
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FxJfKx
by JillyWinchester
Bart has a nightmare while at a sleepover at Jaime's house. Khaji Da comforts him.
Words: 463, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Bluepulse Week 2018
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon), Young Justice - All Media Types, Young Justice (Comics), DCU, DCU (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen, Khaji Da
Relationships: Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen/Khaji Da/Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen/Khaji Da, Khaji Da/Jaime Reyes
Additional Tags: Nightmares, Bluepulse Bash, Bluepulse Week 2018, bluepulse week, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Fluff and Angst, Idiots in Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2FxJfKx
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ao3feed-bluepulse · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DtPRal
by Chimie_Chat
Jaime feels like he'd been waiting so long to finally go out with Bart. But of course, his speedster is running late.
(Made for Bluepulse Week 2018: Soulmates/Firsts)
Words: 1050, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Bluepulse Week 2018
Fandoms: Young Justice - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes
Relationships: Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes
Additional Tags: Bluepulse Week 2018, Soulmates, Firsts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DtPRal
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