#boc maxima
varmintrifle · 7 months
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boc maxima
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grrlmusic · 2 months
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Boards of Canada - Boc Maxima
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entheo-music · 1 year
Boards of Canada - Boc Maxima
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anti-con-tent · 1 month
Day 26: A song that I can play on an instrument—Nova Scotia Robots
30 days of music, but it’s only Boards of Canada songs: day 26, a song that you can play on an instrument.
I began this little project on another aborted blog and so far have been pulling posts over from there. But today, day 26, for the first time we’re into terra nova. So what better time to post the song that give this Tumblr its original name: Nova Scotia Robots.
It's pure coincidence, too. I have little to no musical ability. I’ve twiddled a few virtual nobs in my time, but never played a proper instrument. So probably the best I can do today is go with a simple BoC tune, and it’s a perfect excuse to dip into their wonderful short vignettes that have, so far, been underrepresented in this series.
I also wanted to look first at their unreleased back catalogue again, and systematically started sorting through the short stuff. The first few I rejected as not-simple-enough, but Nova Scotia Robots was the ahha moment: a simple melody that, if I was learning to play an instrument, I might just turn to. It rounds of A Few Old Tunes, but also appears on Boc Maxima, which was a sort of prototype to Music Has The Right to Children, their first LP on Warp. Nova Scotia Robots didn’t make the transition.
And like all my favourite BoC tunes it has that found rather than composed feeling, to me at least. I sometimes describe them as geological finds, but this one sounds more like a signal picked up from deep space. Funny what music can evoke, isn’t it.
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scentedchildnacho · 8 months
Boards of Canada - Boc Maxima (gapless)
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Now listening to...
Boards Of Canada - Boc Maxima (1996)
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confield · 4 years
boc maxima
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boc maxima
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lavendarkness · 5 years
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Most loved albums (part. 3)
Boards of Canada - Boc Maxima
Chapelier Fou - 613
Keep Shelly in Athens - In Love With Dusk
Liléa Narrative - Echantillodrome
Gazelle Twin - The Entire City
Long Arm - The Branches
Kate Bush - The Dreaming
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kevindurkiin · 5 years
Avicii “Levels” Vinyl Sold For $563 After His Death
Even as music streaming continues to overtake digital music sales, vinyl sales still curiously continue to rise. Perhaps its the collector’s mentality or the sort of hipster generation who are buying more vinyl (then why not cassettes?), but the fact remains.
In the examination of the rising costs of vinyl with its growing popularity, Resident Advisor was given access to Discogs‘ sales history for the past two years. This is a follow up a similar report the publication made in 2017, which looked at the most expensive records ever sold on the site. This article looks specifically at the most expensive records sold between 2017 and now.
Avicii – Levels $563
A limited edition version of the record was sold following Avicii’s death in 2018. As with any artist who dies, their work generally increases in value thereafter.
Boards Of Canada – Boc Maxima $795
No surprise those who love vinyl would also love Boards Of Canada. The electronic music duo is often spoken about in the same sentence as Massive Attack, Amon Tobin, Aphex Twin, and Brian Eno in terms of legendary status and influence.
The story goes, according to RA, that the single was only ever released on cassette and given to close family and friends. Last year, a vinyl appeared on Discogs – while its authenticity was never confirmed, it didn’t stop someone from dropping $800 on it.
Daft Punk – Discovery $520
This was the Japanese edition of Discovery, which features artwork by manga legend Leiji Matsumoto, known for series like Space Battleship Yamato and Galaxy Express 999.
Prince – The Black Album $27,590
Writes RA:
The Black Album was Prince’s lost classic, destroyed just before it was due to hit stores. When we last checked in, a copy of The Black Album had sold for $15,000. In June 2018 a copy changed hands for $27,590, making it the most expensive item ever sold on Discogs. The record was salvaged from the otherwise-deleted Canadian production run of The Black Album and had lain dormant in the collection of a former Columbia Records employee for nearly 30 years. 
Go look at the original article from Resident Advisor for the complete list of incredible (and expensive) records sold in the past two years.
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Avicii “Levels” Vinyl Sold For $563 After His Death
Avicii “Levels” Vinyl Sold For $563 After His Death published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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bluebuzzmusic · 5 years
Avicii “Levels” Vinyl Sold For $563 After His Death
Even as music streaming continues to overtake digital music sales, vinyl sales still curiously continue to rise. Perhaps its the collector’s mentality or the sort of hipster generation who are buying more vinyl (then why not cassettes?), but the fact remains.
In the examination of the rising costs of vinyl with its growing popularity, Resident Advisor was given access to Discogs‘ sales history for the past two years. This is a follow up a similar report the publication made in 2017, which looked at the most expensive records ever sold on the site. This article looks specifically at the most expensive records sold between 2017 and now.
Avicii – Levels $563
A limited edition version of the record was sold following Avicii’s death in 2018. As with any artist who dies, their work generally increases in value thereafter.
Boards Of Canada – Boc Maxima $795
No surprise those who love vinyl would also love Boards Of Canada. The electronic music duo is often spoken about in the same sentence as Massive Attack, Amon Tobin, Aphex Twin, and Brian Eno in terms of legendary status and influence.
The story goes, according to RA, that the single was only ever released on cassette and given to close family and friends. Last year, a vinyl appeared on Discogs – while its authenticity was never confirmed, it didn’t stop someone from dropping $800 on it.
Daft Punk – Discovery $520
This was the Japanese edition of Discovery, which features artwork by manga legend Leiji Matsumoto, known for series like Space Battleship Yamato and Galaxy Express 999.
Prince – The Black Album $27,590
Writes RA:
The Black Album was Prince’s lost classic, destroyed just before it was due to hit stores. When we last checked in, a copy of The Black Album had sold for $15,000. In June 2018 a copy changed hands for $27,590, making it the most expensive item ever sold on Discogs. The record was salvaged from the otherwise-deleted Canadian production run of The Black Album and had lain dormant in the collection of a former Columbia Records employee for nearly 30 years. 
Go look at the original article from Resident Advisor for the complete list of incredible (and expensive) records sold in the past two years.
  Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Avicii “Levels” Vinyl Sold For $563 After His Death
source https://www.youredm.com/2019/02/20/avicii-levels-vinyl-sold-for-563-after-his-death/
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profipendinieuws · 6 years
Nieuwe voorziening Impulsklas
De Impulsklas is een nieuwe voorziening van SBO de Wenteltrap. Bedoeld voor kinderen met gedragsproblemen die naar een reguliere school gaan. In dit artikel zetten we op een rijtje wat de Impulsklas is, waarom deze is opgericht en wat het doel is.
Waarom is de Impulsklas opgericht?
Wanneer een kind opvallend gedrag vertoont, heeft dat vaak een grote impact op de school. De school heeft niet altijd antwoord op de (gedrags)problemen, omdat bijvoorbeeld de structuur en het systeem van een school er onvoldoende op toegerust is, er niet genoeg kennis in huis is, de faciliteiten ontoereikend zijn en/of de groep vaak erg groot is.
Na lang en veelvuldig te hebben gewerkt aan de problemen trekken school en leerkrachten vaak ten einde raad aan de noodrem. Plaatsing in BOCS, op een S(B)O-school of de leerling thuis laten zitten, is dan vaak de enige oplossing die men ziet. Er is echter een categorie kinderen bij wie de stap naar BOCS/S(B)O niet nodig is mits op tijd een passende aanpak wordt geboden. SBO De Wenteltrap heeft daarom het initiatief genomen om dit schooljaar de zogenaamde ‘Impulsklas’ te starten als mogelijke laagdrempelige interventie waardoor de leerling gewoon op zijn of haar eigen school kan blijven. Hiermee wordt de basisschool en de ouders van de leerling ondersteund om complex gedrag thuisnabij aan te pakken en samen sterker te worden.
Wat is de Impulsklas?
In de Impulsklas komen kinderen met gedragsproblemen en hun ouders een dagdeel per week bijeen, in een klasje van maximaal 8 kinderen. Gedurende twaalf weken werken twee getrainde begeleiders samen met de kinderen en hun ouders aan de vooraf gestelde doelen op het gebied van gedrag en welbevinden.  Deze doelen en de voortgang ervan worden drie keer per dag online gescoord, door leerlingen, ouders en school. Het doel daarvan is zelfkennis bij de leerling te bevorderen. Ook wordt de voortgang regelmatig in de groep besproken zodat iedereen mee kan denken met de betreffende leerling en diens ouders.
De school waar het kind op zit, geeft schoolwerk mee dat ter plaatse gemaakt wordt en wordt verschillende keren bijgepraat over de vorderingen die gemaakt zijn. Ook in de klas wordt besproken hoe het met de leerling gaat, zodat de medeleerlingen het kind kunnen helpen. Deze open manier van communiceren beoogt het leerproces de verantwoordelijkheid van alle betrokkenen te maken. De (verplichte) aanwezigheid van ouders is een belangrijke sleutel voor succes, de systeemgerichte aanpak maakt dat op alle fronten wordt samengewerkt.
Na de twaalf weken kan het kind in de meeste gevallen zijn/haar schoolcarrière vervolgen op de reguliere school en hebben de ouders en de school handvatten gekregen om het kind thuis en op school verder te begeleiden.
Voor wie?
Voor kinderen met gedragsproblemen die naar een reguliere school gaan in het gebied van Profi Pendi (Vianen, Houten, Lopik, Nieuwegein en IJsselstein).
Info of aanmelding: Neem contact op met Ellen Peekstok van OEC Regio IJsselstein.
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kouji-funamoto · 6 years
Boards of Canada - Boc Maxima (Full Original Rip, HQ)
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anti-con-tent · 2 months
Day 4: a song that makes me sad—Forest Moon
30 days of music, but only Boards of Canada, day 4.
We can't help being sad from time to time, but it's not something I actively work on, with or without musical stimuli. Let's go with intellectually- rather than emotionally-sad, then.
Though I totally understand the reasons—IP usage rights and quality control chiefly, I assume—it's a shame BoC's back catalogue isn't more readily available. But Gods-bless the internet that it's (somewhat) available at all.
Examples on my radar:
A Few Old Tunes
Old Tunes Vol. 2
Unreleased Tracks (including their output as Hell Interface)
[Boc Maxima](Boc Maxima) (though much of it would subsequently morph into Music Has the Right to Children)
Play By Numbers
Hooper Bay
So much to choose from here, but let's go with Forest Moon from A Few Old Tunes. Lovely lovely tune. Doesn't fart about. Straightforward. Some synths and percussive elements come and go, but that's about it. Tempted to digress into their lovely track titles here, but let's save it.
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perez-el-fotografo · 7 years
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Dreaming Los Angeles, Ca Photo by Joseph Pérez Listening to: Everything you do is a balloon By: Boards of Canada Album: Boc Maxima #photography #streephotography #urbanexploration #urbanexplorer #urbex #photooftheday #shotoftheday #picoftheday #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #bnw_photooftheday #bnw_photo #bnwphotography #bnw #bnw_society #art #visualarchitects #visualart #dtlaart #losangelesart #dtla #chinatownla #chinatown #life #indie #instagood #mood #music (at Chinatown station (Los Angeles Metro))
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wild-bill-jones · 8 years
If you hear this at the club and you know that I’m attending too, run for your life!
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