#bly hildegard
pilibdc · 2 years
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JOMP BPC June 17: Female Author
I may have gotten carried away with the amount of books. However I felt that I should demonstrate that female authors run the gamut of genres and time periods. The authors range from the 970 AD to the present day. Bellow is a list of the books
Pile 1
Darkover Landfall: Marion Zimmer Bradley (I am aware of her personal life and issues)
Deryni Rising: Katherine Kurtz
The Word for World is Forest: Ursula K LeGuin
The Shadow of Murder: Charity Lee Blackstock
Oroonoko: Aphra Behn
Ice: Anna Kavan
Frankenstein: Mary Shelley
Kallicain: Karin Boyle
The Mysteries of Udolpho: Ann Radcliff
The Alexiad: Anna Komnene
The Bloody Chamber: Angela Carter
The Haunting of Hill House: Shirley Jackson
Circe: Madeline Miller
Pile 2
The History if England: Jane Austen
Thyra: Anne R Bailey
The Secret Lives of Married Women: Elissa Ward
Choke Hold: Christina Faust
Around the World in Seventy-Two Days: Nellie Bly
A Woman in Arabia: Gertrude Bell
The Heptameron: Marguerite De Navarre
The Book of Margery Kempe: Margery Kempe
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Holgerrson: Selma Lagerlof
The Book of the City of Ladies: Christine de Pizan
Revelations if Divine Love: Julian of Norwich
The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon: Sei Shonagon
Mary and Maria: Mary Wollstonecraft / Matilda: Mary Shelley
Selected Writings: Hildegard of Bingen
Pile 3
Murder in the Mews: Helen Reilly
Dragonwyck: Anya Seton
Gate of Ivrel: C.J Cherryh
The Pale Horse: Agatha Christie
Daughters of Earth: Judith Merril
Assassin’s Apprentice: Robin Hobb
The Wayfarer Redemption: Sara Douglass
Seraphim: Michelle Hauf
Kushiel’s Dart: Jacqueline Carey
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bly-hildegard · 3 years
Vampires Will Never Hurt You || Bly & Metzli
SUMMARY: Bly gets to learn that sometimes places are considered dangerous for good reason. 
PARTIES: @bly-hildegard & @deathisanartmetzli
The heel of Bly’s palm got uncomfortably warm as they held their hand out near Scorch street. It was one of the stranger things they had found in this town so far and they kept going back to it, over and over again to watch the flickering fires that were almost constant here. They weren’t alone when they came to this street, not really at least since some of the residents on the street watched them from their stoops. When those eyes burned a little too hot on them, Bly turned and continued on their exploration of the Bend. It wasn’t a pretty part of town, run down and thick with grim, but Bly enjoyed it in some ways. Trying to keep their head down, Bly nearly brushed into another person, “Oh, hey, sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” The college student was relatively aware of the fact that getting into something at the Bend was bad news, placing blame on themselves for the near collision felt like the safest option.
Metzli was doing a little exploration of their own when Bly ran into them. When the touch of misery was too cold and left frostbitten marks all over their dead heart, walking around did well to ward off those teeth. “Watch where you’re going, kid.” Words weren’t threatening, mostly distant and devoid of any emotion. Eyes that locked with Bly’s were blank and gave way to the unkind days they had seen.
The half-hearted scowl turned into nothing, a blank canvas just waiting to be painted with the next signs of despair. People watched, but Metzli couldn’t really see them past their peripherals. They could only feel eyes boring into their back as they confronted Bly. Before annoyance and dismissal could take over, they realized the good thing to do would be to check on the stranger, and rolled their eyes at themselves. Sucking their teeth, they groaned and asked, “What the fuck are you doing here by yourself? Aren’t you, like, 12?” A voice that should’ve been filled with concern was suffused with slight amusement and the pain that was threatening to take over once again.
This person’s tone was intimately familiar to Bly, they had been living with it for almost a year now after all. Where there had once been warmth, joy, playful intent in Danica’s voice there was now emotionless cold. There were no laughs easily won, just smiles that seemed pained, forced. “You okay?” They couldn’t help blurting it, knowing the answer already, they were sure. Knowing they were likely going to get lied to, unwilling to not try. Asking Danica very rarely got good results, but this person was not Danica, maybe seeing care in a stranger couldn’t hurt.
Bly let out a soft laugh, “Nah, I’m like about to be nineteen. Everyone in this town thinks I’m twelve, though.” That angry dude online had asked too, or rather had attempted to insult them with the implication of being immature. Bly was immature and young, they knew that, it wasn’t groundbreaking when people asked. Though, this person didn’t seem like they were trying to insult the college student by making the comment. “Anyway, I got my mommy’s permission to come out this late as long as I brought my bear mace and I did. Did you bring your bear mace?”
A hint of a smile began to surface as the corner of Metzli’s lips began to curve. Bly’s quick wit did well to combat the retaliation they were going to exact when asked if they were okay. “No, I ate mine by accident. Mommy didn’t teach me better.” They smelled human, but at this time of night, they weren’t sure if something else was hiding beneath her innate human traits. Contemplation wasn’t visible on their blank face, but silence fell between the two. Doing the opposite of their soulless instincts had been aiding them in their endeavor of being good.
Metzli grumbled and asked, “You know this isn’t a good area, right? Bear mace doesn’t always work. What are ya doing out here anyway? Looking for trouble? ‘Cause I can point you in the right direction.” A joke, not a very good one, but conversation wasn’t a strong quality of theirs when it wasn’t flirting or being annoying to someone their age. “Or I could give you some candy. Kids like that, right?” This time, Metzli laughed at their own joke and combed their hand through their hair.
“Well, obviously I’m not okay. I’m crazy and you should probably run.” Dejection returned and Metzli rubbed the back of their neck at the sound of their voice trying to joke.
“Man, you must have a strong stomach, I tried to eat mine once and I had heartburn for like a week. I’ve never had heartburn before, it was wild,” Bly almost wished they had brought their extra one with them, just so they could give it to this person. They were obviously unaware of the bears in this town and how they could be people, so really no one was safe from bears.
Blinking up at them, Bly shrugged. “Of course I know, I mean look around it doesn’t compare to a lot of the rest of the town. It’s pretty obviously meant to be the ‘bad part’. I like it though, the feeling of it here. Plus, there’s a whole street that’s, like, constantly on fire and I do love fire. Plus, I have maced a bear and it ran away, so if it can make a grown bear run away, I think it’s pretty good.” Though, Bly couldn’t be sure it would work against a wolf lady… Was there wolf mace? They had seen some sketchy shit in the Bend, but nothing that really made them want to run away. “Kids do like candy, but we are told to not take it from strangers.”
“Not being okay doesn’t make you crazy, ya know. Just means you’re having a hard time.”
“You’ve—right. You joked too.” Metzli pinched the bridge of their nose, clearly annoyed with themselves. Being tense made them a little less aware of everyone else while they focused on themselves. “Wait—” they waved at Bly to slow down. “You’ve maced a bear in the middle of the streets? Are they getting bold or was it—” They paused abruptly before they could finish their question. In this town, it was very possible Bly was aware of the supernatural, but they still had to be careful.
Strangers kept watching, and some of them even seemed to be getting closer to the two of them. A sign that it was either time to intimidate or time to go. Metzli chose the former. Ear twitched at the sound of a man striding quickly behind them and they turned on their heel to reveal red eyes and fangs to him. A low and guttural growl vibrated from the vampire’s chest as they bared their teeth like an animal, making him fall to the ground and crab walk backwards.
With a short chuckle, Metzli’s face was back to normal by the time they faced Bly again. “See? Crazy.” A charming smile painted itself on their face, much easier to form than before. The misery they felt was suppressed by the warmth of distraction, a welcomed encounter.
The way this person seemed to be struggling through their moods reminded Bly quite a lot of their older brother. Darin was always prone to slipping into sour moments, trapped within his own thoughts even as he tried his hardest to remain present. “Uh, yeah, in, like, May. It was really dark and stuff and I had been drinking, but one moment I’m walking on the street and then there’s this bear coming toward me. I thought it was funny, ya know, when my mom told me to take bear mace to Maine, but then I actually used it and now I don’t go anyway without it.” It was a simplification more than anything else, Bly avoiding the fact that the bear had at one point been a person and then was suddenly not a person.
Even Bly was getting wary about the people around them, eyes flicking in between this new person and the strangers. That growl raised the hair on their arm and suddenly Bly’s heart rate was skyrocketing as one of the strangers began crawling away. The others around them paused their movement, but the college student was sure that they weren’t going to abandon whatever their plan was so easily. “Do you want to walk with me? Back to Amity?” Alone right now, even with bear mace was starting to sound very bad.
The spiked heartbeat made Metzli’s posture stiffen. The sound of fear and uncertainty filled their ears. It excited them, pushing their predatory instincts forward for a blink. Hands clenched into fists in their pockets, attempting to evade the impulses long enough to build a wall between them. Finally releasing their shoulders, they nodded. “Uh, sure. That would be the polite thing to do, right? I am a gentlethem after all.”
Narrowing their eyes at the shadows threatening to leap, Metzli’s arm looped behind Bly protectively, and hovered over the small of their back, not touching them. “Just stay close, uh, kid. I don’t know your name. I’m Metzli.” They took a step forward and gestured forward with their head to signal Bly to walk. Steps mirrored theirs, echoing behind them. This didn’t incite any fear. In fact, it made it hard to stifle a laugh. Turns out that good deeds can benefit them. In this case, a fun little fight and a justifiable meal.
Bly kept their eyes forward, trying to avoid the fear that was creeping up their spine. They had thought they knew fear as a kid, chased through the woods by their brothers for fun. The dark hadn’t felt so alive in Iowa, there was no crushing pressure that came along with its descent. White Crest had a way of forcing awareness, reminding them that even those who found their courage by challenging their fears could lose their edge at any moment. Energy pulsed under Bly’s skin. “Maybe your Mommy did teach you some things then,” They teased, weakly.
How long had it taken Bly to walk to this section of the Bend? It hadn’t been quick and unless they wanted to run, the walk back would take a bit too. They felt the presence of Metzli’s arm at their back and was momentarily comforted. That comfort dampened significantly when they reminded themself they had no idea who this person was or what their intentions were. Too late to go back. “I’m Bly, it’s nice to meet you. Do you walk around here often too?” They could hold this conversation, even if their voice wavered once or twice.
“Mommy didn’t raise me, kid.” Metzli said dryly and a little distant. Their attention was drawn more to the looming figures behind them. Fear didn’t consume the vampire, no, it was utter annoyance. Three people pursued loudly and confidently, the others giving up after the little show Metzli had given further back. “Only when I’m feeling a little hungry or like I need to blow off some steam. Looks like I get a two for one today.” They answered finally, looking down at Bly to make sure they were okay.
A firm grip tugged, grabbing hold of the fabric that made up Metzli’s suit. The timing was perfect as they crossed paths with an alleyway. It was Metzli’s turn to return the grip. In one fluid motion, they maneuvered Bly on the outer edge of the sidewalk and pushed their meals down into the darkness, their old friend. Screams echoed and bodies thrashed for mere moments before silence gave way. Giving in had a high market value, and the pursuers were mighty generous. “Don’t come in here,” they called out from the darkness. Red eyes practically glowed in contrast and an audible dripping could be heard, not one falling onto their suit. One body was drained while the other two were simply laying still in wait.
Oh, I’m a dick, Bly thought. They thought it was a bit, that Metzli was going along with the joke. It was hard to tell when people actually cared for the jokes Bly tried to make, oftentimes they just had to hope that they were reading the situation right. Sometimes, like tonight, they didn’t until corrected. “Hungry?” Was there some food joint around here that Bly hadn’t seen? It wasn’t the type of place that Bly would want to get a bite in, but maybe there was a hidden gem out there that they hadn’t had the courage to explore yet.
Danica had always been the one to boldly claim that she would live through a horror movie, but Bly knew better, they didn’t have a fucking chance. They froze when things got serious. There was no fight in them, at least not out without someone having their back. They could take and throw a punch on the ice, but they weren’t alone, they were never alone on the ice. There was no Pebble here, no Naz, no Mush. Just Bly and a stranger who had just tackled someone into an alleyway and the overwhelming noise of dripping. Their stomach turned and they had to swallow down the bile that seemed to come up whenever they were scared. Running was probably the best thing to do, but their limbs locked, blood too thick and heavy to move now. “Okay,” They squeaked out, fingers clutching their bear mace.
Metzli’s belly was full by the time they got to the third body. A predatory and literal hunger had been sated, making them smile as they used their prey’s clothes to wipe their face. Face and body returned to a more human nature and stepped back out into the light. They looked rejuvenated, in much better spirits then they had been when Bly first bumped into them. Concern made their brows furrow and they bent down to outstretch a hand to Bly. “You okay? Those guys won’t bother you now. And I can still walk you back to Amity.” Voice was soft and every word was carefully picked in hopes that they wouldn’t spray them with the bear mace. After all, they weren’t a threat to Bly in the slightest, at least not in a way that actually mattered in that moment.
“Just…don’t go down there. They’re…knocked out.” Metzli tried not to laugh, having a hard time stifling their laugh. Not only was it a horrible lie, they genuinely thought their deaths were comedic. The idiots really thought they had found easy targets, only to have the tables turned in the most gruesome way possible. “No matter. Maybe that’ll teach the others a lesson.” They thought to themselves.
It was as though everyone knew to turn tail and walk away when they heard the noises from the alleyway, except for Bly. Wary, almost pitying eyes watched the hockey player as people walked away, as though everyone knew that they were next. Still, even with their heart pounding nearly out of their chest, Bly stood still. Maybe they lost all of their bravery, maybe it had never been there, a cover for everything they lacked. Their fingers shook as they pulled back from the mace, trying to not make it seem like they were terrified of Metzli. If the other person thought everything was okay, Bly could pretend too.
“Y-yeah, yeah, back to Amity is good. I like Amity, they have so many weird stores there. Like strange touristy shops, it’s funny. I should get my brothers something from there, they would get a kick out of it.” Bly babbled as their feet suddenly seemed to remember that they could move. Shaking legs pushed forward, walking unsteadily toward the light of Amity. “You must be a good fighter, if you could knock them out.” Their mouth shut quick, regretting bringing up the … people. Not bodies, not bodies, you have no proof that they weren’t people anymore. They could absolutely be fine, the dripping could have been a gutter, gutters aren’t great around here.
Bly looked utterly terrified, and their heart spiked in a way that only sounded like fear to Metzli. It matched the tempo and intensity as the people they had just killed. The only difference was that their heartbeat would not cease to thump in their chest. Not by Metzli’s hands at least. They followed closely behind Bly, watching the way terror changed their stride and beckoned them to the light, to safety. “I’m actually a trained fighter,” It was the truth, though it was informal training and several of their tactics were animalistic, they were still trained. “You don’t have to be scared, you know. I’m not gonna hurt you. Those people were, though. That’s why I did something,”
The only sounds that could be heard were Bly’s breaths and their steps that only seemed to be getting quicker. No more rambling, no more friendly conversation. Just the awkward silence of someone that knew, but didn’t want to know what had just happened. Metzli attempted to fill it, “Uh, what were you doing out here, all by yourself anyway? It’s dark and everything. Literally a horror movie waiting to happen. Especially in a town like this.”
“Trained in what?” Bly asked, voice thready. They had been able to mace a bear person but this was what did them in. Of course, they had been drunk then and drunk Bly tended to be a bit more fearless. This was different, a person casually fighting against another person, potentially killing them without hesitation. They nodded, guilt building in their gut. Sure, maybe they were going to hurt Bly, but if Bly hadn’t come out tonight, hadn’t run into Metzli, they would still be ali- okay. They would still be okay, because Bly had no proof they were actually dead. It could just be their imagination taking them down that route.
Bly’s reason for coming out tonight felt bland, worthless now. It certainly wasn’t profound enough to prompt what had occurred. Their jaw worked for a moment, contemplating just staying silent, but who knew if silence would invite something worse in. “My apartment felt small and I stopped being afraid of the dark when I was six.” Danica had been playing music loud enough that Bly was certain they would get another noise complaint and there was no more homework to do, their buddies busy with significant others or work or school. They had been stagnant and alone. “The Bend makes me feel okay being alone.” What did that say about them? That other people’s misery made their own feel lesser.
“Doesn’t matter.” Metzli stated matter of factly, continuing to walk next to Bly. The sorrow they felt earlier crept back in, making their body sulk and move a little slower. They understood Bly, they really did. Loneliness was something they had dealt with for over a century. It became less of an ally and more of a source of pain. The silence screamed at them and drowned them under the waves of thoughts of never being enough, of the basement they were forced to stay in. “I get that.” Voice was a little cracked and even a little sympathetic, being as they could relate. Somehow they were managing to mimic sympathy even if they were a little selfish in their approach. Focusing on themselves more and just saying the opposite of what actually comes to mind.
“You know what’s funny? I began to fear the dark more when I was six. It wasn’t until I got to my twenties that I was able to become one with it.” The lights got brighter as the two arrived to Amity. Metzli chuckled weakly and ran a hand through their hair. They were monstrous that night, but they also managed to be halfway decent and protect someone. Even while mauling three men, they could still be a good person, right? That was their hope at least. “Maybe next time, contact a friend to get away from loneliness. I can’t always be around to be a superhero.”
Maybe it didn’t matter, but Bly craved the answer, if only to keep them talking. It was hard to walk in silence, pulse thundering in their ears as their only focus. The hockey player was sure their mood was too easy to read, that Metzli could feel their nerves and their silence was a result of that. “I don’t want to be one with the dark, I just want to be okay with it,” Bly whispered back. If being a part of the dark meant they would do something like that, Bly had no desire to be a part of it. They knew that the path they were taking in life would lead them to doing things they never expected but this… This was dark, it was too much.
“Yeah,” Bly’s voice was a shade of what it was before, so small it could be carried away on the wind. “Yeah, I’ll ask a friend for help next time.” As if their best friend loved them still, as if the guys on the team actually knew them well enough to care, as if there was someone out there to share that burden.
The voice, the looks, the body language, it was all a near identical replication of Metzli in their youth. A version of them that had resigned to never having anyone. “Do you…have friends? To call, I mean.” The question sounded harsher than they had intended. Hell, Bly could have dozens of friends and they would never know it. It was just that time they had, it made them want to ask. An awkward hand place itself on Bly’s shoulder. They patted them twice and struggled to know what to say next. “I can be your friend, if you want. If happenings around you are half as exciting as tonight, it could be fun.”
That was when Metzli grimaced at themselves. Fun for them was not the same for a human and they were afraid they may have led Bly to believe they were sinister. It really didn’t matter in the end if they did or not. But with the endeavor of trying to be good, they were mildly kicking themselves for being so reckless with their words. “Well, maybe not exciting. Never mind.”
Bly bristled at the implication that they didn’t have friends, even if right now it didn’t particularly feel like they did. “I have friends, a whole team too that care about me. I just can’t always ask them to be around for me. They have their own shit,” The words rushed from them, biting in a manner that Bly did not mean to allow out. It didn’t matter that they had done it to protect Bly, they had still been violent without much hesitation. Bly had to be careful around that. “Sure,” They answered, trying to not let the panic strangle their tone and only succeeding a bit. “It could be fun.” Tonight was not exciting, it had been terrifying and Bly wasn’t sure how anyone could think otherwise. The lights of Amity finally came close and the hockey player breathed a little easier knowing they were so close to their apartment now. “We could find something that’s exciting for the both of us,” They offered, hesitating as they worried over the consequences of that offer. Still, the idea that rejection could hurt this person pressed hard on Bly and they were willing to try it out again, hopefully in a group.
“Sure thing, kid,” Metzli noticed how rushed Bly began to seem, almost like they wanted to get away. Their sense of urgency didn’t bother them at all. In fact, they respected Bly for it. They were being smart enough to call it quits when things were a little too crazy. “Here’s my card. Let me know if you need a bodyguard. It’s only fifty dollars per hour. I’ll send you the bill soon.” A chuckle tickled their lips at the joke, knowing that Bly would see that they were in fact, not a bodyguard, but an art curator.
Now that the danger was gone, it seemed safe enough to let Bly walk alone. Metzli looked around and sought for a direction to go, another place to discover things and maybe continue their interesting night. Choosing one at random, they turned to face their new path and spoke to Bly without looking at them, pocketing their hands. “I guess I’ll see you later?”
Bly stared down at the card for a few moments, their eyes catching up to their ears soon enough and a laugh escaped them. It was a surprised, rushed sort of laugh, like they hadn’t expected it. Metzli was funny, if terrifying. They could deal with terrifying and funny, it was starting to seem like that was what everyone in this town was. They nodded, holding up the card, “I’ll call you when I’m in need of some protection. I hear art curation is a great moonlighting gig.” Now on Amity they were only minutes from home and their lungs eased. They looked up at Metzli, “Thanks, by the way. For helping me.” It wasn’t an ideal way to help, but they still did it without expectation, that was worthy of a thank you.
Taking a few steps away, Metzli simply waved without looking before they turned to look at Bly from their peripherals. “You get two more opportunities to be helped, and then you’re on your own! Maybe I can teach you some self-defense before your punch card is done.” Tone was playful and joking, only being half serious. In a matter of seconds, they were back to being one with the darkness, being a creature of the night. Saving someone’s life was definitely not on the agenda, but the fact that they got a whole feast out of it was definitely in their favor. They only hoped doing favors like that would benefit them in some way. It was unrealistic, but they could dream.
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@bly-hildegard said:
Oh wow what a girlboss
I’m not a boss? I’m a psychic, performer, and an activist. 
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even-in-arcadia · 4 years
tagged by @worriedaboutmyfern
Last Song: In the Green cast recording.  It’s a chamber musical based on Hildegarde von Bingen’s time living with/as an anchorite, written by someone I used to work with.  It’s odd but beautiful and I’ve always loved her voice.
Last Movie: Singin’ in the Rain.  It’s one of my most reliable comfort movies and boy do I need some comfort watching these days.
Currently Reading: The House of the Seven Gables by Nathanial Hawthorne - it’s been on my list for years and autumn always makes me miss New England.   Also working my way through Riverkeeper about the fight to protect the Hudson River.
Currently Watching: I’m still recovering from The Haunting of Bly Manor just like half of tumblr.  Also watching the last season of Schitt’s Creek and very unsure what I’ll watch after. 
Currently Craving: Hope.....and the sea, New England fall, serotonin, a job
Currently Working On: Don’t know if I’ve mentioned but I’m really into darning socks.  I would like to start other projects, to organize, to actually embroider something real, but only mostly I’m working on not falling into an abyss.
tagging @soup-enthusiast @notwiselybuttoowell @ohappylivingthings @streamersinthefirmament @motleystitches and....anyone else with book/tv recs?
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improbable-warden · 4 years
Tagged by @starknstarwars - thanks !
3 ships: Han x Leia from Star Wars, Willow x Tara from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Yde (f) x Olive from Yde & Olive
Last song: I’m pretty sure it was Revan’s SWTOR theme. (what can I say, it makes for a good sith writing sesh soundtrack)
Last movie: I don’t even remeber it’s been months since I watched a movie.
Currently craving: Solitude.
Currently reading: *takes a deep breath in* The Sermons of Meister Eckhart, the Visions of Hadewijch van Antwerpen, the Vitae of Hildegard von Bingen, La conquête de Constantinople by Geoffrey de Villhardouin, Galeran de Bretagne, Cligès by Chrétien de Troyes, La vie de Saint Louis by Jean de Joinville, Le séminaire 7 of Jacques Lacan, The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein, Kafka’s Diaries. Technically the last two are on hold bc you see my reading list for school (and that’s what I’ve actually opened, that’s not even the entire stack of books that I still have yet to start), but since I started them and am in the middle I count them as books that I’m currently reading.
Last TV show: The Haunting of Bly Manor (which I correctly identified 5 minutes in as a TV version of The Turn of the Screw by Henry James)
Tagging: @sunsetofdoom @elaphaemourra @sith-shenanigans
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ladyniniane · 3 years
2, 3, 6, 11, 34 !
Salut et merci pour ces questions !
2. 3 movies you have rewatched many times
-Birds of Prey : Je trouve ce film très fun, j'en apprécie beaucoup les scènes d'action, les personnages et la sororité qui s'en dégage. En plus, pas de male gaze, les héroïnes sont des personnes et non des objets.
-Sister Act : Un remède parfait en cas de déprime. J'adore les répliques, l'énergie de Whoopi Goldberg ainsi que les chansons.
-Le château ambulant : Mon Miyazaki préféré. Je suis sous le charme de l'univers, des personnages et de la petite famille un peu loufoque qu'ils finissent par former tous ensemble.
3. 3 songs that mean something to you
-Méfie-toi, Mylène Farmer : depuis que j'ai découvert cette chanson à 14 ans, j'ai toujours trouvé qu'elle me boostait, me mettait de bon humeur.
-L'âme dans l'eau, Mylène Farmer : la mélodie et les paroles m'apaisent beaucoup.
-The Berry, Cécile Corbel : qui me met souvent dans l'ambiance pour écrire. Un peu de mélancolie, mais surtout beaucoup de douceur, d'espoir et d'émerveillement.
6. 3 characters that inspire you
-Wei Yingluo dans la série The Story of Yanxi Palace : j'admire sa colère, sa détermination. Le droit que le scénario lui donne d'être en colère et de l'exprimer.
-Ukifune, dans le roman Le Dit du Genji : j'ai beaucoup aimé sa transformation. Elle est pendant la grande partie de son intrigue une jeune femme effacée, jouet des hommes et de leurs intrigues amoureuses. Pourtant, à la fin, elle choisit l'indépendance et s'y tient en devenant nonne, malgré l'opposition rencontrée par sa décision, et en refusant de revoir un de ses anciens amants. J'avais lu qu'on pouvait y voir une image de femme qui choisit d'affirmer sa subjectivité, d'exister par elle-même.
-Akari Mizunashi dans le manga Aria : j'aime sa manière très positive de faire face aux choses et de s'émerveiller des petites joies du quotidien.
11. 3 books that you would recommend everyone to read
J'aurais du mal à répondre à cette question avec des ouvrages de divertissement. En effet, chacun a des gouts différents et je ne suis moi-même pas intéressée par certains "classiques" ou "incontournables".
Je vais donc choisir des livres que je pense présenter un intérêt en termes d'apport de connaissances et de valeurs.
(Evidemment, je choisi des textes importants en termes d'histoire des femmes. Parce que je pense que trop de réalisations féminines sont encore méconnues ou passées sous silence).
-Les Amazones, Adrienne Mayor : nous connaissons tous le mythe des Amazones. Adrienne Mayor nous entraîne à découvrir la vérité derrière celui-ci, l'existence des guerrières Scythes que l'on retrouve aujourd'hui enterrées avec leurs armes et des traces de blessures sur leurs squelettes. Un ouvrage très complet qui remet en cause qui bien de préjugés.
-Le dit du Genji, Murasaki Shikibu : le premier roman psychologique de l'humanité. Ecrit par une femme. C'est un tour de force qui mériterait d'être plus connu en dehors de son pays d'origine. Je reconnais cependant que c'est un texte difficile à lire, assez pesant par moment, et qui nécessite une connaissance préalable de l'époque.
-Le tour du monde en 72 jours de Nellie Bly à égalité avec Voyage d'une parisienne à Lhassa, d'Alexandra David-Néel : deux grandes voyageuses, deux femmes exceptionnelles qui racontent leurs aventures avec leurs propres mots.
34. 3 people in history that inspire you the most
-Enheduanna : Le fait de savoir que le premier auteur connu de l'humanité est une femme est pour moi un symbole très puissant et inspirant.
-Hildegarde von Bingen : Pas pour le côté spirituel/religieux, très éloigné de moi, mais parce que c'est une femme qui a su imposer sa vision. C'était un esprit éclairé, avec une grande curiosité, avec un univers lumineux, marqué par la musique et la joie.
-Toutes les femmes sur lesquelles j'ai fait des recherches pour mon blog Encyclopedia-Amazonica. Comme j'écris des héroïnes d'action, j'y ai puisé beaucoup d'inspiration. J'en reviens à notre discussion, mais à travers la diversité des personnalités et des situations, la réalité s'impose parfois comme plus complexe et intéressante que ce que nous propose parfois la fiction (je pense notamment aux scènes de sièges comme le gouffre de Helm ou Winterfell, bon c'est tirer sur une ambulance pour ce dernier, où les femmes sont souvent montrées inactives et entrain de se cacher :/).
3 things asks
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biblioncollection · 4 years
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002 | Various | Dramatic Readings | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 1/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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itsfreeaudiobook · 4 years
Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) via Libricox
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The following players/characters did not meet our last activity check, and an unfollow will be posted on Tuesday evening unless we hear from you or you meet the requirements by then. 
We’re always sorry to see folks go, so please let us know (through the main, or through Modmail on Discord) if you’re interested in staying!
Abigail -  @morbidlycuriousabigail
Alex - @kitsunealex
Bea - @beatrice-blaze
Bly - @bly-hildegard
Cutler - @clarkesconvenience
Eilidh - @braindeacl
Ethan - @pagingdoctorbates
Hecate - @hecatedahlia
June - @hellonseals
Lucien - @luciengascoigne
Peter - @stpxters
Poppy - @poppyna
Sai - @wizcheese
Toni - @beautifullyhorrific
Vivienne - @vivienne-adair
Note: For those who contact us, we have a two "strikes" in a row policy for warnings, so you're expected to meet the requirements for the next activity check in two weeks. An unfollow is posted if we are not contacted or if the subsequent activity check is not met.
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biblioncollection · 4 years
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002 | Various | Dramatic Readings | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 2/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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biblioncollection · 4 years
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002 | Various | Dramatic Readings | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 3/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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biblioncollection · 4 years
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002 | Various | Dramatic Readings | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 4/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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