#bobby rayburn
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The Fan (1996) - Wesley Snipes/Bobby Rayburn
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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The Fan will be reissued on Blu-ray on March 7 via Mill Creek Entertainment. The 1996 psychological thriller comes with a retro VHS slipcover.
Tony Scott (Top Gun, True Romance) directs from a script by Phoef Sutton, based on Peter Abrahams' 1995 novel. Robert De Niro and Wesley Snipes star with John Leguizamo, Benicio del Toro, and Ellen Barkin.
No special features are included.
A troubled salesman who peddles knives, Gil Renard (Robert De Niro) has a volatile personality, which has resulted in divorce and a strained relationship with his young son. The one thing that Renard cares passionately about is baseball, particularly the San Francisco Giants and the team's newest recruit, Bobby Rayburn (Wesley Snipes). As Renard's personal life continues to crumble, he begins obsessively tracking Rayburn, leading to kidnapping and even murder.
Pre-order Fear.
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ryansmoviereviews · 1 month
The Fan (1996)
Please check out my latest review. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Please subscribe! #movie #movies #moviereview #moviereviews #moviereviewer #film #films #filmreview #filmreviews #moviecritic #filmcritic #subscribe #like #share #review #follow
Dir Tony Scott Robert DeNiro, Wesley Snipes, Ellen Barkin, John Leguizamo, Benicio Del Toro. Gil (DeNiro) is a San Francisco Giants fan, and one of the newest team members is Bobby Rayburn (Snipes) a young player Gil is a big fan of. As his personal life starts to fall apart, when he loses his job and his family want space from him – he starts to obsess over the games he attends, and his…
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Estranha Obsessão Online fácil
Assistir Filme Estranha Obsessão Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/estranha-obsessao-2/
Estranha Obsessão - Filmes Online Fácil
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Gil Renard (De Niro) é um torcedor fanático que, como tantos outros, lotam estádios para vibrar, sofrer e se envolver em cada partida. Mas a vida de Gil não vai nada bem e para seu total desespero Bobby Rayburn (Snipes), o jogador mais caro de seu time, entra numa fase ruim. Gil acredita ser o único capaz de ajudar seu ídolo e está disposto a tudo para ver seu time vencer...tudo mesmo. Sua adoração se transforma em uma perigosa obsessão sem limites e sem piedade. Ele coloca vidas em risco e pode estar em qualquer lugar, nas arquibancadas, no campo, no vestiário, ou bem ao lado de sua vítima!
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my1galaxy · 5 years
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emilyrecording · 4 years
Some books
I’d like to share some of my favorite audio engineering and music production books.
Recording unhinged by Sylvia Massy
Modern Recording Techniques by David Miles Huber
Al Schmitt on the record
The recording engineer’s handbook by Bobby Owsinsky
Microphone book by Ray E. Rayburn
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music-theory-books · 4 years
Recommended Reading for Composers
Harmony / Cointerpoint / Composition
Edward Aldwell, Carl Schachter: Harmony and Voice Leading
Wallace Berry: Form in Music
Johann Joseph Fux: The study of counterpoint
Paul Harder, Greg Steinke: Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music: A Programed Course
Knud Jeppesen: Counterpoint: The Polyphonic Vocal Style of the Sixteenth Century
Kent Kennan: Counterpoint
Charles Koechlin: Traite de l'Harmonie (French)
Stefan Kostka, Dorothy Payne, Byron Almén: Tonal Harmony
Steven G. Laitz: The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach to Theory, Analysis, and Listening [RS]
Mike Longo: Jazz/Rock/Pop Harmony and Systematic Chord Substitution
Alfred Mann: The Study of Fugue
W.A. Mathieu: Harmonic Experience - Tonal Harmony from Its Natural Origins to Its Modern Expression
Robert Ottman: Elementary Harmony and Advanced Harmony
Vincent Persichetti: Twentieth Century Harmony
Walter Piston: Counterpoint
Walter Piston: Harmony
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Treatise on Harmony
George Russell: The Lydian Chromatic Technique
Felix Salzer, Carl Schachter: Counterpoint in Composition
Peter Schat: The Tone Clock
Arnold Schoenberg: Fundamentals of Musical Composition
Arnold Schoenberg: Preliminary Exercises in Counterpoint
Arnold Schoenberg: Structural Functions of Harmony
Arnold Schoenberg: Theory of Harmony
Peter Schubert: Modal Counterpoint - Renaissance Style
Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky: Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony
Ludmila Ulehla: Contemporary Harmony
Atonal and Serial Music
Reginald Smith Brindle: Serial Composition
David Cope - Techniques of the Contemporary Composer
Leon Dallin: Techniques of 20th century Composition
Allen Forte: The Structure of Atonal Music
Paul Griffiths: Modern Music and After: Directions since 1945
Lyle Murphy: System of Horizontal Composition Based on Equal Intervals
George Perle: Serial Composition And Atonality - An Introduction to the Music of Schoenberg, Berg and Webern
George Perle: Twelve-Tone Tonality
John Rahn: Basic Atonal Theory
Nicolas Slonimsky: Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns
Arnold Whittall: Musical Composition in the Twentieth Century
Charles Wuorinen: Simple Composition
Elaine Gould: Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide to Music Notation
Samuel Z. Solomon: How to Write for Percussion [AD]
Kurt Stone: Music Notation in the Twentieth Century - A Practical Guidebook
Samuel Adler: The Study of Orchestration
Peter Alexander: Professional Orchestration
Hector Berlioz: Orchestration
Alfred Blatter: Instrumentation and Orchestration
Tom Boras: Jazz composition and arranging
Henry Brant: Textures and Timbres
Cecil Forsyth: Orchestration
Paul Gilreath: The guide to MIDI orchestration
Kent Kennan, Donald Graham: The Technique of Orchestration
Henry Mancini: Sounds and Scores - Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration
Walter Piston: Orchestration
Gardner Read: Compendium of Modern Instrumental Techniques
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Principles of orchestration (Online Version)[http://northernsounds.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/77-Principles-of-Orchestration]
Leslie Sabina: Jazz arranging and orchestration
Don Sebesky: The Contemporary Arranger
Joseph Wagner: Orchestration
Richard Bellis: Emerging Film Composer
Richard Davis: Complete Guide to Film Scoring
Earle Hagen: Scoring for Films
Tomlinson Holman: Sound for Film & Television
Fred Karlin, Rayburn Wright: On the Track
Henry Mancini: Sounds and Scores - Practical Guide to Professional Orchestration
Jack Smalley: Composing for Film
Sound Design
Howard Angus: Acoustics and psychoacoustics
Michel Chion: Audio-Vision
David Sonnenschein: Sound design
David Yewdall: Practical art of motion picture
Production / Engineering
Tim Crich: Recording Tips for Engineers
Bob Katz: Mastering Audio - the Art and the Science
Bobby Owsinsky: the Mixing Engineer Handbook
Jay Rose: Audio Postproduction for Digital Video
Mike Senior: Mixing Secrets for The Small Studio
Leonard Bernstein: The Unanswered Question: Six Talks at Harvard
Charles Bodman Rae: The Music of Lutoslawski
Ron Gorow: Hearing and writing music
James Hepokoski, Warren Darcy: Elements of a Sonata Theory
Paul Hindemith: Elementary Training for Musicians
Mark Eden Horowitz: Sondheim on Music - Minor Details and Major - Decisions
Jerrold Levinson: Music in the Moment
Olivier Messiaen: Techniques of my musical language
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Letters
Nelson Riddle: Arranged by Nelson Riddle
Charles Rosen: Sonata Forms
Charles Rosen: The Classical Style
Charles Rosen: The Romantic Generation
Max Rudolf: The Grammar of Conducting
George Santayana: Aesthetics
Arnold Schönberg: Style and Idea
Steven Stucky: Lutoslawski and His Music
Richard Wagner: Music and Drama
What is this ?
A list of recommended books from this thread on vi-control.net, started by Patrick de Caumette.
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1600pennave-blog1 · 6 years
Historia pewnej nominacji wiceprezydenckiej
Oficjalna wersja głosi, że Lyndon Johnson miał przyjąć ofertę wiceprezydentury od Johna Kennedy’ego ze względu na utrzymanie jedności Partii Demokratycznej w wyborach w 1960 roku albo też, jak podaje Longin Pastusiak w jednej ze swoich książek - za namową żony oraz ku rzekomemu zdziwieniu jego politycznych i prywatnych znajomych. Owo zdziwienie, podaje Pastusiak, Johnson miał zbywać ukutym powiedzonkiem władza jest tam, gdzie władza idzie - co znaczyłoby, że nawet jako wiceprezydent mógłby zachować swoje dawne ogromne wpływy z Senatu, gdy ten Teksańczyk piastował urząd lidera większości w izbie wyższej amerykańskiego parlamentu...
Lecz sprawy wyglądały zupełnie inaczej.
Faworytem klanu Kennedych (mam na myśli Johna, Roberta i ich ojca, Joe) do stanowiska kandydata na wiceprezydenta był wedle książki Ciemna strona Waszyngtonu Seymoura Hersha Stuart Symington. Ten senator ze stanu Missouri, był także obok JFK czy LBJ kandydatem Partii Demokratycznej w wyborach w 1960 roku. Tuż po oficjalnym uzyskaniu nominacji prezydenckiej przez Johna w trakcie konwencji partyjnej, 13 lipca 1960, brat Johna, Robert Kennedy polecił Hymanowi Raskinowi (współpracownikowi Kennedych w owym czasie) przeprowadzenie w tajemnicy kilku rozmów, aby umówić spotkanie z kilkoma wysoko postawionymi politykami Demokratów, aby obwieścić im jako pierwszym osobom spoza kręgu sztabu i rodziny Kennedych, że kandydatem na wiceprezydenta u boku JFK będzie właśnie Symington.
Johnson oraz jego stronnik i teksański krajan, spiker Izby Reprezentantów Sam Rayburn nie dostali zaproszenia od Raskina na spotkanie wyżej. Sam Raskin wiedział, co się święci - popularnego LBJ rodzina Kennedych nie bierze w ogóle pod rozwagę na stanowisko wiceprezydenckie, że Symington może praktycznie już czuć się jako wiceprezydencki nominat w kampanii Kennedy’ego.
Lecz kilka godzin później, po krótkim wystąpieniu Johna na partyjnej konwencji, w której pierwszy raz pokazał się delegatom i całemu kraju jako oficjalny kandydat Partii Demokratycznej na prezydenta USA w 1960 roku Raskina zaalarmował dźwięk dzwoniącego telefonu. Dzwonił wyraźnie zdenerwowany Bobby Kennedy.
Kazał mu odwołać spotkanie z liderami partyjnymi Demokratów.
Zakłopotany Raskin chciał uniknąć w istocie nieuniknionego pytania o przyczynę odwołania tego spotkania. Młodszy z braci Kennedy wybawił go z opresji mówiąc:
Powiedz im prawdę - że nic nie wiesz.
Raskin zrozumiał, że nie dowie się niczego więcej. Rozmowa się zakończyła. Liderom partyjnym oznajmiono, że spotkanie się nie odbędzie. Po korytarzach Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, gdzie odbywała się 59 lat temu konwencja Demokratów zaczęły krążyć nieuchronnie plotki.
Sam Raskin tak twierdził ponad 30 lat po tamtych wydarzeniach:
Było dla nich [liderów partyjnych] oczywiste, że wydarzyło się coś niezwykłego, podobnie zresztą sam myślałem. Nie przypominam sobie, by w całym okresie mojego związku z rodziną Kennedych zaistniała sytuacja, w czasie której decyzje o zasadniczym znaczeniu zmieniano by tak szybko. Bob [Robert Kennedy] zawsze miał prawo głosu przy podejmowaniu ważnych decyzji; zastanawiałem się, dlaczego tym razem było inaczej.
W czwartkowy ranek 14 lipca, każdy delegat na konwencję wiedział już, że kandydatem Kennedy'ego na wiceprezydenta jest Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Jak więc do tego doszło?
Musimy cofnąć się o 2-3 dni wcześniej, do rozmowy Bobby'ego Bakera (współpracownika LBJ) i innego Bobby'ego, tyle, że Kennedy'ego uciętej przy śniadaniu obojga z nich.
W pewnym momencie rozmowy Baker zagaił Kennedy'ego o niemiłej dla Johnsona i jego kampanii uwadze, poczynionej przez drugiego brata Roberta, Teda, który podczas kampanii w Teksasie, rodzinnym stanie LBJ, wspomniał o tym, że Johnson nie do końca jeszcze wyzdrowiał po zawale serca, jaki istotnie sam zainteresowany przeżył kilka lat wcześniej. Bobby Kennedy się natychmiast obruszył i zaczął wygarniać Bakerowi:
Że też masz czelność o tym mówić! Lyndon Johnson porównał mojego ojca do faszysty, John Connally i India Edwards [stronnicy Johnsona] kłamliwie rozpowiadali, że mój brat [John] umiera na chorobę Addisona, wy ludzie Johnsona prowadzicie plugawą kampanię i będziecie mieli odpłacone pięknym za nadobne, gdy przyjdzie pora!
Życie i zdrowie Johna Kennedy'ego obwarowane było kilkoma rzeczami, których za wszelką cenę on, jak i jego cała rodzina nie chcieli ujawnić. Lecz kilka osób spoza jego rodziny bardzo dobrze znało te sekrety. Wśród nich był Lyndon Johnson.
Tuż przed wystąpieniem Johna na konwencji, jako demokratycznego kandydata na prezydenta zadzwonił do niego telefon. Po drugiej stronie słuchawki był Johnson (lub wedle innej wersji Rayburn), który zrobił użytek ze swojej wiedzy o życiu prywatnym senatora z Massachusetts z irlandzkimi korzeniami.
Zaszantażował go najprawdopodobniej doniesieniami o kobieciarstwie najstarszego (po tragicznej śmierci Joe juniora) syna Joe P. Kennedy'ego, które uzyskał od Johna E. Hoovera, wszechwładnego szefa FBI, który znany był z gromadzenia licznych, kolokwialnie mówiąc haków na przeróżnych amerykańskich polityków i nie tylko. Hoover i Johnson będąc prywatnie w bardzo dobrych stosunkach, mieszkając nawet na tej samej ulicy w Waszyngtonie zawiązali spisek przeciwko całej rodzinie Kennedych, której byli wyraźnie niechętni.
Clark Clifford, inny współpracownik Kennedych w 1960 roku wspominał, że wezwano go w poranek 14 lipca na spotkanie z totalnie przybitym przyszłym prezydentem USA. Pamięta, jak Kennedy powiedział wyglądając jakby przez całą noc nie zmrużył oka:
Muszę zrobić coś, czego nigdy jeszcze nie robiłem. Zawarłem bardzo poważny układ i muszę się z niego wywiązać. Nie mam wyboru.
Nieco później tego samego dnia, w odmętach Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena Kennedy zauważył Hymana Raskina i uciął sobie z nim krótką rozmowę:
- Słyszałeś jakie rzeczy roznoszą się po konwencji? - Tak. - I co o tym myślisz?
Niezainteresowany Raskin wzruszył ramionami, lecz Kennedy mówił dalej:
Wiesz, że Lyndona nigdy nie braliśmy pod uwagę, ale nie pozostawiono mi wyboru. On i Sam Rayburn dali mi cholernie jasno do zrozumienia, że Lyndon musi być moim wiceprezydentem. Dranie, chcieli mnie wrobić! Grozili mi kłopotami, a ja i bez tego mam dość zmartwień. Z Nixonem będę miał duże problemy.
Już nigdy prawdopodobnie nie dowiemy się, czym dokładnie Johnson (lub Rayburn) zaszantażował Kennedy'ego, aby dostać wiceprezydenturę u jego boku. Sam Kennedy zapewne zorientował się ile wie sam LBJ i ile wie Hoover z FBI, żeby mieć ogląd jak silną kartą przetargową dysponuje Teksańczyk. Jego tajemnice mogły być bardzo kosztowne, gdyż mógł być szantażowany nie tylko przez rywali politycznych, ale także przez przygodnie spotykanych ludzi czy osobistych znajomych, którym mógł zdradzić za dużo.
Tak się jednak nie stało. Kennedy zmarł 22 listopada 1963 w Dallas.
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bandstolookup · 3 years
tumbleweed jones
chris rayburn
v don
james brown and the famous flames
paul martin
the eyes
the moment
the mannequins
the pepper pots
berry tweed and the chasers
from the jam
the ganders
the sha la la's
the broken vinyl club
the distillers
serpent power
julian cope psychedelic odin
sharon tandy
the spencer davis group
syd barrett
inez & charlie foxx
the truth
iron butterfly
back to zero
lalo schifrin
quincy jones
booker t & the mgs
crystal jacqueline
fit for a king
sworn in
hands like houses
the cream of rare soul
the action
mark murphy
graham day and the forefathers
paul weller
crown of thornz
the jeevas
new hearts
crispian mills & the jeevas
buried treasure
purple hearts
school of braja
the artwoods
eddie holman
operation two folds
king new breed
the magnolias
gemma & the travelers
ian page and the affair
bobby guy
ray charles
mel williams
the chords
the lambrettas
the velvet hammer
carrie cleveland
anthony meynell
mark mortimer
the greyhound all stars
mick talbot is agent 33
johns children
rod stewart
misty woods
eleanor rigby
lord shani
gabor szabo
buried giants
the color morale
no warning
i see stars
for all those sleeping
amanda palmer
comeback kid
the word alive
jamestown story
her bright skies
the circle jerks
sick of it all
agent orange
the casualties
the Jesus and mary chain
hey monday
max frost
common enemy
soul butchers
pink guitars
facility men
charit way
sara elizabeth
tokyo monsters
the morning light
near miss
the outline
red fish
rock kills kid
so they say
sparks the rescue
straight faced
superman please don't
the starting line
the white noise
rare earth
white caps
5 am
6 dogs
kassi ashton
jacob banks
jon connor
jay critch
drama relax
dimelo flow
kayak jones
young culture
keep flying
voices in vain
pure heel
jamie n commons
jax jones
joey t
jay rock
leven kali
ari lennox
lil durk
lil mosey
lil poppa
main breaker
chronic failure
county kings
flood the tower
tempus fugit
brixton sons
joe bonamassa
the viva noir
bighorn sheep
the gypsy parlor
dotson moon
night slaves
black & white cat black & white cake
coffin hook
westward journey
eerie shores
speed dial
grandfather clock!
jenn desantis
eleni degeorge
conquer divide
old again
which witch
will haven
sirens and sailors
michael delano
yellow sauce
bud redding
for your health
frail body
jungle tooth
rad ops
breakfast for dinner
sidney jeanne
blunted lip
grizzly run
chronic nostalgics
orange grove ave
ian mccuen
mike turnwall
cardboard homestead
nicotine jones
crystal godzilla
the surfin cadavers
wicker men
no warning
trail of lies
apocalypse tribe
one step closer
wild side
restraining order
choice to make
stand alone
last dance
world of love
scarecrow show
on the cinder
nicky vibez
jupiter trolley
the gennies
regular sex
velvet bethany
the dead south
legendary shack shakers
danny olliver
tsunami tsurprise
wyndup kid
cheap peach
pkew pkew pkew
bastard bastard bastard
hold out
type relevant
best sleep
dan meissner
why not
black sabbitch
the impurity
tony rocky horror
advance base
the painfully alone
sinai vessel
the last reign
a silent ending
tina panic noise
the clever slang
toy box brigade
the serftones
the dead star band
the strangest ways
the big lonesome
bobby and the love
nuke fun
alien static
midnight anomalies
mirror tricks
96 bitter beings
the native howl
locust grove
the living braindead
14 trapdoors
skate cobain
night mall
makeout tactics
tortoise forest
gunthers radio
citrus maxima
dragged under
forget the sorrows
farewell jupiter
soma slumber
x-press 2
soular plexus
earth rider
johnny revolting
lay down & die
the ay effs
short fictions
worst things
rabbit jaw
jurassic clark
book a boulder
rust belt brigade
no cover
cody barcroft
shannon vanderlaan
kerry fey
luis mojica
jq bess
michael cirrito
jammin jesse
the abruptors
kman and the 45s
working class stiffs
worn from war
timothy alice
the grumpy monkey company
vee da bee
amber martin
brittany rose
adapt or die
of desolation
the cryptics
not 4 nothing
a very special episode
we were blank
mind chaser
casper skulls
some ska band
the drew thompson foundation
the mars volta
digital afterlife
of night & light
creating a sinner
AC anton
lexxi raine
dope city kid
lost like lions
blackend blue
digital ladies
eyes of the blind
tiger the lion
bear the bronze
the toasters
the same sun
toxic holocaust
sergio michel
x method
wasted space
philip stephen
stress dolls
the nigh
sun pilot
the weather might say otherwise
robin bank$ and the new spectacular
nine layers deep
smitten for trash
nylon otter
respect the space
night goat
sons of luther
no time to think
jaali cypher
amateur hockey club
partners on shanley
sheer terror
wrong the oppressor
brook pridemore
lich king
the barksdales
lucky 33
the clockers
paper plates collective
tri state area
flower ambrosia
nerds in denial
over & out
jenn desantis
real movement
james kibby
silent planet
invent, animate
fucked & bound
haunted horses
passed out
candy ambulance
i met a yeti
yung dialysis
parade chic
take two
ray and the roaches
adjacent jason
vit fana
dj juku
west ferry
glen pine
wake up
otherworldly entity
the slackers
todd hembrook
deal's gone bad
time toad
tom foolery and the shenanigans
tyler okun
dead prez
oscar welsh
between friends
sonic fuzz
flamingo haze
daily basis
suburban living
2morrows june
the social act
anti cimex
alwz snny
javen oliver
savage hands
wild side
chris grey
KTA boys
young nudy
lil spleen
utah saints
carry on cupid
kai shaw
andre lauren benjamin
jack wild
NLE choppa
lil thirteen
into the wake
bear no shame
a rocket to the moon
animal chin
ann beretta
august premier
autopilot off
blueline medic
cadillac blindside
days away
animal sun
common vision
kurt morton
forgive durden
miracle at st anna
anaal nathrakh
the morning of
nevada rose
ghost town
kane hodder
kidding chaos
mid carson july
october fall
oh honey
phantom planet
slick shoes
teen idols
the a.k.a.s
the aeffect
the cab
the causey way
til tuesday
the friday night boys
the hippos
the hush sound
the impossibles
the pietasters
the stereo
big sean
this providence
will connolly
the four freshmen
the northern
stephen lynch
utah noir
bob moulde
will roland
the nicholas
san holo
ocean wisdom
gage moyers
shayne dupont
naked eyes
voices in your head
don diablo
james dooley
dennis leary
elijah blake
zeni n
maurice west
a will away
northern ghosts
free throw
from indian lakes
future teens
heart attack man
holy fawn
into it over it
moving mountains
you blew it
oso oso
as tall as lions
brian bonz
death threat
fight fair
hit the lights
honor bright
hot rod circuit
kevin devine
lux courageous
no redeeming social value
orange island
outsmarting simon
plugin stereo
scraps & heart attacks
small towns burn a little slower
the color fred
the dear hunter
the gay blades
the receiving end of sirens
tony hendrik
john mcinerney
marcus mouya
blue stahli
white shag
YBC bam
OG stevo
china mac
dexter freebish
stretch and bobbito
blackjesus yoshua
jacob Sutherland
vikram dhakal
chris standring
liam wheeler
diamond saints
xavier alexsandria
the secret sisters
aia litt
oui lele
brian nhira
nacho picasso
the morning
sol d' menta
dom kane
marcy x
jeddy hart
hatem a
dr john
masio gunz
tom jarmey
j4 krazy
trevor taylor
the secret handshake
cirith ungol
james flamez
susan salidor
pat godwin
the empty pockets
stacey q
yung q
none of us
alix j
brandon christian
matthew larkin
earth trance projector
the pricks
the kan
the yellow pumpkin
jonny english
the lava boy
dario nunez
elements of style
manic movement
hot boys crew
sasha primitive
imminent the strategic...
al jourgensen
carrington right
voices experiment
tray day sadd
rappa nui
hendrix garcia
breaking the static
das butterschnitzel
sven wittekind
mr j
jack alien
yung saadi
stan green
wilson quick
el paso
black door
roger gunn
make mama proud
wrecked religion
thoweda rosas
awkward L looper
crucified priest
smiley loks
sumo brix
death plus
allen w brown
black therapy
2 official
in flagranti
black v neck
twyn t
marc vedo
mila falls
breaking pangea
faux paz
itgang simmie
the resolute
young will
street corner talking
daniel richards
marek stelmach
full frontal lobotomy
danny mcmaster
stephen kramer glickman
bad boys blue
a la carte
andreas martin
wolfgang petry
ute berling
donny brooke
goons of doom
fuck on the beach
presley river
the lenores
armored saint
the edwin davids jazz band
charred walls of the damned
cult of luna
save us from the archon
secret eyes
set sights
cut up
siren and sailors
sky eats airplane
eyes of the sun
downfall of gaia
god dethroned
harms way
if these trees could talk
king diamond
kissin' dynamite
lizzy borden
daniel rodriguez
mercyful fate
monte pittman
mother feather
motor sister
necromancing the stone
the ocean
sacred reich
rivers of nihil
serpentine dominion
shai hulud
twitching tongues
six feet under
tribal (swe)
40 grit
a love ends suicide
angel blake
the absence
arma gathas
barn burner
across the sun
the arcane order
as you drown
beyond the sixth seal
blood divisions
born from pain
brimstone coven
cancer bats
coal chamber
beyond the embrace
bison b.c.
brian still
broken hope
the cory smoot experiment
beyond the shore
callenish circle
culture killer
darkness dynamite
dave brockie experience
the devils blood
don jamieson
the crimson armada
cryptic slaughter
darkest era
get scared
steve wilkins
glue gun
dawn of ashes
diabulus in musica
the fallen
forever in terror
eryn non dae.
fragments of unbecoming
fueled by fire
galactic cowboys
glorior belli
grave pleasures
the great discord
hail of bullets
evergreen terrace
flotsam and jetsam
hallows eve
in extremo
hate eternal
house of heavy
0 notes
speok · 3 years
Bobby Rayburn lo ha sido todo en el béisbol. En el ocaso de su carrera consigue un gran contrato para volver a los San Francisco Giants, el equipo de su ciudad natal. Uno de sus seguidores, Gil Renard, consigue olvidar sus problemas personales (una ex-mujer que le odia, un hijo que le teme y un trabajo que está a punto de perder) gracias a su obsesión por el béisbol. Tanto es así que está…
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wildfirewillie-blog · 3 years
Wildfire Willie was a RocknRoll/Rockabilly band from Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden),
It was in Eskilstuna Sweden the late 1985 when the idea of the band was born when Mika asked us if we (Jyrki, Markku, Mika, Petri) could form a new band.
Mika and Petri had a Rockabilly trio named "Wild Youth" where the drummer had just left the band and at that time Markku had just started to play drums. So in the first week of January 1986 Wildfire Willie had it’s first rehearsal.Mika came up with the name "Wildfire Willie" and Markku came up with the name "The Ramblers".Petri left the band In the summer 1986 and only concentrated on his work as an electrician, so for a while Mika did all the singing before it was decided to search for new singer to replace Petri so Jan joined the band in late 1986, after Mika quit the band in the early 90's, the band Wildfire Willie went through a succession of bass players but since 2003 Carl Viktor has been playing the bass.--The band has performed on differnt events such as in pubs, night clubs and festivals like the Hemsby RocknRoll Weekender and Rockabilly Rave in UK, Viva Las Vegas, Rockin 50s Fest (Green Bay), Denver RocknRhythm Festival in USA, Wintersun Festival in Australia, RocknRoll Jamboree in Finland, in Sweden the Live & Jive festival and The Hultsfred festival (biggest music event in Sweden) etc. It also has many different appearences on radio and TV shows. The band did gigs and touring in many different European countrys and even in the former Soviet Union, Japan, Australia and of course many times in USA. Recordings have been made for several different labels in Europe (LP Hows That Grab Ya? Wildcat Record Company,CD Rarin To Go Sunjay Records, 12LP Rarin To Go Tessy Records, 10 LP gettin my kicks Lenox Records, CD Gettin My Kicks Lenox Records and CD The RockaBilly Heaven BeBes Records with Rimshots and Sureshots,And some 45s on Goofin Records, Tail records). The band has been playing as a backing band for many artists, both on recordings (Huelyn Duvall, Rayburn Anthony, Alvis Wayne and Bobby Crown) and on live performances (Billy Lee Riley, Jack Earls, Rudy Tutti Grayzell, Dale Hawkins, Alvis Wayne, Sleepy LaBeef, Hayden Thompson, Al Ferrier, Teddy Redell, Ray Campi, Johnny Legend, Huelyn Duvall, Art Adams, Rayburn Anthony, Bobby Crown, Glen Glenn, Mack Self, Johnny Powers, Carl Mann, Royce Porter).
The name, Wildfire Willie, is exclusive for this band, Wildfire Willie and The Ramblers, only and may not be used in any other context.
The name, "Wildfire Willie", is exclusive for this band, Wildfire Willie and The Ramblers only and may not be used in any other context...!!!!
0 notes
your-dietician · 3 years
Year-in-Review: 2020-21 Notes, Reviews and Numbers Across All Sports
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/sports/year-in-review-2020-21-notes-reviews-and-numbers-across-all-sports/
Year-in-Review: 2020-21 Notes, Reviews and Numbers Across All Sports
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Sun Devil Athletics embarked on a wild journey in the 2020-21 season.
There were events changed, canceled, postponed, deleted and added at a dizzying pace. Patience was tested. Coaches and student-athletes adjusted like never before. Facilities upgrades were made (soccer/lacrosse for example).
Through it all, the teams competed. Some fall sports competed in the spring. It resulted in crazy amount of events hosted and double-headers and facilities being used at record pace.
Here is a look at all the team’s seasons with quick recaps and some tweets and numbers to remember the 2020-21 season (that was a lot more of 2021 than 2020). It was a season that saw Turner Washington and Jorinde van Klinken win NCAA titles and the department notch a 20th-place finish in the Learfield IMG Directors’ Cup.
NCAA CHAMPIONS Outdoor Track and Field: Turner Washington (shot put, discus), Jorinde van Klinken (discus) Indoor Track and Field: Turner Washington (shot put)
  HUGE week for the Sun Devils!
3?? National Titles 4?? Medals 9?? All-Americans
And BOTH the men and women’s squads finished top-10 in the country. ??#ForksUp?? #O2V https://t.co/mwwEa3i5dL
— Sun Devil TFXC (@SunDevilTFXC) June 13, 2021
ALL-AMERICANS Baseball: Ethan Long (second-team DH by Collegiate Baseball News and First Base by Baseball America; third-team DH by NCBWA; Freshman All-American by Collegiate Baseball News and second-team Freshman All-America DH by NCBWA); Sean McLain (Freshman All-American HM by Collegiate Baseball News); Hunter Hass (Freshman All-American by Collegiate Baseball News, 3B) Softball: Maddi Hackbarth (NFCA Second-Team At-Large Catcher, Softball America Third Team) Gymnastics: Hannah Scharf (WCGA Regular Season Second-Team, all-around), Hannah Scharf (NCAA Second Team All-American, bars) Men’s Track (Indoor): Turner Washington (shot put, NCAA champion); Kentre Patterson (12th in 60m/second-team All-American) Women’s Track (Indoor): Jorinde van Klinken (third-place in shot put, first-team All-American), Hayley Rayburn (11th in pole vault/second-team All-American) Men’s Track (Outdoor): Turner Washington (NCAA champion in shot put and discuss, first-team All-America); Jamar Marshall Jr. (110H; first-team All-American); Ian Schulz (discus; second-team All-American) Women’s Track (Outdoor): Jorinde van Klinken (first-place in discus, first-team All-American; 12th in discus, second-team All-American); Alizee Minard (second place in javelin; first-team All-American); Beatrice Llano (hammer, fifth-place, first-team All-American); Shelby Moran (13th in hammer; second-team All-American) Women’s Golf: Linn Grant (Unanimous First Team), Ashley Menne (WGCA Honorable Mention) Wrestling (5): Brandon Courtney (125), Michael McGee (133), Jacori Teemer (157), Anthony Valencia (165), Cohlton Schultz (285) Water Polo (4): Bente Rogge (First Team All-American), Amira Van Buren (Second Team All-American), Chelsea Karimazondo (Honorable Mention All-American), Luca Petovary (Honorable Mention All-American). ————————————————————————————————————
INDIVIDUAL PAC-12 CHAMPIONS (9) Wrestling (5): Brandon Courtney (125), Jacori Teemer (157), Anthony Valencia (165), Kordell Norfleet (197), Cohlton Schultz (HWT) Men’s Track and Field (2): Jamar Marshall Jr.  (110H), Carlan Naisant (javelin) Women’s Track and Field (2): Alizee Minard (javelin), Jorinde van Klinken (discus)
PAC-12 TEAM CHAMPIONS WRESTLING: The No. 6 Sun Devil wrestling dominated the conference with five individual titles to win its fourth Pac-12 Championship in five years after posting a 138 tournament point total. The conference title was ASU’s 22nd all-time and 20th in the Pac-10/12 era with the help of five individual conference champion performances.
FINAL OVERALL/PAC-12 RECORDS Baseball: 33-22/16-15 (T-5th)/NCAA Regional Beach Volleyball: 10-12/3-6 Men’s Basketball: 11-14/7-10 (9th) Women’s Basketball: 12-12/6-9 (9th)/WNIT Men’s Cross Country: 9th in Pac-12 Women’s Cross Country: 9th in Pac-12 Football: 2-2/2-2 (T-4th in Pac-12 South) Men’s Golf: T3rd/NCAA Match Play Semifinalist Women’s Golf: T5th/NCAA Match Play Quarterfinalist Gymnastics: 5-5/4-3 (4th)/NCAA Regional Finals Hockey: 7-16-3 Lacrosse: 10-6/5-4 (4th) Soccer: 9-6-2/4-4-2 (6th)/NCAA Tournament Softball: 33-16/12-9 (4th)/NCAA Tournament Men’s Swimming/Diving: DNC Women’s Swimming/Diving: DNC Men’s Tennis: 17-9/3-4 (5th)/NCAA Tournament Women’s Tennis: 15-9/6-4 (4th)/NCAA Tournament Men’s Indoor Track: T-18th Women’s Indoor Track: T-29th Men’s Outdoor Track: 9th Women’s Outdoor Track: 9th Triathlon: DNC Volleyball: 6-14/6-14 (9th) Water Polo: 14-12/6-6 (MPSF)/NCAA Tournament (T-3rd NCAA semifinalist) Wrestling: 7-0 (NCAA fourth-place/highest finish since fourth in 1994-95)
———————————————————————————————————— PAC-12 FINISHES Baseball: T-5th (16-14) Men’s Basketball: 9th (7-10) Women’s Basketball: 9th (6-9) Men’s Cross Country: 9th Women’s Cross Country: 9th Football: T-4th in Pac-12 South (2-2) Men’s Golf: 2nd (highest finish since winning title in 2008) Women’s Golf: 3rd Gymnastics: 4th (highest finish since 2006) Lacrosse: 4th (5-4) Soccer: 6th (4-4-2) Softball: 4th (12-9) Men’s Tennis: 5th (3-4) Women’s Tennis: 4th (6-4) Volleyball: 9th (6-14) Wrestling: 1st
———————————————————————————————————— NCAA FINISHES — DIRECTOR’S CUP POINTS — 20TH — 4TH IN PAC-12 — 840 TOTAL POINTS 83.00 — Water Polo: 3rd (NCAA semifinalist) 82.50 — Men’s Golf: T-3rd (NCAA Match Play semifinalist and best NCAA Championship finish since 1996 NCAA title) 80.00 — Wrestling: 4th (best NCAA finish since fourth in 1994-95) 72.75 — Women’s Golf: T-5th (NCAA match play quarterfinalist) 69.00 — Men’s Outdoor Track and Field: 9th 69.00 — Women’s Outdoor Track and Field: 9th 60.75 — Gymnastics: 13th 54.50 — Men’s Indoor Track and Field: T-18th 50.00 — Men’s Tennis: NCAA Second Round 50.00 — Women’s Tennis: NCAA Second Round 50.00 — Soccer: NCAA Second Round 43.50 — Women’s Indoor Track and Field: T-29th 37.50 — Baseball: NCAA Regional 37.50 — Softball: NCAA Regional
———————————————————————————————————— DEPARTMENT HONORS/AWARDS BILL KAJIKAWA AWARD: Remy Martin (men’s basketball), Cairo Leonard-Baker (gymnastics)/Olivia Mehaffey (women’s golf) TOM HANSEN AWARD: Nate Ponwith (men’s tennis), Olivia Mehaffey (women’s golf) FRANK KUSH AWARD: Todd Clapper (water polo)
———————————————————————————————————— SPORT RECAPS
BASEBALL TRACY SMITH/SEVENTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH JUNE 24, 2014 33-22 OVERALL/16-14 PAC-12 (T-5TH)/ POSTSEASON HONORS RAY ANDERSON ANNOUNCES LEADERSHIP CHANGE WITH ASU BASEBALL Program made its 41st NCAA postseason appearance– sixth most in NCAA history — as the No. 2 seed in Austin with the youngest team in the tournament field, as it went 11-4 in weekend series on the year and won five of its last second weekend matchups. Drew Swift became the Sun Devil to be named the Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Year since the league introduced the award in 2013, while Ethan Long became the became the 129th All-American in program history, earning a second-team nod from Collegiate Baseball News as a Designated Hitter. Long is just the eighth Sun Devil in school history to earn an All-America accolade as a freshman, joining Mike Kelly (1989), Casey Myers (1998), Kendall Carter (1981), Phil Lowery (1996), Mike Leake (2007), Ryan Kellogg (2013) and Spencer Torkelson (2018). ASU led the nation in double plays (57) turned during the regular season.
Over 30 former student-athletes, coaches and staff members get things rolling today. #MLBOpeningDay
We are #MLBU. https://t.co/yTlbdye3EN pic.twitter.com/CeNC6XSjwJ
— Sun Devil Baseball (@ASU_Baseball) April 1, 2021
———————————————————————————————————— MEN’S BASKETBALL BOBBY HURLEY/SIXTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH APRIL 8, 2015 11-14 OVERALL/7-10 PAC-12 (9TH) Senior Remy Martin earned All-Pac-12 first-team honors in 2020-21 and 2019-20 and was a second-team pick in 2018-19, just the second Sun Devil to earn All-Pac-12 honors three times, joining Ike Diogu (2003-05). He finished his career on the ASU charts sixth in points (1,754), second in assists (466), 10th in field goals (591), third in free throws made (396), ninth in three-pointers attempted (524) and eighth in steals (151). Kimani Lawrence posted 21 points and 20 rebounds on Feb. 25 vs. Washington, the first 20/20 outing by a Sun Devil since Nov. 19, 1997, when Mike Batiste had 36/20 vs. Wagner, while the 21 rebounds is second-best by a Sun Devil in a Pac-12 game. Coach Hurley became just the fourth Sun Devil coach to notch 100 ASU wins when ASU beat Oregon State on Feb. 14. In the past two seasons ASU’s 17-7 (.708) record in two-possession games is third-best in the Pac-12. ASU led the league in turnover margin (+4.2), while Remy Martin became the sixth Sun Devil (seven times) to lead the Pac-12 in scoring with his 19.3 points per game mark.
SUN DEVIL PAC-12 SCORING LEADERS 19.3–Remy Martin (2020-21) 20.1–James Harden (2008-09) 22.6–Ike Diogu (2004-05) 22.8–Ike Diogu (2003-04) 23.0–Eddie House (1999-00) 20.8–Jeremy Veal (1997-98) 21.6–Byron Scott (1982-83)
———————————————————————————————————— WOMEN’S BASKETBALL CHARLI TURNER THORNE/24TH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH JUNE 21, 1996 12-12 OVERALL/6-9 PAC-12 (9TH) In an abbreviated season, the Sun Devils (12-12, 6-9 Pac-12) still earned their seventh consecutive postseason berth – 20th in 21 seasons –  in 2020-21. They finished among the Top 25 in the nation in scoring defense (23rd/56.7 ppg) and offensive rebounds per game (24th/15.1 rpg). It was the third time in six years ASU finished among the top 25 in scoring defense and the second straight season it finished in the Top 25 in offensive rebounds. ASU captured four wins over NCAA Tournament teams, including a 66-64 OT win over then-No. 9 and eventual national runner-up Arizona, while losing three other contests to eventual NCAA Tournament teams by an average of just five points with eventual national champion Stanford and UCLA (twice) included in that group. ASU’s 10 3-point FGs and 55.6 3-point FG percentage vs. Arizona were both season highs and were both opponent highs for Arizona in 2021. UCLA’s 19 turnovers vs. ASU on Dec. 6, tied the Bruins season high in 2020-21. Stanford’s four 3-pointers vs. ASU on Jan. 3 were tied for the second-fewest number of triples by Stanford in 2020-21 while its 21.1 3-point FG percentage vs. ASU was its second lowest percentage of the season. Including its 5-0 record this season, ASU is 73-13 (.847) in non-conference, regular season games since 2013. It is also 101-24 (.808) in home games the last eight seasons. ASU has won its last 30 home games vs. non-conference opponents in Desert Financial Arena. Junior Taya Hanson (All-Pac-12 Honorable Mention – Coaches/Pac-12 Defense Honorable Mention – Coaches) led ASU in scoring (12.6 ppg), 3-pointers (62), steals (1.4 spg) and free throw percentage (84.8), was third in rebounding (4.3 rpg) and fourth in assists (1.4 apg). Hanson averaged 2.58 3-pointers per game, the most ever by a Sun Devil. Hanson scored a career-high 21 points vs. Cal (Jan. 1), a contest in which she tied the single-game school record with seven 3-pointers. Freshman  Jaddan Simmons averaged 10.8 ppg, becoming the first ASU freshman to average double figures in scoring since Jill Noe in 2003. In ASU’s win over USC (Dec. 4), Simmons became the first ASU freshman to score 20 or more points since Dymond Simon scored 24 in a win over Washington State on Jan. 4, 2007. She named the Pac-12 Freshman of the Week after scoring 11 of her 15 points over the last 9:20 (last 4:20 of regulation and 5:00 of OT) of ASU’s 66-64 upset of then-No. 9 Arizona.
———————————————————————————————————— BEACH VOLLEYBALL BRAD KEENAN/FIFTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH MAY 13, 2016 10-12/3-6 IN PAC-12 SAMANTHA PLASTER NAMED PAC-12 SCHOLAR-ATHLETE OF THE YEAR In Brad Keenan‘s fifth season as head coach, ASU had an overall record of 10-12. With COVID-19 restrictions, the team played fewer duals than usual seasons. Of the 10 wins, four were sweeps. The Sand Devils had a 4-7 Pac-12 record, picking up wins over Washington, Utah and Cal. The season ended at the Pac-12 Championships where Arizona State was able to earn one victory, edging out a 3-2 win over Washington. Three seniors left their mark on Arizona State, moving up in the record book. Katelyn Carballo ended her sand career with 67 wins, breaking the record for career individual wins at Arizona State. Two more broke the 50 wins mark: Samantha Plaster reaching 57 wins to put her in fourth place for career individual wins and Cierra Flood getting 51 wins to tie for sixth. Flood is set to return for her fifth year in 2022. Flood and Sarah Waters teamed up together in every dual, playing primarily at the No. 3 spot. The two finished with a 12-9 overall record which was the most wins earned this season. Carballo and Lexi Sweeney played at the No. 1 spot in every dual this season, earning an 11-11 record. Along with Flood and Waters, these pairs were the only two to play together in every dual.  
Broken records, upsets and big awards; 2021 had many highlights for the Sand Devils! ??
Read the season recap here >> https://t.co/cgKQL2vRRz pic.twitter.com/QcfLzejyLi
— Sun Devil Beach VB (@SunDevilBeachVB) June 3, 2021
———————————————————————————————————— MEN’S AND WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY PATRICK HENNER/FIRST SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH OCTOBER. 8, 2020 The team ran two regular season races and competed in the the Pac-12 Championships. Megan Reniewicki finished top-5 twice, and Fearghal Curtin finished top-3 once. Both teams took ninth at the Pac-12 Championships. Top men’s finisher was Vincent “Vinny” Mauri who took 22nd in a personal best 23:35.3. Top women’s finisher was Megan Reniewicki who took 41st in 20:53.70.
———————————————————————————————————— FOOTBALL HERM EDWARDS/THIRD SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH DEC. 4, 2017 2-2 OVERALL/2-2 PAC-12 SOUTH (T-4TH) A season that started full of promise was shortened to the pandemic, but a big-time finish put a smile on Sun Devil faces everywhere highlighted by a 70-7 December 11 win at Arizona, the program’s fourth straight win in the series. ASU ended the season with a 46-33 win at Corvallis, where it had lost six of previous seven. The Sun Devils scored 116 points in back-to-back games, the most in a two-game span in the same season since 1973, with 70 at Arizona and 46 at Corvallis. ASU had two touchdowns in the first minute at Arizona and recorded a school record 10 touchdowns for the second-most points in program history and most in the Pac-12 era. Rachaad White earned the Bob Moran Territorial Cup Most Valuable Player award behind his 133-yard, three-touchdown effort that was highlighted by a 93-yard touchdown run – tied for the fifth-longest touchdown rush in program history.
———————————————————————————————————— MEN’S GOLF MATT THURMOND/FIFTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH JULY 25, 2016 FINISHED SECOND IN PAC-12 NCAA FINISH: T-3RD AT NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP (MATCH PLAY SEMIFINALIST)  Team — seeded tenth entering the tournament — earned the No. 1 seed at the NCAA Championships for the first time in school history (lost two others in 2009 and 2013) and won its first NCAA match play contest over North Carolina before falling to top-ranked Oklahoma in the semifinals. Earned its 56th trip the NCAA Championship, fourth-best all-time, and has now made the finals in 16 of the past 19 chances and 34 of the past 37. Won team titles at the Ameri Invitational (Feb. 2-4), the Goodwin (March 25-27) and also earned a Copper Cup match play win vs. Arizona to start the season in January after not competing in the fall. Placed second in four other tournaments (Southwestern Invitational, Thunderbird Collegiate, Pac-12 Championship and the NCAA Albuquerque Regional). Sophomore David Puig posted seven top-10 finishes and had wins at the Southwestern Invitational and Amer Ari Intercollegiate and earned Pac-12 Newcomer of the Year. Both Ryggs Johnston (third) and Cameron Sisk (T-8th) and Chun An Yu (15th) all earned NCAA top-10 finishes. The tied for third finish at the NCAAs was its best NCAA finish since it won the title in 1996. How good was Ryggs Johnston’s 7-under 63 in the second round of the NCAA Championships? It is the second-best NCAA Championship round by a Sun Devil, and those sandwiched around him are named Rahm and Mickelson. Only one other player had a 64 (Wake Forest’s Parker Gillam) and only one had a 65 (Oklahoma State’s Bo Jin) in the whole tournament. Team finished sixth in the final Golfweek rankings with a 154-19-2 head-to-head record including 42-15 vs. the top-25 and was fifth in the final Golfstat rankings.
———————————————————————————————————— WOMEN’S GOLF MISSY FARR-KAYE/SIXTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH JUNE 26, 2015 FINISHED THIRD IN PAC-12 NCAA FINISH: T-5TH AT NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP (MATCH PLAY QUARTERFINALIST)  Sun Devil Women’s Golf served as host of the 2021 NCAA Women’s Golf Championships, making match play before eventually finishing in a tie for fifth. The program advanced to the NCAA Championship for the 36th time after finishing second in the Columbus Regional, the 28th consecutive year the team has qualified for a regional. Linn Grant received unanimous First Team All-American honors and was one of three finalist for the ANNIKA Award, given to the top female collegiate golfer. She became just the second Sun Devil (Brandie Burton) to win four straight tournaments, starting the year off with three consecutive victories. Grant was ranked No. 1 by Golfstat heading into the NCAA Tournament, a first by a Sun Devil in the Golfstat-era. Freshman Ashley Menne also recieved honorable meniton All-American honors after a spectacular freshman season in Tempe. She finished fourth at the NCAA Championship, not only the highest finishing Sun Devil, but the best finish for the program since Monica Vaughn won the title in 2017. Menne also won her matchup in the quarterfinals of match play. Four-time All-American Olivia Mehaffey’s career came to an end, but she provided even more memories for Sun Devil Nation. Mehaffey led the comeback charge in the Clover Cup, as Arizona State made up six strokes on the final day to surpass Arizona and earn the team title. Mehaffey shot a career-best 62 (-10), setting the new program record by two strokes. She finishes her career in the Top-25 in NCAA history in career rounds played, rounds under par, and rounds in the 60s. Alessandra Fanali was one of two Sun Devils named to the Pac-12 All-Conference First Team. Alexandra Forsterling landed on the All-Conference Second Team, giving Arizona State five of the 20 total honorees. Head Coach Missy Farr-Kaye was a finalist for National Coach of the Year, leading her Sun Devils to their second match play appearance and the second Top-5 finish of her tenure.
——————————————————————————————————– GYMNASTICS JAY SANTOS/FIFTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH MAY 27, 2016 5-5 OVERALL/3-3 PAC-12 NCAA FINISH: 3RD AT NCAA REGIONAL FINALS  The Gym Devils finished with a 5-5 record, wrapping up the year ranked No. 9 on Road to Nationals, the best finish since 2006. The team finished the season with an NQS of 197.088 and finished in fourth in the Pac-12 regular season standings as well as in the Pac-12 Championship. It was the first time since 2006 the Sun Devils had placed in the top four at the year-end conference meet and the first time the team qualified for the night session. The Gym Devils scored 196.000-plus in all but two meets this season, including a streak of ten meets in a row reaching that mark to finish the season. Four of those scores are in the top 16 for team scores in the ASU record book. There were four scores of 197.00-plus in a single season or the first time since 2004. The best team score was 197.600, which Arizona State scored in the NCAA Regional Finals for the ninth best score in program history and the best postseason score the Sun Devils have ever earned.
  The 2021 season was one for the record books! Can’t wait to keep growing in 2022 ??
Read the season recap here >> https://t.co/tvisrOnXC7 pic.twitter.com/44f2tLjuTi
— Sun Devil Gymnastics (@SunDevilGym) May 13, 2021
———————————————————————————————————— HOCKEY GREG POWERS/SIXTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH NOV. 18, 2014 7-16-3 OVERALL
The Sun Devil Hockey program played through an unprecedented all-road schedule in 2020-21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As Division I Ice Hockey programs shifted to conference-only schedules in response to the pandemic, Sun Devil Hockey created a partnership with the Big Ten Conference. The newfound agreement for the 2020-21 season allowed ASU to embark on one of the most extraordinary and unparalleled seasons of college hockey in which the Sun Devils played the entire season on the road, solely against Big Ten teams. The Sun Devils traveled a total of 15, 519 miles, and compiled 74 total travel days, including 58 out of their first 70 days on the road. Despite the odds, the Sun Devils concluded the season with zero forced cancellations. While on the road, the program and Sun Devil Athletics pushed forward on the build of its Multi-Purpose Arena as part of the Novus Innovation Corridor project. The arena will house men’s ice hockey, wrestling, and women’s gymnastics and is set to be completed in Fall 2022.
?15,519 miles traveled ?74 total travel days ?58 of first 70 days on road ?0 Forced Cancellations
Thank you @B1GHockey for including us! ?? https://t.co/gneUcAzM6R
— Sun Devil Hockey (@SunDevilHockey) March 6, 2021
———————————————————————————————————— LACROSSE TIM McCORMACK/SECOND SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH JUNE 12, 2019 10-6 OVERALL/5-4 PAC-12 (4TH) Pac-12 Coach of the Year Tim McCormack joined Sun Devil Wrestling’s Zeke Jones as the only two coaches from Arizona State to take home conference coach of the year honors. He did so after leading Sun Devil Lacrosse to their best season in program history, elevating the team to new heights. Coach McCormack’s team set program records in wins (10), conference wins (5), and earned their first Pac-12 Conference Tournament victory. Under his tutelage, attacker Carley Adams became the first player in program history to earn IWLCA All-Region honors. Adams was also a First Team Pac-12 All-Conference selection, one of three Sun Devils to accomplish the feat. Six of the 24 players to earn a spot on an All-Conference team were from Arizona State, a reflection of the depth of the roster. The Sun Devils tied Pac-12 Regular Season and Tournament Champion Stanford for most selections in the conference. During the season, 10 of the 20 possible Pac-12 Player of the Week honors were from the Maroon & Gold. A couple of legends wrapped up their career in style, as attacker Kerri Clayton and goalkeeper Berkeley Bonneau had their best seasons yet. The duo were leaders of their units, helping the Sun Devils finish in the Top-10 in several major statistical categories. ASU led the nation with 9.75 assists/game, finished third with 22.06 ground balls/game, boasted the sixth-best scoring offense (16.4 goals/game), and ranked in the Top-10 with 16.69 draw controls/game. Several key players return from a team that knocked off a ranked team for the first time, picked up the program’s first victories over USC and Colorado, while also sweeping three games in one season from a Pac-12 opponent (Cal). Pac-12 assist leader attacker Emily Glagolev, the lone freshman on the Pac-12 First Team defender Bella Gaspar, and two-time team captain Maddy Hunter will be back in Tempe. Combined with another exciting recruiting class and a completed field renovation project, the future of Sun Devil Lacrosse is bright.
———————————————————————————————————— SOCCER GRAHAM WINKWORTH/FOURTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH NOV. 29, 2016 9-6-2 OVERALL/4-4-2 PAC-12 (6TH) The Sun Devils had their best season under fourth-year head coach Graham Winkworth, finishing the regular season with an 8-5-2 record and making a postseason run for the first time since 2014 and eighth in school history. ASU made it to the second round of the tournament to become the fifth ASU soccer team to advance to that stage in the NCAA Tournament. Winkworth and company boasted an undefeated non-conference slate, including an overtime comeback thriller at Grand Canyon to protect the win-streak. ASU continued its unbeaten streak through eight games and notched wins against UCLA, Stanford, and USC to become only the fourth team in history to beat all three programs in a single season. With a 4-4-2 record in Pac-12 Conference play, the Sun Devils finished in the middle of the table after being picked to finish last in the preseason poll. The Sun Devils scored 28 goals in 17 games, second-most in the Pac-12 Conference. ASU boasted one of the strongest defensive lines in the Pac-12, conceding only 16 goals and forcing ASU’s keepers to make only 57 saves – fifth-fewest amongst Conference competitors.
Good times were had.. Let’s keep ’em rolling into Fall 2021! ??https://t.co/1cpAN8YZpV
— Sun Devil Soccer (@SunDevilSoccer) June 10, 2021
———————————————————————————————————— SOFTBALL TRISHA FORD/FIFTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH JUNE 15, 2016 33-16 OVERALL/12-9 PAC-12 (4TH) Fifth-year head coach Trisha Ford‘s squad made its 16th consecutive NCAA postseason appearance before falling short in the Tempe Regional. The Sun Devils collected a Pac-12 Conference series sweep over Arizona, their first against since 2012. 
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» Series wins vs 3 Top-10 teams (UW, UofA, Oregon) » Conference sweep vs UofA » Quality wins vs Baylor, Iowa State, CSUF (2) » 4th in the #Pac12 » We hit a lot of home runs » Scored 60 runs on the road in a weekend pic.twitter.com/HSskjXVmwc
— Sun Devil Softball (@ASUSoftball) May 16, 2021
———————————————————————————————————— MEN’S AND WOMEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING BOB BOWMAN/SIXTH SEASON (SIXTH YEAR) NAMED HEAD COACH APRIL 24, 2015  Coach Bowman and the squad decided to redshirt the 2020-21 season and not compete due to the unpredictability of COVID and the Tokyo Olympics heavy on everyone’s minds.
———————————————————————————————————— MEN’S TENNIS MATT HILL/FOURTH SEASON (FIFTH YEAR) NAMED HEAD COACH JUNE 29, 2016 17-9 OVERALL/3-4 IN PAC-12 (5TH)
Finished the year 17-9 (3-4 Pac-12) and ranked 20th by Oracle/ITA as Nathan Ponwith reached the NCAA singles championship. Ponwith earned first-team All-Conference honors, won the ITA Southwest Region’s Most Improved Senior Award, and won the overall ITA Most Improved Senior award. ASU advanced to the championship match of the Pac-12 Tournament for the first time and picked up its first win over UCLA since reinstatement in the process. After earning a bid to the TCU regional, ASU beat Wichita State 4-3 before falling 4-1 to TCU in the second round. It’s the second time in the Matt Hill era the Sun Devils have reached round two. Team earned six wins over ranked opponents and its recruiting class is No. 22 (per Tennis Recruiting Network).
———————————————————————————————————— WOMEN’S TENNIS SHEILA McINERNEY/37th SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH AUGUST 16, 1984 15-9 OVERALL/6-3 IN PAC-12 (4TH)
Finished No. 31 and posted two wins over ranked opponents as ASU made it to the second round of the Pac-12 tournament and the second round of the NCAA Regionals. Ilze Hattingh reached the second round of the NCAA Singles Championship and was awarded second-team All-Conference honors. The then-No. 33 Sun Devils shutout unranked Arizona 4-0 on the road and also have the No. 5 recruiting class per Tennis Recruiting Network. ———————————————————————————————————— MEN’S AND WOMEN’S INDOOR TRACK DION MILLER/SECOND SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH MAY 15, 2019 NCAA FINISHES: MEN T-18/WOMEN T-29 The women’s track and field team tied for 29th at the NCAA Indoor Championships in Arkansas with six points, while the men tied for 18th with 10 points. Jorinde Van Klinken took third in the shot (17.56m/57-7.5) for the women’s six points, while Turner Washington’s national title in the shot put (21.36m/70-1) earned all 10 of the men’s points. The MPSF Championships were not held due to health precautions. The men’s side reached a season-best 15th national ranking and finished the year at 18th. Women reached at season-best 29th in the nation in the final ranking. Team sent five athletes to the NCAA Indoor Championships. Turner Washington broke the NCAA indoor shot put record on Feb. 13, beating the previous record by almost two inches. Washington earned USTFCCCA West Regional Field Athlete of the Year honors for his indoor performances, and is on the The Bowerman watchlist for the nation’s top track and field athletes.  Hayley Rayburn broke the ASU indoor pole vault record Feb. 12, a mark that hadn’t been passed since 2008. Jamar Marshall Jr and Kentre Patterson both broke the ASU indoor 60mH record at the same time on Feb. 27 when they competed in the Air Force’s Championships at the Peak, beating out Tony Galaviz’ 19-year-old record. Dylan James lept to ninth all-time at ASU at the Air Force meet, the first meet of his ASU career, when he notched 7.34m in the triple jump, finishing third. 
———————————————————————————————————— MEN’S AND WOMEN’S OUTDOOR TRACK DION MILLER/SECOND SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH MAY 15, 2019 NCAA FINISHES: MEN Ninth /WOMEN Ninth It was a week to remember for Arizona State track and field. Three national titles were earned, six Sun Devils placed in the top-5, seven claimed All-America honors, and both the men and women finished top-10. Both ASU’s men and women’s squads finished ninth, the men claiming 24 points and the women earning 22. This marks the first time the men have been top-10 since 2010 (4th, 79 points) and the third time in the last four years that the women have been in the top-10. Turner Washington and Jorinde van Klinken both earned USTFCCCA West Region Field Athlete of the Year awards, and van Klinken also won Pac-12 Women’s Field Athlete of the Year alongside her Pac-12 discus title. Jamar Marshall Jr, Kentre Patterson, and Turner Washington will all compete in the USATF Team Trials in Hayward Field, and van Klinken is Olympic-bound for Tokyo 2021 for The Netherlands.
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— Sun Devil TFXC (@SunDevilTFXC) June 13, 2021
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Just three times in men’s @NCAATrackField history has someone won the indoor shot, outdoor shot and discus titles all in the same season:
– John Godina 1995, UCLA – Ryan Whiting 2010, ASU – Turner Washington 2021, ASU#ForksUp?? pic.twitter.com/iv5BodfXAi
— Sun Devil TFXC (@SunDevilTFXC) June 12, 2021
NCAA Championships Results Turner Washington – Shot,  21.10m/69-2.75 – National title, PR* Turner Washington – discus,  63.42m/208 – National title* Jorinde van Klinken – discus, 65.01m/213-3 – National title, collegiate PR, meet record* Alizee Minard – javelin, 57.91m/190 – Silver medal, PR, Program Record* Beatrice Llano – hammer, 65.90m/216-2 – 5th, season’s best* Jamar Marshall Jr. – 110H semi final, 13.57, 4th – Q Jamar Marshall Jr. – 110H final, 13.53, 5th* Shelby Moran – hammer, 66.01m/216-7 – 13th, PR^ Carlan Naisant – javelin, 64.83m/212-8, 19th! Ian Schulz – discus, 56.25m/184-6, 10th^ Jorinde van Klinken – shot, 16.87m/55-4.25 – 12th^   * = First Team All-American ^ = Second Team All-American ! = honorable mention
———————————————————————————————————— TRIATHLON CLIFF ENGLISH/FIFTH YEAR NAMED HEAD COACH NOV. 13, 2015 The team did not compete in the fall of 2020 due to uncertainty with COVID-19. Coach English will enter his fifth season and sixth year at ASU as Tempe will again host the national championships in early November.
———————————————————————————————————— VOLLEYBALL SANJA TOMASEVIC/FOURTH SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH DEC. 21, 2016 6-14 OVERALL/6-14 PAC-12 (9th) In the fourth season under head coach Sanja Tomasevic, the Sun Devils competed in 20 matches, all against Pac-12 opponents. The team went 6-14 on the year and finished in ninth place in the conference. The roster was made up of primarily underclassmen (82 percent), eight student-athletes making their Division I NCAA volleyball debut. Arizona State earned two wins over ranked opponents in the 2020-21 season. ASU opened the season with a win at No. 8 Washington, who would go on to make it to the NCAA Final Four. The Sun Devils swept the Huskies in Seattle for the first win at UW since 2012. Towards the end of the season, the Sun Devils also upset the No. 16 Oregon Ducks in Tempe, another NCAA Tournament team that made it to the Sweet Sixteen. Full Season Recap
  The COVID-19 pandemic has provided its fair share of obstacles to the collegiate world over the past year, and the Sun Devil volleyball team is no exception.
Read about how we are making the most of our season in this feature story >> https://t.co/3wxTZfuY1H pic.twitter.com/FiGNPcDALM
— Sun Devil Volleyball (@SunDevilVB) March 5, 2021
———————————————————————————————————— WATER POLO TODD CLAPPER/16th SEASON NAMED HEAD COACH AUGUST 3, 2005 14-12 OVERALL/6-6 IN MPSF Water polo made its third appearance in the NCAA Championship after ending the regular season 13-11. ASU beat the Michigan in the first round to advance to the final four, but eventually lost to the Championship squad, USC although ASU held the Trojans to their lowest scoring outing of the Tournament. Among those 13 wins were top-five upsets that will go down as some of the top wins at Mona Plummer. The Sun Devils upset No. 2 Stanford at home to open up MPSF play with a 10-9 win, and again against No. 2 UCLA at home with an 8-6 victory just a month later. This was the first time since 2014 that the Sun Devils had more than one upset of a top-five team in a single season. The Sun Devils clinched that at large bid because of their strong Mountain Pacific Sport Federation conference play, including upsetting fifth-seeded Cal at home in the MSPF Championship, and ultimately finishing fourth in the conference. Bente Rogge, Amira Van Buren, Luca Petovary and Chelsea Karimazondo all earned ACWPCC All-American honors. Full Season Recap
  Upsets, scoring streaks, and record breakers, and more ??
Our 2021 season recap! ????https://t.co/cDWfkh6e8V
— Sun Devil Water Polo (@SunDevilWP) July 2, 2021
For the first time since the 1994-95 season, head coach Zeke Jones led the Sun Devils to their highest finish at NCAA Championships — fourth — while also producing five All-Americans on the season, Brandon Courtney (125), Michael McGee (133), Jacori Teemer (157), Anthony Valencia (165) and Cohlton Schultz (HWT). In the shortened season, the Sun Devils went undefeated for the first time in program history (7-0) before winning their 22nd all-time Pac-12 Championship title.Five Sun Devils – Brandon Courtney, Jacori Teemer,Anthony Valencia, Kordell Norfleet (197) and Cohlton Schultz finished first place in their weight class. Valencia’s fourth individual title places him in the history books forever as he is the fourth Sun Devil to accomplish the feat (Eric Larkin, Markus Mollica and Ryan Bader). At 2021 NCAA Championships, five Sun Devils placed on the podium for their respective weight classes with Brandon Courtney concluding the Tournament as the national runner-up at 125 lbs. Off the mat, the program had one of its most academically successful seasons with 16 Sun Devils being named to Pac-12 Fall and Winter Honor Roll.
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crystalchaosrising · 4 years
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Moonlight - Grace Vanderwaal
ALIAS | Primer
FAMILY | Yuka Nolan(foster mother), Kitch Nolan(foster father)
ORIENTATION | bisexual, cis female
ENDGAME | Kaleb ‘Kale’ Lane-Kent
POWERS | n / a
ABILITIES | Hand-to-hand Combat(very basic)
EQUIPMENT | Owns a Set of 33 Body Paints that give the wearer superpowers(ex: red = super strength, purple = invulnerability, orange = fire)
FACECLAIM | Millie Bobby Brown
BOARD | Ashley
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9oodshots · 4 years
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𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧’𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡 𝟭 𝗥𝗢𝗕𝗘𝗥𝗧 𝗗𝗘 𝗡𝗜𝗥𝗢 𝗠𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗘? 𝗛𝗢𝗪 𝗔𝗕𝗢𝗨𝗧 𝟭𝟬 𝗠𝗢𝗩𝗜𝗘𝗦, 𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗔𝗗!?!⁣ ⁣ The team from Shock Entertainment have put together this amazing collection of Robert De Niro films that will make a great Xmas gift for any movie buff - or a binge-watching feast for yourself.⁣ ⁣ The Mega Pack includes the following 10 movies spanning 36 years in De Niro’s amazing career with over 19 hours of laughter, drama & tears:⁣ ▪ The Last Tycoon [1976]⁣ ▪ Falling in Love [1984]⁣ ▪ Midnight Run [1988]⁣ ▪ We’re No Angels [1989]⁣ ▪ Awakenings [1990]⁣ ▪ Mad Dog and Glory [1993]⁣ ▪ The Fan [1996]⁣ ▪ Sleepers [1996]⁣ ▪ The Score [2001]⁣ ▪ Being Flynn [2012]⁣ ⁣ Whether you want to see him as a movie producer slowly working himself to death [‘The Last Tycoon’], a disgraced cop turned bounty hunter [‘Midnight Run’], an escaped convict hiding his identity as a priest [“We’re No Angels”], a catatonic patient given a new lease on life due to an experimental drug [‘Awakenings’], an obsessed baseball fan [‘The Fan’], a priest trying to protect 4 young boys [‘Sleepers’] or an aging thief drawn into doing one last heist [‘The Score'] - to mention but a few - then you will not be disappointed by De Niro’s depth of talent.⁣ ⁣ Of particular note is the enthralling film ‘Sleepers,’ also starring the epic cast of Kevin Bacon, Dustin Hoffman, Jason Patric & Brad Pitt.⁣ ⁣ After a prank goes disastrously wrong, a group of young boys are sent to a detention centre where they are physically & sexually abused. However, 13 years later, an unexpected encounter with a former guard gives them a chance for revenge.⁣ ⁣ Be sure to also watch ‘The Fan,’ in which an all-star baseball player, Bobby Rayburn [Wesley Snipes], becomes the unhealthy focus of a down-on-his-luck salesman, Gil Renard [Robert De Niro]. De Niro is unbelievably convincing as an obsessed fan.⁣ ⁣ Don't miss the chance to get this incredible collection of movies starring an incredible actor. Click on the link below or swipe up on the Insta story to get your copy now!! ©️⁣ ⁣ https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/robert-de-niro-collection-2020-dvd⁣ ⁣ @shock_entertainment #shockentertainment (at Shock Entertainment Ltd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJKNKRLFWn8/?igshid=tbqish973qix
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Obituary: Mardiros (Martik) Petrossian
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/society/obituary-mardiros-martik-petrossian-65726-25-11-2020/
Obituary: Mardiros (Martik) Petrossian
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Mardiros (Martik) Petrossian
MARDIROS (MARTIK) PETROSSIAN May 9, 1923 – Nov 12, 2020
Martik Petrossian passed away peacefully on November 12, 2020 at his home in Belmont, Massachusetts surrounded by his loving family. He was 97 years old.
He leaves behind his loving wife Elik, his children Anna, Boghos, Carine, Robert and Garen. His son-in-law Robert and two daughters-in-law Mineh and Melineh, brother Raffik and his wife Anahid. His grandchildren: Raffi & Kate, Taleen, Michael, Armen, Bobby, Natalie, Patrick, Alex, Phillip, Christina, Ella, Lia, great grandchildren: Declan and Sloane, nephews, nieces and friends.
Martik was born in Rostov-on-Don in Russia. The son of Mihran and Vartanoush Petrossian, and eldest brother of Mariam, Mano, Onnik and Raffik. After the Russian revolution, they moved from Russia to Tabriz, Iran, and subsequently moved to Tehran.
Martik was a man of faith. He was kind and loving, generous, intelligent, positive, honest, supportive, dedicated to his family, grounded, and had a great sense of humor. Ultimately an exemplary role model.
Martik lived a full and dignified life. His last moments at home were calm and peaceful. He will be dearly missed. Due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, private funeral services were held at Saint Stephen’s Armenian Church in Watertown. We will have a memorial celebration of Martik’s life at a later time when the dangers associated with the current pandemic are no longer a health threat.
Should you wish to make a memorial donation, in lieu of flowers, consider the following:
Armenia Fund – Please make checks payable to Armenia Fund, Inc. and mail to: M. Petrossian 20 Rayburn Road Belmont, MA 02478
St. Stephen’s Armenian Apostolic Church 38 Elton Ave Watertown, MA 02472
Arrangements were made by the Aram Bedrosian Funeral Home.
Read original article here.
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An incomplete list (but already way too long) of stalker/obsession films for... no reason at all. Keep in mind I got all these from online lists, so if some of them aren’t actually stalker films, I cannot be held accountable for it. 
The Roommate (2011) - “When college freshman Sara arrives on campus for the first time, she befriends her roommate, Rebecca, unaware that the girl is becoming dangerously obsessed with her.”
One Hour Photo (2002) - “An employee of a one-hour photo lab becomes obsessed with a young suburban family.”
Play Misty For Me (1971) - “A brief fling between a male disc jockey and an obsessed female fan takes a frightening, and perhaps even deadly turn when another woman enters the picture.”
The Fan (1996) - “Three-times MVP baseball player Bobby Rayburn joins San Fransisco Giants, and obsessive fan, whose profession is selling hunting knives, Gil Renard is excited over that. But Rayburn plays the worst season of his career and Renard tries to do everything to help him, but goes too far.”
Dear Zachary (2008) - “On November 5, 2001, Dr. Andrew Bagby was murdered in a parking lot in western Pennsylvania. The prime suspect: his girlfriend. As the saga unfolded, Andrew’s oldest friend began making a film…”
Hidden (2005) (might be in French?) - “An upper-middle class Parisian family starts receiving anonymous video tapes of their house. There’s no commentary, no threats, but the message is clear: You’re being watched. Slowly, dark revelations come to light…”
Enduring Love (2004) - “On a beautiful cloudless day a young couple celebrate their reunion with a picnic. Joe has planned a postcard-perfect afternoon in the English countryside with his partner, Claire. But their idyll comes suddenly to an abrupt end.”
The Loved Ones (2009) - “When Brent turns down his classmate Lola’s invitation to the prom, she concocts a wildly violent plan for revenge.”
Body Double (1984) - “A young B movie actor’s obsession with spying on a beautiful woman who lives nearby leads to a baffling series of events with drastic consequences.”
The Gift (2015) - “When married couple Simon and Robyn unexpectedly encounter Gordo, an acquaintance from Simon's past, little do they know that their perfect lives will be thrown into a terrifying tailspin.”
The Good Son (1993) - “Mark, a young boy who loses his mother, must stay with his extended family while his father is away on business. Mark becomes acquainted with his cousin Henry. However, the extent of Henry's depravity soon becomes clear.”
Remember My Name (1978) - “Neil Curry is living a happy life with his second wife Barbara in California after abandoning his first wife, Emily, in New York. Their life of domestic bliss is interrupted when Emily comes back from prison, where she served a 12-year sentence for murdering Neil's former lover.”
The Resident (2011) - “A landlord becomes obsessed with a doctor who moves into his building.”
Reviving Ophelia (2010) - “No one listens when a teenager suspects that her cousin is in an abusive relationship.”
Hear No Evil (1993) - “An Oregon woman's new friend helps her elude a corrupt policeman who wants an item she unknowingly holds.”
Hell Hath No Fury (1991) - “The wife of a slain man is framed by the killer, a warped woman whose identity she knows.”
Creep (2014) - “Aaron answers an online ad and drives to a stranger's house to film him for the day. The man wants to make a movie for his unborn child, but his requests become more bizarre as the day goes along.”
Sleeping With The Enemy (1991) - “After faking her death in order to flee from her violent husband, Martin, Laura Burney leaves Cape Cod and moves to Iowa, where she adopts a new identity and starts dating a local teacher, Ben Woodward. Martin, meanwhile, unearths evidence suggesting that she isn't dead, and when her mother confirms this, he tracks her to Iowa.”
Stalked at 17 (2012) - “An abusive man promises to kill his girlfriend when she threatens to end the relationship and take their baby.”
Stalker (2010) - “A troubled writer retreats to a country house to work on a new project, but her new assistant may be hiding a sinister agenda.”
The Strangers (2008) - “Kristen and James are expecting a relaxing weekend at a family vacation home, but their stay turns out to be anything but peaceful. First, a mysterious and dangerous woman arrives at the door while James is out on an errand. After a time, the real danger does show up - in the form of three masked torturers, leaving Kristen and James struggling for survival.”
Lady Beware (1987) - “A Pittsburgh window dresser gets tough with a deranged lab technician who stalks her.”
Dark Summer (2015) - “Alone under house arrest for stalking, a teenager experiences a terrifying brush with the supernatural.”
Eye Of The Stalker (1995) - “A wily legal consultant maneuvers within the letter of the law to be near the object of his obsession, a judge's daughter.”
Fear (1996) - “When 16-year-old Nicole Walker meets 23-year-old David McCall at a Seattle nightclub, she falls in love. David is exciting and charming, and despite the wide age gap, he wins over Nicole's family -- except for her workaholic father, Steven, who's suspicious of David from the start. His concerns are realized when David turns out to be a violent sociopath who sees Nicole as his possession.”
Fear Stalk (1989) - “A producer from Beverly Hills is shocked when someone steals all of her belongings out of her purse. The thief begins to make threatening phone calls and withdraws money from her accounts. The stalker becomes more and more dangerous until he finally tries to kill the producer.”
The Paperboy (1994) - “Small-town deaths are the result of a 12-year-old boy's obsession with a divorced mother.”
The Perfect Guy (2015) - “With a fulfilling career and a loving relationship, lobbyist Leah Vaughn seems to have it all. Then Dave, her long-term boyfriend, questions her future plans for marriage and a family. The resulting breakup leaves Leah heartbroken, until she meets Carter Duncan. Soon, the budding romance turns dangerous as Carter reveals his volatile nature, forcing Leah to turn the tables on the man she thought was Mr. Right.”
P2 (2007) - “Angela is working late on Christmas Eve. When she finally decides to leave, she goes down to the parking garage to get her car, but it won't start. Thomas, the garage's security guard, offers to help. He also invites Angela to dinner, but she refuses. Thomas, crazed, knocks her out. She wakes up in Thomas' office, chained to a chair and in different clothes. Now Angela must fight for her life in order the escape from the garage.”
Obsessed (2009) - “Things couldn't be better for Derek Charles. He's just received a big promotion at work, and has a wonderful marriage. However, into this idyllic world steps Lisa, a temporary worker at Derek's office. Lisa begins to stalk Derek, jeopardizing all he holds dear.”
Unforgettable (2017) - “Barely coping with the end of her marriage, Tessa Connover learns that her ex-husband, David, is now happily engaged to Julia. Soon, Tessa's jealousy starts to consume her, and she will stop at nothing to turn Julia's paradise into the ultimate nightmare.”
Unlawful Entry (1992) - “Michael and Karen Carr call the police after a failed robbery. Officer Pete Davis arrives and helps arrange the installation of a new security system. The grateful Carrs have Pete to dinner and strike up a friendship. Pete invites Michael to ride with him during a night's patrol and gives him the chance to beat up the burglar. Michael refuses and tells the disturbed cop to stay away, but Pete begins stalking the terrified couple.”
Alone With Her (2006) - “A stalker named Doug uses hidden cameras to spy on Amy, the beautiful object of his obsession. With knowledge gleaned from his secret surveillance, the young man manipulates her, first into friendship, then pushes for a romantic relationship.”
The Crush (1993) - “Writer Nick Eliot moves to a new city for a magazine job and rents a room in the house of Cliff and Liv Forrester, whose 14-year-old daughter, Adrian, instantly makes her attraction to Nick clear. Nick has trouble fending off Adrian's advances and as her obsession with Nick grows, Adrian becomes angry at being rejected and starts attacking his property and friends.”
Split (2016) - “Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diagnosed 23 distinct personalities. They must try to escape before the apparent emergence of a frightful new 24th.”
Gone (2012) - “A woman is convinced her kidnapper has returned when her sister goes missing.”
My Soul To Take (2010) - “A serial killer returns to his hometown to stalk seven children who share the same birthday as the date he was allegedly put to rest.”
Cyberbully (2015) - “A British teenager is forced by a computer hacker to do his bidding. If she refuses, the hacker will leak compromising photos of her to the public.”
Stalked By My Neighbour (2015) - “A mother and her 18-year-old daughter move to suburbia to help recover from a traumatic home invasion, but a sinister shadow seems to be stalking them.”
Ratter (2015) - “A young graduate student is tormented by a stalker who hacks into her electronic devices and monitors her every move.”
The Perfect Teacher (2010) - “A spoiled, selfish teenager becomes infatuated with her teacher. She befriends his daughter as a way of worming her way into the family, and sets about manipulating every aspect of his life.”
Cyberstalker (2012) - “Thirteen years ago, Aiden Ashley's world was torn apart after an online stalker followed her into the real world and broke into the Ashley family home to claim the object of his desire.”
Valentine (2001) - “Five women are stalked by an unknown assailant while preparing for Valentine's Day.”
The Wrong Girl (2015) - “A budding friendship with a new student takes a sinister turn when the girl starts to disrupt the lives of her family.”
Disturbia (2007) - “A teen living under house arrest becomes convinced his neighbor is a serial killer.”
Kristy (2014) - “When a college girl who is alone on campus over the Thanksgiving break is targeted by a group of outcasts, she must conquer her deepest fears to outwit them and fight back.”
Open Windows (2014) - “A jilted fan soon finds himself pulled into a deadly game of cat-and-mouse after he accepts the opportunity to spy on his favorite actress via his laptop.”
Cry_Wolf (2005) - “Eight unsuspecting high school seniors at a posh boarding school, who delight themselves on playing games of lies, come face-to-face with terror and learn that nobody believes a liar - even when they're telling the truth.”
Blackway (2015) - “An ex-logger comes to the aid of a woman who returns to her hometown in the Pacific Northwest and finds herself harassed and stalked by a former cop turned crime lord.”
Choose (2011) - “A journalism student tracks a killer with the help of her detective father and a therapist.”
Amusement (2008) - “Three women are stalked by a killer with a grudge that extends back to the girls' childhoods.”
Truth & Lies (2015) - “Teens band together to investigate the source of anonymous messages that threaten to expose their secrets.”
Night Rain (2017) - “An actress is unwittingly hired by her stalker to make an independent movie about a famous unsolved Hollywood murder, but she and her group of young indie filmmakers soon find themselves the subject of their own terror.”
Voidfinder (2017) - “A supernatural stalker pursues a super model to steal her soul with his demonic camera.”
#FollowFriday (2016) - “Students and Faculty on a college campus are targeted by a killer using social media.”
Urban Legend (1998) - “A college student suspects a series of bizarre deaths are connected to certain urban legends.”
The Good Neighbour (2016) - “A pair of mischievous high school kids create the illusion of a haunting on an unsuspecting neighbor. While keeping his every reaction under surveillance, they see much more than they bargained for.”
When The Bough Breaks (2016) -  John and Laura Taylor are a young, professional couple who desperately want a baby. After exhausting all other options, they finally hire Anna, the perfect woman to be their surrogate - but as she gets further along in her pregnancy, so too does her psychotic and dangerous fixation on the husband.
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