#boiiiii snatches everything
7biases · 7 years
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BTS_twt Update 171007 🐬 #Kimdaily Can’t understand how some say he’s ugly.. BISH WHEREEE?!
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emperor-lover · 6 years
AW THANKS BABE 💕 im really glad to be back, i love writing these lil scenarios! sorry all about my whole laptop fiasco tho, it was a bit of a setback for my schedule ;; this is a long one, enjoy!! if i get anymore vampire!au requests i’ll probably put them in this universe too
Warnings: A little bit of blood mention (and a creepy dude)
Park Jihoon Vampire!AU
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from an early age, you had been taught about the terrors and beauty of vampires
they were creatures that were rumoured to be living among all you humans
but they were able to disguise themselves, blending in easily as anyone else
they could be your neighbour, your doctor, your best friend
but no one would ever know, or dare to ask, because vampires would never willingly reveal their secret to a human
but they definitely existed, as there would be occasional report of farmers’ wildstock being spotted with puncture wounds
or the violent attacks involving victims who’d always had a lot of blood loss
or countless blood bags going missing from hospitals
people were terrified but no one could ever do anything about it because they knew vampires were too powerful and too stealthy in comparison to themselves
when you were younger, you always prayed that you’d never have to face the misfortune of crossing paths with a vampire, you were too scared of all those stories
but you could also never imagine any of the people in your life potentially being a vampire
after graduating college, you started wokring
it was your first proper full time job as a typical office worker working in a
the building you worked in was breathtaking, super sleek, super professional, it was where you’d always wanted to work
on your first day, your head supervisor, Yoon Jisung, introduced you to your coworkers on your floor
“Everyone gather round, this is Y/N and they are the new edition to the Marketing strategies team. Please take care of her and show her the ropes. Y/N, please introduce yourself.” 
You smiled brightly, wanting to make a good first impression
“ Hi, I’m Y/N Y/LN, I’m very excited to start working with you all and getting to know everyone better. I’ll do my very best here, please take good care of me!” 
A polite round of applause was given to you and most of your coworkers returned your smile
Your attention was caught by one man in particular, who could probably only be a couple of years older than you if not less, who was standing directly in front of you
His smile was blinding, and his warm brown eyes seemed to draw you in the longer you looked at him
He exuded positivity and you were glad that someone seemed enthusiastic about you being a newbie
You could feel your cheeks starting to grow hot under his gaze and you turned your eyes away
Only to make eye contact with another man who did not look as friendly
He realised you were looking at him and his eyes narrowed, startling you
you could feel a cold sweat running down your back
what was making these alarm bells in your head go off like this??
“Ok, off you go everyone, back to work, make sure you make some time to introduce yourself to Y/N during the day”
A chorus of yes sirs echoes around the room before everyone shuffles off to their respective cubicles
Jisung gave you a warm smile before pulling you over to the side out of earshot of everyone else
“Y/N, everyone is lovely here, but I must warn you. You know that we always do a mandatory background check on our employees before they can start working here….However, despite that, we can never be 100% sure if any vampires are here among us just from that..”
His eyes darted over to the man who had glared daggers at you earlier
“Over there…That’s Kim. He’s a hardworker but he’s more of a one-man team, and doesn’t like working with others. It’s probably best to stay away from him if you can..because….” Jisung gives you a pointed look
You nod vigorously in understanding 
that was what your parents would say to you too before you went to school - “if they give you bad vibes, it’s best to stay away”
Jisung leads you over to an empty cubicle
“Ok, Y/N, so i given you the rookie tour, now it’s your time to jump right into it! You’ve been emailed a list of tasks you’ll need to do today, but if you have any troubles i’m sure Jihoon here will give you a hand.”
The cute brown haired man from earlier suddenly pops up from behind his cubicle and gives you a wave
“Hey, welcome to the team, my new neighbour!”
you laugh and waved back, glad that Jihoon seemed to be a very nice guy to work with
you couldn’t help but glance back at Kim again though, your eyebrows furrowing in fear
To you, it seemed clear as day that Kim was a vampire.
The uncontrollable shiver that you got from making eye contact with him still terrified you. 
but you try to push that thought away and start on your work
everything is straightforward enough
the company is about to start selling a new product and you’re working in a team of 4, in charge of the advertising with jihoon, ong seongwu, and joo kyulkyung.
so you start preparing slides for the presentation at the end of the fortnight
You get along with everyone who comes over to you to introduce themselves during work breaks and a few of them have invited you to go out with them to eat lunch now that you’re part of the team
You’re fitting right in and you’re really liking the job which is always a plus, but you make sure to not get to comfortable because you’re still new
aka, you stay farrrrr away from Kim who’s as shady as ever
You become the closest with the people on your team, they’ve all been doing this job for a while now and they’re all very on to it, often finishing all the tasks they have quickly so they can go have together lunch early.
A day before the presentation, you’re tapping away at your computer, trying to get the finishing touches sorted when you get the fright of your life when Jihoon’s voice chirps in your ear
“Working hard neighbour?”
you’re usually quite observant so you’re surprised you didn’t notice him get that close to you
or maybe you were just super focused on your work
yeah…that must be it
You glance up at him and he smiles warmly back at you
“Feel free to give me a shout if you need a hand with anything ok?”
You nod happy that you’ve got such a friendly soul as your work neighbour
“I’ve already finished most of my section so I’m heading off for a lunch break, but if you suddenly need help and I’m not here just send me a text and i’ll be back asap”
“Oh…but I don’t have your number!”
“Ah whoops, that’s true, hold on pass me your phone”
You reach over to hand your phone to him and his fingertips accidentally brush yours
so cold ???
You glanced back at him concerned, but he doesnt even realise because he’s preoccupied with inputting his number into your phone
“Jihoon, your hands are freezing!”
“oh don’t worry about it y/n, it’s just bad circulation…”
Jihoon waves off your concern but you rummage round in your bag and fish out a pair of gloves pressing them into his cold palm
“Here take these! I have so many pairs and you clearly need them more than I do if you want your precious fingers to stay intact”
you laugh as you wiggle your fingers in the air 
Jihoon stares at the gloves in his hand for a second before slipping them on and breaking out into laughter, wiggling his now gloved fingers back at you
“You’re a cute one aren’t you? Thanks neighbour!”
Now the blush on your cheeks was real
Is this flirting??????? lolol
Jihoon grabs his coat and heads out of the office and you let out the breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding
When he had leaned over your shoulder, he smelt like citrus with a hint of vanilla and you had been tempted to ask what cologne he was wearing so you could buy it for all your male friends because boiiiii smells gooood
You look over at your phone and smile at the name Jihoon has put in your contacts
Park Jihoon - handsome neighbour ^^
Jihoon’s phone chimes just as he’s about to take a sip from his blood bag
He smiles when the text preview indicates that it’s you that sent it and he goes to unlock his phone
But before he can, Ong Seongwu has snatched it up, his own blood bag dangling precariously between his teeth
“Who you texting that’s got you smiling like that Jihoon?” he teases
Jihoon doesn’t make a move to respond, knowing that Ong will give him so much teasing shit about him having a crush on a human
too late
“OOOO IT’S A GIRL!!  She says “Thanks for being such a good neighbour ^^”
It takes a few seconds for it to click but Ong’s grin gets even bigger when he realises it’s you
Jihoon shakes his head, “It’s just because she’s new and still learning, she can’t flunk out on her first presentation…”
Ong made a mhmmm noise, clearly not buying the entire story but he makes no move in handing the phone back to Jihoon, continuing to dance around 
Minhyun is just trying his best to stop Ong from spilling anything out of his blood bag and Kyulkyung just observes them all silently, sighing at the chaos
The phone chimed again and Ong excitedly reads the text again, downing the rest of his bag of blood before he reads it in a cute voice 
“Hope the gloves are keeping your hands warm, it’s winter so you don’t want to get sick!”
All their heads turn towards Jihoon’s hands and NOW they understand why the guy suddenly had a new addition to his fashion accessories
“OoOOOoooooOOOoOOO bless, she’s looking out for you!” 
Jihoon rolls his eyes, but if he could blush he definitely would be
He cups his face with his hands, the gloves feeling soft against his cheeks
“shut up and let me feed in peace, we have to head back soon”
Minhyun sighs, patting Jihoon on the back, “Just be careful Jihoon, you can’t let her find out about us…about what we are…”
Jihoon nods, “of course, that’s a given, i’d never risk doing anything that would get us found out.”
After they all headed back into the office, Jihoon looked back at the texts you sent him again and sighed
As a vampire it was hard enough having to hide all the time
actually…it wasn’t too bad, but just very annoying
Sometimes he really couldn’t be bothered having to put in coloured contact lenses in the morning (they made everything look slightly scratchy)
and he’d always get kinda dizzy if hadn’t fed for a while and someone particularly nice smelling came along (aka you)
But humans could be so dense, there were literally vampires everywhere around them, but people always assumed they had to look scary with dark cloaks and fangs permanently out.
There was quite a handful of vampires at the office, and most had their own clan of friends
no one really questioned where another vampire would get their supply from, which is why it was important to have your own clan
because usually if a vampire worked by themselves, it was through dirty methods
most vampires believed that if you were to work among the humans in their communities, you shouldn’t harm them
so those who actively hunted down living people weren’t particularly welcomed
So sometimes Jihoon wonders what he would be doing if Ong and Minhyun hadn’t found him when he had freshly converted
He was one of the lucky ones that’s for certain
Jihoon steps into the elevator and the only other person inside is Kim
He glances up at Jihoon and rolls his eyes
“Had a good sip from your doggy bag, Park?”
Jihoon glared back at Kim, but didn’t bother to engage in an argument
Kim was one of the lone runners
All the vampires knew he would kill people but because he would go out of the city to do it, no one really stopped him, Jihoon included
As the elevator finally reached the office floor, Kim let out a dark chuckle
“That new girl…Y/N…she’s quite the catch isn’t she?”
Jihoon froze and he felt his breath hitch in his throat
“Maybe I could have a bit of fun with her…you’re welcome to join me, I’m sure she’ll be much sweeter than those measly little blood bags Hwang gets you from his father’s hospital”
Jihoon turned round to face Kim front on, eyes blazing
“Keep your filthy hands off Y/N, Kim, I’ll only warn you once”
“Oh Park, you’ve got it all wrong. I won’t touch her with my hands, but I will with these.” 
Kim bares his fangs, and they glisten menacingly 
The elevator door opens and you’re standing there ready to go on your lunch break
“Hey Jihoon!” you smile brightly at him oblivious about the current situation. You notice Kim in the background and you try not to be too obvious how terrified you are as you greet him too. 
“Hello Mr Kim. how are you?”
Kim smirks back at you before throwing an arm round Jihoon’s shoulder
“Just been talking to Park here about our annual MT (A/N: = membership training). It’ll be a good chance to finally get to know you better.” 
You force a smile and nod wordlessly as Kim saunters off to his cubicle
You’re a bit shaken up and Jihoon looks at your worriedly
“Y/N…try your best to stay away from him…he’s bad news.”
You nod and in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere you give him a mock salute
He laughs and gives you a gentle pat on the head as he shuffles past you
As you eat your lunch in the cafeteria with some of your coworkers, you wonder if Kim is the only vampire in the office
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when someone asks you about the MT coming up
“Y/N, do you know where we’re going for the MT? Jisung has been planning it for ages and it’s been so long since our last one!”
“I’ve heard it’s going to be in Busan! Minhyun sunbae told me he was excited to go back to his hometown this year.”
All the girls collectively sigh at the mention of Minhyun and you laugh good naturedly at them
You were excited for the MT, it would be your first one and you were ready to make some good memories
— MT time a few months later —
After going on the Train to Busan (who else has watched that movie ahhh)  you arrive at a campsite in a rural area
it’s super fun, everyone’s excited and there’s lots of team building games and all that jazz
also perfect opportunity for people to get all flirty with each other
When night falls, a few people head off to bed, but most of you stay out to have a few drinks and chat round the fire
You’ve already had a couple of drinks and you weren’t planning on having anymore so you just lean back against a rock and listen to everyone talk
You’re trying your best not to doze off, but the blanket covering your legs is warm and the rock is comfy
the rock…is comfy??
you blink rapidly as you realise you’ve been leaning against Jihoon’s shoulder the entire time
“Oh! handsomeguyyy-parkjihoon-it’s-youuuu?!”
ooooh boi the alcohol must’ve hit you and you’re horrified by how your slurred words but that don’t seem to stop you
“yes y/n, it’s me?”
Jihoon is blinking down at you with just as a bewildered expression and you push yourself off so you’re sitting upright
but you must’ve done it too quickly because now you’re feel light headed af
“Y/N, you alright?”
Jihoon’s voice is soft as he gently steadies you with his hand
everything is too cold
even though he’d been drinking too, he hadn’t warmed up in the slightest
You shake your head, causing Jihoon to frown
“Why? do you want me to walk you back to your cabin?”
You shake your head again, before pulling your blanket off you and clumsily move to wrap it round Jihoon
“You’re TOO cOLD” you manage to slur out, shuffling closer to him in an attempt to conserve body heat
Jihoon is shook
You’re much bolder when you’re drunk
And now you’re fast asleep with your hands wrapped round his because “yOU fORGOT THE gLOVES? I’LL bE YouR GLOVE”
He doesn’t know what to do as Ong snickers constantly, taking photos and saying that his little boy jihoon has finally grown up
A cold breeze hits the air, and although it doesn’t affect any of the vampires, all the humans including you in your slumber shiver
Jihoon moves to stand up, taking you in his arms 
“I should take Y/N back to her cabin… Kyulkyung can you give me a hand?”
it’s only a short walk to the cabin but as the Jihoon rounds the corner he immediately senses someone else’s scent
yoooo guess who>??? it’s the creep!
“Kyulkyung, take Y/N inside now, I’ll deal with this.”
Kyulkyung hesitates for a second but nods taking you from Jihoon’s arms
“Kim, what the hell are you doing outside this cabin?”
Kim’s grin is pure evil as he spits out his reply, “I could say the same to you Park.” 
…….You don’t know when you came around
but you can hear a harsh conversation outside your window
It’s Jihoon and Kyulkyung
You’re about to open the window to ask them what they’re up to so late
but without meaning to eavesdrop you end up hearing parts of their conversation
“Where did Kim go?”
“I don’t know but if he’s smart, he won’t come back anytime soon.”
“Jihoon…just how badly did you hurt him?”
your eyes widen in shock
what had happened?? 
another breeze and the clouds dispersed in front of the moon
and in even from just the faint glow of the moon you could see that Jihoon’s eyes were a bloodshot red, and the veins all over his face and neck and arms were pulsing intensely as he tried to wipe what appeared to be blood off his shoes 
You take quiet, careful steps away from the window
This wasn’t possible
“I’m just drunk, just sooo very drunk” you mutter to yourself trying not to hyperventilate as you curl into a ball on the ground
You don’t realise that they can hear you and you don’t see the looks of horror on their faces when they realise what you’ve witnessed
You hold your breath, when someone knocks on the door, and you don’t go to answer it. 
The next morning you wake up with a pounding headache but a very vivid memory and you try to calm yourself before you get ready for breakfast
Jihoon spots you as you’re filling up your mug with coffee but it seems that you’re so out of it because you haven’t noticed he’s standing right next to you
You jump, spilling the hot coffee all over your hand and Jihoon and you curse in pain before apologising rapidly, and then freezing in shock when you realise it’s Jihoon
You try to stutter out a greeting but words fail you so you turn to rush off to grab a towel to wipe up the coffee and an ice pack for your hand
But you’re a step too late because Jihoon has already got a hold of your wrist and is pulling you over to your cabin
And you’re too scared to fight against him
Would Jihoon really hurt you? 
His voice shakes when he finally speaks
“Y/N…how much did you see yesterday?”
You don’t know what to do, your heart is pounding in your chest
You stutter out a few words but nothing is making sense and you can feel the blood rushing to your head so you close your eyes to try block out everything
you can’t focus and you just want to run away but something is stopping you 
You think back to the few months that you’d got to know him
Jihoon has always been so kind to you
He’d go out of his way to help you at work
even after you’d settled in and were no longer the newbie
sometimes he’d bring you a coffee during the break or sneak a pack of cookies over onto your desk because he knew that you’d get hangry if you were working overtime
you didn’t want to assume that he liked you but that had been the vibes you had gotten from him since you started getting close
and you happily reciprocated, like passing him your pocket warmers on especially cold days
or drawing little scribbly memos on his notes telling him to “cheer up” when work was especially heavy 
and you’d freaking used him as a rock to lean on earlier just the day before
so would he really hurt you??
“Y/N please look at me”, he’s pleading with you and you when you open your eyes you can feel his sincerity piercing through you.
“I don’t know how much you saw, but please know I would never hurt you…
…I know im just a monster, I didn’t choose to be like this, but I’m trying my best to blend in and live normally…
..Kim was trying to hurt you, he was waiting for you to go back to your cabin…”
Jihoon shudders at the memory and he reaches over and takes your injured hand in both of his
The cold soothes the burn and you sigh in relief and he rubs his thumb gently over it
“If you want me to leave and go somewhere far away, I will. But after yesterday I realised how much I want to protect you, you need to understand that. You’ve been in so much danger, yesterday you could’ve -” 
Jihoon’s voice cracks and he screws his eyes shut at the thought
Your heart aches watching him belittle himself
you don’t like seeing him hurting like this and you just want to comfort him
your free hand gently reaches over to smooth out the furrow between his eyebrows
“you’re still the same jihoon…all those times you took care of me, you helped me out and believed in me…that was all real. that was all you jihoon…so please don’t think you’re a monster because you’re not”
his face is smooth and cold as you gently stroke his cheek and he leans into your touch as you do so
“i’m so sorry you got dragged into this, I didn’t want you to find out this way…”
you don’t know whether it’s because of the extreme rush of emotions you experienced over the last 24 hours or because you were still drunk from the night before, but you couldn’t stand Jihoon being so hard on himself
So you reached up to grab the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to your level
As your lips pressed against his, you felt his arms wrap round your waist, drawing you closer until you were flush against his chest
and despite his body temperature still being as cold as ever, the warm energy surrounding the two of you makes you feel so safe in his arms, that you never want to leave ;;;
— extra
it’s pretty interesting dating a vampire
Jihoon eats like any other human, but you can tell his tastebuds are pretty indifferent to it all
he doesnt really need to sleep so if you’re having a late night, he’ll come round and stay up with you
or stay at the office until you’ve done all your work before walking home together
it always nice to go for late night strolls under the stars knowing your boyfriend’s got yo back
And although you’re not a big fan of horror movies, watching vampire movies with Jihoon is the funniest thing
Like he won’t shut UP
“Ok, so we do NOT look like that - and how are we supposed to turn into bats? like pls explain that logic to me?” 
You just hit him on the shoulder as he continues to complain
and in the winter time, even though you know he doesn’t get cold, you get matching woolen hats, and they’re kinda obnoxiously cute and ‘95 line always make fun of you two at work
also Jihoon tells you all his stories about being a vampire, and how not everyone is evil like Kim
Like you had figured from that night that Kyulkyung must be one but the shock when you found out Ong and Minhyun were too was almost too funny
   “wait wait wait, so im literally surrounded by vampires???”
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