I'm curious what do you make of the live action how to train your dragon movie and their casting choices?
Howdy! It's a fun question and I suppose I haven't "weighed in" on the topic yet.
I don't make the live action anything. XD As far as I'm concerned, there's no enlightened purpose for its existence. We'd be better without DreamWorks mirroring Disney's de-souled remakes.
I haven't been following it. I'm not avoiding anything, nor am I "pretending it doesn't exist," nor ignoring from spite. I feel none of those things. Rather, with all nonchalant calmness, I feel zero interest, so it results that I do zero following. And I like that I'm doing that. No reason to follow something I'm not going to see.
I never looked up the cast and the reason I've seen Hiccup's and Astrid's actors is because folks shared pics on social media. I'm increasingly falling into the category of, "How do you do, fellow kids?" with decreasing idea of what's in 'young people's' mainstream culture. I don't know the actors. No shocks there. Heheh.
That said, I'm not enthused with the casting. I can't imagine a world where I'd be "pleased" with any actor, but neither of these choices sparked my trigger into thinking, "Oh, that's totes Hiccup and Astrid." More like, "Really? That's your cast? Eh."
Dean DeBlois's involvement guarantees neither Inspiration nor Results. "Bringing the original guy back" can be the wrong choice; Peter Jackson created masterpieces with LOTR but should not have been the one enlisted for The Hobbit movies. Disney's Star Wars Rebootithon shouldn't have leaned on nabbing Mark, Harrison, and Carrie, especially not to the obsessive point we're digitally altering ages and deepfaking Peter Cushing instead of doing a proper recast with makeup. Mark has zero respect for what they made Luke in the sequels. The Avatar live action series discarded the OG creators after hailing their involvement. Long story short, DeBlois being at the helm does not give me more benefit of the doubt for the final result. If it ends up being uninspired it's uninspired, I don't care what names you chuck there.
I will not be seeing it. I will not be watching trailers. I will not be discussing it, either pros or cons, when it does come out. I don't care if the reviews somehow end up positive and raving. It's not in my interest sphere and I'd rather focus on stuff I do find engaging. I hardly watch movies anyway... why would I go to the theatre for my maybe-once-a-year quota for that? Now make me the Bill Monroe [father of bluegrass] biopic that was proposed, like, ten years ago, and I'll be in theatres every day it's out, regardless of quality!
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luckyrave · 3 months
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Podcast: Gold Owl Arc (w/BlueStarSaber)
A lot of stuff has taken place since God Serena made his unexpected reappearance into the series again after the events of The Alvarez arc from the original anime & manga. Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Carla have cleared through The Great Labyrinth with sealing Dogramag at long last. That eventually leads them to the next objective in their quest to locate Viernes The Gold Dragon God with the assistance of members from the Sabertooth Guild alongside Jellal Fernandez to help uncover the true secrets behind The White Wizard, Athena and the connections to the alchemist guild known as The Gold Owl. Joining me once again on this discussion for Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest is @bluestarsaber.
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chattegeorgiana · 3 years
1. Whoops my bad made it sound like make Spiral zetsu as the final villain, when I meant final opponent for ether the side characters like the K11 (which he kinda was for the most part, though off screen sadly) or for Sakura in terms of solo fights outside of team 7. But yeah it was a missed opportunity. I kinda feel like the final battles should of been: Kakashi vs Black Zetsu (with Obito), Sakura (possibly with Yamto) vs Spiral Zetsu and Naruto and Sasuke vs Madara (aided by Team 7 later).
2. Heck I feel if there were more unique zetsus like Spiral Zetsu it would make alot more sense on why Obito declared open war on the 5 nations since he had some powerful ones to go against the stronger ninja and lead the lesser ones without Kabuto's additional with the Edo Tensei he would receive later.
That would've been a lot more cooler to see than what we got, definitely.
Especially in terms of Sakura and Yamato and Spiral Zetsu who seemed to be produced out of Hashirama cells.
In the context of Sakura/Yamato/Mokuton IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIIIIES.
But then we got what we go so myeah... it is what it is.
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narusakufactory · 4 years
You know any good NaruSaku Wedding fanfics to read?
There’s the classic “Let’s get Married!” one.
There is one I have yet to starat personally called “An Absolutely, Totally, Non-Romantic Wedding Date“
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kirabook · 5 years
What did you think of the kingdom hearts dlc?
Pretty good! Wish some of it was in base game, but I liked it overall. 
Nomura has a habit of making things overcomplicated for reasons I don’t understand, but I do think I like the direction he’s going with this whole Yozora subplot.
I hope next game we’ll get some Kairi and Riku content. There’s so much potential there for friendship AND conflict and it’d be glorious if he capitalizes on angst for once. 
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lyannas · 7 years
Tumblr media
@bluestarsaber yes
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noodlerama · 7 years
Now that we have gotten our Mist and Brock reunion episodes do you hope the other gen character will show up?
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fireeaglespirit · 7 years
wasn’t she the one who lead the french to victory against England but then got burnt be the Englishmen and accused of being a witch?
sadly the knight class was typically reserved for upperclass men in Medieval Europe :/ (this coming from my uni medievalist courses). peasant women were known to fight to defend their homes, and a rare illuminated manuscript depicts this, but as for women in (expensive) armor, very rare. there are a few examples of ladies as standard bearers but it can be hard to tell if they are wearing armor
Yes its Joan of Arc... poor her, I always felt so sorry for her history, I mean I love the dark ages as a time period inspiration for fantasy. But in fact it was such a terrible moment to be a woman, tbh such ignorance and stupidity is scary... I’m just weirdly attached to the period anyway... stuff looked awesome and people had such awesome legends.
Thanks for the input. I forgot the little detail of knighting. He was looking specifically for it and in this case no woman would be accepted since it had strong religious connotation in that order... anyway
I never got real classes in medieval history outside of poor education in school, so I tend to get messed up whats real and whats fantasy.. this time period is just intriguing to me, but its sad to hear about that. I expected to have at least two or three nice examples of women dressed in armor suit, not the case... its very rare to find them in illumination as you said, and when we do it could be the case they were just representing a symbolism and not an actual example as Ive read. 
Also there’s the little detail concerning noblewomen and peasantry, it was very important to consider it when talking about knights. I still can imagine lots of women must have defended their own villages at the time, as you said...  but I think the church was so influent back then they wouldn't like any ‘warrior in skirt’ appearing on illuminations that could serve as an example for other women, I mean, you know how powerful they were back at the time.
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beyond-far-horizons · 8 years
@bluestarsaber re fan fiction
Thanks for your response but Im now writing original fiction so that doesnt really work.
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bluestarsaber · 5 years
Bluestarsaber can I join one of your podcast
Sure thogh I haven’t started any yet, unless you are reffering to luckychi’s?
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kingofthewilderwest · 11 months
Given how you mentioned the Disney sequels in my last last question, I'm curious what you think of the sequel trilogy as a whole 4 years later. Also what you make of the rey movie that's suppose to happen?
It's funny timing. I've been watching the Lucas sextilogy and Star Wars meta on YouTube. Particularly, So Uncivilized is a fascinating meta analyst, and I rewatched this tonight:
As for my thoughts...
When I saw TFA opening night and noticed it rehashed everything and added nothing, I lost investment. By "lose investment," I don't mean I got bitter, unhappy, jaded, cynical, etc. I mean that I was in a fine mood, perfectly chill, had fun, but I no longer carried anticipation or expectations for future projects. I could tell this was not a good foundation and was an omen for future creative issues. Thus, when the second and third movies came out, I didn't feel disappointed, but their content meant I found increasing distance between myself, the characters, and the story. I didn't mind The Rise of Skywalker was bad. I got my recreation's use out of it. The direct relationship I had with it was the time I spent watching it once (1).
But even though I didn't agree with 90% of the trilogy's premises and executions, I made sure to see TLJ and Rise of Skywalker. After all, watching these movies was the door into some of the best media discussions I've had in my life.
I was invited to a winter party with about two dozen attendees. Most ended in the kitchen to debate TLJ, which had just released. We got so animated we had to do the old "pass the ball" trick, where only the person holding the ball could talk. It was one of the most in-depth, eye-opening, fascinating, multi-faceted, engaging media discussions I've had. Everyone had different but extraordinary insight to relay about subversions of expectations, underlying messages, contributions to the franchise, scene composition, editing, dialogue, characterization, symbolism, you name it.
When the final movie came out, conversations again were endlessly fruitful. No matter who I talked to, I could hear something new and enlightening about media through the lens of Rise of Skywalker.
There's nothing I hate about the movies. I don't think about them much. Star Wars to me is pre-Disney reboot. That's the territory my heart cares about. That's the territory that's Real. But I also have fun talking about Kylo Ren or Hux as any Star Wars nerd who likes those characters. I feel no bitter emotions, but positive ones, when anyone brings up TFA and thereafter.
My perspective, several years later, hasn't changed.
Now, I love how meta analysts have enhanced my perspective. I love people pointing out that the original and prequel trilogies introduced a huge number of ship and location designs, whereas the sequel trilogy... didn't. I love So Uncivilized's analysis that each movie in the sequel trilogy was a counter to a counter, until we ended up with a course correction of a course correction of a course correction of a course correction. Or, as he said, this sequel trilogy was intended to keep the franchise alive for another generation, but "to keep a creative work alive, you have to create things, and it's clear looking at this trilogy that nothing was built here."
Fans have endlessly talked about how there was no cohesion between movies in this trilogy and how its characterization and plot were a mess. How the movies were too reliant on old nostalgia. How showboating old characters prevented our new character trio from receiving agency and direction. I don't need to go there.
There's a reason we viewers remember the names of Kylo Ren and Rey and Poe and Finn. In their imperfect appearances, we saw characters that could have enlivened us to the same levels as Luke, Leia, Han, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme. I like Kylo Ren. I like Poe. I like Finn. They are appealing concepts.
But. But. I think the sequel trilogy, and Disney's over-saturation of materials, will fade over time, whereas the original six movies (I said original six, nyeh) WILL stand the test of time as classics. Just because VI-IX have "Episode" to their title doesn't mean they'll get saved from the endless mire Disney has manifested unto itself; nearly all live action materials from the 2010s and 2020s will end in late-Star Wars Disnified goop, to be lost in collective memory over time. That's not intended to be an insult; I just think that one is a short phenomenon that'll fade once contemporary sensations satiate, whereas the others are proven longevity.
There's bias in the sense I haven't watched anything outside of VI-IX and Rogue One. I've never seen The Mandalorian, or Andor, or Ahsoka, or anything else. I haven't felt the need to, so I won't. Heck, I didn't know about this alleged Rey movie thing - your comment is the first I've heard. So I have no perspective there except, "This isn't material I think needs to exist, and I'd rather go back to (and produce things like) the old." Disney's commercialized mania isn't a success to me. No ill feelings, just simple personal disinterest. It's not part of the imagination fuel I use when I fuel my imagination on Star Wars. And the sequel trilogy is something I frankly already forget about when I imagine the vast, captivating, thrilling world of Star Wars.
The legacy of the sequel trilogy isn't its story. Yet. There's real value in the sequel trilogy, and I believe it. It's perfect for analyzing media. It's a perfect medium for discussion. What went right, what didn't go right, what was compelling, what was disappointing, what was misguided, what lost focus, what never had focus, I will always find these movies valuable for that. And the thing is, I think we'll be talking about that for a while yet. Because it's fruitful. It's endlessly interesting.
Whether or not it's good media content in and of itself, it's GOOD CONVERSATION CONTENT.
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luckyrave · 1 year
Naruto Anniversary Podcast: Roles Reversed (w/Steve, BlueStarSaber, Vanitas, and NFK)
A discussion I've been meaning to share for quite some time from last September, but it was also a time when I was still going through so much stress for a good majority of 2022. The idea of Naruto and Sasuke switching their roles is nothing new, but it does warrant for an engaging conversation in the fandom. Special Guests for this anniversary podcast are Steve, BlueStarSaber,  VanitasDS, and NaruSaku Fan in Kentucky (NFK). 
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chattegeorgiana · 4 years
You know I never really understood Kishimoto on the whole Sakura's popularity being a reason to not write her, as for most part she was still in the top ten with the exceptions of polls 2,6 & 7, but the total votes makes her the 5th/6th most popular character overall. Plus in the 3rd data book it was shown that her fight with sasori came in 3rd place behind sasuke's battles against deidara and itachi. So it shows to me at least that enough people would want to see her or at least in action.
I already addressed this thing in an older post here, Blue.
So imma leave it to you to read that one so I don’t repeat myself again. :D
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sparda3g · 6 years
Why do you fear Bluestarsaber reading Gintama and Tokyo Ghoul?
Because Nanatsu no Taizai and My Hero Academia’s quality suffered when he starts reading. Every cool things become highly questionable or actions that screams “It’s not the same as Fairy Tail the series we hate so much even though they too do generic crap but we will never acknowledge it for we will become hypocrite so we choose to ignore it and if you ever do compare it, I will neg you til the end of time.”
Something like that.
So it’s best to keep him away at all cost.
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kirabook · 5 years
What did you think of the kingdom hearts dlc
I liked it! It’s some of the pieces I felt like were missing from KH3
Of course, it took another turn towards being more convoluted (and I’m not usually someone who says that) but you know what? I appreciate all this nonsensical fanservice. I needed it. 
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noodlerama · 7 years
I have mixed feelings about the movie cast; on one hand the new characters look cool and it's very exciting to see gen 4 and 7 pokemon in this movie and also makes me wonder if they will appear in sun and moon anime later, on the other hand I feel "why not Misty or Brock?" I get that newer fans might not know who they are but this movie would of been perfect to reintroduce them.
it wouldve.......wouldnt it?
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