#bold take on this the eldest child website i know
msmargaretmurry · 7 months
my dirty little secret* as a noted rat boy girlie is that when matthew and brady play each other i'm usually rooting for brady. like i dont REALLY expect the sens to win because they are a notably worse team than the panthers and i'm not mad if the panthers win but as a middle child i just have too much sympathy for the plight of the middle child to not root for brady lmao
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pines-troz · 3 years
Weekend With The Warners: Chapter Nine
Summary: When the CEO assigns Pinky and The Brain with the important task of watching over the Warners for the weekend, Brain is prepared for any antics that the children have in store. What he didn’t take into account was forming a familial bond with the kids.
Word Count: 13,643
AO3 Link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/27849962/chapters/79879516
Inside the cab, the Warners were gathered in the back seat of the vehicle, anxious to reach Acme Labs. Wakko was overwhelmed with guilt for not saving Pinky and Brain from their lab coat-wearing captors. They buried their face into Yakko’s chest while the eldest Warner did his best to soothe the middle child’s woes.
“It’s all my fault,” Wakko whimpered.
“Shhh, don’t be so hard on yourself Wakko,” Yakko gently reassured, pulling his younger sib closer to his side. “You did what you could.”
“But now they’re probably going through some terrible experiments.” Wakko lamented.
“They won’t be, at least not for long,” Yakko said determinedly. “We’ll bust ‘em outta there and give those scientists a taste of their own…”
Dot overheard her older siblings’ exchange while conducting some research on her smartphone. The Warner sister looked up Acme Labs on various websites and was surprised to learn about the company’s terrible reputation on many levels. Unethical animal testing and workplace complaints surrounding sexual harassment.
She knew that Acme Labs must have been bad enough for Animaniacs to poke fun at them with the Pinky and The Brain segments, but never to such a heinous degree.  
The cab turned a corner and reached a foreboding facility that stood underneath the suspension bridge and close to the city skyscrapers. Yakko took his debit card from his hammerspace and swiped it through the machine, paying a cab fare of $12.95.
“Thanks for the ride, pal.” Yakko quietly told the cabbie as he exited the vehicle. Wakko and Dot also thanked the driver as they followed their older brother out of the van.
The driver gave them a wary look as the siblings walked away, wondering what three toon children would want to do in a laboratory on the rough side of town. Once the siblings entered the front gates of Acme Labs, the vehicle zoomed off, leaving a cloud of exhaust behind as he drove away.
The siblings stared at the company’s new logo, a blue sign with orange lettering. The company adapted with the times in regards to giving itself a minimalist makeover as opposed to the flashing red lights or the bold green-yellow neon lights from the 90s. But the trendy, consumer-friendly glow-up did little to conceal the company’s dark and hideous nature when it came to animal cruelty. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot stood close to each other as they faced the foreboding laboratory that contained their new special friends.
Acting as the ringleader of the group, Yakko alerted his younger siblings as he clapped his hands together. “Alright, sibs, our family is in danger and it’s up to us to rescue them.”
Wakko nodded in agreement as a grim frown crossed his face. “Right. Then let’s give those scientists hell,” he darkly muttered as he took out an unusually large wooden mallet from his hammerspace intending to clobber any white coat he came across.
But before Wakko could make their vicious rampage, Yakko put his index finger on their red cap, stopping the middle child in their tracks. “I admire your valiant and unwavering spirit, Wakko, but we can’t just go in guns a-blazin'.”
“Yeah, we need to develop a game plan to outsmart those scientists,” Dot interjected. “And I believe I came up with a foolproof strategy to trick those whitecoats and liberate Pinky, Brain, and all the other animals imprisoned in the lab.”
Yakko perked up his ears. “Ooh, so what do you have in mind, sis?”
Dot motioned for her older siblings to come closer. Yakko and Wakko were eager to hear what their baby sister had planned and immediately ran to her side. The siblings formed a group huddle and Dot whispered her plan with hushed excitement.
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Inside the other testing room, Pinky sat on the exercise wheel with his limbs sprawled out while holding a half-eaten food pellet. The mouse wistfully observed the green cage. Everything looked the same. The green bars, the straw floor, an exercise wheel, a full water bottle, and a food pellet dispenser. The only thing missing was Brain.
Pinky felt all achy and gooey and Garfunkley without the love of his life. He began to pull on the metal tag that tightened around his right ear. He figured that the scientists tried to give him some free jewelry as compensation for participating in the separation experiment. While a nice gesture, nice shiny objects couldn’t replace the warmth and comforting companionship of his partner. But he had to be strong for Brain. A month without his beau would be difficult, but he needed to gather all of his strength to persevere. So he decided to lift his spirits by singing the one song he believed could solve all his problems.
“Just say narf! Just say narf!” Pinky sang boisterously. The mouse waved his feet to the beat of the song, hoping to feel its cheerful energy. “Don’t you know to be glad, just say narf!”  
But as he sang, the somber ambiance of the room remained unchanged. The scientists surrounding his cage merely scribbled on their notepads, ignoring the mouse’s tune. Pinky’s spirits dwindled as he sang the next verse. “Every day is a joy and so marvelous.” But his hopeful optimism was snuffed out like a candle. “Don’t you ruin it with plenty of fuss.” His enthusiasm was diminished into tiredness as he finished the verse.
“Just say zort, just say- Poit! Oh, what’s the point?” The downtrodden mouse drearily declared. Pinky took another bite of his food pellet and sighed. He’d tried to sing the one song he used to cheer up Brain, only to find that it wasn’t working its usual magic.
As he swallowed the chewed-up food pellet, he took another glance at the big chunk of swiss cheese that stood in the middle of the cage. While he initially took a few bites of the cheese after the scientists placed the plate down, he couldn’t bring himself to finish it. He had lost his ability to taste cheese after numerous experiments the scientists put him through as a young mouse. Though he secretly envied Brain for having his taste buds intact, he loved hearing him describe the different tastes of various cheeses. But Pinky was content with the food pellets that the scientists provided. They reminded him of his home life with Brain, and any positive reminder of Brain was good enough for him. Though the food pellets would be more satisfying if he had some three-in-one oil to sautee them with.
Pinky let out another woeful sigh. Perhaps he should try to sing again at night after the scientists left. He could belt out ‘Somewhere, Out There’ to the pale moonlight and pray that Brain would sing the accompanying verses from the other room; Maybe then, Pinky would feel less alone.
Meanwhile, in the other testing room, Brain curled himself into a fetal position facing the glass wall. The mouse stared at his pitiful reflection: his floppy ears flattened against his bulbous head, the grey bags underneath his eyes, and the small amount of snot that oozed from his twinkling red nose. Brain kept all of his focus on his hideous appearance and away from the small cheese platter that stood in the center of the cage. The melancholic mouse let out a ragged sigh. He needed to be strong for Pinky. But he could only hope that the inane experiments the scientists had in store for him were manageable at least.
It was then that the faint sound of crinkling static reached his ears. Brain furrowed his brow in confusion and turned his attention toward the intercom stereo perched above the doorway.
“Helloooo, scientists!” a fast-talking young voice exuberantly announced.
Brain slowly propped himself up from his position by the side of his cage when he heard Yakko Warner’s enthusiastic voice. Could it truly be him? Or maybe this was just a hallucination cruelly reminding him of what he once had. But the sight of the scientists turning their attention towards the intercom was proof enough that this was very much happening.
“So the CEO of Acme sent me and two other unpaid interns down to congratulate you all on the tremendous work you’ve accomplished so far this year,” Yakko announced. “And as a reward for all of your hard work, he’s holding a surprise party, where you’ll each be receiving a bonus check of five thousand dollars!”
The scientists gaggled excitedly amongst themselves. Brain raised his brow upwards at the sight of the white coats getting ecstatic over the news.
In the other room, Pinky sat up straight on the exercise wheel upon hearing Yakko talking through the intercom. The mouse grinned from ear to ear.
“Egad, Yakko is here! And that must mean that Wakko and Dot are somewhere in the lab as well!” Pinky happily thought as he tugged his feet and eagerly rocked himself back and forth. “Troz! Oh, I knew those little sweethearts would come to our rescue!”
“But that’s not all, folks,” Yakko added eagerly. “We’re closing up shop early to hold a special party for all you special scientists!” The teen’s voice dripped with venom at the word ‘special’. “There’ll be a buffet table, party games, music, and a ball pit! So everyone come on down to the garage right away to receive your bonuses and we’ll get this party started!”
The scientists dropped their notepads and cheered. Brain watched the scientists rushing through the door, no doubt stampeding down the hall to receive their coveted prizes. The short mouse glanced around the empty room and allowed a devious grin to cross his face. Those moronic scientists had bought every lie Yakko fed them. Hook, line, and sinker.
In the other room, Pinky grinned as the scientists fled the room. The mouse merrily hopped around the room, dancing for joy. The kids were going to rescue him and Brain and they’d all be reunited once more!
Back at the office, Yakko, who now donned a white lab coat and floral button-up shirt in addition to his regular attire, turned off the intercom button and leaned back in the office chair. The teen merrily spun around in his wheelie chair. Everything was going according to plan!
Yakko then hopped off the chair, opened up the window, and dove to the ground, secretly thankful he was only on the first floor. The teen took out a lab coat from his hammerspace, hastily putting it on as he ran around the building.
Once he reached the garage, he found a large white truck sitting by the open door. Yakko walked around the vehicle and noticed Wakko’s other self, the one he met during that fateful trip to Paris, happily humming in the driver’s seat. The other Wakko greeted Yakko with a friendly wave, and Yakko happily waved back before sprinting through the open door.
Wakko and Dot, who also donned lab coats, waited patiently in other parts of the garage. Dot settled inside the ball pit while Wakko sat on one of the ceiling lamps. Yakko joined his younger sister in the ball pit. The siblings looked over to Wakko, who eagerly gave a thumbs up. Yakko and Dot smiled mischievously as they dove into the ball pit.
Seconds later, the scientists clamored in the room all at once, eager to receive their checks. But all they saw was a few tables filled with various bags of chips and a pitiful-looking kiddie pool filled with colorful balls. They all looked at each other in confusion, murmuring about the poorly prepared party.
Acting quickly, Wakko descended the ceiling and landed on their feet. The middle Warner sibling slammed the door shut and proceeded to board up the door with wooden boards and nails. Satisfied with their handiwork, Wakko turned around and flashed a sinister grin at the scientists. Wakko then reached into their hammerspace and pulled out a comically large roll of packaging tape and immediately wrapped up five of the scientists in tape.
“Dear Lord, one of our failed experiments has come back for revenge!” A middle-aged scientist shrieked in terror. The other scientists screamed as they backed away from the unusual creature of indeterminate species.
On cue, Yakko and Dot emerged from the ball pit with gift wrapping and packaging materials at their disposal. The Warner brother bounced near one scientist and imprisoned him with gift wrapping paper. Satisfied with his handiwork, he proceeded to tie up the next ten scientists with the same method of capture. The Warner sister noticed the nine scientists trying in vain to make their escape through the garage door and immediately pounced on them. She enveloped them into a giant dust cloud as she secured them with wrapping paper. Once the dust cleared, Dot happily clapped her hands as the scientists struggled to release themselves.
Wakko hopped over to the back of the truck and pulled up the door. Yakko and Dot wheeled the hapless scientists into the truck on box carriers. The siblings gave each scientist a comical smooch before dumping them into their vehicular cage.
The siblings hopped out from the truck. Yakko quickly did a headcount of all of the scientists as he ignored their cries for help.
“Well I think everyone is accounted for!” the eldest Warner declared.
However, the sudden sound of a door falling to the ground reached their ears. The toon siblings turned around to see three security guards gawking at the sight.
“Well, almost everyone is accounted for,” Yakko remarked.
He looked to his younger siblings, each of them sharing diabolical grins, before lunging at the guards and enveloping them in a messy dust cloud. Once the cloud dispersed, the guards were tightly wrapped in wrapping paper and decorated with tape-on ribbons.
Dot sprinted towards the back of the truck as Yakko and Wakko heaved up one of the guards to throw to their sister. The older Warners tossed the first guard over to Dot, who caught him with relative ease. She gave him a smooch on the cheek before tossing him into the truck. The siblings repeated the process with the other two security guards. Once their adversaries were all piled in the truck, Dot flashed them a feigned friendly smile.
Yakko hopped over towards the back of the truck, reached up the handle, and slammed the door shut. He clapped the dust from his hands and happily gazed at his siblings. “Well, phase one went down much easier than I expected.” He declared as he pulled Wakko and Dot into a tight hug. “Great job sibs!” Dot happily nuzzled her brother’s cheek while Wakko happily wagged their tail upon receiving the compliment.
The other Wakko put their head out through the window and grinned at the Warners.
“Thanks for all the help, Other Me!” Wakko shouted with a smile.
“Anytime, pal!” The Other Wakko replied with a thumbs up. “Next stop: Denver, Colorado!” He returned to the driver’s seat and eagerly turned on the ignition. The truck drove through the garage door, sped out of the lab, and zoomed through the street.
The Warners waved as the truck drove off into the distance. With the first phase of the rescue mission complete, the siblings took off their lab coats and tossed them to the side. They clapped the dust off their gloved hands when a recording of ‘The Senses Song’ reached their ears. At that moment, Yakko recognized his cellphone ringtone. “I’ll get it!” He announced as he fished the phone from his pocket and answered the call. “Yello!”
“Hey Yakko,” The voice of a young adult male answered. “It’s me, Skippy!”
“Skippy is that you!?” Yakko exclaimed in shock at hearing an older Skippy Squirrel. “You sound way older since the last time we spoke!”
Wakko and Dot looked at each other with curious glances. The younger Warners pressed their heads against their older brother to get a better listen. Yakko didn’t mind the invasion of personal space as he listened to Skippy.
“Yep, that’s one of the many wonders of puberty.” The squirrel responded in jest. “Listen, I’m sorry for not answering your call earlier. I was out running some errands and Aunt Slappy got into a little scuffle over at the bingo hall.”
“It’s all good,” Yakko casually replied with a wave of his hand.
“So what’s up?” Skippy asked.
“My sibs and I are in a bit of a pickle.” Yakko began, sounding a bit more serious. “Pinky and Brain have been held captive in Acme Labs. We managed to take care of our special friends in lab coats and blue uniforms without any problems, but we need some backup for the next phase of our plan.”
“Go on,” Skippy replied, who was intrigued by the whole situation.
“We’re rescuing Pinky, Brain, and every single laboratory animal and we need you and Slappy to blow up the lab to Kingdom Come!”
Skippy chuckled excitedly. “Oh, Aunt Slappy is gonna love this!”
“Love what?” The elderly squirrel called out in a cranky voice.
Skippy placed a hand over his smartphone and turned toward his geriatric aunt. “The Warners are rescuing Pinky, Brain, and all the other lab animals from Acme Labs and they want us to blow the place up.”
Slappy’s eyes widened with excitement and she deviously rubbed her hands together. “Looks like Happy Hour has arrived early!”
Skippy smiled at his aunt before resuming his phone call with Yakko. “Okay, my aunt’s onboard!”
The Warners hopped up and down in jubilation upon the news of allies accepting their role in the plan.
“So I’ll swing by Acme Labs in my truck and help you and the mice load up the other lab animals,” Skippy explained. “And once we leave, I’ll give Slappy the signal to launch a large-scale assault on the lab.”
“Sounds great!” Yakko affirmed.
“Cool! I’ll arrive at the lab in ten minutes!” Skippy declared.
“See you then!” Yakko said as he hung up his smartphone. He promptly focused his attention on his younger siblings. “Alright sibs, now we’ve got to move fast.” He commanded.
“Right!” Wakko and Dot chorused.
Wanting to put their Great Dane genes to good use, Wakko immediately got down on all fours and sprinted towards the broken-down door. Once he reached the hallway, he sniffed the air for any clues of the mice’s whereabouts.
The middle sibling galloped down the hall until they found a door marking Pinky’s scent, which was a mix of cheesecake and perfume. Wakko pressed their face upon the glass, with Yakko and Dot mimicking their sibling’s actions. The trio saw Pinky, who wore a metal tag on his right ear, prancing about inside a green cage, which sat in the middle of the room.  
Relieved that Pinky was safe, Wakko removed their face from the glass. “I’m gonna go find Dadoo and redeem myself while you two will go rescue dad and the rest of the animals!”
Yakko and Dot looked back at their sibling and gave them a hearty salute. “You can count on us, baby sib!” Yakko cheered.
“We believe in you, Wakko!” Dot confidently added.
Grateful for their siblings’ compassion, Wakko nodded back before scampering down the hall on all fours.
Yakko opened up the door, allowing Dot to walk in first. The siblings sprinted down the room, eager to reunite with the lanky mouse.
“Pinky!!!” They exclaimed in unison.
The buck-toothed mouse perked his ears at the youthful calls and was overcome with relief.
“Yakko! Dot!” Pinky exclaimed. Tears began to emerge at the sight of the eldest and youngest Warner siblings.
Yakko opened up the door and immediately scooped Pinky out of the green cage. The lanky mouse embraced the teen’s thumb as tears of joy began to pour down his face. The teen used his left pointer finger to gently stroke Pinky’s back.
“Oh, thank heavens you came!” Pinky cried, relishing the warm sensation of gloved hands. “Where’s Wakko?”
“They’re off saving Brain,” Yakko answered, giving Pinky a much-needed head scritch.
Pinky’s eyes glistened with joy. “Oh goody! Zort! We’re finally safe, and it’s all thanks to your clever idea of tricking all those scientists.”
Yakko chuckled at the mouse’s compliment. “That’s sweet Pinky, but I can’t take all the credit because my baby sister was the one who came up with that brilliant diversion!”
Dot smugly nodded her head, taking in the compliments her older brother showered onto her.
Pinky turned his attention towards the Warner sister with warm blue eyes. “You did all that?” He asked in an astonished tone.
Upon hearing the gentle cockney accent, Dot’s pride melted into humbleness. Pinky possessed an aura of kindness, which was stored in those gleaming cerulean eyes. Much like Dot’s cuteness had a powerful effect on others, Pinky’s gentle spirit seemed to have a similar effect.
The Warner sister could only respond with a barely audible “Uh-huh.”
“Oh, my smart little angel! I am so proud of you and I bet Brain would be too!” Pinky exclaimed as he opened up his hands, wanting to hold his surrogate daughter.
Dot noticed the mouse’s physical pleas and gently took him in her hands. She held Pinky close to her cheek.
“Oh, I missed you so much, sweetie!” Pinky declared as he nuzzled his cheek against hers.
Dot allowed the tears that welled up in her eyes to fall. She wanted to hold Pinky close and never let him go again. “I missed you too, Dad.” She sniffled.
Yakko smiled sweetly at the joyful reunion. He took a step backward to let his sister have her moment with the mouse.  
Pinky opened his eyes and noticed that Yakko was a little further back than he was before. He looked back at the eldest Warner and gestured for him to join them. Taking this cue, Yakko closed the gap as he wrapped his arms around his younger sister. He felt his sister’s arms embracing him, as well as a small paw gently patting his shoulder.
He could get used to this.
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Meanwhile, Wakko sniffed around the checkered tiled floors of the hallway until he caught a familiar scent. A combination of lab chemicals, chumsicles, and a hint of cologne that could be purchased at the mall. Standing back up on his feet, the middle Warner sibling opened up the door and entered inside.
After Wakko walked into the room, he slammed the door shut. The sudden sound alerted a short mouse with an unusually large cranium, who had been pacing around the glass cage he was placed in.
Wakko stopped in their tracks as he was overcome with guilt once more. Had they intervened in time, Dadoo and Dad would not have been captured.
Brain stared at the middle child with shocked eyes. He tried in vain to cover the metal tag on his ear with his paw. Part of him felt ashamed of being seen as a lab animal as opposed to an ambitious and determined mouse bent on world domination. But the relief of seeing one of the Warners again overpowered his insecurities surrounding his image.
“Wakko?” The mouse quietly inquired.
“Dadoo!” The middle child called out. Blinking away the tears that started to form, they sprinted towards the cage to rescue their surrogate father.
Overcome with relief, Brain’s ears perked up upon hearing his voice. The mouse turned around and saw the middle child. “Wakko!”
Wakko lifted the lid off of the cage and scooped their hands to retrieve Brain, but his vision became blurred by the tears that stung their eyes. The sight of the toon crying greatly concerned the mouse.
“Wakko, what’s wrong?” Brain inquired cautiously.
“I-It’s my fault that you and Pinky got caught!” Wakko sniffled.
Brain’s eyes widened with confusion. “Wakko?”
“I should have saved you two when I had the chance, then you wouldn’t be stuck here” The middle child cried. “You must hate me…”
The mouse felt a pang of sympathy in his heart for the poor toon. Wakko must have been worried sick about losing him and Pinky. Brain wondered if his parents felt those same emotions as they watched the Acme scientists steal their only child before their very eyes.
During the first few months during his initial captivity at Acme Labs, a young and naive Brain always pondered if his parents thought about him. The mouse often wished his parents would swoop in and rescue him from his cold steel cage and bring him back to the warmth of the tin-can he once called home. But as the days passed, he accepted the stark conclusion that two simple field mice could not stand a chance against the cold-hearted scientists employed by a decently-funded corporate scientific research facility.
As Brain stared at Wakko, he realized that they, along with their siblings, were toons birthed into the world by pencil and paper to be harbingers of chaos. The children were, by design, zany to the max, and were powerful enough to take over the world if they so desired. However, they used their toon powers for good by liberating him and Pinky from the clutches of unethical animal testing. Brain commended Wakko and their siblings for going the distance to rescue him and Pinky. But he could not stand to see Wakko harbor such self-loathing despite their remarkable heroism.
Brain carefully grabbed Wakko’s right thumb and began to caress it in a soothing motion. “Now that’s just preposterous. I could never hate you, Wakko.” He comforted the middle child as best as he could. Emotions were more Pinky’s strong suit, but Brain was going to try his hardest to alleviate Wakko’s woes. “When Pinky and I arrived at the lab, I feared that you and your siblings wouldn’t come for us. Fortunately, you proved me wrong. You and your siblings have saved us, and you have my eternal gratitude.”
Wakko wiped away the tears from their face as they listened to Brain. The mouse did not hate them at all. The mouse loved them a whole lot! Overwhelmed with relief, Wakko gave Brain a great big kiss on his cranium and proceeded to nuzzle their forehead against their Dadoo’s. After processing the loving gesture, Brain carefully wrapped his arms across Wakko’s forehead. He planted a gentle kiss to reassure Wakko that he was grateful for their presence.
After a few moments, they pulled away from the embrace. Wakko looked at the cage and immediately spotted the big slice of swiss cheese. “I didn’t know they had snacks in the lab!” The toon exclaimed as they were about to take the sumptuous cheese.
“Wakko, NO!” Brain shouted instinctively, but the middle Warner sibling easily retrieved the cheese off of the plate. The mouse stood with his mouse gaping. Wakko did not receive any electrical shocks or any other negative reactions. They got what they wanted without any issue.
Wakko was about to eat the slice of cheese when he noticed the distressed expression on Brain’s face. “What’s wrong, Dadoo?”
“What was wrong?” Brain thought to himself. A wave of unpleasant memories flashed through his mind. He could practically feel the electrical shocks from the stunning plate course through his body once more. He instinctively stepped away, clutching his chest with his hand. How could he possibly recount the painful and traumatic memories to this wide-eyed innocent?
Wakko tilted their head to the side, watching Brain step backward with concern. Perhaps Brain was hungry! They didn’t have much time to eat after brunch and Brain looked like he could use a nice snack. So the middle Warner sibling concluded that their Dadoo needed to have some nourishment.
Wakko broke the cheese in half and placed the bigger portion in his right hand. “Here Dadoo, have some cheese!” The toon kindly offered. “After all, sharing is caring.”
Brain stared slack-jawed at the middle child. The mouse stared at the sumptuous cheese that sat on a gloved hand as he felt a war waging inside him. One side yelled at him to back away. The cheese only represented the inevitable pain that would come from pursuing his desires. But upon looking at the soft white glove underneath the cheese, the other side of him gently reminded him of his loved ones and the bonds he forged with them. Brain recounted all of the pleasant memories he and Pinky made with the Warners in the span of one weekend. All of the fun shenanigans by the poolside, singing karaoke, telling stories before bedtime, and playing in the park. Then there were the moments that brought about his parental instincts. Standing up for the Warners when he confronted the gang of hooligans, caring for Dot when she was sick, taking Wakko back to the library so they could retrieve their precious drawing and the down-to-earth conversation with Yakko.
Brain knew that the Warners, while zany and chaotic beings, were good kids at heart and that they would never maliciously go after anyone they cared about. He looked at the cheese in Wakko’s hand and back at Wakko, who gently smiled at him. Brain realized that the child meant no harm and only wanted to help him.
Gulping down his fears, Brain decided to take a leap of faith and go for the cheese. With trembling hands, he cautiously reached out and touched it and felt nothing. No painful electric shocks, no sense of helplessness. Just the soft texture of the cheese.
Brain carefully took his cheese into his paws. Just as he looked up at Wakko, he saw that the toon was about to swallow their portion of the cheese. The mouse widened his eyes in horror as a terrible thought popped up. The scientists wouldn’t provide food during an experiment out of kindness. There had to be some nefarious purpose involved.
“Wakko, wait!” He commanded.
Upon hearing the anxious voice, Wakko looked back at Brian with concern.
“I-I need to make certain that the cheese isn’t laced with any toxic substances.” Brain stammered.
Inspecting the cheese in his hands, Brain sniffed it only to be reminded of its alluring aroma. He then decided to take the next step and perform a taste test. Taking out a small piece of cheese, Brain licked the piece, expecting anything other than the delectable Swiss cheese racing through his taste buds. Noting that the cheese was safe, he consumed the small piece. With each chew, the mouse slowly noticed the tears pooling in his eyes. Brain blinked away the tears, allowing them to stream down his furred cheeks. He stared at the other piece of cheese in his hand, deep in his ponderings. He wished that he could have allowed himself to let his guard down much sooner. But the relief of learning he could place his trust in his loved ones outweighed his regret. Feeling a great sense of peace, Brain gladly consumed the rest of the cheese without a hint of hesitation.
Wakko worriedly stared at Brain, wondering why he was crying over a piece of cheese. The more the middle child thought, the more they realized that maybe the cheese symbolized Pinky.
After all, they were mice and mice did love cheese! But hold on...Did that mean Brain was sad that he ate Pinky? Or did he just simply miss Pinky’s presence? Oh, man. Metaphors were so confusing!
Wakko gently scooped Brain up into their gloved hands and tried their best to comfort the downtrodden mouse. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you back with Pinky in no time!”
Brain stared up at Wakko as they wiped away the stray tears with their right thumb. He knew that the toon child was blissfully unaware of his past trauma concerning his broken trust issues that stemmed from unethical animal testing and how it tied in with the cheese. Perhaps he would inform him when he was ready and willing. But for now, he relished the warm and comforting hold of Wakko’s hands.
“Thank you, dear Wakko,” Brain gently told his surrogate child. “For everything.”
Wakko smiled back at their father figure. “You’re welcome, Dadoo.” They soon remembered the other part of the rescue mission. “Oh! And Yakko told me that we should also free all the other rodents while we’re still here.” Wakko informed the mouse.
Brain smiled. “I admire your unorthodox approach to animal activism.” After a moment of pondering, he needed to address an important issue. “However, I pray that your idea of liberation isn’t just dumping them in a remote jungle.”
“Don’t be silly, Brain!” Wakko replied as they started to carry the mouse out from the lab. “My sibs and I contacted some professionals who’ll take them to a properly-funded animal sanctuary.”
“Well, that’s a relief.” Brain sighed.
As Wakko and Brain entered the hallway, they immediately noticed Yakko and Dot running towards them. As the siblings sprinted, Brain noticed that Pinky was riding on Dot’s left shoulder.
When they entered the hallway, Brain and Wakko immediately noticed Yakko and Dot running towards them, with Pinky riding on Dot’s right shoulder.
“Brain!” Pinky called out. Tears flooded his eyes as he gazed at his beau once more.
Brain looked over to see his partner, safe and sound. “Pinky!”
Pinky leaped from Dot’s shoulder and sprinted towards Brain. The smaller mouse opened up his arms as he crashed into the lanky mouse’s loving arms.
“Oh Brain, I missed you so much!” Pinky cried.
“I missed you too, Pinky.” Brain confessed, cupping Pinky’s cheeks with his tiny pink paws. Without a moment to lose, Brain leaned in for a kiss. Pinky wrapped his arms around Brain’s back, pulling him closer.
After moments of sharing a blissful kiss, they parted lips. Catching their breath, Pinky and Brain stared into each others’ eyes. Blue eyes that shined like the ocean gazed upon pink eyes as soft as the cherry blossoms. Feeling the love that radiated from those cerulean orbs, Brain instinctively pressed his large forehead against Pinky’s. Pinky purred a soft ‘Narf’ as he nuzzled his bulbous red nose against Brain’s button nose.
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot looked on, smiling warmly at the tender reunion. However, the rattling of the front door startled the mice and the toon siblings. Yakko stepped forth to protect his family from any potential antagonist that dared to separate them again.
Instead, a tall, brown adult squirrel entered the building. The mice and the Warners paid their undivided attention towards Skippy Squirrel. He appeared to be in his mid-twenties. The top of his head was covered with scruffy hair and he was dressed in a white t-shirt covered by a green-and-black flannel shirt.
The squirrel grinned upon seeing the group. “Hey fellas,” Skippy greeted with a friendly wave.
The siblings and the mice were surprised by how deep the squirrel’s voice had gotten over the years. But the shock was soon replaced with joy as the Warners grinned excitedly at their former co-star.
“Skippy!” The Warners exclaimed as they launched themselves onto the squirrel, tackling him in a loving hug.
“Boy, you’re certainly taller than I last remembered.” Yakko complemented.
“And you guys are still the same,” Skippy remarked.
“It’s a long story, but we were in suspended animation for over twenty years,” Yakko explained. Skippy wordlessly nodded. He seemed to understand the situation but refused to press any more questions to avoid stepping over any boundaries.
Pinky sprinted towards the squirrel and hugged his bushy brown tail. “Oh Skippy, I missed you so much! Narf!” The mouse cried. “I haven’t seen you since Brain and I attended your Bar Mitzvah!”
“Oh yeah, that was back in 1999,” Skippy added as he carefully plucked Pinky from his tail, allowing the lanky mouse to relax in the palm of his hand. “Oh, wow, it’s been a while, huh?”
Brain, however, stared in disbelief as he cautiously approached the young adult. “Good heavens, is it you?”
Skippy chuckled, offering the mouse to hop on his hand to keep Pinky company. “Hey Brain, long time no see!”
After embracing the mice, the adult squirrel looked over towards Yakko. “So what’s the scoop?”
“Right, we should proceed onto phase two of our plan.” Yakko addressed with a clap of his hands. “Brain, do you happen to know where all the other lab animals are kept?”
“Yes, there were a few cages of mice in the room I was in.” Brain answered. “And I’m certain that they were all unwilling participants in that half-baked separation experiment. ”
“Poit! And there were some mice in my room, too!” Pinky added concernedly.
“As for the whereabouts of the other animals, they’re held captive in a storage facility located in the second to last door down the right-wing of the lab.” Brain continued, pointing his hand down the hall to direct the others down the correct path.
“What kind of animals?” Dot asked worriedly as she clasped her gloved hands together.
“Rats, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, some dogs, a couple of cats, and, if my memory serves correct, a chimpanzee.” Brain listed off.
“Oh wow,” Skippy muttered in shock.
“And do you know the location of the animal sanctuary you plan to take them to?” Brain inquired.
“Oh yeah, a group of animal activists from down under would be taking them there!” Yakko replied. “They took care of the bun infestation a while back, and they’re more than happy to take the lab animals to their government-funded animal sanctuary.”
“I can get them to pick up the animals at Slappy’s place if that’s convenient.” Wakko piped up.
“Go for it.” Skippy approved. “I believe I have enough room on my truck bed to safely transport all the animals to my aunt’s house.”
“Awesome!” Dot cheered.
“Faboo!” Wakko added enthusiastically.
“So how about it, team?” Yakko declared as he placed his hand in the middle. “Let’s go give the other animals a chance at a better life and blow this seedy lab to bits!”
Wakko and Dot eagerly placed their gloved hands over their brother’s. Skippy placed his hand on top of Dot’s. Despite their diminutive size, the mice placed their paws on top while standing on top of Wakko and Dot’s arms.
“Alright Animaniacs, let’s roll!” Yakko exclaimed.
The others responded with a resounding cheer as they raised their hands in the air. While Pinky and Brain were sent flying into the air, they were thankfully caught by Wakko and placed on top of their red cap.
Setting the game plan into motion, the mice and the toons scoured the lab to round up the remaining lab animals. Pinky and Brain used their knowledge of the facility to guide the toons to the specific rooms where the animals were kept.
They plucked the cages and placed them into the wheelie carts. Brain and Pinky noted the confused and anxious responses from the animals. However, he knew that they were being transported to a better place, and they hoped that they would find peace and comfort in the animal sanctuary.
About fifteen minutes later, the gang retrieved all of the lab animals. Dozens upon dozens of cages were loaded onto many carts.
Brain smiled contentedly at the accomplished task when he felt a soft paw tap his shoulder.
“Um, Brain,” Pinky said shyly. “Don’t you think that maybe we should grab our stuff from the cage?”
Brain stared at Pinky for a moment. His partner was always the sentimental one, keeping his belongings in their sardine tin. The pictures of Pharfignewton, the shirt he brought him from Dollywood, the spellchecker-
At that moment, Brain realized that Pinky had a point. “Perhaps we should grab our belongings from our cage.” He sagely agreed.
“Wakko?” Brain asked, alerting the middle child beneath him. “Would you be a dear and take Pinky and me over to the west wing of the lab? We need to grab our things.”
“Of course, Dadoo!” Wakko happily obliged.
Yakko, Dot, and Skippy overheard the conversation and smiled in agreement.
“Alright, you guys go do that while we pack up the animals in the truck,” Skippy announced.
“Will do!” Wakko saluted as he started to skip down the hallway, careful not to drop the two mice he carried on top of his cap.
Not a moment later, the trio stopped at the large green doors at the end of the hallway. Wakko cautiously opened up the door to find an abandoned research room filled with various lab equipment, desks, and chairs. Pinky and Brain gazed at their surroundings as Wakko tiptoed over to the green cage that sat on top of a table.
“Is this your place?” Wakko inquired as he pointed at the empty cage.
“Yes,” Brain answered in a serious tone.
The mice hopped off of Wakko’s hat and trotted over to their soon-to-be-former abode.
Pinky and Brain went inside their cage and looked at their precious sponge bed. The couple approached their special sardine can, which was filled with many precious keepsakes they gathered over the years.
The mice opened the lid, only to discover all of their valuable possessions were just as they left them. The radish rose whachamoozit they acquired after that fateful Halloween. The many caricatures of Brain, which were lovingly illustrated by their son Romy. Pinky’s high school graduation cap. The mouse-sized guitar and black cowboy hat from Brain’s stint as country musician Bubba Bo Bob Brain. Pinky’s precious spellchecker. Finally, Brain found the most important artifact in their humble treasure trove, which was a small globe keychain. The mouse couldn’t help but smile as he held the world in his hands.
Pinky walked away from the sardine can and took in the surroundings of his home. “Poit! I’m going to miss this old place,” He sadly sighed before hugging the exercise wheel.
Brain pondered for a moment before an unusual thought hit him. “I know this is going to sound preposterous, but I don’t see why we couldn’t take our cage as well.”
Pinky gasped, his eyes widening in excitement. “You mean it, Brain?”
“Whatever makes you happy, my dear Pinky.” Brain responded with a chuckle.
Pinky enveloped Brain in a tight hug and spun him around. “Narf! Oh, thank you Brain!”
“Yes, yes, now please put me down before you crush my lungs.” Brain commanded. Pinky sheepishly placed him back on the ground and carefully patted his back.
But the floor started to rumble when Wakko held up the cage. “Alright dads, let’s blow this joint!”
But the classic phrase caused Pinky to wear a stern frown. “No chance, young toon!” He chastised. “Smoking is terrible for your health! I had to help Brain kick his addiction to cigarettes, and I am not going to see you go down that same path!”
“But why would you think I like a disgusting hobby like that?” Wakko asked defensively.
Brain pinched the bridge of his brows. “Pinky, Wakko was not referring to smoking when he said let’s blow this joint. It’s a common phrase people say before they leave an undesired location, much like how we should be leaving this God-forsaken lab!”
Pinky’s frown transformed into a giddy smile. “Oh, well thanks for clearing that up for me, Brain! Troz!”
With the mix-up now resolved, the trio left the room, leaving the second home the mice had come to accept.
After exiting the building, they noticed that the truck was all packed up. Every cage was carefully placed in the truck bed, with elastic wires securing the top shelf. Skippy had closed the driver’s seat door, ready to take everyone to their next location.
Dot alerted her sibling and the mice from the open passenger seat door. “Come on!”
Wakko clutched the cage to their chest and sprinted towards the truck. They hopped in, settling in between their siblings. Dot closed the door, giving Skippy the cue to start the engine.
Pinky and Brain sat comfortably in their cage, as they were surrounded by the toon siblings. The mice were glad that everyone was safe and sound.
Yakko noticed the mice settling some items that were stored in the old tin can. “So what do you have there?” The teen curiously inquired.
“Just some valuable keepsakes.” Brain softly replied.
“Like our son Romy’s wonderful drawing of Brain!” Pinky showed off the picture of Brain dressed up as a traditional circus clown.
“Well, that’s an accurate portrait, if I do say so myself.” Yakko quipped.
Brain raised his brow in frustration, but he couldn’t bring himself to be mad at the teen.
“Oh, Brain!” Pinky alerted him by tapping his shoulder. “Dot was the one who came up with the clever rescue plan!” He praised in a sing-song voice.
The shorter mouse looked over at the Warner sister with a pleasantly surprised smile. “So that genius plan was all your doing?”
Dot perked up at the praise. “Yes, it was.” She answered while flashing a confident smile.
Brain walked up to the other side of the cage and placed his hand through the bars to pat her hand. “I’m incredibly proud of you, Dot.” He said. “If you keep exercising your keen mind, you just might be as intelligent as I am.”
“Or maybe I might be even more intelligent than you are right now.” Dot teased.
Brain’s smile changed into an offended scowl. “Alright young lady, let’s not get cocky here.”
Suddenly, Wakko let out a horrified gasp. “Dadoo, you just said a swear word!”
“Have you no shame? ” Dot added in feigned scorn.
“You star in a children’s show for goodness sake, you have a wholesome image to maintain!” Yakko chided.
Brain let out an exasperated groan as he buried his face into his paws. He could hear Yakko, Wakko, and Dot’s bubbly giggles, no doubt savoring his annoyed reaction. But as his frustration started to simmer, a small smile began to form as he was immensely grateful to be in their presence once more. He would gladly take playful jabs at his pride over inane and cruel experiments any day.
Skippy started up the truck and began to drive off, leaving a visible dust cloud as it zoomed away from the premises. Brain looked at the toon siblings, glad that their weekend had turned out well despite some difficult setbacks. He debated whether or not he should bring up their brief moment of captivity at Acme Labs to the CEO.
Brain’s eyes widened in shock as he remembered one crucial detail he had forgotten about. “Oh, shoot, the credit card!” He anxiously yelled. “I must have left it in the park along with my mechanical suit!”
Pinky immediately rushed over towards his partner’s side, taking his hand and rubbing it in soothing motions. “Now, Brain, it’s not the end of the world.”
“But it’ll be the end of our careers if we don’t return it to her.” Brain moaned.
The Warners sympathetically stared at the mice. “Aw, chin up guys, I’m sure it’s at the park.” Yakko offered. “Hey Skippy, would it be too much trouble if we made a pit stop?”
“No worries,” Skippy assured while keeping his focus on the road.
From the comfort of the cage, Brain inspected the adult Squirrel’s reflection in the rearview mirror. Time was certainly kind to him. He looked to be in shape and relatively healthy for a squirrel his age. Brain then thought about the young man’s aunt. It had been so long since he and Pinky interacted with the geriatric toon veteran. He could easily recount the moment they first met.
-                      -                         -                         -                 -               -
Warner Movie Lot, 1992
Brain tugged Pinky by the wrist as they scurried into the sound stage. He spent the last ten minutes watching Pinky work up the courage to ask Marvin the Martian to sign his scrapbook, his little pet project to document his part-time job on Animaniacs. Luckily, the toon veteran was gracious enough to sign his autograph into Pinky’s special book. Pinky nearly fainted from the act of kindness, but Brain managed to catch his roommate before meeting impact on the ground. The smaller mouse courteously thanked Marvin for the gesture and helped Pinky back up on his feet.
“Pinky, this is the last time your frantic search for autographs interferes with our schedule.” Brain chastised. The mouse knew how much Pinky’s happiness meant to him, but his new job was just as important. The mice were lucky that they landed the job as supporting actors for a promising variety show, and Brain planned to use his newfound celebrity status to sway the masses into submission. The one drawback to his plan was how the writers were steadfast in wanting to portray him as a lovable failure rather than an important authority figure. But the mouse chose not to dwell on this flaw. He could work through the demeaning material if it guaranteed adoration from impressionable viewers.
“Poit! I’m sorry Brain,” Pinky apologized.
The mice made their way onto the stage, joining the large and colorful cast members. Brain let go of Pinky’s wrist to check his wristwatch. It was 11:27 AM. The mouse released a sigh of relief. They arrived right on time.
Brain turned his attention back towards Pinky. “No need to fret, Pinky. At least we made it on time.”
The mice swiftly joined the rest of the cast on the sound stage. They had made their acquaintances with most of the main cast. Pinky became swift friends with practically everyone on the set, and everyone except Pesto returned the affection. Brain was a little more skeptical, though he did express his fondness for Hello Nurse’s brilliant mind.
Just then, the voluptuous intellect, donned in her traditional nurse’s uniform, walked by the mice, but not without a friendly greeting. “Pinky, Brain.” She politely addressed them with a smile.
“Ah, greetings Heloise.” Brain politely replied with a nod.
“Hi, Hello Nurse!” Pinky chirped while waving at her.
Soon afterward, a middle-aged man with black hair sporting a light blue tuxedo approached the sound stage and looked at the various actors. Brain had seen him quite a handful of times on the movie lot. Mr. Director was his name, and he tried to assert his dominance and so-called ‘comedic genius’ wherever he went.
“Alright, look alive people!” Mr. Director commanded in a serious tone. “Since this show is poised to become a comedy smash, I took it upon myself to direct the remaining portions to this show’s opening theme. And with my comedic genius, I will do everything within my power to ensure that this opening will be memorable and, most importantly, fun-”
But the pompous director was interrupted when a trio of toon siblings bounced into the building. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner stepped in time as they bounded near the sound stage. “Boingy! Boingy! Boingy!” They chorused.
The siblings then leaped onto Mr. Director, who started to panic as the zany children demolished his boundaries.
“Hey there, sweetheart!” Yakko teased with a sly smile before giving him a comedic smooch on the cheek.
But Mr. Director was not having any of it. “Enough with the kissing, and the hugging, and the teasing!” He whined in an obnoxious, nasally voice.
The toons wordlessly hopped off of him and made their way to the set. As they scanned the wide and colorful cast, they immediately set their sights on the rodent duo they recently befriended. The children bounded over towards Pinky and Brain and dug their heels into the ground as they screeched to a grinding halt.
“Hi!!!” The Warners greeted the mice.
“Hello, children!” Pinky exclaimed with a wave.
“‘Sup?” Brain muttered sardonically as he dug his hand into his fur pocket.
“Thanks for taking us to McDonald’s the other day,” Wakko mentioned as he pulled out his little toy truck from his hammerspace. “Now I get to play with my Happy Meal Toy all day long!”
Mr. Director quickly took attendance of all the cast members to be featured in the grand finale. He then gave a sharp whistle, alerting everyone in the room.
“Alright, almost everyone is here. But the only two people missing are Slappy and Skippy Squirrel.”
“Present!” A rough voice barked.
Everyone turned to see a grey squirrel with a green cap guiding a younger brown squirrel into the sound stage. The elderly squirrel wore a sour frown as she led her nephew to the sound stage.
But Mr. Director stopped the squirrels. “And where have you been?”
“Stuck in traffic.” The geriatric squirrel spat.
“Sorry, sir,” The younger squirrel mentioned. “My aunt Slappy is a bit cranky.”
“Cranky? I need you to be funny!” Mr. Director chastised. “And on top of that, I can’t work with toons who don’t show up on time or aren’t funny!”
But the director felt the blunt force of the squirrel’s green purse as it hammered his head, causing him to shout “Flauvein!” in his nasal tone.
Slappy grinned as she turned her attention to her impressionable nephew. “Now you see, Skippy, you should always take a purse with you whenever you leave the house.” She advised while she opened up her green bag. “That way, you can easily carry your most valued possessions around wherever you go. Such as your money, your car keys, and your heavy cinder block!”
Skippy quickly took out his crayon and notebook from his hammerspace, flipping through the pages until he reached a blank page, which happened to be the second to last page. As the squirrel jotted down the important lesson, he was unaware that his sage aunt was observing her pupil writing down her advice.
Slappy looked over her nephew’s shoulder and was quite impressed with the nearly full notebook. “You got a lot of notes there, huh kiddo?”
“Well, I do have a good teacher!” Skippy complimented with a smile. Slappy let out a small snort before playfully ruffling Skippy’s hair.
Once he gathered his bearings, Mr. Director proceeded to get the shoot over and done with before he received any more comical amounts of pain.  “Alright, places people!” He shouted in his nasal voice.
The mice tried to find their place. Brain knew that the Warners were supposed to take center stage since they were the main stars. The smaller mouse scanned the area for possible spots for Pinky and himself. He settled on standing behind Wakko and ahead of the two squirrels. He tugged Pinky to the desired spot and waited for the director to give out their cue.
“And action!” Mr. Director commanded.
Pinky and Brain followed their cues as they raised their arms in the air alongside their co-workers.
“We’re Animaney! Totally Insane-”
“Cut!” The director yelled. He stood up from his director’s chair and began to chastise the many actors. “Wakko, stop sticking your tongue out! Hippos, you need to switch places with Ralph and Chicken Boo. Goodfeathers, I need more feeling from you three! And where on earth are Pinky and The Brain?”
The other cast members murmured amongst themselves as they did what they were told. Many of them scanned around the room in the hopes of finding their diminutive co-stars.
Brain let out an exasperated sigh. It was moments like this that he wished he was of human stature. Pinky looked over to his frustrated roommate and softly patted his head.
Unbeknownst to the mice, Slappy looked down to find the pair of white mice standing in front of her. The elderly squirrel let out a groan as she bent down. She scooped up the two mice in her hands and lifted them for all to see.
“Found ‘em!” She gruffly called out.
The squirrel stared at the two white mice in her hands. The tall lanky one gazed in shock with his big blue eyes. The smaller, and much chubbier, mouse crossed his arms and furrowed his brows as he gave a menacing stare with his pink eyes.
Despite Brain’s serious demeanor, Slappy couldn’t help but smirk at the adorable display. “You’re not a morning person either, I take it?” She humored.
“No, I’m afraid not.” Brain replied. “And I greatly dislike being touched without permission.”
The squirrel was admittedly surprised by how such a small mouse could have a deep voice. But she could sympathize with his complaints. “Well, that makes two of us.”
Pinky, on the other hand, was trying his hardest to contain his excitement. One of the Looney Tunes was holding him and Brain in her hands!
Slappy noticed Pinky’s heavy breathing and tilted her head in mild concern. “Are you okay?”
“No, I’m Pinky!” He blurted out.
Brain rubbed his temples as he felt the wave of secondhand embarrassment course through him.
But Mr. Director noticed the way the squirrel held the mice and was immediately inspired.
“That’s perfect!” He bellowed from the director’s chair, catching everyone’s attention. “Slappy, keep holding the mice just like so! Not only will the mice be visible to the viewers, but it greatly symbolizes the passing of the torch, with you, the elderly toon, raising the eager newcomers! Oh, I am such a genius!”
Slappy and Brain looked at each other with incredulous expressions. This pretentious director was trying to find meaning in every pose. But Pinky did not seem to mind.
Fortunately, the rest of the filming went off without issue, as the mice followed their cues along with the rest of the cast. Pinky couldn’t shake off the excitement of being held by one of his favorite cartoon stars. Brain, on the other hand, secretly liked being lifted in a way that showcased his importance.
Once filming wrapped, Slappy placed the mice back on the ground, but not without feeling a shot of pain course through her hip.
“Are you alright?” Pinky asked worriedly.
“Eh, it’s nothin’ to worry about.” The elderly squirrel dismissed.
Pinky suddenly became nervous again. He wanted to ask the squirrel to sign his scrapbook, but he was afraid of getting rejected.
Brain noticed Pinky’s apprehension and deduced that it had something to do with obtaining another autograph in his precious scrapbook. So he decided to motivate his friend to gather his courage the best way he knew how.
“Oh, just ask her already!” Brain barked with an annoyed frown.
Pinky obeyed Brain’s command and decided to take a leap of faith. “Poit! Oh, um, Slappy? May I please have your autograph for my scrapbook?” He shyly asked.
Slappy cocked her brow up in interest but decided to oblige the humble request. “Yeah, sure.” She replied while taking out a pen from her purse. “It’s been a while since anyone asked, but I aim to please my fans.”
Pinky smiled as he handed her his scrapbook. Slappy opened up the book and flipped through the pages. Skippy peered over her shoulder, wanting to take a gander at the scrapbook. The first page featured a colored photograph of the mice standing in a meeting room posing with the show’s executive producer. She flipped through the pages to find snapshots of the mice working on set, pictures of their co-stars, and various crew members. The latter half of the scrapbook was filled with autographs from various Looney Tunes and Hanna Barbera stars. She found a blank page and decided to write her name in big bold letters.
Pinky also noted Skippy’s interest and thought up a fun-fun, silly-willy idea. “Oh, you can also sign my scrapbook too if you’d like! Troz!”
Skippy was stunned. Someone wanted to have his autograph?! Even though he was young, he was aware of his aunt’s legacy in show business and had some doubts that he might never live up to her expectations. But with the humble request of his co-star, he began to feel hopeful that he might be seen as an equal.
Slappy happily handed the scrapbook and pen to her nephew. “Go at it, Skippy!”
Skippy signed his name underneath his aunt’s signature before passing the book back to the jolly mouse.
“Wow, my very first fan…” Skippy exhaled.
“Try not to let the fame get to your head, kiddo.” Slappy teased as she patted his head.
“Oh, thank you so much!” Pinky said excitedly, hugging the scrapbook close to his chest.
Slappy looked at the two mice and smiled. Feeling less cranky than she was when she arrived at the studio, she decided that it would be best to get to know her co-workers more. “Why don’t you two come with us,” The squirrel offered. “Speedy Gonzalez is supposed to be joining me for lunch, and I think he would get a kick out of meeting some up-and-coming rodent toons.”
Brain then felt the need to correct the misinformed toon veteran. “Actually, Pinky and I are genetically altered lab mice who were mistaken to be toons by the studio executives and only accepted this job so we could take over the world by gaining the love and adoration of the impressionable children and their parents.”
Slappy stared at the mice with incredulous eyes. While the mice appeared to be quite animated, she could buy that they were, in fact, actual lab mice. She also noted that he was equally honest about his acting career. “So you’re serious about getting into the business?” She questioned. The Brain stared at her as she did not immediately dismiss his claim in jest, but gave her an affirmative nod to her inquiry.
“You got a lot of gumption, I’ll give ya that,” Slappy said in earnest. “But I’ll show ya the ropes if you really wanna stand out.”
“But I already have jump ropes back at the lab,” Pinky explained. Brain shook his head at his roommate’s inane response and swiftly bopped him on top of his head. Pinky guffawed as he saw the colorful stars swirl around his head.
Skippy laughed at the mice’s antics. The bubbly giggle reached Slappy’s ears and she promptly looked over at her nephew. While Skippy was an impressionable kid, he was particularly picky when it came to entertainment. She learned the hard way that classic animated tearjerkers were a big no-no unless she wanted to sacrifice most of her bank account to pay for his therapy sessions. And it was hard to find a decent cartoon nowadays that wasn’t based on a preexisting IP or a shameless thirty-minute toy commercial. But clearly, these two rodents seemed to have as much chemistry as Laurel and Hardy.
Slappy looked over at her nephew once more before turning back to the mice. The elderly toon let out an amused snort. “You two have comedic potential.”
As the rodents were about to leave the set, they heard an audible cough coming from Mr. Director. The pretentious filmmaker stopped the group in their tracks. He was not ready to let them leave so soon. “Now, may I have a word with Pinky?”
“Only if they have a vowel,” Pinky replied with a serious nod.
“Great! Now Pinky, sweetheart, your performance was swell, but we need to improve your overall image.” The director critiqued. “Now you’re a funny little guy, but you’re not funny ‘ha-ha’, but funny ‘ho-ho’, and the reason you’re not funny ‘ha-ha’ is because of your buck teeth. No one wants to watch a cartoon character with buck teeth. A cartoon character with big feet, absolutely! But not with buck teeth, oh no. Fortunately, I know a handful of dentists who would love to fix your teeth, for a reasonable price of course.”
Pinky’s happy grin slowly transformed into a dismayed frown as he took in the criticisms the director hurled at him. He pressed his fingers against his overbite with concern, unaware of the fact that Skippy was also starting to feel insecure about his front teeth. Was he not a pretty mouse?
“Do you mean to say that I’m….ugly?” Pinky sadly asked, trying his best to fight back the oncoming tears.
“Well, objectively speaking, yes.” Mr. Director replied flatly.
Pinky whimpered as the tears flowed down his face. While he knew that ugly people can be beautiful in their own way, it still hurt to be on the receiving end of such mean words. Screwing his eyes shut, he clutched his tail as he started to cry his heart out.
Brain felt his heart go out to poor Pinky. But then his flaming fury began to take hold. Brain balled his paws into fists as he growled at the superficial filmmaker. No one, not even himself, could insult Pinky’s outward appearance.
“How dare you make my friend cry, you hack!” Brain snapped at the director. “Pinky is a beautiful and charming-looking soul, both on the inside and on the outside, and I do not take kindly to anyone who dares to mock his appearance! Especially from Jerry Lewis look-alikes!”
Mr. Director gasped in shock. “No you listen here, you son of a-”
But Slappy silently intervened, swinging around her green purse while wearing an indignant frown.
“Or maybe, let’s not with the hitting, and the smashing of the head with the purse.” He drawled in his nasal voice as he cowered away to the side.
“Well, if you insist.” Slappy cooly replied before hitting the director’s gut with her purse. The director let out a cry of pain as he clutched his stomach and fell to his knees.
Slappy smirked as she placed the purse across her shoulder, glad to have pushed the director off of his high horse. She looked over at her new companions, as Pinky scooped Brain up into a tight hug.
“Oh thank you, Brain!” Pinky cheered.
Brain instinctively kicked his tiny feet as his taller friend nuzzled his cheek. “You’re welcome Pinky,” He replied as he tried his hardest to keep his composure. “Now please put me down.”
Pinky immediately respected Brain’s wishes and carefully placed him back on the ground.
Much to Slappy’s surprise, Skippy stepped forward to speak to the mice. “Pinky, I think you look fine just the way you are!”
Pinky blushed lightly at the compliment. “Zort! Oh, you’re far too kind!”
“And Brain, you did a very good thing by standing up to that jerk.” Skippy praised. “Pinky must be lucky to have a nice friend like you.” ”
Brain felt himself smiling at the sincere compliment. But the smile vanished when he remembered that he had a serious image to maintain. “I am many things, the young squirrel,” Brain addressed, but his mind started to blank. “whose name I do not know at the moment.”
“Skippy!” The young squirrel happily responded.
“Right.” Brain agreed. “I am many things, Skippy Squirrel. A mouse of superior intellect, a future world leader, and an up and coming rhythmic gymnastics athlete.” He listed off his attributes with his fingers. “But with that said, I am not nice.”
“Oh, yes you are, Brain!” Pinky playfully teased as he squished his friend’s chubby cheeks.
Brain merely crossed his arms and shot an indignant glare. “Cease your prodding, Pinky, or I shall have to hurt you!” He bitterly commanded, and the taller mouse sheepishly hid his hands behind his back.
“Now that’s comedy!” Slappy chuckled at their antics. She could easily find herself watching a whole sitcom starring these two goobers. While the mice didn’t seem to be the ‘bomb-and-anvil’ types (the superior school of comedy in her book), they more than made up for it with their humorous banter and contrasting personalities.
The shorter mouse then turned his attention to the geriatric squirrel. “Of course, your aunt did most of the heavy lifting, so to speak, by standing up for us. And, as I’m loath to admit it, I am in your debt.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it.” Slappy dismissed as she waved her hand down. “So are you two comin’ to lunch with us or what?”
“Count me in!” Pinky cheered.
“Yes.” Brain agreed.
Skippy knelt on one knee and extended an open hand in front of the mice. “Can I pick you up?” he asked.
“I don’t see why not.” Brain allowed, deducing that they would reach the commissary faster by hitching a ride on the young squirrel as opposed to walking on foot.
“Oh, goodie! We’re going on a ride! Narf!” Pinky exclaimed as the younger squirrel lifted him and his best friend off the ground.
Slappy smiled at her shorter co-stars as the group started on their merry way. “I have the feelin’ that this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”
-                      -                         -                         -                 -               -
The truck came to a stop, bringing Brain back to the present. Picking up a small bent paper clip, he trotted over towards the cage door and picked the lock. As he swung the door open, Wakko turned the cage around and allowed the mice to hop into his hands before placing them on top of his hat. The rodents stared out the window to see the sun dipping low over the park. As the Warners and the mice hopped out of the car, Skippy quickly paid the parking meter before joining the group.
“Poit! Hey Brain, do you think it would be best if we released the mice here?” Pinky asked as he wrung his paws together.
Brain took a moment to think about it and realized that Pinky had a point. He remembered seeing the frightened expressions of the field mice as they were ripped apart from their home in the wild. It would only be fair to return them to their home.
“You’re right, Pinky.” Brain commended his partner, gently taking his paw into his own.
The toons overheard the conversation and were quick to act. “We’re way ahead of you!” Yakko affirmed as he started to unload the truck bed.
“Now, the only thing I need to do is find the suit.” Brain mentioned.
“It’s over there, Dadoo!” Wakko alerted, pointing a finger over towards a largely abandoned suit in the middle of the park.
“I can help free the others while you go fetch your giant suit! Narf!” Pinky told him before hopping off Wakko’s hat and falling to the grass.
“I’ll help you get it!” Wakko declared as he broke out into a sprint. Brain steadied himself in the middle sibling’s hold as he ran across the field.
Yakko, Dot, and Skippy retrieved all the cages that housed the various mice. Pinky stared at his fellow rodents. He recognized some from the various experiments, from the maze runs to the makeup tests. The other mice started to claw anxiously at the glass upon recognizing their domain. Pinky hoped that the mice that were captured earlier could be reunited with their families while his familiar companions could find better lives with their fellow rodents in the field.
“Let the mice run free!” Pinky declared.
The toons and the squirrel opened up the lids and placed the cages sideways, allowing the mice to escape. Pinky smiled as he watched the mice scatter across the field, many of which were getting reacquainted with the softness of the green grass. Many of the former lab residents instinctively followed the field mice. Pinky blinked away the tears of joy that formed. He prayed that the mice would have happier days ahead of them.
Meanwhile, Wakko managed to reach the suit without any issue. Brain was thankful that the suit was right where he left it.
Wakko lowered their hands to the ground to let Brain down. The mouse hopped off and ran towards the right side of the suit, noticing the wallet was still snug within the pant pocket. Brain was relieved that no one had pilfered the suit for any valuables. The mouse reached into the pocket and used every ounce of his strength to retrieve the wallet. Pinky sprinted towards his beau’s side and helped him pull the wallet out. With a tug, the mice successfully fished out the wallet, which opened up. Brain looked to see the familiar glow of the company credit card and breathed a sigh of relief. He no longer had to fear the CEO’s wrath.
At that moment, Yakko, Dot, and Skippy reunited with the group as Dot carried Pinky on top of her head. The golden light coming from the wallet indicated that the card was still there and the mice no longer had to worry about losing their acting jobs.
Brain decided to check the engines to make sure that the suit was still fully functional. Opening up the right shoe, he entered the metallic footwear, climbed up the leg, and hopped in the pilot’s seat. Pinky hopped off of Dot, anxiously waiting for Brain’s giant head to pop up at the top. Meanwhile, Brain pulled the lever and the seat rose to the very top.
The others looked at the head hole with bated breath until Brain’s large cranium popped out.
“Honey, I’m home!” Brain drawled in a near-monotone voice.
While Brain moved the suit back on its feet, Pinky clutched his stomach as he laughed. “Oh, that’s a funny joke, Brain! Narf!”
“I’m not devoid of humor.” Brain replied as he picked Pinky up and placed him in the front pocket.
The Warners reached into their hammerspaces and pulled out their bingo cards, which were filled with various callbacks from the original Animaniacs. Yakko quickly placed a stamp over the ‘References to Win Big’ block. “Bingo!” The eldest Warner shouted as he proudly waved his bingo sheet, causing Wakko and Dot to groan in defeat.
Skippy pulled out his smartphone and decided to move forward with the final phase of the plan. He went to his contacts to search for his aunt’s name. Once he found her name, he pressed the green call button and pressed the phone to the side of his head.
After a moment, he heard his aunt’s cantankerous voice. “Hello,”
“Hey Aunt Slappy,” Skippy casually replied. “Just wanna give you the heads up that the lab is now abandoned and everyone’s safe. The ball is in your court now.”
“Lemme tell ya, it’s great to be back in business!” Slappy remarked from inside her secret hideout. The geriatric rodent reclined in her seat as she operated the control panel, no doubt eager for the signal to open fire on the lab.
“Right now we’re at the park getting Brain’s mechanical human suit,” Skippy informed her. “We’ll be back in about five minutes or so.”
“Say, why don’t you kids stay at the park for a few more minutes?” Slappy asked as she geared up the missiles from her control panel. “I’ll make sure to give you kids a little fireworks show as a treat!”
“Sounds like fun.” Skippy chirped. “And you can fire when ready.”
“Oh I’m always ready,” Slappy confidently announced before ending the phone call.
Skippy put his phone away and turned around to face the others. “My aunt’s gonna put on a little fireworks show.” He mentioned.
“Ooh, fireworks!” Pinky exclaimed.
Wakko eagerly climbed up the suit and perched himself on top of Brain’s shoulders. “And I get to have the best seat in the house!”
“No fair! You got to sit on top of him last time!” Dot argued as she climbed up the suit. “Daddy, tell Wakko to move!”
“Now cease your squabbling, children!” Brain commanded. “You can both sit on my shoulders as long as you two apologize.”
Dot took the big-headed mouse’s words to heart. “Wakko, I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
“And I’m sorry for hogging the seat,” Wakko replied.
“Aww, it’s so nice to see you kids get along.” Pinky cooed as he felt Yakko pluck him from the suit pocket.
Suddenly, a wave of missiles flew over their heads and proceeded to descend towards the infamous laboratory that sat underneath the suspension bridge. Within seconds, a loud explosion could be heard from miles away as the laboratory was reduced to rubble.
Suddenly, a few fireworks launched into the air, decorating the sky with glittering colored lights.
Skippy held out his smartphone, filming the whole spectacle to show to his aunt later.
Wakko and Dot cheered at the sparkling display, and Brain couldn’t help but smile at the two toon children perched on his shoulders. He looked past Wakko to see Pinky contently sitting in Yakko’s hands, and watching the colored lights reflected from his soft blue eyes.
Yakko let out a peaceful sigh. After pulling off a daring rescue, it was nice to be reunited with his loved ones once more. And the surprise fireworks show was a nice way to cap off an eventful day. He looked up at his siblings, happy to see them have the time of their lives and fawning over Brain. Yakko took another glance at Pinky. To his surprise, the mouse looked up at Yakko and gave him a friendly smile. There was so much affection stored in Pinky’s face that it would be a crime not to smile back.
“Are you enjoying the pretty fireworks, love?” Pinky asked the teen.
“Oh absolutely!” Yakko replied with a smile.
Pinky eagerly clapped his paws together. “Zort! Well, it makes me happy that you’re happy!”
With that, the lanky mouse smiled at the toon once more before turning his attention back to the bright lights that decorated the night sky.
“I could get used to this,” Yakko thought to himself.
Brain continued to admire the fireworks when he heard a small metallic sound coming from his side. He peered over his shoulder to find Yakko resting his head against the mechanical suit’s chest. The wholesome sight humbled Brain. Yakko had been forced to be the parental figure for his younger siblings for far too long, so it was nice to see him act like a regular kid. But it deeply moved Brain to learn that Yakko now trusted him and Pinky to be his parental figures.
So Brain decided it was best to return the affection. With deft hands, he swiftly moved the lever to guide the right hand on top of Yakko’s head and proceeded to gently ruffle his hair.
They all watched the night sky as one last firework exploded, showering the dark canvas with glittering green lights. The sparkling lights spelled out the phrase “Now That’s Comedy!”
The Warners clapped at the fireworks display. Brain looked over at Pinky, who was in awe of the dazzling green lights. He looked over at the fireworks and let out a small chuckle. “The old dame’s still got it.”
Firstly, I want to apologize for not updating this story sooner. I have had a lot of things going on in my personal life, one of which is a passion project I am excited to share with you all. I and my friend Mitchekie have put together an unofficial Pinky and The Brain podcast called Poitcast, which is set to premiere in July. We've already recorded two episodes and it's been a wonderful labor of love and I hope that you can take the time to listen to the pilot episode when it drops.
The main reason why this chapter took much longer to write because I wanted to come up with a creative idea for the rescue mission. After some brainstorming, I decided to incorporate Slappy and Skippy into the story. Both characters were a lot of fun to write for and they'll appear again in the next chapter.
Fortunately, there are only two chapters left and they are significantly shorter. The next chapter is halfway done and the last chapter is a brief epilogue, so the hiatuses will not be as long.
I want to thank Mitchekie for beta-reading this chapter.
And finally, I want to thank you, dear reader, for sticking with this story and being patient in between chapters. I love writing this story and I am glad that this story has received a lot of love.
Please leave a kudos or a review if you can! Thanks for reading!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by starsareonly2nd
How many text messages are currently in your inbox? I don’t know if my phone can provide that particular feature. Suffice it to say there’s a ton because I don’t really do spring cleaning with my texts and I’ve kept messages since getting this phone in 2018.
Is your profile picture in color or black & white? All my profile photos have been in color, and I think I’ve only had to have a black and white photo once.
What's your favorite Christmas movie? Love Actually.
Did you dress up for Halloween this year? If so, what were you? We’re gonna be having a virtual Halloween party at work on Wednesday and I’m thinking of just going as Dora the Explorer again since I wasn’t able to maximize my costume last year anyway (the Halloween party I had gone to didn’t allow shorts - wtf? so I ended up wearing orange pants and looking nothing like Dora) and this time around I also actually have bangs to complete the look. But idk, the party announcement says we also have 30 seconds each to impersonate the character, and I'm just not extroverted enough for individual presentations like that. I’m heavily leaning towards skipping the entire thing because of that one instruction, but we’ll see.
Are there any posters in your room? Of what? Yuh, Nam Joo Hyuk.
Do you read Rolling Stone? I don’t think I ever have.
Which Harry Potter book (if you read them) was your favorite? I read up until the blue book, but I don’t remember which one I had enjoyed reading the most. I do remember breezing through one of them and finishing in just a couple of hours, so I’d say that was my favorite.
Do you have any stuffed animals you still sleep with? No.
What kind of cell phone do you own? iPhone.
Do you have any pets? Yes :)
Are there currently any accessories in your hair? Sure, a hair tie.
Are you involved with any clubs at your school? I was in two organizations in college andddd in high school it was mandatory to be in a club, so I was in one for each year.
Do you have an MP3 player? What kind? I used to own an iPod Nano.
What's your favorite sport to watch on TV? Wrestling!!! My first love, forever and always.
How many people live with you? Four. Parents and two siblings.
Are you good at any styles of dance? Haha, I wish. I’m a terrible dancer.
Do you think that your hair looks better curly or straight? Neither. It’s best when it’s wavy.
Where was your default taken? It’s not a photo of me, first of all. It’s from an episode of Bojack but I can’t remember which episode it’s form.
Have you ever been to another country? Yeah, several times.
Do you prefer cats or dogs? Dogs.
What was the last thing you ate? Kwek-kwek. My grandma made so many pieces for us when she came over yesterday <3
What's your desktop background? It’s of a mountain range and is one of the provided backgrounds in my laptop.
What was the last movie you saw at a theater? For the billionth time, Knives Out.
Did you think it was a good movie? No, but I’m biased because I hate that genre. I’m fairly sure it was well-received and that it’s objectively a good movie.
Are you afraid of spiders? The ones we have here are super tiny and look pretty harmless, so no. But I’ve seen how freaky spiders can look like in other countries and I understand why so many people are terrified of them.
Did you carve a pumpkin this year? If so, what did you carve into it? No, we don’t practice that here.
Which Disney movie is your favorite? Toy Story makes me the happiest.
Are you the youngest, oldest, middle, or only child? Eldest.
If your power were to suddenly go out right now, how would you react? Annoyed at the inconvenience, but glad that my laptop is at 88% and that I have a bunch of tabs with surveys so I can at least do something; unbothered because the weather is cold; and pleased that I have enough mobile data to keep myself from getting bored. Overall I wouldn’t mind it, hahaha
Do you enjoy photography? I don’t enjoy doing it, but I like looking at photos, sure.
What's your favorite thing to do at the beach? Swim and allowing myself to relax and let go in the water.
Are you afraid of heights? Not for most situations, but if I had to do an extreme stunt or dare that involved heights then yeah it would.
If someone were to cut you in line at a store, would you speak up? No, but I’d take a photo of their back and share it on social media and call them an asshole to release my annoyance. I’d probably try to sneakily elbow them as well, just so I can sleep soundly at night.
Are there any foods you enjoy baking/cooking? No.
What website would you say you visit the most? Definitely YouTube.
What book are you currently reading? [continued from yesterday] I don’t think it’s still fair to say I’m reading Midnight Sun anymore. I haven’t opened it in about a month now, even though it’s constantly on my desk just right beside the laptop I work on.
Is it for school or just because you want to read? It’s because I do want to read it and because I like Twilight hehe. I’m not in school.
Are you going to any concerts in the future that you know of? I’m just waiting for my third Paramore show, whenever that is; but otherwise no and I have no clue who or when the first post-Covid concert is going to be.
Do you play any instruments? No. I can play some tunes on the piano but it’s cheating and I don’t count it, because I’ve only memorized which keys to press and I don’t actually know how to read notes or use the proper fingering.
Are you looking forward to the new Alice in Wonderland movie? This question is so cute considering it’s been a literal decade since that movie came out...anyway, no, I didn’t look forward to it as I’m not a fan of the genre.
Do you get seasick? I do but I can handle my stomach for the most part. The only time it got really bad was during my cruise, and the only reason I didn’t throw up was my dad has a cabin at the bottom floor of the ship, where the shaking was a lot weaker.
When was the last time you hung out with your friends? This is so painful to read lol...last week of February.
Do you drink soda on a regular basis? Nopes.
Are you currently wearing a hoodie? No but I can do with one right now to feel cozy. I just don’t feel like getting out of my chair.
What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten? Gulab jamun was personally a unique experience, but weird has a negative connotation so I’m avoiding that word.
What was the last sporting event you attended? I think it was like a UP/Ateneo volleyball game, which was the only type of UAAP event I attended anyway.
Do you understand Shakespeare? Nope, that’s why I got books that had the modern-day translations right beside the original text lol. I mean I would probably be able to understand it if I exerted time and effort into reading Shakespeare, but I don’t have either, so.
Is there a bookshelf in your room? Nah but the top of my closet acts like one.
Do you need to wear glasses at all? Yes, all the time.
What's your favorite genre of books? Anything non-fiction, so books on history, memoirs, etc.
Do you think it's too early for Christmas music? Not in the Philippines. Christmas for us starts in September :) Anyone’s free to put up Christmas trees and lights or listen to Christmas music as soon as the clock strikes 12 midnight on September 1st.
What's the longest you've ever gone without speaking? Maybe during my dark days in 6th grade? I was super depressed, had no friends, had a strained relationship with my entire famly, and was holed up in my room all day long. It’s very possible I went several days without talking then.
Does your house have a garden? I wouldn’t call it a garden but we do have several trees and plants around the house, yes.
What color is the shirt you are wearing? It’s multi-colored stripes.
Do you know what brand of toothpaste you use? Colgate.
When was the last time you were on an airplane? Early 2019.
Do you have a permit or license? A driver’s license, yes.
Did you walk any long distances today? Nope. So far I’ve only gone down to the kitchen to fix myself a cup of coffee.
Are you currently wearing any make-up? I’m not.
How do you feel about bands covering old pop music? I personally don’t like most covers but I don’t take it against the bands. I just won’t listen to those versions.
Are your nails painted? Never are.
Do you use correct grammar online? Sure, unless I want to use bad grammar on purpose.
Do you agree with the statement that Miley Cyrus is a bad role model? I don’t think she even ever claimed to be one, so that’s an unfair accusation. I personally never had a problem with her and I admire her confidence and boldness in her performances and other things she does. Slide Away in particular is a very beautiful song.
Do you give out cards on Valentine's Day? No.
What are you listening to right now? I can hear the wind lightly blowing outside, but thankfully it’s no longer as violent as yesterday.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
Tumblr media
DISPATCH, (04/08/17): Mirage Entertainment has officially released information about actor two, Nam Euntae, on Euntae’s official website! He is a ‘91 liner and has been beloved by fans since his acting debut in 2013. Find out more about Euntae below!
I, Nam Euntae, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of Actor 2 and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Mirage Media.
OOC INFORMATION Preferred name: Trice Pronouns: She/her Timezone: PST Other muses: Park Aejeong
IC INFORMATION Faceclaim: Lee Jongsuk Name: Nam Euntae Stage name (if applicable): N/A Idol concept: When he was formerly in a boy group and an idol, he had the “mischievous maknae” concept. His former company marketed him as a “sweetheart on the outside, but an untameable, passionate lover on the inside.” It was a little bit true; while euntae is a total flirt and a generally nice person, he’s more of a playboy. Mirage is currently marketing him as “sexy and seductive” as a foil to his former idol concept, and it’s working brilliantly: netizens are loving the idea of a childish-on-the-outside maknae “showing his true colors” as he “matures into a steamy-gazed young man.” euntae finds this a little ridiculous, but since he feels a deep sense of obligation to his company, he doesn’t question it. Birth date and age: April 23, 1991 (age 26) Company name: Mirage Group Name (if applicable): N/A Group Position (if applicable): Actor 2 Strengths: euntae’s acting talent is unmistakable. He does best in roles as villains, particularly cold or insane ones. He’s navigated almost all the aspects of the K-Entertainment business; he started off as an idol in 2007, began acting part-time in 2013, and after his former group disbanded in 2014, he began acting full-time. Due to this, his face is very well-known throughout the entertainment business. He’s also good at sticking to concept, and he knows how to work his visuals. He’s rather good at variety as well, although he’s better at performing than hosting, and he has been doing more hosting ever since switching to an acting career. Weaknesses: euntae is a total cynic, and seems to think that every company except Mirage will screw their contractees over. This is partly because his old idol group disbanded due to the company forcing them to (even though most of the members began to pursue their solo careers more). Because he misses his days as an idol, it is occasionally clear that he’s jealous or particularly cold toward younger groups as he believes they’ll eventually end up disbanding against their will as well. This attitude makes a few particularly aggressive dispatchers consider him a spoiled child who never grew out of his rascal maknae phase, which reminds him of his time in an idol group and starts the cycle back up all over again. Positive traits: Polite, enticing, passionate, loyal Negative traits: Vitriolic, unforgiving, arrogant, elitist
PERSONAL HISTORY nam euntae is born the youngest in his family in the spring of 1989. his parents are a strangely mismatched couple; while his father parades around his newborn child (“look at my son; he’s an angel, perfect!”), his mother is amusingly unimpressed in all the photos after her labor. (in all fairness, she’s like that in all of the pictures with euntae’s siblings— most of the pictures in the family photo album are the rest of the nams making silly faces around her while she stares into the camera, queenly despite her deadpan expressions.)
his three older siblings are just as dizzyingly carefree as his father. they’re triplets, two girls and a boy. the eldest (by eighteen minutes only) is hana, then mija at thirty minutes, then chul. then euntae, youngest by three years. he doesn’t really feel left out when it comes to the triplets— they’re pretty good at including him. hana especially: she’s the ringleader. mija, chul, and euntae practically worship the ground she walks on, and with fair enough reason; she’s the most clever of the four nam siblings, and usually the one orchestrating tricks to play on their father or on their classmates. and even though the other three bear a striking resemblance to hana, she’s still the prettiest in their family besides their mother. with all this, she can practically get them to do anything she wants.
euntae is usually her go-to. she adores him and he adores her right back, though her reason for getting him to shoulder the grunt work for setting up pranks is based on the fact that he’s more obliging than the other two in the triptych. so she convinces him instead of them, and that’s how euntae gets the time he craves from his three older siblings.
still though, it’s hard not to feel a little bit lonely when they hit high school and the triplets’ class goes on field trips and he’s left alone. or when the older kids are clearly civil with him at their lunch table only because he’s hana-mija-chul’s little brother. it’s still fair enough, he thinks, when his brother and sisters graduate in the top ten of their class and he fades back into the background; even when his sisters go to law and med school and his brother studies aerospace engineering in america, they still call him, but he still misses them a lot. even his sprightly father and reserved mother notice, so they enroll him in vocal lessons to try to get him to interact with kids his own age instead of alumni who graduated in the years before him.
it works out much better than they hope; he’s caught on quickly, and signs on with a prestigious entertainment company at fifteen, and he’s finally made it: he’s going in as the main vocalist and maknae of a group with wicked sharp choreography and strong vocals to boot. he’s pretty pleased with the outcome of his time with the group, living on top and managing to stay at least somewhat relevant. his parents and sisters attend concerts where they can, and his brother is at the front row when they tour america.
he signs a non-exclusive contract with mirage entertainment in 2013 after the ceo “falls in love with his tortured soul” or whatever the hell it was; surprisingly, his first acting job isn’t under that company. it’s under kaleidoscope, where mirage loans him out for the drama my love from another star as lead villain lee jae-kyung. and he’s praised for it, even getting offers from bkb to play a role in their drama (he turns it down, of course; not only is he a full-time idol and a part-time actor, but there’s no way in hell he’d want to do anything for bkb).
his fellow members start branching out as well, much to his chagrin, and while they still promote together, his hyungs go into solo debuts, variety hosting, and modeling. euntae becomes greedy, savoring the time he can spend with his group as a group and not as members beginning to pursue their own solo activities. it was the period at the end of a sentence already written once 2014 rolls around.
because no matter how much euntae gives his life to his group, they disband. fans, of course, still try to keep up with a good number of the ex-members. there are rumors that euntae’s packed up and moved to australia. there are rumors that he’s gone into hermitage and now resides at the local cave. there are rumors that he’s gotten involved with the mafia.
in actuality, he’d stumbled into his parents’ living room after moving day, towing seven years’ worth of luggage and seven members’ worth of tears before he collapsed and slept like he’d never slept a day in his life.
the triplets have been keeping up, it seems, because they return home on the pretense of sightseeing. hana pulls the curtains back and lets the sunlight stream in. mija arranges flowers while humming the tune to her favorite song euntae’s promoted. chul takes it upon himself to place euntae’s clothing, neatly folded, back into their drawers. it’s nice to have hana-mija-chul paying attention to him again, but he’s absolutely bitter at the circumstances under which it happened. how is it that someone can try their hardest at something for seven years straight, only for it all to dissolve just like that?
he stews in his own anger for at least a month, 2014 becoming his most hellish year and unsurprisingly the year he releases no new content before the triplets haul him out of bed and back into the world.
and somehow, it works.
he leaves his old company and changes his contract with mirage from non-exclusive to exclusive; he belongs to mirage now, with the exceptions where they loan his skills out to other companies.
he’s far better at it than anyone might expect. of course, perhaps it’s growing up with three mischievous siblings who, together, are fiendish enough for plenty inspiration, but he’s praised for his role in a villain’s shoes, and suddenly jobs are flooding in. he had been asleep, he thinks: when he signed on with mirage the first time, he had opened one lethargic eye. when he signed on the second time, he was awake, alert to the harshness of the world around him. netizens are stunned once his face starts appearing all over again in the magazines as roles and modeling jobs begin to take their hold on him (nam euntae is back and better than ever, some sources claim). He plays a few roles as villains in various dramas, his most notable ones in my love from another star and oh my ghostess. he’s about as on-demand as they come when it comes to villains. the media eats him right up, loving the idea of former maknae taking high society by storm with a flash of his devilish grin. “sexy, seductive nam euntae!” is splashed in big, bold letters across magazines with him on the cover, and he’s a little amused to see it.
(not to mention he’s a little smug as well to see that he’s still considered the most famous of his former group, and made the successful transition from idol to hallyu star. it’s refreshing to sleep to.)
admittedly, he’s a little thrown with his change from idol to full-fledged actor. it’s strange to go from the performing end to playing guest host on variety shows or introducing new groups on stage that are bound to end in the same place he did. but he tries his best out of a rooted gratefulness, loyalty, and respect to mirage; they did, after all, shelter him where his group failed to, and he will do his best to repay them. a pang of sadness hits him when he sees bright-eyed idol groups rise to the top; he knows they’ll fall farther, hit harder, and he can’t stand the idea of anyone ending up like him. but that’s none of his business; his business is to act, to play hellion on screen for as long as his company needs him. and if doing that helps junior idols maybe realize that not everything is golden, then nam euntae will only consider that the icing on the cake.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Have you ever had a really bad haircut? I haven’t had any truly awful ones. The only time I felt ‘meh’ about a haircut was when I went to the salon on my own and told the hairdresser what I wanted myself. I was never good at that kind of stuff, and always prefer being with someone so they can tell me if I’m headed somewhere good or otherwise. Did you ever order any clothes from the Alloy catalogue? I’ve never heard of that. What brand, color, and type is your favorite eyeliner? I’ve only ever used eyeliner at one point in my life and I’ve forgotten every detail about it. It was black, though. Do you wear eyeliner? I used to. I wanted to look nice post-breakup, so I learned how to do makeup to feel good about myself. Was there ever a time in your life when you couldn't cry? I guess when I have HAD to cry in the past, as in for a skit, I couldn’t. But I can be triggered and cry very easily otherwise.
What's your favorite type of yogurt? I hate yogurt, I hate everything that’s sour (except for sour tapes, but even those I can only handle at a certain level of sourness haha). What posters did you have on your wall as a teenager? Wrestling. My mom took them down for no reason eventually, even though I loved having them up on my wall. What are your favorite type of calendars? I mean I don’t obsess over calendars enough to have a favorite type? so a digital one on my phone and laptop is fine with me. I do sometimes wish I was rich enough just to be able to spend on those novelty calendars with Audrey Hepburn photos and Monet paintings in every month, though. Do you have a full-length mirror? I used to but it got transferred to my sister’s room. I don’t mind it though; I don’t use mirrors all that much. When was the last time you bought stamps? Elementary school, probably. Do you have any overdue library books right now? HAH, yes I do actually. It was a book I needed to do a Powerpoint on, and I completely forgot that its due date was on the 4th. The fee is like ₱2/day so I’ll have to pay around ₱8 to ₱10 by next week, depending on when I’ll feel like returning the book. How often do you do laundry? I don’t; my mom prefers to do it herself. Do you have a piggy bank? Maybe as a kid, but I never took it seriously because I didn’t sit well with the fact that I couldn’t see the money I’ve been saving. I’ve stuck with a good old wallet ever since, just so I can know my progress. Do you remember your locker combinations from high school? I don’t, actually. I wonder what numbers I used to secure my locks :o What's your favorite DIY crafts youtube channel? Aren’t a lot of those misleading and downright fake? Could you spend hours on pinterest? I’ve never spent more than five minutes at one time on that website/app. Do you own plaid pants? Nah, it’s not really my style. Have you ever had to wear a school uniform? I had to wear my school’s uniform for 14 straight years. All I ever wore Monday through Friday for that span of time. What was your high school's mascot? We don’t have a mascot; we just have school colors. What were your high school's team colors? Gold, white, blue. Who were your best friends in high school? Angela, Gabie, Athenna, and Sofie. Others I was close with were Chelsea, Kaira, and Fern. Who was your first boyfriend or girlfriend? Gab. Have you ever been to Chicago? Nope but it’s a dream. If yes, what do you like best about it? The FOOD, the culture, the museums. Have you ever stayed in a hostel? Nope, never been. Would you rather sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk? Bottom. I wouldn’t like sleeping somewhere that felt unnatural, and lying down way high from the floor is definitely one of those things. Do you love camping? I’ve never tried, so I don’t know. Would you rather sleep in a tent or under the stars? Lie under the stars for as long as I can, then pass out in a tent. What insects are you afraid of? Cockroaches. Have you ever had a secret admirer that left you notes? I haven’t. Are you close with your cousins? I have a good relationship with most of my cousins, mom’s side; but I’m especially close with my eldest cousin, who I essentially view as my older brother. I’m so-so with cousins on my dad’s side - we were very close as kids, but they moved further to the south and I never really get to see them anymore, so we grew more shy as the years passed.  Are you close to any aunts or uncles? I love my mom’s cousins; they’re all younger than her and they’re mostly late Gen X-ers so they’re more hip and cool hahaha. I wouldn’t say we’re close but they are definitely much easier to talk to than other older relatives. Are you close to your grandparents? I seldom get to see my paternal grandparents because they live with the ^ same cousins I’ve since grown quite distant from, so I wouldn’t say I’m close to them but of course I love them all the same. I was very close with my maternal grandfather when he was still alive as I always knew what to do to make him laugh; and I am also crazy for my maternal grandmother, although in the last few years she’s been all about Jesus so sometimes it gets a little draining hearing about how I should always pray and that “God can answer all [my] problems.” Still love her loads, though. Who betrayed your trust? A friend did, many years ago. Who was your first best friend (apart from a sibling)? Bold of you to assume a sibling was my first best friend, because you’re wrong lol. I’d consider this girl we calle Kaye the first one; we were class number buddies in Kinder 1 (I was 4, she was 5) so we got close quickly. She changed schools by Grade 1 and I haven’t talked to her since, but I still remember her fondly. What was your favorite thing to do at sleepovers when you were younger? I was never allowed at sleepovers when I was a kid. What kind of popcorn is your favorite? Sweet-flavored ones. I could never take dry-ass plain/salted popcorn. It has to be something like salted caramel or parmesan. Does your town have a big fountain in it? If we do have one, I’ve never seen it. But I’m pretty sure we don’t. What is your town known for? For being on a mountain and being ridiculously hard to get to because 1) of its winding, accident-prone roads, and 2) IT’S ON A MOUNTAIN. I live in the area of Antipolo just before you start to go up, so I don’t get offended much by the complaints of everyone else; but I’m in solidarity nonetheless with the ~mountain-dwellers~ just because I used to go to school in upper Antipolo. Do you currently live in the city you grew up in? I mostly grew up in Antipolo, so yes I still live here. I did live in Manila in my early childhood but that time was much shorter than the time I’ve spent in my current city. What's one way in which you're behind the times? I hate Minecraft and I hate Fortnite even more. What's one way in which you're still a child? I love coloring books :) What's one way in which you're old? I have a bad back. Do you feel old or young? Or do you feel both at different times? Definitely feel a bit of both, depending on my mood. The perfect example could be that I can be annoyed seeing younger kids make so much noise, but the next day I can be exactly like those kids making a bunch of noise with my friends. How old are you? I am 21. Do you know what you want to do for your next birthday? No, not yet. Quite early to think about at this point, really. If yes, what is it? A private dinner would already sound perfect. What is the last new thing you discovered that was really good? Vaping. I mean don’t try it if you haven’t already, but yeah. What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? Tbh if my mom came home carrying a box of Yellow Cab pizza. AKA something that would NEVER happen; she snobs Yellow Cab cos she thinks they’re too expensive for pizza. Do you usually forgive when someone hurts your or try to get revenge? I get my revenge, subtly. Were there any subjects in school that were really easy for you? Our subject Language, which was mandatory back in elementary school, was literally basic English grammar. Not everyone in my former school spoke fluent English so a lot of them weren’t all that good at the subject; but for people like me who had a solid grasp of English and read a lot to begin with, the class was basically a breather from the other more difficult classes. If so, what? ^ I already told ya all about it. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? Skipping grades isn’t a thing in my former school which is honestly a good thing for me cos it would have bred a lot of competition. But students would have to repeat a level if their grades showed that they had to; I wasn’t one of them. What time of day were you born? 9:11 in the evening. What is the best hairstyle you've ever had? I loved my layered hair like 10 years ago. It was probably the only time I did something to my hair that wasn’t just a trim, so I enjoyed that experience. I also liked cutting my hair way, way too short last year; it was a bold move but I liked how it look, as did everyone else. Do you think you look better with dyed hair or natural hair? I’ve never tried dyeing my hair so I wouldn’t know. Do you think your look better with curly hair or straight hair? Curly, I think. Do you have bangs? I have baby bangs but they’re just stubborn hair standing around my head lmao but no I don’t have actual bangs. Do you think you look better with bangs or without? I haven’t tried getting bangs as an adult. I did look cute with them as a toddler though :( Do you think you look better with long hair or short? Long. What's your favorite rock band? Paramore, if they still count. Who's your favorite country singer? None. Do you ever listen to Celtic music? No. Do you listen to Hillsong? No. Did you try the unicorn frappuccino, and if yes, were you a fan? No I never tried it. Have you ever won a contest? I won a school quiz bee and an essay writing contest before, but I wouldn’t call the latter legitimate. It was just a writing contest about wrestling held by a local TV station and the three best entries got to win WWE t-shirts haha. Have you ever wanted to be a model, actress, singer, or dancer? I wanted to be a model when I was like 12. No fucking clue what was going through my head at the time. When you look at your baby pictures, do you recognize yourself? Sure. Has your hair color changed since you were a toddler? Nope. Do you wear matching socks? Yes. How many drawers does your dresser have? Three. Do you own an American flag shirt? No thanks. Do you own a British flag shirt? I don’t. The Union Jack got overused by 2011 Tumblr, honestly. Do you have a seashell collection? I don’t. Aren’t we prohibited from getting those from beaches? That’s the case in the Philippines, anyway. Do you have a rock collection? I do not. Do you decorate for Halloween? We didn’t decorate the house but I celebrated it with friends this year. What is your favorite thing to do in the pool? Float around and relax. Flamingos or pineapples? ??? Flamingos, I guess? Cacti or seashells? Seashells. Maple tree or palm tree? Palm tree. Dreamcatcher or wind chimes? Dreamcatchers! Have you ever taken a picture at the perfect moment? I probably have at few points. Do you have a crush right now? Yes. What color was your first car? My first and current car is white. Was your first car used or new? I’m actually not sure. It was my dad who purchased it. Do you have a car now? Yep. What color(s) eyeshadow do you wear the most? I never wear any.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (06/24/17): Mirage Entertainment has officially released information about actor two, Nam Euntae, on Euntae’s official website! He is a ‘91 liner and has been beloved by fans since his acting debut in 2013. Find out more about Euntae below!
I, Nam Euntae, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of Actor 2 and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Mirage Media.
OOC INFORMATION Preferred name: Trice Pronouns: She/her Timezone: PST Other muses: Park Aejeong
IC INFORMATION Faceclaim: Lee Jongsuk Name: Nam Euntae Stage name (if applicable): N/A Idol concept: When he was formerly in a boy group and an idol, he had the “mischievous maknae” concept. His former company marketed him as a “sweetheart on the outside, but an untameable, passionate lover on the inside.” It was a little bit true; while euntae is a total flirt and a generally nice person, he’s more of a playboy. Mirage is currently marketing him as “sexy and seductive” as a foil to his former idol concept, and it’s working brilliantly: netizens are loving the idea of a childish-on-the-outside maknae “showing his true colors” as he “matures into a steamy-gazed young man.” euntae finds this a little ridiculous, but since he feels a deep sense of obligation to his company, he doesn’t question it. Birth date and age: April 23, 1991 (age 26) Company name: Mirage Group Name (if applicable): N/A Group Position (if applicable): Actor 2 Strengths: euntae’s acting talent is unmistakable. He does best in roles as villains, particularly cold or insane ones. He’s navigated almost all the aspects of the K-Entertainment business; he started off as an idol in 2007, began acting part-time in 2013, and after his former group disbanded in 2014, he began acting full-time. Due to this, his face is very well-known throughout the entertainment business. He’s also good at sticking to concept, and he knows how to work his visuals. He’s rather good at variety as well, although he’s better at performing than hosting, and he has been doing more hosting ever since switching to an acting career. Weaknesses: euntae is a total cynic, and seems to think that every company except Mirage will screw their contractees over. This is partly because his old idol group disbanded due to the company forcing them to (even though most of the members began to pursue their solo careers more). Because he misses his days as an idol, it is occasionally clear that he’s jealous or particularly cold toward younger groups as he believes they’ll eventually end up disbanding against their will as well. This attitude makes a few particularly aggressive dispatchers consider him a spoiled child who never grew out of his rascal maknae phase, which reminds him of his time in an idol group and starts the cycle back up all over again. Positive traits: Polite, enticing, passionate, loyal Negative traits: Vitriolic, unforgiving, arrogant, elitist
PERSONAL HISTORY nam euntae is born the youngest in his family in the spring of 1989. his parents are a strangely mismatched couple; while his father parades around his newborn child (“look at my son; he’s an angel, perfect!”), his mother is amusingly unimpressed in all the photos after her labor. (in all fairness, she’s like that in all of the pictures with euntae’s siblings— most of the pictures in the family photo album are the rest of the nams making silly faces around her while she stares into the camera, queenly despite her deadpan expressions.)
his three older siblings are just as dizzyingly carefree as his father. they’re triplets, two girls and a boy. the eldest (by eighteen minutes only) is hana, then mija at thirty minutes, then chul. then euntae, youngest by three years. he doesn’t really feel left out when it comes to the triplets— they’re pretty good at including him. hana especially: she’s the ringleader. mija, chul, and euntae practically worship the ground she walks on, and with fair enough reason; she’s the most clever of the four nam siblings, and usually the one orchestrating tricks to play on their father or on their classmates. and even though the other three bear a striking resemblance to hana, she’s still the prettiest in their family besides their mother. with all this, she can practically get them to do anything she wants.
euntae is usually her go-to. she adores him and he adores her right back, though her reason for getting him to shoulder the grunt work for setting up pranks is based on the fact that he’s more obliging than the other two in the triptych. so she convinces him instead of them, and that’s how euntae gets the time he craves from his three older siblings.
still though, it’s hard not to feel a little bit lonely when they hit high school and the triplets’ class goes on field trips and he’s left alone. or when the older kids are clearly civil with him at their lunch table only because he’s hana-mija-chul’s little brother. it’s still fair enough, he thinks, when his brother and sisters graduate in the top ten of their class and he fades back into the background; even when his sisters go to law and med school and his brother studies aerospace engineering in america, they still call him, but he still misses them a lot. even his sprightly father and reserved mother notice, so they enroll him in vocal lessons to try to get him to interact with kids his own age instead of alumni who graduated in the years before him.
it works out much better than they hope; he’s caught on quickly, and signs on with a prestigious entertainment company at fifteen, and he’s finally made it: he’s going in as the main vocalist and maknae of a group with wicked sharp choreography and strong vocals to boot. he’s pretty pleased with the outcome of his time with the group, living on top and managing to stay at least somewhat relevant. his parents and sisters attend concerts where they can, and his brother is at the front row when they tour america.
he signs a non-exclusive contract with mirage entertainment in 2013 after the ceo “falls in love with his tortured soul” or whatever the hell it was; surprisingly, his first acting job isn’t under that company. it’s under kaleidoscope, where mirage loans him out for the drama my love from another star as lead villain lee jae-kyung. and he’s praised for it, even getting offers from bkb to play a role in their drama (he turns it down, of course; not only is he a full-time idol and a part-time actor, but there’s no way in hell he’d want to do anything for bkb).
his fellow members start branching out as well, much to his chagrin, and while they still promote together, his hyungs go into solo debuts, variety hosting, and modeling. euntae becomes greedy, savoring the time he can spend with his group as a group and not as members beginning to pursue their own solo activities. it was the period at the end of a sentence already written once 2014 rolls around.
because no matter how much euntae gives his life to his group, they disband. fans, of course, still try to keep up with a good number of the ex-members. there are rumors that euntae’s packed up and moved to australia. there are rumors that he’s gone into hermitage and now resides at the local cave. there are rumors that he’s gotten involved with the mafia.
in actuality, he’d stumbled into his parents’ living room after moving day, towing seven years’ worth of luggage and seven members’ worth of tears before he collapsed and slept like he’d never slept a day in his life.
the triplets have been keeping up, it seems, because they return home on the pretense of sightseeing. hana pulls the curtains back and lets the sunlight stream in. mija arranges flowers while humming the tune to her favorite song euntae’s promoted. chul takes it upon himself to place euntae’s clothing, neatly folded, back into their drawers. it’s nice to have hana-mija-chul paying attention to him again, but he’s absolutely bitter at the circumstances under which it happened. how is it that someone can try their hardest at something for seven years straight, only for it all to dissolve just like that?
he stews in his own anger for at least a month, 2014 becoming his most hellish year and unsurprisingly the year he releases no new content before the triplets haul him out of bed and back into the world.
and somehow, it works.
he leaves his old company and changes his contract with mirage from non-exclusive to exclusive; he belongs to mirage now, with the exceptions where they loan his skills out to other companies.
he’s far better at it than anyone might expect. of course, perhaps it’s growing up with three mischievous siblings who, together, are fiendish enough for plenty inspiration, but he’s praised for his role in a villain’s shoes, and suddenly jobs are flooding in. he had been asleep, he thinks: when he signed on with mirage the first time, he had opened one lethargic eye. when he signed on the second time, he was awake, alert to the harshness of the world around him. netizens are stunned once his face starts appearing all over again in the magazines as roles and modeling jobs begin to take their hold on him (nam euntae is back and better than ever, some sources claim). He plays a few roles as villains in various dramas, his most notable ones in my love from another star and oh my ghostess. he’s about as on-demand as they come when it comes to villains. the media eats him right up, loving the idea of former maknae taking high society by storm with a flash of his devilish grin. “sexy, seductive nam euntae!” is splashed in big, bold letters across magazines with him on the cover, and he’s a little amused to see it.
(not to mention he’s a little smug as well to see that he’s still considered the most famous of his former group, and made the successful transition from idol to hallyu star. it’s refreshing to sleep to.)
admittedly, he’s a little thrown with his change from idol to full-fledged actor. it’s strange to go from the performing end to playing guest host on variety shows or introducing new groups on stage that are bound to end in the same place he did. but he tries his best out of a rooted gratefulness, loyalty, and respect to mirage; they did, after all, shelter him where his group failed to, and he will do his best to repay them. a pang of sadness hits him when he sees bright-eyed idol groups rise to the top; he knows they’ll fall farther, hit harder, and he can’t stand the idea of anyone ending up like him. but that’s none of his business; his business is to act, to play hellion on screen for as long as his company needs him. and if doing that helps junior idols maybe realize that not everything is golden, then nam euntae will only consider that the icing on the cake.
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