jolteon-rph · 2 years
Quotes & sentences taken from all versions of the video game, Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc.  Feel free to change the sentences as you see fit.
TW: Mentions of violence, threatening language.
“Gah! Listen up, pipsqueak!“
“_____ is not a word! You illiterate imbecile!“
“I've tamed a more ferocious beast than you.“
“Oh, my god! What is going on here? Would you mind being any more quiet!“
“This is getting a bit too much! Do you want to get thrown out, or what?“
“Stick to the script, will you?“
“Sounds like someone’s been eatin’ paint chips again.“
“I’m sorry! I-I-I didn’t-I didn’t mean to!“
“Yeah, well, you got a better idea?“
“Ah! Your parents should have put you in military school!“
“Let’s see if we can, y’know, hook you up with something to take the pain away, huh? How’s that sound? Hold on a sec here.“
“You seem quite clever, stranger. That's good! I like clever people.“
“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. Besides, I wouldn’t know how to do that.“
“You’re lookin’ for action, this ain’t the place. Wacky spinsters around here.”
“Hahahaha, very stunning. Now you just gotta figure out how it works. Good luck.“
“Huh huh huh! How’s it hangin’, weiner dog?“
“If you read the story, you’ll find your way out. ‘Once upon a time, there were _____. Harmony. Love. Peace.’ ...Boring!”
“Where is it written that I do my own stunts?!“
“Do you mind? Some of us are trying to work around here.“
“Silence! I said SILENCE!”
“Oh, no, no, no! Shut your cake hole!“
“In any case, it’s nice and calm here. And here I was expecting a scary place filled with terrifying ghouls.”
“Good thing I know how to open the door now.“
“You will look perfect in my living room-- stuffed and mounted on my wall!“
“What’s yer problem? You afraid of girls?“
“My darling, finally I can hold you in my arms!”
“You've got no arms; no legs; and soon you'll have no head!“
“Bug off, fairy! Zelda needs you!“
“... Oh no. On second thought, I’d better stay here.”
“Do that again, olive head, and I'll skewer you on that toothpick of yours!”
“No, I'm not coming out! I don't have the habit of obeying orders!“
“Looks like you're at the end of your rope.”
“I hate this guy! I hate him! I hate him!“
“Oh, what a shame.“
“How I pity you, you who have had the misfortune of becoming the prey of _____!”
“I'm a lover, not a fighter.“
“Defeat is a relative concept.“
“Oh, just passing through. Pay no attention to me.“
“Oobie doobie doo, _____ is afraid and sings to calm himself down, oobie doobie doo...”
“Don’t provoke me. I’m warning you.“
“Hahahaha! Admit it, you were scared. Wanna lift?“
“Are you finally done goofin’ off? Can we get going now?“
“All the blood is rushing to my head... feels... weird... I'm starting to feel more intelligent...HELP!“
“I have never known defeat! Need I say more?“
“No. Why? Do you?“
“My dad's stronger than your dad.“
“Ohohoh! Don't hold back!“
“See you in Rayman 4!”
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winterhelps · 4 years
hi there! do you happen to know of any psd colorings that don't whitewash poc individuals? thanks in advance :)
hey! since all the tags are a huge mess right now i couldn't find many options :( but i'll put this in the tags so if someone knows others, please let me know that i'll add here!
berry by recurscs
richer by recurscs
petrichor by bluerph
chaotic, by eyeh8riotpsds
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jmorpc · 9 years
Hey there! I'm a new rph in town , and I was wondering if you could give me a little boost (shoutout)? Thanks in advance. :)
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abiofrp-blog · 9 years
Hey there! I'm a new rph in town, and I was wondering if you could give me a little boost (shoutout)? Thanks in advance. :)
follow keke !!
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yutajoyz · 9 years
Hey there! I'm a new rph in town, and I was wondering if you could give me a little boost (shoutout)? Thanks in advance. :)
Hi pretty thing. What a beautiful mascot T_T and of course, welcome and hope to see you around.
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jolteon-rph · 2 years
Quotes & sentences taken from a random bundle of videos from the Sims Youtuber, Plumbella. Feel free to change the sentences as you see fit.
TW: swearing, unsanitary.
“I’ve never been relaxed, ever, actually.”
“We all find our own ideas for success, really, and this really is not it, but...”
“We’re from _____, we weren’t the higher class, babe.”
“I’ve got the hand to God on my side, babe, God love ya.”
“You couldn’t make it up, could ya.”
“And remember kids; if fairies offer you a meal, do not take it.”
“That’s a teensie little curtain, innit?”
“You don’t want them to get bullied, d’you know what I mean?”
“Genuinely just fucking winging it.”
“Those ducks might need to be removed.”
“It’s really unheard of for me, really pushed myself out there.”
“This is the ‘go piss girl’ room.”
“Fun! Fun, fun, fun, fun.”
“I’m feelin’ a bit shit, and I’m feelin’ a bit nostalgic!”
“I also have a little avocado teddy.”
“I’m being assassinated by my own body, and I’m not here for it, honestly.”
“Yes, I have a master’s degree, yes!”
“I’m a twat for it lately, honestly.”
“You fucking bitch! ...Excuse me.”
“That’s my daily traumadumping!”
“Isn’t that what you want from a _____? Uniqueness?”
“I’m fine, calm, relieved, and... Well, relieved is a little bit of a lie.”
“There must be a way this can work.”
“It’s doing me head in, actually...”
“There you go. I give up!”
“I’d rather mud than nowt, really.”
“I’ve actually got whiplash off of the vibe change.”
“Boom. Cube.”
“Because nothing about me screams luxury, d’you know what I mean?”
“And then I’ll just sit and cry, actually.”
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harryofrph-blog · 10 years
bluerph replied to your post:no but i’m serious who wants to make a hollywood...
me pleathe
0 notes
brooklynofrph-blog · 10 years
kelofrp replied to your post: Does anyone have their manips open? I...
i can try one real quick. they have enough pictures that it shouldn’t be too difficult.
bluerph replied to your post: Does anyone have their manips open? I...
i can make it; i cant promise it will be any good but i can always try
Oh my gosh if one or both of you do this i will literally love you forever you have no freaking idea! I don't need anything fancy just the two of them for a ship:) Gosh thank you so freaking much!
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jolteon-rph · 2 years
Quotes & sentences taken from a random bundle of videos from the series of videos, In The Field, by Internet Historian. Feel free to change the sentences as you see fit.
TW: Mentions of murder, threats of violence, weapons.
“As someone who is completely normal and well-adjusted, I have thought about if you were to kill someone, like, what would be the best way to get away with it.”
“The best way to do it is to just find them in the street, fire two rounds, and just walk away, hood up. No fuss, no muss.”
“Let’s plan a murder.”
“If you’re Uber-ing to your murder, I think, like...”
“This is becoming so difficult.”
“It is impossible, _____. It cannot be done.”
“If aliens are real, that just completely changes the way everyone sees the world.”
“It’s not a weapon! It’s a medical analytical tool.”
“This is gross everytime!”
“I think a mace is good stuff.”
“I’m picking the sword and shield; it’s a classic for a reason.”
“I don’t think you’re blocking anything with that shield.”
“You can’t get my fingers, though. That’s cheating.”
“Yeah, that would fuck you up good.”
“I don’t know if you want to talk about your phobias, because I kind of don’t...”
“I don’t like moths.”
“It’s not that I’m afraid of moths. It’s just, I know what they’re like.”
“Ohh! I’m terrified of... beautiful woman’s breasts!”
“Why are all ghosts, like, from the 1800s?”
“I’ve seen modern ghosts.”
“It’s funny, right?! It’s not just me!”
“Uh... I’ll come back later...”
“Some say it’s haunted!”
“Stop it, stop it, stop talking about the asbestos.”
“Do not open the door to the basement.”
“Excuse me? He~llo?”
“I had the worst night’s sleep. Zero stars.”
“Have you seen the Saw movies?”
“What’s my crime?”
“Why do they call it a firesale when they keep trying to put it out?”
“A GUN! Bang, bang bang bang!”
“I didn’t remember it being that ridiculous.”
“Keep looking in this direction.”
“This is funny, man. This is so stupid.”
“Did I tell you about the time I got pulled over for watching Futurama on the way home?”
“I was just kind of listening, I wasn’t watching-watching...”
“I get pulled over all the time, dude. My car is illegal as fuck.”
“It’s not even a scary experience anymore.”
“What can you offer us?”
“I’m sorry, did you say sticky gaming men?”
“Woah! This is a VERY cold hot tub.”
“Two million dollars... That’s a lot of paper.”
“I specialise in a very specific kind of security.”
“I’m ready. Jack me in.”
“That’s- That’s kinda- kinda gay.”
“Honestly... I think you might be right.”
“Oh, you IDIOT! You kept on your shoes?!”
“It’s such a strange thing to not offer to share.”
“Wuh? WUHH?”
“Have you got any weird travel or holiday stories?”
“You have to be dropped somewhere in the wilderness, you can’t pick a place with civilisation, and you gotta survive there for a week. Where do you go?”
“I’ve got a terrible sense of direction...”
“I haven’t told _____ where I’m going, or what I’m doing.”
“Hi. I’m a lost little boy.”
“That’s the exact excuse I’d use as well.”
“May I come in?”
“Don’t be bad to nature, or it’ll crush you with its big monkey paw!”
“We’re on a quest to kill all the whales.”
“If whales didn’t exist, they would be monsters.”
“It’s too big. It’s kinda rude.”
“Or... if we just... Kill them all...”
“I love this song! It’s region locked in my country.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”
“Maybe I should open my mind up to dating a nautical creature.”
“Oh, _____, it’s so great to meet you! It’s such a pleasure to meet you! We have so much in common!”
“I’m gonna take my shallow hat off, and just be like... This could be useful.”
“Beggars can’t be choosers, though.”
“Aw, have you ever smelt a wet cat? That’s no good.”
“Cat or mermaid? What’s better?”
“Animal-human hybrids? Not for me.”
“I just have to come out... and show you...!”
“Wow... That’s a lot to take in...”
“You’d always have an ample supply of nuts, and that, is for me, a big bonus.”
“I could really go for some pecans right now...”
“Little flying rat boy!”
“You, sir! What do you do for work?”
“... And I think it’d go a little something like this!”
“Hey, sorry, I missed your call! What’s up?”
“... Why- Why are you talking like that? Yeah, it’s me? What’s up?”
“All I remember is being up, then I remember being sideways.”
“You can die when you’re finished.”
“I’ve had enough of this guy!”
“Hey guys! Ever wonder if we’re all living in a cave?!”
“No... We’re not, man... this guy...”
“It’s a thing against hypocrisy.”
“That’s what I was missing.”
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jolteon-rph · 2 years
Quotes & sentences taken from all versions of the video game, Rayman 2: The Great Escape.  Feel free to change the sentences as you see fit.
TW: Mentions of violence, threatening language.
"Here’s your money! It’s all there, count it if you like."
“You’ve failed me again… I warned you, didn’t I?”
“I’ve saved one little surprise for you…”
“It's nice to have someone new around. Stay here as long as you like.”
“You have to accept me as I am.”
“You're a fascinating enigma.”
“I've seen you somewhere before. Weren't you in _____?”
“Hu... Hello, little buddy! You wanna arm-wrestle?“
“Well, I say you are a thief! A thief and a liar, to boot! Prepare to die!”
“And I don't like it when you look at me like that!“
“Your trip ends here!"
“We are getting weak. Soon, it will be too late...“
“Killing is a pleasure. Command, and your will shall be done.”
“Still playing? Don't you have any homework to do?”
“You know, _____, I think this might be the end...”
“Uh, that is to say, we were separated, and uh...“
“What’s the matter? Are you afraid?“
“There’s no shame in being scared, you know.“
“So, did you guys figure it out?”
“I will miss you, my friend.”
“Erm... What I have to say is really, dreadful...“
“Decide quickly. I have other clients waiting.“
“It is an honour to serve a hero such as yourself...“
“Ah, I forgot how good it feels to stretch out. Senssssational!“
“It is as good as done.”
“Without your courage, the enemy would still be here.”
“Glad to see that you escaped!“
“No, I'm not an idiot.”
“…I’ve got some good news and some bad news.”
“Oh, at last… I was afraid _____ had failed.”
“If I catch you, I’ll show you no mercy…“
“You’ve defeated me… My treasure is yours. Take whatever you want.“
“Tha... thanks, little buddy.”
“Oh? Pleased to meet you.”
“I must have swallowed something bad for me...”
“Only your strength and bravery can convince me. Prepare to fight!“
“_____? The name means nothing to me. What do you want?”
“How am I to know that you're not simply a thief?“
“Now you’re alone for eternity!”
“I’m not afraid of you!“
“You got here just in time... they wanted to test out a new weapon on me.”
“It's so hot here! I wish I could take off my... but I don't dare.”
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