legatouwu · 10 months
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what the fuck am i doing with my life….
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bluevalleyproject · 1 year
Mitologi Blue Valley: Malaikat, Berkah, Bencana, dan Segala Rahasianya
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Blue Valley (Yunani Kuno: Μπλου Βάλεϊ, Latin: Blou Valì) merupakan sebuah tempat yang tidak diketahui pasti keberadaanya. Eksistensi kota ini layaknya sebuah mitos--hanya diketahui dari cerita orang-orang yang pernah mengunjunginya serta mereka yang yakin dengan kebenaran cerita tersebut.
Keberadaan Blue Valley dikaitkan erat dengan legenda kuno tentang siklus jatuhnya empat malaikat ke bumi.
Berdasarkan sumber catatan sejarah dan cerita turun-temurun, keberadaan Blue Valley baru dapat diketahui pasti ketika portalnya terbuka. Dalam dokumen itu, diceritakan portal hanya akan terbuka saat malaikat terakhir (malaikat keempat) di tiap siklusnya akan jatuh.
Tanpa diketahui oleh sebagian besar masyarakat, para malaikat telah jatuh ke bumi sejak awal zaman. Malaikat pertama yang jatuh adalah Lucifer Morningstar, yang jatuhnya dirayakan dan dibenci sebagai benih kemajuan dan peradaban umat manusia.
Lalu, setiap kali malaikat jatuh, jasadnya akan menjadi satu dengan udara dan memberkati umat manusia dengan dua hal: berkah dan bencana pada hal tertentu.
Para peneliti mengungkap bahwa malaikat-malaikat jatuh dalam satuan siklus, di tiap siklusnya dipastikan ada empat malaikat yang jatuh. Banyak bukti yang memperkuat hasil penelitian. Bahkan salah satunya berisi dokumentasi terbukanya portal Blue Valley setiap kali malaikat keempat (malakat terakhir di tiap siklus) akan jatuh.
Bukti lain juga menunjukan bahwa keberadaan portal itu berlangsung dalam waktu singkat, namun tak ada yang mengetahui waktu persisnya.
Satu hal yang pasti, setelah malaikat terakhir jatuh, sebuah era baru dimulai, menandai awal dari siklus yang baru juga.
*) berdasarkan klaim menurut pengunjung Blue Valley
Malaikat Pertama (membawa kemajuan di bidang politik dan permasalahan perang) Berkah: The Treaty of Versailles, 1919 Bencana: World War 2, 1933-1945
Malaikat Kedua (membawa kemajuan di bidang kesejahteraan dan permasalahan inflasi) Berkah: Invention of Credit Card, 1950 Bencana: Housing Market Bubble, 2008
Malaikat Ketiga (membawa kemajuan di bidang teknologi dan permasalahan algoritma) Berkah: The World Wide Web Boom, 1994 Bencana: Hegemony of Algorithms, 2010-now
Malaikat Keempat (?) Masih belum ada titik terang, namun spekulasi mengatakan bahwa jatuhnya malaikat terakhir erat kaitannya dengan ALAM, BENCANA LINGKUNGAN dan PERUBAHAN IKLIM.
Hingga saat ini tidak ada yang tahu keberadaan Blue Valley. Tak heran kota ini sering dianggap mitos belaka yang diciptakan untuk menggambarkan fenomena perkembangan peradaban manusia beserta pelajaran yang bisa dipetik.
Meskipun demikian, ada banyak kesaksian yang mengklaim telah mengunjungi Blue Valley. Mereka mengatakan bahwa di kota itu waktu dan ruang berjalan dengan aneh dan berbeda. Tempat ini juga menyimpan banyak rahasia dan aturan yang agak sulit untuk dipahami.
Salah satu hal aneh adalah larangan melakukan eye contact dengan Bayangan (arwah-arwah malaikat yang menirukan penduduk desa). Setiap kali malaikat jatuh ke bumi, jasad mereka akan menyatu dengan udara, lalu menyebarkan berkah dan bencana. Sedangkan arwah mereka akan tinggal di Blue Valley. Jika eye contact terjadi, baik sengaja atau tidak, hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan kegilaan juga malapetaka.
Arwah para malaikat ini tinggal berdampingan dengan penduduk desa, mengambil wujud orang-orang yang tinggal di sana, baik yang masih hidup maupun yang sudah meninggal. Mereka sering menyebabkan masalah dan kekacauan dengan niat yang tidak jelas. Tidak ada yang tahu dengan pasti.
Aturan lain adalah warga kota dan pengunjung tidak diizinkan menggunakan baju dengan gambar (grafis), karena hal ini akan menarik Bayangan untuk datang dan mengganggu mereka, tidak ada yang tahu mengapa.
Cerita mengenai Blue Valley memiliki banyak versi, dan banyak yang berbeda. Tetapi satu hal yang selalu disebutkan oleh para saksi mata adalah keberadaan jam besar yang mengeluarkan bunyi gemuruh keras, menandakan terjadinya suatu peristiwa aneh di sana.
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hikennosabo · 9 months
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saw this ship being referred to as "bluefreak" once and i haven't known peace since
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joyffree · 7 months
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𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 by @MJFieldsBooks is NOW AVAILABLE in AUDIO!!
Narrated by: Connor Brown & Meghan Kelly
Get it today! 
The Blue Valley series is not your typical love story. It is a journey through one's past . . . maybe even a story resembling someone close to you.
It's our story.
Tessa Ross has finally decided to give herself a break. A break from her forced smiles. A break from the people she loves. A break to help her heart heal. A break to mend and regain the strength that she once had. A break to find herself again. A break to focus on the next step in her life journey.
And so, she puts distance between herself, Lucas, and Blue Valley, returning to her family's house in Cape Cod, a place that she always loved and felt loved in.
Will it lead her home to seek comfort in those she loves, or will she see that home has always been with her?
Contains mature themes.
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jpopstreaming · 8 months
🆕🎶 「 BMO 」 new single by BLUEVALLEY is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now on our weekly updated playlist and discover new sounds from Japan 🎧 https://spoti.fi/42HdAgd
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amgmoody · 1 year
check it out EP OTW BlueValley
Follow my IG Officialamgmoody
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dreamclanshope · 2 months
Moon 11
Freezestreak smiled as verbenkit snuggled up to him smiling at his daughter before turning to Bluevalley “your tail has fully healed I suggest you go ask on of our caretakers to help you find some stray moss for your nest and ill see if I can get one of the other medicine cats to bring some comfy bedding”.
Bluevalley smiled before leaving “thanks Freezestreak!…i really appreciate it”.
Just then Freezestream noticed Ravenstar approaching and Verinkit clinging onto him more “can I help you Ravenstar?” he asked curiously Ravenstar nodded sadly “yes another rouge fell into our cave and they attacked whistlehail I'm afraid you have another patient.” Ravenstar looked over at the little one “oh don't be afraid verbenkit do you know what a mouse’s favourite game is?” the kit shook their head “hide and squeak!” Ravenstar finished chuckling to herself and smiling when the kit joined her “how has the nursery been treating you?” she asked the kit who looked down saddened. “Lonely..” the leader smiled “don't worry I'm sure any warrior would be willing to play with you”
Cerbin kit has gained the skill lover of stories!
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secondflash · 2 years
T H E  F L A S H
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                    WALLY WEST      !      - - - 
   25 YEARS OLD, got his start as KID FLASH with as the flash’s protégé and joined the TEEN TITANS before becoming THE SECOND FLASH. works in CENTRAL CITY and BLUEVALLEY to play his part as a HERO.
                                   COMIC & HEADCANON BASED. autistic & adhd , multiship , smartest dumbass you’ll ever meet. written by TOBIAS.
         SELECTIVE RP . . .
% linkz    :    taglist /  carrd   /   playlist   /   ao3
this is a sideblog to @neonsharkz so if you see that like a post -- it's me
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hideki-kaji · 2 years
Space Kelly Japan Tour 2023
KiliKiliVilla presents Space Kelly Japan Tour 2023
6年ぶりのアルバム『Come To My World : a tribute to SARAH』をリリースしたSpace Kellyの来日が決定!
ギター・ポップ・シーンで長く活動を続けているSpace Kellyが自身のルーツに立ち返り、UKインディー・シーン伝説のレーベルSARAH RECORDSに残された数々の名曲をカバー、このアルバムのツアーが決定!バックメンバーにアルバムの共同プロデューサーであるMichael Garbschがギタリストとして同行、ベースにカジヒデキ、ギターとパーカッションに松田CHABE岳二、ドラムにツナカワ (ante) を迎えたメンバーでのツアーを行います。
TOKYO 1月7日(土)新代田FEVER with Pervenche、Strip Joint
open 17:30 start 18:00  前売 6,000円 当日7,000円 + 1D 11月19日発売 e+ https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3762290001-P0030001
1月11日(水)新代田FEVER with h-shallows+Tomohiro Makino、Three Berry Icecream
open 18:30 start 19:00  前売 5,000円 当日6,000円 + 1D 11月19日発売 e+ https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3762300001-P0030001
KYOTO 1月13日(金)京都METRO with BLUEVALLEY (rhythmbox unit set)、カジヒデキ(ソロ)松田CHABE岳二(ソロ)DJ :  DAWA (FLAKE RECORDS)
open 18:30 start 19:00  前売 5,000円 当日6,000円 + 1D
open 17:30 start 18:00  前売 5,000円 当日6,000円 + 1D
NAGOYA EXTRA SHOW 1月12日(木)K.D ハポン Space Kelly accoustic duo live with BLUEVALLEY (rhythmbox unit set)、松田CHABE岳二(ソロ) この日のSpace KellyはKenとMichaelによるデュオ・セットになります。 ※カジヒデキの出演はございません。
open 18:30 start 19:00前売 3,000円 当日3,500円
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cocktailsfairytales · 7 months
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𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 by @MJFieldsBooks is NOW AVAILABLE in AUDIO!!
Narrated by: Connor Brown & Meghan Kelly
Get it today!
The Blue Valley series is not your typical love story. It is a journey through one's past . . . maybe even a story resembling someone close to you.
It's our story.
Tessa Ross has finally decided to give herself a break.
A break from her forced smiles. A break from the people she loves. A break to help her heart heal. A break to mend and regain the strength that she once had. A break to find herself again. A break to focus on the next step in her life journey.
And so, she puts distance between herself, Lucas, and Blue Valley, returning to her family's house in Cape Cod, a place that she always loved and felt loved in.
Will it lead her home to seek comfort in those she loves, or will she see that home has always been with her?
Contains mature themes.
#AudioRelease #MJFields #TrueLove #BlueValley #ContemporaryRomance #wordsmithpublicity
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bluevalleey · 1 year
Find your Perfect Commercial Properties 
Introducing Bluevalley, your year-round property management solution. With 15 years of combined experience, our team of highly trained experts offers exceptional landscaping, lawn care, and snow removal services. We specialize in commercial properties and serve plazas, gas stations, and townhouse complexes. Experience great service and quality with Bluevalley –where we exceed your expectations.
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geekverse08 · 3 years
Shiv and Stargirl💛
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BTS of Meg DeLacy and Brec Bassinger in Stargirl 2x11!⭐
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kkv-main · 3 months
news - 2024.6.26
シェアリンクはこちら https://big-up.style/UeDk2ThgiX
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lesbianwhowrites · 2 years
Prompts & Rules:
•He/Him readers
•Male characters unless sibling, bestfriend, parent stuff
•Any 18+ stuff family friendly place for cute Fluffy stuff ♡
•Any mental health related stuff (triggers for alot of people
-All female Charcters
-She/Her & They/Them pronouns
-Fluff, Non-18+ romance
-Action scenes
🧏‍♀️ Please be patient as writing might take a bit depending on the length of the request.
Requests can be commented here. Or messaged to me. Still getting used to this platform. Easier way will be implemented shortly.
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jpopstreaming · 11 months
🆕🎶 「 F 」 new single by BLUEVALLEY is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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dreamclanshope · 2 months
Moon 8
A scream was heard throughout the cave aswell as barking Twigpatch not wanting his clan to be hurt went to see what it was with Wetheart and Whistlehail. Twigpatch’s eyes widen when he sees who it is…. “Bluevalley…?” sitting there in the cave entrance was a young injured Firclan warrior “whistlehail help me bring her to camp mind her tail its injured” he told the young warrior helping the Firclan cat to camp.
When they arrived Freezestreak immediately ran over “what happened?!” he quietly asked the barely awake she cat who whispered “dog….ran…fell” whimpering in pain Freezestreak sighed “take her to my den Twigpatch ill tend to her that best I can”
When they arrived Bluevalley looked towards Twigpatch “when will I go home…” she asked the older tom who sighed sadly “I'm sorry bluevalley” he pushed his head into the she cats ginger fur tears in his eyes “your trapped just like the rest of us…”
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29 moons
Good teacher
Was originally from Firclan but fell down into the caves fleeing for her life from a angry dog
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