batlleonafc · 1 year
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This swiss newspaper things that those are Magda and P in the picture on the boat. journalism at it's finest 😂
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thesingingrevolution · 7 months
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Goodnight babieeee
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winhao · 5 months
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bluewin content
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consterions · 9 months
Noh Shinwoo and Im Hantae Appreciation Post
Please let me rambling about how I love my two fictional gay boys.
First off, Noh Shinwoo
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I often has hots for enemies-to-lovers kinda story, so at the very start, I have already rooting for Shinwoo and Taekyung. And Shinwoo being the tsundere characters is adding good points for him.
But I, too, love Shin Daon. I love kind hearted men. I love smiley and comforting character.
But what makes me sold for Shinwoo is how he treated Taekyung slowly over time. Like, he's actually really caring! Though I kind of forget of the details, I remember how Shinwoo intended to bring bandages to Taekyung when unfortunately, Daon was already there and treated Taekyung's wound and it hurt my little heart.
The one that sealed it, though is when Taekyung was heartbroken by Daon when he was thinking that him and Daon could have "something" but Daon backed out. I remember Shinwoo that told a story of younger him about a crush he had for a boy, how he eventually realized that he shouldn't tell a soul about this little fleeting crush and buried it. He told the story to Taekyung so that he understood why Daon acted a certain way, give him an additional perspective, that Daon had a reason and not just being mean to Taekyung. Shinwoo had known Daon for longer than Taekyung, so Shinwoo must have a better understanding of why Daon possibly did what he did. Well, not only that, Shinwoo also stated how he sided with Taekyung cause he also thought that what Daon was doing hurt Taekyung a lot.
I don't know if it was really significant for other people, but it is really significant to me. I didn't only see the tsundere side of Shinwoo, but his gentle and kind self, how he cared about Taekyung, how he could give more perspective for Taekyung who has long be a "voluntary loner."
Also his confession? The whole "Yesterday, today, and maybe even tomorrow, I will always thinking of you." It's like the perfect confession for Taekyung, who while pursuing Daon never being thought of since Daon (at that time) thought of his surrounding more than his feeling for Taekyung. And that even after that, Shinwoo still trying to support Taekyung to chase after Daon (even though eventually he asked Taekyung to finally look at him).
And now, Im Hantae.
Oh, Im Hantae.
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First of all, he's really the bubbly, confident character that immediately stole my heart! It didn't feel to pushy too, so I enjoy his character a lot. Adding some (probably) innocense and THAT'S IT.
What I like a lot about Im Hantae specifically is how he always desired to help Han Baram. It's so cute when he literally made a contract where he would take care and promised a debut to Han Baram. And it was not long after they met each other, may I add. He's just... so kind and passionate. And he kept his promise until Baram really debuted! He continued to be by his side, even when Baram told Hantae to go away. Yes, Hantae went, but he came back not long after.
Also, I love how he reacted to Baram confessing differed a lot from Jin Sangin, how he didn't singlehandedly just go away and rejected Baram in the most obvious way. Unlike Sangin who after that told Baram that he was going away and the timing was just that bad (although I doubt so), Hantae was more like "OK I'm shocked but let me process everything first" but didn't say it. He still ran after Baram and make sure. He still stayed by Baram's side, even when he was attacked by Bluewin's fans. He still offered support. It may be a little bit heavy on Baram's side since Hantae didn't tell him anything about his confession, probably feeling like Hantae was keeping his hopes up for nothing, but Hantae was genuine, and still kept his promise at the start: to take care of Baram until he debuted.
Hantae and Baram's relationship is something I want to have, really. I specifically want an Im Hantae in my life.
Bonus my favourite scene in Light on Me and Sing My Crush
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(I particularly love this scene from Sing My Crush since damn... I don't know... the tension, the love??? It takes my soul out off my body)
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wonderouslow · 9 months
congratulations to im hantae for being the only "golden retriever" vibed guy I loved. He was so fun to watch and I was really invested in his character unlike some others.
The show was absolutely sweet too. While the Sangin/Bluewin plotline was left incomplete, I think it was supposed to mean about how Baram doesn't care about the guy anymore.
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iguessitsjustme · 11 months
Hantae heard Bluewin release Letter of Apology and said “hey that’s my favorite song I’ve never heard the second half of how DARE they” and also “Baram is the songwriter and HE needs to finish singing it” and also “I’m gonna call them on their shit they won’t get away with stealing from my bestie that I don’t know I’m in love with yet.”
I bet Hantae refused to listen to the full song when it was released by Bluewin because he wanted to hear it from Baram. No way he heard the full song until the day they were in the park and he had Baram perform it.
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grompf3 · 11 months
Bloqué par 2 des plus grosses instances Mastodon, pour une histoire d'expertise...
J'ai un compte Mastodon. Mais il y a des tas d'utilisateurs francophones de Mastodon qui ne peuvent pas communiquer avec moi, ni voir mes messages.
J'ai été bloqué par 2 des plus grosses instances francophones.
Une des 2 m'a débloqué. Pour l'autre le blocage continue. Et je n'étais pas au courant
C'est une histoire d'expertise.
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Mastodon, c'est un réseau social décentralisé. Ce n'est pas contrôlé par 1 boîte unique. C'est pas comme Facebook ou Twitter, mais c'est plutôt comme l'e-mail. Vous communiquez avec votre adresse Hotmail de chez Microsoft, avec des correspondants qui peuvent avoir une adresse chez Yahoo, Gmail, Mailo, Infomaniak, Bluewin ou LaPoste net.
Donc, si vous vous inscrivez sur Mastodon, vous devez choisir une "instance". Un fournisseur de service. Ce sont généralement des associations ou des collectifs divers, qui demandent une contribution à bien plaire. Parfois ce sont des passionnés qui gèrent plus ou moins seuls leur petite instance. Il y a des geeks qui ont monté une instance juste pour eux. Des boîtes s'y sont mises aussi (Vivaldi, par exemple), des institutions publique, etc.
Voici mon compte sur Mastodon :
Je suis sur une instance française de taille moyenne, voir petite. Il y a des instances francophones beaucoup plus grosses. Notamment Piaille.fr et Mamot.fr ... Monsieur et Madame Tout-le-Monde, en s'inscrivant, sont souvent allés vers les grosses instances, celles dont on leur a parlé, celles qui ont été évoquées dans les articles de journaux. Monsieur et Madame Tout-le-Monde ne se sont pas forcément posé la question de savoir chez qui ils atterrissaient...
Dernièrement, j'ai découvert que j'étais bloqué par ces 2 grosses instances. Voici ce que voyaient les utilisateurs de Piaille et Mamot qui tentaient de lire mes publications :
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Ah ?
Pendant des mois, je venais peu sur Mastodon. Je publiais un peu. Et si je ne voyais pas certains de mes contacts habituels, je me disais que c'était que eux aussi venaient moins et qu'on ne se croisait pas.
Sauf que non.
J'étais bloqué. Les administrateurs de 2 des plus grosses instances francophones avaient décidé que leurs utilisateurs ne devaient pas voir mes messages et que nous de devions pas pouvoir communiquer. Je n'avais pas été prévenu. Et si je lançais une recherche pour trouver un de mes contacts sur ces 2 instances, je le trouvais. Et pouvais même lui envoyer un message privé... Enfin, non : j'avais l'illusion de pouvoir lui envoyer un message privé. Je pouvais afficher son compte (en le cherchant), cliquer sur message privé, envoyer le message privé... Sauf que le message n'arrivait jamais. Je n'avais aucune alarme indiquant une erreur. J'envoyais un message qui n'arrivait nulle part et dont le destinataire n'était pas au courant.
Quand un utilisateur Mastodon assez actif et connu a interpellé les 2 instances sur ce blocage, Piaille a réagi. Mon compte a été débloqué. Le blocage remontait au mois de mars et c'était en lien avec l'affaire Palmade.
Une histoire d'expertise autour de l'affaire Palmade :
Je vous laisse juger par vous-même. Nous parlons ici de la parole publique d'une personne qui se présente comme experte et qui est régulièrement invitée en tant que telle dans les médias afin d'analyser des questions telles que la haine en ligne et la désinformation.
Voilà le pourquoi de mon blocage. Et je rappelle que du côté de Mamot, instance gérée par La Qadrature du Net, le blocage reste en vigueur et personne n'a daigné me communiquer quoique ce soit.
Pour être tout-à-fait rigoureux, il faut préciser que mon blocage n'est pas forcément dû à mes opinions. Je ne sais pas, n'ayant reçu aucune explication claire.
Ces 2 instances ont des règles de modération similaires. Et je vous montre ici un extrait (Piaille à gauche, Mamot à droite) :
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Vous voyez ce qu'est le "CW" ? "Content Warning". Vous cachez une partie de votre message, ne laissant apparaître que le titre. Comme ça :
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Ça évite d'exposer du contenu choquant. Ceux qui veulent voir l'intégralité du message cliquent sur "DÉPLIER".
Ce pourrait être ça. Sauf que si c'est ça, des tonnes de comptes pourraient être bloqués :
Exemples de sujets au CW vivement recommandés : sexisme, racisme, homophobie, mort, viol, maladie, guerre, agressions et violence en tout genre, sexe, et phobies courantes autres CW possibles : râlerie, selfie, contact visuel, spoiler / divulgâchage, nourriture, tabac, alcool, addictions en tout genre, politique… Les messages ou comportements décrits ci-dessus, ou l'absence répétée d'utilisation de CW sur les sujets vivement recommandés pourra faire l'objet de modération par : des messages envoyés au membre concerné, en privé ou en public, le fait de rendre son compte silencieux, son blocage s'il est distant, voire sa suppression.
Toutes celles et ceux qui relaient des articles de presse ou commentent l'actu sans recourir systématiquement au "CW" seraient susceptibles de subir le blocage (sans information ?...). Or, ce n'est visiblement pas le cas.
Mais moi, j'ai été bloqué.
Pour ces messages, au sujet d'une personne qui se prétend experte, qui a repris à son compte de fausses rumeurs, y ajoutant des affirmations de son cru aussi lourdes que gratuites (sans bien-sûr se rendre compte à quel point ces sous-entendus jouaient avec certains clichés homophobes et conspis) et en s'emmêlant dans des explications foireuses où ce sont toujours les autres qui sont responsables de tout.
Visiblement j'ai été signalé. Avec succès.
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Et je suis toujours bloqué par Mamot.
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Cela me pousse bien-sûr à repenser mon engagement en faveur du réseau décentralisé Mastodon. Parce que, effectivement, on peut imaginer que des instances destinées à un public cible bien précis appliquent une modération plus strictes. Mais là, on parle de grosses instances généralistes, destinées à accueillir M et Mme Tout-le-Monde. Et peut-on s'attendre à ce que M et Mme Tout-le-Monde, en cherchant une instance Mastodon, fassent une looooooongue recherche pour voir quelle association gère l'instance, qui est au commité de l'association, quelle est la réputation de cette association, etc ?
Je me suis mis en semi-retraite de Twitter, n'intervenant plus là-bas, sauf pour y poster du contenu publié ailleurs (sur Tumblr, Mastodon, sur mon blog ou ?...) et pour communiquer par DM. Twitter limite ses DM. Une partie des usagers Mastodon francophones ne peuvent plus communiquer avec moi...
J'espère donc que Bluesky implantera vite les DM et que Threads sera bientôt disponible en Europe...
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reviews-tn · 5 months
Comment se connecter à Bluewin mail ? Guide complet pour accéder à votre compte Bluewin mail et résoudre les problèmes de connexion
Bienvenue sur notre article dédié à Bluewin mail! Si vous êtes à la recherche de conseils pratiques pour gérer efficacement votre messagerie Bluewin, vous êtes au bon endroit. Que vous utilisiez un ordinateur ou un téléphone mobile, nous vous guiderons à travers les étapes pour accéder à Bluewin mail, résoudre les problèmes de connexion et optimiser votre expérience de messagerie. Ne vous…
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fff777 · 6 months
Watched WayV On My Youth Unboxing
Yangyang's hair looking shaggy today
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Xiaojun ripping open the shrink wrap with the power of his abs
Hendery: Did you purposely reveal your shoulder? Kun: No! The stylists did it for me :<
I like the plastic cover for the diary version, that's very fun.
Hendery pulled blondwin and the guys were all "WAHHH~~~~" Blondwin has become Bluewin now though.
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Experience the feeling of Yangyang when he stares daggers at Xiaojun lol
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Sicheng once again bringing up Kun showing off his shoulder and Kun once again defending himself that it was not his choice
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Hendery looking at the slide he pulled against the whiteness of Winwin's skin
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Kun likes stickers in albums :P
Meanwhile, Ten's like "I don't think Wayzennies like using the stickers" lol
Yangyang: Why is every person lying on the bed Xiaojun: Because there's a bed
Yangyang: SEXY WINWIN Yangyang: Look at Kun staring at the faucet
Yangyang just now learning about Dejun's harmonizing
Winwin: Oh my god, this person who composed the lyrics for Be Alright is Qian Kun. Could it be the Qian Kun sitting right next to me?!
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Winwin liked Ten's hair
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Yangyang, Dejun, and Ten discussing the photos they took where they were right up to each other's faces. Dejun was focused on how close they actually were. Meanwhile, Ten's like "me and Winwin look so romantic <3"
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Sicheng saying Dejun looks like a male second in a tragedy because he looks sufferful. He did mention before that Dejun looked like a male second lol.
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Copying Winwin's pose. Sicheng does do something a little special with his hands.
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Continuing the tomato + egg duo for Yangyang & Winwin. Both of them have changed hair colours by this unboxing though lol.
Lol how did Sicheng just casually have that kid photo of himself
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Winwin's makeup at the TMEA performance was well-received, so they used the same blush for this :P
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korrektheiten · 11 months
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M.S.: »😱 Skandal: Bluewin setzt friedliche Patrioten mit Extremisten gleich! Gestern waren mehrere Mitglieder von MASS-VOLL! m... http://dlvr.it/Ssyg40 « @MSLive_aut
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batlleonafc · 1 year
I looked for the article but couldn't find it on the french website (guess they didn't translate it, sad). I did however learn that :
1. Bluewin has news (I thought the just did the emails lol)
2. Xhaka doesn't play at Arsenal anymore (which says how much I don't follow men's football)
lol @bluewin.ch all the cool kids had an email adress like that😅 (not me lol)
They've actually been posting a lot of things about women's football. lots of interviews.
I saw that on SRF today when I checked the tennis results 😂
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Antonino Cannavacciuolo chef italiano nel DNA
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Antonino Cannavacciuolo è uno chef italiano di fama internazionale, nato a Vico Equense il 16 aprile 1975. Fin da giovane, Antonino ha sempre saputo che la sua vita sarebbe stata dedicata alla cucina. Suo padre era un insegnante di cucina all'Istituto alberghiero di Vico Equense, dove Antonino ha studiato e ottenuto la qualifica del terzo anno. Dopo aver lavorato in diverse esperienze lavorative, Antonino ha deciso di intraprendere la strada verso il nord e ha fatto stage presso rinomati ristoranti francesi. La carriera di Antonino Cannavacciuolo è costellata di successi, ma non sono mancati i momenti difficili durante la gavetta. In un'intervista a Il Messaggero, lo chef ha raccontato le difficoltà incontrate quando aveva solo 14 anni e subiva le rivalse del suo superiore ai fornelli. Antonino ha confessato di finire la notte gonfio di mazzate e spesso dormiva in macchina. Nonostante ciò, Antonino non si è mai arreso e ha continuato a lavorare sodo per raggiungere i suoi obiettivi. Proprietario del ristorante Villa Crespi a Orta San Giulio, che ha guadagnato due stelle Michelin nel 2006, il ristorante è famoso per la sua cucina innovativa e il servizio impeccabile. Ha condotto diversi programmi televisivi come MasterChef Italia e Hell's Kitchen Italia, dove ha guadagnato popolarità grazie alla sua personalità carismatica e alla sua abilità culinaria. Uno dei piatti più famosi di Antonino Cannavacciuolo è il "Totano in giardino", che consiste in un totano ripieno di verdure e servito con un contorno di verdure fresche. Questo piatto è diventato uno dei suoi piatti signature ed è molto apprezzato dai clienti del ristorante Villa Crespi. Antonino Cannavacciuolo non si limita solo alla cucina, ma è anche impegnato in attività filantropiche. Ha collaborato con diverse organizzazioni benefiche in Italia, tra cui la Croce Rossa Italiana e Telethon. Inoltre, Antonino ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti per il suo contributo al mondo della cucina. In conclusione, Antonino Cannavacciuolo è uno chef italiano di grande talento che ha raggiunto il successo grazie alla sua passione per la cucina e al suo duro lavoro. La sua carriera è costellata di successi e riconoscimenti, ma Antonino rimane sempre umile e dedicato alla sua arte culinaria. La sua creatività e innovazione hanno ispirato molti giovani chef in tutto il mondo. Fonti: - Bio Antonino Cannavacciuolo - Food Network - Lo chef Cannavacciuolo: «Finivo la notte gonfio di mazzate» - Bluewin - Panettone classico - Antonino Cannavacciuolo - La mamma di Antonino Cannavacciuolo - Corriere della Sera - Chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo: Ristorante 2 stars - Relais & Châteaux Read the full article
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dannypandit · 1 year
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Schweiz: Erneuerte Waldenburgerbahn steht kurz vor ihrer Eröffnung, aus Bluewin
Schweiz: Erneuerte Waldenburgerbahn steht kurz vor ihrer Eröffnung, aus Bluewin
01.12.2022 https://www.bluewin.ch/de/newsregional/nord/erneuerte-waldenburgerbahn-steht-kurz-vor-ihrer-eroeffnung-1502922.html Am 11. Dezember wird nach sieben Jahren Planung und Bau die neue #Waldenburgerbahn auf der 13 Kilometer langen Strecke zwischen #Waldenburg BL und #Liestal ihren Betrieb aufnehmen. Mit Kosten von 345 Millionen Franken für die #Infrastruktur wurde das Budget um 8 Prozent…
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solplparty · 2 years
강버터 (Kang Butter) - Shower Dance (Feat. 로시 (Rothy)) MV https://youtu.be/c41RDaKRXIQ 강버터 (Kang Butter) - Shower Dance (Feat. 로시 (Rothy)) MV 훈남 (薰男) [국어 사전] 훈남 (薰男) : 보는 사람으로 하여금 흐뭇하고 따뜻한 기분을 느끼게 하는 성품을 지닌 남자를 이르는 말. [Credit] Executive producer : DOKO(도코) & 주성원 PIG Entertainment Co., Ltd. 01. 오늘도 못다 한 말 Lyrics by 강버터(Kang Butter), 로시(Rothy) Composed by 강버터(Kang Butter), 로시(Rothy) Arranged by 강버터(Kang Butter) Guitar by 강버터(Kang Butter) Piano by 강버터(Kang Butter) Drum by 강버터(Kang Butter) Ukulele by 강버터(Kang Butter) Bass by 김영광 Synthesizer by 강버터(Kang Butter) Chorus by 강버터(Kang Butter) Recoreded by 강버터(Kang Butter) @단추네집 Mixed by DOKO(도코) @Winter City Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering ---- 02. Shower Dance (Feat. 로시(Rothy)) Lyrics by 강버터(Kang Butter), 강이삭, 로시(Rothy) Composed by 강버터(Kang Butter), 로시(Rothy), 강이삭 Arranged by DOKO(도코), Bluewine Guitar by 이우현(Winter City) Drum by DOKO(도코), Bluewine Bass by 한지석(Winter City) Synthesizer by DOKO(도코), Bluewine Chorus by 강버터(Kang Butter), 로시(Rothy) Recoreded by 강버터(Kang Butter) @단추네집 Mixed by DOKO(도코) @Winter City Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering Hair by 은성 at ALUU(알루) Make up by 고운 at ALUU(알루) Stylist by 이가영 at LEE.FEEL M/V : 김기주(PIG Edition), 권정빈(PIG Edition), DOKO(도코) ---- 03. 진짜 아닌데 Lyrics by 강버터(Kang Butter), Timmy Composed by 강버터(Kang Butter), 김영광, 문지혁 Arranged by 강버터(Kang Butter) Guitar by 강버터(Kang Butter) Piano by 문지혁 Drum by 강버터(Kang Butter) Bass by 김영광 Synthesizer by 강버터(Kang Butter) Chorus by 강버터(Kang Butter) Recoreded by 강버터(Kang Butter) @단추네집 Mixed by DOKO(도코) @Winter City Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering M/V : DOKO(도코), 김기주(PIG Edition) ---- 04. 제발 전화 좀 Lyrics by 강버터(Kang Butter), 강이삭 Composed by 강버터(Kang Butter) Arranged by 강버터(Kang Butter) Guitar by 강버터(Kang Butter) Piano by 강버터(Kang Butter) Drum by 강버터(Kang Butter) Bass by 김영광 Synthesizer by 강버터(Kang Butter) Chorus by 강버터(Kang Butter) Recoreded by 강버터(Kang Butter) @단추네집 Mixed by DOKO(도코) @Winter City Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering ---- 05. 어쩌구 (Feat. 장들레) Lyrics by 강버터(Kang Butter), 장들레 Composed by 강버터(Kang Butter), 장들레 Arranged by DOKO(도코), 강버터(Kang Butter) Guitar by 이우현(Winter City) Piano by 강버터(Kang Butter) Drum by DOKO(도코), 강버터(Kang Butter) Bass by DOKO(도코) Synthesizer by 강버터(Kang Butter) Chorus by 강버터(Kang Butter), 장들레 Recoreded by 강버터(Kang Butter) @단추네집 Mixed by DOKO(도코) @Winter City Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering Artist Management : 주성원, 서윤아 Album Artwork by 김기주(PIG Edition), 강버터(Kang Butter) #강버터 #Kang_Butter #Shower_Dance Stone Music Entertainment
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