attempted-writing · 5 years
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attempted-writing · 5 years
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attempted-writing · 6 years
chapter 2 of a party of bards. it’s also prompts from the @dndnet discord server! check em out if you love d&d :-)
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attempted-writing · 6 years
@dndnet a series of skill sets
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attempted-writing · 6 years
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dndnet search #2: a series of skill sets
Throughout the universes, there are mercenaries with many different talents. Some can wield a greatsword one-handed, while others stand back and summon flames to do the work for them. Others yet can spin tales of their adventures, drawing in the crowd with their stories and songs, while their darkness-clad friend picks the coins out of pockets. What might your talent be?
to enlist in this search:
- reblog this post
- create an original work for one of the 12 official d&d classes (please avoid reusing works)
- caption it with:
@dndnet search: a series of skill sets
You have from January 28th to February 18th to complete this task, and it is open to everyone. Everyone is part of a story. What part do you play in yours?
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attempted-writing · 6 years
Limits of the Human Body
Body Heat = 107.6 F
Cold Water = 40 F
Hot Air = 300 F
High Altitude = 15,000 ft
Starvation = 45 days
Diving Depth = 282 ft
Lack of Oxygen = 11 minutes
Blood Loss = 40%
Dehydration = 7 days
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attempted-writing · 6 years
and here is my ao3, for who ever would like it.
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attempted-writing · 6 years
@staff are you kidding me?
@staff are you fucking kidding me right now?! You’re limiting text posts to 100 text blocks (aka paragraphs). What the absolute fuck.
Since you couldn’t take out fanfic writers with the purge so you’re just fucking up formatting for text posts until they leave? Is that your plan?
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attempted-writing · 6 years
practical, magical jokes.
fandom: d&d
setting: an appartment
summery: what happens when the rogue falls in love with the sorcerer and they settle down and get a kid and all the simple 'done with adventureing' stuff.
warnings: non
pairings: non
word count: 260
author notes: another prompt from the wonderful @dndnet discord server, in this case the prompt being: arcane trickster. i've written this a couple of days ago, but hadn't been able to upload it yet, i can now, so here we go :-)
a well dressed gentleman smiles as he walks up the stairs to his apartment, above the inn he ran.
for years, he had seen traps coming and had always been quicker and quieter then the people who put them there. from goblins that had used all their thinking energy to make trip wires that would set off crossbows, to an evil mage's glyphs that were their standard security measure.
and yet he would fall for this trap. he knew what the trap was and exactly who put it there. he opened the door further and like predicted, the bucket atop fell over. and yet there was no water in there. it left him staring at the bucket for a moment too long as all of a sudden, a gust of wind slammed the door shut and left the man's tidy hair disheveled.
a small giggle was heard as a black cat sat at the window and stared at the man. "where, o where could all that wind have come from?" he wondered out loud as he walked over to the cat "do you know? Fluffy?" he asked, petting the animal and another bit of laughter escaped from a corner of the room. "what did you say, fluffy? in the corner? ok then,"
he made his way over to the place where he heared his daughters laughter. "so here she is!" he called out, picking the now all out laughing child up and hugged her before she settled down on his arm. "good pranks, sweetie," he smiled with with fatherly pride.
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attempted-writing · 6 years
an old man’s scarf
Fandom: d&d
Setting: a couple of places if you count the visions
Summary: gramps is cold and needs a scarf... this one seems the warmest
Warnings: character death (though nothing graphic)
Pairings: None
Word count: 486
Author notes: hey there! sorry i’ve not uploaded anything in so long. i’ve wanted to write something for a while now, and i finaly did it! i made this for a daily prompt at the @dndnet discord server, a place i highly recomand for anyone interested in d&d, shows that play the game, homebrew, and just awesome people.
a young elf searched in their grandfathers closet, for anything that would help keep the old man warm, now that winter had come. at the bottom of a pile of scars lay a red one that seemed of the warmest wool and embroided with a silver-like wire in a beautifull pattern.
upon picking it up, something strange happend. the young elf saw a vision or themselves wearing the scarf... or was it their grandfather? they looked a lot alike, other then the jaw which was a little squarer on the other elf and their hair longer.
they saw that elf in a landscape of snow. waste deep lay the white powder under the clearest of blue skies. he traveld with others, what seemed a graying human still of a young age, but that might be for the differences their races can go, a dwarf, with a big hammer and beautifully decorated armor and a tiefling with a drum on their hip, playing a marching rythem to keep the groups morale up.
the vision jumps forward with some time and this time the same group was in a tavern, all hounced over a map. the same elf as before pointed enthousiastically to a place, but the dwarf shook his head while the tiefling stroked thier chin in thought. only the human was nowhere to be seen.
another jump in time and another place to see. atop a high tower, the same elf and dwarf fought a skelettal monster as big as a giant with purple arcana in its eye sockets. the tiefling was there as well, colapsed on the ground, drum ever by their side.
the monster shot a ray of purple and it blurred the all vision again only to reveal another place and another time. at a bed side sat the elf, and under the covers a dwarf with gray hair and a gray beard. the hammer and well decorated and dented armor were on a stand in the corner of the room. the elf sighed as he stared at the dwarf.
throughout the visions, the sarf had never left the elf's neck. it was the only thing that always remained the same.
sight blurred for the last time now by your own tears. you were crying but didnt know why. it mattered not. grandfather needed to be warmed and if anything, this scarf would do the trick.
"grandfather!" you call out "i found what you asked for,". a moment of shock was visable on the old man's face when you handed it to him. a sad smile played on his lips as stared at it. he carefully took it out of your hands, like it was made out of the most fragile porceline and tied it again like he had done so long ago. "if only this scarf could talk, it would tell so many stories” he sighed, endearment rich in his voice.
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attempted-writing · 6 years
Reblog if you think fanfiction is a legitimate form of creative writing.
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attempted-writing · 6 years
Regardless of:
If your fanfic is nowhere near canon.
If you wrote an AU
If your characters aren’t totally “in character”
If your fic gets 2 kudos or 2000 kudos
If you’re just starting out on your writing journey or
If you’re a published/established author who writes fanfiction to chill.
Your efforts are valid.
Your stories are valid.
You are valid.
The value of your fanfiction is based not on how close to canon you can get it, nor how much value (or lack thereof) content creators/show staff believe it to have, but how happy it made you feel to write it.
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attempted-writing · 6 years
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attempted-writing · 6 years
I’m trying to make a point to a friend
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attempted-writing · 6 years
Catching a break.
Fandom: truststuck
Setting: an alley and a bakery
Summary: Gamzee helps a lady take out the trash
Warnings: homeless, Gamzee (not sure if these are actually tw worthy but, here they are)
Pairings: None
Word count: 711
Author notes: this is a fic written for Robin’s homestuck AU called @truststuck. in the AU, Gamzee became homeless for a while. recently there was an update in which he got a job at a bakery. this is my fic about how he got the job :-)
Gamzee was tired. It was the dead of night and any sleeping spots he knew were taken or unavailable. He walked and walked through the shopping streets of the city till he found an alley. It seemed ok, just the backs of some shops and a couple of dumpsters. It’ll do he thought as he put a piece of cardboard he had taken with him for the past couple of days in a spot that appeared to not be that windy, lay on it and closed his eyes. I’ll catch a break soon enough he thought as he slowly but surely fell asleep.
He dreamed of the home he once knew and of the friends that had forgotten him and what he would do to make things right again. It was a nice dream but one that felt too strange to him. His friends hated him and he didn’t need them. He had nothing but himself and was surviving. And yet, something deep inside made him feel like he missed them.
 The sound of a rusty scraping door ended his sleep abruptly. The sky was bathed in a dark blue and the little light the new day had brought revealed to him that indeed a big, metal door was slowly but surely getting pushed open by what appeared to be an elderly lady of perhaps sixty years old. She was dragging a big trash bag behind her and it all appeared like a lot of work for the woman. Gamzee thought for a moment about what to do and only the phrase fortune favors the bold came to mind. the boy got up from his ‘bed’, knocked the dust and dirt from his clothes and walked towards the woman. “do you need a hand, miss?” he asked. The old lady turned around at a surprisingly quick pace. The lady’s hair had grayed but some colour remained visible somehow. Butterfly glasses magnified her clear blue eyes and she had slight wrinkles around her mouth, showing she had her share of laughs over the years. as he looked her up and down, she looked him up and down as well. His lightly stained jeans and vest that showed signs of dirt may not have been all that favorable, but he actively tried to stand up straight and with a polite smile on his lips he hoped for the best. “that would be wonderful, dear” the lady said surprisingly upbeat. Gamzee pushed the door further open and with a mighty screak it opened as wide as it would go. He held his hand out and she gave him the bag. after pointing out what dumpster it needed to go in, the two started talking. The lady told of how she was looking for help, for some simple work around a bakery. Upon hearing this, Gamzee got exited and offered his services. The lady looked at him over again and asked “what do you know about baking bread?”. The question was asked with curiosity rather than hostility. The boy thought for a moment and answered “well, the three main ingredients are flour, yeast and water. Sugar is good to get the yeast to activate and often salt is used to give it some extra flavor. Then all of it goes in a bowl to let it rise and double in size  and then the dough is ready to bake,”. The lady stared him in his dark brown eyes as he spoke and when he was done she was quiet and was visible thinking. “ok, you’re hired” she said with a smile as she put her hand forwards. With joy Gamzee took her hand and shook it. once inside she offered him some old bread which he accepted graciously, it had been quite some time since he last ate. Then she told him to wash his face and hands, gave some clothes from her grandson to borrow and to put on the apron. When he had done as she asked, he walked up to one of the work stations and helped to put the dough in the baking tins. “I forgot to ask your name, miss,” Gamzee asked. “hoo hoo hoo! How could I have forgotten. My name is Jane Egbert” she answered with a smile.
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attempted-writing · 6 years
The Void and Those Within
Fandom: Homestuck
Setting: The Void.
Summary: Equius became one with the void after god tiering and using that power in combat. One day, he gets a visitor.
Warnings: Isolation, Sadstuck?
Pairings: None
Word count: 1130
Author notes: there was a writing competition on the art bump server and this was my entry. i’d also like to thank the judge for giving me some pointers when it comes to the formating of a story. After spending a long time in the void, Equius has little to no volume control, which is why that is a thing at first. I hope you enjoy and feedback is always welcome :-)
Equius lay there. In the nothing. Only the clothes he gained when he died on his back, to keep him warm.
And yet, he was not dead. The dead would go to the dream bubbles, a place he wished he could have gone, but no. his class and his aspect had different plans for him, not in death, but in life.
He reached god tier when he found his quest-bed, and when he slept, Aradia found him. She killed him there, partially out of revenge yet mainly because of the change of plan. The new idea was to get everyone to god tier and kill the king and queen and escape their session. And everyone did reach god tier and everyone did fight the king and queen with the amazing powers that the new tier brought them. Equius had been happy, unleashing the strength he so often failed to control. He fought with vigour alongside his friends. but the more he used the void, the more he became the void.
And now there he was, in the endless nothingness.
He found a yellow path that had led him to a stage with blue curtains, a strange place he would call home. At least for now. He was never a very social person, and yet. He missed all of them. Eridan who just wouldn’t leave him alone, Vriska and Tavros who’s limbs needed the tedious chore of getting checked and maintained, Karkat shouting orders that confused him, Aradia who could stun him with her beauty, and Nepeta. Dear Nepeta who could make him feel like he was an actual person, cheer him up when he was at his lowest and get him going when he got stuck in his own head. He missed all of them, even that disgrace of a high blood Gamzee. He closed his eyes when he thought about his friends, tears forming in their corners. The heir of void, loathed the loneliness his powers had brought him.
He heard something. Something other than himself, he was sure of it. Footsteps, quiet and careful and yet, loud and clear to the troll who had been stuck in a soundless space. He wiped the tears from under his glasses and sat up straight. What he saw was a sight he could not believe.
A girl was standing there, in clothing that looked like Nepeta’s god tier outfit but it had his colours and symbol. her pink eyes looked friendly from under dyed pink bangs that playfully drooped from a head without horns. He stared at her from behind his glasses, not uttering a single word, because no words came to mind. As it appeared, words did come to her mind. One word, to be precise.
Calliope? A name, Equius thought and eventually shook his head, still not uttering a single word. “then… who are you?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. And still he couldn’t help but think it was strange that someone, anyone would be looking for someone else in a place where there was literally nothing.
“I AM EQUIUS!” he answered. Only after seeing her react by reaching for her ears did he notice that something was off.
“n-nice to meet you, Equius. I am Roxy,” the girl started a bit unsure but got more confident, the further she got in her sentence.
She put her hand forward to shake his and he stared at it. Fearing if he were to shake it, he would hurt her. With a careful and almost jerky motion, he put his hand forward as well, leaving his thumb pointed up. Still with a raised eyebrow, Roxy carefully took his hand and lightly shook.
“sorry about the screaming,” Equius said. At least he thought he did, because Roxy looked at him and asked “sorry, I didn’t quite get that,”. After thinking what she said he tried to speak again “i-I am sorry for screaming.” He was the one to stammer this time. And yet, Roxy reacted with a slight giggle “oh that! Nah, that’s fine,”. Her reaction put Equius at ease, so far so good he figured.
“say, do you know someone by the name Calliope?” Roxy asked him and this time with words he answered “I sadly do not. Are they a friend of yours?” he asked, watching Roxy think for a moment. A little bit louder next time his thoughts appeared to be correct when the girl tilted her head back as to say she finally understood him.
“yeah, she is. Her brother wants her dead so she hides in the void,” Roxy explained. “but how did you get here?” she asks and Equius looks down, heaves a deep sigh and answers “I turned god tier like my friends. We fought our denizens and then the black king and queen. But I am a heir of void. And I got my inheritance. I became nothing,”.
Roxy stared at him before answering with a cheerful tone of voice “tell you what, big guy. We both go to find Calliope and when we find her, I’ll take you both back to paradox space,”.
He couldn’t believe what he heard. A way out of here? A chance to be with them again? Thoughts like these rushed through his head, the palms of his hands began to sweat like they hadn’t done in a long time. Roxy stared at him, trying to read his face.
“do… you like that idea?” she asked trying to find his wandering gaze.
“Yes” he said eagerly, locking his eyes with hers before continuing “anything to leave this place. Anything at all,”.
Roxy was taken aback by the intensity of his reaction. She was starting to get the idea that intense was his default. “ok then, let’s find Calliope and get the hell out of here!” She smiled a slightly uncomfortable smile and gestured at the yellow path that led to the stage.
Equius got up, took the few things he had and joined his new friend on a long walk to a distant stage. While they walked they talked, he asked her to tell everything that had happened and she did. She told him of thirteen strangers of whom eleven trolls like him that came on a meteor to the session she played with friends. About others who would be arriving on a spaceship. He listened and as they walked he daydreamt about the things she told. the friends he was going to meet again, her friends he would meet for the first time. It all got him in the best mood he had been in since he became part of the void.
And so, with a big smile on his lips he walked with a new friend towards a new day.
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attempted-writing · 7 years
waiting for the train.
fandom: Homestuck setting: Humanstuck summary: Porrim and Aranea meet for a day trip to a museum warnings: fluff… that’s it
pairings: Porrim and Aranea word counter: 547 author notes: this is a birthday present for @ejusticeonthenet. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and sorry its a day late. i hope you like it anyway :-)
The tick of a paper coffee cup echoed though the calm station hall as a young woman drank while she waited for a friend. She stared at her phone slightly bored and a little worried, her friend was not one who liked to be late. With a sigh she decided to call her “hey Ara,” The voice on the other end was almost drowned out by the noise of traffic as it answered “hey Porrim, what’s up?”. “well,” Porrim started “we had agreed to meet at the station, quarter to nine… and it’s nine o’clock now,”. There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone “to nine? I though quarter passed! I’m so sorry, I’ll be there soon,”. Porrim chuckled, she knew Aranea for long enough to know this might be the case “it’s ok. the next train arrives in half an hour, so we’ll just catch that one”. After Aranea said she’d be there and said good bye both girls hit the red phone on their screens.
in the meantime, a girl navigated traffic in the bussie city. After a phone call from her best friend, she felt like she had to hurry up and get to the station where she had agreed to meet her, she hated to keep her friend waiting.
Not much later she arrived at the train station. Porrim was still on her phone, scrolling through one of the social media apps on her phone. With a sigh she put the paper cup on the table again and as she looked up from the device, She was met with a look of uncertainty from a dear friend. “hi!” Porrim exclaimed as she stood up and greeted her friend with a loose hug. Aranea greeted her back with a hug that was not that loose, in fact the air was forced out of Porrim’s lungs. “sorry I’m late,” Aranea said while still tightly holding on to the other girl. “it’s ok, Ara, really,” Porrim said as she lightly tapped Aranea’s shoulders as if to say ‘thank you, but please, this is too tight,’. the other girl took the hint and let go. “would you like a drink?” Porrim asked as she took her seat again. Aranea agreed to the drink and took the seat across her. The two drank and now the sound of two paper cups echoed through the nearly empty station hall. “are you looking forward to our trip?” Porrim asked and Aranea who had just taken a sip nodded her head as an answer before she followed up on it “I am so excited to see the museum. I’ve been wanting to go there for so long,”. Porrim smiled and answered “I know, you’ve talked about it ever since we made the agreement to go. talking about going, it’s almost half, we should get to the platform,”. Aranea nodded, finished her tea in one big gulp and stood up. The two hastened to the platform were the train stood waiting for them. They took a seat across each other and talked about what they all looked forward to seeing. Sooner rather than later, the train gently shocked and soon picked up speed. Now it was official to the broadly smiling Aranea, their trip had officially begun.
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