#bluey has hit a new point in her life
The Rebound 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, body insecurity, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Curtis Everett
Summary: after a divorce, you try to start over.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You take a new path. You tell yourself it's to mix it up, to be a hit more spontaneous. You're downfall had come from being a creature of habit. 
So instead of north, you go south, away from the river and towards the ravine where trees slant and the land turns bumpy and peaty. You stop at the edge and peer down at the steep incline. You breathe in the slightly damp air, the night's rain still wet on the grass and bark. 
You're hypnotised by the lightheadedness caused by the drop. You slowly back up and walk along the border. You couldn't make the hike down though you've seen teens hanging around there. You press on, walking over even ground. 
A sudden snap has you on high alert. You look over your shoulder. You try not to think of Curtis, try not to assume or expect. You don't want to make a big deal of nothing. Lee always said you were good at that, where he did the opposite. 
There's no one there but you feel something beneath your foot. You look down. A snare. You've walked straight into a rabbit trap. Is it his? You wish you knew how reset it. Instead you'll have to leave his hard work spoiled. 
You make your way back to the road and follow it to your sister's house. He lingers in the back of your mind. You haven't seen him at the library. It's been weeks. You shouldn't care so much. You don't.  
He came when you weren't there. You know that. You saw his book in returns. Is he avoiding you? Were you that awkward? No, it's just Curtis. He avoids everyone. He's smart. Hammer Ford does not inspire trust. 
You enter the house, kicking the dirt off your shoes before you break the threshold. You leave the sneakers on the mat as you hear your sister with the kids. You look in on them and she gives you a sharp look as you offer a small wave. You cringe and go to the kitchen to get water. 
You hear the Bluey song play and your sister appears as you chug down a tall glass. You pull your lips of the brim and wipe the dribble down your chin. She looks tired. Kids do that to ya. 
"You've lost weight," Katie says. 
You should be proud for her noticing but even after two births, she's effortlessly petite. You nod, "yeah." 
"Great, and... how about a place? You found one yet?" 
She's never been particularly tactful. She gets that from your mother. Maybe that's why she's the favourite. 
"Looking," you assure her, "I have enough for a deposit now but not much around here." 
She nods and opens the fridge. She takes out two of the drinkable yogurts for the kids. You drink nervously. 
"I heard about him. Lee," she says as she stands on the other side of the island, "he's with some young one now." 
"Good riddance," she sneers, "I never liked him. Never mentioned it but one time at Christmas... well, he made a suggestion." 
You frown. Why is she telling you this? It doesn't make you feel better. 
"Oh, I'm... sorry he did that." 
"We all tried to warn you," she shrugs. 
You finish your water and rinse the glass. It's easier than pointing out she was still a teen when you got engaged. Whatever. 
"Mom's coming for dinner tonight." 
You pause before you can set the glass in the rack. Great. Another judgement to come.  
"She wants you there too." 
"Okay," you don't argue. Twenty years of it with Lee, you don't need to keep it up. 
"Right, well, I gotta go look after the kids. Life, you know." 
She leaves and you put the glass down. You blink back her underhanded jab. You don't have kids or a husband or even a house. Look at her, taking in her tragic sister. How fucking merciful. 
Your mother barely acknowledges you when she gets there. She’s too caught up in her favourite and her grandchildren. You’re fine with it; used to it. You’re far enough in life that you know it isn’t worth it to try or care. Same as with your husband. Ex now. Officially. 
Finally, after the last months of struggling, you have some good news. The email was both a relief and a final punctuation. Now you can move on, just like Lee. 
You sit at the table. You have your chicken breast, a thoughtful portion of rice, and lots of green beans. You’re life might not be any more balanced but your meals are. 
As your mom finishes her preening and cooing over the messy toddler beside her, she turns to you. You know by the glint in her eye, it won’t be any different than your last conversation. Or any over the last how many decades. 
“How nice it is of Katie to take you in,” she chimes. 
“Yeah, very nice,” you gulp, “um, but not for much longer. Divorce is final. Lawyer’s fees will come off the alimony. Which I’m getting.” 
It feels nice to say it out loud. Hearing it come out of your own mouth makes it real. Makes it true. 
“When did you find this out?” Your sister chirps. 
“Couple hours ago.” 
“Wow,” both your mother and sister utter. 
“That’s great news,” your mother grins, “but you’re still divorced and childless. You don’t have much time left on the clock.” 
You look at your plate. For every win, they find a loss. Yes, that’s true, but you don’t want kids and after your marriage, you want a husband even less. One is just fine. 
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writermuses · 3 months
About Andrew Gruffydd
Age: 41
FC: Henry Cavill
Career: Chief Firefighter
Fears: losing his chosen family
Height: 6'1
Role model(s): His bestie Cara Hornik
Things they hate: Unsolicited advice, socializing, and people lacking common sense
They will love you if... you accept that he is a parent first and trauma makes him slow to open up
Favorite film(s): The Maltese Falcon or The Silence of the Lambs
Favorite tv show(s): Bluey, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, or Scrubs
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Drew was always deemed hyperactive. His parents struggled to handle their early riser who was go-go-go all day every day. Putting him in rugby seemed to help. At least, it got him napping, they thought. However, his interest would veer or he would get used to the routine and need new engagement and more activity. This led to new hobbies for the little guy including swimming, running, biking, hiking, hunting, and skiing. No matter how hard Andrew tried, school never seemed to click for him. Classes at the lower grades were engaging enough, but when he hit his core classes as a teenager, he couldn’t stay focused in the test-centric drill-and-kill society and transferred to a trade school. His parents were adamant that ‘boys would be boys’ and refused advice to have him tested for any ADHD, though he had several markers.
He was lucky in several ways when he entered his training to become a firefighter. First, he didn’t move away, so he could stay in touch with his friends. Drew got along with most people. They liked his silliness, he was a nice and fairly good looking- plus he was a talented athlete. They never judged him for his decision to pursue a career that could potentially cost him his life, paid little, and was oftentimes thankless and looked down on. His friends were his rock because his parents were perpetually giving him looks of disappointment, though they seemed to love him enough. His closest friends; Cara, Ronan, and Essa were inseparable. They’d all ‘dated’ each other at some point in their grade school through adult life, but none ever clicked so well as Ronan and Essa. Honestly, their relationship taught him a lot about jealousy and putting others before himself. At the end of the day, he took a brother role with everyone.
Andrew’s life was a balance between working, sleeping, hanging out with his friends, and picking up women to pass the time. He’d made no effort to commit because he hadn’t built a relationship that he cared about more than his love of his closest friends or his job. Simply put, Drew was waiting for a connection that was meaningful with someone that his friends approved of. So, when his station got a call for a multi-vehicle crash, casualties expected, he hadn’t anticipated that his world was about to change. The jaws of death couldn’t save Ronan and Essa. His two friends who had bonded over their shared experience over the loss of their own parents, married with Cara and Drew at their side, and who had a beautiful little two year old. Ronan and Essa had left Nora to her godparents, Drew and Cara, and just like that, he became a ‘dad’.
Having joint custody of his goddaughter has had its ups and downs. Drew struggles with looking at Nora and seeing his friends, as well as going out and meeting new people. There’s a bit of emotional stuntedness that comes with knowing that now, whomever he dates, won’t know the people that knew him best or that he’s growing and changing without those two people. Andrew still, however, is a very loving and playful person. He’s simply trying to figure out what life will look like as time goes on. The loss of his friends has brought him closer to his now-divorced parents and his remaining childhood friend Cara. However, there continues to be distance with his siblings, who don’t understand his relationship with his friends and not them. Though Nora calls him Drew and describes him as her ‘uncle’ she’s taken to calling Cara mom and that does sting a bit, though he understands as he spends his time helping Nora know her parents while Cara helps Nora enjoy life.
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milomaxxy · 1 month
So, last year, my family was in a shelter until we could get into a home. It was a families-only shelter, so you had to have a child or children to stay. We made friends with a few families while there; we were entirely new to the area so it was an opportunity to make friends in a place where we didn't know anyone. Our (then 3 year old) toddler made friends with a whole bunch of kids, especially a family with 4 kids in her age range. One day I noticed she acted different with one of the girls, and it hit me.
She acted exactly like I did with my first crush. She wasn't just friendly with her like other kids. Our kiddo is autistic asf, so most of her interactions with other kids is mirroring their play and maybe giving them snacks if she really likes them. She would go out of her way to find gifts for this girl, would let her watch videos (we had kids videos on a spare phone for her) with her (something she would have a meltdown if other kids tried to do), would dance with her, actually hugged her (something else she doesn't do unless she knows somebody very well), and more. She would ask every morning when this little girl would be coming outside so they could play together, even before asking about breakfast.
I mentioned it to my spouse, and we were joking about her first crush. The little girl's mom heard, and AGREED WITH US bc her little girl was doing the EXACT SAME THING. She picked out a nightgown, a winter coat, and a hoodie for my toddler. They'd lay together on the little trampoline in the yard, snuggled together, watching videos and eating snacks. And other people caught wind of the joke (that we weren't so certain was a joke at this point) and got in on it too. The other toddler's older sister even asked my kiddo at one point if she wanted to "kiss (other kid) like your parents kiss". Basically asking if she wants to kiss on the cheek or peck on the lips, and omg my child's reaction made me cry actual tears of joy.
My child's eyes lit up and she grinned. An important detail is that my toddler was absolutely obsessed with Bluey at the time and quoted it literally every minute of the day. It was so often that other people thought she was adopted bc she had the accent down to a fucking t. She says "for real life?" in her Bingo voice, jumping up and down. We all are melting at this point, just fawning over her reaction.
That family ended up moving away a month or so later, and fortunately my kiddo was able to say goodbye to all the other kids before they left. I bawled that morning bc her "girlfriend" as they'd started calling each other Drew a smiley face on her coat. When she does outgrow it, I plan on keeping it for her bc it's a gift from "her first girlfriend".
Those few months were so healing for my inner-child. My parents would have never been okay with me having a crush on a girl as a toddler, much less said "yeah, you can have a girlfriend". And seeing her and this little girl act exactly like me and my first crush, hunched over looking at bugs and gathering nuts that fell from the trees... it was adorable. Watching them act like little crows with each other, and this little girl knock the actual hell out of her brother for being kinda mean to my kiddo, and my kid ask to get friendship trinkets at the store, was magical. I never have seen my kid be that social since, and it's definitely a special little period of her life. It's wild to me how far along the world has come in two decades bc of how many other people supported these little "toddler girlfriends". It gives me hope for the future
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abluehappyface · 2 years
For once in my life I'm actually NOT embarrassed about wearing makeup in public
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hear me now (Jotun Loki x Female Reader AU) (18+)
Read chapter 21 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 22
Summary : Loki is done with Priscilla. You accept your fate.
Trigger Warning : mention of cancer, killing, murder, discussion of disease and death.
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You heard her loud and clear. But you stopped listening to her after she mentioned that word. You can't have cancer, you always thought of yourself as invincible, always thought that a malignant disease would never get you because you were supposed to live a long unhappy life where you'd be old and miserable forever, especially after Bluey was gone from your life, that's how you imagined your future. The thought of dying so soon did scare you though, you never wanted to die so painfully.
"Y/n?" Wanda called out to you and you snapped out of your thoughts.
"Did you hear anything I said?" You nodded as she questioned. How could you have lung cancer of all cancers? You never touched a cigarette in your life.
"But I never..I never smoked in my life and I started to drink just recently..I..how could I have lung cancer?" Your eyes teared up and she looked at you sympathetically
"It's the major cause of such type of cancer but not always, your case is uncommon and rare especially if you lived a smoke free life but sometimes it's hereditary, passed on from parents" she told you and you chuckled. Well if they had cancer you'd never know, all you found out was that your biological mother left you in an orphanage in Washington when you were just one month old.
Rare, your life loves that rarity apparently, that's why you found Bluey and fell in love with him.
"I know it's tough to take a news like that, your life is going to change and if you need someone to talk to, I can recommend a–"
You cut her off mid sentence before she could recommend a psychologist or a support group. Insurance wouldn't cover that.
"It's alright..I am fine..I just ..I just need some time to process" she nodded as she heard that.
"About the treatment, we can do chemo to stop the aggressive cancerous cells from spreading further-" you cut her off again and felt snobbish for doing so but you didn't want chemo or any other treatment. Especially when you knew it was malignant.
"I don't want chemo..I can't afford it and I just..I don't want to..thank you for your time Doctor Maximoff"
You didn't want to shred in pieces, you knew what chemo does to a person. You saw it in movies. By the time you are done with it, you will become the broken shell of a person you used to be once, and for what? Five or so more years? That's not even guaranteed. You didn't think you wanted that anymore. You didn't understand the point of your life, you had no purpose for now. And maybe that's why this was happening. Maybe you were supposed to die young.
You went home and sat on the information, you can't tell anyone, if you do they would want you to get chemotherapy and fight the disease or worse they'll inform Bluey and he'll come running back to you to fix you. Then he'd leave you again to be with his family, and you would be here, alone, nothing to live for.
Your life has always been troublesome, you never understand why your parents didn't want you, then you felt incomplete all your life. You were lucky enough to find Bluey but he was taken away too. You were a janitor working to live and get by, you had no hope for the future anymore. Maybe this was for the best.
You could feel the panic building in your chest as the thoughts of your inevitable death started to scare you, so you got up and laid down inside the freezer, that always comforted you.
Maybe this was Karma, you committed a crime and hid it when Rogers was killed, maybe this was your comeuppance. You didn't know how long you had but you were ready for it, you just hoped that Bluey would never find out about this because you knew if he did he would blame himself for not healing you.
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He turned around to glare at her, the realization of the truth hit him like a rock. He remembered that day clearly now. He was by the lake, he was lost in his head, trying to find some inner peace after a rough day. He never could find it before he met you, but spending time in solitary as he meditated did bring him some comfort.
He smelled Priscilla's perfume, an essence that he made, made from roses that he grew in his own garden. It was a birthday gift that he gave her last year. He didn't buy things for her, he tried to make it, hoping that it'd feel more personal, that she would appreciate it more than the fabricated products but how wrong he was.
She used his gift against him.
When he got the whiff of that essence in the air around him that day, he thought it was Priscilla, that's why he wasn't alarmed, the village has always been a safe place for him. And that's when he was shot.
"You helped him, Rogers, you wanted me gone" her eyes widened while Loki's voice trembled with the searing pain he felt in that moment. The woman he married and vowed to protect wanted him dead and gone forever. She didn't care what was to happen to him once they took him.
6 months ago
Priscilla was in the city, she was meeting a businessman from Barrow, she just had to accompany him, have sex with him and in return she was to be paid a thousand dollars. It was quick money for her and she knew her useless husband can't grow or make money on trees like he grows vegetables and flowers.
"Hi" a gentleman approached her and he sat down next to her. This wasn't the man she was planning to meet.
"Do I know you?" She asked him and he kissed the back of her hand.
"Not yet" he winked at her and took her back to his hotel room. He had been keeping his eyes on her, she came from that village where this rumored god was staying. He wanted that creature anyhow to impress the Starks. He fucked her and then he promised to pay her alot for the information. At first she denied that she knew him or anything about him. She needed Loki to survive in that village but then Rogers manipulated her, told her that her life would be much easier, he fed her the plan of telling the villagers that Loki ran away and abandoned them all.
Eventually she agreed, life would be much easier without Loki if she gets to keep the house, she wouldn't have to make excuses to sneak out. She'd miss the sex but then she loved money more than anything.
His men were ready. They sneaked inside the village at night with the help of Priscilla, she hid them inside her now deceased parents' house, it has fallen apart since they died but it was enough to hide them for one night. Next morning she fought with Loki on purpose, he didn't do anything but she had to make him go to that lake alone, his happy place, so they could capture him and she knew he went there whenever he was upset.
Then she gave that perfume to Rogers so he could mask his own scent and she knew Loki wouldn't suspect anything or get alarmed if it was his wife around him.
When Loki noticed a presence behind him he thought it was Priscilla, for a moment he thought she was there to apologize to him. Not even in his worst nightmare he thought that something harmful could happen to him in this village or around her.
He was shot in the head at a closed range, it took a few minutes for his brain to regenerate, Rogers shoved him in the trunk of his car and drove Priscilla's house, his men were ready to place him in the tank and she showed them a deserted way they could use to escape and get into the city. They fled away and she counted the wads of cash Rogers gave her as soon as she came home. Bullet never came out from the other side and was lodged in his head, that's why he couldn't regain his memories.
"Get out of my house" She started crying as soon as she heard that.
"No Loki it was a mistake I swear, he threatened to kill me, I had to do what he said" she started begging to him but he had heard enough, he was done with her. She tried to kill him, she didn't care about him even a least bit, all she cared about was the things he could give her. His name, his status in the village, his house and his healing powers but she could live without it because doctors existed for a reason. That's all he was worth for her. She knew very well that they would never say anything to her knowing that she was his wife.
"Leave Alvis here and I need you out of my house before I kill you and bury you right where you are standing" his eyes seemed angry, he was furious and he could have killed her right then. She flinched as she heard him screaming.
"I'm taking my son" she told him meekly and he shook his head.
"Alvis will stay here where he's safe and protected from a monster like you" she quickly went down on her knees and started to beg him to let her stay. He snickered in response, he never thought he'd see this day someday.
He wished he never would have married her but he didn't want the history to repeat. Something awful happened in this village almost three decades ago and a child had to suffer, he couldn't let it happen again. He couldn't allow Alvis to grow up without a parental figure in his life.
"Why are you crying Priscilla? You have all the money you wanted and I'm sure you have more, you can live on your own" he picked her up by the shoulder and dragged her with him until he was out of the house then he pushed her away from him.
"Alvis will get the care and the love that he deserves. Why don't you obtain another baby? Those papers can solve all of your complications, am I right?" He closed the door and she started screaming and yelling. Her voice reached down the hill and people of the village started to accumulate to watch the scene.
"Finally she's getting what she deserves, he never should have married her" Darcy said to Debra and both of the women had tears in their eyes. Loki didn't deserve for his kindness to be played like this. Darcy saw Rogers that day when Priscilla sneaked him into the village, but she didn't know who he was or why he was there. Ever since Loki came here he only wanted to flourish this place and its people, but not everyone here was worthy of his blessings.
"He did what he thought was right, especially when he learned of what Trisha had done all those years ago. He had sworn that no woman will have to suffer through the same thing here ever again" Debra spoke as she wiped her tears.
"He wasn't here at the time was he?" Darcy asked her and she shook her head
"He came a year later, he learned about it from the people of the village and it broke his heart"
Priscilla walked down the hill and begged the villagers to take her in, claiming that Loki was unfaithful and had gotten abusive since he returned but obviously nobody paid heed to her nuisance.
Loki grabbed Alvis in his arms and cuddled him as he cried his heart out, the sweet boy in his embrace wiped the tears and his heart was breaking for his little Alvis. He was just a child and he deserved to be with his mother but he knew that leaving him with a woman like Priscilla would only damage him and scar him for life. He had to take care of him by himself.
Priscilla went to the city and didn't look back, she threatened him that she'd tell everyone about him but he could always turn into a human if she tried that. He had a name, an identity, he was a resident of the village and he had all these people by his side who'd die for him If worst comes to worst. He had nothing to be afraid of anymore. He only lacked one thing, his y/n.
He wanted to get back to you desperately but he couldn't with Alvis by his side. He didn't even know if you would want a child in your life, a child that belonged to someone else? You both never talked about it. Forget that, he didn't even know whether you'll have him anymore after how he abandoned you. He thought he was doing the right thing but it cost him the most precious person in his life.
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A few days passed and you started to get more and more sick, your cancer was spreading rapidly but you didn't start the treatment, it was expensive, time consuming and you had no will to go through all that pain.
You coughed as you mopped the bathroom of the store you worked at. Natasha kept asking you to see a doctor but you told her that it was just a respiratory infection. Luckily for you, She and Bruce were out of town for the next few days as Bruce had a convention to attend in Chicago and you were thankful for that. If he finds out he would definitely call Bluey and tell him everything. The last thing you wanted was for him to come here and get himself in trouble again. People were horrible here. You also didn't want to cause any problems between him and Priscilla anymore.
"You don't seem fine honey, what's wrong, I know a sick person when I see one" Phil said to you as you made dinner so you smiled.
"I'm absolutely fi–" you coughed and groaned as you felt a sharp pain in your chest. You had a handkerchief in your hand, and his eyes widened as he looked at it, all red with blood.
"I knew something was wrong with you, what are you hiding?" His eyes teared up but you didn't tell him anything so he stormed out of your apartment. He was upset with you, so upset that you would hide something like this from your friends. You begged him to not tell anyone and that hurt him even further.
He couldn't just watch you wither away and die like this. You are not just his friend, you are his daughter and he would never want his child to waste herself away like this.
Two days later you woke up and showered but you didn't have any energy to carry on with the day or go to work. You were coughing out blood and your body had no strength left. You flinched as you heard a knock on the door and you knew Natasha was here to confront you.
Phil must have told her that something was wrong with you, she was supposed to return from the trip yesterday. You took a deep breath before you opened the door. She was going to be so angry with you and rightfully so. You didn't want to face her wrath but you had to. You can't avoid her forever.
Your eyes teared up as you looked at the man that was standing on your door, wearing that long overcoat that seemed way too familiar.
"Hello my little darling"
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@el-zef @pinestwinssimp     @froggiecky @snigdha-14     @howdidurhammergrowchris     @annoyingsweetsstranger     @michelleleewise @123forgottherest     @nada-duskwood   @mcufan72     @xorpsbane @colifower     @daddylokisqueen @juulle987     @asgardianprincess1050   @perhaps-just-june @lokisgoodgirl   @athwna @eyesbluelikethetitanic @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @lokisninerealms @huntress-artemiss @justasecretwriter @emma-laufeyson @catalina712 @nixymarvelkins @disneyismyworldforever @multifandom-world8
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evolsinner · 3 years
i must've fallen asleep in the car because when i wake up, it's 3:00 am, and i'm in bed with a muscular arm wrapped over me. i smile, interlocking my fingers in the bruised hand at the end of it. the fingers gradually reciprocate and i'm at even more peace when i realise that isaac is also awake.
the room echoes with the soft sounds of an electric fan somewhere in the corner. there are blue led lights underneath the bed which lights the room up in a bluey lambent glow. i lift the covers off me, the heat wearing down on me like a hot summer's night.
"where're you going?" isaac questions groggily in his sexy tired voice.
the slightest movement and he thinks i'm in trouble. i imagine he's always gonna be half~awake considering everything i filled him in about. 'twas a lot, would explain why i fell asleep in the car right after.
"gee, relax, just tryna get comfortable."
he snuggles his head into the crook of my shoulder. "thought that psycho brother of yours, kayden, or whatever his name is was gonna steal you away from me again."
“new hotel?” i change the subject.
“yeah. figured a penthouse might expose us.”
"good call. hey...isaac?"
"can we have a black wedding?"
he chuckles, "sure."
"and rainbow bridesmaids and groomsmen?"
he laughs even harder, "i'd like to be in your head sometime, luv, as the stuff you say, brightens my day."
"well, don't get too excited because it's not all sunshine and lollipops."
"of course. anything else you want for the wedding?"
"can it be a destination wedding?"
"can we have ice cream cake?"
"yum, check."
"oh! oh! also, unicorns and pegasus' and alicorns and~"
"woah, woah, calm down, luv, that's a whole trip to wonderland."
i break into laughter.
he kisses my ear lobe, "missed you, my baby."
that tone in his voice makes me wet weak. it's my favourite one too. although, i guess if his voice affects me then i have always been fucked from the start. because, man, when he would yell in class, yeah, i would be butthurt, 'cept i would also be strangely turned on? like, the fuck was wrong with me?
"missed you too," i giggle as the nibbling travels down my ear to my neck.
"missed you a lot,” he seems to be getting at something...
"doubt it," i flip on my back.
he grins and kisses the tip of my nose. his nose kisses are by far the best. it gives me a sense of protection; humble protection at its finest. it's like springtime with yellow sunlight shining in through the drapes. a peck lands on my cheek and i crinkle my nose as i beam from its tenderness. next, a rare kiss lands on my eyelid when i blink. he’s showering me with kisses and i giggle at each random place he plants them on.
i've looked into hazel coloured orbs, and i was trapped in a painting of a forest fire. i've looked into crystal coloured orbs, and i've drowned in the deepest of oceans. and now these emerald coloured ones, i'm up there with the northern lights, lost in neverland and never do i ever wanna come back down.
i lift my head up and plant a kiss on his sugary sweet lips. an explosion of marshmallows dipped in cherry wine erupts in my mouth. i was craving his taste and this whole time i was taking the wrong doses of another.
he leans further over me and slowly slides his hands up and down my waist. the skin he leaves touched has a tingly sensation to it and goosebumps form all over me. just when i thought i've subdued the sensation, he runs his hand over the area again; there's no break for me.
his lips melt over mine like fairy floss liquefying in the stinging sun and now all i see is iridescent saliva coating his mouth. he deepens the kiss, his tongue fighting a war with mine like he's some warrior on a battlefield.
it makes me remember the first time we kissed and it wasn't even that long ago. please, god, take me back to the first time we kissed. and he does, he does take me back to the first time we kissed.
sir's hand rummages over the bedside table and some things fall down. i'm tryna keep him from ripping his lips off mine. he looks across for a few quick seconds, his hand running over random objects, then he gives up on his objective.
"god," he groans in frustration.
oh. "who cares? just pull out in time."
"luv," he raises his thick eyebrows, "don't think i could do that 'in time' on this particular occasion."
well, damn, he missed me more than i had expected.
"besides, pulling out isn't a safe form of protection," he adds.
"ugh, since when did you care about that?"
"since when i get you pregnant, i don't want it to be by accident. i want to make sure it's the best sex of your life."
i gulp.
"yes," he raises his eyebrows, amused at my shocked expression. "one of these days, i'm going to impregnate you. can't wait to see you grow big, snack on a bunch load of candy, and then have you pop out our precious little one."
i turn crimson.
"be right back," he smiles, sitting up on the bed. "i'll go check if i have some spare protection in my car," and retrieves his fallen phone.
"wait," i get up and lean onto his back. "i'm coming with."
"babe," he chuckles, "i chose the first floor for a reason. the car's right out there. i won't be long, i promise."
"please, i want to go with you," i plea like a little girl. "bad things happen every time you leave me alone."
"alright," he plants a firm kiss on my forehead, his palm resting at the nape of my neck. "let's go on an adventure to the car park, shall we?"
"race you!" i quickly jump off the bed and speed towards the door.
"hey!" he laughs out and chases me. "i wasn't ready, cheater!"
i run down the golden hallway and into the massive oval~shaped space of the reception area. the borders of the walls are painted gold and the walls themselves have a luxurious~looking pattern on it; too detailed to find out how it begins.
i pause, standing in my pyjama shorts with my eyes darting around to locate the exit.
"there!" one of the receptionists catches on and points to the revolver door right at the front.
my face lights up like the cheshire cat. the receptionist dude chuckles. he and his other three colleagues are really enjoying this little show in front of them. i mean, who wouldn't? two guests running around wildly, barefoot, in the middle of the night.
"catch me if you can, jay!" i sprint straight to the glass revolving door.
isaac reaches me a tad bit late and he just misses the slot i get into.
i stick my tongue out at him like 'ha~ha'.
he scoffs, "fuck you."
ah, yes, our 'fuck yous'. our forever and always.
i rush to the car, and once i reach it, i come to an abrupt halt.
a pair of keys jingle obnoxiously behind me.
"guess i've won, sweetheart."
i frown like a child whose third scoop of ice cream has gone crashing to the ground. "you're a cheater," i rebut, heading across to the passenger seat with my arms crossed. "plus, i meant who gets to the car first, not who gets inside."
"ah, rules, rules, rules," he mocks with a sly smile playing on his lips. "always new rules with you."
i purse my lips to stifle a grin.
he walks over to me and cages me but doesn't say anything.
"..isaac.." i break into a diffident smile, glancing away.
"what?" he chuckles.
"stop..doing that."
"'doing' what?"
"that..that eye thing."
"sweetheart, i have no idea what you're talking about."
i roll my eyes, blushing.
he continues to stare.
"see! you're doing it again!"
he laughs, leaning into me, "i can't help it, darlin’, you're just so beautiful."
"whatever," i get way too shy to make eye contact.
the bimmer beeps twice behind me.
i look at isaac with surprise.
"looks like you've won, daisy," and he opens the door for me.
i blush incredibly, chaotically even, and upon his request, i hop inside the car.
that's right, loser, i did win.
-ˋˏ ༻🥂༺ ˎˊ-
there was no, um, you know in the car, so now we’re on our way to the servo to get some.
"this is a nice song."
"you like it?" sir faces me. "it's by that french singer, ah, what's her name. right," he snaps his fingers, remembering, "'indila'."
"'une dernière danse'," i say. "what does it mean?"
he chuckles.
"what?" i beam timidly. "are you laughing at me?"
"no, it's just the way you pronounced it," he shakes his head. "it means 'one last dance', fyi."
on the spur of the moment, isaac pulls up to the side of the road.
"what are you doing?" i query.
"an idea popped into my head," he announces. "get out of the car."
"just do it."
i take my seatbelt off and exit the car. there, i stand in front of the windshield, freezing my ass off. it's dark as fuck, but the white headlights of the bmw give us plenty of vision. sir takes off his seatbelt and cranks the radio right up. he steps out of the car, leaves his door wide open and meets up with me.
"can you please tell me what's happening?!" i yell over the music.
"we're going to dance!" he places a hand on my waist and another on my shoulder.
"what?!" my eyes bulge out of their sockets. "in the middle of the road?! barefoot?!"
"we're barely wearing any clothes!!"
"better this way!"
"what if a car comes?!"
"then we die!"
"i can't dance!"
"follow my lead!"
🎶je remue le ciel le jour, la nuit je danse avec le vent la pluie
the chorus hits once again, and simultaneously, isaac brings my waist closer to himself as he takes a full step back. i follow his lead, letting him guide me. backward, left side, forward, right side.
🎶et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur est-ce mon tour? vient la douleur
"oops..!" i step on his foot by accident. "sorry..!"
"don't worry!" he chuckles, twirling me around. "you're doing amazing!"
he repeats the steps, nodding at me supportively. a few vehicles begin pulling up to watch us dance! the rest, however, honk impatiently, heading around to get past us.
🎶je remue le ciel le jour, la nuit je danse avec le vent la pluie
the steps are sped up and repeated one final time before everything slows down to a finale. confidently, isaac pauses and dips me. i stare at him in total awe. i think he's in love, like, really in love.
🎶et je m'envole, vole, vole, vole, vole, vole, vole
the few drunken humans gathered around us erupt with applause, whistling here and there.
"i love you," sir mouths, bringing me back up.
guys, i think he loves me.
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affinityunbound · 7 years
Chapter 6: Rather Dashing
“Hmmm. Oh gods, yeah! I bet I look cool as hell like this.”
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“Ain’t exactly every day you come across a suitcase in the woods full of sick clothes, but I guess today’s my lucky day.” 
The young woman had spent the last half hour trying on whatever clothes were left in this suitcase. She may not have known who it belonged to, or why it was left here. All she cared was that it was here and she could use some new clothes, badly.
She turned back towards the suitcase and found a relatively clean miniskirt. Holding it in both hands about an arm’s length away, she examined it closely. It was short, but she could live with that. Black with a light gray line going across the bottom horizontally, yeah this could work!
“Hmm. Hope it’s my size.” she said, slipping it over her jeans. 
It didn’t take long for them to slide off of her body disappointingly. However, this wouldn’t stop her. Surely there was a belt somewhere in this sack of goodies. Diving back in, she found a belt that matched the accent on her miniskirt. She quickly wrapped it over the skirt and found that it worked perfectly well. It was unusual fashion for her, but she lived with what she could scavange.
After all, when you live by yourself in the woods, you live with what you can get your hands on. 
“Wish I had a mirror or somethin’. Suppose I could walk into a nearby town and ask what people think of my fashion sense.”
At that moment, she heard something. It sounded like shouting.
“Over there! Looks like someone stole our clothes! Get her!” the voice echoed in the distance.
Another voice joined in, “Isn’t that Calina the rogue? After her!” 
“Oh, crap.” she dropped the cane she just picked up.
Calina quickly spun around in the opposite direction and made haste as fast as she could. She was intimately familiar with these woods, so she had no issue dodging trees or fallen branches. On top of that, she had a little extra gift on her side.
“Bet you can’t catch me when I shift into maximum overdrive, suckers!” Calina taunted her pursuers.
Calina slowed her movements, but her speed only increased. Her feet skated across the ground as if she were, well, rollerblading across it. Her movements seemed effortless as she deftly danced around the foliage until she was out of the woods, literally and figuratively. 
Spending the next few moments catching her breath, Calina glanced around to make sure nobody was following her. It seemed that way, so she blew a raspberry at the woods, making a hissy face. 
“Love you, affinity of mine~. Skating is the BEST!” she said, wanting to kiss her own legs. 
As Calina turned around, she realized she wasn’t alone anymore. It turns out she hadn’t exactly lost her pursuers, at least not all of them. Standing in front of her now was a man who was easily taller and larger than her. 
“Calina, was it?” he asked, noticing she was wearing his clothes. 
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out. Anyway, guessing you want your clothes back?” she crossed her arms.
“Well, that is my favorite top hat, jacket, and bow tie. Look, I won’t hurt you or anything, just give them back, okay?” he held out his hands.
Calina sighed, taking off all of his favorite clothes and handing them over. All she had left was her short undershirt, green zippered jacket, pants, and the skirt and belt combo she also swiped.
“Can I at least keep the skirt?” she asked.
"Those too, actually. I almost forgot to mention it, thank you for reminding me.” he held out his hand again. 
“Fffffffffuck.” she muttered, undoing her belt and handing it and the skirt over.
“Was that so hard? Chin up, girl. Just contribute to society and maybe you’ll be able to afford nicer clothes than... whatever that is.” the man donned his top hat and planted his cane in the ground. 
“Hey! I’m no girl, I’m 18, thank you very much.” Calina huffed.
“Same difference. Anyway, I’ll be off. Don’t follow me, got it?” he pointed his cane at her chest. 
Calina eyed the cane, then the man in front of her. She quickly grabbed the cane and wrestled it out of his hands. With a quick whack at his wrist, she knocked the skirt out of his grip. Making a quick break for it, Calina quickly picked it off the ground along with the belt. Before the man could even react, she was already a dozen feet away, skating freely.
“So long, suckerrrrrrrr! Ahahaha!” Calina spun around and blew raspberries at him, skirt successfully acquired.
The man attempted to give chase, but realized it was no use. He had only managed to outpace her in the woods, but he had no hope out here. He kicked the dirt below and waddled away slowly. He could just buy another one, he thought. 
A half hour later, Calina was finally satisfied that she had lost his trail. She had long since cleared the open plains she ran from, and was now in her usual neck of the woods. Literally. She lived in the woods. 
“Home sweet...” she said, noticing her tent was covered in leaves.
Calina just let out a sigh. Her one little place in the world, covered in leaves. It was undignified. She knew she’d have to clean it up, but whatever. Stepping closer, she unzipped the front and climbed inside. 
It was hardly a mansion of a tent, but it was roomy enough for her. She could lay down comfortably along the length of the tent, and the width was nothing to scoff at either. Overall, it blended in well with the surrounding environment. No one has ever given her any problems here, so she just stays here. 
The entire outside surrounding the tent was covered in leaves, much like the top of it. She had thought the round top of the tent would ward off piles of leaves, but to her dismay it didn’t stack up so well. She just assumed it was because of whatever the hell was sticky coming out of the trees nearby that caused them to stick. 
Calina sprawled out in her tent as much as she could. She made sure not to hit her pair of butterfly swords next to her. They were her pride and joy, each one holding an embedded jewel in the handle. She risked a lot just to get a hold of these things for good. They were her preferred method of self defense, and still are to this day. 
“Well, today was productive. Got me a skirt and a belt, plus my house is still intact. Got that going for me. Ain’t that right, reddy and bluey?” she patted the handles of her swords.
As she began to close her eyes, she thought more about her future. Where she was going, what she wanted to do with her life. Could she ever live in a regular society? She hadn’t known anything like it for long, but...
“Crap! My stew!” Calina jerked forward, practically crawling out of her tent.
Behind her tent lay a relatively small crock pot. In it she had all the ingredients for a stew she had been simmering all day.
...Unfortunately, it simmered too long. What was supposed to look like a hearty combination of assorted meats and vegetables looked like a congealed concoction of mystery meat and disease ridden greens. Any semblance of edibility has flown out of the window so hard it not only broke the glass, but also the sound barrier.
“Nooooooo... I was really looking forward to that...” Calina muttered to herself, hanging her head in shame.
It seemed Calina would be stuck with apples for just a little while longer.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Strike Recap: Cormoran, Robin and the Story So Far
Warning: contains major spoilers for The Cuckoo’s Calling, The Silkworm and Career of Evil
To a childhood friend, he’s Bunsen. To his sister, he’s Dick. To the colleague whose life he saved, he’s Bob, and to his ex-fiancee, he’s Bluey. In the US, they know him as C.B. Strike, but in the UK, he’s Cormoran Strike, a Cornish PI operating out of Soho’s Denmark Street. He’s the star of four – soon to be five – detective novels by Robert Galbraith (an alias of J.K. Rowling), and he’ll soon be back on BBC One starring in his fourth miniseries Strike: Lethal White.
As it’s been two years since we last saw Cormoran and his agency partner Robin Ellacott in the Strike: Career of Evil finale, here’s a refresher on everything you need to remember from last time around.
How did Strike and Robin meet?
By chance. Robin was assigned to Strike’s Denmark Street office for a week of agency temping as his assistant, but soon found a taste and a talent for the work of a private investigator. In the first series, she successfully interviewed for a much higher-paying HR job in a bland city firm, but chose not to take them up on their offer, finding more satisfaction in Strike’s world, despite the disapproval of her accountant fiancé Matthew. 
How did Strike become a private investigator?
After his mother’s death, he dropped out of Oxford university, where he started dating his former fiancée Charlotte Chapman, and joined the army. After losing his lower leg in an explosion in Afghanistan, he transferred to SIB (Special Investigation Branch) and worked as a military police officer, before using those skills to set up his Soho detective agency. 
Why did Robin drop out of university?
Mid-way through a degree in psychology, Robin was the victim of an assault on campus by a serial perpetrator wearing a gorilla mask. She gave evidence that led to his conviction for rape and attempted murder, and the trauma led to her dropping out of university and moving back home with her parents. 
What happened between Strike and Charlotte?
Only fragments are known in the TV series. Before the series began, Cormoran was engaged to socialite Charlotte Chapman (Natasha O’Keeffe). When he first met Robin, he was mid-argument with Charlotte, who stormed out of his office promising that, like always, he would come crawling back to her. Cormoran moved out of their place and started sleeping in his Denmark Street office, where Charlotte sent his possessions in a box marked ‘Arsehole’. 
In flashbacks, we learn that Charlotte was pregnant at one point, and that Cormoran doubted he was the father. She self-harmed, possibly a suicide attempt, and he comforted her. Later, she announced her engagement to fellow socialite Jago Ross, and posted Cormoran her wedding photos. 
Who are Cormoran Strike’s parents?
Rock star Jonny Rokeby, whom we’ve never met in the series, and model/ ‘groupie’ Leda Strike. Rokeby is a famed womaniser who fathered several children and is largely absent in their lives (‘As far as Johnny Rokeby was concerned, I was just a shuddering of loins’), giving Cormoran multiple half-siblings. Leda was a supermodel who died of a heroin overdose that Strike has always suspected was administered deliberately by her second husband, musician Jeff Whittaker (Matt King). 
How many brothers and sisters does Cormoran have?
There are seven in total in the books, but we’ve only met two on screen – Lucy on his mother’s side and Al on his father’s, but the ‘Rokeby diaspora’ as Al wryly describes them, are scattered all over. 
Read more
Cormoran Strike: Why Now is the Right Time for the TV Detective’s Return
By Louisa Mellor
New British TV Series for 2020: BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky Dramas and More
By Louisa Mellor
How did Strike lose his leg?
Serving in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. His convoy drove into an ambush in which an IED explosion killed several of his colleagues and lost Strike the lower half of one leg. He wears a prosthetic, but the injury means he’s unable to drive and generally less able to pursue suspects on foot than Robin. 
Did Robin marry Matthew?
Yes. In the final moments of Career of Evil, Robin said ‘I do’ to her long-time boyfriend Matthew, despite having learned that he’d cheated on her with a colleague – Sarah – years earlier when she was suffering from the aftermath of her university attack. After firing Robin for endangering the case by pursuing a lead solo, Strike raced to her Yorkshire wedding and made it just before the couple exchanged vows. Seeing Strike at the back of the church, Robin smiled and married Matthew.
Who murdered Lula Landry in The Cuckoo’s Calling?
Her adoptive brother Johnny Bristow (Leo Bill). Johnny hired Strike to investigate Lula’s apparent suicide in an attempt to frame Lula’s biological half-brother Jonah, whom she’d recently tracked down and to whom she’d planned to leave all her money. Johnny pushed Lula to her death and then tried to have Jonah arrested for the murder to make him ineligible to inherit, making Lula’s share of the family estate after their mother’s death come to Johnny. He also murdered Lula’s friend Rochelle, who was blackmailing him over the secret of Lula’s changed will, and as a child, Johnny also killed another of his adopted siblings – a childhood friend of Strike’s named Charlie – by pushing him into a quarry. 
Who killed novelist Owen Quine in The Silkworm?
His agent Liz Tassel (Lia Williams). Decades earlier, Liz was in love with fellow writer Andrew Fancourt (Peter Sullivan) and wrote a hurtful parody, which was published anonymously, of his wife’s novel. She spread rumours that Fancourt had written the parody himself, and his wife killed herself over it. Liz’s client Owen learned that she was behind the parody, and blackmailed her about it for years, forcing her to keep him on as a client over the much more successful and celebrated Andrew Fancourt. When Owen submitted a manuscript to Liz that was intended to spill the dirty secrets of the publishing world under a fantasy allegory (including her humiliating attempt to seduce Fancourt), she edited the manuscript to keep her secrets and sent it out to everybody it was based on. She told Owen to stage a public fight with her about it, then hide out in an old house to generate publicity for the sale of the book. In hiding, she murdered him in the same manner that the hero dies in his manuscript, stopping the blackmail once and for all.
Who killed teenager Kelsey Platt in Career of Evil?
Donald Laing (Neil Maskell), who bore a deadly grudge against Strike after he put him away years ago for the murder of his wife. After serving his sentence, Laing stole from and killed a neighbour, then stole the identity of Ray Williams, an ex-firefighter who’d emigrated, and ingratiated himself into the family of teenager Kelsey Platt, who harboured a crush on Cormoran Strike. To get revenge on Strike, Laing lured Kelsey to a London location where he killed and dismembered her, posing as a new client to make Strike visit the same location and frame him for the murder. Laing posted one of Kelsey’s legs to Robin at Strike’s office, along with lyrics from Strike’s mother’s favourite song by Blue Oyster Cult, in order to goad him. Strike realised that Ray Williams and Donald Laing – who pretended to suffer from debilitating arthritis, and was therefore ruled out as a suspect in Kelsey’s murder – were one and the same, under a wig, false beard and coloured contact lenses. 
What else have Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger been in?
Tom Burke has appeared in a long list of television series and films over the past twenty years, with key TV roles in The Musketeers, War & Peace, Utopia, The Hour and recently, Responsible Child. Film-wise, he won acclaim for the part of Anthony in Joanna Hogg’s 2019 film The Souvenir and appeared opposite Ryan Gosling in Nicholas Winding Refn’s 2013 film Only God Forgives.
Holliday Grainger has been acting since the age of six, and appeared in a range of children’s television as a child. Her film career has included period roles in Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, Anna Karenina and Cinderella, as well as modern parts in The Riot Club and Bel Ami. TV-wise, she’s recently appeared in BBC thriller The Capture and Sky hit Patrick Melrose after making a name in The Borgias.
When is the next Strike book coming out?
It’s called Troubled Blood and is published by Sphere on the 15th of September 2020. Here’s the official synopsis (which contains a spoiler for Lethal White so beware):
Private Detective Cormoran Strike is visiting his family in Cornwall when he is approached by a woman asking for help finding her mother, Margot Bamborough – who went missing in mysterious circumstances in 1974. Strike has never tackled a cold case before, let alone one forty years old. But despite the slim chance of success, he is intrigued and takes it on; adding to the long list of cases that he and his partner in the agency, Robin Ellacott, are currently working on. And Robin herself is also juggling a messy divorce and unwanted male attention, as well as battling her own feelings about Strike. As Strike and Robin investigate Margot’s disappearance, they come up against a fiendishly complex case with leads that include tarot cards, a psychopathic serial killer and witnesses who cannot all be trusted. And they learn that even cases decades old can prove to be deadly . . .
Strike: Lethal White starts on BBC One on Sunday the 30th of August at 9pm.
The post Strike Recap: Cormoran, Robin and the Story So Far appeared first on Den of Geek.
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Hear me now (Jotun Loki x Female Reader AU) (18+)
Read chapter 13 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 14
Summary : Life feels like a dream with Bluey but you are shaken awake from it as Rogers finds out about your involvement in his disappearance.
Warning : 18+ Oral Sex, Violence,
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Soon it will be a month since Bluey got in your life. It was Sunday tomorrow so on Saturday after you got back from work, you put him in a grey pant and a black tshirt on him, it was cotton and very light so it wouldn't heat him up then you took him to Phil's apartment so you all could watch movies together and stay up late.
Phil kept the temperature low so he could be comfortable. You watched It's a wonderful life , he was so excited to see other people and he was so curious as he looked at new places on tv. Why haven't you done this before? When the clock hit 7 you decided to make dinner for everyone. Phil has done so much for you and Bluey and you just wanted to do something nice for him. 
He instantly wanted to join you in the kitchen, so he followed you and hugged you from behind but it was too warm for him in there, so you grabbed his hand, dragged him out of the kitchen and made him sit down on the couch in the living room, 
"Stay with Phil okay? Hot there ..hot hot in kitchen, you will get sick" he shook his head so you gave him the eyes "Blueeyyy Stayyy heree" you pecked him softly on the lips and he furrowed his brows looking at you as if he wanted to throw another tantrum but then he looked at Phil and decided to not to do it in front of him. 
He watched you until you turned around and disappeared out of his view then he looked at Phil and growled making him gasp in response
"Heyy mann..Why did you growl at me? I didn't ban you from the kitchen" Bluey crossed his arms, looked down and growled again but this time very quietly, just to let out his frustration. After a minute he crawled towards Phil and sat down on the floor then he rotated his fist on his chest in circular motion to apologise. That's how you taught him to do it, you bought a book of sign language to teach him some words he can use to convey emotions like that.
"It's okay bluey I get it, you love her and you want to be with her all the time, I mean..that's how I feel about Nick, well it's just been two weeks and four dates but I feel like we are getting there slowly" Bluey tilted his head as he tried to process that. He saw a picture frame on the table next to the couch, it had two frames on it. One where Phil was with you and one with a woman he didn't recognise. He lunged forward and grabbed the frame with your picture in it and kissed over your face softly. 
"I have more pictures of her, just her, I will give it to you" Bluey nodded, he definitely wanted more pictures of you. Then he pointed towards the other frame and asked Phil about the woman.
"That is my mother, she died a few years ago" Bluey knew what dying meant so he placed his palm on Phil's thighs to comfort him 
"You are so kind" Phil smiled and Bluey nodded in response. He couldn't help but wonder where was your mother? You didn't have a picture of her like Phil did. Did you even have one? He pointed towards your picture and then his mother so Phil can understand what he was trying to say
"Her mother?" Bluey nodded as he said that
"She doesn't have one, she grew up in orphanage and foster homes, I met her when she was 18, she had nowhere to go and I just..when I looked at that child it just made me realize that if I would have had one of my own, she would definitely be just like her, but later on as our relationship grew she became more like a best friend, people look at us weirdly when we go somewhere. A gay man and a young woman. But why does it matter, it shouldn't matter right? People are just people, you can love anyone and everyone, don't worry I won't give you one of those 'Don't hurt her or I'll kill you' speech" 
Bluey didn't understand everything Phil just blabbed so fast but now he knew that you didn't have a mother, the thought made him feel sad but you had him now and he can be your mother and everything else you would want him to be. He wanted to be your everything just like you were his.
You left the chicken and potatoes in the oven, and came back to the living room while it cooked then you sat down next to Bluey, you had a candy between your fingers so you pressed it over his lips and wrapped your arms around his shoulder, pecking his cheeks softly as he enjoyed the strawberry flavored sweet. 
"Are you upset?" He shook his head as you asked him and then he placed his head between the crook of your neck and purred. 
"What were you guys talking about hmm?" Bluey wrapped his arm around your waist and embraced you tightly as he thought about your mother. 
"Nothing much, I was just telling him about Nick" you smirked as he said that 
"So when am I going to meet him?" You asked him, making the man blush so furiously. All the men in your life did that.
"Okay finnee don't tell me.. let's dance, Blu Blu baby you want to dance with me?" He nodded as you said that so you got up. Phil had a phonograph and you picked the song I want to hold your hand by the Beatles on it. As soon as the riff started blaring in the background, you started to shake your body and he smiled. You loved that smile on him. You grabbed his hand and Phil's too and they both joined you,
"And when I touch you..I feel happy inside..It's such a feeling' that my love..I can't hide..I can't hide..I can't hide" you sang along to the lyrics and were truly having the time of your life. This is the life you have dreamt for and that's what it felt like to you. A dream. And dreams end when you open your eyes, so you just wanted to keep your eyes closed for as long as you could. Phil got his camera and took several pictures of you two, he was happy to finally see you so happy with someone.
After dinner, you took him back to your apartment and decided to take a bath with him, it has been a long day.
You were sitting between his legs with your back against his chest, your head down on his shoulder gave him the perfect view of your neck and the curve of your breasts. He was sucking on your neck softly and you could feel his cock swelling under you. 
Rogers woke up as he received a phone call from his informer so he picked it up instantly, he heard his wife groaning next to him as the call disturbed her sleep so he rolled his eyes, 
"What do you got?" Rogers questioned him
"She has been buying steak and eggs in bulk for the last few weeks," Rogers smirked as he heard that. Bruce told him that the creature needed the protein to survive. He hung up the phone and a sinister smile crept on his face. He had his doubts about you since he found out that you were clocking in early to clean that chamber. You must have formed a bond with that ugly thing, so he hired a man to keep an eye on you. Now his suspicions were confirmed that it wasn't the Oscorp industries that took him but an inside job and it was done by you and Bruce. Once he kills you he will kill Bruce as well. 
 "She really thought she could just take my dream project away from me huhh" His wife Peggy groaned again as she heard him.
You turned around and kissed him, he cupped your cheeks and you shivered as the cold touch crept in and the goosebumps formed all over your skin . You have really started to enjoy the freezing sensations, it didn't feel odd or uncomfortable, it felt very soothing to you. 
"Will you get pruny if you stay in the tub too long?" You asked him and he tilted his head so you grabbed his hand and turned it around to see his fingertips
"Immune to prune..I see" you sucked on his finger and he almost came, filthy images, all the filthy images circulated in his head. Luckily both for you and him, you could tell what he was thinking. You drained the tub and made him stand up so you both could shower, he almost hit his head on the showerhead, again, so you switched places with him. Pulling him a little closer to you, you washed the soap off him. He looked sublime just the way he was but when he was soaked with water and had his hair slicked back like that, he looked like a god and an angel all at once. 
You got down on your knees and his cock was mere inches away from your face, so you held him in your fist and stroked him up and down slowly. He let out a whiny grunting noise and that urged you to keep going. He always looks so pretty when he's being pleasured. 
He wasn't circumcised and it made so much sense because you knew he'd just heal if they ever tried it. You pulled the foreskin up with your fingers and licked the tip with your tongue, he bit on his lips as he looked at the sight playing in front of him, he couldn't believe it for a moment, he had dreamt of this since last week when you sucked on his thumb. He was so big and you knew you won't be able to get all of him in but that doesn't mean you weren't going to try. The idea of gagging on his thick cold hard cock seemed heavenly to you..
He cupped your cheeks so you looked up at him and smiled, he pulled you up just so he could kiss you, kiss his beautiful beautiful y/n. He was so in love with you.
 You kissed him passionately then you kissed down from his jaw, to his sternum, then your lips trailed over his v-line, then finally you held his cock again and licked the underside from the bottom to the top, your lips brushed against his balls briefly and he shuddered, he placed his arms on the wall behind you as you continued your torturous ministrations. 
"Your cock is the prettiest one I have ever seen sugar, gorgeous" you mumbled and he let out an audible gasp as you sucked him in, the water from the showerhead was dripping all over your back and created the most relaxing sound around the atmosphere, everything seemed so erotic and you just wanted to keep going, make him cum all over your face and in your mouth. 
He couldn't believe that his precious girl was doing this for him, he watched your head bobbing back and forth when you finally sucked him in your warm mouth so lovingly. He was in heaven, the heaven that you keep talking about, well If there was one that's how it must feel in there. You tried to take him as deep as you could and then took him out of your mouth to breathe, the strings of your spit and precum connected your mouth with his engorged member and he couldn't take his eyes off the breathtaking view.
He grabbed your head and scratched your scalp with his fingers, your eyes were teary but you had the most beautiful smile on your face so he knew you didn't feel hurt, not in a bad way at least. You placed his cock over his torso and scooted closer, then you got between his legs and pressed your lips on his hard cum filled balls, your tongue played around with it before you sucked him in like ice cream.
There was nothing you wouldn't do for this god of a man towering over you, he deserved to be pleased in every possible way. 
"Mmmmmm ohhhhh y/n" he moaned your name and that just turned you on even further. His voice was so deep, so dark, so husky, you wanted to drown and suffocate in all the feelings he was giving you, your pussy was gushing with need and you desperately wanted to make him cum. 
He grunted as he let go, he couldn't take it anymore, your mouth worked wonders on him. You closed your eyes when you felt his cock twitching, his cold liquid splattered all over your face, and he came so much, it kept coming so you opened your mouth and feasted on his delicious milk. It wasn't fair, he shouldn't taste so good, he had ruined you forever now, there's no way you'd be able to look at any other man the same way after having him inside you like this.
Once his breathing calmed down you scooted backwards and the water wiped the cum off your face. He wanted to return the favor, he wanted to place his mouth on your intimate parts and make you feel just the way you made him feel but you didn't let him. Maybe you would later, you just wanted him to bask in the post orgasmic bliss for now. You dried him up after the shower, put him in a boxer and then you laid him down on your bed so you could cuddle him 
"I love you so much" you mumbled softly as you kissed his neck over and over again and he signed his words, he made the most perfect heart with his fingers.
Life couldn't have gotten any better, you had a whole plan for the next day, you were excited to spend it with Bluey and Cat. So in the morning when you heard the knock on your door you thought it was Phil dropping her off but it wasn't him. Your eyes teared up instantly as you looked at Rogers 
"Sir I.."
You looked down as you heard the sound of gun blasting, your fingers touched your sternum as you felt the searing pain. He didn't even let you finish your word, he shot you right between your chest and you fell down on the floor.
You saw Rogers firing another round of bullets at Bluey and him charging towards Rogers, then the darkness consumed you.
Taglist : @el-zef  @pinestwinssimp     @froggiecky     @snigdha-14     @howdidurhammergrowchris     @annoyingsweetsstranger     @michelleleewise     @123forgottherest     @nada-duskwood     @mcufan72     @xorpsbane     @colifower     @daddylokisqueen    @juulle987    @asgardianprincess1050   @perhaps-just-june   @lokisgoodgirl   @athwna @eyesbluelikethetitanic @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @lokisninerealms @huntress-artemiss @justasecretwriter
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