#bmc sentence starters
ktmarison · 2 years
album  sentence  starters.
’  at  least,  that’s  what  google  told  me.  ‘  
’  but  sometimes  critics  would  murder  all  the  artist.  '  
’  an  album’s  not  forever.  '  
’  it’s  a  dangerous  endeavor.  '  
’  an  album’s  not  forever,  but  the  writing  on  it  is.  '  
’  when  i  was  born,  i  looked  like  a  hairy  gnome.  '  
’  i  imagine  a  future  version  of  me,  it’s  the  man  who  i  would  become  if  i  could.  then  i  think  of  my  current  reality.  '  
’  i  look  nothing  like  the  anxious  boy  in  photographs  whose  dreams  felt  so  completely  far  away.  '  
’  now  life’s  worth  living,  but  the  self-doubt’s  still  at  play.  '  
’  kids  are  completely  bewildered  by  the  idea  of  music  that  you  can  hold.  '  
’  the  slang’s  outdated,  but  the  point  is  still  well  heard.  '  
’  family  is  forever.  '  
’  passion  is  forever.  '  
’  dreaming  is  forever.  '  
’  memories  are  forever.  '  
’  theatre  is  forever.  '  
’  critics  are  forever.  '  
’  breakup’s  not  forever.  '  
’  existence  is  forever.  '  
’  anger’s  not  forever.  '  
’  your  struggle’s  not  forever.  '  
’  when  a  fire  starts  in  the  hull,  how  much  time  do  you  have  before  it  spreads  to  the  deck  ?  '  
’  how  do  you  tell  your  family  that  you  wanna  quit  school  and  just  play  with  your  band  ?  '  
’  when  a  fire  starts  burning,  how  much  time  do  you  have  before  it  burns  itself  out  ?  '  
’  why  do  i  feel  like  i’m  choking  lately  ?  '  
’  maybe  for  once  i’ll  really  try,  or  fuck  it  all  and  just  get  high,  'cause  that’s  an  answer.  '  
’  what’s  the  furthest  distance  a  ship  can  be  from  the  shore  before  it  loses  its  signal  ?  '  
’  maybe  i’ll  practice  my  guitar,  or  read  a  book,  or  steal  a  car.  '  
’  i’ll  get  a  job  and  get  paid,  or  get  a  girlfriend  and  get  laid.  '  
’  i’ll  join  the  army,  go  to  war.  '  
’  i  need  an  answer.  '  
’  maybe  it’s  okay  that  i  don’t  have  a  plan,  and  i  don’t  have  a  clue.  '  
’  i’m  nineteen,  and  that  doesn’t  mean  that  i  should  know  exactly  what  i  wanna  do,  right  ?  '  
’  i’ve  got  time  to  make  mistakes.  '  
’  but  i  am  scared  and  i’m  afraid  that  a  decision  won’t  get  made,  and  i’ll  be  like  this  forever.  '  
‘  time’s  up.  ’  
’  to  beat  malaise,  i  think  i’ll  clean.  '  
’  that  doesn’t  look  like  me  at  all.  '  
’  i  remember  taking  this.  i’m  all  aglow  because  he’s  giving  me  a  kiss.  that’s  how  i  know  how  long  ago  it  was.  '  
’  ignore  the  black  marks  on  the  wall.  '  
’  i  know  she  did  it  to  provoke,  'cause  she’s  exactly  like  her  dad.  '  
’  nothing’s  wrong,  and  i’m  no  longer  crying.  '  
’  that  mailman  likes  what  he  just  saw.  '  
’  aw  shit,  i  love  to  clean  the  house  !  '  
’  rip  the  pictures  off  the  wall.  '  
’  i  love  it  more  than  i  love  (name).  if  i  could  marry  it,  i  would.  '  
’  it  drives  me  wild,  it  does  the  job.  does  what  that  asshole  never  could.  '  
’  my  daughter  used  to  love  me.  she  doesn’t  anymore.  '  
’  every  time  you  make  a  compromise,  it  comes  at  quite  a  price.  '  
’  my  day  was  fine.  and  how  are  you  ?  '  
‘  i  feel  no  sorrow  because  i’ll  see  you  tomorrow.  ’  
’  i’m  sorta,  like,  the  neatest  guy  in  school.  '  
’  when  things  get  chilly,  that  is  when  i  want  them  hot.  '  
’  it  might  sound  silly,  but  it  bother’s  me  a  lot.  '  
’  they  know  the  way  their  whole  lives  will  play  out.  but  me  ?  i  don’t  have  a  clue  of  what  i’m  gonna  do  or  even  what  my  story  is  about.  '  
’  he’s  never  making  up  his  all-american  mind.  '  
’  i  hung  my  barbie  with  a  wire,  then  i  set  her  hair  on  fire.  she  looked  better  that  way.  '  
’  i  brought  her  carcass  to  class  to  keep  me  company.  a  move  which  was  apparently  not  cool.  '  
’  i  don’t  crave  acceptance.  '  
’  i  like  studying  bugs.  '  
’  no,  i  don’t  want  your  hugs.  please  just  leave  me  alone.  '  
’  i  am  a  strange  and  unusual  girl.  '  
’  i  need  a  place  where  i  show  my  face  and  strangers  don’t  tell  me  to  smile.  '  
’  i  need  a  place  where  a  girl  can  just  be  herself  for  a  while.  '  
’  you  need  a  pill,  you  need  a  bed.  that’s  what  they  say  when  mommy’s  dead.  '  
’  i’m  sad  my  mother  died  for  sure,  but  i  was  so  this  way  before.  '  
’  it’s  dumb,  just  let  me  be  numb.  '  
’  is  that  place  really  far  ?  '  
’  is  there  room  there  for  me  ?  '  
’  we’ll  be  together  there  in  the  nether,  laughing  as  death  knells  sweetly  chime.  '  
’  i  know  you’re  fine.  '  
’  i  know  you  don’t  need  me.  '  
’  i  just  get  scared  and  act  like  a  jerk.  '  
’  nothing’s  going  to  hurt  you.  not  on  my  watch.  '  
’  i’m  gonna  protect  you  from  former  mistakes.  '  
’  i’m  gonna  protect  you,  i  swear.  '  
’  i’ll  be  there  to  protect  you  from  all  of  the  bad  things  that  happen  in  florida.  '  
’  please  don’t  shout.  '  
’  i  know  you  know  what’s  best.  '  
’  it’s  not  that  i  don’t  trust  you.  it’s  just  i  don’t  just  trust  this  town.  '  
’  yeah,  i  really  didn’t  wanna  argue  today.  '  
’  if  you  really  listened  to  the  things  that  i  say,  you’d  hear  they  come  from  a  good  place.  '  
’  i’ve  seen  what  can  happen  to  people  like  us.  it’s  enough  to  make  you  sick.  '  
’  i  know  it’s  silly  that  i  worry,  but  i  do.  '  
’  i  wish  i  had  someone  who  said  this  shit  to  me.  '  
’  you’re  looking  blah  as  ever.  '  
’  my  daily  routine  is  all  such  an  endeavor.  '  
’  no.  not  gonna  happen.  '  
’  he  got  his  hoodie  at  the  fulton  flea.  '  
’  i  see  ironic  patches  and  my  soul  detaches.  '  
’  i  can’t  feel  a  thing  anymore.  '  
’  it’s  all  been  done  before.  '  
’  everything’s  a  horrible  bore.  '  
’  living  is  a  terrible  chore.  '  
’  there’s  nothing  new  to  do  in  brooklyn  anymore.  '  
’  i  didn’t  always  use  to  be  this  way.  '  
’  remember  how  i  felt  on  move-in  day  ?  i  was  so  young  and  connected.  '  
’  i  think  i  need  a  change.  '  
’  i  need  to  feel  some  heaven.  '  
’  i  don’t  care  where  you  were  on  9/11.  i  mean,  you  didn’t  even  live  in  new  york  at  the  time,  so  it  wasn’t  really  a  thing  for  you.  '  
’  it’s  totally  late.  '  
’  we’re  by  that  club  that’s  owned  by  beck.  ’
  ’  that  was  kind  of  whatever,  but  it  was  mostly  dumb.  '  
’  would  i  feel  different  if  i  lived  in  queens  ?  '  
’  it  doesn’t  matter  anyway.  '  
’  there’s  nothing  new  to  do  in  new  york  anymore.  '  
’  there’s  nothing  new  to  do  in  america  anymore.  '  
’  there’s  nothing  new  to  do  in  the  universe  anymore.  '  
’  it’s  all  been  done  before.  '  
’  i’m  feeling  alright.  a  little  depressed,  but  mostly  alright.  '  
’  oh,  how  i  love  a  novelty  mug.  '  
’  you  can  tell  that  she’s  got  guts  !  '  
’  she  struts  so  effortlessly  and  delicately,  she’s  so  different  from  me.  '  
’  i  don’t  want  her  to  think  that  i’m  some  perv  on  some  voyeuristic  trip.  '  
’  i  promise  i’m  not  looking  out  of  carnal  frustration,  it’s  more  i’m  just  observing,  rapt  in  admiration.  '  
’  you  make  me  feel  so  clean.  '  
’  please  show  me  what  to  do.  '  
’  i  wish  i  was  just  like  you.  '  
’  i  think  it’s  time  that  we  meet.  '  
’  wait,  how  did  i  even  get  on  the  street  ?  '  
’  a  couple  couples  see  me  fall  all  over,  but  none  of  them  cares.  '  
‘  i  wonder  what  you  think.  ’  
‘  your  life  will  be  the  same,  but  i  am  not  the  same.  ’  
’  i  dream  about  a  time  many  years  ago,  back  when  things  were  better  in  many  ways.  '  
’  at  least  we  still  got  one  thing  that  looks  the  way  it  did.  '  
’  it  might  be  safer  for  you  to  walk  to  school,  but  you’ll  never  be  as  cool  as  raul  julia  heading  to  rehearsal  in  the  fall.  '  
’  new  york  at  the  moment  is  a  troubling  place.  '  
’  take  me  back  to  the  way  back  when,  'cause  i  know  that  life  was  better  then.  '  
’  change  is  good,  but  at  what  price  ?  sometimes,  i’m  just  not  sure.  '  
’  i  know  we’re  better  for  the  progress  made,  but  i  still  dream  of  when  the  city  was  pure.  '  
’  better  now,  or  better  then  ?  how  do  you  compare  ?  '  
’  it  wasn’t  all  perfect,  last  i  checked.  i  know  that  things  look  different  in  retrospect  and  with  every  cause  comes  so  many  effects…  good  lord,  nostalgia’s  so  complex.  '  
’  man,  i  envy  girls  like  that.  '  
’  everybody’s  all  hypnotized  by  her  little  display.  '  
’  i’m  not  surprised,  i  see  it  every  day  of  my  life.  '  
’  i’m  playing  the  whore  and  the  wife,  but  that’s  fine.  i  don’t  wanna  play  the  princess  anyway.  '  
’  i  will  not  blend  into  a  crowd.  '  
’  please  let  it  be  understood  that  even  if  i  could,  i  wouldn’t  wanna  play  the  princess  anyway.  '  
’  confidence  is  not  a  skill  i  learned.  '  
’  they  get  pretty  far  playing  rough,  but  i  kinda  wish  i  was  that  tough.  i  mean,  i’m  fine.  '  
’  i  mean,  i’d  do  it  as  a  joke.  '  
’  i’m  allergic  to  flowers.  '  
’  i  bet  she’s  not  allergic  to  flowers.  '  
’  as  much  as  i  do  hate  to  say,  i  think  that  it’s  sorta  okay,  if  she  wants  to  be  that  way.  '  
’  she  had  potential.  '  
’  i  think  it’s  worth  a  shot.  '  
’  yeah,  you  should’ve  heard  the  cheering  in  the  place.  '  
’  her  skin  was  in  a  mushy  pile  of  blood  in  the  middle  of  the  floor.  '  
’  it’s  amazing  how  quick  things  can  move  when  unique’s  not  in  the  way.  '  
’  there’s  no  more  passion.  she  just  sees  it  as  logistics.  '  
’  see,  the  star  don’t  need  a  mouth.  she  just  needs  a  name.  '  
’  her  stratospheric  rise  and  fall  is  nothing  new.  '  
’  somebody  help  !  '  
’  she  just  keeps  crying  on  and  on  and  on.  '  
’  she  was  usually  screaming  anyway,  so  her  yelling  didn’t  cause  dismay.  no  one  checked  on  her  for  at  least  a  day.  '  
’  here’s  the  moral  of  the  story:  if  all  you  do  is  just  sing  loud  and  high,  when  you  die  nobody  cares.  '  
’  it  doesn’t  feel  good.  '  
’  things  are  just  weird.  '  
’  words  don’t  come  easy  for  me,  i  can’t  really  explain.  '  
’  how  could  you  leave  me  this  way  ?  '  
’  what  you’ve  done  to  me  is  wrong.  it’s  been  your  fault  all  along.  '  
’  i  promise  i  won’t.  but  if  i  did,  would  you  be  mad  ?  '  
’  you’ve  got  no  heart.  '  
’  you’ve  got  no  soul.  '  
’  your  brain  is  what  is  wrong.  '  
’  i  don’t  care  if  you  can’t  or  you  can.  if  you  can’t  say  it  to  my  face,  then  you’re  no  kind  of  man.  '  
’  hey,  at  least  change  my  fucking  name  when  you  goddamn  write  your  song  about  me.  '  
’  all  the  mistakes  that  he  made  about  the  girl  don’t  bother  him  as  much  as  everybody  things.  '  
’  all  the  mistakes  that  he  made  about  the  girl  are  different  from  the  mistakes  he  makes  when  he  drinks.  '  
’  i’d  bet  you’d  like  to  think  he’s  got  so  many  regrets,  but  the  way  he  sees  it,  he  did  nothing  wrong.  '  
’  the  anger  and  the  objects  he  would  hurt  were  not  the  things  that  made  life  unlivable.  '  
’  so  what  if  he  had  trouble  letting  down  his  guard  ?  it  wasn’t  his  fault  she  was  so  quick  to  feel.  '  
’  she’d  melt  every  time  that  he’d  sing.  '  
’  what  are  you  scared  of  ?  '  
’  yes,  there  were  mistakes.  but  it  doesn’t  matter  anymore  because  she’s  not  coming  back.  '  
’  all  the  mistakes  that  he  made  about  the  girl  keep  fucking  with  his  life  in  such  surprising  ways.  '  
’  he  likes  to  think  that  if  he  had  to  do  it  again,  he  could  fix  the  things  that  he  did  all  wrong  and  he’s  not  the  same  as  he  was  back  then.  '  
’  the  one  thing  that’s  totally  clear  is  he  wishes  she  was  still  here.  '  
’  he  tries  to  be  different,  but  he’s  still  out  of  touch.  '  
’  well,  that’s  what  i  would  do  if  it  were  me.  but  it’s  obviously  not.  '  
’  i’m  filled  with  sorrows  in  a  million  ways.  '  
’  i  hate  today.  '  
’  i’m  just  not  meant  for  these  times.  '  
’  i  try  to  be  like  other  guys  and  everybody  rolls  their  eyes.  '  
’  i  pretend  that  i  don’t  care.  '  
’  most  people  think  i’m  weird.  '  
’  all  my  friends  have  disappeared.  or  i  guess  they  were  never  there.  '  
’  my  social  life  would  be  on  fire  if  only  i  was  born  sixty  years  prior.  '  
’  everybody  on  their  phone  makes  me  feel  so  all  alone.  '  
’  life  is  complicated,  things  don’t  go  as  planned.  people  act  in  ways  that  i  don’t  understand.  '  
’  it  all  came  crashing  down  through  no  fault  of  my  own.  '  
’  i  tried  to  fit  in  and  they  told  me  i  could  not.  '  
’  the  outside  world  is  overrated  by  a  lot.  '  
’  i’ll  build  a  fort  all  by  myself,  alone.  '  
’  man,  it  sucks  that  there  is  no  one  who  really  understands  me.  '  
’  if  you  try  to  enter,  you  will  be  denied.  '  
'  i  have  been  away  so  long,  been  afraid  to  show  my  face.  but  i'm  a  man  now.  '  
'  i'm  not  a  man,  i'm  just  a  shape.  '  
'  everything  looks  weird  and  new.  '  
'  i  went  back  to  the  old  house.  it  was  crumbling  like  a  grave.  '  
'  if  i  can't  get  you  back  today,  i'm  gonna  make  this  whole  town  pay.  '  
'  welcome  home.  '
'  i  let  you  take  advantage  of  me  because  i  like  it  when  you  shove  me.  i  know  it  makes  you  feel  good.  '  
'  although  it  is  understood  that  you'll  be  the  death  of  me,  still,  i  got  the  sympathy  for  the  killer.  '  
'  i'm  grateful  every  time  you  choose  me.  '  
'  we  agreed  to  our  roles,  and  we  may  not  be  couple  goals.  .  .  '  
'  darling,  i'm  a  dying  breed.  '  
'  danger  is  impending,  i  can  guess  the  ending.  i  should  run.  '  
'  poor,  poor  baby.  '  
'  i  let  you  take  advantage  of  me,  it's  how  you  show  me  that  you  love  me.  '  
'  i'm  glad  that  you're  in  my  life.  '  
'  here's  where  you  put  the  knife.  '  
'  darling,  sweetie,  look  at  me.  '
'  i  try  to  focus  on  the  work,  but  it's  hell.  '  
'  i  try  to  not  just  go  berserk,  but  that  is  not  going  well.  '  
'  these  days  it's  harder  than  it  seems  to  ignore  that  she's  accomplished  all  my  dreams  then  some  more.  '  
'  i  know  that  jealousy  should  not  be  allowed  in  my  heart,  but  then  i  see  a  poster  of  her  and  i've  got  to  just  rip  it  apart.  '  
'  i  try  to  channel  all  this  hate  into  good.  '  
'  i  wanna  sing  about  hope,  about  faith,  about  loving  and  persevering.  '  
'  i  wanna  sing  about  me  and  you.  '  
'  my  psychotherapist  is  great.  well,  except,  when  she's  not.  '  
'  she  says  i  must  eliminate  this  fixation  i  got.  '  
'  i  swear,  someone  would  think  i'm  ill  if  this  didn't  make  sense.  '  
'  it's  not  lost  on  me  you're  here  at  my  show.  with  your  support,  i  try  to  let  my  anger  go.  '  
'  as  i  look  out  at  your  face,  i  can  tell  you'd  rather  be  with  her.  '  
'  i'm  gonna  sing  until  the  anger  and  jealousy,  illness  and  horror,  just  numbs  me.  '
'  without  her,  i  would  not  survive.  '  
'  she  feeds  me,  comforts  me,  she  is  my  family.  '  
'  my  thoughts  start  to  splinter  and  she  keeps  me  sane.  '  
'  you  say  she's  not  my  type,  but  i  don't  think  you  understand.  '  
'  she's  not  the  one  who  keeps  me  here.  no,  i  am  the  one  who  wants  her  near.  '  
'  i  could  leave  her  if  i  choose.  '  
'  it's  not  like  i  wanna  quit.  ’
‘  i  just  pull  away  a  bit.  .  .  she  does  not  like  that  very  much.  '  
'  thanks  for  all  you  gave,  but  i  am  not  your  slave.  '  
'  she  burns  me  and  beats  me  and  ties  me  to  bed.  '  
'  she  loves  me,  she  hates  me.  '
'  aw,  shucks,  it's  no  big  deal.  '  
'  i  mean,  it's  not  like  i  didn't  know  that  this  was  your  m.o.  '  
'  if  i'm  buying  beer,  you're  dear  and  kind.  but  if  i'm  not  near,  you're  deaf  and  blind.  '  
'  i  try  to  not  hang  on  too  tight,  but  if  i  don't  you'll  just  take  flight.  '  
'  i  hate  you  until  we  reunite.  '  
'  it  aggravates  the  piss  outta  me,  'cause  i  thought  we  had  a  history.  '  
'  doesn't  it  count  for  something  ?  '  
'  if  you  knew  just  how  bad  that  it  hurt,  you'd  be  ashamed  of  yourself.  '  
'  if  you  knew  just  how  hard  i  cried,  you  wouldn't  look  in  the  mirror.  '
'  i  know  you're  really  not  that  bad  of  a  man  and  that's  what  makes  it  all  worse.  '  
'  if  you  can't  really  see  all  you've  been  putting  me  through,  i  hope  you  try.  at  least  try.  '  
'  safe  travels.  '
'  the  saddest  thing  about  having  one  leg  is  that  it  isn't  the  saddest  thing  about  me.  '  
'  it's  becoming  clear  everybody  does  fine  without  me.  '  
'  condescending  pity's  not  my  fave.  '  
'  i'm  just  being  real.  no  need  to  smile  or  frown  or  get  all  pouty  and  weepy.  '  
'  he  don't  have  to  be  from  france,  i  just  want  somebody  to  spoon  with.  '  
'  see,  i  have  never  been  touched.  '  
'  ew,  get  away.  '  
'  he  don't  have  to  taste  like  honey,  he  can  be  a  fuckin'  slob  !  '  
'  i  don't  want  a  rose,  and  i  don't  want  the  moon.  all  i  want  is  a  dude  who'd  be  down  for  a  really,  really  good  spoon.  '
'  i  just  want  her  to  feel  alright.  '  
'  we  all  get  a  little  sad  sometimes.  '  
'  i  want  to  watch  her  chew  her  food.  '  
'  we  all  act  a  little  bad  sometimes.  '  
'  if  you  rearrange  the  letters  in  both  our  names,  you  get  one  away  from  normal.  '  
'  we're  not  in  love,  i  wish  we  were.  '  
'  i  can  tell  you're  hungry  and  you  need  some  food,  and  if  i  didn't  offer,  i'd  be  awfully  rude.  '
'  baby,  let's  go  to  bed.  '  
'  the  moonlight  taunts  me.  '  
'  now  i  have  to  run  away  from  you.  '  
'  i'll  be  back  here  in  the  morning.  '  
'  if  you  could  see  me,  you'd  be  frightened  half  to  death,  even  if  you  knew  the  motions  i  was  going  through  i'd  done  a  thousand  times.  '  
'  there  are  times  i  don't  feel  as  guilty  as  i  should.  '  
'  i'll  seem  innocent  as  ever.  '  
'  please  try  to  be  discreet.  '  
'  feed  your  filthy  hunger,  but  clean  up  the  evidence.  '  
'  i  say  it's  just  because  i  love  you  so  much,  but  i  think  we  both  know  that's  a  lie.  '
‘  i’m  sorry  for  the  times  i  ran  away.  ’
'  there  won't  be  no  snow,  won't  be  no  joy,  because  i  had  to  go  and  be  a  naughty  little  boy.  '  
'  she  shed  a  tear  when  i  said  she  wouldn't  see  me  on  the  25th  this  year.  '  
'  i  committed  a  crime  at  christmas  time,  so  i  won't  be  coming  home.  '  
'  i'll  serve  my  time,  unless  santa  stuffs  my  stocking  with  a  pick-axe  and  a  file.  '  
'  i  never  cared  for  christmas  much  before.  '  
'  now  i'd  atone,  i'd  scream  amen,  if  it  meant  i'd  get  to  taste  my  mama's  stuffing  once  again.  '
'  they  tell  me  that  my  songs  have  gone  out  of  style.  '  
'  what  else  you  got  ?  '  
'  if  you'd  come  in  here  in  '73,  you're  the  kind  that  i  would  have  signed  instantly.  but  it's  now,  not  then.  '  
'  they  don't  like  my  sound.  they  tell  me  my  singing's  out  of  style.  '  
'  i  remind  him  of  a  girl  who  used  to  work  in  this  place.  she  made  it  big.  '  
'  i  could  smell  the  alcohol  upon  her  breath.  '
'  they  were  friends  but  kind  of  competitive.  '  
'  they  were  real  new  yorkers  down  to  the  core.  '  
'  things  in  new  york  are  temporary.  you  can  beg  it  to  stop  changing,  but  it  won't.  '  
'  remember  the  thing  you  once  admired.  '
'  you're  used  to  thinking  about  him  in  a  certain  way  from  the  persona  that  he  displayed.  then  something  changes,  and  he  changes  from  a  guy  that  you'd  never  be  into  into  a  guy  that  you'd  kinda  be  into.  '  
'  i  don't  always  relate  to  other  people  my  age,  except  when  i'm  on  the  stage.  '  
'  why  am  i  telling  this  to  you  ?  i  guess  there's  a  part  of  me  that  wants  to.  who  knew  ?  '
'  i've  got  a  little  problem  that's  really  got  me  low.  i've  got  a  crush  on  this  beautiful  boy,  but  nobody  can  know.  '  
'  if  we  were  ever  seen  together  in  public,  my  friends  would  scream  and  mother  would  die.  '  
'  his  hair  is  dirty  and  he  paints  his  nails  black.  '  
'  he  curses  like  he's  got  tourette's,  and  he  tokes  and  smokes  clove  cigarettes,  and  i'm  in  love.  '  
'  we're  like  mickey  d's  and  fine  wine.  '  
'  in  that  instant,  i  saw,  i  knew  that  his  nipples  were  pierced,  but  his  heart  was  too.  '  
'  he's  in  love  and  he  wants  me  to  know.  '
‘  i’m  in  love.  ’
'  it's  no  big  thing,  i  swear.  '  
'  i  was  bored  and  she  was  there.  '  
'  you  wanna  talk  a  while  ?  '  
'  i  went  because  i  was  feeling---  well,  no,  feeling's  not  the  right  word.  no,  i  went  because  i  was  crying.  well,  not  crying,  more  like  choking.  '  
'  what's  happening  to  me  ?  '  
'  sometimes  i  think  about  something  that  i  can't  stop  thinking  about.  '  
'  i  care  so  much  it  scares  me.  '  
'  i  mean,  it's  just  like,  whatever.  '
'  i  fell  in  love  in  juvie  hall.  '  
'  i  used  to  freak,  i  used  to  cry.  i  wanted  to  kill,  wanted  to  die.  '  
'  would  an  angel  such  as  she  ever  get  with  me  ?  '  
'  the  way  she  looked  at  me  in  anger  therapy...  it  made  all  my  defenses  fall.  '  
'  i  just  gotta  tell  you  that,  um,  i  think  you're  pretty  fine.  it's  not  just  your  looks,  it's  everything  about  you.  '  
'  people  say  that  i  got  too  many  feelings  for  one  little  body.  '
'  there's  a  crazy  little  dance  that's  sweeping  the  nation.  '  
'  it's  an  easy  little  cure  for  your  frustration.  '  
'  now  it's  time  for  everyone  to  dance  with  me  !  '  
'  i  hope  your  body's  feeling  limber  !  '
'  when  you  get  made  fun  of  at  school,  they'll  tell  you  them  bullies  are  jealous  and  stupid  because  you're  so  cool.  '  
'  when  it's  time  to  go  to  prom,  they'll  give  you  a  condom  and  a  shot  of  binaca.  '  
'  you're  the  bomb.  '  
'  they'll  made  disapprove  a  little  and  grit  their  teeth,  but  they  will  understand  what's  underneath.  '  
'  they  love  you  so  much  that  they  will  tolerate  all  the  silly  crap  you  say.  '
'  i  heard  him  coming  from  miles  away.  '  
'  we'll  be  friends  until  the  day  we  die.  '  
'  that's  nice,  you  say  i'm  a  stand  up  guy  even  though  i  have  terrible  scoliosis.  '  
'  have  you  been  taking  dance  classes  ?  '  
'  we  very  rarely  fight.  '  
'  when  life  gets  tough  or  too  intense,  i  know  he's  got  my  back.  '  
'  i  love  it  that  you  have  skin.  '  
'  i  love  you,  you  old  bag  of  bones.  '
'  it  always  seems  like  i'm  out  of  place.  '  
'  everybody  screams  when  they  see  my  face.  '  
'  i  try  best  at  the  latest  fashion,  but  my  issues  still  feel  unresolved.  '  
'  my  awkwardness  is  so  distinct.  '  
'  i  wonder  why  i'm  still  alive.  '
'  i'm  beautiful.  i'm  perfect  too.  '  
'  i'm  a  celebration  of  time  and  modulation.  '  
'  i  am  confident  in  who  i'll  become.  '  
'  honey,  don't  be  dumb.  '
'  who  i  am  currently  isn't  who  i  am  gonna  be.  '  
'  i  don't  care  and  i  don't  mind,  but  what  if  this  transition  is  the  thing  by  which  i  am  defined  ?  '
'  i  think  i'm  starting  to  forget  his  face.  '  
'  i  think  i'm  starting  to  forget  his  hands.  the  way  they  looked,  the  way  they  felt  when  holding  mine.  i  think  i  remember  they  felt  strong,  but  i  can't  be  sure,  it's  been  so  long.  '  
'  he  gave  me  a  kiss  and  whispered  something  to  me,  but  i  can't  remember  what  he  said.  '
'  don't  you  fall  down  now,  you're  almost  to  the  other  side.  '  
'  if  you  don't  pull  through,  you're  gonna  scar  the  children  who  had  faith  in  you.  '  
'  as  you're  choking  on  a  cloud,  think  of  just  how  freaking  loud  they  will  scream  when  you've  returned.  '  
'  every  compliment  you  field  is  another  wound  that's  healed.  '  
'  my  power's  gone.  i  need  to  pay  the  bill  to  get  it  turned  back  on.  '  
'  i  think  how  lately  i  just  feel  beat  down  and  tired.  the  motivation's  not  the  same,  my  drive's  expired.  '
'  i  can't  dance  in  the  rain  because  i'll  corrode  and  rust  up.  '  
'  i  wish  i  was  flesh  and  bone.  '  
'  i  know  that  next  to  them  i  just  look  like  an  appliance.  '  
'  i  keep  keeping  everybody  at  an  arm's  length.  '  
'  i'm  more  than  some  discarded  steel.  '  
'  i  can  freak  out  and  feel,  i  think  that  that  means  that  i'm  real.  '
'  i  threw  out  my  tickets  to  the  opera  because  nobody  wanted  to  go.  '  
'  i  thought  i'd  just  sit  here  contently.  '  
'  i'm  gonna  put  a  party  hat  on  my  cat.  '  
'  we'll  be  laughing  and  doing  the  lindy,  and  i'll  be  the  belle  of  all  things.  '  
'  you  back  the  hell  up.  i  don't  want  no  part  of  that.  '  
'  why  do  i  do  this  ?  '  
'  it's  better  than  living  in  a  dumpster  !  '
‘  you  are  quite  something.  ’
‘  that’s  what  my  therapist  says  !  ’
'  you  better  thank  your  lucky  stars  that  i  exist.  '
'  i'm  hanging  around  and  dreaming  of  chicks.  '  
'  i  would  thrive  in  the  caribbean.  '  
'  sometimes  my  mom  forgets  to  feed  me.  '  
'  they  don't  understand  when  i  make  a  noise  or  when  i  try  to  escape  or  break  my  toys,  that's  just  how  i  communicate.  '
'  he  was  supposed  to  be  watching  me,  but  he  was  stoned.  '  
'  when  he  slept,  i  went  through  all  of  his  stuff.  i  found  pills,  and  a  gun,  bit  a  beer,  bit  a  snuff.  '  
'  you're  the  best.  '  
'  we  love  how  you  play.  '  
'  i  was  nervous  and  nerdy  and  totally  shy.  '  
'  this  is  better  than  anything  else.  '  
'  my  acne  is  gone  and  my  mom's  not  divorced,  and  it's  all  good.  '
‘  it  hasn’t  all  been  perfect,  but  it’s  been  better  than  anything  else.  ’
'  i'm  gonna  find  the  bastard,  get  my  woman  back,  and  be  with  her  again  beneath  the  setting  sun.  '  
'  they  done  me  wrong,  i've  been  abused.  '  
'  revenge  has  long  since  been  defused.  '  
'  the  only  thing  i  know  how  to  do  is  to  live  and  breathe  and  die  for  you.  '
‘  no  one  else  would  understand.  ’
'  i  would  never  last  on  land.  '  
'  the  rules  that  we've  invented  allow  us  all  to  play.  '  
'  when  exits  are  presented,  we  stay.  '  
'  there's  so  many  strangers  there.  '  
'  everybody  lives  so  far  apart.  '  
'  we  find  the  solution  to  escape  our  fates.  '  
'  i  don't  know  where  i'd  be  if  you  weren't  here  with  me.  '  
'  lord,  what  would  i  do  if  i  didn't  have  you  ?  '
'  someone  else's  success  is  not  your  failure.  '  
'  hey,  it's  okay.  i  still  love  you.  '  
'  if  life  don't  give  you  what  you  need,  just  try  and  try  again.  '  
'  you  gotta  know  that  even  though  it's  so  cliche,  you  must  go  on  with  the  show.  '  
'  just  dust  yourself  off,  honey,  and  respect  that  that  was  a  sign.  '  
'  if  your  suicide  goes  bust,  then  you  absolutely  must  not  try  again.  '  
'  fuck  those  bastards,  find  a  friend.  '
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nova-says-things · 7 years
The Lightning Thief Musical Sentence Starters (Part 4)
"This is scary..."
"Everything is unfolding as I - As WE planned."
"I should have told you, but I thought if I did, you'd never want me on this quest."
"This was way before I met you."
"Maybe if I'd been a little bit braver, maybe if I'd stayed behind to fight...."
"Maybe doesn't let me go back and save her."
"Maybe doesn't make it alright."
"You ain't gettin' out, we've gotcha and we ain't lettin' go."
"Now you're stuck forever!"
"You ain't ever gonna save what matters!"
"You ain't gonna protect your friends!"
"This is where your story ends."
"Seems my good intentions always crashed and burned."
"I know right now things are less than fine."
"I'm done running!"
"I know how to get out of here."
"We were set up!"
"I'll make this right."
"What do you do when the battle's won?"
"Stay or go, pick one."
"What's my deal?"
"Where do you go when it's over?"
"How come you don't go home?"
"Sometimes family's worth the trouble, believe me."
"I guess we both have a choice to make."
"I've barely seen you since I got back, you avoiding me?"
"I don't feel like anything's over..."
"It's time to make the world our own."
"The Oracle warned you, betrayed by a friend."
"You set me up!"
"He's USING you!"
"You know this world will never be ours!"
"I don't care if I hurt anyone."
"There still might be a war."
"We've got danger on the run."
"It may feel like an ending, but the battle's just begun."
"Are we ever gonna once have it easy?"
"We could fail, but we have to try."
"You don't have to go it alone."
"If you're looking for trouble, then count me in!"
"I'll be back next summer, you'll see me again."
"I'll be back next summer, I'll survive 'till then."
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it-will-all-be-mine · 7 years
BMC Starters Part 1
 I’m waiting for my porno to load
 Just...When I get home... have pants on.
  I don’t want to be a hero
 I just want to survive.
 Yo, don’t touch me Tall-Ass!
 It’s a sign up for getting called gay.
 I think someone wrote Boyf on your backpack.
 I don’t want to be a baller
 How was class? You look like ass? What’s wrong?
 I was gonna say, “getting stoned in my basement,” but-
Teach Me more than Survive
 I guess evolution’s not for everyone.
 Of course, I’ll mock you forever if you don’t.
 I have mad gigantic feelings!
There’s also a part of me that wants to do this *CRAZY GOBLIN SCREAMING*
 You may recognize me from Drama Class or my full time job, at the Hobby Lobby.
And today, that dream dies.
And is reborn! Just slightly mutated.
Don’t you care about Shakespeare?
The man is dead. Let it go.
 We will now take a five-minute break so I can eat a Hot Pocket.
 Theatre is easy, yo!
 My sexting was a futile quest!
 This is some top-secret-can’t-even-look-it-up-on-the-internet shit.
So it’s like…. Drugs?
It’s better than drugs!
 He’s scamming you. He’s scamming you super weirdly.
 Dude, you are cooler than a vintage cassette.
 Cuz like guys like us are cool in college
 AAH! Dad! Pants!
 Did you get dressed today like at all?
That’s why most people…aren’t your father.
I think I just blew my bar mitzvah money on a Wintergreen Tic-Tac.
Please leave me alone to mourn in my chili fries, forever.
 Check it out. Guy in Spencer’s Gifts is hooking me up with a case of Crystal Pepsi.
It’s like regular Pepsi. Only Clear.
You look like Keanu Reeves.
But I am a masturbator! 
All your nerdiness is ugly!
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BMC ‘More than Survive’ Sentence Starters Part 1
(Some are NSFW)         (Change pronouns if needed!)
Ugh, god I wish I had the skill to just be fine and cool and chill!
I follow my own rules
I don't want to be special I just wanna survive.
I’ll only have sex with you if you beat me at pool!
Don't touch me, tall-ass!
Its a sign-up sheet for getting called gay.
Yeah, that's not what I need right now...end scene!
I think someone wrote Boyf on your bag.
Boy, that was smooth!
My Mac-Daddy game couldn't be more limp!
Just clear your brain and move ahead!
Except that your one of those guys who’ll be a virgin till he dies!
I don't wanna be a baller, just want some skills to count on.
-Name-, my buddy! Hows it hanging? Lunch is banging!
Your listening to Marley, aren't you?
OHHHHH~ I’m listening to Marley and the groove is hella gnarly!
You look like ass. What's wrong?
Boyf?!? What does that even mean!
I on discovery that humanity has stopped evolving!
But, now because of technology, your don't have to be strong to survive!
Which means there's never been a better time in history to be a loser!
I was going to say getting stoned in my basement.
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esperinkdraws · 5 years
Some stuffs
- Mistletoe fic with lamp
- Royality fic with she/her nonbinary Patton
- That addition to BMR
- Snake-y Deceit
- Agere fic in the Imagination
- Agere fic with Dee
- Agere fic with all
- Continue Missing Anxiety
- Part 5&6 of Quack Quack
- A moxieceit fic based on that one ask meme @sleepless-in-starbucks answered
- That bmc Chloe fic from a sentence starter
- That bmc meremine fic from a sentence starter that I should have finished last year
- There’s a storyteller Saturday ask I haven’t answered
- There’s an ask about Brooke headcanons that’s been in my inbox since last year
- There’s an hc ask about rich
- There’s an ask about ocs too
- That Oliver fic
- Fake dating with Aro Patton
- There’s legit a doc in my google docs called “moceit!!!”
- Borrower!Dee with the Sides still existing
- Borrower!Patton based off that one post with platonic moxiety
- That Chase fic
- Rubatosis. I’ve been working on it for over 2 years y’all.
- That Logan fic from my foster au
- Losleep hs au w project partners and genderfluid Remy
- That one shot from the Rubatosis verse
And like, so much more please help me I get too many ideas
I’m sick so if I typed anything wrong rip
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prodigiousvisions-a · 5 years
@praevari asked:
❛ did you say something? ❜ shibu @ rat king, gotta be cursed tonight
bmc sentence starters
The grandiose room, while beautiful and intricate in design, served very little to enact any sort of noise canceling. Fyodor seats himself at the table normally set for three, idly tapping a shoe against the tiling and scratching at the tip of his fingernails. He himself doesn’t particularly care about the lack of furnishing, though he does keep the internalized note that a mere pen dropping could echo off the walls in clattering discord. Even the shuffle of snow-white fabric brushing against the chair as he shifted about acted as whispers in the silent room. 
Fyodor, in no conventional sense, is much of an idle-talker. However, he’s rather certain that the man making slow strides across the room would not talk without being prompted to do so. He opts to begin the conversation himself, albeit indirectly, purposefully speaking under his breath to draw suspicion toward him. To the man that was so bored of predictability, it was a rather hopeful attempt to gauge some interest out of him. The expected question of intent draws, and Fyodor simply raises his head to look in his direction.
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“Of course not,” he smiles beguilingly, lighthearted deceit dripping off his tongue like venom from a snake. “I have no reason to speak.”
He rises from his chair, allowing the tailored coat draping over his shoulders to sway in his sudden wake, finding a purpose to pursue in this short time of calm. Fyodor joins Shibusawa by the doorway of where he stood. His smile remains plastered on his face, all the more amused at his obvious inquiry. 
“How long has it been since you have had company for extended periods of time? Seeing as there’s been a minimal adjustment period from solitude to social environments, even as small a group we are, it’s only fair that you may be hearing things.” A small laugh cracks. “It’s a rather lonely anecdote, should my theory be correct.”
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scorchedcode-a · 7 years
mcsmack the like button for a BMC sentence starter. Capping at 4, probably will be angsty btw. 
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today's agenda: summer's schedule
man, haven’t seen one of these in forever?? i’m so sorry, i’ve honestly been so unmotivated or just really crappy at writing. i know i should be working harder to provide content for everyone or at least be more active on tumblr but i honestly have no idea anymore. there’s a couple asks in our inbox that i don’t want to answer without talking to vic.
and i’ve been working on this jared kleinman x reader but so far it’s 2,000 words in and i haven’t mentioned jared or anything relative to deh at all. right now this fic is literally entirely bmc, yikes. but i mean, i guess it’s progress since i’ve been writing two paragraphs a day. and we have so many more requests we need to get to work on. (also i’ve noticed all we talk about is deh on this blog?? i swear we’re into so many more other musicals)
if any of y'all wanna have a lovely conversation with me then p l e a s e d o, i have no idea what i’m doing and i’m so lost. or i could just be really lonely with vic in a different time zone
vic and i have noticed out follower count is seriously growing and we have no idea what to do to celebrate. i thought of trying something like “drabble hours” where for a couple hours you all can try sending short prompts or sentence starters and i could try writing a 100-300 word drabble off of it but i’ve just been so unmotivated lately and i deeply apologize.
this was supposed to be a mini update but i got so lost in what to talk about it got longer than i expected. anyways i appreciate and love every single one of you. thanks for all that you’ve done for us and for being the reason i can smile a little more every day.
love & hugs - summer 💚
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inopi-a replied to your post “you know be more chil? :o”
[michael's vOIC THAT'S AMAZING !! :oo i've done some starter sentences, and ill do more, but i also wanted a muse, but i really didn't know anyone that also liked until now, ,
--{ Dude ok if you ever wanna talk about BMC (or a BMC AU--) then honestly straight up throw me a message bc :0 sadly there aren’t that many fans bc BMC is honestly super amazing???? }
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peniisparker-a-blog · 7 years
❛ that’s illegal. ❜
🕷️  BMC Sentence Starters (PT. 2) 🕷️ Always Accepting! 🕷️ @gentlemind​ 🕷️
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“I mean, it’s only sorta illegal— okay, well— it’s like 47% illegal? Because, I mean— it’s not like I broke in there, or like I stole anything. I just— accidentally trespassed into Damage Control. While passed out.”
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