#body swap revenge
nonotnolan · 8 months
Treat Day
"Look, I appreciate your concern, but as you can see I am fully capable of keeping myself healthy and in shape." Henry wiped pastry crumbs off his hand before tracing the ridges of his chest. "The occasional treat day is not the end of the world."
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"Hold up, 'myself' healthy? Absolutely not. That is my body!" I glared at him, staring at the breakfast spread of buttery baked goods and sugar-laden jams. "I am not going to sit here and watch you make a mockery of my life!"
He smiled at me. "You're right, Henry. You won't. Because I'm going to call security on you for trespassing."
"You wouldn't dare." I stared into my former eyes, expecting to see to see weakness or hesitation. To my horror, the man I used to call my friend was not backing down.
"It's been seven months," he said, picking up his cell phone. "It's time that we come to terms with this new reality. Clearly I'm going to have to update the lock code on my front door, that's one me. Nevertheless, you are not wanted here. Now will you leave quietly, or will you be spending the night in jail?"
He had the upper hand, and he knew it. I fled downstairs and out the front door, leaving behind the influencer lifestyle I had worked so hard to build. I knew karma would catch up to him eventually, but I also knew that it would not help me get my body back. I found myself lost in my thoughts, walking down the streets of my former neighborhood until the buzz of my cell phone caught my attention.
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"Hey bud. Just a little memento of what you lost."
That bastard, gloating about what he stole from me. It's not like I've been spending the last few months wallowing in despair, but it was as if this new body of mine was incapable of losing weight. Part of me thinks it was a part of whatever curse swapped our bodies, but... this new body of mine has urges that are just impossible to control. I let out a deep sigh as I saved the photo to my personal spank bank collection. Seven months, and I had yet to go more than three days without masturbating.
"Alright," I said to myself, "you can break your no-nut streak to jack off to your old body tonight. It's just a treat day."
Want to read more by this author? Dicked (Over) by a Demon by Nolan Sempers, for sale on Amazon.
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petew21-blog · 26 days
Love thy neighbor
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Jerry:"Oh look he posted again. And look at the quote '
Instagram - Clark_779:'Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you. We all have to remember to be kind to each other'
Harvey:"I can't stand him anymore. Such a fucking hypocrite. Pretending to be a good christian and at the same time making our lives at school a living hell."
Jerry:"Yeah, you're right. But he won't change. He'll be the same asshole as he is now"
Harvey:"Maybe not"
Jerry:"Yeah right. You're gonna give him a lesson on ethics and he's gonna be kind. How about Red Riding Hood. That's a good story too. Maybe you should tell me that one"
Harvey:"If you'd let me talk I would explain it to you. I have been visiting this bookstore that seels antique stuff"
Jerry:"Aaaaand you found a love option that's gonna make him fall in love with you. Great"
Harvey:"You know I'm not gay and no. Something better. I got these two rings to swap our bodies"
Jerry:"Sure. And you know they work?"
Harvey:"We could try it out right now"
Jerry:"What if we don't change back?"
Harvey:"The man said that it should be fully reversible as long as both of them are wearing the ring"
Jerry:"Ok, fine. It's not like I believe your. But why not"
The took the rings and put them on their fingers. But nothing happened
Jerry:"Look, man. I know you wanted to believe it, but you gotta learn that there are scammers in the world and they...."
"...just want to rob you." Jerry finished the sentence but now from Harvey's body
Harvey:"Told you:
Jerry:"Dude, thus changes everything. We could ne the most popular people in the entire school. No, we can be anybody"
Harvey:"Calm down. We got a lot of time ahead of us. But for now I think we should stick with low profile dudes like Clark"
Jerry:"Ok, let's see if we can swap back"
The exchanged the rings again and after a moment were looking back at the other person. Harvey noticed that his dick was now hard in his briefs, but decided not to comment on in so that he wouldn't leave embarassed and his plan would go to shit
Jerry:"Ok. So how do you wanna do it?"
Harvey:"I got a plan"
Jerry:"I don't want to get beat up"
Harvey:"Someone has to sacrifice. Now go and provoke him. I'll intervene as soon as he would start beating you"
Clark was talking with his bros near the lockers. Jerry didn't have to say a thing and Clark noticed his presence:"Hey, fag. Got my lunch money?"
Jerry sped up and went on as if he didn't say anything. Clark ran out to get him as his bros stood behind. He shoved Jerry against a locker, making him collapse on the ground. That was a big hit. Jerry felt his back aching
Clark:"I was talking to you, nerd. Give ne your money"
Jerry:"I don't have any money today"
Harvey came closer and offered him the ring. "You can sell this for a better price than just lunch". Clark grabbed Harvey's sweatshirt and lifted him up against the locker. "Who said you can talk to me?"
Harvey stayed calm:"Please, just take it and let us be". Clark took the ring and looked at it. It seemed manly. Not like one for woman. He liked it. "Fine. Only this time" he let go of Harvey.
Harvey was next to Jerry now. Jerry was aching. While Harvey looked surprisingly confident. Jerry:"So? What now? What if he sells it or throws it away." Harvey:"Now we wait"
They were sitting at the front of the class along with the rest of the seniors. Clark was with his bros at the back. Harvey was trying to observe him, but everytime he did some of his bros noticed.
Jerry:"He's playing with the ring" And he was. History class probably borec him so much that he had to take a look at it.
Harvey turned around and noticed as another jock took it from him. "Oh no" he noticed as he was about to slip it on his finger and immediately took off his. Jock looked how the ring fit. He said to Clark:"Can I keep it?". "NO, it's mine. Echoed silently through the class"
The teacher didn't care that they were shouting. He was in support of our school jock and was in their favour so he let a lot of things pass
Clark took the ring back from the other guy and put it on his finger. Jerry said:"Now Harvey!" Harvey slipped on the ring as well and waited
Few seconds later. Jerry looked at Harvey's face that changed expression. He even spoke out loud:"What're you looking at, fag?" Jerry was shocked. This was real. He looked back to see Clark smiling back at him. "Holy shit" Jerry said out loud
The teacher scolded him Jerry. Mister Barren. There will be no such talk in my class. Go visit the prinicipal right now and take your things. Jerry had a hard time trying not to smile
Clark was so dull that he still didn't notice yet. Jerry went to the principal where he got his detention. Message arrived to his phone from unkwon number:"Clark is really passed. He screamed out at the class. He made me look like a crazy person. Come to my NEW car"
Jerry was nervous. He was always scared to even get close to Clark's car and now he was about to go in. He opened the door and sat down. There He was. Clark, but not really Clark
"Sup, fag" Harvey said. They both laughed
Jerry:"Holy shit dude, this is crazy. I can't believe it"
Harvey:"No, this is crazy. Check these out" he said as he flexed Clark's arm right into Jerry's face
Jerry:"Holy shit. Dude? Can I...?
Harvey:"Sure thing. Go ahead"
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Jerry squeezed Clark's biceps and let his fingers go along the lines of his muscles. "This is incredible"
Harvey:"So what now. Wanna get your new body?"
Jerry:"I think we should wait until the drama about your body is done. Your body looks crazy right now and if there were the two of us, It might be more suspicious. I say we go to your new place. We should check it out"
Harvey:"Right on, mister. Hold your glasses"
Harvey wasn't a really good driver and it showed. The ride was... a bit dangerous
They entered the house. It was completely empty
Now the boys inspected the modern kitchen with a fridge full of great food.
Jerry:"Dude, this is amazing. It must be crazy good to be this rich"
Harvey:"You know what's also amazing? Check it" he lifted up his shirt and swestshirt, pulling his jeans down a bit
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Jerry:"Wow. Dude. Those are really hot. Can I touch them?"
Harvey:"Why are you even asking at this point? Haha"
Jerry went closer to give it a feel. He was so close to his tormentor/friends face now. He expected a hit from his body or that his body would betray him and he would start kissing him instead. "Ehm... wanna maybe go upstairs to see his room?"
Harvey:"Sure. I mean, we'll be spending a lot of time there. Playing video games and so on. So we should atleast check it out"
After an hour of playing Harvey let go of the controler. Jerry:"Anything wrong Harvey?"
Harvey:"I'm Clark now. And I'm sice of not appreciating this body" he started undressing
Jerry couldn't look away. He was so hard right now. " Harv... Clark? Maybe you should wait before I leave?"
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Harvey:"Don't pretend like you don't wanna see these guns and the rest. I know you do"
Jerry:"Oh... you do?"
Harvey:"Sure. I know you're gay. I could even feel my dick hard when we swapped before. Can't really hide that"
"Now look at this beautiful big dick" Harvey said as he held it over his boxer briefs. "No wonder he keep fucking everyone at the entire school. If I had this body and dick I would too. Oh wait... now I do. Haha"
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"Let's take a proper look at it. Oh wow. It's so thick. Wanna check it out?" Harvey said with a seductive look at Jerry
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Harvey didn't wait and got over Jerry. Sliding down his boxer briefs.
"Come on. Touch it. I know you want to"
Jerry hesitated, but Harvey put his dick into his face. Jerry took the dick into his hand. It really was big. "Oh wow, Harvey"
Harvey:"I told you, I'm Clark now. And you should suck it" he said and pushed his dick towards Jerry's mouth
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He smiled:"I knew you'd like it you little, fag"
Jerry couldn't help it, but this talk. Pretending to be Clark and sucking him off was so amazing. He wanted this moment to last forever. Or atleast to be repeated several times
Jerry swallowed all of the cum. Harvey was now in the bathroom cleaning himself off and taking photos
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Jerry at Harvey in the bathroom:"I think we should talk about it, Harv... Clark."
Harvey:"Talk about what? That you just sucked my dick?"
Jerry:"Yeah. You said you are straight and now you let me do this. Did you do it just to cheer me up or because of the attention"
Harvey was still around the corner in the bathroom:"Kinda both. But do you really think that I would be straight in a body like this. Especially when his body looks so good in this?"
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He entered in a maid's dress. Showing off and flexing his muscles right at Jerry
Harvey:"I couldn't let this body be straight. I would just limit my options.
Jerry pushed down his hard on
Harvey;"And if you'd want we can pick you a nice girl's bldy and be a cute couple fucking around at home and at school. But I think you'd rather let me fuck another hot stud and get revenge on these hypocrites. Am i right?"
Jerry nodded in approval
Harvey:"Good. Then let's pick you a hot body. I can't wait to fuck you"
Anonymous request in inbox
Can you do a classic swap story between a nerd and a straight jock? I always find those to be super hot
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fullfriendnerdclutch · 9 months
"Fuck bro, that spell shared by Hugh is legit!" exclaimed Ricky from Alvaro's body
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"Look at you two, not so strong anymore, aren't you? Yall won't get away from this until we drain our balls on you two lol, just like what you guys did to us last week drenched us with your piss!" said by Toby from inside Leon's body
"That will teach you to not mess with people, not like you will be able to mess with people ever again looking like that, ha!" chimed Ricky
As they lowered their pants to reveal their former bullies fat uncut cock, the two bullies can only cowered in fear as they eventually felt the humiliation (and warmth) of being drenched in piss. The two former nerds in control of their bullies body simply smirked as they enjoyed their sweet retaliation. Then, Ricky from inside Alvaro body (the one with the snapback) said
"Fuck dude, I just remembered about Benny and Eddie and some other guys telling their plan to Hugh. They planned to use the spell not on the jocks in campus, they planned to use it to their awful families and some other people,"
"What? That's possible?"
"Yeah....I don't remember Hugh explaining any limitation. Just imagine Benny and Eddie swapped their bodies with their Marine brothers?"
"Aw shit, go check the group chat, maybe they shared pictures or anything,"
As planned and predicted, Benny shared a picture to the group chat of a selfie he took in his older brother's body while Eddie stood next to him, both older brothers are best friends and always teased the shit out of their two brainy younger brothers.
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But not stopping there, Ty shared a selfie of his older brother, Darius, clothed in tight UA that emphasized Darius insanely ripped physique. The chat that followed confirmed that Ty is now inside Darius and he stated that he needed to skip game night session for tonight as he got "business to settle" with his older brother now trapped in Ty's lanky body.
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Meanwhile, Ian shared a picture of his manipulative uncle that took care of him ever since his parents dead in his bathrobe with a glass of wine. From the angle, Ricky believed that the picture was taken while the cameraman kneeled, and it seems like Iam really swapped with his uncle.
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Reading the whole changes caused both Ricky and Toby having a hard-on, which is ten more times more beautiful and intoxicating as they are now in possession of Alvaro and Leon's monster cock that easily reached 9 inches when hard. Looking at each other's eyes, they laughed maniacally as they shoved the entirety of their meat inside their former bullies that still drenched in piss and too afraid to even fight back. The revenge is just starting, and it's not going to finish anytime soon
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alexlight22 · 1 year
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"I can't find my body, that little brat stole my body and run away with my life, but once I get him I'll make him swap us back "
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"hmmm I thought it will be bigger , but I don't care , finally I'm inside the body of my bully's father, and I'm going to enjoy it, it's payback baby"
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In a cozy apartment nestled in the heart of the city, two unlikely roommates shared space: Alex, a small, skinny, and nerdy guy with a penchant for technology, and Jake, a towering, muscular man who juggled the roles of a dedicated police officer and a national-level athlete.
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Their differences were stark, but they found an odd harmony in their cohabitation—Alex with his late-night coding sessions and Jake with his early morning workouts and shifts at the precinct.
Yet, beneath the surface, Alex harbored a secret infatuation for his roommate. His heart fluttered every time Jake flashed his charismatic smile or flexed his impressive muscles. It took him months to muster the courage to confess his feelings, only to be met with Jake's gentle rejection, explaining that he was straight.
Crushed and dejected, Alex retreated into his own world, nursing his broken heart. But as the days passed, a seed of resentment began to sprout within him. He couldn't bear the thought of Jake rejecting him while seemingly having it all—strength, athleticism, and confidence.
Driven by a mixture of envy and desperation, Alex became obsessed with the idea of swapping bodies with Jake, even if just for a moment. He delved deep into ancient texts and obscure online forums, seeking any shred of knowledge that could help him achieve his twisted goal.
One fateful evening, while Jake was engrossed in an intense training regimen for an upcoming competition, Alex stumbled upon a mysterious incantation buried within the depths of the internet—a spell promising to swap the souls of two individuals.
With trembling hands and a racing heart, Alex whispered the incantation, the words feeling foreign and potent on his tongue. In a blinding flash of light, their souls were torn from their bodies, hurtling across town to inhabit each other's forms. As Alex found himself enveloped in Jake's muscular frame, he reveled in the newfound strength and confidence that had always eluded him. Freed from the constraints of his former self, he embraced his newfound identity with unabashed delight.
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Meanwhile, Jake, now trapped in Alex's slender body, grappled with the disorienting reality of his new form. Stripped of his physical prowess, he felt vulnerable and exposed, longing for the reassuring familiarity of his muscular stature.
But as days turned into weeks, Jake's longing for his old body intensified. He despised his new form, resenting the loss of his strength and athleticism. Though he initially dismissed Alex's intellect, he couldn't deny the longing for his old physique.
As Alex revelled in the joy of his newfound body, Jake embarked on a desperate journey to reverse the spell, driven by an insatiable desire to reclaim his former self.
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wishmaster · 1 year
Mean Girl
Jessica enjoyed being a bitch, in fact she practically made it her life's work. She really turned it on for the new kids at work, she worked as a barista and her orders usually came with an attitude. Don't get me wrong she was sexy as hell, problem was she knew it and thought she was better than everyone.
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That would all change one day when she was bullying the new hire:
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No you turn this lever, god boys are such a waste, guys are only good for looking at and fucking. She made the remark as she continued to treat him like dirt, a witch sat nearby and watched the whole thing. The little bitch thought because she was a hot girl she could treat people anyway she wanted. the witch had other ideas and slipped something in the coffee Jessica was drinking.
When the mean girl awoke the next morning she was in for the shock of her life.
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Gone was here beautiful petite figure, replaced by a lanky boy's body. What the hell she tried to scream but nothing came out. Her boyfriend rushed in, confused as why a guy was standing there with his girlfriends blouse on, the same one he made love to her in last night.
Benji, help me. She panicked, As he moved closer, this was what that strange girl told him would happen. As he did he could see she still had feelings for him as his dick was straining her new pants.
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They kissed as her new male personality fought to the forefront. Dammit Benji, he felt so good, so right. The two made mad passionate love to one another which sealed the curse and turned Jessica into Jessie for good. But he didn't care, he still had his man Benji, who like the Jessie version better than the mean girl.
Becoming a guy didn't mean she had to give up dressing to impress.
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After all she was a boy now and all she was good for looking good and fucking.
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Words he lived by Now. The Mean Girl was now the Slut Boy and she spent all of his time trying to fuck as many guys as he could, with this body it was easy, he thought to himself.
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soul-controller · 2 years
Learning A Valuable Lesson II
As the loud tones of an alarm clock filled the small bedroom of Richard Grosse, high school jock Jason found himself violently pulled from his dreams. Despite the noisy hindrance and the slight pain from the sharp trilling noise that was a far cry from Jason’s usual alarm tone of his favorite song, the man still woke up with a wide smile on his face.
The reason behind this was due to the jock’s dream providing an ideal situation where his plan for revenge against his terrible and jealous math teacher was executed flawlessly. Not only was Jason able to successfully swap back into his normal jock body after spending the weekend as a 53-year-old portly teacher, but he was also able to drop an anonymous tip to the school’s gossip page about Mr. Grosse’s kinky pastimes as a submissive, leather-wearing homo. Although in his dream the gossip page was originally uninterested in the story, Jason’s added attachments showcasing the man nearly nude and posing in submissive positions was enough to convince the page to run the story by dropping it on Monday morning just as him and his classmates began to make their way into the school for their final week of semester exams. While countless students were making fun of the pathetic teacher, it was Jason who had the last laugh during his gym class as he stopped running outside and watched as the teacher was dragged out of the school and forced to leave the premises immediately.
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Upon recollecting his dream, the jock-turned-teacher began to push himself into a seated position, letting out a light groan from the amount of energy he had to expend given his temporarily obese physique. As he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and looked down at his body, the fitness-obsessed man couldn’t help but cringe at the large and gray hair-coated gut that was now resting on his thighs and thus fully concealing his borrowed crown jewels. 
As he sat up and held his head due to the intense migraine he had from his hangover, Jason exited his teacher’s bedroom to make his way towards the kitchen. After his quick search through his teacher’s house the previous night, the teenager had only really explored the man’s office and bathroom before heading out to enjoy the evening out on the town. Upon making his way out of the hallway and entering the living room and adjoined kitchen, the man quickly grew enraged. Although he had assumed that his teacher’s home wouldn’t be in the greatest shape due to his slovenly appearance in terms of both his obese body and constantly wrinkled clothing at school, he didn’t expect his teacher to be this much of a slob! 
In the living room, there was practically no space to sit beyond the single recliner that was well-used based on the person-shaped indent in it. There was another recliner and couch in the area along with some end tables, but all of those were unavailable for use due to the stacks of pizza boxes, cardboard boxes, and empty beer bottles resting on top of them. As he waddled his way into the kitchen, Jason realized that this room didn’t fare much better. There was absolutely no area to cook or place anything due to the dirty dishes strewn about along with the stacks of food containers from deliveries. Even the man’s cupboards and fridge were quite disgusting as old, expired food took up the majority of space. The only thing that seemed to be in-date still was the case of beer that was framed like a glorious prize due to the yellow glow of the refrigerator light that shone around it. 
* * * * *
As his mind began to focus more on the six-pack of beer in the fridge, Jason’s mind suddenly traveled back to the events of the previous evening once he had gotten into his teacher’s beat-up truck and drove to the bar closest to Mr. Grosse’s house. Given how lonely and reserved Mr. Grosse seemed to be whenever he wasn’t teaching, Jason had expected to come into the bar and be completely unrecognized by the patrons. But once he arrived, it quickly became clear that the man was rather well-known.
Out of nowhere, countless people began to crowd around the bewildered jock as they enthusiastically talked with who they believed to be a 53-year-old teacher. Despite his initial confusion, Jason was all too willing to go along with it and be the life of the party like he often was during the high school parties that he attended. Although the demographics of who he was currently interacting with was a good 30 to 40 years older than his usual drinking buddies, the jock was able to quickly acclimate and fill the burly teacher’s much wider shoes for the evening. 
Although he had no idea what most of the people were talking about as they cracked what seemed to be inside jokes that the real Richard was privy to or continued to tell Jason about stories that they had seemingly been unable to finish the last time they all had met up, the jock was able to successfully fake it till he made it. Given the fact that his seventeen year old soul had no idea about the struggles of middle-aged individuals like the stories that were being shared though, Jason was quite relieved when the conversation began to shift towards more interesting and universal topics like sports. As soon as some of the men started to discuss the most recent football game, the jock instantly perked up and grew much more prominent in the discussions as he shared his own personal thoughts on how certain teams and players performed.
However, this sudden outburst of football knowledge was viewed as something quite bizarre to the countless people who were apparently long-time friends with Richard Grosse as they joked about how they had no idea that the burly teacher was so interested in athletics. Upon nodding his head and confirming this fact though, Jason suddenly gasped and grew furious as one of Richard’s friends (who was just as burly but instead of flab was quite muscular) suddenly reached out and prodded a few fingers into Jason’s inherited globe-like gut. 
As the friend joked and said that it was hard to believe that such a “chubster” could be interested in sports, Jason mentally found himself having to hold back from violently leaping at the man and destroying him for such a demeaning physical attack. Even though Jason knew that the gut wasn’t his, the crazy situation of a body swap left the jock feeling rather self-conscious as he was now the one operating this larger body. Despite his rage-filled feelings though, the man eventually opted to simply brush off the comment as best he could as he realized that he no longer had the beefy muscles that could easily go toe-to-toe with the equally buff yet older man. Even though the man was already quite embarrassed about being in such a flabby and weak body, it would be even worse to be in that body after getting his ass kicked!
While the night continued and Richard’s friends began to order drinks for Jason though, another issue with taking over another man’s life emerged. From all of the countless parties that he had attended throughout the years with all of his jock buddies, Jason had become an avid hard seltzer drinker. Unfortunately for the jock, Richard was a hardcore beer drinker and thus Jason found himself being handed beers countless times throughout the night. After taking a sip and gagging at the taste, the jock found himself secretly disposing of the beer bottle and trying to secretly order a Truly from the bartender. 
This plan ultimately didn’t pan out though as Richard’s friends kept popping out and surprising the man with another beer bottle while telling him to start loosening up and have fun. With time continuing to fly by as he found himself being constantly supplied with a fresh beer, Jason ultimately gave up on his quest for a Truly and opted to just try and make the best with what he got. Despite still not being a big fan of the taste in comparison to the fruity seltzers he was used to drinking, the jock couldn’t deny that the alcohol was starting to taste better with each beer that he finished. 
To his surprise though, the third beer that he had finished hadn’t left Jason with anything larger than a slight buzz. Being such a heftier man now meant that Richard’s body had a much higher tolerance than Jason’s toned and muscular physique, which meant that Jason had to continue pushing past the still-uninviting taste in hopes of getting drunk. Once the sixth beer had finally been finished, the man was relieved to realize that he was finally feeling quite tipsy.
Now feeling quite inebriated, Jason found himself easily susceptible to the influence of Richard’s closest friends. As the men encouraged him to head out to the dancefloor and see if he could find someone to take home with him, the brand new math teacher couldn’t help but agree and follow their instructions. Although he was absolutely not a fan of being an overweight middle-aged man, Jason was intrigued to see if Mr Grosse’s body could help him nab the woman of his dreams. Despite the jock’s constant insistence to his friends that he thirsted for the young blonde cheerleaders that cheered him on at his football games, the reality was that he wasn’t interested in them but rather the cheerleaders’ mothers. The jock had quite the kink for MILFs, no doubt caused by his late night searches through the trending section of PornHub in his youth. 
Hearing the hard hitting pop music filling the dancefloor, Jason eventually started to really let loose and start dancing. Even though he usually hated this kind of music and much preferred hip-hop, he couldn’t deny that the fast-paced vocals and glitchy production was really helping him let go of any inhibitions. Hell, he was having so much fun that he even stopped being self-conscious about feeling his body jiggle and shake with each jump and bounce he took while he grooved!
Unfortunately for Jason and his eagerness to get wasted as soon as possible, the jock refused to take note of his surroundings. If he had, he would have realized earlier that he was in a gay bar and thus not been shocked when he had entered the crowded dance floor filled with men and suddenly found himself getting felt up as he danced. Although the slight rubbing of hands along his body was originally just assumed to be a natural result of people enthusiastically dancing and not paying attention, Jason ultimately began to realize that the contact was deliberate as he felt hands starting to grip and squeeze certain areas like his gut and ass.
Just as he began to panic and freak out about being fondled by so many men, relief suddenly came in the form of a mystery man who grabbed onto Jason and pulled him away from the crowd. As the newly stout man looked up at the eyes of his savior, Jason’s eyes bulged out as he took in the visage of the handsome older man. Although he himself wasn’t gay, he could certainly tell that the man was attractive given the thick beard that framed his face along with the model-like features he had. Unfortunately, Jason’s simple observations led to a full-body response as a tightening in his crotch began to emerge…
As the man led Jason over to a less-crowded table and began to make small talk, the jock was growing increasingly uncomfortable at just how turned on his temporary body was by this older man. Although he was enjoying having a simple conversation with the man despite his body’s attraction to the man, this fun didn’t last for long as the man opted to make a move by asking if he’d like to get out of here and go somewhere more “private”.
Upon realizing that the man had simply saved him from the crowd in order to flirt, Jason grew enraged to the point where his rage finally bubbled over. Just as the loud pop song came to an end, Jason screamed about how he wasn’t a queer and had no interest in spending time with a “total creep”.
After yelling aloud and causing quite a scene in the momentarily quiet bar, the rage-filled Jason began to quietly curse under his breath as he stormed away from the table. As he lumbered out of the bar to begin heading home, the jock was pissed to see that his boner was still rock-hard though and pressing against the khaki pants that he was wearing. Throughout the short walk out of the establishment and towards his parking spot though, his attention was ultimately caught by the constant swaying and stumbling that he was doing in his bigger body. Seeing this caused him to immediately cancel his intended plan of driving home. Although he was quite the knucklehead jock, he wasn’t a totally thoughtless man and thus didn’t want to potentially harm himself or others with his sloppy driving. 
Unfortunately, Richard Grosse wasn’t a big fan of tech given the older model iPhone he was using and the very few apps downloaded, which meant that Jason couldn’t quickly order a ride via a ride-share app. As Jason clicked to begin having Lyft downloaded onto his phone, the jock also quickly realized that his teacher had a cheap data plan too as the progress of the download moved at a snail’s pace despite the perfect reception. After waiting a few minutes and seeing that the download had only progressed a few percent, the man huffed before realizing he needed to find a place that had WiFi.
Luckily, a quick trip into the Maps app was able to reveal a nearby bar that was only a few minutes away from his current location. Despite not wanting to do any physical exertion given how tired he was from his night out, the man willed up the motivation to stumble his way down the several blocks until he reached his destination. As he made his way in to take a seat at the bar to catch his breath, Jason was relieved to see that not only was the bar meant for straights given the loads of men and women flirting at tables, but it also had WiFi!
While he was originally eager to get home and sleep off what would eventually be a killer hangover, Jason’s attention was soon stolen by a blonde older woman who seemed to be sitting there alone at the end of the bar tabletop. Although he could recognize that she was a gorgeous lady and exactly his type, he was angered to see that Richard’s body was unable to form a physical reaction via a boner. Despite this sign, Jason was headstrong in his goal and thus became extremely determined to defy his new body’s desires and force it to accept his own heterosexuality. So as he sat on a barstool and observed that the woman was similarly aged to the middle-aged body that Jason was currently occupying, the jock couldn’t help but wonder if he could successfully seduce the woman and achieve his ideal MILF fantasy via Richard’s body. 
After gathering the courage to get up from his seat and take one that was right next to the woman, Jason finally pushed aside his slight anxieties and began speaking. For the next few minutes that they chatted, the duo seemed to strike up a nice conversation, so much so that Jason decided to stay even as his phone notified him that Lyft had finally finished downloading.
Luckily, a ride for the night was quickly sorted when the woman, whose name was Melinda and revealed herself to be a recent divorcée, asked if Jason would like to take her home for the night. Given the fact that the woman had only consumed a single glass of wine, she was more than able to safely drive the duo back to Richard’s house. As soon as they crossed the threshold of the front door, Jason immediately began to use his meaty hands to tear off the woman’s clothes along with his own. Although the haste in which Jason moved was due to his own inner desire to affirm his straight persona, the man also couldn’t deny that it was to keep the woman distracted from seeing the messy house that his teacher lived in.
Once they made their way into Richard’s bedroom and fell into his large bed, the duo began to roll around while passionately making out. Unfortunately, the man’s dick refused to get hard and thus the makeout session was quickly interrupted by Melinda reaching down and allowing her soft and supple fingers to graze across his flaccid manhood. Although this was quite embarrassing on its own, Jason began to feel even more shame and embarrassment when the woman grabbed her purse and pulled out a Viagra to offer him. Angered by both Richard’s body betraying him along with his anger at the woman assuming he was impotent, the man growled at the woman and told her that he didn’t need a “stupid” pill to get hard. After a few more minutes of trying to get the man sexually excited and failing though, the woman’s ego became slightly bruised and she suddenly announced her desire to leave and go home.
As the woman grabbed her items and haphazardly got dressed before making her exit, Jason was also going through an extreme hit to his ego as he was unable to make his fantasies a reality. Of course the one teacher he decides to swap bodies with turns out to be gay! Hearing the clack of the woman’s heels grow increasingly more distant until he heard the loud slam of Richard’s front door, Jason fell back into the bed and closed his eyes. With the corners of his eyes beginning to well up with tears, the jock turned to the side and decided to just go to bed in hopes of sleeping off the devastating ego bruise along with his inebriated state…
* * * * *
With his memories of the previous night now recollected, Jason began to grow enraged over how disappointing his night had been. Although he knew he wasn’t going to be some lady killer with Mr. Grosse’s flabby body, he had at least thought it would be fun to go out to a bar and not have to worry about being carded. Unfortunately, all of that was ruined due to his disgusting experience in a gay bar and the strike-out he had gone through at the other bar with the MILF of his dreams.
As a slight rumble in his stomach rang out and filled the quiet home to alert the man of his hunger, Jason’s hands instinctively moved up to rub his prominent gut. Given the fact that he had one more day to have some fun with Mr. Grosse’s body before he went to that weird website and swapped them back, the devious jock found himself eager to further punish the teacher beyond his primary plan of revenge. Upon returning into his teacher’s bedroom and grabbing the older-model cell phone and wallet from the nightstand, there was a glimmer in the man’s borrowed eyes as he realized he could truly have the ultimate cheat day.
Given the fact that he constantly had to count his calories and diet to maintain his killer physique, Jason had never dared to check out the several fast food chains or restaurants that he had heard so much about. Now in Richard’s body though, the jock realized that he could finally try these places out with no real consequences given the fact that his teacher was already so big. At that point, why would he throw a fit about adding on a few more points, Jason thought to himself.
So upon downloading the DoorDash app onto his iPhone 7 and grabbing Richard’s credit card, the man spent most of the day lounging in the only available recliner watching TV and eating. Although he figured that one meal from a restaurant would be enough to fulfill him like usual, Richard’s body seemingly had an intense appetite that took quite a bit to completely satisfy.
By the time it had reached dinner time, Jason had learned to order bigger meals in one swoop as he had gone through five deliveries. Given the fact that the jock had left his teacher’s truck at the gay bar the previous night, deliveries were the only option and thus added on tons of charges until the man had spent over $150 in a single day. Once his dinner delivery arrived though, the man hobbled into the kitchen to crack open one of the beers in his fridge. Although Jason still had a preference for the hard seltzers he was used to, this body had an intense craving for the alcohol that caused him to eventually put aside his disinterest and begin drinking once more. Upon deciding to just grab the entire six pack, the jock waddled back to the recliner before kicking his feet up to watch Sunday Night Football for the rest of the night.
As the clock passed 11 PM though, that suddenly familiar pang of hunger re-emerged and caused his gut to growl in revolt. Although he was eager to get his revenge plan underway by leaking the photos and initiating the swap back as soon as possible, the intense hunger he now felt took precedence so he opted to call a local pizzeria and get a large pizza delivered. 
While he waited in the living room for the arrival of the pizza, the man went through every detail of his plan once more to make sure everything was perfectly planned out. After going through the teacher’s camera roll once more and favoriting the most humiliating photos so he could easily pick them out and send them to the gossip account of his school, the man hobbled his way into Richard’s office and to his old desktop computer to pull up the website that had caused Jason and his teacher to swap bodies. Once the website was pulled up and every part of his plan was gone over in his head, the sudden ding of his doorbell rang out and informed him that his late night snack had arrived.
After tipping the delivery driver with some loose dollar bills that he found in Mr. Grosse’s weathered leather wallet, Jason was quick to slam the door and fall back into Richard’s well-used recliner to consume his meal. In between slices of the greasy food, the man couldn’t help but grow curious about what his teacher was up to while in Jason’s jock body. 
Although he highly doubted that the man would be actively posting to social media given how tech-unsavvy he was based on the terrible phone and apps Jason had been using over the past day, the man couldn’t help but grow curious and download Instagram. Given the fact that he would have needed to download Instagram to go about leaking his teacher’s scandalous photos via a private DM to the gossip account for his high school anyway, the man figured that he might as well use the opportunity to snoop on his teacher to see what he was up to.  
Upon making a blank-photo account using one of the emails Jason found on Richard’s mail app, the jock quickly typed up his username and clicked on it. To his surprise, he found that a brand new post had been added since he swapped bodies with his teacher! Clicking on the post allowed Jason to see that Mr. Grosse was clearly getting comfortable with his new body. Not only was the man wearing a tight tank top that allowed Jason’s thick pecs and abs to show up through the fabric, but the man also had a cocky expression on his face as he flexed his arms for the camera while leaning against Jason’s car. Somehow, the total loser that was Richard Grosse was doing a decent job pretending to be a popular high-school aged jock!
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Although he was rather quite impressed to see how easily his teacher was to acclimate to his new body and life, Jason was also quite angered by this fact. His life was hard as hell with the responsibilities of school and his sports, so it was quite annoying to see his old and unathletic teacher somehow excelling at pretending to be him.
With this rage still coursing through his bloodstream as he finished the entirety of the pizza, the man quickly tossed the pizza box in the same general area of the other discarded takeout containers before sitting up in the recliner and rising to his feet. As he turned out the lights and began to navigate through the dark towards Richard’s bedroom, Jason left his account and moved to the gossip account as he began to furiously type out the tip about Richard Grosse. By the time he made it down the hallway, he had composed and sent the exposé DM filled with text screenshots and suggestive photos. Luckily, someone was active on the account as they were quite interested in the juicy news and told Jason that it would be released the next morning just as everyone started to get ready for school.
Now with his revenge complete and scheduled to destroy Mr. Grosse’s life the next morning, Jason was eager to get back to his own body so his teacher could experience every morsel of the shame and humiliation that he would surely receive. Before entering his temporary bedroom, the man turned to enter the office next door and waddled over to the computer that had the soul-controllers website pulled up. Upon going through the same process that he had when he first made his wish to swap bodies with his teacher,  the man leaned down towards the screen as he clicked on the chat window and began to list his desire to swap back to his original body. Once the site comprehended his request and proposed a body swap spell similar to the way it was offered during his first time using the site, Jason clicked on the spell and filled out the form asking for the names of the two individuals swapping. 
As he finished this and clicked on the submit button though, Jason was getting nervous as the loading wheel of a cauldron being stirred kept going and going. After waiting a few minutes and seeing that the cauldron animation was still going, the impatient jock growled under his breath and decided to go to bed. Despite the lingering fear that the page would still be loading when he woke up, his hopes that the website would work and thus allow him to end up back in his original body were stronger. So after exiting the office, the man quickly entered the bedroom and got into bed.
Unfortunately for Jason, his optimism was far too strong as when he awoke the next morning, he would wake up to quite a terrifying surprise… 
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swapsrus · 2 years
Boyfriend Upgrade
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gaymerdudex · 1 year
Endless Loop
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Scott was a gorgeous Jock and he knew how good looking he was, he loved his body more than he loved anything else, his rock hard muscles glistened when he sweat. He could bring women and men to their knees with his beauty. But for as beautiful as he was inside he was an awful human being. He treated his girlfriends like dirt, pieces of meat he'd fuck and move on from like a knight conquering a village. But then he wronged the wrong girl, a witch who used her powers to ruin his perfect life. The next time he'd love and leave a girl he'd be cursed transformed into a beautiful woman unable to ever be a man again unless he found true love, but she wouldn't make that easy on him.
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He'd spend years going through relationships with men like himself the love her and leave her types and it seems the more men he slept with, the longer he'd be stuck in this cycle. Scott would learn just how these women felt he treated the same way. week after week fucking men with no love in sight, to make it worse the witch made it so Scott, now Amanda wouldn't age or wear anything that wasn't revealing "he liked them skanky, she overheard him tell a friend on their first date.
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So skanky he'd be offering herself up to any guy with a rock hard body and dick ready to use her. Honestly he brought this on himself, if he had only treated her and the other girls right he wouldn't be stuck in this endless loop.
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Sexy revenge
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I died serving my country as a mercenary all my life since I was left the school. Some might say that I did it only for money and they would be right. I did. It pass good. But I was freaking good at my job. I was a pro. And that's why they always called me back. Why I asked for more and more money and the government always provided. Cause they knew I would succeed.
But once, I wasn't the one picking my team. I always do background checks on them. But this one time I was assigned soldiers I knew but wasn't comfortable working with. Especially this one guy who would kill himself just cause his captain said so. The most loyal one I knew. I knew he despised me for the mercenary job. He did it for country, I did it for money. A loyal dog he was, I called him Rex just to mess with him. He clearly didn't like it. And to be honest, I really don't remember his name.
We were on a mission, the goal was clear. Secure the target, eliminate and get enough evidence and leave immediately.
It went smoothly. But as we found the guy, bombs around. Our squad was separated and I was left with Rex alone. We decided to find the evidence and leave. We were ambushed by a group of our enemies. Thanks to me, we managed to eliminate them all, including the target. But our team was still under fire from the roof. We sneaked up there. Rex was covering me and I eliminated the guy and saved my squad. And suddenly a shot went through my chest. I turned around painfully, just to see Rex holding our enemies weapon after firing.
"Nothing perosnal, orders are orders. You were a pain in the ass of our government. Always wanting more money, making your own rules. They know you're good, but so am I. This way, I'll get medals for saving our guys up here. While you will die here. That's where money gets you." and then he shot me in the head
And that's the last thing I remember. My body was transported back to the States. I somehow felt my prevence around it. The more time passed the more I could see the world around me. I become a ghost. I knew exactly why I didn't pass on. My unfinished bussiness was the one who shot me in the head. But how was I suppose to finish the bussiness now since I was a ghost.
Time went by. My body rotted in the ground. I was just roaming the world without no goal. But one day, I saw a ceremonial in the TV on the street. Rex was recieving a medal just as he said. "That fucker". The anger fuelled me. Revenge is the thing that let's me move on.
"I have to get to him somehow. But he is now protected. Hidden in the army. And I am still a ghost that only now knows how to make lights flicker and slightly move objects. Unless I scare him to death I won't get my revenge. I have to get a body."
The first person I tried on was a homeless person on the street. He was high on fentanyl. That made it easier for me cause he didn't fight. But staying in a body that's this high is really hard. I left his body and tried on some kid in a park and succeeded. Ok, next level. A teenager.
My luck was really great today. I picked one who was a pickpocket and was followed by a police officer. So much running after being dead and the possession made it hard for me to run from him. And I got caught. Whiel we were writing on the red light. Me, still in the teens body, I now focused myself on the police officer on the passengers seat. He was asleep, probably from his night shift, maybe that will make it easier for me.
I concentrated and then my soul just moved a bit to the front. Being accepted in the adult body. He did put up a fight even though He was sleep, but I won.
I opened my eyes. My 'colleague' was looking at me and just laughed. "Bad dreams?"
"What?" my deep voice left my throat. What a manly body I picked.
"You were sharing man. You dreamed of some chick atleast?"
"Haha, yeah that's right" I chuckled and then pretended to sleep again to not let him question me again.
I left the teen thief with my colleague and went to the lockers to change and end my shift
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Taking off the uniform I found out that the police officer, Adrian Jackson, I now possesed, had bunch of tatoos, hairy chest, muscular body and satisfactory dick. Mine was better. But this one is young. Might be nice to enjoy the young fertility again
I went to the mirror to get a good look at myself
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"Ooooooh, look at those GUNS!" I flexed to see what I was now working with.
"This body is really nice. If I get my revenge I could stay being you, Adrian."
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Tapping into Adrians mind I found out what his adress was. And what any man, not only gay ones, would do in this situations? That's right. I went to explore my new body in the shower. Feeling the hot water running down was erotic itself. I missed having feelings.
As I was drying off my hairy dick that just shot cum on the shower wall, I knew there was something missing
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I found the clothes in his closet that were slightly resembling the ones I used to wear. What was now reflecting at me in the mirror was a young, hot reflection of an adult man, very similar to me as when I was starting my mercenary career.
I took a very revealing photo for later. Don't worry, I have to give this body a nice ride. And FUCK how I wanna ride someone. Whoever it is. Man, woman, anyone.
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My plans are about to proceed. I have a body I need to take revenge on Rex. Another step? Leaving Adrian's job as a cop. Becoming a mercenary again. Getting a haircut and get as close to REX as possible.
Surely he will be tempted to take down another mercenary that is just like me before.
Revenge is so sexy if you ask me
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Story request from inbox: You can make a story about an old mercenary possessing a handsome young cop, and turning him into a new mercenary.
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Body Hopper
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Danny Steve is a jackass about to end his life for good he is dastardly motherfucking asswipe who has made my life a living hell for years.
Today he could not take the constant harsh nightmares that leave him up at night for the last year or so he gets up tonight after award show.
He stand tall mindlessly get out of his bed till he stood tall entering a closet he takes a suit places it on his body and opens the screen door.
The cool air swirls over his body leaving him tingling with a chill up his spin he is shivers and sits on the patio chair in the veranda of the apartment.
He picks up a glass of wine taking a sip of his expensive brand he thinks about his life and his mind leaves him taking him down a rabbit hole.
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“Jump no….jump”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“You can’t make me”
“I am not making you do anything “
“Get off the stand next to the rail”
“How did you? How did I? Oh GOd!”
“FUCK! I do”
“You do what?”
“I want this “
“You can’t take it anymore “
“I must”
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Before he can take a second chance a white portal of a massive proportions suddenly is erupting before him Danny can’t help it and himself.
He leaps off of the veranda free falling into a sea of abyss entering the portal he is left in a zombie state of mind draining his soul at all cost.
The air it burns away at his soul chip by chip and piece and piece erasing the man actor who no longer is of ever was to exist. The man who replaces him.
“Where am I going? I see a bright life “
“It’s white a life, it’s beautiful”
“Golden “
“I am free”
“I give up freely “
“Take my life, my body and possessions “
“I serve you now “
“Just set my soul free”
“Please “
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“That loser messed with me”
“I had the last laugh”
“Didn’t I?”
“Bitch is gone now “
“It is my body now “
“Have to buy some new clothes “
“Oh! My agent “
“And my manager”
“I have a audition tomorrow “
“Show some sexiness “
“It will be my big debut “
“Look tinsel town”
“I am on my way “
“Your new trouble maker has arrived “
“Hell yeah!”
“This ass is tight “
“The body is fit “
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The end
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fullfriendnerdclutch · 9 months
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Hugh is looking at his former self with disgust. He indeed looked very pathetic with that thick-rimmed glasses and goofy-looking braces, no wonder people could out of the blue teased him in the past. And he couldn't even imagine how annoying it must be for the jocks and the rest of the class to listen to him when he opened his mouth in the classroom with that high-pitched screechy voice, thank fuck he's no longer the pathetic dweeb and now rise to the top of the pyramid by swapping with Steven. Look at that asshole pathetically sobbing, maybe being the lowest of the low in the social hierarchy for once can humble the asshole Steven, especially seeing how intimidating he looked like from the perspective of dweeb like Hugh. Now, Hugh promised to share the details on how he could do this swap to his friends, it's about time that the rest of the asshole also got humbled
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kokamobi · 1 year
"Hello," Draken chirped. He waved his hand cheerfully and sat.
But instead of sitting, he squatted awkwardly, his ass hanging in the air. Draken laughed, and opted for just let his body fall on the ground.
"What..." Baji said out loud, expressing the confusion all the guys were feeling. This wasn't Draken's usual behavior at all.
Mikey was following behind, footsteps equally weird.
"What is going on..." Mitsuya asked.
Mikey sent Draken a warning look, but Draken just giggled again.
"We switched bodies."
Silence stretched until Kazutora bursted into laughter. Pah had his mouth hang open.
"Draken," Mitsuya said, hands on his hips. "How could you let Mikey convince you to do this? It's not funny, it's strange."
Baji had his eyebrows furrowed. It was scary seeing them acting like each other, but it was a good prank because they knew each other like the back of their hands.
But something felt off.
"Ken-chin's over there," Draken said, pointing at Mikey.
"It's true, Mitsuya," Mikey said, his voice exactly like Mikey but with Draken's tone and cadence. "I don't know how this happen. Fuck, I didn't know this could actually happen? Like, what the fuck?"
Draken run his hands through his hair, but it wasn't his braid what he felt, neither the shaved sides of his skull, but soft hair everywhere.
This was real.
"At first I thought it was a dream? Or like a out-of-body kind of experience? But then I saw myself woke up and talk exactly like Mikey does, but in my voice? And when I look down at myself I was in Mikey's body?" Draken tried to explain, distressed.
"You're fucking joking. Then if Mikey saw himself in front of him, why he don't seem troubled," Kazutora argued.
"I just thought 'wow, I'm so pretty'," Draken answered.
No, Mikey answered.
Baji had to snort. If this was actually real, Mikey definitely would have thought something like that.
"I think Ken-chin was ready to hyperventilate," Mikey commented. "I pushed him down and made him follow my breaths. I was a bit too rough, I didn't know Ken-chin was this strong."
Mitsuya and Baji shared an unimpressed look at Mikey's smug tone.
"Are you saying... you're Mikey in Draken's body? And Draken is in your body?" Pah asked, looking absolutely dumbfounded.
"Yes, Pah, this conversation has been all about that," Kazutora said rolling his eyes.
"No way. That's impossible," Pah replied.
"Believe me, I thought so before I found myself in Mikey's body."
"Well, then. Let's say I believe this for a minute. Why would you change bodies."
"Mitsuya." Against all logic, even if was Mikey talking, this had to be Draken. Mikey never spoke to him with that level of irritation. "Do you think if I'd have known, I'd have let this happen?"
"I don't feel like this is so terrible?" Mikey commented.
Kazutora snorted.
"What, did you wish for this?"
Draken turned to face his own body.
"Did you wish for this?" He echoed, looking like he was ready to jump onto Mikey.
"No," Mikey answered, but it sounded like a question. Draken's anger expressed on Mikey's face so weirdly. He rolled his eyes. "Listen, even if I wished for this, which I didn't, how could I ever imagine it was gonna come true? I have wished for a lot of impossible things and they, obviously, never have come true."
Everyone fell silent, knowing what Mikey was talking about. Draken's expression softened, looking close to guilt.
"Is that bad?" Mikey broke the silence gesturing toward his body. "Being in my body."
"No, Mikey," Draken was quick to clarify. He sighed in exhaustion. "But, do you realise how serious this is? Like, how are we gonna get back to our bodies? How did it happen in the first place? Is there something we could do to go back?"
"Ken-chin. We'll fix this. Don't worry, we'll find a way."
Even if it there wasn't certainty of it, Draken felt reassured. He trusted Mikey, and wouldn't start doubting his words now.
"So," Pah started "what are you gonna do?"
ㅡswitched bodies!
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napneeders · 2 years
the Izzy as Stede captain of the Revenge part of the bodyswap au is kind of boring because the crew don't know Stede at this point so there isn't much Izzy has to perform. but I'm going with they've all been recruited in advance & have met Stede briefly at said occasion because there needs to be some friction. so Stede has already promised them a salary etc, they know there's a jam room, they're expecting a vibe. I know in canon they have to come round to Stede's peculiarities but for story's sake let's say this particular group of people is just destined to form an atypical whimsical pirate crew and Izzy is going to have to contend with that.
also maybe they find out Izzy has been bodyswapped because I think a significant portion of them would believe it instantly. Izzy wouldn't tell them (*he* doesn't expect anyone to believe him) but Buttons just straight up asks him "you're not mister Bonnet, are you? did you swap bodies with him?" (or sth). Frenchie has lots of questionable knowledge on bodyswapping. you need to kiss the person you swapped with to get back, everyone knows that. kind of torn on whether Pete would believe Izzy and try to impress him or not believe him and be offended that others believe the bodyswapping story but don't believe he worked for Blackbeard.
anyway now the crew is on a mission to find Ed and the real Stede Bonnet presumably living Izzy's life (izzy shudders to think) and various kinds of shenanigans are had on the way and Izzy is NOT successful in making them scared of him.
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wishmaster · 1 year
Step off, Sister
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Gena loved being beautiful, she wanted everything and everyone to be beautiful around her as well, so when her mother made her stepbrother stay with her she was not happy.
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Jon was a bit overweight and gay Gena was not at all happy to have him in her home, but what could she do, he was family.
Fat Ass she'd yell as she had him to all the chores around the house. He was not at all pleased with this. The weight bullying he could handle but when she bullied him for being gay it was the last straw. What Gena didn't know was that her stepbrother came from a line of powerful witches and she'd pissed him for the last time.
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One night while she was showering, Jon had cursed the soap she was using. Within a few minutes of her lathering herself up she began to change.
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Suddenly the princess was now a ripped prince, a prince Jon had made sure would fall headover heels in love with him. Gena, now Gene was a 22 year old internet sensation like her old self, but Gene liked to show off his hot young body as well as his Dady's (jon) It wasn't enough he had changed her, he needed her to know it.
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What the fuck did you do to me? Gene asked as he stood there dressed in one of Jon's favorite outfits. He was pissed when he realized she was a he now. She gave him a dirty look from across the room, but his hand was in his pants getting himself rock hard for what happened next.
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He leapt on the bed, after pulling off his pants and began wiggling his ass and screaming, Take me Daddy, and his new Daddy did as they both had the most mind-blowing sex. As soon as Jon coated the inside of Gene's ass the old bitchy Gena was gone forever. from this moment on there were no longer step anything, they were lovers and owners of one of the fastest growing sex shows online.
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lillybean730 · 1 year
i wish nirvana initiatives mystery didn't suck
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