#bnha chapter 403 review
myherobirdbros · 11 months
BNHA Chapter 403: Review by Birdbros
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First let me just say that baby Toshinori is so cute I can't breathe. Now, to the actual review. I love that his childhood was good and beautiful. That he didn't grow up in tragedy and had a loving mother and potentially the reason why he's so invested in being a hero. Because she didn't discourage him and instead fostered his dream so he could be proud of who'd he become one day. Also may I just say that this entire All Might arc has been giving. It has given so much and I've loved every second off it because honestly some people needed to be reminded why this man was the number 1 hero. Still though, just the thought of his mother dying and All Might having to take on the world and fix it without here breaks me in a way I can't fully explain.
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Yeah no, nop, no. I won't let you do this. He's not gonna die. Not All Might. Not after everything. I refuse to accept it. He has so many other steps to take Okay! Stop it. What do you mean and end of an era?! AFO you absolute fucking clown, do not hurt him! I mean it!!!!!!!
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Damn..... he really cut off Toshinori's backstory just like that. Wtf man. We rarely get this man reflecting about himself and you had to go and do that!!!! The fuck is wrong with you!!!!! I hope you die a painful death AFO it's all you deserve you piece of shit......I'm getting way too emotional *sigh* Okay, let's try and be more logical here. Now that All Might hasn't been able to use Bakugou's quirk it means Bakugou might come back right? My boy might finally come back and save him, right? Right?! I mean it makes so much sense. Feels like the story has been building up to this. Midoriya fighting to win and Bakugou fighting to rescue. Like a reverse role. Please please Hirokoshi. You can't have taken Edgeshot from me and Katsuki too. You can't T_T Don't Nobara me man, please. Also once again, fuck you AFO your arrogance will def be the end of you. Toshinori won't die a hero because HE WON'T DIE AT ALL!
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Thanks a lot Stain. Seriously thanks man. You could not have done anything but lose your quirk to this man (turns out I lowkey hate Stain *sigh*). Ugh, I know it's not really your fault and you sort of tries to save my man a little while ago but fuck, did you have to lose your quirk to this loser too?! I'm already mouring Hawks damn it. I can't do this anymore. Look at Toshinori's face T_T No one should ever make him look this hopeless, ever. This shit is illegal. Also, imagine loving killing someone so much you literally tear your mouth wide open joker style, the fuck AFO, the actual fuck? My dude you really need to sit down and finish that ancient comic book of yours because this aint it fam. This really aint it. You're so villain it's not even funny anymore.
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Shoutout to Tobita (my absolute favorite villain - he makes me so soft protect him at all cost) and star's crew who just like me would have hesitated to fire at All Might. I love you all and I hope when Bakugou comes back he beats the shit out of AFO for you. (Horikoshi do not make a liar out of me). Also psycho eyes AFO. Once again this man does not fail to creep me out. Die!
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Is he... is he planning to tear All Might in two? Is he really about to do this?! WTF WTF WTF STOOOOOOP. I can't do this. My sanity cannot handle this. Someone stop him! Fuck Midoriya crying is breaking my soul. This is not okay. I'm not okay. Shigaraki you bitch stop laughing! Everyone just stop. This can't be happening T_T This is so grusome I'm legit tearing up. And Midoriya's eyes is killing me. This is so wrong so so wrong. Someone please please please.
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I...... Oh my God..... my baby. My baby. He's back!!!! He's back yall. I..... Katsuki..... oh sweetheart T_T
I'm so emotional I legit walked away from my screen to take a break from this rollarcoaster. Thank you thank you thank you Hirokoshi! Thank you!!!! Also can we take a second to appreciate the beautiful art people. U.I exploding, Midoriya's tears blowing in the same direction. The light that shines on that tiny figure on top of U.A and then that zoom in on Bakugou's weathered figure. It's all so *chef's kiss* beautiful. I'm in love. And def will print this panel out and hang it on my room because my baby is back!!!!!!!
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I take that back. I'm hanging this up. Me and Best Jeanist sobbing over this right now. Our baby is alive!!!!!!! But look at him, he's so tired and haggered and back from the dead. He deserves a nap, not to fight a psycho who can't just quietly go into ground and never come back. Also theory: now that Bakugou has essentially come back from the dead, might his quirk have evolved to the extreme edge like we've seen for many before him such as Touya and Uraraka? And since Katsuki literally died maybe his evolved even more? My biggest hope. Beat his ass Katsuki. Make him regret that he was ever born.
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Not a bakudeku shipper but I'm 100% a bakudeku friendship apologist so this, seeing Midoriya look up, tears flooding from his eyes because he's so fucking terrified he'll lose his mentor just like he lost his childhood friend only to then look up and see Bakugou is doing something to me I cannot explain. And Katsuki.... Katsuki with the ancient All Might card he's still holding onto for dear life. Katsuki remembering their baby selves. Katsuki being so out of it but standing up to fight for All Might like All Might stood up to fight for him at Kamino..... *sobs hysterically in a corner* Also the symbolism of All Might always having looked back at his past because all the steps felt so important just to now look forward because the steps his kids are gonna take are the important thing for him now..... yeah I'm not okay.
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This is truly the beginning of a new era huh. Bakugou and Midoriya, carrying on All Might's dreams and hopes..... Hirokoshi you bastard. How can you do this to me. WTF MAN WTF!!!!!! And look at Katsuki's eyes. The explosion within them. It's so beautiful. I love it so much. And now him and Izuku's feelings are one; they'll save All Might and redefine hero society.
*stands up and applauds like crazy* There has been several misses for me in this manga but moments like this is why I'm happy I never gave up on it.
Welcome back Katsuki darling. Welcome back, it's been too long.
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neragufetta · 8 months
The following is a list of BNHA plot elements, in no specific order, that are still unresolved at current chapter (or, at least, that I consider unresolved).
This post is totally open to suggestion :D
I plan to update it whenever I feel ;)
P.S. - Sooo, life happened and I couldn't find a moment to review my "open theories" list.
Since my last update (regarding chapter 405), we received pretty much a tremendous amount of new details and events. First of all, AFO actually died. Now, his death could mean that any theory about him is no longer on the table but I am not so sure, which is why you'll still find them listed.
Also, this post has become way longer that I planned it to be but it can't be helped, I have so much to say and so little time and ability to say it in an efficient (and grammarly correct) way.
Have fun!
Current last chapter:
1. How did Shigaraki solve to put Star and Stripe's quirk "New Order" under control? > Solved in vol. 34: New Order dissolved on itself but it caused Tenko to regain some level of consciousness > HOWEVER chapter 412 might suggest that the "New Order" plotline was not limited to free Tenko's counsciousness just a little bit but there could be more to it. Fan theories about what this plotline might be futher below.
2. Why did AFO do all of this? What are his reasons and origin? > We got his reasons in chapters 407-408 but I'm not totally convinced that he chose an apprentice just for the sake of having a new body
3. Will Deku be able to reach Tenko?
4. Who is going to survive? At the moment I think these are the name at risk right now:
. Bakugo > confirmed alive in 403 . All Might > still alive in 404, confirmed alive in 405 . Toga . Dabi . Hawks . Endevour . Edgeshot > still alive in 405 . Fat Gum (399)
6. What is Ojiro's, Sato's and Sero's whereabout? (399)
7. What is Eraserhead, Present Mic and Kurogiri's whereabout?
1. How was it possible for Yoichi to pass OFA to the second user? (i.e. how did he realize that he could pass his quirk?) > I'm not crossing this one out for we still don't have an explanation from Yoichi's perspective; however in chapter 408 is suggested that it happened the day Yoichi died and Kudoh has felt off ever since. I want to add that we don't know of any organic exchange from Yoichi to Kudoh, my opinion about it below.
2. Is Deku's father ever going to make an appearance? I know, I know that, aat this late point in the story, he can only be either AFO himself or noone interesting, but still, why did Horikoshi mentioned that Izuku's father would appear at some point in the story? Did he change his mind?
3. Is this picture ever going to make sense?
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For further explanation, this seems to be a partial picture that was present at a BNHA exposition in Japan but, to my knowledge, does not have an explanation. > The full art, however, showed Aoyama, so it might be a hint about Aoyama's role? I'm not convinced and therefore I'm keeping this point active.
4. Why AFO needed Shigaraki's hatred? (Rif. chapter 311. For further explenation see section "Open theories", n. 3) > In chapter 410 it seems that Shigaraki is now able to steal, if not the whole OFA, at least singular quirks in it but it stays unexplained how or why.
5. Are we going to see Deku and Bakugo face each other one last time?
OPEN THEORIES (that I enjoy or consider interesting for some reason)
1. Dad for one (alias All for one is actually Deku's father) > With the flashback we had in chapter 407-408, it seems to me that, even though it is possible that AFO had intercourse with women, I just can't see him actually marry someone, and Inko mentioned her "husband" while discussing Izuku's lack of quirk; however, it is still possible that she called him that way just for the sake of appearences or that they actually married for some reason. I don't know, I really don't like this theory but I understand the appeal of it.
2. Decay is not Shimura Tenko's original quirk > Again, AFO's death in 410 might cross this one out but I'm still suspicious about the man in 235 that brought Tenko back home.
3. Shigaraki can actually take One for All quirk without Deku's will > confirmed in chapter 410, even though we still don't know how or why.
4. Deku is suppressing his emotions > Pikahlua wrote an amazing perfect explanation about this theory and I'm convinced they're right.
5. Two for one (alias One for all is passed on both Izuku & Katsuki) (404) > I think we can call this one discarded, for my understanding is that people thought this could be possible because of four factors:
.Bakugo and Izuku being both hinted as All Might successors, but this could just be meant as a symbolic Legacy instead of an actual quirk . All Might vestige in Bakugo's mind in chapter 362, which I get is still suspicious but I consider it not enough, at least right now . Second movie being labeled as canon, which is true but A. in the movie is also mentioned that OFA decided on its own to stay with Izuku and B. I just don't find sensible that such an important subplot is only mentioned outside the manga and C. if that was the case we should see Bakugo's vestige in Izuku's OFA world as well . Bakugo's sparks in 360. We now know that those parks were in fact Explosion's evolution.
6. AFO is (related to) the Luminescent baby (405) > I'm not a fan of this theory but the fact that AFO has been referred to as "glowing" three times in the recent chapters makes me wonder. > Confirmed in 407 and even though I said I was not a fan of this one, AFO stealing his quirk out of crave makes much more sense than and I love it.
7. Izuku will replace OFA with:
7a. His own personal quirk that, similarly to Yoichi's one, was so unformed to be practically useless but grew up thanks to OFA. 7a-i. If we believe the DFA theory, his quirk might be an evolution of AFO or OFA has always had the ability to take quirks but OFA's user never tried or even think it was possible.
7b.New Order (412) and it has to do with Star & Stripe arm
7c. Nothing, he'll go quirkless again. (This is the only one I actually like) 7c-i. But his use of OFA has already created a vestige in OFA and Kudoh is planning to let Shigaraki steal OFA in order to gain access to Tenko's memory and finally start to connect with is soul and therefore to save him. 7c-ii. But, following the empty glass/full glass theory, Shigaraki won't be able to keep it for too long, without facing problem (like the 4th dying of old age at 40).
8.OFA only transfer out of will, while hair or any other organic material just served to picture the passage in one's mind. > I've always thought it was illogic that Yoichi, without knowing it, was able to figure out that he could pass his quirk by letting someone ingest hair, blood or whatever. Like, he didn't know he had a quirk with such an ability in the first place, how could this be possible? It might only have happened (and from 408 we now know it indeed happened) by chance, because Yoichi wanted his brother to be stopped so much he instinctively activated his own quirk and the transfer occurred. Now, we know that: a. Kudoh has felt weird ever since AFO's assault, b. on that assault, Kudoh was running away while holding Y's hand, c. Yoichi was killed while they were running How is it possible that, in such a dire moment, Kudo ingested anything? I strongly believe he didn't and therefore, OFA can transfer only throuh will, no other element is required.
8a. As an alternative possible explanation, since OFA started stocking extrapower and multiple quirks, even though at the beginning a physical transfer was not required, it eventually became mandatory. (Like, email can only have attachment up to N Mb, in order to transfer bigger file you need a physical drive).
Ok, I'm exhausted and I'll go rest for a bit.
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